Teoretical and practical aspects of conducting research on integration processes and intercultural communication within educational space

Conducting research on integration processes and intercultural communication within educational space that are coherent with fields of sociology and psychology, researchers may being faced with dilemma of proper choice of relevant instruments.

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Teoretical and practical aspects of conducting research on integration processes and intercultural communication within educational space

Garnyk Liudmyla Petrivna PhD (Political Science), Master of Psychology; Honorary professor and research team member of International Institute for Peace and Religion, Guest researcher of the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (Germany), Postdoctoral Student, Expert of International Relations Department in State Biotechnological University (Ukraine), Kharkiv

Snihurova Irina Ivanivna Philologist, teacher of Ukrainian language and philological disciplines, PhD student (specialty 011 - educational, pedagogical sciences) of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Ukraine), Kharkiv,

Danchenko Irina Oleksiivna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associated Professor, Professor of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and Social Sciences & Humanities Department, Head of Psychological Service in State Biotechnological University (Ukraine), Kharkiv


Multidimensional aggression of Russian Federation and attempts of occupying Ukrainian territories caused waves of mass migration of population from Eastern and Southern Ukraine to its Western regions or to European Union, where forced refugees have got temporary shelters and favorable conditions for accommodation, also psychological and medical assistance, employment proposals and possibility to continue education into primary, secondary, professional and higher education institutions. The vast majority of teachers and staff members of European educational institutions, where thousands of Ukrainians were sent to continue their studies, had to find solution for issue of finding such a format of work with new students that would simplify their integration into the new sociocultural environment or even facilitate for them more successful assimilation of new learning material.

Essential need in practical recommendations for organization of educational process in mixed groups, where Europeans and Ukrainians (foreigners) study together, initiates development of methods on complex diagnostics of educational process participants responsibility for tolerant constructive intercultural communication and their integration into socio-cultural space of new educational institution. Given comprehensive diagnostic technique must meet the following criteria:collection and analysis of information can also be carried out in an interactive and remote mode; methods of data collection and analysis allow to reach the largest (multicultural) audience of respondents and quickly process the results using software; selected data collection methods should contain clearly formed questions that can be translated into other languages without loss of content; obtained diagnostic results can be used both for working with small groups and for developing a program of special measures for pedagogical and socio-psychological support of certain category of foreign students studying in mixed groups.

Considering the specifics of main research issues, it was proposed build research methodology using following techniques: diagnostics of general communicative tolerance (V. Boyko); tolerance Index express test (G. Soldatova); types of ethnic self-awareness (G. Soldatova, S. Ryzhova); determination of sociocultural identity (OSKI); scale of a social distance (scale of Emory Bogardus) (version of L. Pochebut); determination of vital values (MUST-TEST) (P. Ivanov, E. Kolobova), as well as determining the state of adaptation of the individual to the new sociocultural and/or linguistic environment of L. Jankowski. Also article provides an overview of key theoretical foundations and practical aspects of planning and conducting psychosocial research on integration processes and intercultural communication within educational space.

Keywords: adaptation of foreigners, cross-cultural communication, methodology of sociocultural research, psycho-social rehabilitation of refugees, social distance, integrative pedagogy, Muslim diasporas of Kharkiv city.

Гарник Людмила Петрівна кандидат політичних наук, економіст- міжнародник, перекладач, магістр психології, почесний професор і дослідник Міжнародного інституту миру та релігій, запрошений дослідник Центру сходознавчих досліджень імені Лейбніца (Німеччина); докторант, експерт відділу міжнародних зв'язків Державного біотехнологічного університету (Україна), м. Харків

Снігурова Ірина Іванівна філолог, викладач української мови та філологічних дисциплін, аспірантка Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ, спеціальність 011 - освітні, педагогічні науки (Україна), м. Харків

Данченко Ірина Олексіївна доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри ЮНЕСКО «Філософія людського спілкування» та соціально- гуманітарних дисциплін, керівник Психологічної служби Державного біотехнологічного університету (Україна), м. Харків



Багатопланова агресія Російської Федерації та спроби окупації українських територій спричинили хвилі масової міграції населення зі Сходу та Півдня України до її західних регіонів або до Європейського Союзу, де вимушеним біженцям надавався тимчасовий притулок та створювалися сприятливі умови для їх розміщення, а також надавалася підтримка у вигляді соціальної, психологічної й медичної допомоги, працевлаштування і продовження освіти в мережах закладів початкової, середньої, професійної та вищої освіти. Більшість викладачів та співробітників європейських освітніх закладів, куди було направлено для продовження навчання тисячі українців-шукачів притулку, мали розв'язати питання щодо пошуку такого формату роботи з новими учнями, який би спростив для них інтеграцію до нового мовного й соціокультурного середовища а також сприяв би більш успішному засвоєнню ними нового н авчального матеріалу.

Нагальна потреба в практичних рекомендаціях щодо організації навчально-виховного процесу в змішаних групах, де разом навчаються європейці та українці (іноземці), започаткувала розробку методики комплексної діагностики здатності учасників навчального процесу до толерантного конструктивного міжкультурного спілкування й інтеграції до соціокультурного простору нового навчального закладу. Така комплексна методика діагностики повинна відповідати наступим критеріям: збір та аналіз інформації може бути проведено також й у інтерактивно-дистанційному режимі; методи збору та аналізу даних дозволяють охопити якомога більшу (мультикультурну) аудиторію респондентів й швидко обробити результати за допомогою програмного забезпечення; обрані методики збору даних мають містити чітко сформовані запитання, які можна перекласти іншими мовами без втрати змісту; отримані результати діагностики можна застосувати як для роботи з малими групами, так і для розробки програми спеціальних заходів педагогічної та соціально-психологічної підтримки певної категорії іноземних здобувачів освіти, які навчаються у змішаних групах.

Враховуючи спеціфіку поставленого технічного завдання, було запропоновано використовувати наступні методики, як: діагностика загальної комунікативної толерантності (В. Бойка), експрес-тест Індекс толерантності (Г. Солдатової), діагностика типу етнічної ідентичності (Г. Солдатової та С. Рижової), визначення соціокультурної ідентичності (ОСКІ); шкала соціальної дистанції Еморі Богардуса (адаптація Л. Почебут); визначення життєвих цінностей MUST-TEST (варіант П. Іванова та Є. Колобової), а також визначення стану адаптації особистості до нового соціокультурного та/або мовного середовища Л. Янковського. Також у статті представлено огляд ключових теоретичних засад й практичних аспектів планування та проведення психосоціальних досліджень інтеграційних процесів і міжкультурної комунікації в освітньому просторі.

Ключові слова: адаптація іноземців, кроскультурна комунікація, методологія соціокультурного дослідження, психосоціальна реабілітація біженців, соціальна дистанція, інтеграційна педагогіка, мусульманські діаспори міста Харкова.


Recent events on a global and regional scale accompanied by unceasing growth of economic instability, deepening of social inequality within societies and communities, that is implemented into rapid development of systemic humanitarian crisis of modern society, which is a logical consequence of devaluation of moral guidelines and traditional cultural values, as well as the aggravation of geopolitical, economic and intercultural confrontations and conflicts between individuals, representatives of different ethnic and religious groups, public associations, political forces and states within both multicultural and homogeneous communities. Events in the Middle East (Arab Spring and its consequences), as well as the ongoing Russian invasion in Ukraine, have become reasons for resettlement (or incoming) of a large number of people from conflict zones and hostilities to other peaceful territories, regions and countries. Today Germany, like as other European Union countries are crowded by different groups of refugees from Middle East and Ukraine. Now in Germany case of refugees becomes key focus of social policy and background for applied research projects like project named “All beginnings are ....? Arriving seen from multiple perspectives, students are doing research” [1] conducted by Lena Herzog and Lisa Joris under aegis of Leibniz -Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin. During discussion this project and its results within seminar we have got great ability to share Ukrainian experience on work in the field of integration of foreign learners into sociocultural space of educational institution, also peculiarities of work with individuals and groups that we have realized within frameworks of sociocultural project “Language Club “Dialogue” founded on 24 November, 2017 under support of small-grant initiative of German Embassy in Ukraine named “Kiev Dialogue”. Ukrainian project “Language Club “Dialogue” was addressed to representatives of Muslim diasporas of Kharkiv region, foreign students of Kharkiv city and university staff involved into educational process and communication with foreigners [10]. We have conducted research work, also some educational and cultural events for school children and their teachers [11]. Thus, on our opinion mentioned below Ukrainian practical findings can be useful for wide auditory of our German colleagues, whose research interests and practical activity are coherent to work with foreigners, refugees and psycho-pedagogical support for their successful integration in European Union.

Statement of article problem. Conducting research on integration processes and intercultural communication within educational space that are coherent with fields of sociology and psychology, researchers may being faced with dilemma of proper choice of relevant instruments (methodologies), referent groups, time and place or locations where will be conducting experiments. Anyhow, principle of the unity between theory, experiment and practice is the main and necessary condition for development of psychological and pedagogical sciences as holistic system that should be based on innovative and creative approach to research problem solving.

Observing resent relevant literature we should consider that development of social sciences domain is influenced by acceleration of modern technical, social and economic progress. However, the leveling of spirituality and national identity space often initiates not only purely philosophical dilemmas, because in era of globalization mental health of person and his/her desire for further moral and spiritual development are also at risk, which make it possible for modern youth to find a new meaning in life. There are a lot of philosophical and psychological works on this topic like Thomas L. Friedman's works “The Lexus and the olive tree ” [7] and “The world is flat: the globalized world in the twenty-first century” [8]; Gilbert Durand's “Les structures anthropologiqus de l'maginaire; introduction a l'archetypologie generale” [6] and also works of Umberto Eco etc. Migrant and refugee studies also should have good sociological and theoretical basis like works of Maurice Stierl's “Migrant resistance in contemporary Europe” [19] or Klaus Bade's “Migration in European history” [3] etc. Other important feature of successful applied research on refugees and migrants are well-planned methodology and work hypothesis, time and resources management that can being done according to works on TRIZ like Leonid Chechurin's “Research and practice on the theory of Inventive problem solving (TRIZ): linking creativity, engineering and innovation ” [5] or book of his German colleague Bernd Klein named “TRIZ/TIPS - Methodikdes erfinderischen Problemlosens” [14].

Purpose of our research is to provide brief observe of theoretical and practical aspects of planning, designing and organization of social, pedagogical and psychological complex research project.

Presentation of main research results

integration intercultural communication

Theory is developed on the basis of data obtained and accumulated during experimental and applied research. They serve as an inexhaustible source of information for the theory, as well as a means of testing its validity. The presence of a connection between theory and experiment was determined by Immanent Kant: “A theory without an experiment is empty, and an experiment without a theory is blind” [9, p. 30]. There are some kinds of experiments in the field of social and behavioral sciences (see table 1).

Table 1.

Kinds of experiments in the field of social and behavioral sciences.

Every time, planning our research we should consider that pre-experimental designs are characterized by non-equivalence of experimental groups and/or absence of a control group. Also absence or low possibilities of threats to validity control and presence of significant number of threats to internal validity and absence of possibilities of external control, which makes it impossible to draw conclusion about presence of unambiguous casual relationship. Designs of true experiments are characterized by existence of strategy for forming equivalent experimental groups and presence of at least two or more experimental groups, which makes it possible to conclude that there is unambiguous casual relationship. It is also possible to control internal environment conditions of experiment. This kind of experiment often ends with measurement and comparison of its results in different groups [4, p. 64-67].

Quasi-experimental plans involve conducting an experiment in natural conditions, which creates certain difficulties to establish control overconditions of environment where experiment is conducted. There is control group or measurement series of experimental exposure effect, which provides an opportunity to compare the results of experimental exposure with limited opportunities for managing required conditions of environment where experiment is conducted [4, p. 88-89]. And such aspects should being considered during work on designing our sociology- psychological research (see figure 1).

Fig. 1. Basic elements of sociology-psychological research [18].

During planning any social, psychological or pedagogical experiment we should pay additional attention for evaluation of risks relevant to research area and peculiarities of instruments and environment in which it will be conducted [18] considering constellation of risks and factors with different nature of origin that requires toolkit of instruments based on Quality management philosophy and validated analytical models like TRIZ [2].

Usually mentioned above excellence models are based on classical philosophy of quality approach that were represented in works of W. Shewhart and E. Deming on risk management. Today this activity is described as linear process where risk has integral nature (see figure 2) that causes why multiple iterations of PDCA cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Act) should be repeated till we find solution for issue or way how to minimize or to prevent the risk [14].

Fig. 2. Application of PDCA cycle for planning and designing research project.

Thus, if fundamental principle of PDCA cycle, as sample of quality assurance philosophy and analytical method, is iteration that allows to be closer with each step to the goal (in limited time period), then for sustainable development (continuous excellence) of organization or research project can being also needed other instruments as TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) [5, p. 197-200]. According to TRIZ toolkit, method and philosophical levels of systematic innovation, excellence or sustainable development of organization or project depends on its ideality. Ideality can be measured as: “Benefits / (Costs + Harm (Risks)) - Contradictions - Use of Resources”, considering influence of space, time and interface factors. When each risk issue we should divide into simple parts, estimate costs of risk solution or risk prevention as like as effectiveness of chosen strategy, scope and cost of needed resources [21, p. 16-18] (see figure 3).

Fig. 3. Application of TRIZ model for project management.

Let's use allegory about mouse and mousetrap and apply it to theory and practice of designing valid model for conducting sociology-psychological research on migrant and refugees social integration by means of providing them free access to education and inclusive sociocultural environment. So, how it is possible to build good mousetrap (excellent researcher model) without any clear understanding about nature and origin of mouse (peculiarities of research object)? Here helpful for us will be TRIZ philosophy. Actually main ideas of systematic innovation theory state that:

Usually the same problems and solutions appear again and again across different industries, but that most organizations tend to re-invent the wheel rather than look outside their own experiences or the experiences of their direct competitors.

Traditionally the most powerful solutions are those that successfully eliminate the compromises and trade-offs conventionally viewed as inherent in systems.

Often there are only a small number of possible strategies for overcoming such contradictions.

Frequently the most effective solutions need maximum use of resources. Thus, most organizations are highly inclined to solve problems by adding things rather than making the current things work more effectively, or transforming the things viewed as harmful into something useful.

Constantly technology evolution trends follow highly predictable paths and face with new risks caused by well-known old factors. Thus, risk-management as kind of managerial mastership despite a fact that it is based on common theoretical background (standards, models, methods), will have always unique features (tactics, practical solutions, etc) caused by current observed case and constellation of responses and opportunities to risks [17, p. 283-284].

That is why each research group or researcher should use cases of other successful projects for consideration or even providing training for research staff, but never blindly copying them to facilitate own situation: if risk or specific issue is a mouse, then escape-proof mousetrap (valid research model, risk management strategy etc.) should be mastered considering nature, size and behavior of the mouse (current observed case) [5, p. 183-185]. Case of conducted research on tolerance and readiness to intercultural communication training in participants of educational process within sociocultural space of higher educational institution, on our opinion, should being taken into consideration by our German colleagues because of: (1) used diagnostic methods are applicable for laboratory, field or natural experiments; (2) collection and analysis of information can also be carried out in an interactive and remote mode; (3) methods of data collection and analysis allow to reach the largest (multicultural) audience of respondents and quickly process the results using software; (4) selected data collection methods should contain clearly formed questions that can be translated into other languages without loss of content; (5) obtained diagnostic results can be used both for working with small groups and for developing a program of special measures for pedagogical and sociology- psychological support of certain category of foreign students studying in mixed groups; (6) applied character of obtained results and perspectives for further or continuous projects on this area.

During the stage of planning and designing our research project, to meet conditions of described below complicated technical tasks, we have referred to works on social integration, tolerance and migrant studies to create conceptual (general model) of our target audience (foreign learners) (see figure 4) coherent with different stages of integration into new sociocultural space (see table 2 and figure 5).

Success in integration of foreign learner into new sociocultural space can be accompanied by some negative factors that may affect this process, such as: cultural baggage, individual peculiarities of personality's adaptive potential and reaction on cultural shock. Cultural baggage is ethnically formed attitude towards another culture and its representatives. Everyday consciousness evaluates other people's customs and morals norms, behavioral forms from the viewpoint of traditions and morality of certain ethnic community, therefore stereotypes of behavior learned in the native culture may become ineffective in a new sociocultural environment. Adaptive potential of personality is set of socio-psychological characteristics of foreign learners (adaptants) that depends on many factors, therefore it has specific features and a wide range of variations. Cultural shock as a state of acute anxiety caused by adapter's unfamiliarity to new cultural norms and social signals. That can be represented by wide spectrum of behavioral patterns and psychological aspects, such as: constant worry about quality of food and drinking water, cleanliness of dishes, bed linen; fear of physical contact with other people; general anxiety, irritability, self-doubt, alcohol and drug abuse; psychosomatic disorders; depression or even suicide attempts. In situation of cultural shock person feels the loss control over current situation, own incompetence, loss of expectations, which can be accompanied by outbursts of anger, aggressiveness and hostility towards representatives of the country in which he/she is staying [13, 20].

Fig. 4. Conceptual model of foreign learner in viewpoint of archetype theory [15].

Fig. 5. Sociocultural integration of foreign learners in prism of archetype theory [12, 15].

Table 2.

tages of cultural shock and needs in relevant support: foreign learners.

The process of adaptation to a new culture occurs according to a U-shaped curve and are depended on time factors, level and stage of adaptation, intercultural communication skills, also well-being of person who stays temporarily or permanently in another country. Usually all migrants should pass three phases of adaptation to a new culture: the first is characterized by enthusiasm and high spirits; the second - by frustration, depression and a feeling of embarrassment; in the third phase, these feelings turn into confidence and satisfaction. Thus, cultural shock occurs first of all in the emotional sphere of the individual, but the most important role is also played by such social factors as maladjustment and non-acceptance of new customs, behavior and communication style [19]. Concerning to mentioned above research project of German colleagues, we would like to share with them and wider audience by findings and suggestions gained during conducting our research project in 2017, that was focused on sociocultural integration of Muslim community representatives including foreign students of Kharkiv universities [13].

Choose of this research topic was related with controversial character of situation when during last decades in Ukraine, number of Muslim community members (diasporas, students, migrants, refugees) has increased together with level and scope of their activity and participation into socio-cultural and political life of Ukraine. Considering that given issue is coherent with socio-psychological difficulties in organization of educational process, and also character of interactions between students and employees of a higher educational institution and its impact on quality of provided educational services, we have conducted complex social-pedagogical research (field experiment) of tolerance manifestation involving students, teachers and department staff of higher educational institutions, representatives of diasporas and visitors of religious- cultural centers of Kharkiv city.

Before the most aggressive stage of Russian-Ukrainian war started in 24 February, 2022, geopolitical location of Ukraine as like as its historical and cultural have made our country asylum for refugees and immigrants from many of Middle Eastern countries and Kharkiv - traditionally multicultural and strategic scientific and industrial center of Eastern Ukraine - a city, where representatives of different cultures and religions can find legal, social and psychological support in the process of their integration into tsocio-cultural space of Ukrainian society. Hypothesis of our research was the assumption that values system and culture of individual tolerance formation are influenced by purposeful systematic pedagogical actions during the educational process in higher education institutions, as well as implementation of balanced state ethno- national policy. This research was conducted on basis of universities and Muslim cultural and Islamic spiritual centers of Kharkiv city.

Our 124 respondents aged from 17 to 72 and belonging to different ethnic and sociocultural groups, of which 62 persons (scientific and pedagogical staff, librarians, foreign students and post-graduate students also visitors of Muslim spiritual and cultural centers that demonstrated experience in intercultural communication) made up the control group. Other 62 participants of experiment are Ukrainian junior year students, who have studied general psychology course, where issues of intercultural communication were highly discussed on seminars, were joined into experimental group [13]. All participants of our experiment were asked to pass tests that identify different aspects of tolerance, but in case with refugees and temporary asylum seekers we recommend to use additionally developed by L. Jankowski test aimed on detecting personality's adaptation level to new sociocultural and/or linguistic environment (see table 3). Each of mentioned above methodologies can being converted into interactive format as google form that allows to involve wider audience of respondents using popular social networks and mobile apps (Viber, Telegram, Whatsapp etc.) and quickly process obtained raw data using standard or special programs.

Additionally to represented in table 3 methodologies, in our work with small groups and individuals we have used also projective technique of MUST-TEST (version of P. Ivanov and E. Kolobova) that helped to detect fifteen basic life goals- values to collect needed data for continuous psychological support of refugees and asylum seekers.

Table 3.

Comparative characteristics of tolerance diagnostic methodologies.

Summarizing results of our research project and conducted socio- psychological experiment, we may underline its main findings:

foreign learners who are highly motivated on getting success in studying and further career building, aspire to reduce social distancing in communication with locals. Such communicative strategy speeds their adaptation and facilitates integration into sociocultural space of educational institution;

university staff (teachers, librarians and administrative staff) have demonstrated tolerant attitude to foreign learners and readiness to help them, because of their life values among which the most dominant ones are: desire to work for good of society, active intercultural communication and selfdevelopment;

considering that tolerance is result of education and communication experience of personality, each educator or other university staff member should play role of mediator and tolerance provider to community of learners. Also this point requires joint efforts of higher university management, representatives of foreign learners community leaders, professional psychological and legal counseling services provided for foreign learners of free of charge basis by higher educational institution;

obtained results of experiment have confirmed reliability of our working hypothesis that “cultural baggage” and socio-psychological characteristics of higher educational institution's space determine success of social integration and adaptation of foreign learners. Such destructive factors as marginal stereotypes and negative influence of radical ideology-driven political movements or even totalitarian sects on foreign learners traditionally prevent to their harmonized sociocultural integration and getting success in education. Thus, among victims of mentioned above destructive agents occurs those foreign learners, who have not received any legal and socio-psychological support or opportunity to realize their cultural potential at their university;

aimed on building of inclusive socio-psychological space within higher educational institutions of Kharkiv city and share our experience with wide audience of colleagues, we have founded sociocultural educational project “Language club “Dialogue” on 24 November, 2017 in close cooperation with UNESCO Chair “Philosophy of Human Communication”, philosophy and history of Ukraine of Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. Our project allows to involve and join into process of sociocultural adaptation all participants of educational process, also to attract attention of school teachers and diasporas representatives of Kharkiv city that has made “Dialogue” a career guidance platform and a center of non-formal education [13, p. 165].

Conclusions and perspectives for further research

Considering current geopolitical situation in the European Union and migrant issues, we can suggest that in the nearest future many of Ukrainian refugees and temporary asylum seekers will return back to their country to renovate its social and industrial infrastructure.

Perhaps many of them get re-entry shock and will need socio-psychological support to survive it, thus next joint project of Ukrainian and German scholars and social workers on migrant support will be aimed on facilitation to returners in their adaptation to post-war reality of Ukraine.


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Klein B. (2014). TRIZ / TIPS - Methodik des erfinderischen problemlosens. Oldenburg: Walter de Gruyter Gmb H. & Co KG. 302 p.

Maffesoli M. (1996). The time of tribes: The decline of individualism in mass society / D. Smith (transl.). London: SAGE Publications. 176 p.

Psychic.at.ua (n.d.). Опитувальник адаптації особистості до нового соціокультурного середовища (за Л. Янковським). Дата звернення: 30.12.2022. URL: htpps://psychic.at.ua/publ/psichodiagnostyka/vivchennja_nacionalno_psikhologichnikh_ osoblivostej_ predstavnikiv riznikh etnichnikh spilnot/opituvalnik_adaptaciji_osobistosti_do_novogo_socioc ulturnogo_seredovishha_za_l_j ankovskim/30-1 -0-85.

Sadgrove, K. (2005). The complete guide to business risk management. Burlington: Grower Publishing Ltd. 329 p.

Schweigert W. (2011). Research methods in psychology: A handbook, Third edition. Long Grove: Waveland Press. 353 p.

Stierl M. (2018). Migrant resistance in contemporary Europe. Routledge, New York. 252.

Von Mises L. (1947). Planned chaos. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute. 90 p.

Yeoh T. (Ed.) (2014). TRIZ - Systematic Innovation in Business and Management. Selangor: First Fruits Sdn. Bhd. 238 p.

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