Модель комп’ютерно орієнтованої методичної системи розвитку цифрової компетентності офіцерів військового управління Збройних Сил України в системі підвищення кваліфікації

Розвиток цифрової компетентності спеціалістів у оборонній галузі України. Вдосконалення системи дистанційного підвищення кваліфікації українських військовослужбовців. Використання офіцерами військового управління спеціалізованих комп’ютерних програм.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.10.2023
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33. Bader S., Grandien C., Jaldemark J. A tentative model for sustainable pedagogical digital competence development: Exploring networked learning in an educational development project. 13th International Conference on Networked Learning 2022 (Sweden, Sundsvall 16-18 of May 2022). URL: http://surl.li/gtofb (дата звернення: 06.03.2023).

34. Leite L., Lagstedt A. The Collective Integration of Technology (CIT) Model: Helping Teachers Incorporate Technology Meaningfully in their Everyday Work. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT). 2021. Vol. 17, issue 3. Pp. 249-268. URL: http:// surl.li/guonzH

35. Solli-S$ther, P Gottschalk. The Modeling Process for Stage Models. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. 2010. No. 20:3. Pp. 279-293. URL: http://surl.li/guopm

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України. Сучасні інформаційні технології та інноваційні методики навчання у підготовці фахівців: методологія, теорія, досвід, проблеми : збірник наукових праць. Вінниця : ТОВ “Друк плюс”, 2021. Вип. 62. С. 54-69. URL: https://lib. iitta.gov.ua/728786/

39. Пінчук О., Прокопенко А. Цифрова компетентність як умова успішного впровадження вільного програмного забезпечення в роботу закладів вищої військової освіти. Теорія і практика цифрового навчання в сучасних закладах освіти : всеукраїнська вебконференція, м. Вінниця, 26 травня 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31652/2412-1142-2021-62-54-69

40. Careers in the military. Powered by ASAB CEP. URL: https://www. careersinthemilitary.com/advanced-search (дата звернення: 06.03.2023).


Model of a computer-oriented methodological system for the development of digital competence of officers of the military administration of the armed forces of ukraine in the system of qualification improvement

Pinchuk O., Prokopenko A.

Pedagogical modeling of modern educational environments remains an urgent task of educational sciences. Research on the formation and development of digital competence of specialists, although they have common features, differ and acquire characteristic features depending on the field of application. This is due to the focus on mastering specific professional skills and increasing the professional level. We found out that, compared to the social and humanitarian sphere and medicine, the development of digital competence of specialists in the military and defense industry is little discussed in scientific sources.

The development of digital competence of military personnel, in particular military management officers, is an urgent problem that requires an immediate solution. On the one hand, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation adds to the criticality of the situation, on the other hand, scientific and technical progress and, as a result, the appearance of new types of weapons and the complexity of digital tools in the environments of military specialists.

Scientific approaches and conceptual principles regarding the formation of digital competence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO member countries are described. Problems, contradictions and trends in the development of digital education of military specialists in the system of professional development are singled out.

The article clarifies the concept of “digital competence of military command officers” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The authors developed and substantiated a theoretical model of a computer-oriented methodical system for the development of digital competence of officers of the military administration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the system of professional development, which is presented in an informative scheme with a description of individual modules combined into conceptual, target, content-methodical, procedural, technological and effective blocks.

The built model ensures systematicity and consistency of the educational process in the digital educational environment of higher military education institutions for the development of digital competencies of military management officers.

The technological unit contains a variety of software for training and training. In particular, specialized computer programs and multimedia guides. In the content-methodical block, among other things, the following modules are presented: cloud services; information-didactic and educational-methodical learning tools, multimedia objects, VR/AR tools, AI elements that allow selection of existing ones or creation of new learning materials; Training Course; diagnostic tools, etc.

The prospect is the verification of the developed model during distance training.

Keywords: digital competence; computer-oriented methodical system; model; officers of the military administration.


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