Modern pedagogical tools in foreign languages teaching

The article is devoted to the study the problem of effective and productive foreign language teaching of students. Multimedia technologies appear as a technology and a means of learning in the pedagogical process. Consideration of the principles of use.

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Modern pedagogical tools in foreign languages teaching

Hural O.I.,

Lecturer at the Department of English for Engineerning № 1 National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Demianiuk N.O.,

Lecturer at the Department of English for Engineerning № 1 National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"

Modern pedagogical tools in foreign languages teaching

This article addresses the issue of efficient and productive foreign language teaching to adult learners. Multimedia technology appears to be a technical and teaching aid in the teaching process. They should meet certain methodological requirements. A scholarly analysis of the literature and observations of three private high schools show that some teachers are reluctant to use multimedia in foreign language teaching for some reason, although many of them regard multimedia technology as a widely used interactive teaching method, which can be called to encourage and develop students' creative activities. The article also covers principles of multimedia use, different types of multimedia and technology used in adult education. The article also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using multimedia in adult group foreign language teaching. The authors also share their experience of using multimedia technology in foreign language teaching.

In the conditions of globalization and integration, which have become a necessary part of the cultural and economic life of our societies, the educational systems of all countries, especially those of the Bologna Union, need to be rethought and new teaching methods introduced. need to be developed and used. It mainly concerns the teaching of foreign languages, and with the globalization of education and the development of international programmes, scholarships and educational programs, knowledge of foreign languages has become a key issue for the integration of many exchange students and researchers into local and international communities. Therefore, foreign language teachers are faced with the problem of how to effectively and productively teach foreign languages to students. This article focuses on the role of multimedia in adult education, especially in formal and non-formal education. This article is based on the observations of foreign language teachers and researchers on the use of multimedia in foreign language teaching practice. Many scientists believe that innovation in the education system should be associated with interactive teaching methods. Multimedia technology is a combination of technology and teaching means. These methods are used to stimulate students' creative activity and to shape and develop their professional and sociocultural thinking. Information Technology - is the process of preparing information and transmitting it to learners with the help of computers. Most foreign language teachers turn to so-called "penetrating" computer technology (the use of computers to allow students to study different subjects and subjects); however, in some cases, a single technology can be used, meaning that the entire teaching process is computer-based, including a variety of supervised and individual student work. Key words: interactive methods, multimedia, multimedia competence, educational standards, motivation.


Дана стаття присвячується дослідженню та вирішенню проблеми ефективного та продуктивного навчання іноземним мовам студентів. Мультимедійні технології постають як технологія та засіб навчання в педагогічному процесі. Вони повинні відповідати конкретним методичним вимогам. Аналіз наукової' літератури та спостереження трьох центрів освіти дорослих показали, що деякі вчителі чомусь не бажають використовувати мультимедіа під час навчанням іноземних мов, хоча багато з них вважали мультимедійні технології поширеним інтерактивним методом навчання, покликаним викликати інтерес і розвивати творчу діяльність учнів. У статті також розглядаються принципи використання мультимедіа, різні види мультимедіа та технології, що використовуються в освіті дорослих. У статті також розглядаються переваги та бар'єри використання мультимедіа у навчанні іноземних мов дорослих. Автори також діляться досвідом застосування мультимедійних технологій в процесі навчанні іноземним мовам. language teaching multimedia

В умовах глобалізації та інтеграції, які стали невід'ємними елементами нашого соціокультурного та економічного життя, освітня система кожної країни, особливо тієї, яка є членом Болонського союзу, потребує перегляду та нових методів навчання, котрі потрібно розробляти та використовувати. В основному це стосується викладання іноземних мов, оскільки глобалізація освіти та розвиток міжнародних програм, грантів і освітніх програм роблять знання іноземних мов ключовим моментом для інтеграції багатьох студентів і дослідників за обміном у місцеве та міжнародне співтовариство. Тому перед викладачами іноземної мови постає проблема, як ефективно та продуктивно навчати студентів іноземної мови. Ця робота зосереджена на ролі мультимедіа в освіті дорослих, зокрема у формальній та неформальній освіті.

Стаття ґрунтується на спостереженнях викладачів іноземних мов та дослідників мультимедійної практики навчання іноземних мов. Багато науковців вважають, що інновації в системі освіти мають бути пов'язані з інтерактивними методами навчання. Мультимедійні технології - це поєднання технічних і дидактичних засобів навчання. Ці методи спрямовані на активізацію творчої діяльності студентів, формування та розвиток їх професійного та соціокультурного мислення. Інформаційні технології - це процес підготовки та передачі інформації учневі за допомогою комп'ютера. Більшість викладачів іноземних мов звертаються до т. зв "проникаючих" комп'ютерних технологій (використання комп'ютера для вивчення учнями різних предметів і предметів); проте в окремих випадках можливе застосування монотехнології, яка передбачає, що весь навчальний процес здійснюється за допомогою комп'ютера з урахуванням усіх видів контролю та індивідуальної роботи студента.

Ключові слова: інтерактивні методи, мультимедіа, мультимедійні компетентності, освітні стандарти, мотивація.

The global expansion of information potential has led to a reorganization of education in the areas of providing new levels of quality of educational services and forming flexible systems of training graduates of educational institutions to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions. Therefore, one of the tasks of today's education system is to educate people to live an information-rich bilingual life in order to create the conditions for continuous personal development. One type of such technology is multimedia technology. Multimedia is a new information technology, that is, a set of technologies, methods, and types for the production, processing, storage, and transmission of audio-visual information based on various storage devices.

Modern ICT and related media products have realized a series of audience influence functions. On the one hand, this versatility opens up a wide range of possible uses for foreign language teaching. On the other hand, this situation requires teachers to use ICT for detailed planning and a clear understanding of lesson objectives.

Multimedia technology is one of the fastest growing fields of information technology today. This is mainly because multimedia is the interaction of audiovisual effects under the management of interactive software using modern technology and software tools; they combine text, sound, graphics, photos, video into digital representations. In practice, information and communication technologies are used directly at all stages of the preparation and implementation of the English language program. In summary form, Table 1 presents data on the use of ICT, plug-ins (macros) used in Microsoft Word, test cases.

As can be seen from the table, ICT can be used at any stage of the course. The choice of a particular tool depends on at least the following factors:

- technical support for the educational process of a specific educational institution;

- the level of readiness of teachers and students to use ICT;

- stability of program work, reliable storage of results of student and teacher activities;

- software support complies with the license agreement in accordance with applicable law.

The effectiveness of educational materials in influencing students depends largely on the class and level of visual performance. The visual saturation of the educational material makes it vivid and eye-catching, helping to enhance the learning process.

Table 1

Use of programs in preparing and teaching English language lessons


Stage of the lesson, the purpose of use


Power Point Presentation

- Activation of vocabulary units on the topic;

- Phonics exercises;

- Introducing new vocabulary items


Video and audio files

- student motivation for learning activities;

- development of listening, speaking and writing skills.


Word Document

- tests to check current level of knowledge assimilation, skill formation, mastery of vocabulary material, etc., followed by printing on a network printer;

- create printed materials for distribution (texts with different types of missing parts, sudoku puzzles, crossword puzzles, scanwords, etc.).


Infographics from the Internet

- activation of vocabulary items;

- assimilation of grammatical phenomena;

- description of drawings;

- speech situation modeling, monologue and dialogue development of presentation skills;

- training in the use of vocabulary and grammar material.


Thematic communities in social networks

- distance Education;

- inform about the possibility of using links to relevant sources in the network;

- publication of the results of control inspections and audits;

- logging the "Live Journal".

Computer presentations can draw students' attention to important moments of the information being taught and create vivid, spectacular images in the form of illustrations, diagrams, schemes, graphic compositions, and more. Presentation can directly affect different types of memory: visual, auditory, emotional, and in some cases motor [2, p. 31].

Modeling a real, authentic environment using the resources of the Internet contributes not only to more effective language acquisition, but also allows us to understand the deep law of cultural unity and diversity.

However, the problem of information selection that we encounter in students' independent work should not be forgotten, since the pages that students can use at home are not reviewed, and almost all of them are aimed at adults. A teacher cannot prohibit the use of gadgets and this or that website, but he can set a search frame and recommend certain websites, while channeling the modern childish "gadget addiction" to support the educational process [3, p. 110].

Since multimedia resources can be presented in different formats, their use makes it easier for consumers to perceive information. The use of multimedia not only presents information in the form of text, but can also be accompanied by audio data or video clips.

Technology is often seen as automatically supporting learner autonomy. However, it can also prevent you from doing so. The way technology is used and the degree to which technology controls the learner is crucial. Today, second language learning is often conducted away from the target language community through interaction with information systems (tutorials and educational software, group word processing, interactive video programs, email, the World Wide Web, etc.).

Do language teachers use multimedia in non-formal education? In autumn 2013, different language classes were held in three private high schools (Turku, Finland). Learners come from a variety of ages and nationalities. In 30 percent of observation sessions, teachers actively used PowerPoint to explain grammatical material, and Internet sources such as YouTube to play songs or Google to search for information on the topic.

Most teachers used the SMART board to check their home/class assignments or to present new material. One teacher reported that the language group had its own Facebook page where students systematically posted messages or materials in the target language. Another Internet application mentioned by one of the teachers was Moodle, to which the electronic course material was sent by the teacher and available to the students.

At the University of Economics (Turku, Finland), in formal teaching, Finnish language teachers find the use of multimedia very useful and effective, time-saving, interactive and motivating. For many teachers, the use of multimedia is a natural thing, especially if the educational institution has the right equipment for it. One of the authors of the article, sharing her experience with the use of multimedia in her Finnish language course, draws attention to the following multimedia means that can be used in language teaching.

* Word - when writing notes. This way the student can see everything the teacher has written. This also allows teachers to save notes and send/download them to students. This is fine for beginners (since they don't know how to write in a foreign language, so it will take a lot of time), but advanced users should take their own notes.

PowerPoint - explaining grammar or introducing vocabulary with pictures - Sometimes very time consuming for teachers when giving good presentations in a pedagogical manner - Use PowerPoint in group work presentations. This allows students to create their own material and is therefore more motivated.

Email - Stay in touch with students. Sometimes this is very time consuming. Sometimes students ask for homework or notes. If they missed class and did not notify the teacher in advance, the teacher felt it was his duty to make the students do their homework.

In some classes, the teacher automatically sends assignments to everyone in the group, but when I have 7 groups twice a week, the emails are too much.

Moodle - Used to notify students of upcoming exams and homework. The teacher downloads the PPT file there and lets the students copy it by themselves. This takes more time, but is more efficient when taught in a school.

Facebook - The teacher created a public Facebook group for Finnish students. It's called Summer University, but anyone can attend. There she posts about culture (e.g. holidays), some curiosities about grammar or vocabulary, and students can ask questions or post interesting links. This resource can informally motivate students to find information on their own. It's not very time consuming so far, but it's possible.

www - You tube: play songs or other materials to practice vocabulary, grammar or to inspire conversation - Websites of various organizations for learning Finnish and self-study. Students cannot know which sites are good, especially at the beginner level, so the teacher can recommend suitable sites

Google: Find information on various topics (teachers should always check information to make sure it is appropriate before showing it to students).

Smartphones - the teacher allowed students to use their phones to access an online dictionary and use flashcards to create their own dictionaries (quiz) - she also asked students to complete IRL (real life) tasks: for example, they had to go to the supermarket and ask about items s price. They have to be filmed with a smartphone, and then the teacher and students watch it together.

Online classes - It has been trained by a company and can take private lessons online. The company uses a program that allows students and teachers to "meet" in online classes. The room has a chat function, webcam and microphone. The program combines online and face-to-face classes.

Observations show that more than half of the teachers are confident in using multimedia in Chinese class; they demonstrate good computer skills and efficient time management when using multimedia. However, the study shows that not all language teachers use multimedia technology in adult education centers.

The teachers explained their reluctance to use the technology as follows:

1) Seniors are not interested in computer technology and getting them involved in multimedia lessons is a cumbersome process;

2) Classrooms are not equipped with computer technology;

3) Teachers do not have computer skills;

4) Teachers prefer specific methods that do not require the use of multimedia, such as B. Grammar translation, due to lack of professional qualifications or pedagogical research;

5) Teachers claim that adult learners are autonomous and can direct their language learning.

Adult learners can practice autonomy to a certain extent, but they cannot take responsibility for their own learning because they do not know the language they are learning. It is the job of teachers and technology to effectively guide students. The teacher is no longer seen as a mentor and imparter of knowledge; instead, it is a facilitator of interaction among students and a guide of learning. Little argues that information systems will develop learner autonomy, enabling them to facilitate mutual interaction and (through interaction) reflection on language and language learning. Thus, "inhuman" information systems have the potential to promote a very human trait - autonomy. To strengthen the two-way relationship between language learning and language use, the capabilities of information systems need to be critically considered to facilitate externalization and clearly define metaprocesses..

The use of multimedia in order to repeat, generalize and systematize knowledge allows not only to create a specific, visual representation of the researched topic, phenomenon or event, but also to supplement known knowledge with new data. There is not only a process of learning, recreating and explaining what is already known, but also deepening knowledge. When working with the program, it is important to focus on the most difficult part to learn in order to intensify the students' independent exploration activity.

The use of multimedia technologies has a positive impact on several aspects of the learning process:

- stimulates cognitive aspects of learning, such as perception and awareness of information;

- increases motivation to learn;

- develops the ability to work in a team and collective cognition;

- it shapes a deeper understanding of the studied material thanks to the complex interaction of different types of information.

The basis of the learning process is foreign language communication, which is at the same time the goal of learning, the main means and the conditions for realizing learning. Communicating in a foreign language runs through the entire learning process.

It is difficult to imagine modern learning models without the use of the latest English language teaching technology, that is, without the use of multimedia learning aids and multimedia learning technologies [1, p. 197].

Therefore, there are many advantages to using ICT, but computerization cannot be overused. "Usability standards" for computer use in the classroom are necessary. Certain computer technologies are appropriate if they enable learning outcomes that would not be possible without the use of the technology.

The teacher's dexterity and ease of use in the classroom makes it possible to turn multimedia into a fun and informative tool for personal projects, search activities, and use of knowledge acquired in the classroom and after study outside the institution.

It must be mentioned that when using multimedia, oral teaching methods are often replaced by searching and creative activities of teachers and students. There are many advantages that cannot replace the teacher in the classroom; no computer equipment or program can check and correct students' spoken English, no computer can greet the class like a teacher, and encourage students to have an enjoyable learning process. The use of multimedia resources and lesson plans must be coordinated with classical faceto-face instruction at all stages of the course.

Multimedia technologies cannot have an educational impact without teachers. They are teaching tools whose effectiveness depends on the ability of teachers to use this multimedia to achieve specific teaching goals. The computer is not the teacher in the teaching process; it is an available resource that helps teachers expand instructional opportunities. Summarizing, it can be said that the element of multimedia culture penetrates more and more in our daily activity. However, the modern educational process using various types of multimedia devices and programs cannot do without a teacher. Teachers should be flexible to accept the trend of modern education.

Educational institutions should monitor the quality and quantity of the use of multimedia in language teaching and organize dedicated training and consultation for teachers to support their professional development and intentions to use multimedia technologies in foreign language teaching.


1. Vasyanovych G. P. Information Technologies for the Qualitative and Available Education. Selected works: in seven volumes. Vol. 5: the collection of scientific works. 2015. P. 197-198.

2. Information and Communication Technologies of Teaching: Psychological, pedagogical, and didactic aspects of implementation: materials of the regional scientific and practical Internet conference. Kirovohrad, April 13, 2011. 81 p.

3. Zhaldak M. I., Shut M. I. Multimedia Systems as the Means of the Interactive Learning. 2012. Р 110.

4. Little D. Freedom to learn and compulsion to interact: Promoting learner autonomy through the use of information systems and information technologies. Hong Kong, China. 1996. P. 203-218.

5. Simmons D. A study of strategy use in independent learners. Hong Kong, China.1996. P. 61-75.

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