The concept of professionalism: pedagogical review
The peculiarity of a professional reaching the pinnacle of mastery in his field. Stimulating the need for professional self-development, development of pedagogical abilities and activation of training and advanced training of the new generation.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.10.2023 |
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Academy of the State penitentiary service
The concept of professionalism: pedagogical review
Shenderuk Olena Borysivna Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages Department
Borysenko Iryna Vasylivna Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Assistant Professor, Head of Foreign Languages Department
The concept of "professionalism" is a very multifaceted and multicomponent and multivector issue that needs clarification and specification. Being a professional in your field is the goal of any individual. Therefore, the arrangement of this concept is important for study and understanding in order to achieve the pinnacle of mastery of one's business, stimulate the need for professional self-development, development of pedagogical abilities and enlargering professional skills. A professional has thorough general cultural, professional, psychological and pedagogical, methodical training, endowed with philosophical, psychological and pedagogical thinking, informational and research culture, universally educated, erudite and creative. Scientists who study the peculiarities of professionalism approach from different positions to the definition of the qualification and personal qualities of a teacher (or "competencies") and highlight a certain set of these properties that are important for the development of professionalism. Despite the huge number of definitions of this concept, there is still no unified point of view regarding its definition. Western researchers distinguish narrow and broad professionalism (Bradfoot). Some researchers consider professionalism as a system of qualities acquired during professional training, the ability to think and act professionally (I. Pidlasy and S. Trypolska); professionalism of knowledge as the basis of professionalism in general (T. Kolodko); as the combination of intensive activity and the result of work, that is, a high level of its productivity (I. Petrovska); as a professional competence (L. Kaidalova, N. Shchokina, T. Vakhrusheva). Based on the study of different pedagogical views on the concept of "professionalism", we define this problem as a complex personal formation that combines professional and pedagogical knowledge, abilities, skills, non-standard professional actions, constant desire to update and expand the pedagogical horizons and develop creative abilities, as well as the need for pedagogical innovations.
Keywords: professionalism, pedagogical professionalism, qualification, professional and pedagogical knowledge, abilities, skills.
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Поняття професіоналізму: педагогічний огляд
Шендерук Олена Борисівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов
Борисенко Ірина Василівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри іноземних мов
м. Чернігів
Поняття "професіоналізм" є дуже багатогранним, багатокомпонентним та багатовекторним, а отже потребує уточнення та конкретизації. Бути професіоналом своєї справи - мета будь-якої особистості. Тому огляд цього поняття є досить важливим для його вивчення та розуміння з метою досягнення вершин майстерності у своїй справі, стимулювання потреби у професійному саморозвитку, розвитку педагогічних здібностей та активізації підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації нової генерації. Професіонал має ґрунтовну загальнокультурну, фахову, психолого- педагогічну, методичну підготовку, володіє філософським, психолого- педагогічним мисленням, інформаційною та дослідницькою культурою, універсально освічений, ерудований та творчий. Науковці, які досліджують особливості професіоналізму, з різних позицій підходять до визначення кваліфікаційних та особистісних якостей педагога (або "компетенцій") і виділяють певний набір цих властивостей, які є важливими для розвитку професіоналізму. Незважаючи на величезну кількість визначень цього поняття, досі не існує єдиної точки зору щодо його визначення. Західні дослідники виділяють вузький і широкий професіоналізм (Bradfoot). Деякі дослідники розглядають професіоналізм як систему якостей, набутих під час професійної підготовки, здатність професійно мислити та діяти (І. Підласий, С. Трипольська); інші розглядають професіоналізм знань як основу професіоналізму в цілому (Т. Колодько); як поєднання інтенсивної діяльності та результату праці, тобто високий рівень її продуктивності (І. Петровська); як професійну компетентність (Л. Кайдалова, Н. Щокіна, Т. Вахрушева). На основі вивчення різних педагогічних поглядів стосовно поняття "професіоналізм" ми визначаємо цю проблему як складне особистісне утворення, що поєднує професійно-педагогічні знання, уміння, навички, нестандартні професійні дії, постійне прагнення до оновлення та розширення педагогічного кругозору та розвитку творчих здібностей, а також потребу в педагогічних інноваціях.
Ключові слова: професіоналізм, педагогічний професіоналізм, кваліфікація, професійно-педагогічні знання, уміння, навички.
As a category, pedagogical professionalism is related to profession of a teacher, and its appearance can be considered both in the context of continuous pedagogical education and in the context of requirements for teacher training. The genesis of professionalism in society is connected with development and specialization of professional activity. Professionalism issue is a problem that has always been relevant because this concept is identified with development. Society and state are changing, and along with them, the demands for teachers, lecturers, educators are also changing.
However, this phenomenon reflecting the dynamics of scientific research has not sufficiently understood and conceptually substantiated yet. This concept has been extensively concerned as education urgency and has been improved along the growth of educational needs. Until now, the problems of forming the foundations of professionalism have not been sufficiently resolved, the meaningful components of their general cultural training have not been sufficiently proved, and programs for improving teachers' professionalism have not been tested.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the essence, content and structure of foundations in professionalism as a scientific category.
Findings of the Study. The problem of pedagogical professionalism was the subject of research of many scientists, namely: I. Bagaev, O. Bodalov, V. Butkevich, T. Venediktov, N. Guziy, A. Derkach, N. Kostilyov, Yu. Kulyutkin, A. Markov, I. Podlasyi, I. Prodanov, G. Sagach, V. Sinenko, V. Slastyonin, G. Sukhobska, T. Sushchenko and others. All of them considered these or those aspects of professionalism. Thus, N. Huziy studied professionalism as a category in the theory and practice of training a future teacher [1]. T. Fedirchyk dealt with the methodological foundations of the development of pedagogical professionalism of university teachers [2].
Our research revealed that the phenomenon of professionalism is so complex that it is quite difficult to give a single definition that would characterize all its multifacetedness, and there are practically as many definitions of this concept as there are people who have studied this phenomenon. So, for example, according to some researchers, such as T. Kharchenko, the basis of professionalism is the personality of the reflective practitioner [3, P. 166]. The category "professionalism" will be studied only in pedagogical contexts in this article.
There are interesting facts concerning the studied phenomenon made by Western researchers. It should be noted right away that the term and concept of "profession" is used mainly for prestigious occupations in the field of medicine, law, and architecture. With regard to other types of activity, "calling" and "vocation" are widely used in the sense of mastery of a certain set of skills.Thus, in the 70s of the XXth century, "narrow professionalism" and "broad professionalism" were introduced into scientific circulation.
Fig. 1 Western model of the concept ''professionalism ”
The Western researcher Bradfoot distinguishes the following differences between these two concepts. Narrow professionalism consists of skills derived from experience; the field of activity is limited in time and space; events in the classroom are perceived and considered in isolation from the environment; the teacher's values are based on his autonomy; professional development includes attending a specific course; teaching is seen as an intuition-based activity. And the broad one provides the following conditions: skills are derived from a combination of theory and practice; the field of activity involves a broad social context of education; events in the classroom take place and are considered according to school policy; the teacher's values are professional cooperation; active work on professional development, including the study of theory; teaching is considered as a pedagogically expedient activity [4]. Of course, these definitions cannot be considered as a standard, but these criteria allow us to understand the essence of the movement for the professionalization of pedagogical work in Western Europe, as well as to compare these characteristics in different socio-cultural contexts. It can be concluded that in any socio and cultural space there are these two phenomena: narrow and broad professionalism, the use of which depends on a specific goal that determines and directs the movement of pedagogical work.
A little bit different point of view can be found in papers of N. Huzii, who developed her own model construction of this phenomenon. Pedagogical professionalism, in her opinion, should be determined by the integrity of personal and activity manifestations of the phenomenon as organically interdependent subsystems, and its conceptual scheme by the unity of professionalism of pedagogical activity and professionalism of the teacher's personality as key components. The development of professionalism, according to N. Guzii, involves the implementation of an invariant hierarchical model of multi-level professional growth. That is, in order to achieve professionalism, each person should go from a beginner specialist to a skilled worker-master; creator, researcher and, ultimately, a professional [1]. professional mastery pedagogical ability
Some scholars, such as I. Pidlasy and S. Trypolska consider professionalism as a system of qualities acquired during professional training, the ability to think and act professionally. The main qualities of an "ideal teacher", scientists include: physical health and high work capacity; balance of mental processes; calm character and strong will; initiative; organizational abilities and skills; high level of general education and proper professional training; striving for self-improvement; knowledge of related human sciences; knowledge of subject teaching methods; knowledge of the latest achievements of science; understanding students and the ability to communicate with them; possession of modern learning and education technologies; discipline and responsibility; social activity [5, p. 3-9.].
Also, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, T. Kolodko denies that professionalism of knowledge is the foundation of professionalism in general. According to her work, professionalism of knowledge incluses:
complexity in the synthesis of information;
personal vision in the presentation of the material;
formation of knowledge at different levels (theoretical, methodical, technological) [6, P. 67].
The researcher notes that the role of pedagogical professionalism can be determined through the ratio of the philosophical categories of "essential" and "proper". Among the most important socio-individual characteristics of pedagogical professionalism, she refers to the teacher's competence, which integrates the personal and operational aspects of this concept. Agreeing with other scientists who studied this phenomenon, she emphasizes the fact that professionalism is a complex concept that cannot be reduced either to the teacher's abilities or knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, or to an ensemble of personal traits [6, P. 5].
Associate Professor of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" I. Petrovska has been identified professionalism as a combination of intensive activity and the result of work, that is, a high level of its productivity, and singles out three components of professionalism:
professionalism of knowledge;
professionalism of communication;
professionalism of self-improvement.
Among them, she pays special attention to the professionalism of knowledge, as she considers it the basis of professionalism in general, although she notes that in pedagogical activity these structural elements are interconnected and mutually determined. The absence of one of these three elements indicates the lack of formation of pedagogical professionalism. In addition, the concept of professionalism, in her opinion, can be measured [7, P. 61].
There is a considerable amount of literature where modern Ukrainian researchers who consider professionalism as a component of pedagogical skill. Thus, L. Kaidalova, N. Shchokin, and T. Vakhrushev in their cutting edge paper "Teacher's Pedagogical Skill" equate this concept with professional competence. The professionalism of a teacher, according to these scientists, means a set of psychophysiological, mental and personal changes that occur in a person in the process of mastering knowledge and provide a qualitatively new, higher level of solving complex professional tasks. "Pedagogical professionalism is a teacher's ability to think and act professionally. It covers a set of professional properties and personality qualities of a teacher that meet the requirements of the teaching profession; possession of the necessary means that provide not only pedagogical influence on the pupil, but also interaction, cooperation and co-creation with him", they claim [8, P. 5].
L. Pukhovska provides similar views on this problem. It should be noted that the term "professionalism" is a modern interpretation of the traditionally used concepts "mastery" and "qualification", she believes. [9, P. 8].
Researcher N. Kropotova argues that professionalism is a complex integrated property of the individual, which must be interpreted through the concept of individual professional culture, in which the variety of elements of individual consciousness is recorded, the corresponding subject and social contexts are reflected, which directly and indirectly affect the worldview of the professional, his understanding of the world around him, its modeling and creative transformation [10, P. 49]
According to N. Dolgaya, professionalism is a psychological and personal formation that is characterized not so much by professional knowledge and skills but by the art of posing and solving professional tasks [11, P. 251].
Another approach can be found in the works of O. Prokhorov. In his opinion, professionalism is an integrated quality that is the result of long-term pedagogical activity and determines a high level of labor productivity [12, p. 405-409].
We find similar thoughts in the textbook by H. Meshko: "Professionalism is an integrated quality of a teacher, the result of his creative pedagogical activity, the ability to productively and competently solve social, professional and personal tasks"[13].
According to V. Tyurina, professionalism of a teacher should be understood as "systemic integral quality, a combination of pedagogical competence, pedagogical mastery and professionally significant personality qualities, high preparedness for the competent performance of pedagogical tasks in the process of professional activity" [14, P. 84].
For O. Bryukhovetska, A. Kudusova, V. Semichenko, O. Snisarenko pedagogical professionalism is a "measure of pedagogical culture" that reflects the "unity of knowledge, methodical skills, language culture, personal qualities, pedagogical technique, tact and optimism» [15, P. 535].
Professionalism as skill is considered by S. Ivanova; as a certain level of mastery by Yu. Babanskyi; as "self-education" and "self-education" by K. Levitan.
O. Hura considers professionalism as competence.
Researcher O. Kyrychenko considers pedagogical skill as a component of professionalism. She believes that professionalism is the ability to see and formulate pedagogical tasks based on the analysis of pedagogical situations and find optimal ways to solve them. Among the general signs of professionalism, the researcher includes the possession of special knowledge about the purpose, content, object and means of work; possession of special skills in the implementation of the activity process at all its stages; special properties of personality and character, which allow to carry out the process of activity and obtain positive results [16, P. 64].
V. Sipchenko, speaking about professionalism, notes that professionalism is an integrative quality of the personality that is formed in the process of activity. The researcher attributes a high level of practical readiness to solving professional tasks in the real pedagogical process to the main criterion of professionalism. According to him, professionalism is also the result of long, painstaking, creative pedagogical activity [17].
There is also an opinion among teachers that professionalism should be considered more broadly than just a set of professional characteristics and personal qualities. Thus, L. Kondrashova says that professionalism also consists of a set of certain means (intellectual, moral and spiritual). She understands professionalism as a complex characteristic, a systematic personal education that combines professional knowledge, abilities, skills, and personal qualities that characterize pedagogical work and act as a driving force for solving professional pedagogical tasks.
According to Yu. Pizhuk, pedagogical professionalism consists of three blocks: general cultural; psychological and pedagogical; and subject - technological.
Based on his opinion, we highlight the following components of teacher professionalism:
- pedagogical thinking;
pedagogical abilities;
professional knowledge and skills;
the culture of pedagogical communication;
individual qualities of the teacher [18].
Pedagogical professionalism can be viewed as an ideal of pedagogical work that motivates a teacher to self-improvement, and as a benchmark that includes an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical activity. A professional teacher is someone who can teach everyone without exception. Modern students need teachers who know how to organize their work according to new educational material, who have modern technologies. And this means that a professional teacher is the first student who constantly engages in self-education. ICT competent teacher is a very important figure in the educational process, as it reaches a new, higher level of pedagogical professionalism, makes the pedagogical process new, oriented towards raising the level of education. In modern conditions, professionalism is characterized by the quality of the teacher's innovations. The main prerequisites for pedagogical professionalism include the teacher's skill and creativity.
Interesting opinions can be found in the monograph of American scientists John Felong, Len Wharton, Sheila Miles, Carolyn Whitin and Geof Whitey. Researchers of the issue of pedagogical professionalism distinguish three key components on which it is based:
responsibility [19, P. 4].
According to these researchers, a person who works in difficult and unforeseen situations can be called a professional. This is someone who can independently solve some difficult tasks.
Thus, the study and understanding of the concept of professionalism shows that views on its essence change depending on time. The carried out analysis of the concept "professionalism" gives us every reason to assert that this phenomenon is a multifaceted, polyfunctional term, which, starting from the second half of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century, has been constantly rethought and clarified in domestic and foreign science. The analysis of interpretations of the concept of professionalism by various authors allows us to conclude that common to all attempts to define professionalism is the understanding of it as the ability of an individual to effectively perform professional functions. We define professionalism as a complex integral formation, which includes a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow to perform activities at the highest level, i.e. professionally.
Most researchers consider professionalism as a set of knowledge, abilities and skills that allow performing relevant professional functions. The category of professionalism is analyzed as multidimensional in terms of content, relationships that arise in the process of activity.
A number of scientists consider professionalism as a holistic personal education, characterized by a complex integral characteristic of the teacher's personality, which involves the possession of generalized methods of action, which make it possible to quickly apply knowledge and skills and interpret them in every situation.
Therefore, all the above-mentioned opinions about the concept of professionalism are very important for the development of pedagogical science and are a great contribution to historical and pedagogical studies. Based on the above, it can be said that professionalism is a complex personal formation that combines professional and pedagogical knowledge, abilities, skills, non-standard professional actions, the desire to constantly update and expand the pedagogical horizons and develop creative abilities, as well as the need for pedagogical innovations.
Pedagogical professionalism can be considered as an ideal of pedagogical work that motivates the teacher to self-improvement, and as a standard that includes an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical activity. A professional teacher is someone who can teach everyone without exception. And this means that a professional teacher is the first student who constantly engages in self-education, reaches a new, higher level of pedagogical professionalism, makes the pedagogical process new, oriented towards raising the level of education.
Thus, scientists use the concept for additional characterization of the level of professional training with the help of personal qualities of a specialist, which is a continuation and refinement of the conceptual thesaurus on the problem of professional training of a teacher. Professionalism is considered as a condition, process and result of the formation of a high level of teacher activity. The content of professionalism is the development of the teacher's personality, his creative forces, abilities, and forms of professional activity.
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19. Teacher Education in Transition: Re-Forming Professionalism? (Developing Teacher Education).
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