Formation of an idea of the discipline "Physical education" in primary school students

The peculiarities of the formation of the ideas ofprimary students in the discipline "Physical Education" is revealed. The question of the exceptions of students’ motor activity under the conditions of online education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Дата добавления 27.10.2023
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Formation of an idea of the discipline «Physical education» in primary school students

Lutsenko Hryhoriy

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology,

Social Work and Educational Management Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

Havrylenko Tetyana

Teacher of the 1st category, Teacher of Primary Classes Hlukhiv Secondary School

Lutsenko Olena

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences

Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

In the article, the question of the peculiarities of the formation of the ideas ofprimary students in the discipline «Physical Education» is revealed. The question of the exceptions of students' motor activity under the conditions of online education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and a full-scale war with Russia is also outlined. Emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of motor activity of primary students under complete digitization of education. It was established that since the educational activity for students is the leading one, under the conditions of distance learning, students, teachers, and professors, parents should remember the importance of forming the correct posture and physical qualities of children, basic motor skills, and improving health in general in the process ofPhysical Education, observing sanitary - hygienic requirements for using a computer, gadget. The need for motor activity of students is high and determined by the age-specific features of ontogenesis; however, modern society and remote learning purposefully lead to a reduction in children's movements during the day.

Keywords: Education, Online Learning, Motor Activity, New Ukrainian School, Health, Primary Students.

Формування уявлення про предмет «Фізична культура» у учнів початкової школи

Луценко Григорій Васильович

доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри педагогіки та менеджменту освіти Глухівський національний педагогічний університет імені Олександра Довженка Гавриленко Тетяна Іванівна вчитель І категорії, вчитель початкових класів Глухівська загально-освітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів Глухівської міської ради Луценко Олена Іванівна

Кандидат біологічних наук, доцент кафедри теорії і методики навчання природничих дисциплін Глухівський національний педагогічний університет імені Олександра Довженка

Постановка проблеми. Збереження й підтримка здоров'я широких верств населення, зокрема молодого покоління, є однією з фундаментальних цінностей і конкретної людини, і держави та суспільства загалом. Сучасний етап розвитку людства, на думку В. Казначеєва, повинен стати періодом Homo valiens («людини здорової»). Між тим, до теперішнього часу зберігаються стійкі тенденції зниження рівня здоров'я сучасної молоді, зокрема й такого його надзвичайно важливого складника, як соціальне здоров 'я.

Україна належить до держав, які у своїй політиці декларують здоров'я як найвищу цінність людини. Відповідно до Конвенції ООН про права дитини, Статуту Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров'я (ВООЗ), Конституції України прийнято значну кількість законів, нормативно - правових документів, які визначають здоров 'язбережувальну стратегію держави в системі освіти.

Здоров'язбережувальна компетентність є ключовою в Новій українській школі і передбачає здатність особи до свідомого й відповідального ставлення до свого здоров'я та здоров'я оточуючих, до запобігання ризикам для здоров'я та життя, до використання засобів і ресурсів для зміцнення та покращення здоров'я. Для формування здоров'язбережувальних навичок, умінь та компетенцій учнів початкових класів необхідно створити відповідні психолого-педагогічні умови, які сприятимуть розвитку фізичних, психічних та соціальних аспектів здоров'я учнів через різноманітні види навчальної та позашкільної діяльності. До таких умов належать: освітнє середовище, яке сприяє засвоєнню знань про здоровий способ життя; освіта в галузі здоров'я та безпеки, яка формує у дітей позитивне ставлення до свого здоров'я та вміння його зберегти; фізична культура та рухова активність, яка розвиває фізичні якості та здатності дитини; здорове харчування, яке задовольняє потреби організму в поживних речовинах; медична та психологічна служби, які надають професійну допомогу у разі потреби; педагоги, які є прикладом для наслідування та партнерами для спілкування; сім'я та громада, які підтримують і заохочують дитину до здорового способу життя.

Все вищепредставлене сформувало мету нашого дослідження - особливості формування уявлення про предмет «фізична культура» у учнів початкової школи.

Основні результати дослідження. Рухова активність - один з головних чинників, які визначають рівень фізичного здоров'я молоді. Достатній рівень рухової активності студентів є основою належного розвитку організму. Недостатня рухова активність негативно впливає на більшість функцій організму і є чинником виникнення йрозвитку захворювань.

У дослідженні прийняли участь школярі ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 3 м. Глухова, Сумської області у період з 2021-2023 роки. Для нашого педагогічного експерименту ми взяли учнів 1 -А, 1-Б та 5-А і 5-Б класів. Всього взяло участь у опитуванні з усіх класів - 53 учні. Хочемо відмітити, що на період проведення експерименту учнів 5-х класів були у 3-х та 4-х класах відповідно. Дослідження проведено з дотриманням основних біоетичних положень Конвенції Ради Європи. Нами була розроблена Google анкета з простими 3-ма запитаннями на які діти разом із батьками мали змогу дати відповідь. За результатами проведеного педагогічного анкетування ми встановили наступні результати: більшість учнів відносяться позитивно до уроку фізичне виховання, але ті учні які наразі відвідують лише онлайн школу (45 % від загальної кількості опитуваних) не розуміють як можна рухатись за допомогою гаджету; 55% опитуваних школярів - ті що перших два класи не зважаючи на перепони пандемії, але мали змогу відвідувати школу говорять, що уроки фізичної культури були найкращими, їм вони подобались, вони багато рухались, грали у рухливі ігри із однолітками; серед опитаних виокремлюються діти які взагалі на сьогоднішній день проводять багато часу за гаджетами і після уроків, адже завантажені онлайн - ігри, і дітям просто не цікаво гратись, рухатись на вулиці чи вдома з іграшками (17% таких відповідей, зауважимо стосувалась дітей, як ми встановили, які самостійно виходять на уроки без когось з дорослих).

Висновок. З огляду на все це ми прийшли до наступного висновку, який носить опосередковано рекомендаційних характер у першу чергу для батьків.

Онлайн навчання і фізична активність дітей пов'язані між собою, адже фізична активність сприяє покращенню здоров'я, розвитку, навчанню та соціалізації дітей. Під час онлайн навчання діти проводять багато часу за комп'ютером, що може негативно впливати на їх фізичний стан, поставу, зір, психологічний настрій. Тому важливо забезпечити дитині достатню фізичну активність протягом дня. Для цього можна використовувати такі поради: у першу чергу потрібно створити розпорядок дня, який передбачає регулярні перерви між уроками для розминки, рухливих ігор, прогулянок на свіжому повітрі; залучати дитину до різноманітних видів фізичної активності за її інтересами та здібностями (бадбінтон, валейбол, футбол, велоспорт тощо) і найголовніше спонукати дитину до самостійного виконання фізичних завдань та оцінювати її старання та результати.

Ключові слова: освіта, онлайн-навчання, рухова активність, нова українська школа, здоров 'я, молодші школярі.


physical education primary school

Preservation and maintenance of the health of broad sections of the population, particularly the young generation, is one of the fundamental values of a specific person and the state and society in general. According to V. Kaznacheev, the modern stage of human development should become the Homo Aliens («healthy man») period. Meanwhile, until now, there are persistent trends of decreasing the health of modern youth, including its extremely important component, such as social health.

The national program «Healthy Ukraine», initiated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, is designed to make a healthy lifestyle part of the Ukrainian mentality. «The need to take care of yourself and your health has become especially noticeable during the coronavirus pandemic. We felt that health is a very great value, without which it is impossible to move forward» [8]. From the very beginning, the president made the life of every Ukrainian his highest priority, and today we feel it. And health is also necessary for a happy life », said Andrii Yermak, head of the Office of the President. These words are especially relevant today, during the full-scale military invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine.

It involves the development of practical recommendations for citizens to improve health, prevent diseases and overcome their consequences. One of the components of the program is the healthy school model, which includes eight components, including Physical Education. The purpose of this component is the formation of children's positive attitude toward a healthy lifestyle, development of physical qualities and abilities, and prevention of diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. For this purpose, physical exercises during breaks between lessons, the organization of sports sections and clubs, and the creation of appropriate conditions for Physical Education are provided.

Recent studies review. Ukraine belongs to the states that in their policy declare health as the highest human value. By the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Constitution of Ukraine, a significant number of laws, regulatory and legal documents defining the state's health-preserving strategy in the education system have been adopted

Scientists have researched the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the formation of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren (O. Vashchenko, L. Vysochan, M. Dedlovska, etc.) this is a problem that is studied in pedagogical theory and practice since the health of children is one of the main tasks of the school and families.

The psychological and pedagogical foundations of the formation of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren consist in creating appropriate conditions for the development of physical, mental, and social aspects of the health of students through various types of educational and extracurricular activities. Such conditions include an educational space that promotes the assimilation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; education in the field of health and safety, which forms in children a positive attitude towards their health and the ability to preserve it; Physical Education that develops the child's physical qualities and abilities; healthy food that meets the body's needs for nutrients; medical and psychological services that provide professional assistance in case of need; teachers who are role models and communication partners; family and community that support and encourage the child to lead a healthy lifestyle [2, p. 12-17].

The most urgent issue is the valeologicalization and Valeological Education of the younger generation in the conditions of online education, which entails hypodynamia, psycho-emotional dysfunctions associated with both the war and the inability to communicate with peers and leading a full life (T. Boychenko, L Dykhan, etc.).

Valeological education is the process of forming children's knowledge, abilities, skills, and values, which contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health, and the development of the individual's physical, mental, and spiritual potential. Valeological education is of great importance for primary school, since it is during this period that the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are formed [7].

To implement ideological education, a primary school teacher needs to use various methods aimed at educating students in the culture of health, personal qualities that contribute to its preservation and strengthening, and the formation of ideas about factors that affect health. It is also important to create a healthy educational environment, optimize the mode of the educational process, provide medical care, and involve students in Physical Education.

Valeological education can be implemented both within the framework of individual subjects (Natural Science, Physical Education, Mathematics, etc.) and through extracurricular work (group activities, excursions, etc.).

The formation of health-preserving skills, abilities, and competencies of primary school students should also be attributed to valeological education (B. Dolynskyi, N. Koval, etc.). This is a problem that is studied in pedagogical theory and practice since the health of children is one of the main tasks of school and family.

Healthcare competence is a key in the New Ukrainian School and involves a person's ability to consciously and responsibly treat his or her health and the health of others, to prevent risks to health and life, and to use means and resources to strengthen and improve health I [9]. For the formation of health-saving skills, abilities, and competencies of primary school students, it is necessary to create appropriate psychological and pedagogical conditions that will promote the development of physical, mental, and social aspects of students' health through various types of educational and extracurricular activities. Such conditions include an educational environment that promotes the assimilation of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle; education in the field of health and safety, which forms in children a positive attitude towards their health and the ability to preserve it; Physical Education that develops the child's physical qualities and abilities; healthy food that meets the body's needs for nutrients; medical and psychological services that provide professional help in case of need; teachers who are role models and communication partners; family and community that support and encourage the child to lead a healthy lifestyle. To realize these conditions, it is necessary to create a health-preserving educational environment (O. Vashchenko, S. Dudko, V. Ilchenko, T. Silanteva, L. Slivka, etc.) [13].

Foreign researchers pay special attention to the issues of the physical and mental well-being of students, work with elementary school students who have different physical abilities, and train teachers for health-preserving activities.

According to the data of an in-depth study of the state of health of schoolchildren and factors of the external environment that affect it, conducted in recent years by specialists of the Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Research of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, a significant deterioration in the health of students during their schooling was revealed. It was found that «during schooling, respiratory diseases became more common, endocrinopathy came in second place, mental and behavioural disorders came in third, and diseases of the eye and its accessory apparatus took fourth place» [10, p. 31-34].

O. Osolodkova defines health-preserving education of schoolchildren as education in which the teacher finds opportunities to improve children's health, not exhausting his activities with preventive measures, but identifying trends that would support and develop the child's desire to be healthy and realize himself.

The main goal of the New Ukrainian School is to create a school in which it will be pleasant to study and which will give students not only knowledge, skills, and competencies that the child can apply in life, but will also create a basis for continuing education and further development of scientific potential. It should be emphasized that the basis of the above is health-preserving competence; it is in these conditions that the high role of the teacher as a partner in the education, and development of an educated, healthy individual, both in terms of physical and psychological criteria, is strengthened [14].

A healthy lifestyle contributes to the restoration, maintenance, and development of the body's reserve capabilities, in which motor activity is a mandatory component.

The problem of formation, strengthening, and preservation of individual health remains relevant even today [5]. This problem has reached a special content with the transition to online education. In 2020, this was done due to the threat of the COVID-19 viral pandemic, currently in connection with a full-scale war with the aggressor country - russia.

Analysing psychological and pedagogical periodicals, we found out that the transition to online education changed the lifestyle of children - the duration of time spent in front of the screen increased, sedentary behaviour decreased, and the duration of sleep, motor activity, and walks decreased. This can harm the physical, mental, spiritual, and social health of schoolchildren and students. That is why it is important to form positive motives and goals for Physical Education in students.

Different approaches are used to solve it. At the same time, a special place for maintaining and strengthening health belongs to motor activity [1, p. 128].


All of the above formed the purpose of our research - the peculiarities of the formation of ideas about the discipline «Physical Education» among elementary school students.


Physical activity is one of the main factors that determine the level of physical health of young people. A sufficient level of motor activity in students is the basis of the proper development of the body. Insufficient motor activity harms most body functions and is a factor in the occurrence and development of diseases.

Students of Hlukhiv Secondary School I-III degrees No. 3, Sumy region in the period from 2021-2023 took part in the study. For our pedagogical experiment, we took students of 1-A, 1-B, and 5-A and 5-B classes. A total of 53 students from all classes took part in the survey. We would like to note that at the time of the experiment, 5th- grade students were in 3rd and 4th grades, respectively. The study was conducted in compliance with the basic bioethical provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (from April 4, 1997), the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association on Ethical Principles of Scientific Medical Research with Human Participation (1994-2008), as well as the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 690 from September 23, 2009

Therefore, with the prior consent of the parents, with the participation of the teacher, an online meeting was held using the Google Meet service, where the children first had a short conversation about the peculiarities of Physical Education, why we need to move, and how movement affects us. After that, access to Google Forms was provided, where the children had to answer 4 questions:

- Do you like to study using a computer (phone, tablet), or would you like to sit at a desk with friends at school?

- How often do you move, run, and play at home or on the street?

- Do you like Physical Education at school online?

- Do you go to sports clubs after school?

The results of the answers were mathematically calculated and presented in the form of a table (Table 1).

Table 1

Student . survey results

Questions of the questionnaire



Do you like to study using a computer (phone, tablet), or would you like to sit at a desk with your friends at school?

- I want to go to school



- - I feel good at home



- I do not know



How often do you move, run, and play at home or outside?

- - very often, I am restless



- - when parents come home from work once a day



- - I sit and play at the computer (phone, tablet)



Do you like Physical Education at school online?

- Yes



- No



- - I don't know, I don't care



Do you go to sports clubs after school?

- Yes



- No



Analysis of research and publications of recent years show that Physical Education in modern conditions acts as one of the important components of the formation of personality culture. An important factor in increasing the effectiveness of children's Physical Education is it will allow them to form a sustainable interest and a conscious need for a healthy lifestyle [6, p. 25-29].

An important problem is the motivation for classes aimed at the physical activity of primary students, which today is largely insufficiently developed; therefore ways of forming the need for active motor activity are a task of primary importance [7, 11]. In this context, the need to increase the number of compulsory classes and cultivate the habit of doing physical exercises independently as part of the formation of positive motives for physical activity becomes extremely important [12, p. 73].

Analysing the results of our pedagogical experiment, we found that the majority of students have a positive attitude to the Physical Education lesson, but those students who currently attend only online school (45% of the total number of respondents) do not understand how to move with the help of a gadget; 55% of the surveyed schoolchildren - those who, despite the obstacles of the pandemic, was able to attend school in the first two grades say that the Physical Education lessons were the best, they liked them, they moved a lot, played moving games with their peers; Among the respondents, children who generally spend a lot of time on gadgets even after school today, because online games are downloaded, and children are simply not interested in playing, moving on the street or at home with toys (17% of such answers, please note, concerned children like us established, who independently go to lessons without any of the adults).

These data encourage us to think about the problem of health care for primary students, but active physical activity is a prerequisite for a child's full development, a key to a healthy lifestyle. The updated results prove that a large percentage of children have a passive attitude to motor activity. Usually, among the respondents, the most motivated are schoolchildren who play sports outside of school. The questionnaire data confirmed the scientists' conclusions that under the conditions of distance learning, children want to engage in game sports, it is during the game, group work/activity that positive emotions appear in them, and an interest in the motor activity is formed.

To find out more deeply the nature of the impact of distance learning on the motor activity of primary school students, the criteria for the formation of children's interest in motor activity were defined as: at the levels of the cognitive component - familiarizing students with physical motor activity, its importance for health, preservation under conditions of a pandemic and of distance learning, on the motivational side - the orientation of the activity and readiness for it, on the emotional-reflective component - emotional experiences that reflect the degree and nature of satisfaction, the ability to develop the skills of understanding the significance of the acquired knowledge and practical experience of Physical Education, to analyse by comparing the level of one's. condition and motor activity before achieving a certain result and after that.

Let's analyse the individual results obtained. To study the level of the cognitive component, a questionnaire «Determining the level of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle» was compiled. After conducting the survey, the results were analysed according to the following parameters: the identification of a healthy lifestyle, the concept of his daily routine and organization, the role of physical activity, the sports life of a child, knowledge of the rules of hygiene in the conditions of the spread of the heart infection COVID-19, the importance of physical activity in the conditions of full digitalization education, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the use of ICT facilities. These parameters are identified based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and adapted to today's challenges.

Analysis of the survey suggests that 30% of students achieve a low level. The average level of knowledge according to the indicator «Idea about a healthy lifestyle» was found in 40% of students who were told that children are familiar with the concepts of physical activity, a healthy lifestyle and sports. Only 30% of students have a high level of knowledge with the «Perception of a healthy lifestyle» indicator, which works on their full knowledge of what a healthy lifestyle is, the importance of physical activity under the conditions of online learning, and the spread of the pandemic is developing.

According to the indicator of knowledge about the daily schedule and its organization, 40% of the students showed a low level, which means that they are not able to make a daily schedule, where motor activity provides an important place, and successfully follow it. 40% showed students of an average level of knowledge, and therefore know the basics of making up a daily routine, the importance of physical activity, and observing a daily routine. 20% of your students have a high level of knowledge according to this indicator, what about the presence of stable knowledge in these students: how to make up their daily routine, how to follow sanitary and hygienic norms during distance learning, it is necessary to include this activity in the routine of the day, they can follow it yourself.

Analysing the results of respondents' answers to the question «The role of physical activity, sports in a child's life», it can be concluded that 45% of the surveyed children do not play sports and do not like to play sports. 35% of students have an average level, which indicates their partial commitment to physical activity, Physical Education, that is, they engage in physical activity, but not systematically. 20% of students with a high level of knowledge have systematic physical activity and motor activity.

Analysis of the results of the question «Knowledge of hygiene rules under the conditions of online education, quarantine» showed that 40% of respondents with a low level do not know or do not consider it necessary to follow hygiene rules, despite restrictions on the use of gadgets and computers. 40% of schoolchildren have an average level of knowledge regarding the analysed parameter, therefore, they do not know all hygiene rules and do not always support them. 20% of students have a high level of knowledge and are also trained to systematically follow the rules of personal hygiene, sanitary and hygienic requirements online, and engage in Physical Education in society.

Therefore, the analysis of the results of the questionnaire to identify the level of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle proved that a large number of primary students do not have a clear idea about a healthy lifestyle, the role of physical activity in it, the importance of Physical Education under the conditions of online learning, the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, this shows that they have an average level of knowledge about the routine of the day, its organization and the role of physical activity in life, and the same level of knowledge of hygiene rules under the conditions of distance learning and compliance with quarantine requirements. A low level of interest among children of primary school age in Physical Education according to the indicators of the cognitive criterion was found in 30% of respondents. That is why, under the conditions of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the introduction of distance learning as a result of this, the theoretical substantiation of the problem of the formation of the interest of education seekers in physical activity and health care is a rather urgent problem.

Peculiarities of Physical Education lessons during online education in elementary school are that teachers must use various online resources and platforms to ensure effective interaction with students, organization of motor activity, and checking and assessment of tasks. Some of these resources and platforms can be:

- Viber, Telegram, Instagram, and Facebook - for communicating with students and parents, sending audio and video messages, pictures, and stickers.

- Google Classroom - for creating a class, tasks, tests, quizzes, and feedback.

- YouTube and Google Drive - for hosting video lessons and other materials for students.

- Skype, Zoom, and Google Meet - for conducting video chats with students in real-time.

- Interactive tasks, fitness applications, dance challenges, etc. - for the development of students' physical qualities, and their interest in Physical Education.

When organizing an online Physical Education lesson, the following stages should be observed: preparation (warm-up), the main part (exercises, games, competitions), and the final part (cooldown). Individual characteristics of students, their interests, and capabilities should also be taken into account. Physical education lessons are designed to develop the functional state of the child's body, form healthy lifestyle skills, and promote personality socialization.

Online learning and children's physical activity are interconnected because physical activity contributes to the improvement of children's health, development, learning, and socialization. During online learning, children spend a lot of time at the computer, which can negatively affect their physical condition, posture, eyesight, and psychological mood. Therefore, it is important to provide the child with sufficient physical activity during the day. You can use the following tips for this:

- Create a daily routine that includes regular breaks between lessons for warm-up, active games, and walks in the fresh air.

- Create a space for learning and physical activity that will be comfortable, lit, ventilated, and will have the necessary equipment (table, chair, mat, jump rope, etc.).

- Use online resources and platforms for Physical Education and Fitness Classes (Y ouTube, Google Drive, Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, etc.).

- Involve the child in various types of physical activity according to his interests and abilities (Dance Challenges, Frisbee, Floorball, etc.).

- Encourage the child to independently perform physical tasks and evaluate his efforts and results [4, p. 75].

According to the authors, it is important to form in students a positive attitude to Physical Education as a

component of preserving and strengthening their health. Various methods can be used for this, such as:

- the creation of a favourable emotional climate in Physical Education lessons;

- application of game and situational tasks that encourage motor activity;

- consideration of individual characteristics and interests of students;

- encouragement and praise for successful exercise performance;

- use of modern technologies, such as video, audio, interactive programs, etc. [3, p. 351].

Increasing the motor activity of children contributes not only to strengthening their health, and increasing resistance to diseases, but also to comprehensive development and improvement of working capacity. Therefore, it is very important to motivate children for regular Physical Education, especially during online education.

This is quite a difficult question because children are often fascinated by online games and do not want to give them up. However, some tips can help you promote your child's preference for Physical Education:

- Be an example for the child. if you do sports, go for walks, exercise, etc., the child will imitate your lifestyle and see the benefits of physical activity.

- Involve the child in cooking with you. In this way, you will not only spend time together but also teach your child about healthy eating, which is essential for maintaining physical fitness.

- Use mobile games and relays in Physical Education classes or at home. In this way, you will not only develop the child's physical abilities but also improve his social interaction, creativity, logical thinking, etc.

- Limit a child's time on the computer or other gadgets. Make rules and stick to them. For example, no more than an hour a day after completing homework.

- Encourage and praise the child for his achievements in Physical Education. Show your interest and support. Do not criticize the child for mistakes or failures, but encourage further development.


Today, an important socio-pedagogical problem, which has become actualized under the active development of digitalization of education and distance learning caused by the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection, is the involvement of schoolchildren in motor activities. According to the results of the influence of distance learning on the motor activity of students, it was concluded that under the conditions of digitalization of education, the interest in physical exercises and active recreation is decreasing and reaching a critical level.

Since the educational activity for students is led, under the conditions of distance learning, students, teachers, and professors, parents should remember the importance of forming the correct posture and physical qualities of children, basic motor skills, and general improvement in the process of Physical Education, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements to use a computer, gadget. The need for motor activity of students is high and determined by the age-specific features of ontogenesis, however, modern society and remote learning purposefully lead to a reduction in children's movements during the day.

The development of motor activity in students is impossible without the formation of their interest in Physical Education. This aspect can become the subject of our further scientific research.


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