Organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions

The formation of professional skills aimed at self-realisation of the individual through the creation of innovations in the learning environment. Implementation of skills of teachers and ensuring the development of their professional competencies.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 30.10.2023
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Organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions

Tomashevska Myroslava, Doctor of Philosophy (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Primary Education and Educational Management, Kuchinka Tetiana, PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer, Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Primary Education and Educational Management Head of Postgraduate Studies Mukachevo State University


The relevance of the research is determined by the changes of today, which require the improvement of professional skills of future specialists in institutions of higher education. The key organizational and pedagogical conditions are the combination of the provisions of classical and modern pedagogical theories and concepts in the organization of the educational process, the application of a competency-based approach to the development of goals, and the formation of the content of education and training. The purpose of the study is to analyse scientific achievements in the field of organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions, to determine the optimal organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions. It is clarified that organisational and pedagogical conditions provide for circumstances that contribute to the orderliness and coherence of the interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process, which jointly implement a specific programme or goal. It has been established that the optimal organisational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions are: formation of professional skills aimed at self-realisation of the individual through the creation and support of innovations in the learning environment; implementation of methodological skills and abilities of teachers and ensuring the development of their professional competencies; motivation for learning activities and development of cognitive activity of students. It is determined that the organisational and pedagogical conditions are the result of purposeful selection, design and application of forms of education to achieve the goal. The organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists make it possible to focus on cooperation between participants in the educational process, on the development of their personal potential and the active position of students to learning.

Key words: organisational conditions, pedagogical conditions, organisational and pedagogical conditions, professional skills.


Організаційно-педагогічні умови формування професійних умінь майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти

Томашевська Мирослава Олегівна, доктор філософії з педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедра педагогіки дошкільної, початкової освіти та освітнього менеджменту; Кучінка Тетяна Василівна, кандидат економічних наук, старший викладач кафедра педагогіки дошкільної, початкової освіти та освітнього менеджменту, завідувач аспірантури, Мукачівський державний університет

Актуальність дослідження обумовлена змінами сьогодення, які вимагають покращення професійних умінь майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти. Ключовими організаційно-педагогічними умовами є поєднання в організації освітнього процесу положень класичних і сучасних педагогічних теорій і концепцій, застосування компетентнісного підходу до розроблення цілей, формування змісту освіти й навчання. Мета дослідження проаналізувати наукові здобутки щодо організаційно-педагогічних умов формування професійних умінь майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти, визначити оптимальні організаційно-педагогічні умови формування професійних умінь майбутніх фахівців в закладах вищої освіти. Уточнено, що організаційно-педагогічні умови передбачають обставини, які сприяють упорядкованості, узгодженості взаємодії суб'єктів педагогічного процесу, які спільно реалізують певну програму або мету. Встановлено, що оптимальними організаційно-педагогічними умовами, які забезпечують професійні уміння майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти є: формування професійних умінь спрямованих на самореалізацію особистості за допомогою створення та підтримки інновацій в навчальному середовищі; реалізація методичних умінь та навичок у викладачів та забезпечення розвитку їх професійних компетентностей; мотивації до навчальної діяльності та розвиток пізнавальної активності здобувачів. Визначено, що організаційно-педагогічні умови є результатом цілеспрямованого відбору, конструювання та застосування форм навчання для досягнення мети. Організаційно-педагогічні умови формування професійних умінь майбутніх фахівців дають змогу орієнтуватися на співробітництво між учасниками освітнього процесу, на розвиток їх особистісного потенціалу та активну позицію здобувачів освіти до навчання.

Ключові слова: організаційні умови, педагогічні умови, організаційно-педагогічні умови, професійні уміння.


Today's challenges require higher education institutions to improve the educational and scientific process. As a result of such changes, there is a need to determine the optimal organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions, which would be interconnected with the components of theoretical knowledge and would take place in parallel with practical activities. When choosing organisational and pedagogical conditions, those that meet certain requirements should be selected, namely: to be systemic; to have a clearly defined structure and ensure links between the elements of this structure; to take into account the peculiarities of professional training of students in the context of their readiness for professional activity.

Regulatory support for the professional training of future specialists in higher education institutions is carried out in accordance with the educational and professional programme in the chosen specialty, which is considered by the academic council of the higher education institution, taking into account the recommendations of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Higher education institutions provide professional training in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework.

Methodology of the Research

The purpose of the study is to analyse scientific achievements in the field of organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions, to determine the optimal organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions. Objectives: to analyse the content of the terms «organisational conditions», «pedagogical conditions», «organisational and pedagogical conditions»; to carry out a chronological description of the basic concepts of organisational and pedagogical conditions; to determine the optimal organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions; to determine the peculiarities of the problem of organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions, taking into account modern realities.

Methods of research

The research work was carried out on the basis of definitions of the conceptual apparatus of scientists, scholars who have left scientific works on the problem of organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions.

Analysis of recent research and publications, previously unresolved part of the general problem. Various aspects of the organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists in higher education institutions were considered in their scientific works by the following scholars: the formation of an individual approach to learning (A. Panibratska), the implementation of innovations in the learning environment (A. Lytvyn, O. Maceiko, T. Vdovychyn), a set of factors influencing the effective professional training of future specialists (K. Kasyarum, M. Borytko, V Manko, A. Aleksiuk, A. Ayurzanain, P. Pidkasystyi, O. Yezhova, M. Ilyakhova), the use of innovative technologies (Y Shapran, Y. Hvozdetska, I. Filimonova, O. Potapchuk), etc.

Results and Discussion

The term «organisational» originates from the concept of «organisation», which is defined in the philosophical encyclopedia as: 1) internal orderliness, coherence of interaction between parts of the whole; 2) a set of processes or actions that lead to the formation and improvement of relationships between parts of the whole; 3) an association of people who jointly implement a specific programme or goal [1, p. 463].

The Encyclopedia of Education adds another interpretation of organisation as a technological function of management [2, p.613]. Therefore, the interpretation of the concept of «management», sometimes called management, is a function of an organised system that ensures the preservation of its certain structure, supports the mode of activity, implementation of the programme, and the purpose of the activity [2, p.704].

Today's researchers give different interpretations of the concept of pedagogical conditions. Referring to the scientific works of A Panibratska, pedagogical conditions (formation of a value attitude to the goals, content and results of one's own cognitive and intellectual activity; individual approach to learning) are a set of organisational forms, methods, techniques, means of coordinating educational and upbringing influence on students to motivate and stimulate effective self-development of professionally important personal abilities and qualities, basic competences and, as a result, the holistic formation of their personality [3]. Scholars А. Lytvyn and O. Maciejko understand pedagogical conditions as those that are specially created in the educational process in order to increase its effectiveness or implement certain innovations [4, p. 46].

We share the opinion of K. Kasyarum, who characterises pedagogical conditions as an interconnected set of circumstances, means and measures in the pedagogical process that contributes to the effective professional training of future specialists [5, p. 10-12].

According to M. Borytko, pedagogical conditions as external circumstances, a factor that has a significant impact on the course of the pedagogical process, to some extent consciously constructed by the teacher, causing, but not guaranteeing a certain result of the process.

The new Ukrainian dictionary defines conditions as a set of provisions that underlie something, as a necessary circumstance that makes it possible to implement, create, form something, or facilitates something. Defining the essence of pedagogical conditions, we note that they are created by teachers, and the factors exist objectively, regardless of the activity. Therefore, it is advisable to define the essence of pedagogical conditions through the concept of circumstance, not factor.

According to V. Manko, a «pedagogical condition» is defined as an interconnected set of internal parameters and external characteristics of functioning that ensures high efficiency of the educational process and meets the psychological and pedagogical criteria of optimality [6, p.153-161].

According to O. Fedorova, «pedagogical condition» is a set of objective possibilities of the content of education, methods, organisational forms and material possibilities of its implementation, which ensure the successful solution of the task [7].

Studying the process of forming the professional mobility of future specialists, E. Ivanchenko defines a pedagogical condition as a circumstance that affects the development of professional and personal qualities of applicants and the consideration of which is necessary for the effective formation of professional mobility of future specialists in the learning process and insists on taking into account the following pedagogical conditions: creating a positive motivational attitude to professional mobility in personality-oriented learning; using interdisciplinary connections in the process of teaching future specialists [8].

А. Aleksiuk, A. Ayurzanain, P. Pidkasysty pedagogical conditions are considered as factors that influence the process of achieving the goal, while dividing them into: external (positive relations between the teacher and the student; objectivity of the assessment of the educational process; place of study, premises, climate, etc.) and internal (individual properties of students, i.e. health, character traits, experience, skills, motivation, etc) [9].

Thus, pedagogical conditions are pedagogical circumstances that contribute to (or counteract) the manifestation of pedagogical patterns caused by the action of certain factors that are the result of purposeful selection, design and application of teaching forms to achieve didactic goals, a set of objective possibilities of content, forms, methods, techniques, means of pedagogical management and material and spatial environment that ensure the successful solution of the set and designed tasks, a set of internal parameters and external characteristics.

Thus, M. Ilyakhova considers organisational and pedagogical conditions as a mandatory component of any pedagogical system, which includes: a set of opportunities of the educational space of a postgraduate education institution aimed at effective material and technical, scientific and methodological, socio- psychological, information and communication support for the professional development of a specialist; a set of interrelated factors necessary for a purposeful process of professional competence development in order to improve the key competencies of a specialist; a set of objects and facilities; a set of. [10, p. 6]. Thus, the analysis of the interpretation of the concept of «organisational and pedagogical conditions» by different authors allows us to consider O. Yezhova's opinion that all these definitions can be grouped into four areas.

The factor of effectiveness of the internal educational environment, which plays the role of an active beginning of the social life of the organisation;

- organisational resources and activities (class schedule, mode of operation of the educational institution, duration of the working week, class size, etc;);

- a set of interrelated circumstances that ensure purposeful management of the educational process (including its financial, personnel, logistical and information support);

- circumstances of the educational process that ensure the achievement of the educational goal [11].

Thus, «organisational and pedagogical conditions» should include such circumstances that contribute to the orderliness and coherence of the interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process, who jointly implement a certain programme or goal. Therefore, the organisational and pedagogical conditions undoubtedly relate to the technological function of managing the pedagogical process.

According to Y. Shapran, the main organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists are

- integration and updating of the content of science education (aspect of the influence of the educational and upbringing environment);

- information support of the process of preparing future teachers for professional activity (aspect of the influence of the information and educational environment);

- orientation of the educational process to the development of creative and reflective individuality of the future teacher (aspect of influence of creative and reflective environment);

- improvement of programme, methodological and technological support for the preparation of future teachers for the formation of a healthy lifestyle (aspect of the influence of the health-preserving environment);

- organisation of direct contact of students with the natural world at all levels of science education (aspect of the influence of the natural environment) [12].

According to Y. Hvozdetska and I. Filimonova, the main organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists are:

- ensuring positive motivation to master the future profession.

- designing the content of the disciplines of the cycle of professional training

- use of innovative technologies in the process of forming the professional competence of future specialists;

- formation of personal and professional qualities of the individual;

- mastering practical experience in future professional activities [13].

The following organisational and pedagogical conditions for the professional development of future specialists can be distinguished:

- professional selection of applicants using complex tasks and psychological tests that determine the availability of basic knowledge and skills in the leading subjects of the relevant field, as well as the aptitude for teaching;

- harmonious combination in the organisation of the educational process of the provisions of classical and modern pedagogical theories and concepts, which through interpenetration and mutual enrichment will contribute to the formation of professional competence of future specialists;

- ensuring interdisciplinary connections in the process of studying pedagogical disciplines through a single structure of educational material;

- activation of the creative potential of students and qualitative organisation of their independent work;

- application of the system of input, intermediate and final control, which will ensure continuous monitoring of the results of professional training of future specialists;

- creation of a system of psychological and pedagogical counselling on professional career development in educational institutions;

- application of a competence-based approach to the development of goals, the formation of the content of education and training and the choice of teaching technologies at all levels of professional training of future specialists.

According to O. Potapchuk's observations, the organisational and pedagogical conditions are as follows:

- formation of motivation to carry out professional activities on the basis of information and computer technologies;

- improving the professional competence of teachers;

- introduction of modern information and computer technologies in the process of training applicants at different stages of education;

- creation of a favourable information environment for the development of search and creative abilities of future specialists in the process of independent educational and cognitive activity [14].

Sharing the views of T. Vdovychyn, we can determine the optimal organisational and pedagogical conditions for the training of applicants: 1) focus on self-realisation of the individual through the creation and support of innovations in the learning environment; 2) implementation of methodological skills and abilities of teachers and ensuring the development of their professional competencies; 3) motivation for learning activities and development of cognitive activity of students [15].

professional innovation learning competencie


In our opinion, the important organisational and pedagogical conditions that affect the educational and scientific process should be: continuous improvement of the abilities of students and teachers, constant search for modern methodological support, use of interactive methods, application of knowledge and skills, the ability of a person to successfully socialise, conduct professional or further educational activities, the ability to apply knowledge to perform tasks and solve problems, motivation to learn and development of cognitive activity. Thus, the analysis makes it possible to determine that the educational and scientific process is impossible without providing organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional skills of future specialists. Each of the elements included in the organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of future specialists is extremely important. The above conditions provide for the effective functioning of the professional training of future students.

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