Creating training content on electrical engineering based on complex models

An approach to the creating training content on electrical engineering course for the professional students' training for engineering specialties. It is proposed a approach based on the development of complex models of the discipline content elements.

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Creating training content on electrical engineering based on complex models

Mykola Lazariev

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

Professor of the Department of Pedagogy,

Methodology and Management of Education,

Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,

Kharkiv, Ukraine,

Hanna Mosiienko

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Physics,

Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering,

Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy,

Kharkiv, Ukraine,


The article outlines an approach to the creating training content on electrical engineering course for the professional students' training for engineering specialties. It is proposed a systematic approach based on the development of complex models of the discipline content elements, which takes into account not only the general scientific components of the object's complex model and its characteristic components, but also the industry-specific features of the electrical equipment use in a particular area of production. It is given an example of the application based on the above approach to the development of a complex model for an electrical device used in industrial equipment.

Keywords: content on the electrical engineering course, complex models, subject area, system approach, sectoral components of the model.


The study of any technical discipline is faced with contradictions between the ideal elements that are used to describe the processes occurring in technical objects and the lack of understanding of the real physical implementation of these elements in the subject area. This applies both to the general technical disciplines in the mechanotechnical or electrical engineering areas, and to special disciplines which use idealized elements for specific industrial devices. And, as a result, there are difficulties to apply the knowledge practically, for example, in electrical engineering for solving specific professional problems.

Models building of electrical devices is a necessary thing, it is an important and rather complex task, without which it is impossible to study the properties, characteristics, energy dependencies and behavior of an electrical device in specific operating conditions.

Brief review of publications on the topic

According to the terminology of modeling theory, a model is a conditional image of the object of study, which is created in such a way as to reflect the structure, properties, relationships, parameters of the object that are essential for the researcher. Thus, modeling is one of the most effective methods for studying real-life objects on their models [1, 2, 15, 17]. The purpose of modeling is to obtain explanations of the phenomena (processes) that occur in objects, as well as to predict phenomena that are of interest to the researcher [3, 4].

The classification of models implies their difference according to certain characteristics. So, among the most common types of models, there are three types: mathematical models, graphical (topological) models, models according to the type of description language - information models [3]. In our case, the information model can be classified as a system-information model, taking into account the use of a systematic approach in the process of its formation.

The aim. The aim of the study is to develop the structure of a generalized complex model to describe electrical devices as objects of industrial equipment and to form, on its basis, a professionally oriented content for the study of electrical engineering. engineering course complex model

Results and its discussion

The creation of a single structure for a generalized complex model to describe electrical engineering objects will greatly simplify the development of a large number of models for describing specific electrical devices of industrial equipment.

To build a complex model for an electrical device, we single out three components (components), which we denote as system-information, topological, and computational (mathematical).

Next, we determine the content of the indicated components of the complex model. To do this, we divide the process of building a complex three-component model (according to the number of components) into three stages.

Let us consider the process of building the components of the training content model on electrical engineering for the future engineers of electro technical specialties.

At the first stage, we develop the first component (component) - system- information.

The construction of an information model consists, in our case, to select information entities (a special class of real objects and processes) from the variety of electrical devices (a special class of real objects and processes) [5], their attributes and relationships between them.

Information modeling is the process of describing or building a model of a subject area in that form or format that, firstly, is easily perceived by a person, and secondly, can be easily converted into a set of specific informational elements.

Among such information elements, the following can be distinguished [6]:

1. Definition of the content element (entity).

2. Purpose and variants of modifications.

3. Device, composition, set of elementary components.

4. The principle of operation, defining physical laws.

5. Working conditions, interaction with the environment.

6. Parameters and characteristics.

7. The field of application implementation of specific features.

At the stage of developing the system-information component of the model, we will use the method of constructing a generalized, universal model of the object under study O [6-8], choosing from the whole set of features of a real object only those that allow us to formulate the conditions for creating a holistic model of an electrical device for an industrial equipment:

O = {R, S, D, H},

where O - electro technical object in the industrial sector;

R {Ri, R2 ,..., Ri} - a set of features that determine the purpose and use of an electrical object;

S {Si, S2 ,., Sn} - a set of features that determine the structure, composition, structure or design of an electrical object;

D {Di, D2Dm} - a set of features that determine the principle of operation

and features of the functioning of an electrical object;

H {Hi, H2 ,..., Hk} - a set of features that determine the parameters, characteristics and properties of an electrical object.

The composition of the set of attributes can include both attributes of general and special purpose of an object or process, for example, respectively, Rg, Rs [9].

At the second stage, we consider the construction of the topological component of the complex model.

The purpose of modeling at this stage is that, based on the results obtained at the first stage, it is necessary to: determine the structure of the topological model, draw up an equivalent circuit for a real object, determine the components of the equivalent circuit represented by ideal elements of electrical engineering and determine the connections between them.

Modern requirements for electrical devices lead to their increasing complexity. The composition of such devices increasingly includes electronic elements, elements of automatic control and regulation, and in the nomenclature of devices they act as complete electrical devices for industrial equipment. To determine the parameters of the elements that correspond to the optimal operating modes of such complex circuits, it is necessary to conduct a general analysis of the operation of the electrical circuit. For this, the so-called symbolic methods for analyzing electrical circuits are widely used, which are based on the use of matrix algebra, graph theory and set theory [10]. But in our case, we consider the construction of a topological model of an electrical circuit as an equivalent diagram of the relationships of parameters that characterize a particular device in real operating conditions, that is, we need an equivalent circuit for a physical object. The importance of the equivalent circuit for the analysis of the circuit operation is due to the fact that we have the opportunity to obtain circuit connections between elements, as well as a high degree of formalization. The most important task is to consider options for possible schemes depending on the operating conditions and modes [16].

The characteristics of real two-pole elements of the resistor, inductor and capacitor differ from the characteristics of ideal elements. This happens because there are power losses in the wires, conductors and dielectric of the capacitor, the magnetic circuit of the coil, as well as from the influence of the accompanying parameters of the elements. These phenomena are taken into account in equivalent circuits by additional ideal elements that are connected in series or in parallel with respect to the main parameter characterizing the physical object.

Power losses in the dielectric of the capacitor and in the magnetic circuit of the coil, which occur in alternating electromagnetic fields, are approximately proportional to the square of the effective voltage value. Therefore, to take into account these losses, resistive elements are introduced into the equivalent circuits of devices, which are connected in parallel to the main element.

Losses in wires, coil windings and capacitor plates are taken into account by series- connected resistive elements, since these losses are proportional to the square of the effective current value in the device. It must be taken into account that, since the losses in the dielectric and in the magnetic circuit are functions of frequency, the resistance values that take into account these losses will also be frequency-dependent [11].

At the third stage, we create the calculation component of the complex model.

The calculation component implies the existence of a specific task for calculating the necessary parameters, modes, characteristics, operational values that you need to know to solve production problems for the operation, modernization, and improvement of industrial equipment.

In fact, the calculation component is a mathematical model, which is a system of mathematical expressions that describe the characteristics of the modeling object.

Based on this information, we present the structure of a generalized complex three-component model of the elements for a system that professionally oriented content for the study of electrical engineering (Fig. 1).

As an example of the implementation of the proposed systematic approach to modeling physical objects, let us consider the phased construction of a three- component complex model of a real electrical device. To do this, we will give an example of building a complex model of a capacitor - an electrical element of industrial equipment devices used in various industries.

Capacitors are widely used in electrical engineering. They are used in filters as energy storage devices, in power supplies as reactive power compensators, in power electronics devices as switching elements, and in many other cases when an element with the parameter C - capacitance is required for the operation of an electrical circuit. The main classification of capacitors is carried out according to the type of dielectric used. The type of dielectric determines the main performance characteristics of the capacitor: electrical parameters, insulation resistance, capacitance stability, loss, and others.

Fig. 1. The structure of the generalized complex three-component model of the system elements professionally oriented content for the study of electrical engineering

Depending on the purpose, capacitors can be divided into general purpose and special purpose capacitors. General purpose capacitors are used in almost most types of electrical devices. Traditionally, they include the most common low-voltage capacitors, for which there are no special requirements. The others capacitors are considered special. They include high-voltage, pulse, dosimetric, starting, and other capacitors. In this case, we will consider the construction of a general-purpose capacitor model, which is widely used in various electrical circuits.

At the first stage, we will consider the construction of a system-information component according to the main features of a physical object. The results of the construction are given in Table 1.

Table 1.

System Information Component

Type of information feature

The content of the information feature



A number

R - features

Rg1 - the creation of a capacitance, a parameter that is characterized by the ability to accumulate electric charges;

Rg2 - creation of an electric field in the surrounding space;

Rg3 - limiting the rate of change of voltage in the electrical circuit; Rs1 - providing the necessary modes of operation of the electrical object.

A number

S - features

Sgi - plates made from conductive material;

Sg2 - is a dielectric placed between the plates;

Sg3 - leads or clamps;

Ss1 - housing for placing the components of the capacitor.

A number

D - features

Dgi - creation of own electric field;

Dg2 - creation of reactive resistance in the electrical circuit of alternating current;

Dg3 - providing a negative phase angle between current and voltage in the AC circuit;

Ds1 - is the polarity of the capacitor.

A number

Н - features

Hg1 - capacity;

Hg2 - current;

Hg3 - voltage;

Hg4 - impedance;

Hg5 - phase angle;

Hg6 - reactive power;

Hg7 - frequency-dependent reactance;

Hs1 - weight and size parameters;

Hs2 - RF parameters.

To build a topological component of a complex model for a capacitor, we consider possible equivalent circuits, the composition of which depends on the characteristics of the power source and the features of the operating mode of the electrical circuit (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Capacitor equivalent circuits (topological component)

The capacitor can be represented by one parameter (Fig. 2, a). This is an ideal capacitor, which in the equivalent circuit (Ng1) has only the main parameter - capacitance C. If the accompanying parameters cannot be neglected, more complex equivalent circuits are proposed [12]. For low, medium and high frequencies, the schemes (Ng2, Ng3, Ng4) are used, shown in Fig. 2, b, c, d, respectively, or the generalized circuit Nsi in Fig. 2, e. They additionally introduced: Rd - resistance, taking into account losses in the dielectric; Rt - is the resistance of the terminals and terminals of the capacitor, Lt - is the inductance of the terminals and the internal inductance, which depends on the manufacturing technology of the capacitor. For example, paper capacitors have a fairly significant inductance.

The higher the required accuracy of calculations, the more factors must be taken into account and the more complex the form will be equivalent circuit for each element [12].

At the third stage of modeling, a calculation model of an electrical device is formed. It contains the main mathematical dependencies (Mg, Ms) that determine the parameters of the capacitor and describe the electromagnetic processes occurring in this device [11-13]. The results of the formation of the calculated component for the complex model are given in Table 2.

Table 2.

Calculated component

The given variants of complex models of a capacitor as an element of electrical devices for industrial equipment cannot fully take into account the whole variety of operating modes and the specific operating conditions of these devices. For example, when a capacitor operates in dynamic modes (a switching capacitor in a power electronics converter), the topological and computational components of the complex model become much more complicated [14]. It should also be noted that for capacitors, which are characterized by a strong dependence of tgd on temperature and frequency (capacitors with a polar dielectric), this dependence must be taken into account when calculating the power loss of the capacitor.


An approach to the formation of a three-component complex model of elements and devices for the electrical equipment is considered, which can be applied to build a model for any real element in the electrical engineering. This method makes it possible to formalize the modeling process by combining its main fragments based on the proposed system approach.

Further research can be direct to build real elements models of electrical circuits for industrial equipment. It is also promising to use this method in the process of developing the content of teaching electrical engineering and the formation of professionally important qualities for future engineers of various specialties.


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