Criteria for determining the level of formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture

The creative criterion of a physical culture teacher’s readiness for innovative activity is manifested through the following indicators: openness to innovations, critical thinking. The ability to control and correct the implementation of an innovation.

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Дата добавления 22.10.2023
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Criteria for determining the level of formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture

Dmitriieva N.S.,

PhD student at the Department of Educology and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

The purpose of the article is the selection of criteria for determining the level of formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical education. The levels of the readiness criteria of the future physical culture teacher for innovative activities are characterized: motivational, cognitive, creative, procedural. The creative criterion of a physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative activity is manifested through the following indicators: openness to innovations; flexibility, critical thinking; creative imagination The procedural criterion is manifested through the following indicators: integrity of actions; professionalism and awareness of actions taken; performing actions confidently in a collapsed form; prognostic skills (skills in forecasting the means of achieving the goal, the results of innovative activities); the ability to control and correct the implementation of an innovation. The procedural criterion for the readiness of a future physical education teacher for innovative activity is determined by the set of these indicators. Characterizing the initial stage of formation of a physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative activities, we claim that after obtaining the initial skills of professional activity, a young teacher improves the received professional and methodological baggage in everyday practical work. In the process of this work, the need for professional growth of the teacher arises, which can be implemented in two directions: some teachers improve their pedagogical skills based on the traditional system of education, others master the theoretical foundations of innovative systems. This process is based on familiarity with educational and methodological literature on alternative methodological systems, attending classes, participating in various competitions, preparing students for Olympiads, etc. Gradually becoming aware of the limited possibilities of traditional methods, the teacher comes closer to understanding the need to master innovations, increase his own methodical level. Readiness for innovative activity in modern conditions is the most important quality of a professional teacher - a teacher of physical culture, without which it is impossible to achieve a high level of pedagogical skill. pedagogical education physical personality

Key words: pedagogical education, physical education, personality, innovativeness, innovative direction, professional training.


Метою статті є виділення критеріїв для визначення рівня сформованості інноваційно-зорієнтованої особистості майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури. Охарактеризовані рівні критеріїв готовності майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури до інноваційної діяльності: мотиваційний, когнітивний, креативний, процесуальний. Креативний критерій готовності вчителя фізичної культури до інноваційної діяльності проявляється через такі показники: відкритість щодо інновацій; гнучкість, критичність мислення; творчу уяву. Процесуальний критерій проявляється через такі показники: цілісність дій; професіоналізм та усвідомленість вчинених дій; виконання дій впевнено у згорнутому вигляді; прогностичні вміння (вміння щодо прогнозування засобів досягнення мети, результатів інноваційної діяльності); вміння з контролю та корекції ведення нововведення. Процесуальний критерій готовності майбутнього вчителя фізичної культури до інноваційної діяльності визначається сукупністю даних показників. Характеризуючи початкову стадію становлення готовності вчителя фізичної культури до інноваційної діяльності, ми стверджуємо, що після отримання початкових навичок професійної' діяльності молодий учитель у повсякденній практичній роботі вдосконалює отриманий професійно-методичний багаж. У процесі цієї роботи виникає потреба професійного зростання вчителя, яка може реалізовуватись у двох напрямках: одні вчителі вдосконалюють педагогічну майстерність на основі традиційної системи навчання, інші освоюють теоретичні основи інноваційних систем. Цей процес ґрунтується на знайомстві з навчально- методичною літературою щодо альтернативних методичних систем, відвідування уроків, участі у різноманітних конкурсах, при підготовці учнів до олімпіад тощо. Поступово усвідомлюючи обмежені можливості традиційної методики, вчитель наближається до розуміння необхідності освоєння інновацій, підвищення власного методичного рівня. Готовність до інноваційної діяльності в сучасних умовах - найважливіша якість професійного педагога - вчителя фізичної культури, без якого неможливо досягти високого рівня педагогічної майстерності. Ключові слова: педагогічна освіта, фізичне виховання, особистість, інноваційність, інноваціне спрямування, професійна підготовка.

Problem statement in general form and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks

The need to actualize and form an innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher in a scientific and educational environment is due to the growing demands of society for the competent inclusion of a specialist in the teaching profession with a high level of need for innovative pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical activities, personal and professional development and self-development, development of students by means of physical education. Today, Ukraine is at the stage of reforming the education system. Educational standards are updated, new strategies for the development and improvement of the teaching profession are introduced. In this regard, the emphasis in the learning process changes, it becomes important not only to acquire knowledge and “hard” skills, but it is extremely important to develop personal qualities and to form relevant competencies in a student of higher education [2].

An analysis of recent research and publications

Many studies of the innovative potential of the individual consider only some components, do not touch on the issues of formation and development of the innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher, different approaches to determining the structure of the innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher. The analysis of the philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical literature shows that, in relation to our research, there are not enough works that reveal the sign of the concept of "formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical culture" [5; 7] Research is mainly devoted to revealing the essence of the teacher's personal and creative potential, the potential of the educational process, the potential of the educational environment and educational institution [6; 4].

Emphasizing previously unresolved parts of the common problem

The selection of criteria that determine the level of formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future physical culture teacher requires the analysis of specialized scientific and psychological and pedagogical literature.

Formulation of the article's goals

The purpose of the article is the selection of criteria for determining the level of formation of the innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical education.

Presentation of the basic research material

Readiness for the implementation of innovative activity can be formed only in the context of the integrity of its main structural components - motivational, creative, technological and reflexive. This problem requires the solution of a two-pronged task - the formation of a teacher's readiness to perceive the new and the development of skills to act in a new way.

Innovative activity is largely due to the uniqueness of the personality of the teacher and student, the characteristics of the class, school, etc. The task of the leader, teacher in these conditions is to use modern psychological and pedagogical knowledge to develop their own trajectory of educational activities. The solution of this problem will be facilitated by a change in the teacher's approach to the content of education.

Under the readiness for innovative activity, we will further understand the totality of the teacher's qualities that determine his focus on the development of his own pedagogical activity and the activities of the entire school team, as well as his ability to identify actual problems in the education of students, find and implement effective ways to solve them [1].

The basis for the modernization of education is innovation. Based on the position that a modern school is a developing school in which the pedagogical process is constantly improving, reasonably changing, there are basic requirements for the implementation of pedagogically appropriate changes, namely: any major transformations in the school must be prepared in advance, creating a certain psychological mood in the team , contributing to the formation of a sense of the need and urgency for change; (a new school will be built soon and we need to think about it); transformations must be based on a detailed plan and calculation, which is sure to lead to success. If there is no certainty of success, it is better not to carry out “reforms”; we must always remember that the process of change in the school is a process of change in the teacher, in his views, methods, approaches to solving organizational problems, etc. Change begins with the individual, and only then acquires a general character.

It must be said that the formation and development of innovative processes is directly related to a new, higher quality level of activity, both for educators and school leaders, with an increase in the level of their manufacturability, possession of pedagogical equipment.

The effectiveness of the development of the teaching staff depends on how it will be provided:

- competent management of this process, including the installation of teachers on innovative technology;

- analysis of available technological resources;

- ability to design;

- organization and analysis of the activities of the team;

- the ability to master the experience of colleagues through reflection and express it in a technological form, the ability to rebuild already mastered technologies.

Looking at the essence of the phenomenon, as we can see, we have seen the upcoming criteria for the readiness of the future teacher of physical culture to innovative activity: motivational, cognitive, creative, procedural.

at niy. The motivational criterion of readiness for innovative activity is developed through the following indications:

- responsiveness to consumption in the development of innovations, susceptibility to pedagogical innovations;

- formation of the motive of self-creation of innovation activity;

- formation of the motif of underlaying difficulties in innovative activity.

The cognitive criterion is manifested through the following indications:

- knowledge and understanding of daily life, specific features of innovative activity;

- knowledge about the day and the structure of the phenomenon of readiness to become a special person;

- knowledge about the peculiarities of innovative development in Russian school education.

The totality of these indications shows the presence of knowledge about innovation activity, as activity, directed at the transformation of basic forms and methods of vihovannya, allows understanding of efficiency, dotsHnist.

The creative criterion of readiness of the teacher of physical culture to innovative activity is manifested through the following indications:

- recognition of good innovations;

- gnuchktet, criticality of thought;

- I'm creating awake.

The procedural criterion is manifested through the following indicators:

- integrity of actions;

- professionalism and awareness of actions taken;

- performance of actions confidently in a collapsed form;

- prognostic skills (skills in forecasting the means of achieving the goal, the results of innovative activities);

- ability to control and correct innovation management.

The procedural criterion of the readiness of the future physical culture teacher for innovative activities is determined by the set of these indicators.

The mentioned criteria are considered as signs of readiness for innovative activity in the field of physical culture and are a starting point for identifying the levels of preparedness of future physical culture teachers for innovative activity.

The concept of “level” expresses the dialectical nature of the development process, which allows one to know the subject in all its variety of properties, connections, and relationships.

Speaking about the levels of readiness for innovative activity, it is necessary to keep in mind that:

- readiness is formed in the process of activity, accumulating everything accumulated at the previous stage, that is, it moves to a higher and higher level, observing the law of the philosophy of denial;

- the previous level is the basis for the formation of the following ones;

- timely determination of the level of preparedness of a specific person makes it possible to determine a perspective plan for compensation of shortcomings;

- readiness for innovative activity is perceived as a component of general professional readiness, its most important component.

Thus, consideration of certain personality qualities is carried out sequentially from low to high level, that is, step by step. We summarized all the data on the step-by-step formation of the future physical education teacher's readiness for innovative activities in

Table 1.

Characterization of the levels of readiness of the physical culture teacher for innovative activities shows that the best is a high level of readiness.

As conditions for the formation of readiness for innovative activity of teachers, we have identified the following components of a teacher's readiness for innovative activity.

The first component of the teacher's readiness for innovative activity is the presence of a motive for inclusion in this activity. The motive gives meaning to the activity for a person. Depending on the content of the motive, innovation can have different meanings for different people. Participation in innovation activities can be perceived as:

- as a way to get additional income;

- as a way to avoid possible tensions in relations with management and work colleagues in case of refusal to participate;

- as a way to achieve recognition and respect from management and colleagues;

- as the fulfillment of one's professional duty;

- as a way to realize your creative potential and self-development.

The lack of motivation indicates the unpreparedness of the teacher for innovative activity in terms of its orientation. The material motive or the motive of avoiding failure corresponds to a weak willingness to innovate. A high level of readiness for innovative activity corresponds to a mature motivational structure, in which the values of self-realization and self-development play a leading role.

The teacher's focus on developing his professional abilities and achieving the best possible results is a necessary condition for acquiring a sense of value and purpose by innovative activity, and not a means for realizing some other motives. Any person in professional activity will be able to achieve ever higher levels of skill only by changing, only by mastering ever new ways of activity and solving ever more complex problems. It is impossible to become a high-class professional working only in the mode of reproduction, reproduction of the methods of activity already mastered once. Anyone who aspires to reach the heights of mastery must be aware that the way there lies through a critical attitude towards oneself, to what has been achieved, and the search for ways and means to develop one's practice. Without awareness of participation in innovative activities, as a value for oneself personally, there can be no high readiness for this activity.

The second component of the readiness under consideration is a complex of knowledge about modern requirements for the results of school education, innovative models and technologies of education, in other words, everything that determines the needs and opportunities for the development of existing pedagogical practice.

Table 1

Levels of readiness of future physical culture teachers for innovative activities



Rivne readiness of future teachers of physical culture to innovative activity





positive motivation for thorough innovation activities

blame the need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the positive results of activity

rozmiti tsili and tsinisni orientation of professional activity in the minds of innovations; zhorstke dotrimannya traditional methods and forms of learning


in the basis of diy - understanding and professionalism; inspired by the concept apparatus of the problem and psychological and pedagogical knowledge

in the main, the structure of the di' shchodo introduction of innovations in the initial- vyhovny process was observed; there is a lack of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, including the essence, the specifics of the classification of innovations

exchange of theoretical knowledge about the reality of innovative activities; there is no conceptual apparatus of the problem; no reliance on psychological and pedagogical knowledge


self-assessment of alternative approaches for foster children and trained children; variability of activity; creative activity

occasionally show creativity in professional activity, and more often activity may have a reproductive nature

di' be of a typical character, in some people they override stereotypical forms of behavior


tsilisnist diy; di' vykonuyutsya in song at the hunched look; meta action is accessible without difficulty

not zovsim chitki, vpevni di'i

di' method of trials and pardons; insufficient value for introspection

pedagogical activity; low selfregulation of activity

The teacher's sensitivity to problems is determined primarily by how he understands the goals of school education in general and from them derives requirements for the results of his work. If these requirements do not meet the highest standards, then the teacher will not see problems in the results of his work. In the same way, a teacher who is poorly oriented in innovative models of education and innovative programs and technologies will not see the shortcomings of the pedagogical system of the school and his practice, and the possibilities for eliminating them.

But it is not enough just to know about the existence of innovative educational models, programs, technologies. In order for the teacher to be well oriented in the space of possibilities and to be able to make the right choice, he must have a good understanding of the conditions for their effective application. Any change in activity should be not only relevant, but also realistic, i.e. relevant to the actual conditions in the school. If, for example, a teacher wants to build his work by implementing the technology of developmental, problem-based or research learning, and in general the pedagogical process at school is built on a knowledge-oriented model, then he should be aware that under these conditions only partial application is possible. innovative technology.

The degree of competence of a teacher in innovative education can be different, so the level of his readiness for innovative activity in this aspect will also be different.

The third component of the teacher's readiness for innovative activity is the totality of knowledge

and methods for solving the problems of this activity that the teacher owns, i.e. competence in the field of pedagogical innovation. A teacher well prepared to innovate in this aspect:

- owns a set of concepts of pedagogical innovation;

- understands the place and role of innovative activity in an educational institution, its connection with educational activities;

- knows the main approaches to the development of pedagogical systems of the school;

- is able to study the experience of teachers- innovators;

- is able to critically analyze pedagogical systems, curricula, technologies and didactic teaching aids;

- is able to develop and justify innovative proposals for improving the educational process;

- able to develop projects for the introduction of innovations;

- knows how to set goals for experimental work and plan it;

- knows how to work in working groups of implementation projects and experiments;

- is able to analyze and evaluate the system of innovative activities of the school;

- is able to analyze and evaluate himself as a subject of innovation activity.

The general level of a teacher's readiness for innovative activity is a function of: the level of motivational readiness; level of competence in innovative education; level of competence in pedagogical innovation.

Researches of scientists in the field of the pedagogical phenomenon of innovative activity indicate that students understand the significance and role of innovative activity of vocational training teachers in modern conditions, are interested in the possibilities of this type of activity, imagine what properties it should have, but at the same time they are not fully aware of all aspects and forms of manifestation of innovative activity of vocational education teachers, identifying it only with the results of scientific and technical developments. This indicates the need for special training of future vocational education teachers for innovative activities.

One of the directions for the implementation of innovative activities is to introduce students to new, alternative systems and technologies of developmental education at school.

Practice shows that the development of developmental learning systems is carried out more efficiently if the following conditions are met:

- each system is studied not fragmentarily, but taking into account all its components (goals, content, methods, forms and means); this principle is called the principle of the completeness of mastering the methodological system;

- the development of each new methodological system of teaching schoolchildren is carried out not in isolation, but in comparison, both with traditional and previously studied systems (the principle of interconnection and comparison of systems);

- in the course of mastering each methodological system, students acquire the ability to design lessons taking into account the specifics of this system and gain some experience in conducting such lessons (the principle of practical development of the methodological system).

Given these conditions, we consider the following plan for mastering developmental learning systems to be effective:

1. Analysis of the traditional system of education at school.

2. Diagnosis of difficulties in pedagogical activity, its reflection, development of ways to improve.

3. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of developmental education. Problems of correlation of training and development, their solution in various didactic systems. Ways to study the impact of learning on the development of children.

4. Collective classes with students on the topics: theory of learning activities; the course of development of schoolchildren, its diagnosis; educational cooperation.

5. Diagnosis of the level of general development of schoolchildren, their assimilation of theoretical knowledge and methods of action with educational material.

6. Didactic system of developing education (theoretical foundations, didactic principles, typical properties).

7. Features of teaching physical culture.

8. Final reflection.

9. Individual and group consultations of choice.

Education has always been associated with innovation, pedagogical search, experimental work, and innovative processes. Historically, one can state the fact that the high quality of education is proportional to the level of innovative activity of the teacher.

The school in the context of the current situation is characterized by variability, which determines the problem posed by the author of the teacher's readiness for innovation. The innovative activity of a school teacher is a component of a holistic innovation system of a school and is regarded as a "multidimensional phenomenon of professional activity that provides appropriate innovations" in the educational process. Aimed at improving the didactic process, it involves changes in the goals, conditions, content, methods and forms of education that contribute to improving the quality of schoolchildren's education through the realization of developing potential.

The specificity of the teacher's activity, as you know, is due to the age and psychological characteristics of children. Each stage in the development of the education system at school, taking into account the specific features of school age, gave rise to innovations that have formed the system of modern education to date. The level of development of society in the current conditions is widespread computerization, the Internet, a high level of informatization, etc. - makes teachers look for and use new ways of organizing cognitive activity [3; 8; 9]. These include the organization of project activities, research activities of schoolchildren, the use of the Internet in the process of organizing lessons and developing computer skills, in particular, the use of multimedia and educational educational programs. All this requires the teacher to have a high level of methodological literacy, professional competence, pedagogical improvisation, creative self-improvement, in other words, readiness to implement an innovative learning process.

In our opinion, it is advisable to present the formation of innovative activity of a teacher as follows:

1. Development of the acquired foundations of traditional methodological work at school and expansion of methodological horizons through the study of a wide range of modern methodological systems of teaching schoolchildren.

2. Practical acquaintance with existing alternative systems for teaching juniors schoolchildren, the possible use of elements of innovative learning systems;

3. Direct mastering and adaptation of a specific training system in one's own practical activities;

4. Possible improvement of the innovative system of teaching schoolchildren, development, creation of their own innovative system of work.


In this way, we see the criteria for the readiness of a future teacher of physical culture to innovative activity: motivational, cognitive, creative, procedural.

at my. The motivational criterion of readiness for innovative activity is developed through the following indications:

- responsiveness to consumption in the development of innovations, susceptibility to pedagogical innovations;

- formation of the motive of self-creation of innovation activity;

- formation of the motif of underlaying difficulties in innovative activity.

The cognitive criterion is manifested through the following indications:

- knowledge and understanding of daily life, specific features of innovative activity;

- knowledge about the day and the structure of the phenomenon of readiness to become a special person;

- knowledge about the peculiarities of innovative development in Russian school education.

The totality of these indications shows the presence of knowledge about innovation activity, as activity, directed at the transformation of basic forms and methods of vihovannya, allows understanding of efficiency, dotsUnist. The creative criterion of readiness of a teacher of physical culture to innovative activity is manifested through the following indications: openness to innovation; gnuchkist, criticality of thought; I create awake. The procedural criterion is manifested through the following indications: integrity of action; professionalism and recognition of the actions taken; vikonannya diy vpevneno at the hunched-up look; prognostic vminnya (vminnya shdo prognozirovannya zaobiv zabivnennya meti, rezulfiv mnovafiyno'i iyalnosti); control over that correction of innovation. Describing the initial stage of becoming a physical culture teacher's readiness for innovative activity, we argue that after obtaining the initial skills of professional activity, a young teacher improves the received professional and methodological baggage in everyday practical work. In the process of this work, there is a need for the teacher's professional growth, which can be realized in two directions: some teachers improve their pedagogical skills based on the traditional teaching system, while others master the theoretical foundations of innovative systems.

This process is based on familiarization with educational and methodological literature on alternative methodological systems, attending classes, participating in various competitions, preparing students for olympiads, etc. Gradually realizing the limited possibilities of traditional methods, the teacher comes closer to understanding the need to master innovations, to increase their own methodological level.

Readiness for innovative activity in modern conditions is the most important quality of a professional teacher - a teacher of physical culture, without which it is impossible to achieve a high level of pedagogical skill.


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  • Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.

    реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

    курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015

  • The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

    реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

    презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • The most common difficulties in auding and speaking. Psychological characteristics of speech. Linguistic characteristics of speech. Prepared and unprepared speech. Mistakes and how to correct them. Speaking in teaching practice. Speech, oral exercises.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 01.04.2008

  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014

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