Results of the dynamics of changes according to the cognitive criterion of the model of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socio-economic sphere

The peculiarity of arming students with communicative models of behavior in the social sphere. Characteristics of providing pedagogical support for the formation of future specialists in the socionomic sphere as subjects of professional communication.

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Дата добавления 29.09.2023
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Results of the dynamics of changes according to the cognitive criterion of the model of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socio-economic sphere

Rabetska Nadiia Leonidivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, Oleksiy Solyanyk


On the basis of theoretical research and the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, a model of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere was developed, which contains the goal, stages, pedagogical conditions, forms, methods, means of their implementation, components and the final result.

Experimental work on the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere involved the step-by-step implementation of the following pedagogical conditions: awareness by future specialists of the variability of communicative interaction in the social sphere; arming students with communicative model It was established that the implementation of the model of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere made it possible to achieve better changes in the levels of manifestation of the specified phenomenon among students of the experimental group compared to the control group.s of behavior in the social sphere; providing pedagogical support for the formation of future specialists in the socionomic sphere as subjects of professional communication.

The presented structural model of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere contains all the necessary components of the pedagogical process: the goal, stages, pedagogical conditions of the formation of the specified phenomenon, forms, methods and means of their implementation, components and the final result.

Thus, according to the indicators of the cognitive criterion of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere, it was found that after the formative stage of the experiment, significant changes took place in the experimental group. In the control group, the results did not change as significantly as in the experimental group.

Keywords: communicative competence, future specialists of the socionomic sphere, professional activity of representatives of the socionomic sphere, pedagogical conditions, cognitive criterion of the model of formation of communicative competence of future specialists of the socionomic sphere.


Рабецька Надія Леонідівна кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач української мови та літератури, Одеський морехідний фаховий коледж морського та рибопромислового флоту імені Олексія Соляника


На підставі теоретичного дослідження і результатів констатувального етапу експерименту розроблено модель формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери, що містить мету, етапи, педагогічні умови, форми, методи, засоби їх реалізації, компоненти і кінцевий результат.

Експериментальна робота з формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери передбачала поетапну реалізацію таких педагогічних умов: усвідомлення майбутніми фахівцями варіативності комунікативної взаємодії у соціальній сфері; озброєння студентів комунікативними моделями поведінки в соціальній сфері; забезпечення педагогічної підтримки становлення майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери як суб'єктів професійної комунікації. Надано якісну характеристику рівнів зазначеного явища (достатній, задовільний, низький).

Представлена структурна модель формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери містить усі необхідні компоненти педагогічного процесу: мету, етапи, педагогічні умови формування зазначеного явища, форми, методи та засоби їх реалізації. , компоненти та кінцевий результат.

Установлено, що впровадження моделі формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери дозволило досягти кращих змін у рівнях прояву зазначеного феномена у студентів експериментальної групи порівняно з контрольною.

Таким чином, за показниками когнітивного критерію сформованості комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери виявлено, що після формувального етапу експерименту в експериментальній групі відбулися значні зміни. У контрольній групі результати не змінилися так істотно, як в експериментальній.

Ключові слова: комунікативна компетентність, майбутні фахівці соціономічної сфери, професійна діяльність представників соціономічної сфери, педагогічні умови, когнітивний критерій моделі формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери.

Formulation of the problem

The professional activity of future specialists in the socionomic field (practical psychologists, social pedagogues, social workers, legal scholars, etc.) belongs to the "person- person" type and is based on communication with people who need certain help and protection in situations that have arisen in their lives. In view of this, in the process of learning, in addition to acquiring the necessary professional knowledge and skills, there is a need to form vital knowledge, abilities, skills, and develop the ability to use one's personal potential in interaction with people, i.e., the formation of their communicative competence.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Various aspects of the professional training of future specialists in the socionomic sphere have become the subject of research by many scientists (Y. Breus, L. Burkova, I. Viznyuk, S. Gvozdiy, I. Hrytsyuk, S. Dolynyny, V. Isaev, R. Kaverina, O. Karpenko, V. Korneschuk, L. Onufrieva, L. Rudenko, N. Serebrovska, S. Sorokoumova, K. Tkachenko) and others.

Despite a significant number of studies devoted to the problems of professional training of future specialists in the socionomic sphere, the issue of forming their communicative competence according to the content of the cognitive criterion remains relevant.

The purpose of the article is the dynamics of changes in the results of the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the cognitive criterion.

Presentation of research results

The professional activity of representatives of the socionomic sphere is a process of their direct interaction with a person or a group of people, during which they consciously use professional knowledge, skills and abilities, providing the necessary social, psychological, and legal assistance to those who need it, in solving difficult life situations [1, 3].

Communicative competence is a complex integral formation of a personality, characterized by developed personal qualities and the presence of knowledge of the norms and rules of communicative behavior in society, practical skills and abilities necessary for constructive interaction with the people around them, and the ability to use them in professional activities [2, 4].

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere are defined: awareness by future specialists of the variability of communicative interaction in the social sphere; arming students with communicative models of behavior in the social sphere; providing pedagogical support for the formation of future specialists in the socionomic sphere as subjects of professional communication.

Presentation of research results

We present the obtained results according to the determined criteria for the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere in the same sequence and with the same methods as at the ascertainment stage of the experiment.

Experimental work was carried out with students of two streams for two years (1-2 courses) with students studying majors: 231 "Social work", 053 "Psychology", 081 "Law" Experimental group, where experimental methods were implemented during the implementation of pedagogical conditions formation of communicative competence was completed by students of the State Institution "Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky" (EG - 120 people). Students of the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko made up the control group (CG - 122 people), who studied according to the traditional program, without the introduction of pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative competence. pedagogical socionomic professional communication

Thus, according to the indicators of the cognitive criterion of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere, it was found that after the formative stage of the experiment, significant changes took place in the experimental group. In the control group, the results did not change as significantly as in the experimental group.

According to the indicator of the cognitive criterion "Awareness of the specifics of professional communication" at the final stage of the experiment, the following results were obtained: a sufficient level was certified by 40.0% of EG students (18.3%) and 23.8% of CG students (18.6%), satisfactory level was found by 48.3% of EG respondents (it was 45.0%) and 47.5% of CG (it was 44.1%), 11.7% of future EG sociologists remained at a low level (it was 36.7%) and 28.7% of CG (was 38.3%).

The results of the indicator "Availability of knowledge of professional terminology at the final stage of the experiment were as follows:

”Are you interested in learning professional terminology?”: sufficient level - 37.4% of EG respondents and 24.4% of CG, satisfactory level - 47.6% of EG students (was 45.5%) and 46.1% of CG ( was 45.2%), a low level - 15.0% of future EG specialists (was 38.5%) and 29.5% of CG (was 36.9%);

'Does knowledge of terminology matter for future professional activity?”: sufficient level - 37.5% of EG respondents (there was 15.9%) and 24.7% of CG (there was 18.2%), satisfactory level - 47.4% students of EG (there were 46.1%) and 45.9% of CG (there were 45.4%), a low level - 15.1% of future EG specialists (there were 38.0%) and 29.4% of CG (there were 36, 4%);

”Do you additionally (independently) learn professional concepts that are new to you?”: sufficient level - 37.7% of EG respondents (it was 15.4%) and 24.5% of CG (it was 18.1%), satisfactory level - 47 .7% of EG students (was 45.3%) and 46.0% of CG (was 44.9%), low level - 14.6% of future EG specialists (was 39.3%) and 29.5% of CG ( was 37.0%);

”Are you interested in the news and changes taking place in your chosen professional activity?”: sufficient level - 37.4% of EG respondents (was 15.7%) and 24.3% of CG (was 17.8%), satisfactory level - 47.5% of EG students (was 45.6%) and 45.7% of CG (was 45.1%), low level - 15.1% of future EG specialists (was 38.7%) and 30.0% CG (was 37.1%);

”Do you consider it necessary to continue to improve the formed vocabulary after graduation?”: a sufficient level - 37.3% of EG respondents (it was 15.9%) and 24.4% of CG (it was 18.1%), a satisfactory level - 47.6% of EG students (was 45.7%) and 45.9% CG (was 45.0%), low level - 15.1% of future EG specialists (was 38.4%) and 29.7% CG (was 36.9%);

”Do you agree that a true specialist in the socionomic field is characterized by the level of mastery of the "language of the profession”?”: a sufficient level - 37.7% of EG respondents (it was 15.7%) and 24.8% of CG (it was 17.9%) ), satisfactory level - 47.5% of EG students (was 45.7%) and 46.1% CG (was 45.3%), low level - 14.8% of future EG specialists (was 38.6%) and 29.1% CG (was 36.8%);

”Are you interested in finding new ways to remember difficult-to- perceive professional terms?”: sufficient level - 37.4% of EG respondents (15.8%) and 24.6% CG (18.1%) respondents, satisfactory level - 47.4% of EG students (was 45.6%) and 46.0% CG (was 45.0%), low level - 15.2% of future EG specialists (was 38.6%) and 29.4 % CG (was 36.9%);

"Do you use knowledge of professional terminology when establishing communicative relations (in classes)?”: sufficient level - 37.8% of respondents of EG (was 15.6%) and 24.5% of CG (was 17.8%), satisfactory level - 47.7% of EG students (was 46.1%) and 45.9% CG (was 45.4%), low level - 14.5% of future EG specialists (was 38.3%) and 29.6 % CG (was 36.8%);

"Does knowledge ofprofessional terminology make it easier for you to complete educational tasks?": sufficient level - 37.3% of EG respondents (15.7%) and 24.4% CG respondents (17.9%), satisfactory level - 47.4% EG students (there were 45.9%) and 45.7% CG (there were 45.2%), a low level - 15.3% of future EG specialists (there were 38.4%) and 29.9% CG (there were 36, 9%);

"Are you working on enriching your own terminological dictionary with professionalism?": sufficient level - 37.7% of EG respondents (15.6%) and 24.7% CG respondents (17.8%), satisfactory level - 47.8% EG students (there were 45.7%) and 45.8% CG (there were 45.3%), a low level - 14.5% of future EG specialists (there were 38.7%) and 29.5% CG (there were 36, 9%);

"Do you pay attention to unfamiliar economic terms and write them down in your own terminology dictionary?": sufficient level - 37.6% of EG respondents (was 15.9%) and 24.3% of CG (was 18.2%) , satisfactory level - 47.6% of EG students (was 46.0%) and 45.6% CG (was 44.9%), low level - 14.8% of future EG specialists (was 38.1%) and 30 .1% of KG (was 36.9%);

"Are you interested in professional jargon and professionalism?": sufficient level - 37.5% of EG respondents (it was 15.9%) and 24.8% of CG (it was 18.1%), satisfactory level - 47.5% of EG students (was 45.8%) and 46.2% CG (was 45.5%), low level - 15.0% of future EG specialists (was 38.3%) and 29.0% CG (was 36.4% );

"Do you agree that knowledge of professional terminology will contribute to significant success in professional activity?": a sufficient level - 37.4% of EG respondents (it was 16.2%) and 24.6% of CG (it was 18.3%). satisfactory level - 47.4% of EG students (was 46.1%) and 45.8% of CG (was 18.6%), low level - 15.2% of future EG specialists (was 37.7%) and 29, 6% of CG (was 36.8%);

"Do you like to learn new economic concepts, reveal their essence and use them in solving professional tasks?": a sufficient level - 37.6% of EG respondents (it was 15.7%) and 24.5% of CG (it was 17.7%) ), satisfactory level - 47.7% of EG students (was 45.6%) and 45.6% CG (was 45.3%), low level - 14.7% of future EG specialists (was 38.7%) and 29.9% CG (was 37.0%);

”'Are you looking for new sources of expanding knowledge of professional terminology?”: sufficient level - 37.7% of EG respondents (there were 15.7%) and 24.7% of CG (there was 17.9%), satisfactory level - 47.6% students of EG (there were 45.9%) and 46.3% of CG (there were 45.0%), a low level - 14.7% of future specialists of EG (there were 38.4%) and 29.0% of CG (there were 37, 1%);

”Do you easily remember professional terms when studying professional disciplines?”: a sufficient level - 37.5% of EG respondents (there were 15.8%) and 24.5% of CG (there was 18.0%), a satisfactory level - 47, 4% of EG students (was 45.9%) and 45.8% of CG (was 45.2%), low level - 15.1% of future EG specialists (was 38.3%) and 29.7% of CG (was 36.8%).

According to the results of testing knowledge about the specifics of virtual communication according to the indicator of the cognitive criterion at the final stage of the experimental study, 40.8% of EG students (was 19.2%) and 23.8% of CG students (was 21.3%), a satisfactory level was recorded at a sufficient level revealed 48.3% of EG respondents (it was 46.7%) and 44.3% of CG (it was 45.9%), 10.8% of future EG sociologists remained at a low level (it was 34.1%) and 31 .9% of KG (it was 32.8%).

The level of awareness of future specialists in the socionomic field with the essence of communication barriers according to the cognitive criterion also changed for the better in both groups. The results of the testing were as follows: 38.3% of EG students (16.7%) and 23.0% CG students (20.5%) showed a sufficient level, 49.2% of EG respondents showed a satisfactory level (45.8% ) and 45.9% of CG (it was 42.6%), a low level was recorded in 12.5% of future EG sociologists (it was 37.5%) and 31.1% of CG (it was 36.9%).

Comparative results of the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the indicators of the cognitive criterion at the ascertainment and final stages of the experiment are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Comparative results of the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the cognitive criterion at the ascertaining and final stages of the experiment (in %)







Low level







Familiarity with the specifics of professional communication















Knowledge of professional
















Familiarity with the specifics of virtual communication















Awareness of the nature of








communication barriers























As shown in Table 1, at the final stage of the experiment, according to the indicator "Awareness of the specifics of professional communication", 40.0% of EG students (18.3%) and 23.8% CG students (18.6%) showed a sufficient level, satisfactory level - 48.3% of EG respondents (was 45.0%) and 47.5% of CG (was 44.1%), low level - 11.7% of future EG specialists (was 36.7%) and 28.7 % KG (was 38.3%). According to the "Availability of knowledge of professional terminology" indicator, 37.5% of EG students (15.8%) and 24.6% CG students (18.0%) were at a sufficient level, 47.5% of EG respondents were at a satisfactory level ( was 45.8%) and 45.9% of CG (was 45.1%), 15.0% of future EG specialists (was 38.4%) and 29.5% of CG (was 36.9%) remained at a low level ). According to the indicator "Awareness of the specifics of virtual communication", a sufficient level was recorded in 40.8% of EG students (it was 19.2%) and 23.8% of CG (it was 21.3%), a satisfactory level - in 48.3% of EG respondents (was 46.7%) and 44.3% of CG (was 45.9%), low level - in 10.8% of future EG specialists (was 34.1%) and 31.9% of CG (was 32.8 %).

According to the indicator "Awareness of the nature of communication barriers", 38.3% of the respondents of the EG (16.7%) and 23.0% of the CG (20.5%) were at a sufficient level, 49.2% were at a satisfactory level students of EG (there were 45.8%) and 45.9% of CG (there were 42.6%), at a low level - 12.5% of future eG specialists (there were 37.5%) and 31.1% of CG (there were 36 .9%).

In general, according to the indicators of the cognitive criterion, 39.2% of EG students (17.5%) and 23.8% CG students (19.7%) showed a sufficient level of communicative competence, a satisfactory level - 48.3% of EG respondents (45, 8%) and 45.9% of CG (was 44.3%), a low level - 12.5% of future sociologists of EG (was 36.7%) and 30.3% of CG (was 36.0%).

The dynamics of the formation of the levels of the formation of the communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the cognitive criterion at the ascertainment and final stages of the experiment is presented in Fig.1

Fig. 1. Dynamics of changes in the results of the levels offormation of communicative competence according to the cognitive criterion at the ascertainment andfinal stages (in %)

As can be seen from fig. 1, noticeable changes in the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the cognitive criterion occurred in the experimental group, in which purposeful work was carried out in accordance with the purpose of the study. Thus, at a sufficient level, the results increased by 21.7%, at a satisfactory level - by 2.5%, and at a low level, they decreased by 24.2%.

In the control group, the changes that occurred in the levels of communication competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the specified criterion are not so significant compared to the experimental group: at a sufficient level, the results increased by 4.1%, at a satisfactory level - by 1.6%, at a low level equal results decreased by 5.7%.


Thus, at the final stage, the results according to the cognitive criterion changed in both groups. Instead, in the experimental group, they turned out to be more significant thanks to the conducting of a formative experiment with the implementation of certain pedagogical conditions in the classes of the special course "Fundamentals of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere", the educational disciplines "Introduction to the specialty", "Psychology", "Pedagogy", "Culturology" , "Ukrainian language (by professional direction)", which contained additional theoretical material on the essence of communicative competence, were aimed at mastering practical skills of communicative interaction during classes and extracurricular creative activities, as well as independent work of professional direction, which influenced the formation of future specialists of the socionomic sphere of necessary personal and professional qualities as subjects of communicative interaction. In the control group, where such work was not carried out, the results were lower.


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    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • Історія формування позитивної мотивації у навчанні. Виховання відчуття боргу, відповідальності та профорієнтації. Особливості проведення уроку англійської мови на теми "I`ve got an idea", "Plenty of things to do", "The life of social environment".

    курсовая работа [48,0 K], добавлен 16.11.2010

  • Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.

    дипломная работа [574,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2016

  • The model of training teachers to the formation of communicative competence. How the Web 2.0 technology tools affect on secondary school students in communication. The objective of the model is instantiated a number of conditions. Predicting the Future.

    курсовая работа [30,3 K], добавлен 11.06.2012

  • Defining communicative competence. The value of communicative language teaching. On the value of audio-lingual approach. Using of humor in teaching foreign language. On the structure of an anecdotes. Using anecdotes for intermediate and advanced learners.

    дипломная работа [190,8 K], добавлен 14.01.2013

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