The main types of individual work for students of non-linguistics departments
The main goals of students' individual work have been defined, formation of ability to use special documentation, literature, development of students' cognitive abilities and activity, acquisition of skills of solving practical problems, selfdevelopment.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.10.2023 |
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The main types of individual work for students of non-linguistics departments
Anna Kotova
PhD in Pedagogy, docent, associate professor of the English Language Department,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
Kamilla Voronina
PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor at Mykola Lukash Translation Studies Department, Associate Professor at the English Language Department, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University;
Olena Lenska
PhD in Philology, associate professor of the English Language Department,
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University:
Students' individual work is a necessary component of the educational process and allows training specialists who are able to think creatively, make quick decisions when solving unusual situations, individually plan and analyze their own actions. At the same time, for its efficient organization, it is necessary to choose the proper types of individual work that meet the educational goals and fit the level of students' knowledge. So, the article focuses on summarizing types of individual work of students of non- linguistic departments while studying English. The approaches of scientists to determine the essence of individual work have been provided (a component of the learning process which is the work that is performed in a specially designated time without the direct teacher's assistance, but assigned and supervised by the teacher. Individual work is also defined as management of students' cognitive activity by the teacher by means of guidelines, conversations, colloquia, consultations in classes). The main goals of students' individual work have been defined (formation of ability to use special documentation and literature, development of students' cognitive abilities and activity, acquisition of skills of solving practical problems, formation of independent thinking, selfdevelopment, self-improvement and self-fulfillment). The main types of individual work for students of non-linguistic departments have been summarized (individual work on the model: constructive and variable individual work: heuristic individual work: research individual work) and tasks for students of non-linguistic specialties have been provided with the relevant examples. It has been established that individual work on the model should be offered to the students immediately after introducing new material, individual work of constructive and variable type includes the preparation of reports on certain topics according to the scheme offered by the teacher as well as preparation of abstracts in English, use of new lexical or grammatical material in oral speech after its introducing and practicing with the teacher, etc. Heuristic work teaches to individually formulate a learning task and develop a plan for its solution. At this level there is a deeper understanding of phenomena and all kinds of processes and creative activity begins. Continuation of heuristic individual work is the students' research work where they do not use anymore the model suggested by the teacher: instead, they are encouraged to think critically, their activities become of research nature. This type of individual work is used to prepare students for presentations of their scientific papers at conferences.
Key words: individual work, students of non-linguistic departments, types of individual work individual work student individual work
Анна Котова - кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, заступник декана з методичної та інноваційної роботи факультету іноземних мов Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна;
Камілла Вороніна - кандидат філол. наук, доцент, доцент кафедри перекладознавства імені Миколи Лукаша Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна;
Олена Ленська - кандидат філол. наук, доцент кафедри англійської мови Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна;
Самостійна робота студентів є необхідним компонентам освітнього процесу та дозволяє сформувати спеціалістів, які здатні творчо мислити, швидко приймати рішення під час вирішення нестандартних ситуацій, самостійно планувати та аналізувати власні дії. Разом із тим, для ефективної організації самостійної роботи необхідно правильно добирати види самостійної роботи, які відповідають освітнім цілям та рівню знань студентів. Отже, статтю присвячено узагальненню видів самостійної роботи студентів немовних факультетів під час вивчення англійської мови. Узагальнено підходи науковців до визначення сутності самостійної роботи (складник процесу навчання та зазначає, що це така робота, яка виконується у спеціально відведений для цього час без безпосередньої допомоги педагога, але за його завданням та під його контролем; вид індивідуальної навчальної діяльності студентів, що передбачає керування їхньою пізнавальною діяльністю з боку викладача за допомогою методичних вказівок, бесід, колоквіумів, консультацій протягом навчальних занять). Визначено основні цілі самостійної роботи студентів (формування уміння використовувати спеціальну документацію та літературу, розвиток пізнавальних здібностей та активності студентів, набуття навичок вирішення практичних проблем під час здійснення педагогічної діяльності, формування самостійності мислення, саморозвиток, самовдосконалення та самореалізація). Узагальнено основні види самостійної роботи студентів немовних факультетів (самостійна робота за зразком; конструктивно-варіативна самостійна робота; евристична самостійна робота; дослідницька самостійна робота) та проілюстровано завдання для студентів немовних спеціальностей. Установлено, що самостійну роботу за зразком доцільно пропонувати студентам одразу після вивчення нового матеріалу, до самостійної роботи конструктивно-варіативного типу відносять підготовку доповідей на певну тематику за схемою, що була запропонована викладачем; підготовку рефератів англійською мовою; використання нового лексичного або граматичного матеріалу в усному мовленні після його опрацювання з викладачем тощо. Евристичні роботи вчать самостійно формулювати навчальне завдання та розробляти план його рішення. На цьому рівні здійснюється більш глибоке розуміння явищ, процесів і починається творча діяльність. Продовженням евристичних самостійних робіт є дослідницькі роботи студентів, під час виконання яких студенти відходять від зразка, їх діяльність набуває пошукового характеру. Цей вид самосійної роботи використовується під час підготовки студентів до виступів на конференціях або написання наукових статей.
Ключові слова: види самостійної роботи, самостійна робота, студенти немовних спеціальностей.
The rapid changes that are taking place in modern society, the formation of the information society are among the main factors affecting the development of higher education in the twenty-first century. Today, higher education institutions are required not only to perform the educational function, but also to develop independence in students. That is why the individual work of students of higher educational institutions is a key point in training future specialists, because this type of work allows better acquiring the educational material, consolidating the knowledge gained in practice and learning how to apply them in accordance with the situation.
In the modern educational process, individual work acquires a new role: it is gradually becoming one of the leading forms of the educational process organization. Currently, the professional growth of a specialist and demand for him/her in the labor market primarily depend on the ability to show initiative, solve a nonstandard problem, and on the ability to individually plan his/her actions. Thus, students' individual work is considered to be one of the most important components of the educational process, since it contributes to the formation of skills, abilities and knowledge; in the future it ensures students' mastering the techniques of cognitive activity, their interest in creative work and the ability to solve technical, economic and scientific problems. Now the role of individual work has increased so much that it has to be specially planned, special forms and methods have to be created for it, time, premises and technical resources have to be allocated.
Besides, given the very small number of classroom classes allocated to teaching a foreign language for non-linguistic faculties and rather high requirements for students' language proficiency, individual work is the only way to solve this problem. At the same time, in order to efficiently organize individual work, it is necessary to clearly understand the educational goal and, in accordance with it, to select the appropriate types of individual work.
The analysis of studies and publications showed that scientists have repeatedly turned to studying the issue of students' individual work. Thus, B. Esipov and M. Skatkin studied the theoretical aspects of this problem and were the pioneers in its investigation, O. Kostenko researched individual work of students in personality-oriented learning and its information and methodological support in the study of a foreign language, N. Molchanova analyzed tasks for individual work of students on the development of oral speech skills, V. Korol concentrated on individual work of university students as a component of the training of the future specialist. Such scientists as Yu. Belyaev, O. Chernovol-Tkachenko, I. Frolova studied the organization of students' research activity as a part of their individual work.
At the same time, in our opinion, generalization of the types of individual work of non-linguistic departments students while learning English and the issues of pedagogical experience have not been sufficiently covered in the scientific literature.
Therefore, the a i m of the publication is to summarize the types of tasks for individual work of students of non-linguistic departments while learning English and to share our own experience of its organization when teaching them.
To achieve the aim above, we consider it necessary to solve the following tasks:
• to generalize approaches to determining the students' individual work in the scientific literature;
• to analyze the various types of individual work that are used during teaching English to students of non- linguistic departments;
• to share our own experience of organizing students' individual work.
During the work on the article, the methods of critical analysis of scientific literature, the method of systematizing and generalizing the approaches how to work with students of non-linguistic departments were used. These approaches helped to summarize the types of non-linguistic specialties of students' individual work.
Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, it can be argued that there is no single approach to determining the main point of students' individual work in the scientific literature. In the course of scientific research, it has been established that the most complete definition of this pedagogical phenomenon was formulated in the second half of the twentieth century. Thus, B. Esipov considers individual work as a component of the learning process and notes that this is a work that is performed at a specially designated time without the direct assistance of the teacher, but under his/her guidance and control. Moreover, in the process of performing tasks, students consciously try to achieve the purpose of the task, comprehend the educational material, highlight the main points, and find answers to questions, reflecting in various forms the results of their cognitive and physical efforts [3, p. 15].
M. Skatkin argued that individual work is a type of individual educational activity of students, which involves managing their cognitive activity by the teacher with the help of guidelines, conversations, colloquia, consultations in class [8, p. 91].
O. Kostenko defines students' individual work as a planned, organizationally and methodically directed cognitive activity which is carried out under the guidance and control of the teacher at the expense of reducing classroom classes [5].
The analysis of the definition of the essence of individual work showed that its main feature is the priority of students' independence under the leading role of the teacher. Thus, summarizing the scientists' views, individual work can be defined as a form of active cognitive activity performed by one student or a group of students under the guidance of a teacher but without his/her direct assistance.
The scientists emphasize that students' individual work is a key component of the educational process which determines the formation of competencies, the successful solution of real practical problems in the field of their professional activity; it is also based on the ability to apply a systematic approach and use interdisciplinary links to understand, formalize, and select the best methods for solving the problem and implement the method on the basis of an interactive approach.
The main goals of individual work can be defined as:
• systematization and consolidation of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by the students;
• deepening and expanding theoretical knowledge;
• formation of the abilities to use normative, legal, reference documentation and special literature;
• development of students' cognitive abilities and activity, creative initiative, independence, responsibility and organization;
• acquisition of skills to solve practical professional activities;
• formation of independence in thinking, selfdevelopment, self-improvement and self-fulfillment;
• development of design and research skills.
Based on the analysis of pedagogical literature, we
can distinguish the following types of individual work of students:
• individual work on the model;
• constructive and variable individual work;
• heuristic individual work;
• individual research work [2; 3; 7].
Individual work on the model is the individual work of low level of independence. It requires the application of a known method directly to a similar situation. This type of work is carried out on the basis of “specific algorithms” which were previously demonstrated by the teacher and tested by the students while accomplishing previous assignments.
Thus, applied to English classes, individual work on the model can include finding the appropriate grammatical constructions or parts of a sentence in the text, making up sentences by analogy, etc. This type of individual work is necessary for students to better memorize new material and represents the first stage of this activity. The role of the teacher in this case is to find appropriate tasks for students based on their level and determine the optimal scope of the task.
On the other hand, as students perform tasks by analogy, they have very low generalization ability even in situations where the task gives the information about the sequence of actions to find the answer. Therefore, in our opinion, it is advisable to offer the students this particular type of individual work immediately after studying the new material and to supplement it with its other types [1; 2; 7].
Individual works of constructive and variable type is a kind of the threshold level of independence. They allow meaningfully transferring knowledge into typical situations, teach students to analyze facts, phenomena, create conditions for the development of mental activity of students, form techniques and methods of cognitive activity.
Constructive and variable individual work contributes to the development of students' ability to analyze, compare facts and phenomena that are studied; they also develop cognitive activity and create conditions for further development of students' creative individual work.
Tasks for individual work of this type contribute to the deeper acquisition of the material being studied. Besides, the scope of application of new knowledge expands, knowledge is improving and thinking reaches the level of productive activity. The main difficulty of performing such work is the application of knowledge in new situations. At a certain stage of solving the problem, students need a clue or additional information for further individual work [2; 3; 4].
Individual work of constructive and variable type while learning a foreign language can include the following:
• preparation of reports on certain topics according to the scheme suggested by the teacher;
• preparation of abstracts in English;
• use of new lexical or grammatical material in oral speech after its training with a teacher, etc.
Let us illustrate the organization of individual work of the constructive and variable type on the example of the oral topic “My University” which is taught to the first-year students. Thus, before assigning the individual task of delivering an oral presentation on the topic above, the lecturer focuses on the main points that need to be outlined in this topic (the history of creating a university; outstanding graduates; the history of establishing the department where the students study; the most striking achievements of the department graduates; particularities of studying at the University). After that, the lecturer focuses on the lexical units that the students will need in the course of their individual work (an academic year, to accept, to be accepted to the University, to accommodate, a hostel, to attend, a department, a chair, to do one's best, a scholarship, to grant a scholarship, a diligent student, a first-year student, a subject, to take a subject, a term, etc.). Note that above is an indicative set of active lexical units which may vary depending on the level of the students in the group.
After the preliminary training, the lecturer divides the students into groups and assigns the task to prepare a report on the University according to a given plan. The performance of individual work is checked at the next lesson.
Heuristic work teaches to individually formulate a learning task and develop a plan for its solution. At this level, there is a deeper understanding of phenomena and processes and creative activity begins. The students are able to conduct search activities with the help of the teacher or a textbook, to conduct a rather deep and diverse analysis of the phenomenon being studied, to make meaningful generalizations, to substantiate the application of knowledge and methods, to show an increased interest in search activities and the ability to design new ways of such activities, to give preference to research work.
Thus, having studied with the first-year students of the School of Physics and Technology the text “Harm and Benefits of Radiation” which runs about different types of radiation, its benefits and destructive power, the lecturer assigns the students the task to prepare reports on the following topics:
• alpha radiation;
• beta radiation;
• gamma radiation;
• the Chernobyl disaster;
• other catastrophes at nuclear power plants.
Pedagogical experience has shown that the students
with high level of English manifest special interest in this type of individual work: they not only find interesting information, but also prepare presentations on the topic of the report, print schemes that contribute to a better perception of information by other students. Particularly lively is the discussion of reports on the Chernobyl disaster and those at other nuclear power plants because almost every future physicist has additional information on this topic. For students with low level of knowledge, this type of activity is also useful, but in this case, the focus is on working with the dictionary, correct pronunciation of words and construction of sentences.
The continuation of heuristic individual work is the students' research projects, where the students stop using the model prescribed by the teacher and where they are encouraged to think critically; their activities become exploratory in nature. At this level of cognitive activity, the creative abilities of young people are implemented. Students take the initiative in performing difficult tasks, demonstrate their critical thinking skills, try to prove and defend their views. In case the students are assigned a research project, they individually determine and formulate the aim of their activity, find out what knowledge is lacking to achieve it, outline the ways to find them, individually solve and verify the task. In this type of task, students' individual activity involves the application of knowledge to create a new way of solving cross-subject problems in a new non-standard situation [4].
As I. Frolova emphasizes, individual research work is one of the means of training future specialists that contains all the characteristics of the educational and cognitive process and signs of creative activity, which allows activating the creative abilities of the individual and forming the students' own vision of the scientific problem. The main functions of students' individual research projects include the following:
• systematization of theoretical and conceptual provisions;
• analysis, classification and generalization of the research results;
• argumentation of the students' own points of view on a scientific problem;
• development of creative thinking;
• acquiring research and self-study techniques;
• formation of reflexive self-knowledge skills and abilities [9].
Lecturers of higher educational institutions share the idea that the students should be involved in individual research works since their first year. No doubt, at the first year of study the priority is given to the so-called educational and search activity directed mainly at getting familiar with scientific literature, technology and methods of conducting experiments, methods of scientific cognition, at gradual increase of independence degree in the performance of research work and at transition to research activities [6; 10].
The students' research activities are initiated and supervised mostly by the lecturers of specialized departments; the activities above are normally implemented by means of course projects and diploma papers, the students' participation in scientific student groups, societies, workshops, conferences, competitions for the best student works, publications, etc. At the same time, we believe that the role of English teachers working at non-linguistic departments should not be underestimated in students' preparation for research activities. Today, when ties with other countries are constantly developing and strengthening, it is necessary to teach students to represent the results of their own research in a foreign language, to build the sentences in a correct way while answering questions, to use the necessary cliches and constructions when writing scientific papers in English.
In order to achieve these goals, the lecturers of the Department of the English language at the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University annually hold the following events:
• organization of scientific discussions and debates at classroom classes;
• conducting scientific student conferences at the departments;
• writing scientific papers under the guidance and supervision of the lecturers with their further defense at the conference.
All these activities require students to prepare themselves thoroughly and individually. Thus, to organize discussions in the classroom, students are invited first to individually work out the issues which will be further discussed in the group. For example, first- year students of the School of Physics and Technology are offered the following topics for discussion:
“Physics in modern society”;
“Interesting physical facts and phenomena”;
“The Benefits and Damage of Radiation”;
“Different types of radiation and their impact on humans”;
“Causes and consequences of the accident at the nuclear power plant”;
“The contribution of well-known scientists to the development of physics”, etc.
As part of the research work, students of the School of Philology are offered to familiarize themselves with the texts by English-speaking authors, analyze their structure, conduct a linguistic analysis of the text, compare grammatical constructions that existed in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with modern grammatical constructions, etc.
Pedagogical experience has shown that thanks to individual work on the topic students develop a scientific outlook, the ability to work with reference literature, sources from the Internet, the ability to analyze and be selective with the information in both their native and English languages.
Individual research-type work is a necessary element of preparing the students for delivering speeches at the department conferences. Normally, students take seriously individual work of this type because not only students and the English language teachers are invited to the department conferences, but also its high representatives including deans, deputy deans, and heads of the chairs.
The students' individual work while preparing for speaking at the conference consists of several stages:
• students' choice of the topic of the report;
• preparation of the material in English;
• new presentation.
It should be noted that this type of individual work is not mandatory for all the students. The students of all years are invited to participate in the conference, but mostly junior students for whom the English language is taught as a discipline take part in it. To encourage more students to participate in the conference, the lecturers of the English language department do their best to bring the conditions of the department conferences as close as possible their higher-level counterparts. To reach the goal above, they release a conference program before it is held; moreover, some of them contribute with their abstracts to the compendium.
Individual work of the research type is also used during the preparation of students for participation in the student conference “Academic and Scientific Challenges in the XXIst Century'. At the same time, the preparation of students for this conference involves not only lecturers of the Department of the English language, but also their leading counterparts of specialized departments. They normally act as scientific supervisors of the students' research and later these are the lecturers of the English language department who supervise translating of the research results into English and prepare a presentation.
It should be noted that the students of all years and departments are greatly interested in participating in the professional events above. Thus, every year at least 100 students take part in the International Student Conference; some of the participants are from other countries.
Our pedagogical experience has proven that in order to efficiently perform individual work of different levels and types, the student needs to have a set of activities of different types of learning tasks. First of all, they should take notes, select examples, compare, establish interdisciplinary links, use additional literature, paraphrase, make a concept tree, etc.
Particular attention should be given to metacognitive ways of activities that contribute to the formation of general cultural and professional competencies and ensure the development of self-organization skills and those of individual control of educational activities. These include the following:
• planning of individual activity (drawing up a plan, building the logic of the content, setting a goal, achieving a goal, etc.);
• observation (assessment of what has been achieved, answers to questions for self-control, application of theory in practice, writing abstracts on the topic, reference to other scientific sources, etc.);
• regulation (self-assessment, use of additional resources, volitional regulation, a certain sequence of task completion, etc.).
Thus, the students' individual work is one of the effective and promising forms of improving the training of future specialists under modern conditions of high schools. It does not oblige students to professional development through the normative construct of their activities. Instead, it builds up conditions, giving the students the opportunity to determine the trajectory of mastering the profession. Individual work should ensure the continuous development and perfection of the personality, the formation of a unique creative individuality, self-awareness of the future specialist.
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