Formation of motivation for professional activity of university teachers as a condition for their high level of professionalism

Professional motivation as a complex correlation of various motivations and motives of the individual. the factors influencing the productivity of the process of formation of professional motivation of teachers of higher educational institutions.

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Formation of motivation for professional activity of university teachers as a condition for their high level of professionalism

Liudmyla Tsybulko D.Sc. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor SHEI “Donbas State Pedagogical University”, Maxim Roganov Ph.D. in of Pedagogy Public Educational Institution “Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy” of the Kharkiv Regional


Формування мотивації професійної діяльності викладачів закладів вищої освіти як умови їх високого професіоналізму

Людмила Цибулько доктор педагогічних наук, доцент ДВНЗ «Донбаський державний педагогічний університет», Максим Роганов кандидат педагогічних наук Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія»

В статті розкривається проблема формування мотивації професійної діяльності викладачів закладів вищої освіти як умови їх високого професіоналізму; акцентовано, що проблема професійної мотивації викладачів вищої школи, пов'язана передусім, з модернізаційними процесами в освіті та соціально-економічними трансформаціями, що відбуваються сьогодні в суспільстві, що ініціює сучасного педагога до безперервного професійного самовдосконалення, що забезпечує його конкурентоспроможність на ринку праці.

Доведено, що мотиви є складними психологічними утвореннями, які спонукають людину до свідомих дій та вчинків; саме ці усвідомлені спонукання, що зумовлюють цілеспрямовану діяльність до оволодіння майбутніми фахівцями професійно значущих знань та вмінь, що надалі забезпечують їхню ефективну професійну діяльність. Професійна мотивація як складне співвідношення різних спонукань і мотивів особистості виступає рушійною силою розвитку професіоналізму, вона є одночасно фактором та механізмом розвитку професіонала вищої школи. Її роль як фактора проявляється у ступені виразності по відношенню до якогось виду професійної діяльності. Як механізм мотивація визначає розвиток професіоналізму викладача вузу загалом, функціонуючи у єдності з механізмами ідентифікації, індивідуалізації та рефлексії.

За допомогою методики мотивації професійної діяльності В. Семиченко досліджувалися три групи працівників вищої школи (викладачі; кандидати наук та доценти; професори); зроблено висновок, що до мотиваційного ядра викладачів увійшли такі мотиви, як «здоров'я», «пізнання нового у світі, природі, людині»; дана група викладачів характеризується вираженою орієнтацією на працю, вони використовують постійно для того, щоб щось зробити, не шкодуючи вихідних днів, відпустки та інші. Праця викладача приносить їм більше радостей та задоволення, ніж якісь інші заняття; трудова мотивація породжується безпосередньо викладацькою діяльністю, її змістом, умовами, організацією трудового процесу, режимом праці. Визначено фактори, що впливають на продуктивність процесу формування професійної мотивації викладачів вищих навчальних закладів: до головних психологічних чинників були віднесені наступні: зміст ціннісно-смислової сфери викладача, ступінь виразності його мотивації на основні види діяльності у закладі вищої освіти (науково-дослідна, науково-методична, власне-педагогічна), а також особистісні особливості викладача, що акумулюються у його професійно важливих якостях.

Ключові слова: мотиви, мотивація професійної діяльності, викладач закладу вищої освіти, професіоналізм, педагогічна майстерність, чинники успішності, мотиваційні тренінги.


The article reveals the problem of forming the motivation of the professional activity of teachers of higher education institutions, as well as the conditions of their high professionalism; it is emphasized that the problem of professional motivation of higher school teachers is primarily related to modernization processes in education and socio-economic transformations taking place today in society, which initiates the modern teacher to continuous professional self-improvement, which ensures his competitiveness in the labor market. It is proved that motives are complex psychological formations that induce a person to conscious actions and deeds. It is these conscious motives that cause purposeful activity to master professionally significant knowledge and skills by future specialists, which further ensure their effective professional activity.

Professional motivation as a complex correlation of various motivations and motives of the individual is the driving force behind the development of professionalism, it serves both as a factor and a mechanism for the development of a higher education professional. Its role as a factor is manifested in the degree of severity in relation to any type of professional activity. As a mechanism, motivation determines the development of the professionalism of a university teacher as a whole, functioning in unity with the mechanisms of identification, individualization and reflection. With the help of V Semychenko professional activity motivation methodology, three groups of higher education workers (teachers; candidates of sciences and associate professors; professors) were studied. it is concluded that the motivational core of teachers includes such motives as “health ”, "knowledge of the new in the world, nature, man"; this group of teachers is characterized by a pronounced focus on work, they use all the time to do something, not sparing weekends, vacations and others. The work of a teacher brings them more joy and pleasure than any other occupation; labor motivation is generated directly by teaching activity, its content, conditions, organization of the labor process, work regime; the factors influencing the productivity of the process of formation of professional motivation of teachers of higher educational institutions were determined: we attributed the following to significant psychological factors: the content of the value- semantic sphere of the teacher, the degree of severity of his motivation for the main types of activities at the university (research, scientific and methodological, proper pedagogical), as well as the personal characteristics of the teacher, accumulating in professionally important qualities.

Key words: motives, motivation of professional activity, teacher of a higher education institution, professionalism, pedagogical skills, success factors, motivational trainings.

Actuality of theme

Requirements for the activities of a teacher in the system of higher education at the present stage are becoming pragmatically oriented in connection with the socio-economic changes taking place in society - this is noted by researchers in various sciences, in particular, teachers, psychologists, sociologists. The content of the professional activity of teachers changes under the influence of various factors: the multilevel nature of education, various forms of education, the implementation of educational standards and other processes taking place in the educational environment. It is known that the quality of training of new personnel is influenced by the level of qualification of teachers, their professionalism, motivation for their professional activities.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The motivational sphere of personality is actively studied by domestic and foreign scientists, in particular: I. Zyazyun, R. Gurevich, L. Lukyanova, N. Nichkalo studied the formation of motivation for pedagogical activity, V. Molyako, E. Pomytkin, V. Fisherman; psychological and pedagogical aspects of motives for the direction of professional and pedagogical activity were developed by S. Zanyuk, S. Maksimenko, V. Semichenko.

Motives are complex psychological formations that induce a person to conscious actions and deeds. It is these conscious motives, according to А. Lukiyanchuk, that determine the purposeful activity for the mastery of professionally significant knowledge and skills by future specialists, which further ensure their effective professional activity (Лукіянчук А, 2020).

Motive as the basis for action, decision or effort, which is an expression of attitude towards the object of action and acts subjectively as desire, aspiration, need, consciousness, necessity, considers (Kothk, 1987). The distribution of motives into groups was carried out by V. Semichenko, who identified professional, cognitive, wide-ranging, narrow-social, procedural-content, material, achievement, and utilitarian motives (Семиченко, 2004). V. Sych studied the socio-psychological features of the motivation for the professional improvement of specialists (Сич, 2005).

Therefore, we understand the motive as a complex psychological formation that induces a person to conscious actions and deeds and is the basis for them. Motives are associated with the broader concept of "motivation", defined as “mental activity, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of human activity and the motivation to achieve the chosen goal” (Лукіянчук А, 2020: 16).

The psychological explanatory dictionary defines motivation as a set of external or internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine its direction (Шапар, 2004:264).

The activity of the subject and its orientation become the basis of cognitive motives, which are also the key to success in acquiring theoretical knowledge, in the formation of professional interests. Therefore, the activity of a student, as B. Dusavitsky defines, aimed at mastering the methods of theoretical analysis of professional knowledge, is the main one at the stage of development of his personality (Дусавицький, 2007).

So, we conclude that the problem of motivation in modern psychological and pedagogical science is associated primarily with the analysis of the sources of human activation, the motivating forces of his activity, behavior. Therefore, the nature of motivational structures is decisive for all areas of pedagogical activity, including its main mission - designing the educational process of professional training of future teachers.

According to V. Semichenko, the activity of a student as a subject of the educational process is effective only when it is integrated with the general system of professional training. The psychologist argues that during training in the ZVO, it is necessary to take into account both the stages of professional development and the real psychological qualities of future specialists, as well as further trends in the development of these qualities at each of the stages (Семиченко, 2002; 2004)].

Semichenko associates the individualization stage with an increase in the student's activity in various types of educational activities, with a tendency to selfaffirmation and the search for one's own position both in training and in the future profession. The integration stage is characterized by the level of students' readiness to perform professional activities. The presented stages of professional development have common characteristics and similarly describe the psychological state of the student at each stage.

Based on the research of psychologists, we can note that after the completion of the adaptation period, professional interests and long-term plans are updated, the foundations of professional motivation are laid, which determines the process of encouraging students to study in order to achieve educational goals (high-quality professional training of future teachers of computer science), stimulates this activity and functions The formation of positive motivation is the creation of conditions for internal motives (motives, goals, emotions) to acquire a future profession, their awareness by the student for the further development of the motivational sphere. After all, it is known that cognitive motives have different levels: broad cognitive (orientation to mastering new knowledge), educational and cognitive (orientation to the assimilation of ways to acquire knowledge, methods of obtaining it independently), motives of self-education (orientation to the acquisition of additional knowledge, to the development of a special program self-improvement (Сич, 2005 ).

In the study of the professionalism of a university teacher, we are primarily interested in the leading motives that determine the trajectory of his personal and professional development in achieving professional excellence. Professional motivation as a complex correlation of various motivations and motives of the individual is the driving force behind the development of professionalism, it serves both as a factor and a mechanism for the development of a higher education professional. Its role as a factor is manifested in the degree of severity in relation to any type of professional activity. As a mechanism, motivation determines the development of the professionalism of a university teacher as a whole, functioning in unity with the mechanisms of identification, individualization and reflection (Фіцула, 2005).

It should be noted that in modern studies of the professional motivation of a university teacher, the “defining” motives of his professional activity are indicated: the possibility of self-realization, mental work, interest in the subject being taught. Among them, as we believe, the leading motive that underlies personal and professional development to the level of mastery has already been identified, namely, the possibility of self-realization through the profession.

Formulation of the goals (goal) of the article, setting the task

The purpose of our scientific intelligence is to analyze the conditions, forms and methods for the formation of sustainable motivation for the professional activity of university teachers as a condition for their high level of professionalism.

Presentation of the main research material with full justification obtained scientific results. As noted by the well-known psychologist Myasishchev, the effectiveness of a person's activity depends only on 20-30% on intelligence, and on 70-80% - on the motives that prompt him to act (Мельничук, 2009).

Therefore, the problem of motivation in the professional training of a teacher is decisive both for the design of the educational process and for his further professional and self-educational activities. It is this thesis that Professor L. Lukyanova confirms, emphasizing that motivation guides activity, the motivating cause of which is the need of an adult as a subjective probability of success, as well as an individual assessment of achievements (Лук'янова, 2013).

The motivation of the professional activity of a teacher of higher education is the most important condition for the development of an educational institution. No educational institution can be effective without the teaching staff of the university to work with high returns, without the interest of staff in the final results, without their desire to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the university (Maлінка, 2010).

Motivation as a mental phenomenon is interpreted differently today: as a set of factors that support and guide, i.e. defining behavior; as a set of motives or as an impulse that causes the activity of the organism and determines its direction. In addition, motivation is considered as a process of mental regulation of activity; as a process of action of the motive and as a mechanism that determines the emergence, direction and methods of implementation of specific forms of activity; as an aggregate system of processes responsible for motivation and activity (Вакуленко, 2015).

In the general case, motivation is considered as the totality of driving forces (located both outside and inside a person) that prompt him to carry out certain actions. Under the driving forces we mean motives, needs, goals, motivational attitudes, value orientations, expectations (Севастьянова, 2011).

With the help of K. Zamfir's professional activity motivation methodology modified by A. Rean, three groups of faculty members (teachers; candidates of sciences and associate professors; professors) were studied.

Analyzing the data we obtained, we can conclude that 42% of the surveyed have an internal motivation for labor activity. These employees are focused in their professional activities on its social and personal significance; satisfaction that the work brings due to its creative nature; the possibility of communication, etc. According to the interpretation of this technique, internal motivation arises from the needs of the person himself, without external pressure.

28% of the surveyed have a leading external positive motivation. According to the interpretation of this methodology, in their work they are focused on material incentives, the possibility of promotion, the approval of the team, prestige - incentives for which they consider it necessary to make efforts.

Negative extrinsic motivation is typical for 30% The motives of their activities are punishment, criticism, condemnation and other negative sanctions.

It turned out that in the group of teachers there is a relatively unfavorable profile of motivation, when external negative motivation is higher than external positive motivation and, in general, external motivation; for candidates of sciences, associate professors, doctors and professors, extrinsic motivation prevails over extrinsic positive and extrinsic negative motivation. Thus, the motivational core of the professional motivation of the teaching staff includes motives that are more related to the content and working conditions specific to higher education. The identified motives determine stability in choosing a university as a place of work, where favorable conditions are created for the recognition and respect of people and influence on others. The stable nature of these motives, their dominance in the hierarchy as the motives of professional activity (the high significance is confirmed by the fact that these motives were indicated by all three groups of the teachers surveyed) make it possible to include them in the motivational core of the structure of the motives of the teaching staff of the university. Along with these motives related to the content teaching work, the motivational core of teachers (the first group of subjects - assistants, teachers and senior teachers) also included motives that characterize the significance of such factors as “love”, “health”, “pleasant pastime, rest”, focus on the process and a high level of material motivation - the desire for prosperity, a higher standard of living, which, in turn, depends on the level of personal income, its structure, income differentiation in the university and society, the effectiveness of the system of material incentives used in the university. The motivational core of teachers of the second group (associate professors and candidates of sciences) included such motives as “health”, “knowledge of the new in the world, nature, man”; this group of teachers is characterized by a pronounced focus on work, they use all the time to do something, not sparing weekends, vacations and others. The work of a teacher brings them more joy and pleasure than any other occupation.

Labor motivation is generated directly by teaching activity, its content, conditions, organization of the labor process, work regime. This is the internal motivation of the teacher, the totality of his internal driving forces of behavior associated with teaching as such. Of course, every teacher feels the need for meaningful, interesting, useful work, is interested in the certainty of career growth prospects, feels self-respect if the results of his work are highly valued. In general, labor motivation in this group is associated, on the one hand, with the content, usefulness of labor itself, and on the other hand, with self-expression, self-realization of the teacher.

The motivational core of the third group of teachers (doctors of science, professors) also includes “health”, “knowledge of the new in the world, nature, man”, work orientation, striving for freedom and result orientation. This group of teachers can achieve results in their professional activities despite the fuss, interference, failures.

It is important to note the pronounced altruistic component of the activities of the third group, which included doctors of sciences and professors. Teachers of this group are guided by altruistic values, often to the detriment of themselves, this type of motivation has the greatest social value, the presence of which distinguishes a mature person.

The status motivation of teachers of the third group is an internal driving force of behavior associated with the desire to occupy a higher position, perform more complex and responsible work, work in prestigious, socially significant areas of the organization. In addition, teachers of the third group tend to strive for leadership in the team, a higher unofficial status, as well as the desire to be recognized as a specialist, to enjoy authority.

The fact that the motivational core did not include motives that are specific to higher education (motives for research activities, communication, self-education) can be regarded as a manifestation of the crisis of professional motivation of the university teacher being surveyed. The extremely low significance of the motives of the prestige of teaching work and satisfaction with the results of work in the first two surveyed groups of teachers also indicates a crisis in the motivation of university teachers.

Studying the problem of developing the professionalism of a university teacher, we identified the factors that affect the productivity of this process. In the course of the study, we attributed the following to significant psychological factors: the content of the value-semantic sphere of the teacher, the degree of severity of his motivation for the main activities in the university (research, scientific and methodological, proper pedagogical), as well as the personal characteristics of the teacher, accumulating in professional qualities.

We believe that the professional motivation of a teacher of higher education is based on the assumption of a close relationship between the specifics of professional activity and the types of development of professionalism, which are determined, among other things, by the degree of severity of the teacher's motivation for a certain type of professional activity, indicated in the structural-dynamic model of the development of professionalism (Севастьянова, 2011: 154].

Interest in the subject being taught, in the direct organization of the educational process at the university, the desire to be a master teacher form the basis of the teacher's professional motivation, focused on mastering and achieving high professional results in the actual pedagogical form of professional activity. This, in turn, determines his trajectory in the development of professionalism mainly as a didactic teacher.

With the motivating focus of the teacher on the study of the methodological aspects of professional activity, the expressed interest in the study of practice-oriented and applied problems of education and science suggests his active orientation towards scientific and methodological activities, and the development of himself in the profession to a greater extent as a teacher-methodologist.

The predominance of motives associated with research work sets the trajectory in the development of a professional in higher education as a teacher-scientist.

Generalization of the results of the study conducted by us showed that the professional motivation of the teaching staff, regardless of age, position and academic degree, is primarily due to the interest in the profession, the desire to fulfill a spiritual mission (“help and mercy to other people”), the desire to realize the pedagogical vocation and your potential.

Motivational trainings were held to form sustainable motivation for professional activity. One of the promising ways to solve this problem, in our opinion, can be the creation of personality-oriented support programs, the focus of which is a unique holistic personality, striving for the maximum realization of its capabilities, open to the perception of new experience. Motivational trainings are of great importance. Currently, we are practicing the following collective trainings: “Questions and Answers”, “Situational Analysis”, “Discussion”, “Round Table”, “Role-playing Game”, “Operational Game”, “Imitation Game”, “Business Game”. For example, the training "Intrinsic motivation" is associated with the professional orientation of the individual, motivational professional readiness. The central (key) theoretical construct for us is the “purpose of life”. The life goal of a person should be distinguished from specific goals: “But the goal of any individual activity reveals only one side of the personality's direction and is manifested in this activity. The life goal acts as a general integrator of all private goals associated with individual activities. It is obvious that the processes of professional goal-setting (designing or finding one's purpose in life) are closely related to the processes of professional self-determination (and, in fact, are included in them). Purpose: development of adequate knowledge of oneself within the framework of the profession, identification and awareness of the motives of professional activity and the formation of knowledge about the profession.

professional motivation teacher

Conclusions and prospects of further exploration in this direction

To interest teachers in professional development means to ensure the continuity of their professional self-improvement. The teacher's motivation has a significant impact on the specifics and content of his professionalism, the productivity of the entire process of personal and professional development. Also, the motivation of teachers to develop professional skills depends on the leadership, which should analyze the internal motives of a particular specialist and create conditions for their stimulation. The variety of classification of motives, in particular, professional activity, indicates the complexity and versatility of the process of development of motivation. Today, the basis of any activity is professional knowledge. A teacher of higher education must constantly work on improving his professional skills, on which the results of his work depend significantly. However, despite the fact that it is the interest in work, the opportunity to fulfill oneself, to develop professionally that are the main factors that motivate a teacher to work in an educational institution.

Джерела і література

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