From the history of shipbuilding: the "Odesa" period of activity of professor Charles Clark
A comprehensive study of the biography of Clark in the "Odesa" period of his life at the pedagogical and scientific levels. His role in the creation of the methodical-pedagogical and scientific-technical base of higher polytechnic education in Odessa.
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Дата добавления | 30.10.2023 |
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Ukraine Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov
Ukrainian Studies, Historical, Legal and Language Disciplines Odessa National Maritime University
From the history of shipbuilding: the «odesa» period of activity of professor charles clark
Levchenko Valery - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of
Levchenko Halyna - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History
The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive study of the biography of Ch. Clark in the “Odesa” period of his life at the pedagogical and scientific levels. The research methodology is based on the principles of concrete-historical approach or historical method, objectivity, comprehensiveness and integrity, consistency, and on the usage of the given methods:
analysis and synthesis, historical-genetic, comparative-historical, historical-typological, and problem-chronological. The scientific novelty of it is that for the first time in historiography, the role of Professor Ch. Clark in the creation and formation of the methodical-pedagogical and scientific-technical base of higher polytechnic education in Odesa, as one of the leading educational and scientific centers of Ukraine, is comprehensively presented. Conclusions. Ch. Clark made a significant contribution to the organization and institutionalization of the Odesa Polytechnic Institute, in particular to the development of shipbuilding in Odesa and in Ukraine in general. The article is devoted to the analysis of the «Odesa» period of life of the well-known European specialist in the field of shipbuilding, design engineer, researcher of heat engineering, hydraulics and hydraulic engines - Ch. Clark. Reconstruction of this period of the scientist's life allows to establish the factors that influenced the changes in his life and moving to Odesa, to analyze the main directions of his activity, which became part of the content and specifics of the formation and development of higher shipbuilding education in Ukraine. The factual understanding of the main directions of life of the theorist and the practice of shipbuilding against the background of historical events and phenomena will allow to find out about his place and role as a person in history. The «Odesa» period of Ch. Clark's life, his scientific and pedagogical aspects of activity still remain unexplored, so without a doubt, deserve a special scientific study that will demonstrate the contribution of this extraordinary person to the development of educational and scientific processes in the technical field. Ukraine. Based on the biographical method of analysis, the creative path of the founder of higher shipbuilding education in the South of Ukraine is considered. The appearance of Ch. Clark in Odesa contributed to the penetration into the academic environment of the technical field of knowledge of the traditions of Western European education and science, which generated the popularization and intensification of scientific and technological progress. In his new place, the scientist became an authoritative specialist in the process of formation and evolution of many areas of the technical field of science, which became the driving force in creating their theoretical and methodological basis. Using a wide range of methods of historical research and on the basis of archival sources, the factors of development of higher polytechnic education in Odesa, the formation of scientific schools in the field of shipbuilding and other areas of technical science are identified. The significant and invaluable contribution of Clark to the motivation and actualization of the development of higher education and research in the field of shipbuilding in the coming years is pointed out. The emergence of a higher polytechnic education institution in the south of Ukraine, which trained highly qualified technical personnel, in particular in the field of shipbuilding, generally contributed to the modernization of the Ukrainian higher polytechnic education system and the formation of one of the leading centers of scientific and technical intelligentsia. methodological principles and practical experience of technical science.
Key words: shipbuilding; history; Charles Clark; engineer; designer; scientist; Odesa; high school.
ЛЕВЧЕНКО Галина - кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри історії України Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова, , м. Одеса,
ЛЕВЧЕНКО Валерій - кандидат історичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри українознавства, історико-правових та мовних дисциплін Одеського національного морського університету, м. Одеса,
Мета дослідження - здійснити спробу комплексного дослідження біографії Чарльза Кларка в «одеський» період його життя на педагогічній та науковій нивах. Методологія дослідження спирається на принципи конкретно-історичного підходу або історизму, об'єктивності, всебічності й цілісності, системності, а також на використання методів - аналізу та синтезу, історико-генетичного, історико-порівняльного, історико-типологічного, проблемно-хронологічного. Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що вперше в історіографії комплексно представлено роль професора Чарльза Кларка в створенні та формуванні методико-педагогічної і науково-технічної бази вищої політехнічної освіти в Одесі, як одному з провідних освітньо-наукових осередків України. Висновки. Чарльзу Кларку належить вагомий внесок в організацію та інституціона- лізацію Одеського політехнічного інституту, зокрема у розвиток суднобудування в Одесі та в Україні. Стаття присвячена аналізу «одеського» періоду життя знаного європейського фахівця у галузі суднобудування, інженера-конструктора, дослідника питань теплотехніки, гідравліки та гідравлічних двигунів - Ч. Кларка. Реконструкція цього періоду життєвого шляху вченого дозволяє встановити чинники, що вплинули на зміни в його житті та переїзд до Одеси, проаналізувати основні напрями його діяльності, які стали складовою змісту і специфіки становлення та розвитку вищої суднобудівної освіти в Україні. Фактологічне осмислення основних напрямів життя теоретика і практика суднобудування на тлі історичних подій та явищ дозволять з'ясувати його місце та роль як особистості в історії. «Одеський» період життя Ч. Кларка, його наукові й педагогічні аспекти діяльності до цього часу залишаються не вивченими, тому без сумніву, заслуговують на спеціальне наукове дослідження, яке дозволить продемонструвати внесок цієї непересічної особи в розвиток освітньо-наукових процесів технічної галузі в Україні. На основі біографічного методу аналізу розглянуто творчий шлях фундатора вищої суднобудівної освіти на Півдні України. Поява Ч. Кларка в Одесі сприяла проникненню в академічне середовище технічної галузі знань традицій західноєвропейської освіти і науки, що генерувало популяризацію та активізацію науково- технічного прогресу. У новому для себе місці вчений став авторитетним фахівцем у процесі становлення та еволюції багатьох напрямів технічної галузі науки, що стало рушійною силою у створенні їх теоретико-методологічної бази. Використовуючи широкий комплекс методів історичного дослідження та на основі архівних джерел, визначено чинники розвитку вищої політехнічної освіти в Одесі, формування наукових шкіл у галузі суднобудування та інших сферах технічної науки. Вказано на вагомий та нео- цінений внесок Кларка в мотивацію та актуалізацію розвитку вищої освіти та наукових досліджень у галузі кораблебудування в подальші роки. Поява закладу вищої політехнічної освіти на півдні України, який здійснював підготовку висококваліфікованих технічних кадрів, зокрема у галузі суднобудування, в цілому сприяла модернізації української системи вищої політехнічної освіти та формуванню одного з провідних осередків науково-технічної інтелігенції, яка своєю активною фаховою діяльністю сприяла еволюції теоретико-методологічних засад і практичного досвіду технічної науки.
Ключові слова: суднобудування; історія; Чарльз Кларк; інженер; конструктор; вчений; Одеса; вища школа.
The formulation of the problem
The history of shipbuilding, as well as the history of any branch of collective activity of people is impossible to imagine without historical figures. Analysis of their life path and intellectual heritage provides an opportunity to better understand historical events and phenomena, to reveal the content and specifics of cultural development. The history of shipbuilding was created by many extraordinary personalities, controversially assessed by contemporaries, whose fate was inextricably linked with the history of certain epochs.
Among a wide range of scientists, whose fruitful work took place in the first third of the twentieth century. It is the time of increased attention to the modernization of shipbuilding against the background of intensive naval armaments of European countries, the figure of Charles Clark (1867-1942) stands out. The study of his biography and scientific heritage provides an opportunity to better understand the historical processes of the past, to reveal the role and place of the individual in the development of the cultural process, in particular in the history of shipbuilding and higher shipbuilding education.
Analysis of sources and recent studies
The role of professor Clark in the creation and formation of methodological, pedagogical and scientific and technical base of higher polytechnic education in Odesa is one of the main and determining. These factors provide grounds for a detailed study of the «Odesa» period of life of a teacher and scientist, whose personality in Soviet times and in the early post-Soviet period was not given due attention in the scientific literature (Bakhmutskaya, Stradin, 1968; Malakhov, 1995). The return of the name of Ch. Clark to the scientific literature in its entirety began only in the last decade, when in the context of changing historical circumstances there was an opportunity for a comprehensive study of his biography, including the «Odesa» period of life. Some topics of the scientists contribution to the development of higher polytechnic education in Odesa were partially covered in scientific publications of recent years (Levchenko, Grivkivska, Shatalova, 2018; Levchenko, 2019). Thus, it can be stated that the fact of insufficient study of his activity is obvious, there are no special generalizing works that analyze the scientific heritage of the scientist. Therefore, based on the analysis of the literature, the authors substantiated the need for comprehensive scientific development of the topic in accordance with the defined purpose, objectives and research methodology.
The relevance of the topic is that the role of Professor Ch. Clark in the formation and institutionalization of the infrastructure of the base of polytechnic universities in Ukraine and abroad is noticeable and deserves to be studied. The life of Ch. Clark, his scientific and pedagogical activities of the «Odesa» period have so far remained unexplored. The multifaceted and fruitful educational and scientific activity of the well-known scientist, without a doubt, deserves a special study that will show the contribution of this extraordinary person to the development of cultural processes in Ukraine.
The aim of the work is an attempt to comprehensively study the biography of Ch. Clark, in particular in the «Odesa» period of his life, in pedagogical and scientific fields, which allows to some extent to detail our understanding of the cultural process in Odessa and Ukraine in general at the turn of 1910s - 1920s.
The purpose of the article. To achieve this goal, the authors identified the following tasks: 1) characterization of the main stages of the life of Clark; 2) coverage of pedagogical and scientific activities in the «Odesa» period; 3) assessment of its contribution to the development of higher shipbuilding education in Odesa; 4) acquaintance with the scientific heritage and analysis of its main areas of research.
A significant range of archival sources was used to solve the tasks set in the work. The basis for the preparation of this study are documentary materials, which were first introduced into scientific circulation and allow to reveal the main fragments of the life of Ch. Clark at this time, his scientific concepts, the problems of his research. First of all, these are cases of the State Archives of Odesa region, documents that provide an opportunity to fill the gaps in the biography of the scientist and in particular to try to reconstruct certain fragments of the «Odesa» period of his life. The revealed unique historical sources allow to make an attempt in a new perspective to present the image of a scientist in the era of changing political regimes, the process of institutionalization of higher polytechnic education in Odesa, fragmentary restoration of everyday conditions of Odessa scientific corporation at the turn of 1910s - 1920s. was based on the principles of scientific heuristics, classification and methods of source criticism of various types of historical sources; work with scientific research was based on the method of historiographical analysis. The creative path of the founder of higher shipbuilding education in the south of Ukraine is considered on the basis of a biographical method of analysis. pedagogical clark scientific education
The presentation of the main material
Charles Clark was born on May 19 (31), 1867 in Riga to an associate professor at the Riga Polytechnic School, John Charles Clark, who was raised in London and an academician of the Academy of Arts in Petrograd, who taught drawing and painting. Clark's family represented the well-known Scottish Clark family in the province of Livland (Bakhmutskaya and Stradin, 1968). C. Clark grew up and studied in Britain. After moving to Riga, he retained his English citizenship, which was generally characteristic of the British diaspora in the Baltic region. In 1894 he graduated with honors from the mechanical department of the Riga Polytechnic School (since 1896 the Riga Polytechnic Institute - FIR) and received the title of engineer-technologist and went to work at the shipyard «Lange and Son» as an engineer of the Technical Bureau. In 1897 he went on a business trip from the Ministry of Education abroad to prepare for teaching and to the factories of the Russian Empire. In the spring of 1898 he was appointed chief engineer of the shipyard «Lange and Son» (State Archives of Odessa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 142, sheet 134).
On July 28, 1898, at the suggestion of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the FIR and the Riga Educational District, after a test lecture on the course «Technical Measurements» by C. Clark, he was approved as an associate professor of FIR in Applied Mechanics. On December 30, 1899, he was approved as an adjunct professor of applied mechanics, and on November 6, 1902, by the FIR Council, he was elected a researcher on «Hydraulic Engines» and «Steam Boilers» and approved by the Ministry of Education as an ordinary professor at Riga. educational district (State Archives of Odessa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 142, sheet 134). At the institute he was given permission to teach a new discipline «Shipbuilding», the basics of which he independently developed and invariably taught for many years (Bakhmutskaya, Stradin, 1968, p. 53). During the whole teaching period he taught lectures on thermodynamics, technical measurements, hydraulics, hydraulic engineering, hydraulic motors, steam boilers, steam turbines, shipbuilding and supervised diploma design. Clark was engaged in scientific work in the field of hydraulic engineering, hydraulic engines, the theory of heat transfer and combustion, steam boilers, basics of determining the shape and main dimensions of ships, ship resistance, the theory of propellers and wheels and steam consumption in steam engines and steam turbines, water jets, steam jets and air jets (State Archives of Odessa region, f. r. 126, оp. 1, file 142, sheet 135 vols.).
In 1905, Clark went on a business trip to Danzig to get acquainted with the work of the Faculty of Naval Architecture at the Higher Technical Institute. From May 8, 1906, at the suggestion of the faculty, he was approved as dean of the mechanical faculty, which he held for over twelve years - until February 1918 (State Archives of Odesa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 142, sheets 134-135).
Simultaneously with his teaching activities, Ch. Clark spent a lot of time in production. While still a student, he served for 2 years as a designer in the office of the Technical Bureau at the Pirwitz & Co. turbine plant in Riga. He served at the shipyard of the joint-stock company «Lange and Son» from 1894 to 1914, and from 1898 as chief engineer. In 1910-1914 he held the position of chief engineer of the mine of the Medech & Co. turbine plant in Riga. For several years he was a permanent consultant at the Hartmann & Co., Wolfschmidt & Co., Sormovsky plant, the Moscow Gunson plant, the Becker & Co. plant in Libava, the Ostrovetsky, Maltsevsky, Rheinische, Drahtindustrie, and Drahtindustrie plants. Felder and Co. and many others. After the mayor of Riga, Wilhelm Blumerink, received an order from the government in 1912 to design a new generation of icebreaker «Peter the Great», Ch. Clark undertook its creation. In fact, he became the author of the project on which the icebreaker was built and personally supervised its construction (State Archives of Odessa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 142, sheet 136). At the suggestion of the Riga Educational District of March 30, 1913, he went on a business trip to St. Petersburg from April 17 to 27, 1913, to take part in a congress on mining, metallurgy, and mechanical engineering. According to the resolution of this forum, he prepared for publication the report he read at the congress on the theory of calculation of boilers. In addition, he was sent to Petrograd for 2 months as a representative of the FIR to participate in the development of the charter of the Higher Technical School (State Archives of Odesa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 142, sheets 134-136).
In connection with the outbreak of hostilities in World War I in 1915, the FIR was evacuated. First to Moscow, and then to Ivanovo-Voznesensk, where on its basis in 1918 the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Polytechnic Institute was formed. Clark moved to Moscow with his entire large family of eight children. After falling ill in February 1918, he went on vacation from Moscow to Belgorod to his family, where the FIR was evacuated and cut off from Moscow. In the autumn of 1918 he was invited to take part in the organization of the Polytechnic Institute in Ivanovo- Voznesensk and Odesa. He soon agreed to become a professor at the Odesa Polytechnic Institute and moved with his family to Odesa on August 1, 1918 (State Archives of the Odessa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 142, sheets 134-137).
The events of the First World War brought to Odesa one of the authoritative European scientists in the field of shipbuilding of the first third of the XX century - Professor Clark. During these difficult years, he took on the difficult responsibilities of organizing and establishing the first polytechnic university in Odesa - the Polytechnic Institute (OPI), which became the foundation of the Odesa Higher Polytechnic School. At that time, a large group of scientific and technical intelligentsia was formed in Odesa, which carried out activities to train technical personnel, from among the demobilized from the army of students of various technical universities of the Russian Empire was formed «Union of Technical Students». The initiative of students, the Odesa branch of the Technical Society and the desire of the city authorities led to the creation in Odesa on September 15, 1918 OPI with three faculties: mechanical, civil engineering, economics. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering had three departments: mechanical, shipbuilding, and electrical engineering.
Clark, who had more than twenty years of experience in teaching and research and production in the field of shipbuilding, was invited to participate in the organization and development of the OPI infrastructure. From August 1, 1918 he was directly involved in this. At the first meeting of the OPI Council, Clark was included in the Board of Trustees and the Presidium of the OPI (State Archives of Odesa region, f. r. 126, оp. 1, file 9, sheets 2-3, 16, 18). In the OPI opened on September 15, 1918, Ch. Clark joined the teaching staff. In the 1918/19 academic year, he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Acting Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Professor of Shipbuilding and Applied Mechanics (State Archives of Odesa region, f. r. 126, оp. 1, file 11, sheets 1, 5). He was also the head of the hydraulic laboratory (State Archives of Odesa region, f. r. 126, оp. 1, file 15, sheet 10).
The development and drawing up of curricula for the shipbuilding department, as well as for the university as a whole, was personally carried out by Ch. Clark. During 1918-1923, he remained the dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. As of April 29, 1921, he was also the head of the machine-boiler station (State Archives of the Odesa Region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 129, sheets 20-21, 38). Professor Ch. Clark personally recruited teachers for new disciplines, supervised the educational process and advocated for the technical development of the institute. During his years of work in Odesa, he developed lecture course programs in major engineering disciplines. Special disciplines were taught at the shipbuilding department: ship theory, ship architecture, ship vibration, ship mechanisms, ship construction mechanics. In other specialties he read disciplines: heat transfer, hydraulic engineering, steam boilers.
Professor Ch. Clark also took a direct part in the formation and formation of the training of ship mechanics in the OPI, which also has its own history. It began in 1920, when a ship's mechanical department was established at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Accordingly, in the 1920/21 academic year, special disciplines in this field of knowledge began to be taught. Thus, Professor Ch. Clark lectured at this department on the introduction to mechanical engineering, hydraulic theory of heat transfer, general course of hydraulic and hydraulic engines, general course of steam boilers, theory of ship resistance, basics and determination of ship shapes and sizes, propeller theory and wheels, centrifugal pumps of vessels, operation of steam heating boilers (State Archives of Odesa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 112, sheet 8 vols.).
In the spring semester of 1920, Clark was a professor of hydraulics and shipbuilding, performed a load of 27.5 hours per week, headed a hydraulic machine laboratory and held two elected positions - Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and a member of the Board of the State Archives of Odessa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 107, sheets 11, 15). During all the time of working in the OPI in Ch. Clark, the individual teaching load has always been the largest among the entire teaching staff of the university. As of October 1921, Ch. Clark also headed the Department of Thermal Engineering OPI.
At the time of April 4, 1923, Clark worked in the specialties - heat engineering, hydraulic engineering and shipbuilding. He gave lectures and practical classes on introductions to mechanical engineering, theory of heat transfer, hydraulics, steam boilers, hydraulic structures, hydraulic motors, centrifugal pumps, additional chapters on hydraulic motors, basics of determining the shape and main dimensions of ships, theory of ship resistance, theory of rowing and wheels, design of hydraulic motors and centrifugal pumps, design of steam boilers, design of ships and supervised diploma projects. Of these disciplines, a number of them were personally introduced by him: introduction to mechanical engineering, the theory of heat transfer, the basics of determining the shapes and main sizes of ships (State Archives of Odesa region, f. r. 126. Ор. 1, file 142, sheets 135 vols.-136). From the course of steam boilers Clark singled out the section «Heat Transfer», which was first read in the USSR as an independent discipline. This area is currently one of the leading branches of science (Malakhov, 1995, p. 376).
In parallel with his pedagogical activity, Ch. Clark conducted active scientific work in the field of hydraulic engineering, hydraulic engines, theory of heat transfer and combustion, steam boilers, basics of determining the shape and main dimensions of ships, ship resistance, theory of propellers and wheels. in steam engines and steam turbines, water jet, steam jet and air jet devices. Having published the works «On the Influence of Nose Angles on the Resistance of a Ship», «Calculation of the Francisa Turbine», «On the Vocation of a Mechanical Engineer», «Reorganization of Heat Management and Reconstruction of Power Plants of a Rolling Mill». In addition, a number of works were written for various plants in the field of hydraulic engineering, heat engineering and shipbuilding, but due to certain circumstances unpublished (State Archives of Odesa region, f. r. 126, op. 1, file 142, sheets 135 vols.-136).
Ch. Clark spent a lot of time in OPI methodical work. He was the chairman of the shipbuilding and mechanical subject and technical commissions, which assisted in the introduction of new teaching methods, improvement of programs and work plans, the creation of training facilities, etc. (State Archives of Odessa region, f. r. 126, op. 1. File. 142, sheet 138).
Throughout his work at OPI, Ch. Clark continued to engage in design and invention activities, was at the origins of higher shipbuilding education in Odesa and in Ukraine in general. He personally recruited teachers for new disciplines, developed curricula and plans, supervised the educational process and advocated for the technical development of the institute. The teaching staff of special courses for shipbuilding students was of a very high professional level. Professor Ch. Clark together with colleagues (V. Alimov, S. Kamensky, M. Mikhailov and others) laid the foundations of the shipbuilding specialty, on the basis of which the Faculty of Shipbuilding was later established, and in 1930 - Odesa Institute of Water Transport Engineers, later renamed the Odesa Institute of Naval Engineers, which is now called Odesa National Maritime University, where the tradition of higher shipbuilding education continues.
According to his political convictions, Ch. Clark belonged to the progressive part of the professors. These political thoughts formed in him a rejection of the ideological views of the Soviet government, which was the reason why he left the USSR with his family. In the autumn of 1923, Professor Ch. Clark returned to Latvia. The main argument for this was that the new leadership of the Latvian University of Independent Latvia called on the prominent shipbuilder to cooperate. After discussing this proposal with his wife, Ch. Clark decided to return home. In 1923, immediately after arriving in Latvia, the scientist was appointed head of the Department of Shipbuilding at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering by an emergency order of the Rector of the University of Latvia. In this situation, Clark was able to maximize their inventive abilities. Under his direct project management in the late 1920's - early 1930's in Latvia were built ships with different functional orientation: trawlers «Imant» and «Viesturs»; in fact, the first Latvian submarines «Spidola» and «Ronis»; famous Latvian icebreaker «Krishjanis Waldemars».
As a famous shipbuilder, Ch. Clark has established himself internationally. For example, in 1926, French President Gaston Dumerg awarded him the Order of the Legion of Honor. In 1928, the Latvian authorities also celebrated the merits of the scientist for the benefit of domestic shipbuilding and awarded him the Order of the Three Stars. In 1937, Ch. Clark went on a well-deserved rest. For the last five years of his life, he continued to teach at the University of Latvia. Ch. Clark died in Riga in 1942.
The study solves an important and topical problem - outlines the place and role of the outstanding scientist and teacher Ch. Clark, whose activities had a significant impact on the course of cultural and social processes in Ukraine at the turn of the 1910s - 1920s an attempt to comprehensively study the cultural heritage of Ch. Clark, which for a long time was not involved in scientific circulation and became fully accessible only with the spread of ideas of pluralism of opinion. Systematization of the work is carried out by thematic focus and chronology. It is established that the activity and intellectual heritage of Clark for a long time remained out of the attention of scientific and historical studies for ideological reasons. The pedagogical and scientific achievements of Ch. Clark are an important part of the national heritage. In developing the problem, materials from archives were widely used, some of which were introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The most important results achieved in the work include the following: the educational and scientific activities of Ch. Clark and the background of the era of the first half of the twentieth century; an attempt was made to reconstruct his professional and creative path, some gaps in his biography were filled, namely his contribution to the organization and institutionalization of OPI; the scientific and creative heritage of the professor is outlined; his contribution to the development of shipbuilding in Odesa and in Ukraine in general was studied. Ch. Clark is an outstanding personality, a world scientist in the field of shipbuilding, a professor, an organizer of higher shipbuilding education in Odesa and many other European cities.
Список використаних джерел і літератури
1. Бахмутская, Э. Я. & Страдынь, Я. П. (1968). Отчет В. Л. Кирпичева о реорганизации Рижского политехнического института (1897). Из истории естествознания и техники Прибалтики (Т.1). Рига: Зинатне, 51-64.
2. Державний архів Одеської області. Левченко, В. В., Гривківська, А. О. & Шаталова, Г. Є. (2018). Професор Ч. Д. Кларк - основоположник вищої політехнічної освіти в Одесі. Збірник праць XVI Міжнародної молодіжної науково-практичної конференції «Історія розвитку науки, техніки та освіти», присвяченої 120-річчю Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського». Київ, 19 квітня 2018 р., 21-23.
3. Левченко, В. В. (2019). Из истории истоков становления и развития высшего морского образования в Одессе в первой половине ХХ века. Вісник Одеського національного морського університету: зб. наук. пр., 1 (58), 249-265.
4. Малахов, В. П. (1995). Одесский государственный политехнический университет. Очерки развития науки в Одессе. Одесса: Титул, 375-376.
1. Bahmutskaya, E. YA. & Stradyn', YA. P. (1968). Otchet V L. Kirpicheva o reorganizacii Rizhskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (1897) [V. L. Kirpichev's report on the reorganization of the Riga Polytechnic Institute (1897)]. Iz istorii estestvoznaniya i tekhniki Pribaltiki (Vol. 1). Riga: Zinatne, 51-64. [in Russian].
2. Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [The State Archives of Odessa Region]. [in Russian].
3. Levchenko, V. V., Hryvkivska, A. O. & Shatalova, H. Ye. (2018). Profesor Ch. D. Klark - osnovopolozhnyk vyshchoi politekhnichnoi osvity v Odesi [Professor C. D. Clark is the founder of higher polytechnic education in Odessa]. Zbirnyk prats XVI Mizhnarodnoi mo- lodizhnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Istoriia rozvytku nauky, tekhniky ta osvity», Kyiv, kvitnya 2018 r., 21-23. [in Ukrainian].
4. Levchenko, V. V. (2019). Iz istorii istokov stanovleniya i razvitiya vysshego morskogo obrazovaniya v Odesse v pervoj polovine HKH veka [From the history of the origins of the formation and development of higher maritime education in Odessa in the first half of the century]. Visnyk Odeskoho natsionalnoho morskoho universytetu: zb. nauk. pr., 1 (58), 249-265 [in Russian].
5. Malahov, V. P. (1995). Odesskij gosudarstvennyj politekhnicheskij universitet [Odessa State Polytechnic University]. Ocherki razvitiya nauki v Odesse. Odessa: Titul, 375-376. [in Russian].
6. Salnikova, A. A. (2002). Revolyutsionnye potryaseniya: 1917-1922 r. Ocherki istorii Kazanskogo universiteta [Revolutionary upheavals: 1917-1922. Essays on the history of Kazan University]. Kazan: Izd-vo Kazan. un-ta, 149-165. [in Russian].
7. Sbornik vazhneyshikh prikazov i instruktsiy po voprosam kartochnoy sistemy i normirova- niya snabzheniya [Narkomtorga SSSR] [The collection of the most important orders and instructions on the issues of the card system and rationing of supplies [People's Commissariat of Trade of the USSR]. (1945). [leningrad]: Inform.-izd. byuro otd. torgovli Lenoblispolkoma, 152 s. [in Russian].
8. Uells, G. D. (1964). Rossiya vo mgle [Russia in haze]: sobr. soch. (Vol.15). Moskva: Pravda, 464 s. [in Russian].
9. Shkarovskiy, V.S. (2004). Moy rodnoy Dom uchenykh, ili cherez prizmu vekov i let [My native House of scientists, or through the prism of centuries and years]. Moskva: izd-vo «Tekhnika», 96 s. [in Russian].
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