Місія університету в суспільстві: формування університетської традиції та сучасні виклики

Характеристика ключових аспектів формування місії університету як наукової, педагогічної та соціальної інституції в різні історичні епохи, у період сучасності та в перспективі. Дослідження основного питання сучасного переосмислення місії університету.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 21.09.2023
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16. Ортега-и-Гассет, X. (2005). Миссия университета. (Ред М. А. Гусаковский). Минск: БГУ [in Russian].

17. Павленко, І. (2018). Інновації університетів «третьої місії». Economy of Enterprise: Theory and Experience: Conference Proceedings of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference (12 October 2018, Kyiv, Krakow), 156-158 [in Ukrainian].

18. Рогожа, М., & Курбатов, С. (2017). Місія університету в західноєвропейській культурі (етичні та соціологічні аспекти). Філософія освіти, 2, 29-45 [in Ukrainian].

19. Сбруєва, А. А. (2015). Тенденції трансформації місії університету: порівняльно-педагогічний аналіз. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 6, 448-461 [in Ukrainian].

20. Ситницький, М. В. (2018). Місія та сфери прояву феномена дослідницького університету. Бізнес Інформ, 4, 96-101 [in Ukrainian].

21. Султанова, Л. (2016). Університет як провідний соціальний інститут в історії розвитку університетської освіти. Гірська школа Українських Карпат, 14, 79-83 [in Ukrainian].

22. Ясперс, К. (2006). Идея университета (Ред М. А. Гусаковский). Минск: БГУ [in Russian].

23. Alemu, S. K. (2018). The Meaning, Idea and History of University / Higher Education in Africa: A Brief Literature Review. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 4, 210-227 [in English].

24. Altbach, P. (2016). Global Perspectives on Higher Education. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press [in English].

25. Altbach, P. (2013). Global Trends in Higher Education: the Impact of Massification and the Global Knowledge Economy. 6 Gate Germany Marketing Congress Report.

26. Altbach, P., & Knight, J. (2006). The Internationalization of Higher Education: Motivation and Realities. The NEA 2006 Almanac of Higher Education (p. 1-10). Washington: National Education Association [in English].

27. Altbach, P., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. (2009). Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution. UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education [in English].

28. Clark, B. (1998). Creating Entrepreneurial Universities: Organizational Pathways of Transformation. Paris and Oxford: IAU and Elsevier Science [in English].

29. Cortes-Sanchez, J. (2017). Mission and Vision Statements of Universities Worldwide - A Content Analysis. Bogota: Universidad del Rosario Escuela de Administracion Editorial Universidad del Rosario [in English].

30. Flexner, A. (1930). Universities: American, English, German. New York, London, Toronto: Oxford University Press [in English].

31. Goldstein, H., & Drucker, J. (2006). The Economic Development Impacts of Universities on Regions: Do Size and Distance Matter? Economic Development Quarterly, 20 (1), 22-43 [in English].

32. Huber, B. (2016). The Role of Universities in Society. Matching Visibility and Performance: A Standing Challenge for World-Class Universities, 91-99. [in English].

33. Jaspers, К. (1961). Die Idee der Umversitat. Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelberg [in German].

34. Kehm, B., & Teichler, U. (2007). Research on Internationalization in Higher Education. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11, 3/4, 260-273 [in English].

35. Kerr, C. (1972). The Uses of the University. New-York: Harper Torchbooks [in English].

36. Levin, H., Jeong, D. W., & Ou, D. (2006). What is World-Class University? Conference of the Comparative & International Education Society. Honolulu, Hawaii [in English].

37. McMachin Garland, M. (1996). Newman in His Own Day. The Idea of a University: John Henry Newman (Ed. F. Turner). (p. 265-281). Yale University Press [in English].

38. Moscardini, A., Strachan, R., & Vlasova, T. (2020). The role of Universities in Modern Society. Studies in Higher Education [in English]

39. Salmi, J. (2009). The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities. Washington, DC: The World Bank [in English].

40. Schuetze, H. (2012). University Governance Reform: the Drivers and the Driven. University Governance and Reform: Policy, Fads, and Experience in International Perspective. (p. 3-10). New York [in English].

41. Stewart D. (2010). The Purpose of University Education. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 13, 4, 244-250 [in English].

42. The Bucharest Declaration concerning Ethical Values and Principles for Higher Education in the Europe Region. (2004). Higher Education in Europe, 29, 4, 503-507 [in English].

43. Turner, F. M. (1996). Newman's University and Ours. The Idea of a University: John Henry Newman (Ed. F. Turner). (p. 282-301). Yale University Press [in English].


1. Andrushchenko, V. P. (2017). Sotsialna vidpovidalnist universytetu v umovakh hlobalizatsii [Social Responsibility of the University in the Context of Globalization]. Filosofiia spilkuvannia: Filosofiia. Psykholohiia. Sotsialna komunikatsiia - Philosophy of communication: Philosophy. Psychology. Social Communication, 10, 93105 [in Ukrainian].

2. Barnett, R. (2001). Osmy'slenie universiteta: po materialam inauguracionnoj professorskoj lekcii, prochitannoj v Institute obrazovanija Londonskogo universiteta 25 oktjabrja 1997 g. [Understanding of the University: on the Materials of the Inaugural Professorial Lecture Given at the Institute of Education of the University of London on October 25, 1997.]. Obrazovanie v sovremennoj kul'ture: Al'manah 1 - Education in Modern Culture: Almanac 1. (Red. M. Gusakovskij). pp. 68-82. Minsk [in Russian].

3. Gluzman, A. V. (1996). Universitetskoe pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie: opy't sistemnogo issledovanija [University Pedagogical Education: Experience of System Research]: Monograph. Kiev: Prosvita [in Russian].

4. Zaiachuk, Yu. (2020). Internatsionalizatsiia yak skladova diialnosti universytetu ta yii rol u suchasnii dynamitsi vyshchoi osvity [Internationalization as a Component of the University and Its Role in the Modern Dynamics of Higher Education]. Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi zhurnal - Ukrainian Pedagogical Journal, 4, 34-44. [in Ukrainian].

5. Zaiachuk, Yu. (2018). Suchasna svitova dynamika vyshchoi osvity: ekspertna otsinka ryzykiv [Modern World Dynamics of Higher Education: Expert Risk Assessment]. Pedagogika, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Dtugosza w Czqstochowie. (Red. K. Rqdzinski, M. bapot), XXVII, 2, 119-131 [in Ukrainian].

6. Zaiachuk, Yu. (2015). Suchasni «Holovni hravtsi» u sferi vyshchoi osvity: tendentsii, rol ta stratehii vzaiemovplyvu [Modern «Major Players» in Higher Education: Trends, Role and Strategies of Interaction]. Pedagogika, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Dtugosza w Czqstochowie. (Red. K. Rqdzinski, M. bapot), XXIV, 147-157 [in Ukrainian].

7. Zaiachuk, Yu. (2013). Suchasni reformy u haluzi vyshchoi osvity: dosvid yevropeiskykh krain [Modern Reforms in Higher Education: the Experience of European Countries]. Porivnialno-pedahohichni studii - Comparative and Pedagogical Studies, 4, 109-113 [in Ukrainian].

8. Zaiachuk, Yu. (2017). Universytet i suspilstvo: istorychnyi vymir ta suchasnyi hlobalizovanyi svit [University and Society: Historical Dimension and Modern Globalized World]. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Seriia pedahohichna - Bulletin of Lviv University. Pedagogical Series, 32, 21-28 [in Ukrainian].

9. Kuzmenko, O. M. (2016). Ideia universytetu: zakonomirnosti ta osoblyvosti transformatsii istorychnykh typiv [The Idea of the University: Regularities and Features of Transformation of Historical Types] (Candidate's thesis). Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

10. Kurbatov, S. (2011). «Ideia universytetu» v konteksti suspilstva znan [«The Idea of the University» in the Context of the Knowledge Society]. Svitohliad - Filosofiia - Relihiia - Worldview - Philosophy - Religion, 50-57 [in Ukrainian].

11. Kurbatov, S. (2011 a). Istorychni transformatsii universytetskoi misii [Historical Transformations of the University Mission]. Liudynoznavchi studii - Anthropological Studies, 24, 16-29 [in Ukrainian].

12. Kurbatov, S. (2017). Transformatsiia universytetu v konteksti vyklykiv KhKhI stolittia [Transformation of the University in the Context of the Challenges of the XXI Century]. Teoriia i praktyka upravlinnia sotsialnymy systemamy - Theory and Practice of Social Systems Management, 4, 67-78 [in Ukrainian].

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17. Pavlenko, I. (2018). Innovatsii universytetiv «tretoi misii» [Innovations of «Third Mission» Universities]. Economy of enterprise: theory and experience: collection of materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference (12 October 2018, Kyiv, Krakow), 156-158 [in Ukrainian].

18. Rohozha, M., & Kurbatov, S. (2017). Misiia universytetu v zakhidnoievropeiskii kulturi (etychni ta sotsiolohichni aspekty) [The Mission of the University in Western European Culture (Ethical and Sociological Aspects)]. Filosofiia osvity - Philosophy of Education, 2, 29-45 [in Ukrainian].

19. Sbruieva, A. A. (2015). Tendentsii transformatsii misii universytetu: porivnialno-pedahohichnyi analiz [Trends in the Transformation of the University Mission: a Comparative and Pedagogical Analysis]. Pedahohichni nauky: teoriia, istoriia, innovatsiini tekhnolohii - Pedagogical Sciences: Theory, History, Innovative Technologies, 6, 448-461 [in Ukrainian].

20. Sytnytskyi, M. V. (2018). Misiia ta sfery proiavu fenomena doslidnytskoho universytetu [Mission and Areas of Manifestation of the Phenomenon of Research University]. Biznes Inform - Business Inform, 4, 96-101 [in Ukrainian].

21. Sultanova, L. (2016). Universytet yak providnyi sotsialnyi instytut v istorii rozvytku universytetskoi osvity [University as a Leading Social Institution in the History of University Education]. Hirska shkola Ukrainskykh Karpat - Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians, 14, 79-83 [in Ukrainian].

22. Jaspers, K. (2006). Ideja universiteta [The Idea of the University]. (Red M. A. Gusakovskij). Minsk: BGU [in Russian].

23. Alemu, S. K. (2018). The Meaning, Idea and History of University / Higher Education in Africa: A Brief Literature Review. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 4, 210-227 [in English].

24. Altbach, P. (2016). Global Perspectives on Higher Education. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press [in English].

25. Altbach, P. (2013). Global Trends in Higher Education: the Impact of Massification and the Global Knowledge Economy. 6 Gate Germany Marketing Congress Report.

26. Altbach, P. (2007). Tradition and Transition: The International Imperative in Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers [in English].

27. Altbach, P., & Knight, J. (2006). The Internationalization of Higher Education: Motivation and Realities. The NEA 2006 Almanac of Higher Education (p. 1-10). Washington: National Education Association [in English].

28. Altbach, P., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. (2009). Trends in Global Higher Education: Tracking an Academic Revolution. UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education [in English].

29. Clark, B. (1998). Creating Entrepreneurial Universities: Organizational Pathways of Transformation. Paris and Oxford: IAU and Elsevier Science [in English].

30. Cortes-Sanchez, J. (2017). Mission and Vision Statements of Universities Worldwide - A Content Analysis. Bogota: Universidad del Rosario Escuela de Administracion Editorial Universidad del Rosario [in English].

31. Flexner, A. (1930). Universities: American, English, German. New York, London, Toronto: Oxford University Press [in English].

32. Goldstein, H., & Drucker, J. (2006). The Economic Development Impacts of Universities on Regions: Do Size and Distance Matter? Economic Development Quarterly, 20 (1), 22-43 [in English].

33. Huber, B. (2016). The Role of Universities in Society. Matching Visibility and Performance: A Standing Challenge for World-Class Universities, 91-99. [in English].

34. Jaspers, К. (1961). Die Idee der Universitat. Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelberg [in German].

35. Kehm, B., & Teichler, U. (2007). Research on Internationalization in Higher Education. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11, 3/4, 260-273 [in English].

36. Kerr, C. (1972). The Uses of the University. New-York: Harper Torchbooks [in English].

37. Levin, H., Jeong, D. W., & Ou, D. (2006). What is World-Class University? Conference of the Comparative & International Education Society. Honolulu, Hawaii [in English].

38. McMachin Garland, M. (1996). Newman in His Own Day. The Idea of a University: John Henry Newman (Ed. F. Turner). (p. 265-281). Yale University Press [in English].

39. Moscardini, A., Strachan, R., & Vlasova, T. (2020). The role of Universities in Modern Society. Studies in Higher Education [in English]

40. Salmi, J. (2009). The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities. Washington, DC: The World Bank [in English].

41. Schuetze, H. (2012). University Governance Reform: the Drivers and the Driven. University Governance and Reform: Policy, Fads, and Experience in International Perspective. (p. 3-10). New York [in English].

42. Stewart D. (2010). The Purpose of University Education. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 13, 4, 244-250 [in English].

43. The Bucharest Declaration concerning Ethical Values and Principles for Higher Education in the Europe Region. (2004). Higher Education in Europe, 29, 4, 503-507 [in English].

44. Turner, F. M. (1996). Newman's University and Ours. The Idea of a University: John Henry Newman (Ed. F. Turner). (p. 282-301). Yale University Press [in English].

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