Applications for learning English as a factor in the training of modern specialists in distance education

The informatization of higher education. Analysis of the existing means for final and test control of knowledge intended to diagnose the quality of information assimilation acquired by students in the classroom or independently in the course of study.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 29.09.2023
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Municipal establishment “Kharkiv humanitarian-pedagogical academy” of Kharkiv regional council, foreign philology


Kyryliuk Iryna Volodymyrivna Teacher of Foreign Philology

Department Mykytenko Iryna Valentynivna Candidate of

Pedagogic Sciences, teacher of Foreign Philology Department

Nosach Oksana Oleksandrivna Teacher of Foreign Philology Department



education test control student

Nowadays, Ukraine is in the process of rapidly filling higher education with new means of information technology, which leads to the need for a qualitative assessment of knowledge, using all available modern methods of educational process. The rapid development of information technology fills society with new opportunities that greatly facilitate human activity in all spheres of life.

The process of informatization and extensive using computer are becoming increasingly important in the higher education system. Today, it is impossible to imagine life without new information technologies that help to better provide, learn and test the material, so the issue of developing and implementing an electronic form of final and test control is relevant to improving the efficiency and quality of learning.

The article is aimed to analyze and improve the existing means for final and test control of knowledge intended to diagnose the quality of information assimilation acquired by students in the classroom or independently in the course of study.

Online E-control is a process which allows assessing the level of learning and understanding of material under study in order to manage the current learning process and ensure individualization of learning in electronic educational environment. E-testing is a certification process, establishing compliance with the personal model of knowledge, the new required standardized model. It becomes clear that control is a process of learning management and is an indispensable element of process, and testing is an establishing fact procedure is an applicant knowledgeable about material or not.

There are various mobile learning programs such as: Mobile ELDIT, MLEX, MLE-Moodle, Amadeus LMS Mobile, Learn Cast, etc. Modern hardware devices with different operating systems such as: Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows CE, support various language functionalities for free. It is worth noting that the use of computer, telecommunication technologies and various learning platforms can provide online interaction between teacher and student at different stages of learning.

Keywords: distance learning, educational process, test control, quality of knowledge, Internet resources, modern technology, information and communication technologies of learning, applications.


Кирилюк Ірина Володимирівна викладач кафедри іноземної філології, Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради, м. Харків

Микитенко Ірина Валентинівна кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри іноземної філології, Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради, м. Харків

Носач Оксана Олександрівна викладач кафедри іноземної філології, Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради, м. Харків


На даний час в Україні триває процес стрімкого наповнення вищої освіти новими засобами інформаційних технологій, які призводять до необхідності якісної оцінки знань, використовуючи всі наявні сучасні методи навчального процесу. Швидкий розвиток інформаційних технологій, наповнює суспільство новими можливостями, які набагато полегшують діяльність людини в усіх сферах життя.

У системі вищої освіти все більш важливою стає інформатизація та комп'ютеризація. Сьогодні немислимо уявити життя без нових інформаційних технологій, які допомагають якісніше передавати, засвоювати й перевіряти матеріал, тому питання розробки і впровадження електронної форми підсумкового та тестового контролю є актуальним при підвищенні ефективності та якості навчання.

Метою статті є аналіз, вдосконалення існуючих інструментів підсумкового та тестового контролю знань, призначених для діагностики якості засвоєння інформації, що набувають здобувачі аудиторно чи самостійно в процесі навчання.

Під on-line електронним контролем розуміють процедуру, що дозволяє оцінити рівень засвоєння і розуміння досліджуваного матеріалу з метою управління поточним навчальним процесом і забезпечення індивідуалізації навчання в електронному освітньому середовищі. Електронне тестування - це процедура атестації, встановлення відповідності особистісної моделі знань, нової необхідної стандартизованої моделі. Стає зрозумілим, що контроль - це сама процедура управління навчанням і є невід'ємним елементом самого процесу, а тестування це є процедура встановлення факту: володіє здобувач матеріалом чи не володіє.

Існують різні програмні мобільні засоби навчання такі як: MobileELDIT, MLEX, MLE-Moodle, AmadeusLMSMobile, LeamCast та ін. Сучасні апаратні пристрої на які встановлені різні операційні системи такі як: Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, WindowsCE, безкоштовно підтримують різні мовні функціональні можливості. Варто відзначити, використання комп'ютерних, телекомунікаційних технологій та різноманітних навчальних платформ здатні забезпечити інтерактивну взаємодію викладача та студента на різних етапах навчання.

Ключові слова: дистанційне навчання, навчальний процес, тестовий контроль, якість знань, інтернет ресурси, сучасні технології, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології навчання, додатки.

Problem statement

Distance learning has recently played a key role in people's lives. As the events of recent years, in particular, the outbreaks of the Coronavirus epidemic and the events in Ukraine, make us to completely change the full-time learning to the distance learning.

In distance learning, teachers and students are in different places or teaching and learning take place at different times. Despite the fact that it is greatly improved by modern technology, distance learning should not be equated with an entire technology, or associated exclusively with one way of presenting knowledge to students and teachers. The essence of distance learning is that it increases dependence on self-study course materials and learning activities.

One of the generally recognized advantages of science and technology is that they reduce distance in both space and time. Distance learning is used in Higher Education Institutions, Business Schools or other Work Institutions for fast and high-quality providing of knowledge, with the possibility of uninterrupted transmission of visual details in the online mode.

The basic principle of distance learning is online interaction during the educational process, which gives students the opportunity to develop their own opinion, as well as constant consulting support in the research process. It allows you to study at a distance and communicate simultaneously with scientists, even from other universities and countries. Students can study at universities around the world, even if they cannot travel for their desired study program. In this way, the leading universities can be accessible to students who are not be able to study due to distance, finances, or other cases.

Analysis of the latest researches and publications showed that this theme is not a new, certain researches are covered in the works of S. Voskerchian, T. Ilina, D. Kuchma, T. Lukina, A. Mandryka, I. Rapoport, N. Rozenberg, I. Robert and many other scientists who are actively working on the theme of development and implementation in the educational process of final and test control. And with the conditions for the introduction of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System in Higher Education Institutions, improving the quality of knowledge with the help of electronic means is becoming more and more relevant.

The article is aimed to analyze and improve the existing means of final and test control of knowledge, designed to diagnose the quality of learning the information acquired by learners in the classroom or individually in the learning process.

Modern information technologies play a big role in providing distance learning. Cooperation between the teacher and students with the help of information and communication networks is now relevant. There are many resources that students use during their studies; these are various blogs and forums, chat rooms, interactive platforms, academic sites and blogs, social networks and electronic chats. Classrooms are also actively used in Educational Institutions. During the course, the student has the opportunity to ask the teacher any questions and get an answer [1].

Modern distance learning is based on the use of such basic elements as:

• Division of information in the lesson to make it easily learning;

• Creation of the student's choice and voice;

• Ensuring a timely grading and commenting system on learning results;

• Visibility of new material and access to instant search;

• Additional time for thought and preparation [2].

Often, teachers face the problem of students' attention, which they try to focus on lessons in the classroom. Creating a common, shared viewing experience is usually impossible. In contrast, advanced tools on distance learning platforms allow the host to control what the learner sees, including showing videos, slides, and chat. A shared visual experience for all learners minimizes distractions and ensures focus on the content to be retained [3].

Mobile information and communication technology learning tools can be divided into hardware and software. There are various software mobile learning tools such as: Mobile ELDIT, MLEX, MLE-Moodle, Amadeus LMS Mobile, Learn Cast, Mobl21, etc. Modern hardware devices on which various operating systems are installed, such as: Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows CE, support various language functionalities for free without additional software.

Computers and Internet resources have become an integral part of the educational process, so more easy-to-use and effective devices are emerging that open up wide opportunities for the development of mobile learning. It is worth noting that mobile devices are cheaper than desktop PCs and are a cheaper means of accessing Internet resources[4].

One of the options for organizing distance learning is the KSU Online distance learning system, which is based on the Moodle information environment.

1. Moodle (acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment - modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) is an educational platform designed to unite students, teachers and administrators in a single integrated system of a personalized learning environment. The Moodle learning platform is adapted for online learning and has significant didactic capabilities for creating innovative learning tools.

The “KSU Online” system allows you to intensify the educational process, to present educational and methodological complexes of disciplines in a structured manner to ensure effective self-study by students, to form students at a high level of professional IT competence, and to improve the quality of monitoring the educational activities of future specialists.

The “KSU Online” distance learning system allows you to build a course from the following elements (modules): Hot Pot, Questionnaire, Wiki, External application, Glossary, Tasks, Lecture, Survey, Seminar, Test, Forum and Chat. Each of these modules have more or less opportunities for feedback.

Such educational modules as the SCORM Package, “Seminar”, “Test” can also be used as an evaluation tool. The “Seminar” module provides an opportunity for mutual evaluation of student works. In this case, students get two grades: for their own work and for their assessment of their fellow students' works.

Modules such as “Chat” and “Forum” allow the participants of the educational process to communicate in synchronous and asynchronous modes, respectively.

An important feature of the “KSU Online” system is that it creates and stores the portfolio of each student: all his submitted works, all messages in the forum, all evaluations and comments on his works. The teacher can trace any activity of the student on the site, even the number and duration of his visits to a separate educational course during a certain time.

Therefore, the use of computer, telecommunication technologies and various educational platforms can ensure online interaction between the teacher and the student at various stages of education. The elements and resources of LMS Moodle, as we saw on the example of the distance learning system “KSU Online”, allow you to create such an educational environment that not only adjusts, but also stimulates feedback, provides dialogue between the teacher and the student and constant support from the teacher during the entire course of study.

It should be noted that especially for teachers, electronic control has a significant list of advantages over the traditional form of knowledge quality control:

- provides an opportunity to quickly check the knowledge of a large number of applicants at the same time;

- frees the teacher from performing routine work and organizing mass control, which adds more time to improve his professional activity, to develop and use the latest tools;

- the opportunity to implement individual work with students increases, which in the new education system is one of the main components, since the student receives a third of the knowledge independently.

Electronic control also has a list of disadvantages, namely:

- reduction of linguistic contact between the applicant and the teacher;

- standardized thinking, where the level of personality development is neglected;

complexity of the process - it takes a lot of time to develop a set of tasks.

The effectiveness of this method of system operation is as follows: the applicant who passed the online electronic survey can be evaluated by receiving the time of completing the task and the number of correctly completed questions. It should be noted that the system provides effective verification and monitoring of educational activities of both an individual student and a whole group, which can be effectively used for independent work and a new form of distance learning [5].

It is important to note that Ukraine has joined the European Education System and should definitely use the advantages of the electronic survey system in the organization of the educational process in Higher Education Institutions, and this is the reason for the increasing use of innovative technologies. In addition, applicants who wish to continue their education abroad (where knowledge testing is performed mainly electronically) should get used to it.

Researches results show that the use of an online electronic survey improves the quality of knowledge testing, forms a positive attitude to the subject of study, and objectively and promptly controls the teacher.

Therefore, summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the introduction of mobile technologies into the Education System is becoming more and more necessary. Because due to the irregular rhythm of life, people, university students, in particular, have less and less time for education, and distance learning using mobile devices is becoming indispensable. It implements the principles of open education - flexibility, modularity, independence from place and time, use of modern information and communication technologies; such didactic principles as multimedia, interactivity, accessibility come first.


1. Yevdokymova, V. Didactics of High school. Lecturer. Retrieved from 20The%20essence%2C%20characteristics%20of%20distance%20learning.pdf [in English].

2. Medvedok, N.M. Methods and techniques of distance education. Retrieved from https://www. [in English].

3. Distance learning is modern / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Retrieved from [in English].

4. Kuznekoff, J.Titsworth,S.(2013). The Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Studen t Learning. Communication Education, 62(3), 233 - 252 [in English].

5. Sydorchuk, L.A. (2010). Implementation of information technologies in the educational process of Higher schools. Problems of pedagogical technologies: a collection of scientific papers, 1, 280-286 [in English].


1. V.Yevdokymova Didactics of High school. Lecturer: URL: 20essence %2C %20characteristics %20of %20distance %20learning.pdf

2. N.M. Medvedok Methods and techniques of distance education. URL: https://www.

3. Distance learning is modern / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. URL:

4. J.Kuznekoff, S.Titsworth The Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Student Learning/ J.Kuznekoff, S. Titsworth // Communication Education - 2013. № 62(3). p. 233 - 252.

5. L.A. Sydorchuk Implementation of information technologies in the educational process of Higher schools / L.A. Sydorchuk // Problems of pedagogical technologies: a collection of scientific papers. - Lutsk: LIRoL, 2010. - Issue 1. - P. 280-286

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