Model of universal and professional competences formation
Development of a model of the process of formation of universal and professional competences. Stages of this process, each of which has its own specifics. Formation of methodological developments, training manuals and other educational materials.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.09.2023 |
Размер файла | 412,9 K |
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Donetsk state university of internal affairs
Model of universal and professional competences formation
Kryzhanovskyi Oleksii Mykolayovych,
PhD in Law, senior researcher of the research laboratory on the problems of prevention of criminal offenses
In the professional activity, every educator is faced with the need for a balanced approach to the formation of professional and universal students competencies. In our opinion, universal and professional competencies are interconnected and form a single system. This system is introduced into the educational process gradually, as it requires a conscious understanding of its importance and necessity. Of course, like any educational system, it is based on values that are unchanging and act as the driving force of any processes. Value orientations create the foundations for self-improvement, a person feels his or her moral security and consciously interacts with the surrounding world. This is a means of preventing any dangerous behavior, such as victim behavior, which makes it possible to face modern challenges.
Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature, we have developed a model of the process of forming universal and professional competencies. The formation of universal and professional competencies involves the passage of several stages, each of which has its own specifics. The modern world requires from a successful individual not only high-quality performance of a certain type of work, society needs high-quality communication, interaction within different teams, motivation and the ability to motivate others, unwavering argumentation and opportunities for high-quality resolution of controversial situations. Noone among successful people in the 21st century have bypassed such universal qualities, developing each of them, working on improving some of them. Undoubtedly, such universal competences improve together with experience, in the conditions of deepening social and communicative ties, gaining experience in related fields and borrowing knowledge from completely different fields.
The practical significance of the publication lies in the potential study results application of the educational subject for the methodological development formation, training manuals and other educational materials for the organization dealing with the educational process. In addition, those phenomenological interpretations of the subject's perception of the educational subject, which were proposed in the article, can be revealed in further research with the aim of a more detailed study of the content of the educational subject in the space of distance learning.
Keywords: professional competences, personal approach to education, prevention of criminal offenses, victimology, motive, value orientations.
Модель формування універсальних та професійних компетенцій
Крижановський Олексій Миколайович кандидат юридичних наук, старший науковий співробітник Науково-дослідної лабораторії з проблем запобігання кримінальним правопорушенням, Донецький державний університет внутрішніх справ,
У своїй професійній діяльності кожен педагог зустрічається з необхідністю виваженого підходу до формування у студентів професійних та універсальних компетентностей. На наш погляд, універсальні та професійні компетентності взаємопов'язані та становлять єдину систему. Ця система впроваджується у навчальний та виховний процес поступово, оскільки вимагає усвідомленого розуміння її важливості та необхідності. Звичайно, як і будь-яка виховна система, вона грунтується на цінностях, які є незмінними та виступають рушійною силою будь-яких процесів. Ціннісні орієнтації створюють підвалини для самовдосконалення, людина відчуває свою моральну захищеність та усвідомлено взаємодіє з оточуючим світом. Це і є засобом профілактики будь-якої небезпечної поведінки, як-от - віктимна поведінка, що дає змогу протистояти сучасним викликам.
На основі аналізу вітчизняної та зарубіжної наукової літератури нами розроблена модель процесу формування універсальних та професійних компетенцій. Формування універсальних та професійних компетенцій передбачає проходження декількох етапів, кожен з яких має свою специфіку. Сучасний світ вимагає від успішної особистості не стільки якісного виконання певного виду робіт, суспільство потребує якісного спілкування, взаємодії всередині різних колективів, вмотивованності та спроможності до мотивування інших, непохитної аргументації та можливостей якісного вирішення спірних ситуацій. Жодна успішна людина ХХІ століття не обішла стороною такі універсальні якості, розвиваючи кожну з них, працюючи над вдосконаленням окремих з них. Безсумнівно, такі універсальні компетенції вдосконалюються разом із досвідом, в умовах поглиблення соціально - комунікативних зв'язків, здобуття досвіду у суміжних галузях та запозичення знань із зовсім інших галузей.
Практичне значення публікації полягає в потенційній можливості застосуванні результатів дослідження суб'єкта освіти для формування методичних розробок, навчальних посібників та інших навчальних матеріалів для організації освітнього процесу. Крім цього, ті феноменологічні інтерпретації сприйняття матеріалу суб'єктом освіти, які були запропоновані в статті, можуть бути розкриті в подальших дослідженнях з метою більш детального вивчення змісту суб'єкта освіти у просторі дистанційного навчання.
Ключові слова: професійні компетенції, особистісний підхід у навчанні, запобігання кримінальним правопорушенням, віктімологія, мотив, ціннісні орієнтації.
Formulation of the problem. In the professional activity, every educator is faced with the need for a balanced approach to the formation of professional and universal students competencies. In our opinion, universal and professional competencies are interconnected and form a single system. This system is introduced into the educational process gradually, as it requires a conscious understanding of its importance and necessity. Of course, like any educational system, it is based on values that are unchanging and act as the driving force of any processes. Value orientations create the foundations for self-improvement, a person feels his or her moral security and consciously interacts with the surrounding world. This is a means of preventing any dangerous behavior, such as victim behavior, which makes it possible to face modern challenges.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern researchers of universal and professional competences understand them as a system, as a psycho - pedagogical phenomenon, which is the result of a long-term and purposeful educational and upbringing process. Currently, Ukrainian researchers have developed a single conceptual understanding of the term competence and its components, namely: universal and professional competences. At the same time, the works of Ukrainian researchers have mainly theoretical significance, without revealing the practical aspects of the functioning of the competency model. The problems of values and spiritual education, as the foundation and moral basis of the competence system, were discussed in the works of such scientists, as H. Shevchenko, T. Antonenko, M. Chursin, O. Kyvlyuk, and O. Tsybulko. The analysis of the term «competence» is presented in the work of M. Leontyan. Life - creating competencies of the individual were characterized by I. Ermakov and D. Puzikov. At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of the creation and functioning of the model of universal and professional competencies formation.
The purpose of the article - analysis of available researches on universal and professional competencies and creation of an author's model of the universal and professional competencies formation.
Presenting main material. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature, we have developed a model of the process of forming universal and professional competencies (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Skills formation model
The formation of universal and professional competencies involves the passage of several stages, each of which has its own specifics (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Stages of formation of a culture of soft skills
professional competence training manual
According to the conducted research, the most important of them are: knowledge of the categories «values», «life», «self-realization» (cognitive component); development and formation of relations to these categories (emotional component); formation of value orientations, conscious evaluation of these categories, relations to one's own self-development (axiological component); derivation of knowledge, relations, evaluation and value guidelines on the behavioral level (behavioral component); self-realization (creative component) and the actual formation of a culture of thinking - the ability to reflective value determination of a life goal, the emergence of life meanings, stable motives that control all previous stages (personally-activity component). Thanks to the last component, the individual manages his or her development by purposefully improving the mechanisms of increasing adaptive and compensatory reserves at the organizational, mental and social levels, as well as consciously and actively uses various educational technologies [1; 3; 5; 6].
The new society puts forward new demands on the labor market, gravitating towards a comprehensive approach to professionalism, including not only a high level of professional qualities, but also a level sufficient for modern development trends, a level of personal attributes: flexibility, the ability for constant learning and self-improvement, flexibility in responding to constant changes, work in the environment of several unknowns, which creates a multiplicity of solutions, among which not the only correct solution is possible [2, P. 461]. Such flexibility and versatility are called «soft-skills», and it should be noted about the real need for the formation of such skills and the difficulty of measuring the formation of such skills at the same time.
The modern world requires from a successful individual not only high-quality performance of a certain type of work, society needs high-quality communication, interaction within different teams, motivation and the ability to motivate others, unwavering argumentation and opportunities for high-quality resolution of controversial situations [4, P. 158]. Noone among successful people in the 21st century have bypassed such universal qualities, developing each of them, working on improving some of them. Undoubtedly, such universal competences improve together with experience, in the conditions of deepening social and communicative ties, gaining experience in related fields and borrowing knowledge from completely different fields, a kind of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity at the same time [7, P. 698]. All this becomes possible, provided there is interest on the part of a specific individual, a situation of constant search, a desire for self-improvement, a desire for knowledge and obtaining an education, when the desire to gain new experience and new knowledge goes from the student to the teacher, and stimulates the latter also to search and self-improvement, rather than simply relaying the knowledge and experience available to it.
Conclusions. The practical significance of the publication lies in the potential study results application of the educational subject for the methodological development formation, training manuals and other educational materials for the organization dealing with the educational process. In the future, this publication can become a methodological foundation for future socio-philosophical studies of the education system in the context of a pandemic. In addition, those phenomenological interpretations of the subject's perception of the educational subject, which were proposed in the article, can be revealed in further research with the aim of a more detailed study of the content of the educational subject in the space of distance learning.
1. Antonenko, T., Chursin, M. (2019). On the eve of the Future: the Values sign change. Philosophy and Cosmology, 23, 80-89. [in English].
2. Molodychenko, V., Tsybulko, O., Makarenko, L., Postol, O., Lysak, I. (2021). Pedagogy of Spirituality as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Humanity. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13 (4), 454-468. [in English].
3. Shevchenko, H. (2017). The Ideal Image of a Man: the Main Characteristics and Ways of Achieving. Future Human Image, 7, 120-127. [in English].
4. Voronkova, V., & Kyvliuk, O. (2017). Philosophical Reflection Smart-Society as a New Model of the Information Society and its Impact on the Education of the 21st Century. Future Human Image, 7, 154-162. Kyvliuk.pdf [in English].
5. Ermakov, I.G., Puzikov, D.O. (2015). Zhyttietvorchi kompetentsii osobystosti [Life - creating competencies of the individual]. Aktualniproblemy navchannia ta vykhovannia liudei z osoblyvymy potrebamy - Actual problems of education and upbringing of people with special needs, 12 (14) [in Ukrainian].
6. Leontyan, M.A. (2012). Poniattia «kompetentsiia» i «kompetentnist» u teorii osvity [Two concepts of «competence» in the theory of education]. Naukovi pratsi Chornomorskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Petra Mohyly kompleksu «Kyievo-Mohylianska akademiia» - Scientific works of the Black Sea State University named after Peter Mohyla complex «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy», 176, 73-75 [in Ukrainian].
7. Tsybulko, O. (2022). Osoblyvosti tekhnolohii prohramno-tsilovoho upravlinnia u zakladakh osvity [Features of the technology of program-target management in educational institutions]. Perspektyvy ta innovatsii nauky - Perspectives and innovations ofscience, 2 (7), 692-701. [in Ukrainian].
1. Antonenko T., Chursin M. On the eve of the Future: the Values sign change. Philosophy and Cosmology. 2019. №23. Р. 80-89. URL: (дата звернення: 05.01.2023).
2. Molodychenko V., Tsybulko O., Makarenko L., Postol O., Lysak I. Pedagogy of Spirituality as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Humanity. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensional. 2021. №13 (4). Р. 454-468. URL: (дата звернення: 25.12.2022).
3. Shevchenko H. The Ideal Image of a Man: the Main Characteristics and Ways of Achieving. Future Human Image. 2017. №7. Р. 120-127. URL: (дата звернення: 09.01.2023).
4. Voronkova V., Kyvliuk O. Philosophical Reflection Smart-Society as a New Model of the Information Society and its Impact on the Education of the 21st Century. Future Human Image. 2017. №7. Р. 154-162. URL: (дата звернення: 10.12.2022).
5. Єрмаков І.Г., Пузіков Д.О. Життєтворчі компетенції особистості. Актуальні проблеми навчання та виховання людей з особливими потребами. 2015. №12 (14). URL: (дата звернення: 10.01.2023).
6. Леонтян М.А. Поняття «компетенція» і «компетентність» у теорії освіти. Наукові праці Чорноморського державного університету імені Петра Могили комплексу «Києво - Могилянська академія». 2012. Вип. 176. С. 73-75. URL:
7. Цибулько О. Особливості технології програмно-цільового управління у закладах освіти. Перспективи та інновації науки. 2022. №2 (7). С. 692-701. URL:
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