Model of the key components of the pedagogical competence of the English language teacher
The development of English language competence as a condition for training a specialist. Development of a model of components of pedagogical competence of an English language teacher. Use of telecommunications, information technologies in this process.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 804,7 K |
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Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia state pedagogical university
Model of the key components of the pedagogical competence of the English language teacher
Duchenko Anna Vasylivna,
graduate student of the department of pedagogy and professional education and management of educational institutions
Currently, the worldview trend of Ukraine is the active integration of scientists into the educational community, in the context of which there is a need to provide qualified specialists with a high level of English-speaking professional competence. It is about raising the level and quality of training specialists in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, capable of professionally solving the problems facing the state, and capable of protecting its interests.
Analysis of recent research. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the professional pedagogical competence of the English language teacher. It was found that the development of English language competence is a key condition in training a competitive specialist.
In modern society, specialists who have English-speaking skills and abilities are more agile and successful in modern conditions of legal relations. Such teachers effectively carry out a great deal of work, while being at the same time sufficiently socially adapted, and are in great demand among specialists of the global community. However, the issue of English language competence during the professional training of English language teachers is still not studied at a sufficient level.
The model of the key components of the pedagogical competence of the English language teacher is presented, which is determined by the composition of such components as informational, communicative, productive, autonomous, moral, psychological, subject, social, mathematical competence and personal qualities of the teacher. The qualitative language training of education seekers regarding the use of modern educational technologies (multimedia technologies, information and communication, Internet resources in the context of the formation of auditory competence in students) that involve the use of telecommunication and information technologies, in particular, in working with educational computer programs with learning foreign languages and using Internet resources.
Keywords: professional pedagogical competence, English language teacher, competence, model of key components, personal qualities of the teacher.
Дученко Анна Василівна аспірантка кафедри педагогіки і професійної освіти та управляння освітніми закладами, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського
Модель ключових компонентів педагогічної компетентності вчителя англійської мови
Нині світоглядним трендом України є активна інтеграція науковців в освітню спільноту, в контексті якої виникає потреба у забезпеченні кваліфікованих спеціалістів з високим рівнем англомовної професійної компетенції. Йдеться про підвищення рівня та якості підготовки у вищих навчальних закладах України фахівців, здатних професійно вирішувати завдання, що стоять перед державою, захищати її інтереси.
Аналіз останніх досліджень. Мета статті - обґрунтувати особливості професійно-педагогічної компетентності вчителя англійської мови. Виявлено, що розвиток англомовної компетенції є ключовою умовою підготовки конкурентоспроможного фахівця.
У сучасному суспільстві фахівці, які володіють англомовними навичками та навичками, є більш спритними та успішними в сучасних умовах правовідносин. Такі викладачі ефективно виконують велику роботу, водночас є достатньо соціально адаптованими та користуються великим попитом серед фахівців світової спільноти. Проте питання англомовної компетенції під час професійної підготовки вчителя англійської мови досі не вивчено на достатньому рівні.
Представлено модель ключових компонентів педагогічної
компетентності вчителя англійської мови, яка визначається складом таких компонентів, як інформаційна, комунікативна, продуктивна, автономна, морально-психологічна, предметна, соціальна, математична компетентності та особистісні якості вчителя. вчитель. Якісна мовна підготовка здобувачів освіти щодо використання сучасних освітніх технологій (мультимедійних технологій, інформаційно-комунікаційних, Інтернет-ресурсів у контексті формування аудиторної компетентності учнів), що передбачають використання телекомунікаційних та інформаційних технологій, зокрема в робота з навчальними комп'ютерними програмами з вивченням іноземних мов та використання ресурсів Інтернету.
Ключові слова: професійно-педагогічна компетентність, учитель англійської мови, компетентність, модель ключових компонентів, особистісні якості вчителя.
Main part
Formulation of the problem. Ensuring the information needs of state bodies regarding direct participation in the implementation of programs for the integration of Ukrainian higher education into the European and global educational space is conditioned by the need to ensure the professional pedagogical competence of the English language teacher. It is precisely for a deep understanding of the priorities, competences, principles and directions of the reform of domestic higher education, outlining the ways of its integration into the European and world educational space that the need for a harmoniously developed personality, for whom the need to increase the general educational and professional level of fundamental knowledge, is associated with the strengthening of one's state.
Analysis of the basic research and publications. Fundamental changes in the education system are determined by the strategy of anticipatory innovative development and take place in the context of European integration with a focus on fundamental universal values. Modem scientists (Viznrnk I., Dolynnyi S., Polishchuk A., Kademiya M., Nikolay eva S.) carry out practical measures in this direction. A wide implementation of the principles of the Bologna process in the educational sector has been organized [1-4].
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the professional pedagogical competence of the English language teacher.
Presentation of research results. The teacher's professional competence is the result of creative professional activity, an integrated indicator of the teacher's personal and activity essence and a condition for the successful implementation of new state education standards [1, 4].
Competence is a derivative category of the competence approach, which describes an integral personal quality, a cumulative educational result of integrated knowledge, skills and other elements, necessary and sufficient for the implementation of standardized qualified activities of the appropriate level [1, 2].
Competence is the primary static category of the competence approach, which describes the requirements for a discrete result of educational activity - the individual ability of a person to perform a certain socially or professionally significant task - and sets the content of education [3, c. 157].
Competence (competentia) translated from Latin means a range of issues in which a person is well-versed, has certain knowledge and experience. A competent person in the field of pedagogy has the appropriate skills and knowledge that allow him to effectively communicate with participants in the educational process and those who are seeking education. The main professional competencies include the following [2, 4]:
> ability to work independently without guidance;
> the ability to take responsibility on one's own initiative;
> the ability to take initiative without asking others if it should be done;
> willingness to notice problems and look for ways to solve them;
> the ability to analyze new situations and apply existing knowledge for such analysis;
> the ability to get along with others;
> the ability to acquire any knowledge on one's own initiative;
> the ability to make decisions based on sound judgment.
Competence, in turn, is an asset of the individual, determines the quality level, assimilation as a result of training, knowledge, skills and the ability to apply them, based on one's own experience, in the process of carrying out a certain activity. Competence is associated with a certain type of activity, while competence is associated with a person, with his internal qualities and abilities [1, 3].
The teacher's pedagogical competence is the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activities [1, c. 145].
A competent teacher is a specialist who has thorough knowledge of any subject of the school curriculum. A competent teacher organizes pedagogical activity so that it is aimed at obtaining a realized result [2, 3].
Therefore, we understand pedagogical competence as a set of knowledge, abilities, and skills that are needed for the successful implementation of the functions of education, training, and development of a child's personality. A professionally competent person is one who [1, 2, 4]:
> successfully solves tasks and education, prepares a graduate with desired psychological qualities for society;
> satisfied with the profession;
> achieves the desired results in the development of students' personalities;
> has and realizes the perspective of his professional development;
> open for continuous professional training;
> enriches professional experience thanks to personal creative contribution;
> socially active in society;
> devoted to the teaching profession, strives to maintain its honor and dignity, professional ethics even in difficult conditions;
> ready for qualitative and quantitative assessment of her work, knows how to do it herself.
We will present the model of the key components of the pedagogical competence of the English language teacher (Fig. 1), which is determined by the composition of such components as informational, communicative, productive, autonomous, moral, psychological, subject, social, mathematical competence and personal qualities of the teacher. The competence rank of the components of the professional competence of English language teachers is presented according to their numerical composition.
Fig. 1. Model of the key components of the pedagogical competence of the English language teacher
The development of new educational standards for the integration of higher education in Ukraine into the European and world space is conditioned by the presence of such key components of the pedagogical competence of the English language teacher (Fig. 1).
1. Information competence implies the possession of information technologies, the ability to process various types of information. Among them are the skills and abilities to work with printed sources, the ability to obtain information from other sources, to process it in accordance with the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process.
2. Communicative competence (speech, language and socio-cultural) is the ability to engage in communication (communication), to be understood. Communication without restrictions. These skills help to understand others (students, teachers, parents, etc.). Speech competence (the system of knowledge internally acquired by the communicator regarding the functioning of a foreign language, which is manifested in their use in speech activity) involves the ability to perceive and generate foreign language texts in accordance with the set communicative task, which includes the communication situation and communicative intention. This competence is based on ensuring listening, speaking, reading and writing.
3. Productive competence is the ability to work, get results, make decisions and be responsible for them. The majority of scientists put productive competence in the first place among the key competencies of a teacher.
4. Autonomization competence is the ability for self-development, creativity, self-education, self-determination, competitiveness. After all, a teacher first of all learns himself, he is an eternal student.
5. Moral competence is the willingness, ability and need to live according to traditional moral norms.
6. Psychological competence is the ability to use psychological means of learning in the organization of interaction in educational activities.
7. Subject competence is a set of abilities and skills necessary to stimulate the activity of both individual students and the team as a whole. It includes the ability to choose the right style and tone in communication, manage their attention, and the pace of activity.
8. Social competence is the ability to live and work with others.
9. Mathematical competence is the ability to work with numbers and numerical information.
10. The teacher's personal qualities are benevolence, balance, sensitivity, sophistication, tolerance, reflection, humanity, etc.
Thus, the main indicators of a teacher's pedagogical competence include the following: personal qualities, especially psychological and transformative; continuous improvement of general and professional culture; awareness of the teacher's role in the education of a citizen and patriot; search activity of the teacher; mastery of pedagogical research methods; effectiveness of the educational process; construction of own pedagogical experience; active pedagogical activity aimed at transforming the personality of the student and teacher.
Therefore, the professional competence of a teacher is understood as the search activity of a teacher when, based on the base of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as a conscious understanding of his role in society, continuous selfimprovement and self-development of the individual, he provides the optimal option for organizing the educational process in the educational institution with the aim of forming a creative personality. All this can be provided only by a teacher with a high level of professional competence, developed creative abilities, a high level of intelligence and erudition, as well as the ability for continuous education.
A necessary component of the professional competence of an English language teacher is cognitive-technological, which includes the relevant abilities, skills and knowledge. A modern teacher should possess a wide range of pedagogical technologies in the field of studying the speech equivalent, among which there are the following [2, 3, 4]:
> acquisition of solid knowledge, abilities and skills of the language being studied;
>formation of socially valuable behavior; development of technological thinking;
>the ability to perform self-educational activities in the field of foreign languages;
> study of technological discipline in education and general work, etc. That is why foreign language communicative competence is considered by us as a generalizing concept, the content of which is revealed through the characteristics of social, linguistic and communicative competences, which are simultaneously considered as its structural components (components).
In the aspect of this approach, research and experimental work was carried out on the basis of Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky State Pedagogical University in the period of January 2023, in which 73 postgraduate students of the 2nd year of postgraduate studies took part. The age of the participants of the experiment is 22-35 years. Before the start of the study, all participants were informed about the conditions of participation in the study and gave their consent to participate.
For high-quality training of students, in combination with the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the situational nature of tasks was used according to the appropriate action plan, which, along with the main one, should also include alternative options for solving them. That is, the student should be taught to apply theoretical skills to specific conditions. Interactive forms of learning methods are dominant in this: analysis of situations, business games, role playing, etc.
Active learning is highly effective in the training of philologists, English language teachers, based on the following application: «50% of what is seen and heard is remembered at the same time, including 20% of what is heard and 30% of what is seen and 90% - if you see, hear and do yourself, what and ensures wide use of active learning methods.» One such method is the case method. «The essential point that makes the case system… a teaching method of great power is that it turns the student into a more active participant in events,» confirmed W. Donham, dean of the Harvard Business School from 1919 to 1942 [1, 4].
The case method (situation analysis method) is aimed at using the acquired theoretical knowledge, mastering the methodology, and most importantly - at accumulating experience, which no other teaching method provides. A case is a list of events and circumstances, supplemented by knowledge about the environment of a business entity, financial statements, activity reports over a number of years, etc. The results of using this method are presented in Table 1.
The competent level of knowledge of teachers, as can be seen from the table. 1, there is a reproduction in the minds of students of lexical and grammatical knowledge, which are the results of learning the grammatical and lexical systems of the language and the rules of their application. Knowledge of the forms, categories, meanings and semantic relations of the grammatical structure and lexical unit, as well as the ability to adequately apply lexical-grammatical phenomena during pronunciation, ensure the success of constructing fairly coherent and meaningful statements, which is the solution to the communicative task.
Study of the level of intensity of manifestation of linguistic competence of teachers
Intensity of manifestation of teachers' competence |
Levels |
To the experiment |
After the experiment |
Number of people |
% |
Number of people |
% |
High |
5 |
6,85% |
46 |
63,01% |
Average |
19 |
26,02% |
7 |
2,33% |
Low |
33 |
45,2% |
2 |
2,74% |
At the beginning of the study, 33 (45.2%) respondents showed rather low indicators of the competence of teachers regarding the use of grammatical and lexical systems of the language and the rules of their application in the educational process of students, which indicates the lack of prolongation of communicative competences with others at the conversational level. Only 5 (6.85%) students have a high level of intensity of manifestation of linguistic competence in working with English language teachers, which gives them the opportunity to quickly overcome adverse emotional situations during communication in pedagogical interaction classes. The lack of competence is due to a number of strong negative emotions that have an unsatisfactory effect on the general mental state of the individual. In such cases, the average level (19 persons (26.02%)) of intensity of manifestation of teachers' competence prevails. In general, the tendency of students to experience strong emotions due to the lack of a competence approach in learning English dominates.
The application of the case method, the introduction of multimedia technologies, information and communication, and Internet resources in the context of the formation of auditory competence in students attests to an increase in the intensity of the manifestation of the linguistic competence of teachers and their foreign language communicative competence, as can be seen from the results in Table 1. According to what was analyzed high-quality language training of education seekers regarding the use of modern educational technologies, which involve the use of telecommunications and information technology, in particular, in working with educational computer programs for learning foreign languages and using Internet resources.
Conclusion. Thus, foreign language communicative competence is a complex of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as experience in their use, which enables a future English language teacher to effectively and productively use a foreign language to carry out professional activities. This competence is an integral characteristic of professional competence, ensures its successful implementation in various socio-cultural and pedagogical situations, taking into account the specifics of linguistic, social and moral and ethical norms and rules, as well as the demands placed on an experienced user of foreign language communication, and tasks that rely on future foreign language teacher.
english language teacher pedagogical
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