Formation of professional foreign language speech skills of medical specialists by means of game modeling
Improvement of the integral pedagogical process of the higher educational institution. Description of technology of game modeling, which is used in the practice of teaching medical students and the formation of their professional communication skills.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 29,6 K |
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Obstetrics and Gynecology International European University
Odesa National Medical University
Rusalkina L.H., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Grigoriev E., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Lazor N., Senior Lector at the Department of Philosophy,
Bioethics and Foreign Languages
game modeling pedagogical educational
The article contains a description of the technology of game modeling, which is used in the practice of teaching medical students and the formation of their professional communication skills. The business game is an effective method of forming professional skills and abilities and contributes to the quality of specialist training as a whole. Knowledge of a foreign language is a professional necessity for many professionals. Medical specialists are no exception. The specificity of their professional activity is to help people to be treated from diseases, as well as to save their health, and often their lives.
The urgent task of the higher school is to train highly qualified specialists who would meet the ever-growing needs of modern society and be competitive on the labor market. The improvement of the integral pedagogical process of the higher educational institution, its technologization, which is carried out through the introduction of new modern learning and education technologies, innovative methods of activating the educational and cognitive activity of students, is of great importance in its solution.
Relatively recently, business games have entered our lives, which have recently been widely used in higher education as an important didactic method that intensifies the learning process and closely connects it with practical activities. Practitioners consider it as a method of active learning, which is based on imitation, modeling, reproduction of a real production situation in a game form. In it, each participant plays a role, performs actions similar to the behavior of a teacher and a student. The business game is used as a method of practical training, serves as a means of learning moral and ethical norms, mastering the skills and abilities of making adequate decisions in imaginary professional situations.
Key words: medical specialists, business games, foreign language speech skills.
Стаття містить опис технології ігрового моделювання, яка використовується в практиці навчання студентів-медиків та формування у них професійних комунікативних навичок. Ділова гра є ефективним методом формування професійних умінь і навичок і сприяє підвищенню якості підготовки спеціаліста в цілому. Знання іноземної мови є професійною необхідністю для багатьох фахівців. Медичні спеціалісти не є винятком. Специфіка їхньої професійної діяльності полягає в тому, щоб допомагати людям лікуватися від хвороб, а також рятувати їхнє здоров'я, а часто й життя.
Актуальним завданням вищої' школи є підготовка висококваліфікованих спеціалістів, які відповідали б постійно зростаючим потребам сучасного суспільства та були конкурентоспроможними на ринку праці. Велике значення в її вирішенні має вдосконалення цілісного педагогічного процесу вищого навчального закладу, його технологізація, яка здійснюється шляхом впровадження нових сучасних технологій навчання і виховання, інноваційних методів активізації навчально-пізнавальної діяльності студентів.
Відносно недавно в наше життя увійшли ділові ігри, які останнім часом широко використовуються у вищій школі як важливий дидактичний метод, що активізує процес навчання і тісно пов'язує його з практичною діяльністю. Практики розглядають його як метод активного навчання, в основі якого лежить імітація, моделювання, відтворення реальної виробничої ситуації в ігровій формі. Кожен учасник грає свою роль, виконує дії, схожі на поведінку викладача і здобувача вищої' освіти. Ділова гра використовується як метод практичної підготовки, служить засобом засвоєння морально-етичних норм, оволодіння вміннями та навичками прийняття адекватних рішень в уявних професійних ситуаціях.
Ключові слова: медичні спеціалісти, ділові ігри, навички іншомовного мовлення.
It is known that graduates of Ukrainian universities of various specialties, such as: therapists, cardiologists, surgeons, neurologists, who are undergoing training or working abroad must be able to provide qualified medical care to every patient regardless of his age, social status, nationality. Obviously, treatment does not consist only in diagnosis, pharmacological prescription, medical manipulations, and also involves the ability to establish contact with the patient, listen to him, sympathize, and calm him down.
The intensive development of education is directly related to innovations that relate to the process of forming the professional skills of a modern doctor. As you know, professional decisions form the basis of doctors' activities. A professional decision is a creative, volitional action of the subject on the basis of knowledge of the objective laws of the functioning of a certain system and the analysis of information about its state, which consists in choosing the goal, program and methods of collective activity to solve the problem [1, 5, 6].
When making professional decisions, models and quantitative methods are most often used: modeling, experimentation, economic-mathematical, sociological dimensions, etc. The theory is the basis of games, modeling for making a professional decision, representing a method of modeling, assessing the impact of a decision on the professional situation. One of the types of game models is a business game [8].
The business game is understood as the process of working out and making a decision in conditions of step-by-step clarification of the necessary factors, analysis of information that is additionally received and processed at individual stages of the game. Step-bystep constraint parameters can change, in connection with which new and new production situations arise, the solution of which must be subordinated to the general purpose of the business game. Unlike other traditional learning methods, business games allow you to more fully reproduce the activities of managers and specialists, to identify problems and their causes based on a systematic approach, to evaluate each of the options for solving the problem, to make a final decision and to determine the mechanism of its implementation. This makes it possible to consider the issue not in general, but as a specific problem arising from the activities of a specific medical institution [2, 6].
One of the requirements of business games in our case is to simulate the most characteristic elements of the doctor's activity, as much as possible approach to reality, which makes it necessary to take into account the specifics and conditions of activity of a particular institution or the corresponding ones structural subdivisions [5].
The advantages of the method of business games are that it allows:
• consider a certain problem in the conditions of a compressed time;
• practicing certain tasks and skills of making decision;
• supplement the theoretical ones obtained during the course of studying
• gaining knowledge during preparation and making professional decisions for orientation in non-standard situations;
• focusing attention on the main aspects of the problem and establishing causal relationships;
• development of mutual understanding between participants.
It is the business game that simulates the real medical process, "set in motion" directly by the participants, their decisions, allows to artificially reproduce realistic, professional and vital significant situations for the doctor. Thus, in the process business game participants experience events in a game form, which allows them to practice professional abilities and skills.
Usually, specialists distinguish such skills that are formed in business game process:
• communicate on a formal and informal basis and interact effectively;
• demonstrate leadership qualities;
• navigate conflict situations and resolve them correctly;
• to receive and process the necessary information, evaluate, compare and assimilate it;
• make decisions in difficult situations;
• manage your time, distribute the work of colleagues, give them the necessary powers, quickly make organizational decisions;
• show business qualities: set long-term goals, use favorable opportunities;
* critically assess the likely consequences of their decisions, in particular mistakes, draw correct conclusions and correct mistakes in a timely manner.
Obviously, all the listed skills are related in any case with professional medical activity. In general, business games aimed at the formation of professional skills contribute to obtaining significant experience regarding decision-making in the real educational process. Developing technology of effective learning, the business game removes contradictions between the abstract nature of the theory and the real nature of professional activity. There are many names and varieties of business games, which may differ in the method of conducting and the set goals: didactic and management games, research and problem-oriented games, organizational-active and reflective-evaluative games, motivational and motivational, psychological, etc.
A special analysis of the ratio of the elements of the business game was carried out in the works of O. Hryshchenko that distinguish eight parameters for designing a business game: modeling; imitation; duality; availability of goals, roles, rules, scenario, evaluation criteria; game interactions of players; analysis and decision-making in a specific situation; practicing professional skills and qualities; an atmosphere of uncertainty and incomplete information.
The above is logically confirmed by the scheme of the business game, which is proposed by L. Romanyshina [7].
The basis of the business game is the creation of simulation and game models. So, the simulation model displays the selected fragment of reality, which can be called a prototype or an object imitation, setting the objective context of professional activity specialist in the educational process. A game model is actually a way of describing the participants' work on the simulation model that conveys social context of professional activity of specialists.
Business games, which are used in the process of developing the communicative competence of future doctors, fulfill certain pedagogical goals of both didactic and educational nature. In particular, the didactic pedagogical goals of the game are to consolidate the system of knowledge in the fields of business game designing; improvement of collective decision-making skills; development of students' communication skills.
In turn, educational pedagogical goals involve motivation of students to creative thinking, developing an attitude towards the practical use of the business game, overcoming the psychological barrier in communication. Game objectives are aimed at developing project options and demonstration of techniques for creating a game context.
The aim of the game is the activity of the game participants, which in a specific form replaces the subject of real professional activity.
The script is the basic element of the game procedure. The scenario of a business game is understood as a description in verbal or graphic form subject content, which is expressed in the nature and sequence of actions of the players, as well as the teacher conducting the game. The script shows the general sequence of the game, indicates the main stages, operations and steps. Our practical experience gives reasons to assert that it is the most expedient to present the game scenario in the form of a block diagram.
The roles and functions of the players should adequately reflect the fragment of professional activity that is modeled in the game. In turn, the rules of the game reflect the characteristics of real processes and phenomena taking place in the prototypes of the simulated reality. At the same time, the rules of the game must reflect the fact that both the models created in the game and the game itself is a simplification of reality.
The game rating system should provide, on the one hand, control the quality of decisions made from the standpoint of norms and requirements of professional activity, and on the other hand, to promote the deployment of gaming plan of educational activities. Evaluation performs functions not only for control, but also for self-control of quasi-professional activities, ensures the formation of game, cognitive and professional motivation of participants of the business game [7].
As for methodical and technical support, these components also have a significant impact on the gameplay, its efficiency and participant satisfaction. It is important that the business game involves various types of interaction: physical interaction of participants, movement during the game, working in groups, drawing, gesturing, etc., social such as choosing an interaction strategy, dialogues, discussions, and cognitive which include formulating a problem, choosing options of problem solving, project development, etc. When developing a general scenario, it is important to fully immerse the participants in the game, evenly distribute the game task, apply the technique of group competition, simulate a realistic and relevant situation [4, 8].
In the process of conducting business games, the following difficulties were noted:
• relative complexity of its preparation;
• lack of formalized criteria that allow making the assessment more objective and comparing it with the real one actually the expected result;
• the impossibility of observing a clear consistent single business game algorithm;
• the correct organization of the business game with clearly established time and regulations for its implementation.
As a rule, the results of the business game are not repeated because each of them is a kind of experiment. At the same time, there are mandatory conditions in the offered business games. They imply attention - the student must think only about the game, focus on what is happening in the group or subgroup, because then it would be necessary to catch up and divert the attention of others; inclusion - it is necessary to immediately enter the game; involvement - all students in subgroups work together, follow each other's opinion and are tolerant to the statements of others, even when it does not coincide with their own reasoning; scalability - the participants of the game see the problem and ways to solve it without taking into account the strict framework of laws, regulations, instructions, which makes it possible to expand the framework of conducting business games and ensures the relaxation of every student. In such a situation, as a rule, new ideas appear that can be adapted to practical actions; own manifestation - each participant of the game tries to manifest himself, to make his own contribution to solving the problem.
The practice of conducting business games and specific situations proves that the responsibilities of teachers include the need to bring to main points and conclusions of the participants of the game, give clear justifications, demonstrate their achievements to the participants of the game and pay attention to wrong decisions and mistakes.
The principle of game situations in education is not new. In fact, situational problems, which have firmly entered the arsenal of methodical tools, is a preliminary stage to business games. It is based on a scenario that reproduces the situation of professional activity in detail. Each participant of the game receives and fulfills his official functionrole. The initial situation is explained orally by the teacher or communicated in writing. Its development is ensured sequential introduction of additional tasks that need to be solved promptly. The effectiveness of the game is determined by the teacher, who must direct its course, specify, supplement, control, accept different opinions, adjust wrong decisions.
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