The use of Kahoot! in Maritime English language teaching
The introduction of gaming technologies in Maritime English lessons. Using of electronic resources to diagnose students' knowledge at Maritime English lessons in an interactive form. Use of Kahoot! for creating online quizzes, tests and surveys.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 631,4 K |
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Kherson State Maritime Academy
Pindosova Tamara Serhiivna Candidate of Philological Sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department of English
Language for Maritime Officers (Abridged Programme)
maritime english lesson interactive
One of the most developed sectors of the world economy is the modern merchant fleet. English is the basic tool of communication with other vessels, coastal stations, coast guards and seafarers. To work safely and effectively on board, the seamen must be familiar with the maritime terminology, be able to communicate English fluently. This is why, in modern higher educational institutions much attention is paid to English language for specific purposes and the development of speaking competency of marine specialists.
The introduction of gaming technologies in Maritime English lessons not only solves the problem of student motivation, but is also an effective tool for enhancing and consolidating knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. One example of the use of new information technologies is the Kahoot! platform, the use of which helps to use electronic resources to diagnose students' knowledge at Maritime English lessons in an interactive form. Kahoot! is a completely new service for creating online quizzes, tests and surveys. Students can complete the tests created by the teacher on tablets, laptops, smartphones, that is, from any device with Internet access. Photos and videos can be included into the tasks created by Kahoot!. To participate in testing, students must open the service and enter a PIN code that is provided by the teacher from his computer. Answer options are represented by geometric shapes. One of the features of Kahoot! is that it is possible to duplicate and edit tests, which allows the teacher to save a lot of time. In addition to quizzes, the teacher can use Kahoot to start discussions on a single question, or to conduct a poll on several questions and then start a debate.
The article analyzes the features of the Kahoot platform and suggests exercises that can be used in maritime English classes for navigators.
Keywords: Kahoot!, discussion, quiz, motivation, activation, navigator, Maritime English.
Піндосова Тамара Сергіївна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської мови з підготовки морських фахівців за скороченою програмою, Херсонська державна морська академія, м. Херсон
Однією з найбільш розвинених галузей світової економіки є сучасний морський торговий флот. Англійська мова є основним способом спілкування з іншими суднами, береговими станціями, працівниками берегових служб та членами екіпажу. Для безпеки на судні та якісної роботи моряк повинен знати спеціалізовану лексику і терміни, які вживаються на борту судна кожен день, вміти вільно спілкуватися англійською мовою. Саме тому в сучасних вищих морських навчальних закладах велика увага приділяється вивченню спеціалізованої англійської мови та розвитку мовленнєвої компетентності морських фахівців.
Впровадження ігрових технологій на заняттях з морської англійської мови не лише вирішує проблему мотивації учнів, а й є ефективним інструментом для активізації та закріплення знань з лексики та граматики. Один із прикладів використання нових інформаційних технологій - платформа Kahoot!, застосування якої допомагає використовувати електронні ресурси для діагностики знань студентів на заняттях з морської англійської мови в інтерактивній формі. Kahoot! - це абсолютно новий сервіс для створення онлайн вікторин, тестів та опитувань. Студенти можуть відповідати на створені викладачем тести з планшетів, ноутбуків, смартфонів, тобто з будь-якого пристрою з доступом до Інтернету. Створені в Kahoot! завдання дозволяють включити у них фотографії та відеофрагменти. Для участі у тестуванні студенти просто повинні відкрити сервіс та ввести PIN-код, який представляє викладач зі свого комп'ютера. Варіанти відповідей представлені геометричними фігурами. Однією з особливостей Kahoot! є можливість дублювати та редагувати тести, що дозволяє викладачу заощадити багато часу. Крім вікторин за допомогою Kahoot можна запускати дискусії, розпочавши обговорення з одного питання, або провести опитування з кількох питань, а потім розпочати дебати.
У статті проаналізовано особливості платформи Kahoot та запропоновано вправи, які можуть бути використані на заняттях з морської англійської мови для судноводіїв.
Ключові слова: Kahoot!, дискусія, вікторина, мотивація, активізація, судноводій, морська англійська мова.
Problem statement
Nowadays, the development of technology and internet has been widely applied in education. The use of World Wide Web over the past decade has been dramatically increased because of Internet-based Language Learning (IBLL) [5]. Keeping students interested and engaged in current topics or activities is a daily challenge for teachers in the classroom. One of the advantages of IBLL is that it provides new possibilities for assisting teachers to successfully meet this challenge. Teachers have been urged to choose alternative ways to promote language learning with interactive strategies and methods [9]. Although the potential of internet resources for educational use has not been fully explored yet and the average educational institutions still make limited use of computers and internet resources, it is obvious that society has entered new information age in which the links between technology and teaching of English as a foreign language have already been established [1].
However, it is not just using computers or projectors that can satisfy or motivate students. Therefore, teachers and institutions have realized the need to utilize technological tools within the classroom. This realization has directed teachers and experts to use mobile phones and tablet computers to facilitate language learning. Consequently, it has created the term gamification, which can be described as the practice of using game-like mechanics in non-game contexts and Mobile Assisted Language Learning, which is described as language learning that deals with mobile devices and technology [18].
The implementation of educational gamification as learning tools in teaching and learning activities has contributed to increase students' engagement and motivate them in the learning process as well as providing an opportunity to increase problem-solving and critical thinking in the classroom [10]. Gamification is defined as the implementation of game mechanics and principles in non-game contexts. It is usually linked to support students in learning process by taking advantages of human tendency of being competitive. Thus, they can compete with one another to get a certain result in learning process [7]. One of educational gamifications which is wellknown is Kahoot!.
The purpose of the article. This article aims to investigate using of educational online game Kahoot! for teaching Maritime English.
Recent research and publications
Gamification was investigated by many scientists. K. E. Cameron, L. A. Bizo defined “Kahoot! as a popular online multiplayer real-time quiz package that allows students and lecturers to measure learning in an engaging, immediate, entertaining and anonymous manner” [3].
M. E Auer and D. Guralnick think that Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that allows students to view classes as a fun game rather than a boring or required component of their studying. Kahoot! game is also known for being a fun and educational platform that engages students with quizzes and questions related to their studies [2].
M. Djannah stated that the using of Kahoot! game as learning media is efficient and it makes students more active at the lessons and increases their motivation [6].
In A. Omrane's opinion Kahoot! is a technology educational platform that consists of games and fundamental questions. It facilitates the creation of questions, responses, and graphs, allowing for group discussion, argument, and immediate feedback in a classroom context. Students enjoy Kahoot-based teaching and learning activities because they are hilarious, interactive, social, and engaging, especially for younger students [13].
Rif atul Fitri Supa'at defined Kahoot! as a game-based student response system that turns the classroom into a game show. The teacher asks questions on the classroom screen using a laptop or computer, and students respond using their mobile devices [16]. Kahoot! is an online game that was created to address obstacles in the learning process by encouraging students to pay more attention, collaborate more effectively, feel more at ease while learning, and be more motivated [14].
Researchers L. Mahbubah and S. Anam defined such characteristics of Kahoot!. Online: Kahoot! is a learning application that can be accessed online using an internet connection as the main requirement to enjoy the features provided. Multiplayer: It allows us to use the application with more than one player that leads to creating a competitive atmosphere among other players. Real-time: Kahoot! is used for direct activity in a direct meeting to get direct feedback among users. Measuring learning: Users can utilize Kahoot! to measure how well students understand the topic and materials by giving responses to questions provided. Engaging: Kahoot! increases users' involvement and participation in the gamebased learning activity. Immediate: Users can get direct feedback while playing Kahoot! as a game-based learning platform. Entertaining: Using game-based learning platforms, such as Kahoot! can help us to create a learning atmosphere becoming more enjoyable and fun. Anonymous: Users are allowed to set their nicknames whatever it is in case they want other users unrecognizing them in the play when they are willing to join quizzes on Kahoot! [11].
Scientists T. Jueru, R. F. E Silva and S. Ferrao have mentioned some principles regarding the success of gamification, including Kahoot! application. Those principles are: 1) integrating various game elements to facilitate many users with different reactions, 2) encouraging the user with intrinsic motivation, 3) providing challenges and quests, 4) being able to be customized, 5) being visible progression to mastery, 6) providing feedback, 7) availability of competing factors, classification/ level-up, status, access/ unlocking content, 8) letting users to freedom of choice and fail, 9) immersive learning, 10) new identity or roles, 11) being easily accessed, 12) time restriction, and 13) constant evolution [7].
In line with the principles, games are considered as effective media to minimize students' boredom because games combine thought and action to accomplish purposeful behaviors or goals [15]. Therefore, the idea in setting nongame context into game-like environment, such as implementing Kahoot! in learning English, can motivate students in learning.
Keeping students engaged in teaching and learning activities is a challenge. However, integrating game-based learning platforms, such as Kahoot! can help teachers to create a positive atmosphere in classroom activities. Feeling motivated shown by students has affected their positive actions regarding their response in the learning environment [19].
Main text
Research has shown that students' engagement and collaboration when Kahoot! is used is relatively high. Students enjoy participating using Kahoot! in language based activities as the content is appealing and fun. Kahoot! urges the participants to answer questions quickly and correctly. Students also compete with their peers in real time and this gives them a sense of competition. The features of Kahoot! also enable teachers to analyze and assess if students truly understand the learning material covered through the use of Kahoot! quizzes and surveys.
Kahoot! provides teachers the ability to track student performance in the games and to reassess and make relevant adjustment in their teaching approaches in some instances. Teachers are able to utilize Kahoot! that was initially made by public users or even create their own Kahoot! platforms for their very own teaching activities. In language classrooms, these features of Kahoot! and the flexibility offered by Kahoot! allow teachers to create unique lessons that are fun and effective as well as monitor their students' progress through quizzes and surveys.
Kahoot! allows teachers to run game like multiple-choice answer quizzes in real time. The teacher can make true/false or yes/no questions; ask which sentence is grammatically correct/incorrect; can have the students choose odd word/sentence out; ask questions about synonyms, opposites and examples (or not examples - e.g. which sentence below is NOT an example of present perfect). Include more than one correct answer to make the task harder.
The teachers (as well as students) can either create their own quizzes or find, use, and/or remix public quizzes. Each question can be set in different time limit (5,10,15 or 20 seconds) per question, depending to the difficulty of the question. The types of question differ from True or False question, or question with four options. The options are designed with different symbols and colors. The question can also be supported by images or videos which makes it even better because teachers can add pictures so that it can attract the students' attention to the game.
Questions, along with answer choices, are projected onto a classroom screen while students submit responses using a personal device (mobile phones). The energized, game-like atmosphere comes from the use of bright colors and suspenseful music. Liveliness in the game or quiz escalates as updated ranks appear on the class scoreboard after each question; personal point's data is sent to each device [17].
The Team Mode mixes things up and allows groups of students to cooperate with each other and compete against other teams. Playing a game of Kahoot doesn't involve an account, only a game PIN from the main screen and a name. However, students can create accounts, and there are some serious privacy concerns.
Kahoot! can be utilized as a diagnostic activity. Before starting the teaching process at the beginning of the academic semester, teachers can use a short Kahoot! quiz to understand what and how much learners know or remember from their previous learning experiences. Namely, teachers can prepare a Kahoot! quiz covering the possible target vocabularies or linguistic forms of the language level that have been taught and will be introduced in the academic year. Then, the students can be directed to work in pairs or small groups to do the Kahoot! quiz. That's how Kahoot! may replace traditional paper-based quizzes to detect learners' levels as well as guiding them to get to know each other [9].
Kahoot! can also be used as a warm-up activity before starting a new topic in class. The teachers can prepare a short vocabulary activity related to the unit's topic or the course material on Kahoot! to activate what students know about that topic. Integrating Kahoot! as a warm-up activity is also likely to change the classroom dynamic, which is usually driven by the coursebook activities in which learners are required to discuss the topic to activate their prior knowledge. For example, before starting a module to teach cleaning of bulker holds, the teacher can include some visuals and multiple-choice questions, gap-fills, or True-False questions to activate learners' previous knowledge about types of cargo and ship construction.
Besides, Kahoot! can be part of flipped learning. Students can be required to read a text online or in the Student's book, listen to a recording or watch a video before the lesson, and later, teachers can check their understanding by using Kahoot! during the class. The teacher shouldn't stop at showing the correct answer to make sure he\she is teaching the students reading/listening skills rather than just testing them. The teacher should get the students to support the correct answer with a passage from the text. He \ she may ask the students why incorrect answers are incorrect. If the majority of the class didn't get the right answer, the teacher may go over the text again, demonstrate the reasoning - think aloud as one goes over the answers, discarding incorrect ones and choosing the right one(s).
By implementing Kahoot! as a part of flipped learning, teachers can use class time more efficiently and help students become more autonomous by taking up some responsibilities to maintain the lesson's flow. Additionally, with the help of Kahoot!, the routine and the possible boredom that may be resulted from typical checking understanding activities can be eliminated.
Additionally, Kahoot! can be employed as a review activity. The teacher can prepare a quiz or a questionnaire on Kahoot! to evaluate and identify students' level of achievement, and the teacher can provide feedback to students. Instead of handing out traditional paper-based gap-filling activities to analyze how much they remember the previously taught topics, students can be provided with a short review activity in which they not only revise the topic but also enjoy while competing with their peers.
Finally, instead of assessing students through traditional paper and pen quizzes or tests, teachers can use Kahoot! to see their progress. Students can also be informed about their strengths and weaknesses that they need to focus on. Using Kahoot! as an assessment tool can be a new and enjoyable way to evaluate the students' learning and it is a less stressful way to assess [9].
To create a task, there are four formats - a quiz (quiz), a game with mixed answers (jumble), a discussion (discussion), and a survey (survey). Quiz. This is the most common type of Kahoot, epitomizing game-based approach to learning English. There is no limit to the number of questions in a quiz. Each question can have an associated picture or video, and 2 - 4 multiple choice answers. There must be at least one correct answer (but more can be chosen), and the time-limit for each question can be individually set from 5 seconds to 2 minutes (Fig. 1, student's book Catch the Wind, module 2 Navigational Equipment).
Fig. 1 Use of Kahoot! for teaching topic “Use of Inmarsat-C”
Aside from being a great way to engage and focus a whole room of students, quizzes can be used to formatively assess the knowledge of each individual in the room, and adapt their learning accordingly. They can be used to track progress of individuals over time, and inspire learners to enquire further by creating their own quizzes [17].
Students answer questions displayed on their personal device (computer, mobile phone), motivated to answer correctly and score the most points. The faster someone answers a question correctly, the more points they get. The top 5 highest points scorers are displayed on the leaderboard at the front in-between each question, and the ultimate winner is shown at the end (if the activity is conducted in the classroom with multiboard). Results, including who answered what for each question, can be downloaded afterwards.
Trivia quizzes be a fun way to test students on non-language related matters. For example, teacher can use Kahoot! quiz to familiarize the students with their textbooks and other materials. Alternatively, trivia can be related to the institution \ crewing agency - teacher could have the students read a brochure or a website of the university (e.g. Kherson State Maritime Academy) and then do a quiz on the university's facilities, rules etc.
Discussion (previously `Quick poll'). Discussions are designed to do exactly what they say - facilitate a conversation. They are simply one quick question, statement or quote with no right or wrong answer, which can have an associated picture or video. Students should express their opinions on current affairs, divisive topics etc. Once again, if it's a question players answer them on their personal device. There is still a time-limit to answer within, however no points are involved. The collective results of the question are displayed at the front, acting as the basis for the discussion.
Survey. There are no limits to the number of questions in a survey. Each question can have an associated picture or video, and 2 - 4 multiple choice answers - however there are no right or wrong answers. They are just like traditional surveys except questions are asked in real-time to those present who answer on their personal devices. The results of each question can be debated there-and-then, and all survey results can be downloaded at the end.
Kahoot! recently added a video feature to its website, meaning that teacher can add YouTube video to the question (Fig. 2, student's book Catch the Wind, module 1 Navigation in Confined Waters).
Fig. 2 Use of Kahoot! for teaching topic “Navigation in Polar Waters ”
The teacher would only need the ID of the YouTube video as well as the time to start and end of the video clip. Teachers can add more questions to their quiz by clicking the “add question” button. The students must complete the question before they move on to creating the next question.
Kahoot! also gives teachers the choice to duplicate questions if the teacher wants to create a similar question. From experimenting with the website, users can add many questions to their quizzes or surveys. After all the questions have been created, users then can preview their questions. On this preview screen, they are able to reorder the questions that they have created as well as edit their questions if needed. When the questions are in the desired order, users then are able to adjust the settings, such as privacy if they want to make the Kahoot! public or private, difficulty level such as easy, intermediate, advanced and the primary audience which can be school, university, business and many more. The last step is to select a cover image or cover video. This is done in the same way of adding an image or video to a question. Then, the created Kahoot! is ready to use with students [8].
Kahoot! offers a method of giving feedback almost instantly without the teacher having to interrupt students' engagement in the activity. For language learning, this is essential as students are able to continue the task and assessment uninterrupted but yet receive immediate feedback. Students can also create their own surveys and quizzes to show understanding of the subject matter. Teachers can use this too as an assessment for student learning by looking at the type of questions the students created, as well as what answer choices were created and visual representations that were associated with the different questions (Fig. 3, student's book Catch the Wind, module 2 Navigational Equipment) [12].
Fig. 3 Use of Kahoot! for teaching topic “Electronic chart display and Information Systems (ECDIS)”
Kahoot is suitable for teaching English the three features (quiz, survey and discussion) could be used as assessment, ice breaker and tool to stimulate students' discussion in any specific subjects in English. Teachers are free to select the mode of Kahoot! that they desire to use in the classroom. For instance, in teaching speaking, discussion and survey can be used. Quiz can be used in teaching theoretical subjects such as: linguistics, grammar, reading, and so on.
Kahoot works best with short, quick response questions. It is a great tool for learning terminology (Fig. 4, student's book Catch the Wind, module 1 Navigation in Confined Waters).
Fig. 4 Use of Kahoot! for teaching topic “Towing methods in Polar waters ”
Teacher may survey the students about something that is discussed in the module of study. For example, at Case study lesson teacher could display picture of accident and some reasons that could cause such situation. The students in pairs would select the reason that best, in their opinion, fits the picture and prove their ideas. After that the whole class discussion can be conducted.
Kahoot! as a cognitive tool in the teaching and learning process has given positive impact on students to lead them to become more motivated and engaged. These advantages lead the effective learning. Teachers may use Kahoot! to introduce new topics, assess previously taught material or use as a preparation for an exam. Teachers may create quizzes, conduct surveys and discussions with the help of Kahoot!. It can be used to monitor each student's knowledge and to identify areas where the students would benefit from more one-to-one teaching, but it is more generally used as a break from traditional classroom activities.
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1. Agarwal M.K. Internet-based English learning and teaching. 2009. -7.pdf.
2. Auer M. E, Guralnick D. Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. Vol. 1. New York: Springer International Publishing, 2018, 813 p.
3. Cameron K. E., Bizo L. A. Use of the game-based learning platform Kahoot! to facilitate learner engagement in animal science students. Research in Learning Technology, Vol. 27, 2019, p. 1-14.
4. Catch the Wind: \ [I. Kulikova, I. Kutsenko, T. Pindosova, V. Smelikova, O. Tsyganenko]. Kherson: KSMA Science Park “Maritime Industry Innovations” Ltd, 2021, 180 p.
5. Chen Y. L. A mixed-method study of EFL teachers' Internet use in language instruction. Teaching and Teacher Education 24, 2008, p. 1015-1028.
6. Djannah M., Zulherman Z., Nurafni N. Kahoot! game application for elementary school students: implementations of learning process from distance during pandemic period of COVID 19. Journal of Physics, 2021. Application_for_Elementary_School_Students_Implementations_of_Learning_Process_from_Di stance_during_Pandemic_period_of_COVID_19.
7. Jueru T., Silva R. F. E, Ferrao S. Success factors for using gamification in language teaching, 2019. using_gamification_in_language_teaching
8. Kaur P., Naderajan R. Kahoot! in the English language classroom. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law. Vol. 20, Issue 6 (Dec), 2019, p. 49-54.
9. Кіуапфїфек E., Uzun L. Gamification in English language classrooms: the case of Kahoot!. Science, Education, Art and Technology Journal, Vol. 6(1), 2022, p. 1-13.
10. Licorish S. A., Owen H. E., Daniel B., George J. L. Student perception Kahoot. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 13(9), 2018, p. 1-24.
11. Mahbubah L., Anam S. Students' perceptions on the implementation of Kahoot! in English language teaching. Lingua Scientia. Vol. 29, No. 1, 2022, p. 23-32.
12. Medvedovska D., Skarlupina Y., Turchina T. Integrating online educational applications in the classroom. European Humanities Studies: State and Society. 2016.
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