Involvement of technical and design students in the joint design and ergonomic expertise of creative technical projects
This research is devoted to the methodology of involving applicants of higher education in the analysis of the convenience and comfort of using electrical devices for their intended purpose from the point of view of design and ergonomic requirements.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.10.2023 |
Размер файла | 34,6 K |
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Involvement of technical and design students in the joint design and ergonomic expertise of creative technical projects
Usenko Olena
Assistant at the Department of Humanities, Culture and Art Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi Kremenchuk National University
Borysova Tetiana
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Production and Design Basics V.G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University
This research is devoted to the methodology of involving applicants of higher education in the analysis of the convenience and comfort of using electrical devices for their intended purpose from the point of view of design and ergonomic requirements for the design of voltage frequency converters for various purposes. The authors of the research developed and conducted a set of practical tasks on the course «Ergonomics and Fundamentals of Ergodesign», which includes conducting design and ergonomic expertise of production systems, in particular electrical devices. At the final stage of training, experimental research was conducted among students of the speciality «Design» and students of the speciality «Electrical Engineering», who were involved in the design and ergonomic expertise of voltage frequency converters. During the research, it was found that students of different specialities preferred different designs and ergonomic parameters of these devices. This is due to the distinctive features of their future professional activities. All participants of the experiment summed up that high- quality design and ergonomic expertise can only be carried out in cooperation with experts of various specialities.
Key words: Ergodesign, Design and Ergonomic Expertise, Anthropometric Parameters of Electrical Devices, Rational Parameters of Voltage Frequency Converters, Student Training.
Усенко Олена Анатоліївна
асистент кафедри гуманітарних наук, культури та мистецтва Кременчуцький національний університет імені Михайла Остроградського
Борисова Тетяна Миколаївна
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри основ виробництва та дизайну Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка
Проблема дослідження. До дизайн-ергономічних досліджень, як правило, залучаються фахівці різних спеціалізацій для більш комплексного функціонального аналізу об'єктів проєктування. Під час навчального процесу ми спробували залучити здобувачів вищої освіти теж різних спеціальностей до аналізу зручності та комфортності використання електротехнічних пристроїв за призначенням з позиції дизайн-ергономічних вимог до проєктування перетворювачів частоти напруги різного функціоналу. Таким чином, вдалося на практиці продемонструвати студентам відмінність одержаних результатах ергономічного аналізу від фахівців різних спеціалізацій, а також довести важливість їх співпраці для виведення аргументованих висновків і пропозицій щодо удосконалення об'єктів проєктування.
Мета дослідження - розкрити особливості методики залучення здобувачів вищої освіти до дизайн-ергономічної експертизи технічних об'єктів та творчих проєктів.
Методи дослідження. У процесі дослідження студенти залучалися до дизайн-ергономічного аналізу та експертної оцінки приладів. Для обґрунтування та узагальнення одержаних результатів експертизи проводилося ранжування показників якості, систематизація та узагальнення експертних оцінок, здійснювалися математична та статистична обробка результатів.
Основні результати дослідження. Авторами дослідження було розроблено та проведено комплекс практичних завдань з курсу «Ергономіка та основи ергодизайну», що включає проведення дизайн- ергономічної експертизи виробничих систем, зокрема електротехнічних пристроїв. На прикінцевому етапі навчання було проведено експериментальне дослідження серед студентів спеціальності «Дизайн» та студентів спеціальності «Електрична інженерія», які були залучені до дизайн-ергономічної експертизи перетворювачів частоти напруги.
Таким чином, до експертної групи ввійшли студенти-практики з електроінженерії та студенти- дизайнери, які вивчають основи дизайну і ергономіки. Експертиза приладів проводилася на основі ергономічної контрольної карти оцінки якості та включала показники розгорнутої та конкретної номенклатури відповідно до державних стандартів та параметрів, перевагу яким надали здобувачі освіти, залучені до експертизи. Зокрема виділено естетичні, ергономічні, соціально -культурні, функціональні, експлуатаційні, дизайн-маркетингові та дизайн-екологічні показники якості приладів. Окреслено компетентність членів експертної групи (студентів різних спеціальностей), що дало можливість ранжувати параметри оцінювання якості приладів для кожної групи. Визначено правила виконання досліджень даного виду та методи роботи експертної групи.
Наукова новизна результатів дослідження. Питання об'єднання в навчальному процесі здобувачів вищої освіти з різних спеціальностей з метою проведення спільного дизайн-ергномічного дослідження підіймається уперше у науково-педагогічній практиці. Також у статті розглянуто фактори трудового середовища, що впливають на працездатність і стан здоров'я користувача електроприладів. Наведено завдання ергономіки щодо забезпечення раціонального трудового середовища та значення дизайн-ергономічної експертизи електротехнічних приладів для покращення умов функціонального їх використання.
Висновки та конкретні пропозиції автора Під час дослідження виявлено, що студенти різних спеціальностей надали перевагу різним дизайн-ергономічним параметрам даних приладів. Це обумовлено відмінними особливостями їхньої майбутньої професійної діяльності. Всі учасники експерименту підсумували, що якісну дизайн-ергономічної експертизу можна провести лише в співпраці експертів різних спеціальностей. Згідно результатів дослідження студенти виділили ряд параметри, що впливають на зручність використання перетворювачів напруги під час їх експлуатації. У результаті проведеного дослідження авторами визначено можливості підвищення комфортності роботи електротехнічних фахівців, шляхом раціоналізації ергономічних параметрів приладів з урахуванням антропометричних характеристик користувача, характеру та змісту його праці.
Ключові слова: ергодизайн, дизайн-ергономічна експертиза, антропометричні параметри електротехнічних пристроїв, раціональні параметри використання перетворювачів частоти напруги, підготовка здобувачів вищої освіти.
Increasing the efficiency of social production is impossible without further acceleration of scientific and technical progress, and updating of equipment and technology. The basis of any production is the combination of workers' labour activity with objects and means of work. Increasing productivity and quality of work is one of the most important ways of achieving high production efficiency. Factors determining working conditions affect a person's health, work capacity and productivity. Such factors are included in the complexity of ergonomic studies.
Recent studies review
student expertise creative project
Ergonomic researches contribute to both improvement of production processes and the development of new design solutions that ensure both functionality of devices and the comfort of their intended use, thus achieving rational working conditions for different groups of people: workers who work on the development and production of various devices, and employees who use these devices in their professional activities.
When conducting ergonomic studies, various approaches to the analysis of the functionality and practicality of the structure, form, control system and other aspects are determined. In a particular study, one or another aspect may prevail. However, the overall goal is realized through the combination and complementarity of design-ergonomic aspects [1, 187 p.].
Practical tasks of ergonomics are solved together with design, in this way interrelated tasks are realized, such as artistic design solution originality and safety of work with industrial samples of the original artistic design solution in the conditions of a safe production object-spatial environment. Traditionally, the design relies on subjective, irrational, and ergonomics on a measurable, rational. Along with this, effective design of products and processes is possible only if the human capabilities of their operation are taken into account as much as possible, that is, if the created object has an appearance based on operational characteristics, and those, in their way, meet ergonomic requirements.
Taking ergonomic requirements into account ensures increasing efficiency and work quality, ease of operation and maintenance, shortening of equipment mastering terms, improvement of working conditions, and a person's mental and physiological state. At the same time, a significant socio-economic effect is achieved, which is expressed in increasing the attractiveness and meaningfulness of work, maintaining high work capacity, and preserving health [2].
In our opinion, it is appropriate to study and take into account design-ergonomic indicators at all stages of designing objects, processes, and environments. Therefore, it is appropriate to involve future specialists in electrical engineering in studying the basics of ergonomic design. In particular, when conducting our research, we involved a group of students majoring in «Electrical Engineering» and students majoring in «Design» in the design-ergonomic evaluation of electrical devices. We understood that the approach of these students to the design-ergonomic examination of the same devices will differ somewhat since the professional orientation of the future professional activity of the specified categories of respondents is quite different, but the formation of mutual analysis skills will allow us to develop a critical ergonomic approach to established design traditions. and also allows students to be introduced to the features of expert evaluation in practice.
The article aims to reveal the features of the methodology of involving higher education applicants in the design and ergonomic expertise of technical objects and creative projects.
The concept of device expert evaluation is inextricably linked to ensuring the quality of products since the presence of one or another evaluation already causes the need for its refinement - in the direction of eliminating the existing product's shortcomings, or in the direction of increasing the quality to a higher level. It should also be noted that quality is a largely subjective concept because in the end it is evaluated by the consumer of the product. Taking into account the subjective nature of quality assessment is extremely important when evaluating a product because it most fully determines the degree of suitability of the product to meet users' needs [3, 334 p.]. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to take this factor into account, since the number of user- subjects is measured in tens or even hundreds of thousands of individuals. It is clear that in this case, one cannot avoid selective evaluation, inevitable averaging of the results and the use of the approximation method, which leads to a certain approximation of the results. Therefore, at the stage of product design, it is more appropriate to use the expert evaluation method. During the study of ergonomics basics, the study authors suggested students test themselves as experts and evaluate a certain range of electrical devices.
To assess the level of design-ergonomic quality of products and separate groups of properties (aesthetic, ergonomic, etc.), a mixed method was used, based on the use of both single and complex indicators.
A meaningful analysis of the design-ergonomic quality examination structure is based on the construction of the simplest logical expert activity model. Hence, the main components of the examination structure are the subject of the examination, its object, criteria, methods, procedure and result [4, 451 p.].
The subjects of the design-ergonomic product quality examination are a group of qualified experts, organized into special units - expert commissions. They can be created both for the performance of individual product quality evaluation operations (determining the nomenclature of indicators, finding their weighting coefficients, etc.), and for the performance of all evaluation operations, which ends with the receipt of a comprehensive evaluation. The expert commission, as a rule, consists of two groups: expert and working.
The working group consisted of teachers - the study authors and the most active students who showed a personal interest in organizing and conducting expert evaluations of electrical devices. Members of the working group selected several electrical devices for analysis, developed an evaluation system, prepared documentation for the evaluation results, and finally conducted a final analysis of the results and highlighted obtained results, which can be used only for educational goals with a training purpose for further improving the process of ergonomic training of students.
Thus, to conduct educational training on design-ergonomic examination of students in the process of mastering ergonomic science basics, members of the working group monitored marketing offers of voltage frequency converters and formed a series of three modern devices, a brief description of which is summarized in Table 1.
Table I
Type |
5R5G3Z Powtran |
Lenze ESMD 152L4TXA |
SINAMICS 6SL3210-5BB23-ouvo |
Appearance |
to! г |
tut #7, * * * (_*a U |
tl |
Weight |
1.3 Kg |
1.4 Kg |
2.5 Kg |
Dimensions |
163*72*134 mm |
114*146*133 mm |
176,5*136*160 mm |
Producer |
Powtran (China) |
Lenze (Germany) |
SINAMICS (China) |
Power |
5.5 kW |
1.5 kW |
3.0 kW |
Frequency |
0-300 Hz |
48-62 Hz |
47-63 Hz |
Voltage |
380W |
380W |
220W |
The working group also carried out a trial run and adjustment of all electrical devices accordingly to their purpose in laboratory conditions. Thus, the expert groups members had the opportunity to observe the electrical devices' operation under equal conditions, track processes of connecting, setting, and switching operating modes and other features of their operation, such as noise, screen brightness, ease of pressing keys, etc [5, 1218 p.; 6, 3 p.].
The expert group is characterized by a structure due to the presence of several subgroups, differing in professional composition and number of experts. Thus, the involvement of various specialists in the expert evaluation - students of various specialities - creates conditions for a more thorough and reliable analysis of electrical devices. Therefore, the respondents were logically divided into two subgroups: electrical engineers and designers. The professional training of specialists who were part of the expert group provided comprehensive tasks to be solved analysis, and the experts themselves began to clearly understand the goals and tasks of product quality assessment and meet the specified requirements.
We considered the professional competence of experts from different angles. On the one hand, as knowledge of the basics of electrical devices design and manufacturing, their intended use, conditions and nature of product operation, and on the other hand, as an understanding of aesthetic components in the process of developing any technically complex devices, quality indicators of similar products, prospects for product development and consumer requirements. The expert's interest in their participation in the expert commission work is related to individual characteristics, level of professional training, the purpose of examination, and possibilities of using its results in their practical activities [7, 4 p.].
The first task of each subgroup is to determine the criteria by which the evaluation will be carried out and to rank the evaluation criteria (determine the importance of each of the criteria), that is, to arrange them in order from the most significant to the least important product quality indicator. In addition, students chose evaluation criteria from a typical nomenclature of quality indicators of industrial products.
Before carrying out the design-ergonomic examination of several electrical devices, we organized a design- ergonomic consultation for a certain category of respondents, according to the results of which the authors of the study tried to focus the attention of electrical engineering students on the aesthetic and design aspects of working with electrical devices, and future designers to focus on the technical possibilities of using these objects research. The students were introduced to the requirements and stages of the examination, and the typical nomenclature of indicators of design-ergonomic examination.
The typical nomenclature of design-ergonomic indicators includes groups of indicators that are adequate for the following groups of consumer properties of the product: aesthetic, ergonomic, socio-cultural, functional, operational, design-marketing, and design-ecological. A specific nomenclature of quality indicators was formed for the design-ergonomic examination of electrical devices.
When developing a specific nomenclature of indicators, the principle of their necessary and sufficient number should be ensured. A combination of individual indicators or their groups is allowed. There is a ranking of indicators according to the degree of significance by the specifics of a particular type of product use, as well as the deviation of those indicators from the typical nomenclature, for which it is not possible to carry out an analysis of a specific range of products.
Design and ergonomics requirements must be consistent with each other and complement each other in terms of creating functional, psychological and everyday comfort at workplaces and occupied premises, which ensures a high level of operational (consumer) properties of the product.
The ergonomic requirements for specific products include requirements that ensure convenience and efficiency of user's activities during the preparation of the product for work, its operation, its maintenance and repair, as well as in emergencies.
Ergonomics requirements for products, depending on types of products and level of generalization of requirements, are established in the form of: values of ergonomic indicators of product quality and indicators of user activity quality; tasks to achieve certain properties of products, their constituent parts and used materials, product management processes, level of users professional training; optimal and maximum permissible values of environmental factors at workplaces and in rest areas (rooms) for various exposures; limitations/advantages of using certain controls, equipment, materials, methods, processes, markings, colours, etc., based on the possibility of their characteristics influencing user's activity; methods of presenting information, algorithms of user activity in a certain group of products; instruction on location zones of certain elements of the workplace relative to the location of the user; and other [8, 2 p.].
Design requirements for products' external structure characteristics are established in the form of requirements for aesthetic properties of the products; requirements for operational and environmental properties of products; qualitative and quantitative requirements for the characteristics of external construction of products; instruction on the use of artistic and design tools or use of ready-made spatial-compositional and colour-graphic solutions; instructions on selection of basic models, which are taken as a sample during the design of products; requirements for harmonizing elements of the product external structure with the elements of the environment in which the product is used, the external structure of another product or several products with which the product is used.
The specific composition of requirements for groups of products and materials is determined by the normative values of the performance quality indicators of potential users with the object of ergonomic expertise (accuracy, speed, reliability and productivity), requirements for the level of design properties of the product, the characteristics of the selected technical means of activity and the materials used, given time of familiarization and maintenance of the product, as well as technical possibilities of activities automation with the help of this object.
In the process of our research, several criteria were identified, according to which students carried out a design-ergonomic examination of electrical devices. For the convenience of each criterion, by regulatory documents, the parameters of examination have been selected and specified, that is, it has been specified which signs and properties should be paid attention to, which parameters may be significant and more important when using these products as intended. Example:
Clarity of management involves evaluation according to the following parameters:
- ease of displayed information perception;
- the convenience of the device (product) controls design;
- an unevenness of the brightness characteristics of the screen field and the size and colour of the displayed characters.
Ease of setting draws experts' attention to:
- quality and sufficiency of product and process information provided in the information model (configuration and operation instructions);
- presence of an information panel and clarity of receiving information from it;
- compliance of the informational panel with indicators specified in instructions.
- We associate the quality of the converter with the following parameters:
- hygiene of the product and working area environment;
- product safe use;
- reliability of operation and compliance of work with the specified functions.
Aesthetic appearance is determined by:
- Products' appearance artistic expressiveness, rationality, the integrity of products' form a compositional and plastic solution;
- compliance of form with the functional and constructive essence of the product, conditions of its manufacture and operation;
- perfection and preservation of a product's appearance depending on specific conditions of production and specifics of the product's intended use.
The ergonomic design of the product frame depends on compliance with the following indicators:
- compliance of the product with anthropometric, biomechanical, and psychophysiological characteristics of potential users contingent during its operation, transportation, preparation for use, adjustment, and storage;
- speed of mastering the functional capabilities of the product and algorithm of control influences;
- safety of the product and its operating conditions;
- comfort and ergonomics of the product, reflecting the general safety of health and human activity with the product in a specific environment.
Socio-cultural model appropriateness is related to:
- social address, product compliance with the needs structure of a certain consumer circle for whom it is intended;
- the efficiency of using the product in the current or forecasted product range system of a certain type;
- moral ageing (the service life of the product is limited by the appearance of new types of products of higher quality, as well as changes in social norms and cultural and value orientations).
Product functionality is predicted through the following parameters:
- perfection of main function performance and degree of satisfaction of a specific need during the use of the product as intended;
- the versatility of the product, range of conditions and possibilities of using the product by its main function;
- excellence in the performance of auxiliary operational functions, as well as the presence of additional functions, useful for the consumer, related to the main one.
Operating parameters:
- ease of product use;
- ease of product maintenance;
- reliability of the device's operation, and property of maintaining efficiency during the specified service life.
Design marketing options include:
- degree of compliance with the world level;
- compliance with the requirements of the potential sales market;
- level of design and ergonomic characteristics of the device in comparison with the devices of leading manufacturers of similar products;
- degree of market demand for a certain product.
Design-ecological indicators characterize:
- nature and degree of impact on the environment during the product life cycle;
- compliance with raising consumers' environmental awareness requirements;
- degree of resource conservation, degree of product materials recycling and degree of recycled materials and product components used;
- the ability of the product to form ecological awareness among consumers.
The formation of indicators nomenclature, according to which the examination of electrical devices will be carried out, was based on the properties of the product and a group of design indicators, which should ensure the agreed consideration of both requirements belonging to the field of operation (use) and requirements belonging to the field of production of products for industrial and technical purposes.
After getting acquainted with the normative documents and determining the criteria by which expert evaluation will be carried out, students were offered to set the criteria in order of importance for evaluating the quality of this group of products. Thus, we got two models of evaluation criteria with different orders of their ranking.
The objective factor was a different order of evaluation criteria according to the scale of electrical engineers and designers, because the former gives preference to the parameters of using devices for their purpose, performance of the functions specified by them, reliability and quality of work, while designers put design- marketing and aesthetic parameters in the forefront. The indicators ranking does not affect overall qualitative and quantitative expert assessment, but it allows to identify of different approaches to determining the most important indicators for students-practitioners, who primarily analyze the performance of these devices, and designers, who first pay attention to how the device will fit into the design of the environment, its colour and shape.
The result of design-ergonomic examination of quality, or examination of consumer properties of products is a qualitative or quantitative assessment of consumer properties of products recorded in the relevant document. This final assessment is built based on a generalization of the experts' opinions and assessments. For this purpose, the processing of expert evaluations is carried out, which consists of determining the final values of the evaluations and the reached agreement on the experts' opinions.
In addition to the formation of experts' judgments, an important stage of the quality of electrical devices' expert evaluation was the point-cumulative evaluation system for each criterion. All experts had the opportunity to assign points from 1 to 3 for each criterion for all devices. Forms for expert evaluations were drawn up separately for each device so that experts did not need to compare devices with each other, but simply analyze each electrical device in terms of all parameters as a separate quality on a three-point scale. The results of the expert assessment of voltage frequency converters are presented in Table 2.
The tables show the number of grades of one level for each criterion, which corresponds to the number of students who scored a certain grade. For example, in Table 2, according to the first criterion, two students scored 1 point, one student scored 2 points, and seven students scored 3 points for device No. 1 (5R5G3Z Powtran). And so, for each criterion, the number of ratings of each level (good, better, best) is given. The total number of points is formed by summing up all the grades given by all students to one of the electrical appliances.
The final assessment of each electrical device by students of expert groups of electrical engineers and designers differs somewhat. As the first stage of the research showed, during which the experts ranked the evaluation criteria in different ways, the opinions of the experts differ. If the designers do not understand how to set up the device correctly, then they paid more attention to the size and colour of the numbers on the board, how quickly they are illuminated when switching modes, and for electricians, it was more important how the device will behave when the frequency or voltage in the power grid changes, whether these parameters will be displayed on the scoreboard, how stable it will work. If the designers highlight the colour and shape of the case, the smoothness of the lines, taking into account operation peculiarities of electrical devices (even the fact that only dry cleaning can be used to clean electrical devices from dust and dirt, and therefore preference is given to cold and dark colours for the design of device hull, they took into account in their judgments of expert designers). In their conclusions, the majority of electrical engineering experts took into account the size and weight of the device, features of fastening, as well as features of connecting cables.
As a result of the discussion of experts' judgments on each of the criteria, they concluded that all electrical devices are perfect and perform their main functions flawlessly. Electrical engineering students gave the highest rating to electrical device No. 3 (SINAMICS 6SL3210-5BB23-0UV0) according to the following criteria: converter quality, operating parameters, product functionality, design and environmental indicators. The highest rating according to the criteria: clarity of control, design and marketing parameters, aesthetic appearance - received electrical appliance No. 1 (5R5G3Z Powtran). But students gave the highest number of points for all criteria, except ease of setup and design-environmental indicators, to device No. 2 (Lenze SMD 152L4TXA), which is why it leads according to the results of the design ergonomic examination of electrical engineering specialists.
Experts-designers gave preference to electrical device No. 1 (5R5G3Z Powtran) on most criteria, in particular on the following criteria: design-environmental indicators, product functionality, operational parameters and ease of setting.
Table II.
Ranking of evaluation criteria by the group |
Criterion name |
Device 1 | Device 2 | Device 3 |
Marking of devices |
5R5G3Z Powtran |
Lenze SMD 152L4TXA |
SINAMICS 6SL3210- 5BB23-0UV0 |
Assessment levels |
Good |
Better |
Best | Good |
Better |
Best | Good |
Better |
Best |
The number of grades of one level, |
1 point |
2 points |
3 points |1 point |
2 points |
3 points |1 point |
2 points |
3 points |
made by groups of experts |
electrical engineers |
e I СЙ "8 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 'Й 43 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 "Й 43 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 43 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 43 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 43 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 43 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 'Й 43 |
electrical engineers |
e S 00 43 |
1 |
7 |
Converter quality |
2 |
5 |
1 |
3 |
7 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
6 |
2 |
0 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
Convenience of setting |
5 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
2 |
7 |
7 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
7 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
9 |
Control clarity |
1 |
1 |
7 |
7 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
2 |
7 |
6 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
5 |
Functionality of the product |
0 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
6 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
8 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
5 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
6 |
Operating parameters |
2 |
1 |
7 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
6 |
6 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
8 |
6 |
1 |
6 |
2 |
Ergonomic design of the product |
3 |
5 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
2 |
2 |
8 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
0 |
3 |
1 |
5 |
7 |
2 |
2 |
7 |
3 |
Design-marketing parameters |
1 |
5 |
6 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
5 |
6 |
2 |
6 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
8 |
4 |
Design-ecological indicators |
2 |
2 |
5 |
7 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
6 |
7 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
5 |
2 |
3 |
9 |
1 |
Aesthetic appearance |
1 |
6 |
3 |
3 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
5 |
2 |
6 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
1 |
9 |
10 |
10 |
Socio-cultural appropriateness of the model |
2 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
5 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
6 |
3 |
3 |
Number of grades of one level |
19 |
33 |
40 |
37 |
41 |
30 |
18 |
41 |
34 |
37 |
48 |
22 |
20 |
30 |
51 |
43 |
29 |
27 |
Total number of points of one level |
19 |
33 |
80 |
74 |
123 |
90 |
18 |
41 |
68 |
74 |
144 |
66 |
20 |
30 |
102 |
86 |
87 |
81 |
Total number of points |
electrical engineers |
designers |
electrical engineers |
designers |
electrical engineers |
designers |
222 |
197 |
230 |
181 |
209 |
191 |
The obtained results are objective, because the training of electrical technicians in the basics of design is not as thorough as that of future design specialists, and vice versa - designers rarely use electrical devices in their practical activities, therefore the artistic and aesthetic design (appearance) of devices is more important for them, and functionality, ease of use recede into the background. Whereas electrical engineers prefer practicality, multifunctionality, devices ease of use. But the purpose of our research was to draw the attention of both those and other students to the problems of ergonomic nature because when creating the design of any product, it is necessary to think about how the controls, settings, maintenance and use of the product will be conveniently located; which of its elements should be more expressive to attract attention at critical moments of product's operation; what size buttons, switches, handles, etc. should be for ease of control, what colour and shape external structure should be to match the environment in which the product is used and other parameters. Thus, the obtained results of the expert assessment of electrical appliances can be used with a general purpose to demonstrate to students the stages and features of organizing and conducting the design-ergonomic examination.
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