Communicative competence of training qualified future specialists socionomic sphere
Features of training specialists in the socio-economic sphere in Ukraine. Creation of favorable pedagogical conditions for formation and development of communicative competence of a social worker. Ensuring interaction of volunteers with the population.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 822,7 K |
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Oleksiy Solyanyk Odesa Maritime College of Maritime and Fisheries Fleet
Communicative competence of training qualified future specialists socionomic sphere
Rabetska Nadiia Leonidivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
teacher of Ukrainian language and literature
The problem of training qualified and motivated future specialists in the socio-economic sphere becomes especially important in connection with the introduction of globalization and the focus on the importance of priorities in modern business and personal communication. An analysis of the results of an empirical study was carried out, the methods of which include observation, surveys, and interviews. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of communicative competence in the training of qualified future specialists in the socionomic sphere. It is noted that in order to carry out professional activities at a high level, future specialists in the socionomic sphere must know how to build a constructive interaction with people who have turned to them for help, effectively use the genre variety of professional communication, possess professional terminology, logical and linguistic means of argumentation; know the laws of communication in various business and professional situations; the ability to conduct telephone conversations, business conversations, business correspondence, etc. The specified component affects the activity of the life position and the formation of world perception, which is manifested in a positive attitude towards the world, work, other people and oneself. Thus, the analysis of the educational and qualification characteristics of the training of future specialists in the socionomic sphere allowed us to come to the conclusion that graduates of higher education institutions should master certain communicative abilities and skills, however, in our opinion, they are not enough for the formation of communicative competence. That is, purposeful work on the formation of the specified competence with the introduction of appropriate pedagogical conditions into the educational process of higher education institutions is necessary. Key concepts: future specialists in the socioeconomic sphere, communicative competence, components of communicative competence of a social worker.
Комунікативна компетентність підготовки кваліфікованих майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери
Рабецька Надія Леонідівна кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач української мови та літератури, Одеський морехідний фаховий коледж морського та рибопромислового флоту імені Олексія Соляника
Проблема підготовки кваліфікованих та мотивованих майбутніх фахівці соціономічної сфери постає особливо важливою у зв'язку з впровадженням глобалізації та фокусом на важливість пріоритетів у сучасній діловій та особистій комунікації. Проведено аналіз результатів емпіричного дослідження, серед методів якого наведено спостереження, опитування, інтерв'ю.
Метою статті є вивчення особливостей комунікативної компетентності підготовки кваліфікованих майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери. Зазначено, що для здійснення професійної діяльності на високому рівні майбутні фахівці соціономічної сфери, повинні знати як побудувати конструктивну взаємодію з людьми, які звернулися до них по допомогу, ефективно використовувати жанрове розмаїття професійного спілкування, володіти професійною термінологією, логічними й мовними засобами аргументації; знати закони спілкування в різноманітних ділових і професійних ситуаціях; уміння вести телефонні розмови, ділові бесіди, ділове листування тощо.
Зазначений компонент впливає на активність життєвої позиції та формування світосприйняття, що проявляється у позитивному ставленні до світу, праці, інших людей та самого себе.
Аналіз освітньо-кваліфікаційних характеристик підготовки майбутніх фахівців соціономічної сфери дозволив дійти висновку, що випускники вищих навчальних закладів повинні оволодіти певними комунікативними вміннями та навичками, однак, на нашу думку, вони не є такими. достатньо для формування комунікативної компетентності. Тобто необхідна цілеспрямована робота з формування зазначеної компетентності із впровадженням у навчальний процес ВНЗ відповідних педагогічних умов.
Ключові поняття: майбутні фахівці соціономічної сфери,комунікативна компетентність, здобувачі освіти, компоненти комунікативної компетентності соціального працівника.
Formulation of the problem. In the context of the integration of Ukraine into the European educational space, the modernization of the national education system is being intensively carried out, which involves solving the problem of qualitative formation of professional competence of future specialists, including the socioeconomic sphere, who are able to implement knowledge and skills related to the organization of constructive interaction with the surrounding people in further professional activities.
The professional activity of future specialists in the socionomic field (practical psychologists, social pedagogues, social workers, legal scholars, etc.) belongs to the "person-person" type and is based on communication with people who need certain help and protection in situations that have arisen in their lives In view of this, in the process of training, in addition to acquiring the necessary professional knowledge and skills, there is a need to form vital knowledge, abilities, skills, and develop the ability to use one's personal potential in interaction with people, i.e., the formation of their communicative competence.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Foreign scientists (C. Laczkovics, G. Fonzo, B. Bendixsen, E. Shpigel, I. Lee, K. Skala, A. Prunas, J. Gross, H. Steiner & J. Huemer) interpret communicative competence as: a certain set knowledge, experience, qualities, abilities of the individual that enable effective performance of communicative functions, the ability to act in a situation of uncertainty), the ability to demonstrate knowledge of communicative behavior in a certain situation, the ability to formulate tasks and achieve them, cooperating with others and adapting to changes in the communication situation [8].
The theoretical analysis of scientific works (L. Bondarenko, D. Godlevskaia, O. Fedorchuk, O. Hrytsanova, I. Vizniuk, N. Stetsenko, I. Vlasyk, O. Kovaleva, N. Ivanova, O. Kucheryavy, etc.) shows that that currently quite a lot of separate aspects of the problem of researching the communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere have been developed, but there is no step-bystep process for its implementation and implementation in higher education institutions [1-7].
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of communicative competence in the training of qualified future specialists in the socionomic sphere.
Presenting main material
The professional activity of specialists in the socionomic sphere is a process of their direct interaction with a person or a group of people, during which they consciously use professional knowledge, skills and abilities, providing the necessary social, psychological, and legal assistance to those who need it in solving difficult life situations.
Socionomic (those that help) professions (from the Latin society - society) are professions in which the activity process is based on "person-person" communication and which are associated with the study and explanation of social relations, social development of society, influence on social processes at different levels of social interaction [7, p. 23], professions that solve professional tasks related to social relations in society, the content of which is focused on their development, regulation, research of social patterns and trends, preservation, transformation of historically defined and socially accepted forms of culture and traditions at all levels social interaction [2, p. 1390].
We define the communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic field as a complex structured, multi-component personal education based on a set of knowledge, skills, experience in organizing professional communication and interpersonal interaction on the basis of constructive dialogue and is characterized by the ability to perceive and understand partners in interaction, use elements of verbal and non-verbal communication, skills of emotional self-regulation, prevention and resolution of conflicts in professional activities, tolerance and empathy towards the people around them in order to provide them with the necessary help when solving non-standard life situations.
N. Stetsenko notes that communicative competence is a complex integral characteristic of the future specialist's personality; it is not only the availability of knowledge, abilities and skills, but also the readiness to use them adequately and effectively in direct professional activity. Communicative competence has a normative character, includes norms and rules of communicative behavior in society, is a personal characteristic of a future specialist, which reflects the student's focus on future professional tasks and his attitude to the chosen profession, to himself and the type of interaction with other people [1, 4].
Note that for representatives of socionomic professions, communicative competence is a professionally determined quality. After all, S. Adamiv points out, and it is impossible not to agree with her, the success of their professional activity directly depends on the ability to establish and maintain contacts with other people (clients and business partners) in accordance with social norms, rules and professional etiquette.
Moreover, the communicative competence of future specialists depends on individual and personal qualities, life experience, sphere of activity, interests, inclinations, emotional sphere, worldview, status in the team, as well as communicative culture (culture of interpersonal communication, culture of speech, sociability, etc.) [2 , with. 44-45].
D. Godlevska defines the following components of the communicative competence of a social worker: social-communicative (availability of knowledge, abilities and skills), personal-emotional (reflection, creativity, empathy), activity (a set of skills and abilities) [3, p. 14].
The communicative competence of future legal scholars, according to O. Fedorchuk, consists of such components as: cognitive-content (professional and informational knowledge), value-motivational (value relationships and motivation), operational-technological (ability and skills). Epistemological, praxeological and subject components are distinguished in the structure of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere.
The choice of the epistemological component is determined by the fact that it assumes the presence of future specialists in the socionomic field of knowledge and skills that are the basis of their own cognitive activity. The specified component affects the activity of the life position and the formation of world perception, which is manifested in a positive attitude towards the world, work, other people and oneself.
The praxeological component involves the practical ability to successfully implement communicative interaction and includes a set of professional practical skills, abilities and abilities necessary for professional activity. The isolation of this component was based on praxeology, which is defined as a general theory that relates to the basics of organizing any activity regardless of its specialization. Praxeology emphasizes O. Kovalev, considers methods of activity from the point
of view of their practical properties, that is, their effectiveness [6, p. 3].
The subject component involves the development of certain personal qualities in future specialists of the socionomic sphere as subjects of communicative interaction, without which it is impossible to carry out productive professional activity.
This is due to the fact that in the process of interaction with other people, various situations inevitably arise, which require the sociologist to show a tolerant and impartial attitude towards the people with whom he cooperates, to be able to empathize, to put himself in the place of another person, to look at the event from her position, respond emotionally to her problems, prevent conflicts in professional activity. social worker pedagogical communicative competence
Visually, the structure of the phenomenon "communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere" is presented in fig. 1.
It should be noted that all the individual components of communicative competence are interrelated and mutually determined. Each of them affects the ability of future specialists in the socio-economic sphere to organize communicative interaction in further professional activities.
Achieving these goals requires ensuring a competency-based approach in the process of professional training of future specialists, which should be distinguished primarily by the professional orientation of the educational process of higher education institutions. It should be noted that the modernization of the higher education system in Ukraine today requires the development of new standards, in which the qualification models of training future specialists should prevail in accordance with the specific.
In order to find out what skills and competencies future specialists in the socionomic field should master during their studies in higher education institutions, the corresponding educational and qualification characteristics were analyzed. The educational and qualification characteristics of the training of specialists is a component of the industry standards of higher education, which reflects the goals of higher education and professional training, the requirements for the competence of graduates, and their other socially important properties and qualities.
Fig. 1. The structure of communicative competence offuture specialists in the socionomic sphere
Thus, in the educational and qualification characteristics of bachelor's training in the field of training 6.010106 "Social pedagogy" / specialty 231 "Social work" (Qualification 2340 Social pedagogue) it is stated that the future social pedagogue must perform, among other professional functions, a communicative function in practical activities , which ensures the establishment of interaction between an individual, a social group, and state and non-state organizations acting as clients, volunteers, sponsors, and partners of a social pedagogue. To fulfill it, graduates of a higher education institution must acquire such abilities as:
- to be fluent in the Ukrainian language in oral and written forms;
- use it in professional activities, support its authority and state status;
- competently use professional vocabulary and terminology in their work;
- possess the culture of business communication, be able to keep business documentation (Z.01.ZP.R.02);
- correctly build social and cultural communication (Z.06.PR.R. 12) [1,4].
According to the educational and qualification characteristics of the training of bachelors in the field of training 6.030103 "Practical psychology" / specialty 053 "Psychology" (Qualification 2445.2 Practical psychologist in educational institutions), future professionals must:
- be capable of written and oral communication in the state language (KI. 1);
- provide opportunities for personality development and formation taking into account different communication conditions (PF.E.05.PR.R.03);
- to coordinate own interaction with parents, the public in the application of methods of psychological influence depending on age and individual characteristics (SP.D.04.PR.0.04);
- favorably acknowledge the behavior and opinions of other people (KSO.09.PR.R.01);
- correctly use language tools depending on the sphere and purpose of communication, draw up business papers (KI.1.ZP.R.01);
- to coordinate own interaction with parents, the public in the application of methods of psychological influence depending on age and individual characteristics (KZP.6.PR.O.04);
- determine the most effective means of psychological influence on the audience, ensuring the effective application (use) of verbal and non-verbal means of communication with the audience (KSP.1.PP.N.02);
- to develop the procedure and technique of psychological and pedagogical communication in order to prevent interpersonal and intergroup conflicts (KSP.1.PR.O.02);
- choose means of influencing the personality depending on age and individual characteristics (KSP.1.ZP.O.04);
- choose methods of business conversations and negotiations (KSP.6.PP.O.02);
- analyze the effectiveness of communication, identify optimal communication conditions, establish adequate interpersonal relationships in various communication situations (KSP.6.PR.O.02);
* ! evaluate the models of communicative connections in society and their effectiveness (KSP.7.ZP.R.03);
- to conduct social and psychological training with the aim of increasing communicative competence, successful negotiation, conflict resolution, effectiveness of public speaking, discussion (KSP.8.PR.O.03) [1, 2].
The following general competencies are defined in the educational and qualification characteristics of bachelor's training in the direction 6.030401 "Jurisprudence" / specialty 081 Law (Bachelor of Law Qualification):
- team work, the ability to work in a team, establish interpersonal interaction, motivate people and move towards a common goal when solving professional tasks (tasks, being critical and self-critical (SK 4));
- communication skills (ability to carry out oral and written professional communication in national and foreign languages (ZK 5));
- technological abilities (skills in using information and communication technologies to search, process, analyze and use information from various sources (ZK 6));
- special professional competences: understanding the need to respect the honor and dignity of the individual, protect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen (FC 4).
In the process of professional training, future legal scholars must master such skills as: demonstrate mastery of professional vocabulary in Ukrainian and foreign languages for solving professional communicative tasks (PRN 6); participate in discussions and demonstrate the ability to interpret current legislation (PRN 10); demonstrate the skills of interaction with other people, the ability to work in groups, as well as the skills of active participation in the educational process and professional activities and defending one's own position (PRN 14) [1, 2].
Therefore, in order to carry out professional activities at a high level, future specialists in the socionomic sphere must know how to build a constructive interaction with people who have turned to them for help, effectively use the genre variety of professional communication, possess professional terminology, logical and linguistic means of argumentation; know the laws of communication in various business and professional situations; the ability to conduct telephone conversations, business conversations, business correspondence, etc.
Thus, the analysis of the educational and qualification characteristics of the training of future specialists in the socionomic sphere allowed us to come to the conclusion that graduates of higher education institutions should master certain communicative abilities and skills, however, in our opinion, they are not enough for the formation of communicative competence. That is, purposeful work on the formation of the specified competence with the introduction of appropriate pedagogical conditions into the educational process of higher education institutions is necessary.
The conducted research does not cover all aspects of the problem of formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere. We see the prospect of further scientific research in the development of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere in the system of continuous education; carrying out a comparative pedagogical analysis of the formation of communicative competence of future specialists in the socionomic sphere in Ukraine and abroad.
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курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
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курсовая работа [184,9 K], добавлен 21.06.2015Історія формування позитивної мотивації у навчанні. Виховання відчуття боргу, відповідальності та профорієнтації. Особливості проведення уроку англійської мови на теми "I`ve got an idea", "Plenty of things to do", "The life of social environment".
курсовая работа [48,0 K], добавлен 16.11.2010Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016