The dynamics of the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the components of the model

The structural model of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere is presented. Development of an individual trajectory of professional development. Disadvantages in the activity of a professional direction.

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Дата добавления 04.10.2023
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The dynamics of the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the components of the model

Rabetska Nadiia Leonidivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, Oleksiy Solyanyk


The result of the implementation of the structural model was the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic field. The presented structural model of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere contains all the necessary components of the pedagogical process: the goal, stages, pedagogical conditions of the formation of the specified phenomenon, forms, methods and means of their implementation, components and the final result. It is noted that the model should be understood as a schematic representation, which makes it possible to visually present the components of the educational process aimed at achieving the planned result - the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere in the process of professional training.

The implementation of the presented model involved the gradual introduction of certain pedagogical conditions. The specified process required a combination of appropriate forms (lectures, practical classes, independent work, consultations, extracurricular activities, educational practice), methods (discussions, debates, case studies, role-playing, business, language games, exercises), tools in the educational process (working with scientific and journalistic literature, watching television programs, feature films, using Internet sources).

It should be noted that the development of an individual trajectory of professional development caused significant difficulties for future specialists in the socionomic field. According to the students, they did not see the need to develop such a trajectory, but they agreed that during such work they reflected on their shortcomings in personal and educational activities of a professional direction. In view of this, they were advised to analyze what contributed to the achievement of success or caused failure in the performance of the assigned tasks.

Keywords: future specialists in the socionomic sphere, communicative competence, socionomic activity, pedagogical conditions, model of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere.


Рабецька Надія Леонідівна кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач української мови та літератури, Одеський морехідний фаховий коледж морського та рибопромислового флоту імені Олексія Соляника


Результатом реалізації структурної моделі виступила сформованість комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери. Презентована структурна модель формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери містить усі необхідні складові педагогічного процесу: мету, етапи, педагогічні умови формування зазначеного феномена, форми, методи і засоби їх реалізації, компоненти та кінцевий результат. Зазначено, що моделлю варто розуміти схематичне зображення, що дає змогу наочно представити складники освітнього процесу, спрямованого на досягнення запланованого результату - сформованості комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери у процесі професійної підготовки.

Реалізація презентованої моделі передбачала поетапне впровадження визначених педагогічних умов. Означений процес потребував поєднання в освітньому процесі відповідних форм (лекції, практичні заняття, самостійна робота, консультації, позааудиторні заходи, навчальна практика), методів (дискусії, дискусії, дебати, кейс-стаді, рольові, ділові, мовні ігри, вправи), засобів (робота з науковою і публіцистичною літературою, перегляд телевізійних передач, художніх фільмів, використання Інтернет-джерел).

Слід зазначити, що розробка індивідуальної траєкторії професійного розвитку викликала значні труднощі у майбутніх спеціалістів соціономічної сфери. За словами студентів, вони не бачили необхідності розвивати таку траєкторію, але погодилися, що під час такої роботи вони б розмірковували над своїми недоліками в особистісній та навчальній діяльності професійного спрямування. З огляду на це, їм було рекомендовано проаналізувати, пріоритети досягнення успіху, що стало причиною невиконання поставлених завдань. communicative competence professional

Ключові слова: майбутні фахівці соціономічної сфери, комунікативна компетентність, соціономічна діяльність, педагогічні умови, модель формування комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери.

Formulation of the problem

The theoretical study of the problem of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere made it possible to build a model of the formation of the specified competence in the process of professional training in institutions of higher education.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The problem of communicative competence has been studied in various directions, such as [1 - 4]: the dependence of successful communication on the level of communication competence formation (I. Vizniuk, L. Mamchur), the assimilation of communicative behavior models in the process of co-learning languages and cultures as a basis for the development of a multicultural personality (I. Ivanov, A. Polishchuk), one of the prerequisites for achieving a life goal (T. Volfovska, S. Dolynny^, a component of professional training of students (O. Kolokolova, O. Kravchenko-Dzondza, N. Stetsenko).

Despite a significant number of studies devoted to the problems of professional training of future specialists in the socionomic sphere, the issue of forming their communicative competence remains relevant.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the components of the structural model of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere.

Presentation of research results

By the model we will understand a schematic image that allows to visually present the components of the educational process aimed at achieving the planned result - the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere in the process of professional training (Fig. 1). The implementation of the presented model involved the gradual introduction of certain pedagogical conditions. The specified process required a combination of appropriate forms (lectures, practical classes, independent work, consultations, extracurricular activities, educational practice), methods (discussions, debates, case studies, role-playing, business, language games, exercises), tools in the educational process. (working with scientific and journalistic literature, watching television programs, feature films, using Internet sources).

Socioeconomic activity, according to the definition of I. Viznmk, is an integrated management activity aimed at changing the set of conditions of functioning and development of processes with the aim of achieving their optimal compliance with the interests and needs of individuals or groups of society. Given the fact that socionomic activity is aimed at actualizing the vital resources of an individual and expanding the scope of his social and psychological capabilities in overcoming various problems, it requires the employee to realize a full-fledged professional concept, where his social orientation plays a decisive role [3, p. 6].

It has been established that communicative competence is a complex integral formation of a personality, characterized by developed personal qualities and the presence of knowledge of the norms and rules of communicative behavior in society, practical skills and abilities necessary for constructive interaction with the surrounding people, and the ability to use them in professional activities.

Epistemological, praxeological and subject components are distinguished in the structure of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere, which are interconnected and mutually determined. Each of them affects the ability of future specialists in the socio-economic sphere to organize communicative interaction in further professional activities.

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere are defined:

4 awareness by future specialists of the variability of communicative interaction in the social sphere;

4- arming students with communicative models of behavior in the social sphere; 4- providing pedagogical support for the formation of future specialists in the socionomic sphere as subjects of professional communication.

In terms of research, the statement of N. Ivanova [4] is important, which emphasizes that emotional stability is a rather important quality for workers in socioeconomic professions, since work in the field of interpersonal interaction makes high demands on a person's character and, above all, on his emotional sphere. Emotional self-regulation involves the ability to restrain too strong, unwanted emotional manifestations, arbitrarily and indirectly control the generation, experience and expression of emotions; mastering the methods of stabilizing and toning one's emotional state according to the situation, transforming destructive emotions into constructive ones, that is, promoting productive activities and communication (according to A. Polishchuk [1, p. 83]). In order to carry out emotional selfregulation, according to S. Dolynnyi, the ability to think clearly, to recognize and describe with the help of language the subtlest shades of one's emotional experiences, to be aware of one's own needs behind feelings and emotions, to understand the meaning of emotions, to find meaning even in unpleasant experiences and difficult life circumstances [2, 3].

Fig. 1. Model offormation of communicative competence offuture specialists in the socio-economic sphere

The criteria for evaluating the specified components with the corresponding indicators were chosen: cognitive (awareness of the specifics of professional communication, knowledge of professional terminology, awareness of the specifics of virtual communication, awareness of the essence of communication barriers), activity (availability of speech literacy, presence of perceptual skills, non-verbal communication skills , reflective skills), personal (the presence of communicative tolerance, the presence of emotional self-regulation skills, the presence of empathy, the presence of conflict tolerance) criteria. Qualitative characteristics of the levels of the specified phenomenon (sufficient, satisfactory, low) are given.

It should be noted that at the informational and motivational stage, the pedagogical condition "Awareness by future specialists of the variability of communicative interaction in the social sphere" was implemented, which contributed to the students' acquisition of the necessary knowledge about the essence of communicative competence as an important professional quality of a professional sociologist. The implementation of the indicated pedagogical conditions took place during lectures and practical classes of the special course "Fundamentals of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere" and such educational disciplines as "Introduction to the specialty", "Psychology", "Pedagogy", "Cultural studies", "Ukrainian language ( by professional direction)", which deepened students' knowledge about future professional activities in general and the role of communicative competence, in particular. In addition, debates, discussions, case studies, and independent work were used.

At the practice-oriented stage, the pedagogical condition "Equipping students with communicative models of behavior in the social sphere" was implemented. case studies, role-playing and business games, exercises, situational tasks, language games, etc. were conducted.

The individual development stage provided for the implementation of the pedagogical condition "Ensuring pedagogical support for the formation of future specialists in the socionomic sphere as subjects of professional communication" and was aimed at forming the necessary personal and professional qualities in students. Forms, methods and means of implementation of the mentioned pedagogical condition were group and individual consultations of teachers, performance of individual creative tasks, holding of extra-auditory events (talk shows "One for all", "Honey, we kill children"), training in communicative interaction, etc.

The presented structural model of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere contains all the necessary components of the pedagogical process: the goal, stages, pedagogical conditions of the formation of the specified phenomenon, forms, methods and means of their implementation, components and the final result.

The dynamics of the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to this model at the ascertainment and final stages of the experiment are presented in Fig. 2.

Experimental work was carried out with students of two streams for two years (1-2 courses) with students studying majors: 231 "Social work", 053 "Psychology", 081 "Law" Experimental group, where experimental methods were implemented during the implementation of pedagogical conditions formation of communicative competence was completed by students of the State Institution "Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky" (EG - 120 people). Students of the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko made up the control group (CG - 122 people), who studied according to the traditional program, without the introduction of pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative competence.

Fig. 2. Dynamics of the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere according to the results of the ascertainment and final stages of the experiment (in %)

As can be seen from fig. 2., in the levels of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic field of the experimental group, significant changes took place as a result of targeted work: at a sufficient level, the results increased by 20.0%, at a satisfactory level - by 2.5%, at a low level, the results decreased by 22 .5%.

In the control group, the results were not so noticeable: at a sufficient level, the results increased by 4.1%, at a satisfactory level - by 0.8%, at a low level, the results decreased - by 4.9%.

For a more qualitative analysis of the obtained results, the Kolmogorov- Smirnov ^-criterion was redefined at the final stage of the experiment. The statistical hypothesis H1 was put forward: the difference between the distributions of the control and experimental groups is reliable (taking into account the point of the maximum accumulated discrepancy between them), that is, the empirical distribution of the levels of readiness under study is significantly different. The algorithm for calculating the ^-criterion between the indicators of the control and experimental groups based on the results of the final stage of the experiment was carried out according to the same formulas and in the same order as at the ascertainment stage. The obtained data were entered in Table 1.

Table 1

Calculation of the X criterion when comparing the empirical distributions in the control and experimental groups based on the results of

the final stage of the experiment

Levels Empirical Empirical Accumulated The

frequencies frequencies empirical difference^

frequencies *KG - Zfeg






Zf 'eg

























It should be noted that the development of an individual trajectory of professional development caused significant difficulties for future specialists in the socionomic field. According to the students, they did not see the need to develop such a trajectory, but they agreed that during such work they reflected on their shortcomings in personal and educational activities of a professional direction. In view of this, they were advised to analyze what contributed to the achievement of success or caused failure in the performance of the assigned tasks.


According to the results of the final cut, it was established that communicative competence at a sufficient level is characteristic of 39.2% of future specialists in the socionomic field of EG (it was 19.2%%) and 24.6% of CG (it was 20.5%), at a satisfactory level, 48 .3% of EG students (was 45.8%) and 45.9% of CG (was 45.1%), a low level was witnessed by 12.5% of future EG specialists (was 35.0%) and 29.5% of CG (was 34.4%).

So, on the basis of the obtained results, we come to a conclusion regarding the expediency of implementing pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere in the educational process of higher education institutions.


1. Viznjuk, І. M., Polishhuk, A.S., Dolinnij, S.S. (2022). Agile-retrospektivi destruktivnih chinnikiv vnutrishn'ot konfliktnosti pedagogiv u ZVO [Agile-retrospectives of destructive factors of internal conflict of teachers in higher education institutions]. Vinnicja : Vid-vo TOV «Druk» [in Ukrainian].

2. Busel, V. T. (2005). Velikij tlumachnij slovnik suchasnot ukrams'kot movi (z dod. і dopov.) [Large explanatory dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language (with supplements and additions)]. K.; Іірт' : VTF «Perun» [in Ukrainian].

3. VUnjuk, І. M. (2021). Ekspres-doshdzhennja usphhnosti sodal'nih pradvnikiv v novih umovah prad [Express study of the success of social workers in new working conditions]. Proceedings from I '1: I Mizhnarodna naukovo-praktychna konferentsiia « Aktual'ni problemi realizacit adaptacijnogo potencialu osobistosti v suchasnih umovah zhittєdijal'nosti » - The First International Scientific and Practical Conference « Actual problems of realizing the adaptive potential of the individual in modern life conditions ». (pp. 136-140). Vmnicja [in Ukrainian].

4. fvanova, N. (2016). Motivadja fahrvcja do profesijno'i dijarnosti: ponjattja, zmdt ta funkcn [Motivation of a specialist to professional activity: concept, content and functions]. Visnik Ki'ivs'kogo nacional'nogo universitetu mem Tarasa Shevchenka. Vijs'kovo-special'ni nauki - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. Military special sciences, 1, 21-24 [in Ukrainian].


1. Візнюк І. М., Поліщук А.С., Долинний С.С. Agile-ретроспективи деструктивних чинників внутрішньої конфліктності педагогів у ЗВО : монографія. Вінниця: Вид-во ТОВ «Друк», 2022. 256 с.

2. Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови (з дод. і допов.) / Уклад. і голов. ред. В. Т. Бусел. К.; Ірпінь : ВТФ «Перун», 2005. 1728 с.

3. Візнюк І. М. Експрес-дослідження успішності соціальних працівників в нових умовах праці. Актуальні проблеми реалізації адаптаційного потенціалу особистості в сучасних умовах життєдіяльності: Матеріали І Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Вінниця, 2021. С. 136-140.

4. Іванова Н. Мотивація фахівця до професійної діяльності: поняття, зміст та функції // Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Військово- спеціальні науки, 2016. Вип. 1. С. 21-24.

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