Conditions for the formation of positive motivation in non-linguistic students when teaching a foreign language
Types of motivation, factors of its formation in the paradigm of foreign language learning by students of technical specialties. The importance of the grammatical aspect of the listening technique, motivation for learning a specific foreign language.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 16,1 K |
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Conditions for the formation of positive motivation in non-linguistic students when teaching a foreign language
Передумови формування позитивної мотивації у студентів технічних спеціальностей на уроках іноземної мови
Lakiychuk O.V.,
Lecturer at the Department of English for Engineering № 2 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Medkova O.N.,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of English for Engineering № 2 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Nikitina N.S.,
Lecturer at the Department of English for Engineering № 2 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
There is a growing demand for hands-on English since the scope of the professional mobility, tourism and travel are developing, the processes of educational migration are also growing. However, due to experience, it can be concluded that students entering a non-linguistic university are primarily oriented for specialty disciplines. Many future economists, marketers, managers, engineers find it difficult to speak foreign languages and leran other humanitarian disciplines. Therefore, English is often is the last in the list of important disciplines and he does not attach great importance. However, already in senior years, students begin to understand that the economy is developing on a global scale, and a foreign language becomes a means of learning experience and advanced technologies, an essential tool for professional development, and academic mobility as well as one of the ways to become in demand specialist
Motivation is not something abstract when it comes to our desire to achieve something in life or study. Motivation is mostly an integral part of our consciousness, and therefore when a person wants to achieve something, under the influence of motivation, he will move and act to achieve what he wants. Nevertheless, quite often students of non-linguistic majors, who perceive foreign language classes as optional, encounter with a lack of motivation to learn a specific foreign language.
The program in foreign languages for universities of non-linguistic specialties provides for the development of students' language competence, which is understood as the ability to use the linguistic system in order to communicate and in accordance with the situation.
Thus, there is a contradiction between objective necessity and the real state of affairs, since training in a foreign language in a non-linguistic university does not meet the requirements of today and necessitates the optimization of the teaching system in this discipline.
Students of non-language faculties often face low motivation, because they believe that they will not have to use a foreign language in the process of working in their main professional field. Nevertheless, in the light of recent events and significant European integration of many, if not all, types of industry, it is a foreign language that will be the key to professional success.
That is why this article considers the types of motivation, its reasons and aspects in the paradigm of foreign language learning by students of technical specialties.
In the process of learning a foreign language, in addition to studying the grammatical aspect or listening techniques, the motivation to learn a specific foreign language can be a more serious challenge.
Key words: positive motivation, learning foreign languages, non-linguistic students.
В даний час зростає потреба практичного володіння іноземною мовою, оскільки збільшуються масштаби професійної мобільності, розвиваються туризм та подорожі, посилюються процеси освітньої міграції. Однак зі свого досвіду можна зробити висновок, що студенти, які вступають до немов- ного вузу, насамперед орієнтовані на дисципліни спеціальності. Багатьом майбутнім економістам, маркетологам, менеджерам, інженерам складно даються іноземні мови та інші гуманітарні дисципліни. Тому іноземна мова часто виявляється на останньому місці у списку важливих дисциплін і йому не надають великого значення. Проте вже на старших курсах студенти починають розуміти, що економіка розвивається у глобальному масштабі, та англійська мова стає засобом вивчення досвіду та передових технологій, необхідним інструментом професійного розвитку, а академічна мобільність - одним із способів стати затребуваним спеціалістом.
Мотивація не є чимось абстрактним, коли річ заходить про наші бажання чогось досягти у житті чи навчанні. Мотивація здебільшого являється невідємною частиною нашої свідомості, і тому коли людина хоче чогось досягти, під впливом мотивації вона буде рухатись та діяти, щоб досягти бажаного.
Тим не менше досить часто студенти немовних спеціальностей, які сприймають заняття з іноземної мови як факультатив, зтикаються з відсутністю мотивації вивчення конкретної іноземної мови. Програма з іноземних мов для вузів немовних спеціальностей передбачає розвиток у студентів мовної компетенції, під якою розуміється вміння користуватися лінгвістичною системою з метою спілкування та відповідно до ситуації.
Відтак, існує суперечність між об'єктивною необхідністю та реальним станом справ, оскільки підготовка з іноземної мови у немовному виші не задовольняє вимогам сьогодення та викликає необхідність оптимізації системи викладання з цієї дисципліни.
Студенти немовних факультетів найчастіше зтикаються з низькою мотивацією, оскільки вважають, що їм не доведеться задіяти іноземну мову у процесі роботи за їх основним професійним напрямком. Тим не менше у світлі останніх подій та значної євроінтеграції багатьох, якщо не усіх, видів промисловості, саме іноземна мова буде тим ключиком на шляху до професійного успіху.
Саме тому дана стаття розглядає види мотивації, її причини та аспекти у парадигмі вивчення іноземної мови студентами технічних спеціальностей.
В процесі вивчення іноземної мови, окрім вивчення граматичного аспекту чи методики аудіювання, більш серйозним викликом може стати сама мотивація до вивчення конкретної іноземної мови.
Ключові слова: позитивна мотивація, викладання іноземних мов, студенти нелінг- вістичного профілю.
Formulation of the problem
motivation learning foreign language
Recently, there has been an expansion of professional contacts in the world. The exchange of information is becoming much freer, more educational, methodological, and thus scientific literature, which is published today abroad, provides an accessible enrichment of information to specialists from different countries, and in addition, allows you to communicate on various topic- sat an international level. Learning foreign languages helps strengthen cultural, professional and educational contacts. Based on this, we need specialists who would have mastered a foreign language at the required level.
The purpose of the article. The purpose of this work is a theoretical justification compliance with the necessary set of conditions to achieve positive motivation of students of a non-linguistic university in the process of learning a foreign language. The article compares the internal and external motives of this pedagogical problems, emphasizes the importance of using active and interactive forms of education to achieve the set goals. Approaches that increase motivation to learn a foreign language in a non-linguis- tic university are described. Results of the studies of motivation in a non-linguistic university emphasize the need for its modeling in the process of studying a foreign language. The results obtained indicate the importance of creating conditions for motivation for students of non-linguistic universities.
Thus, the higher institutions of Ukraine bear the responsibility of improving the efficiency of training and optimizing the initial and learning activity of students. The process of improving the preparation of future professionals lies in the factors of making this process easier.
Higher education motivation plays, of course, a decisive role, therefore special attention devoted to the problems of its formation. Even a highly qualified teacher will not be able to achieve the desired result if his efforts which are not there aligned with the motivational basis of the educational process.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The democratization of society and the growth of national self-awareness in the country led to a radical rethinking of the tasks set for the higher educational institution. The main objectives of teaching a foreign language are: the implementation of a personal-activity approach and the formation of sustainable positive motivation in learning activities. Based on the fundamental thesis of domestic (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, B.I. Dodonov, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.N. Leontiev, A.K. Markova, L. S. Rubenshtein, E. I. Savonko, P. M. Yakobson) and foreign (J. Bruner, D. Berlein, I. Lingart, M. Fumadel, etc.) researchers on the role of motivation in activities, including educational activities that motivation is one of the most important tools for managing students' learning activities, we consider it relevant to find ways to manage students' motivation in the context of foreign language speech activity.
Motivational aspect of training psychologists and educators added significant respect to their practices: M. Alekseeva, L. Bozhovich, O. Kovalyov, G. Kostyuk, A. Markova, V. Merlin, S. Rubinstein, I. Sinitsa, V. Sukhomlinsky and others. Forming process positive initial motivation of students is shown in scientific research Y. Babansky, V. Bogoslovsky, L. Vasilenko, A. Vinogradova, V. Galuzyak, V. Davidov, D. Elkonin, M. Zabrotsky, Y. Ilyina, S. Maksimenka, T. Matis, M. Milman.
Presentation of the main material
Scientists V.E. Andreeva and G.L. Ilyin considered the problem of teaching speaking based on professional text and communication. In order to activate the cognitive activity of students, scientists have proposed a model of educational role-playing games and a problem-communicative approach [2, 4]. According to scientists, the main role in learning a foreign language play approaches in learning, interest in the subject, as well as the state of teaching aids.
We can conclude that the combination of these factors influences the development of motives for learning activities that affect a foreign language. Consequently, we can say that each student has his own level of formation motivation. So, A.K. Markova identifies 6 levels of motivation formation when learning a foreign language. In each level, she highlights 4 blocks: motivational, target, cognitive and emotional. We are most interested in motivational and cognitive blocks, which are presented in the theory of A.K. Markova. According to the type of attitude to teaching, she distinguishes the following levels [8, p. 145]:
- negative attitude - lack of interest in the process and content of learning, inadequate control and self-assessment of educational activities.
- neutral (passive) attitude - passivity in new situations and conditions, unformed motives for external results.
- positive (situational) attitude - a deep cognitive interest in the teacher, the assimilation of new knowledge, the fulfillment of tasks.
- positive (cognitive, conscious) attitude - independent setting of goals and motives, the ability to apply new knowledge in familiar situations, self-control, self-esteem.
Research by scientists is mainly carried out in two main directions: study of the influence of motivation on activity, change of activity depending on the student's actualization of various motives; study of the impact of activities on formation of the motivational sphere. However, it should be noted that despite extensive coverage of various aspects of the studied problem, the issue of increasing students' motivation for learning of each individual discipline remains insufficiently studied in the domestic one science The problem of motivation for studying philology students also requires separate consideration.
Thus, the relevance of the general issue determined our goal scientific intelligence, namely: to determine ways to increase students' motivation of philological specialties of pedagogical universities before mastering the linguistics of the text.
The level of educational motivation activity is one of the determining factors in the successful acquisition of professional skills and abilities by philology students. According to modern scientists, study of the problem of increasing educational and cognitive motivation activity at the university makes it possible to make many aspects the object of study inner life of the student: his interests, values and convictions, motives activities, abilities, knowledge, abilities, skills that will be developed in the future his professional competence [8, p. 121].
In scientific theory and practice, it is customary to distinguish between the concepts of "motive" and "motivation". The first is a rather complex phenomenon that scientists interpret differently. E. Ilyin defines it as a complex psychological formation that encourages conscious actions and deeds, and is also the basis for these actions [5, p. 211]. S. Honcharenko characterizes the motive as the motivating cause of actions, deeds of a person, aimed at satisfying needs [3, p. 47]. O. Leontiev analyzes this term as a materialized need, i.e. aspiration and desire to possess something specific (diploma of higher education, specialty, language, etc.). An unobjectified need is not yet a motive because it does not determine character activity, because it does not have an object to which the action is directed.
External and internal motives can be distinguished. Scientists distinguish 2 types of motivation when learning a foreign language, namely instrumental and integrative. In our opinion, external motivation is instrumental, and internal motivation is integrative [1, 3, 5].
Instrumental motivation is reflected in external needs and promotes because the student is studying a foreign language because money, careers, etc. For the student, the goal of study foreign language becomes not a personal desire, but an external necessity.
The structure of students' educational motivation combines external and
internal motives (polymotivation of educational and cognitive activity).
External motives are:
- the desire to get a certain development in education;
- acquisition of new knowledge, abilities and skills;
- interaction with classmates;
- trying to be a leader or gain prestige;
- desire to be in the center of attention;
- desire to receive encouragement [6, p. 12].
The internal motives of educational and cognitive activity include:
- cognitive motives, or motives embedded in the educational and cognitive activity itself (based on students' interest in the content of the material,
what is being studied);
- motives for achievement, based on the desire for success and avoiding failures (broad social motives (motives of duty to the people of Ukraine, comrades, parents, etc.);
- motives of self-determination (understanding of the role knowledge, abilities and skills for future professional activity and success in it, etc.); motives for improvement; selfish motives (trying to get encouragement, high grades, striving to be the best among peers);
- negative motives (trying to avoid difficult relations with teachers, comrades) [2, p. 312].
We are of the opinion that integrative motivation reflects the internal needs of the student and is related to the internal motivation when mastering a foreign language.
Scientist S.T Hryhoryan distinguishes the following types of integrative motivation: communicative, linguistic-cognitive, and instrumental [3, p. 29]. According to scientists, we mean proactive participation by communicative motivation student in the community, both in class and in free time.
Linguistic-cognitive motivation means a positive attitude of students to language material. Formation such motivation can occur both indirectly and directly. The first method (mediated) is achieved at the expense of communicative motivation, and the second (indirect) - by stimulating students' search activity in language material [3, p. 42].
According to M.E. Kuzovleva, who examined the system of motives and "anti-motives" in students, we can conclude that the structure of motivation in learning a foreign language has changed. It is interesting that "antimotives" they fade into the background and generally disappear. This connected with the fact that students realize the importance a foreign language for your future life. In the central place is motivation, which is connected with the prospects of personal development, which are comparable to professional growth. In connection with this, a new motive appears - to marry a foreigner. Scientists are alarmed, that there is a disappearance of motivation, which it is generated by the very educational activity, as well as internal integrative motivation.
At the same time, there is an opinion that can explain to us this phenomenon with which we can not fully agree, integrative motivation (activity for the sake of the activity itself) has much more influence if the student is in a foreign language environment, and instrumental motivation is necessary when a foreign language is studied at a university. We stick to it of the opinion that both types of motivation are important if the teacher can effectively combine them these two types of motivation, the student will be able to harmoniously master a foreign language [3, p. 32].
H. Rosenfeld defines the following factors of learning motivation:
- learning for the sake of learning, without or without pleasure from the activityinterest in the discipline;
- study without personal interests and benefits;
- training for social identification;
- learning for the sake of success or fear of failure;
- training under compulsion or pressure;
- learning based on concepts and moral obligations or on
generally accepted norms;
- education based on a social purpose, requirements and values [5. p. 55].
We will consider the specific conditions for the formation of motivation for learning a foreign language at the university.
I. Formation of students' motivation based on the content of professional competencies based on the principles of contextual learning. The creation is sufficiently complete and an adequate idea of one's future profession.
2. Application of active and interactive teaching methods.
3. The content of the educational material corresponds to the abilities and needs of the students.
4. Formation of a personal attitude to the future profession with the help of tasks and exercises used in foreign classes tongue
5. Using interactive teaching methods to support "communicative motivation".
The formation of motivation is influenced by taking into account the specifics of future professional activity, we need to stop on the characteristics of the professional activity itself. Among the most central features of professional activity, most authors distinguish a high degree of social competence, reflexivity, empathic abilities, and the ability to clearly and specifically formulate problems [7, p. 93].
Summarizing all of the above, it was found that in order to form a positive motivation of students of a non-linguistic university when teaching a foreign language, the following conditions must be observed, which can have a positive effect on motivation learning a foreign language:
1) conditions conducive to the formation of internal motivation in the study of a foreign language language,
2) conditions conducive to the formation external motivation when learning a foreign language,
3) conditions conducive to the formation of positive motivation in general,
4) the conditions that the teacher contributes to, etc.
5) conditions that have a positive impact on the motivation of learning activities.
The considered conditions seem to be sufficient for the effective formation of a positive motivation for learning among students of a non-linguistic university when teaching a foreign language.
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