Realization of the level of social and cultural competence in the educational environment

Peculiarities of students' adaptation to the socio-psychological environment in higher education institutions. Socialization of foreign students coming to study in Ukraine. The integrated role of language as a means of interaction of dialogue subjects.

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Дата добавления 08.10.2023
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Vinnytsya Mykola Pyrohov National Medical University

Ukrainian Studies Department

Ivano-Frankivsk National University of Oil and Gas

Social Sciences Department

Uman Pavlo Tychyna State Pedagogical University

Faculty of Ukrainian Philology

Ukrainian Studies and Ukrainian Literature and Relevant Teaching Methodologies Department

Realization of the level of social and cultural competence in the educational environment

N. Kalashnik, Ph.D. (Ped.), Ass. Professor

V. Kravchenko, Ph.D. (Psych.), Ass. Professor

N. Osipenko, Ph.D. (Ped.), Ass. Professor


Intercultural communication has lately been a subject for discussion mainly in the sphere of foreign language teaching. An important idea of this article lies in preserving elements of national culture by foreign students in process of penetrating into local culture with the help of communication. Local language plays its integral role as the basic tool of dialogical interaction. One of the means of supporting the student in his/her spiritual orientation development is participation in amateur art contests, brain-rings, as well as conducting country studies, preparing speeches with interdisciplinary links, creating poster-based presentations for the day of embroidery, analyzing symbols of Ukraine, its holidays and traditions, etc.

Foreign citizens coming to study in Ukraine become the object of socialization. It is noted that one of the important prerequisites for ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process is to take into account the peculiarities of students' adaptation to the socio-psychological environment in the conditions of HEI. It is concluded that the important condition for future professionals with higher education training is to build the learning process on the basis of a competency approach, the essence of which we understand as the learning process focusing on the key and subject competencies development of future professionals.

Keywords: higher education; adaptation; professional adaptation; professional activity; specialist professional training; social and psychological environment.


Реалізація рівня соціальної й культурної компетентності в освітньому середовищі

Н. Калашнік, к.п.н., доцент кафедри українознавства, Вінницького національного медичного університету імені М.І. Пирогова

В. Кравченко, к. психол. н., доцент, завідувач кафедри суспільних наук Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу

Н. Осіпенко, к.п.н., доцент кафедри української літератури, українознавства та методик їх навчання Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини

До недавнього часу проблеми міжкультурної комунікації були предметом дискусій переважно у сфері викладання іноземних мов. У статті звертається увага на тому, що для іноземних студентів міжнаціональне спілкування є залученням до чужої культури при збереженні національних культур. При цьому особлива, інтегрована роль належить мові, яка виступає засобом взаємодії суб'єктів діалогу. Одним із засобів підтримки студента в його духовній орієнтацїї є участь в художній самодiяльностi, проведення країнознавчих брейн-рингів, виступів з використанням міжпредметних зв'язків, підготовка стендових доповідей до дня вишиванки, свята i традиції українців, державні символи України, організація флешмобу "Я - українка!”, "Спадок” тощо.

Іноземні громадяни, що приїжджають на навчання до України стають об'єктом соціалізації. Зазначено, що однією з важливих передумов забезпечення ефективності освітнього процесу є врахування особливостей адаптації студентів до соціально-психологічного середовища в умовах ЗВО. Дійшли висновку, що важливою умовою підготовки майбутніх фахівців з вищою освітою є побудова освітнього процесу на засадах компетентнісного підходу.

Ключові слова: вища освіта; адаптація; професійна адаптація; професійна діяльність; професійна підготовка спеціаліста; соціально-психологічне середовище.


Ukraine's integration into the of future specialists with higher education. Creating European educational and scientific space new conditions for teaching and educating students places new demands on the level of training is aimed at providing better and more comprehensive training of highly qualified specialists. The peculiarity of the current stage of society is the globalization of the world in general, the rapprochement of countries and peoples, strengthening their interaction, changes in values, life prospects, attitudes, needs of people, expanding intercultural contacts in personal and professional spheres, which leads to the transformation of education tasks of preparing young people for life in a multicultural environment, for dialogue and intercultural communication. One of the important aspects of the formation of highly qualified specialists, which helps to increase the efficiency of professional activity of the individual, is communication, through which the transfer of a significant amount of information important for professional decision-making.

In modern conditions, the importance of developing the idea of realization the level of social and cultural competence in the educational environment of higher education institutions is growing. This is especially important for foreign students of higher institutions, who in their future professional activities face various communication barriers caused by differences in social, political, ethnic, educational, religious aspects of the subjects of communication.

Foreign citizens coming to study in Ukraine become the object of socialization. When foreign students come to study in Ukraine, they start getting familiar with Ukraine's culture, its features and the place it takes in the world's cultural diversity. Most of foreign students coming to study in Ukraine know next to nothing about this country. Educational process, professional training, occasional contacts with native speakers, negative stereotypes and poor language knowledge restrain foreign students from acknowledgment of Ukrainian cultural values [3]. Thus, international communication of foreign students includes penetration in guest culture without losing own national identity. Language plays a very special role as a main communication tool for all parties involved into the dialogue.

One of the major problems of modern education is to connect the process of mastering the basics of scientific knowledge with the process of intellect development, skills of self-education, the ability to adjust to the changing realities of professional activity and any other spheres of life. Therefore, foreign language teaching should include not only the linguistic and cross-cultural information, but also educational skills- the ability to apply language skills in different educational situations of professional orientation. Learning foreign languages in non-specialized institutes of higher education should be considered through the prism of the students' future professional activity.

Objective. The practical solution of the challenges facing the medical education system of Ukraine requires proper training of doctors whose competence meets international standards and who are able to effectively solve acute problems of the medical field at a high professional and ethical level in today's difficult environment. According to the Concept of reforming the system of medical training in Ukraine (2005) and bringing it in line with the requirements of the Bologna Declaration, the problems of forming the professional culture of doctors and their competence become a priority [2].

Verbal language is the basic means of communication. It helps extend interaction and share information on ethnic culture among all participants of educational process. The first steps of learning language provide foreign students with primary insight into Ukraine's cultural values. After graduating from higher educational establishment, the future specialist must be highly competitive in the labor market.

Language learning activates cognitive work and helps foreign students integrate into new cultural environment, train socio-cultural speaking skills, and develop linguocultural competence [3]. For the training of foreign students an important component is the formation of intercultural communicative competence, because they live and study in a different cultural and professional space. A successful studying process can be achieved when a teacher of higher education sees not only a student, but a person, a future employee in the chosen specialization.

Analysis of scientific sources and publications. A significant factor in the competence of students of higher medical educational institutions is experience, the ability to professionally apply knowledge in practice. Thus, in modern higher medical education the need to form a new type of future specialist, in particular, a medical student who has the necessary knowledge and skills of effective communication, is able to effectively address communication barriers in a variety of contacts.

Regulations: International Code of Medical Ethics (1949), Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1 950), Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (1992), Declaration on the Principles of Tolerance (1995), Athens Declaration “Intercultural Education: Diversity Management, Strengthening Democracy” (Council of Europe, 2003) [6].

General pedagogical aspects of training future specialists were studied by V. Andrushchenko, G. Vasyanovych, R. Gurevich, I. Zyazyun, M. Kademiya, A. Kolomiets, V. Kremen, O. Matyash, V Shtyfurak, V Shakhov and others; ways of creative professional development of the future specialist's personality - O. Akimova, N. Kichuk, O. Kobernyk, O. Kutsevol, S. Sysoeva, G. Tarasenko; V Mulyar considered the self-realization of the individual as a social problem; M. Sadova psychological components of the potential of self-realization of the individual; G. Milchevska psychological and pedagogical approaches to the study of the problem of personal self-realization of an older adolescent; N. Pilipenko psychological features of self-realization of the personality in the conditions of professional crisis, etc. [8].

Various aspects of the problem of communication and the formation of the style of interpersonal interaction are covered in the study of B. Ananiev, G. Andreeva, L. Batkin, M. Bakhtin, M. Baker, V Bibler, O. Bodalov, M. Buber, G. Vasyanovich, P. Vaclavik, L. Vygotsky, O. Goykhman, V. Goryanina, M. Kagan, V Labunska, O. Leontiev, B. Lomov [4].

In order to clarify the essence of the concept of intercultural communicative competence, we have discussed related concepts. Thus, multicultural education of foreigners was studied by I. Zozulya and defined its essence as an organized and purposeful process of socialization of foreign students, which is based on a modern pedagogical concept that provides knowledge of cultural diversity, respect and dignity of different peoples, regardless of race or ethnicity, origin, perception of the relationship and interaction of the universal and national components of culture and the formation of intercultural communication.

Control over the process and results of learning foreign languages is revealed through the criteria for assessing the coherence of oral monologue speech (I. Andreasyan); controlling function of the teacher in the process of learning oral language (L. Shaverneva); control of monologue and dialogic oral speech (I. Antonov); determining the level of proficiency in a foreign productive language (M. Astvatsatryan, O. Bashmakova); control of the basic level of success (L. Denisova, N. Dogonadze, N. Efremova, E. Zhukova, N. Yelukhina, O. Polyakov, E. Ten, etc.); control of the level of formation of students' communication skills (V Natalin, S. Natalina, B. Paraschuk) [3].

According to Ukrainian scientist S. Goncharenko, foreign culture may be initially imagined as an iceberg. First impressions are based on the top of this iceberg, but the most of cultural phenomena still remains hidden, and incomprehensible for primary perception. Shortage of reliable information about different social surrounding may cause cultural shock [1, 376]. Foreign students who come to study to Ukraine treat their language teachers not only as objects of initial communication, but as specialists helping them in desired quick social and academic adaptation. Communication skills are essential component of the latter. Thus, formation of communication skills is the basic assignment for language teachers. The concept of Ukrainian language communication of medical university foreign students includes all methods and techniques in delivering Ukrainian language lessons, as well as educational and professional lingual communication training of foreign students in medical university [5].

General pedagogical aspects of training future specialists were studied by V. Andrushchenko, G. Vasyanovych, R. Gurevich, I. Zyazyun, M. Kademiya, A. Kolomiets, V. Kremen, O. Matyash, V Shtyfurak, V Shakhov and others; ways of creative professional development of the future specialist's personality - O. Akimova, N. Kichuk, O. Kobernyk, O. Kutsevol, S. Sysoeva, G. Tarasenko; V. Mulyar considered the self-realization of the individual as a social problem; M. Sadova psychological components of the potential of self-realization of the individual; G. Milchevska psychological and pedagogical approaches to the study of the problem of personal self-realization of an older adolescent; N. Pilipenko psychological features of self-realization of the personality in the conditions of professional crisis, etc. [8].

language social psychological adaptation foreign student

Research scientific material

The number of foreign students coming to study in Ukraine is steadily growing. For example, in Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University the number of foreign students (25 different countries) raised from 1,000 to 1,500 in the year, making cultural interaction an important issue [3].

The priority for the university remains: to increase international influence through the spread of Ukrainian culture, language and training of the intellectual elite for foreign countries, because it is our students in the future will represent our university in the international educational arena.

These are young men and women who have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles to become doctors. They differ in religion, ethnic composition, language, culture, but all of them (us) are united by one desire - to learn! And the country they have chosen to realize their desire is really our country - Ukraine [7].

As noted by some authors, socially conditioned elements of the environment (hard work, its irrational regime, working area conditions, housing, food, material security, level of education and culture, socio- legal status), as well as natural factors effect on the driving forces of health, can increase or decrease its level. As a rule, the transition to a new social environment is accompanied by the tension of adaptation mechanisms, and in some cases, there is an overload and breaking. According to domestic experience, “the period of full socio-cultural adaptation in Ukraine from the beginning of training lasts 1-1.5 years”. The current lever for educating ethical norms in future professionals belongs to curators who conduct individual and group discussions and recommendations on success, personal affairs, life problems, health and health care, youth, life and leisure. The success of such conversations happens when there is cooperation and mutual understanding between the curator and the students [7].

Helps to form the personality of the future specialist-foreigner team and traditions that have developed in the school, ethical education, including the organization of student leisure: celebrations for Independence Day, national holidays of the countries from which students came to study, festivals of national creativity student days and dedications to students, which are eagerly awaited by both students and teachers. The official ceremonies of taking the Hippocratic oath, the oath of a doctor and a graduate are a good tradition. This relationship between the creative development of the student and the provision of an atmosphere of high spirituality of the educational institution, contributes to the creation of a friendly psychological climate in the educational environment, designed to encourage students to imitate and desire to create.

Attention is paid to the relationships and mutual influences (psychotherapy) of culture and art, religion, science. Another means of supporting the student in his spiritual orientation is to participate in amateur art, conducting local history brain-rings, brainstorming, various national holidays, open demonstration lectures, speeches with the use of interdisciplinary links, preparation and traditions of Ukrainians, state symbols of Ukraine, organization of a flash mob “I am Ukrainian!” , photo flash mob “Ethno-fashion”, “Beautiful Ukrainian”, “Heritage of the Nation”, “Medicine in the works of Shevchenko“, “Vasyl Stus readings”, Shakespeare's Poetry Days (in the original language), interdepartmental associations with the development of such research topics as : “Medicine and Art”, ''Medicine in Painting”, “Literature and Medicine”, “Music as an Element of Psychotherapy”, “Latin and its application in medicine, in the Ukrainian language”, “The role of Latin in the formation of Latin terminology”, “Historical role of Latin as an international language of science”, “Latinisms on Ukrainian soil” etc. Reading the “Canon of Medical Science” by Abu Ibn Sina, we prove that it is necessary to be interested in the life, culture and science of the peoples whose representatives' study at our university, thus stimulating knowledge not only in medicine but also developing intellectual and creative skills of the future specialist [7].

The task of educating students of future doctors in higher educational institutions (HEI) of Ukraine is to prepare a “man of culture” who is able to work with different types of thinking, where the interaction is the development of intellectual, moral, ethical and aesthetic patterns of behavior and activities. Researchers include folk art, art, non-equivalent vocabulary, and others among the important means of forming students' consciousness. This leads to the introduction of the relevant didactic material in the educational process.

In a dynamically changing world, where the doctor-patient interacts, the future specialist learns their patterns, which are transformed into unique individual images of the world. This meeting of personal meanings and new formations in the individual field of interacting parties, joint creation of a new meaning is a necessary condition for uniqueness, uniqueness of personality development and the basis for the formation of an individual way of life in the modern multicultural world.

The purpose of training in HEI is to prepare for those activities that should be used after graduation. Thus, this approach makes it possible to approach the purpose of education, including professional training, from the real-life tasks, for which the specialist is trained (N. Talizina, N. Pechenyuk, L. Khokhlovsky). As N. Talizina notes, “the quality of professional training of specialists of any profile depends on the degree of validity of the three main nodes: the purpose of training (why teach), the content of training (why teach) and the principles of organization of the educational process (how to teach)”. For students, training is a guideline in self-organization and self-control over the quality of professional mastery [8].

Results of the scientific research. The basis for the mobility of young people, their adaptation to dynamically changing living conditions is readiness, which connects to world achievements, expands opportunities for self-realization in the space of cultures. The importance of professional ethics in the regulation of various types of work is associated with the desire to constantly improve the rules of conduct in accordance with the ever-changing social relations. Therefore, an important component of the training of a modern specialist is the knowledge of normative and professional ethics, which regulates the behavior of people in educational institutions, at work, in public places and more.

General professional training of future physicians is a component of professional training, and its fundamentalization is carried out in three main areas: information, activity and personal and combines all structural and functional components of the pedagogical system: goals, content, process, methods, techniques, forms, personal quality, result. The correlation of global, degree and local goals of professional and general professional training of future physicians and the requirements of today is based on the competence approach.

Competence approach is the basis for ensuring the goals, content and quality of training, considers professional competence as a holistic, dynamic property of the individual, reflecting its value attitude to fundamental and professional disciplines, the ability to study them and willingness to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities in future professional activities [3].

The information approach involves the formation of the ability to navigate in the educational space, to operate with information based on the use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in accordance with the needs of the market for the effective performance of professional duties [6].

Cultural shock is also supplemented by language barrier, climate, different foods and water, peculiarities of gestures and mimics, emotional reactions of local people, national traditions and customs etc. As soon as the process of primary adaptation is over, students focus their attention on the education process. Foreign students continue learning local language (Ukrainian) and other subjects connected with their future profession.


Today, scientists' attention to the relationship between the creative development of the student's personality and the provision of an atmosphere of high spirituality of the educational institution, which encourages young people to imitate and create! Participation of student youth in a scientific circle is another means of personalization of education and support of the student's personality in its spiritual orientation, because a person who is interested in living cannot be indifferent! The only wish is to involve teachers who work with foreign students in extracurricular activities: scientific and cultural activities (writing reports, articles, studying the experience of teachers-innovators, testing, questionnaires, pedagogical observation). Thanks to such cooperation of the teacher-student the cultural level raises [7].

It is recommended to supplement teachers' advanced training programs with topical seminar “Intercultural Communicative Competence in Foreign Students”. The students who demonstrate excellent academic progress, are supposed to be offered individual advanced educational plan and special methodological recommendations based on innovative teaching techniques.

The task of ethics in modern society is to adapt man during his life to the rapid and radical changes in civilization, which is expressed in three directions: to free the mind from unnecessary remnants and unnecessary restrictions; identify, justify and consolidate moral values. Speaking of the influence of medical ethics and deontology, the words of St. Luke are mentioned: “Trust or distrust of the doctor determines the outcome of the disease”.


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    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015

  • Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.

    курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013

  • The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

    реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.

    реферат [543,8 K], добавлен 25.12.2014

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

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