Some of basic key point of online learning educational tools

Determination of key positions, technologies and means of distance learning. Functions of remote forms and methods of work, their further use and integration into the educational process. Application of some online tools in the educational process.

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Дата добавления 06.11.2023
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Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Roman philology and translation faculty

Some of basic key point of online learning educational tools

P. Pokotylo, Lecturer

Kyiv, Ukraine


The aim of the review is it to highlight some of basic key points of online educational tools. Define online learning, distant learning and flexibility terms in the field of distant learning. Name some of possible problems and their solutions that teacher can deal with during educational flow. Provide basic features of tools designed for online education considering certain positions we outline. The article is to describe some of most useful functions, their possible integration into curriculum and practical peculiarities of their use. Make some predictions of problems and conflicts that might occur during online education with stated tools limit use. The article gives definitions of terms online-education flexibility, application and distant learning.

The article is to cover following positions:

1. Basic theoretical background. Some of online education tools and their functions.

2. Interactions. The article gives range of possible online tools interactions. Considering teacher - student, student - student and teacher - teacher models).

3. Flexibility and improvement.

Some of basic structures, elements educational algorithms can evolve. This improvement might make educational process more efficient. The article gives the definition of flexibility in online-education and distance learning. The set of practical suggestions based on theoretical foundation with online learning experience is given.

The author gives a suggestion that it is relevant to use learner-centered, approach. Feedback should be fast, provide the teacher with the details and have a system. It is a key to the success. The way to the student heart and mind and therefore better comprehension though a modern technology makes learning more successful. This is possible with the use of the modern technologies. Modern technologies are attention grabbing, user friendly and flexible. With use of modern technologies better results in understanding, team work as well as getting students interested in the study and attract their attention. The author claims that flexibility is the basic point for online learning correlation and functional establishment.

Keywords: online, education, learner-centered, teacher, basic, online education problems, education.


П. Покотило. Ключові аспекти застосування онлайн інструментів у дистанційній освіті

У статті окреслено ключові позиції дистанційної освіти. Виокремлено певні з можливих проблем з якими викладач може мати справу протягом своєї викладацької діяльності. Наведено базові риси засобів, що були розроблені саме для дистанційної освіти. Робота частково спирається на практичні джерела офіційних компаній, частково на практичний й практико-теоретичний досвід дистанційного викладання.

Досліджено найбільш корисні функції дистанційних форм та методів роботи та їх подальше використання та інтегрування в освітній процес. Зроблено припущення щодо окремних особливостей і суперечностей, які можуть виникати під час навчання з використанням засобів дистанційного навчання. Доцільним вбачається використання студентоцентрованого підходу у дистанційній освіті.

Доведено, що сучасні технології дистанційного навчання легко привертають та втримують увагу студентів, зручні у користуванні й гнучкі. Надано рекомендації щодо застосування деяких онлайн інструментів в освітньому процесі.

Ключові слова: дистанційна освіта, проблеми дистанційної освіти, студентоцентризм, викладач, базовий, освіта, онлайн.


Ukraine is fast developing democratic country. The globalization process, integration into European environment, technological progress requires understanding, use and improvement of modern means of communication. This is true for education sphere as well. The relevance of online- education and distant learning is determined not only by the demands of the XXI century but current problems e.g. COVID pandemic situation with its grate impact on education. There are different means used to handle distant learning issues like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Kahoot, Moodle and so on. Some can offer complex of integrated correlating programs that have a great value for interaction and can be used as one multifunctional tool (like Microsoft Office or Google applications). The set of applications provides teachers with opportunity to interact better using asynchrony as well as online approach. Providing tasks with interactive online boards or to stay in touch with students by chats liked to their special e-mails. Those e-mails are created for study at particular educational institutions. One of their most important futures is to link to the organization educational environment. Regarding the organization system could make all necessary connections so it is a must to have all students and their teacher using specific emails for study.

On the first sight they are generally similar. It is a matter of taste which one use should use. We can see each other, chat give tasks and even download video records or list of attendants, use boards, share the screen.

The set of applications provides teachers with opportunity to interact better using asynchrony as well as online approach. Providing tasks with interactive online boards or been in touch with students by chats liked to e-mails. One of most important futures here is the link to the organization. Regarding the organization system could make all necessary connections so it is a must to have all students and their teacher using specific emails for study. The article is considering official manuals as a must for any teacher that start to work with in their online education flow (e.g. Microsoft Teams Quick Start guide for educators).

One of the strongest tools is a Moodle system. This toll is made to create moderate and develop your own educational content from theory to exam. It is possible to use audio records, presentations, mock tests, give theoretical background, run exams.

Applications lave smaller brunches created to fulfill local goals. e.g. Google can offer set of useful tools for study that goes together with e-mail Docs, Forms (can be used as fast way to make a test you can even set number of times student can pass the test, individual responses for each answer, auto grades and other functions).

Another point that worth attention is student-centered content. It can be considered as the most important thing in education in student. It is important to create comfortable environment for study. Student-centered approach can be fulfilled by giving the priority to the student needs. Teacher must get proper feedback from the student. What does it mean proper? Sometimes students can struggle even with feedbacks. It might sound ridiculous but it is true.

The aim and objectives of the research are to provide high quality practical support to teachers that deal with online learning issues (for the first time of struggle). To give simple and relevant solutions for online study structure. This research is dedicated to optimization of online education for Ukrainian teachers as well as to ease learning. To give the basic image of current online educational tools available in Ukraine. Provide teachers with basic knowledge of online tools capabilities. Describe the correlations between integrated tools. To outline some of possible ways to use online educational tools. The article may help some teachers to work more productive, save some time, give new ideas for online education.

Analysis of modern researches on the problem. Online education has a great deal with learner-centered approach. Such authors as [6; 7; 9; 12; 13; 14] conducted their research in this field. Changes in modern education connected with COVID-19 pandemic issue was studied by such scientists as Mospan N. [12; 13], Goudeau S., Sanrey C., Stanczak A and others.

Considering current research in online education field we can assume that online education and distant learning demand further research. The relevance of the article is determined by urge in modern technologies for online-learning and distant learning, necessity in more of practical (methodological) background for Ukrainian teachers. The importance of student-centered approach was described by such scientists as Cornelius-White J. [6], Hanewicz C., Platt A. and Arendt A. [7].

Purpose of the article is to define the following terms in the field of online learning and distant education: flexibility, online learning and distant learning, to highlight some of basic key point of online educational tools, provide teachers with some suggestions in the field of distant education and online learning applications. Name some of possible problems teacher can deal with and ways of their solutions. Basically, considering threaten positions we outline what is it. Provide teachers with some recommendations considering online learning, distant learning and the use of applications. Describe some of interactions and basic patterns. Give Basic theoretical background in online education and distant learning with the help of modern technologies and applications.


Cambridge Dictionary defines flexibility as the ability to change or be changed easily to suit different situations. For teacher in the inline educational field this means to adapt to different challenges and changes connected with online and distant learning application issues. Janet E Dyment, Tracey Muir, Naomi Milthorpe et el. add that flexibility is also about where students live trying t combine education with other activities. As result we can assume that been flexible in online education means to combine different aspects, adapt to new challenges. Sometimes flexibility can refer to flexible time but it is not only schedule but rather individual, flexible approach. The flexibility in online learning approach may consider similar educational programs, group of students or a single student as a basic unit. Flexibility in online education means to be flexible in terms of time and place, reacting fast on any challenges and adapt to the latest updates. Oxford Dictionary defines online-education as a system of education in which people study at home with the help of special internet sites and send or email work to their teachers. Distant learning a system of education in which people study at home with the help of special internet sites and send or email work to their teachers.

Therefore, we can make conclusion that those two terms can be synonyms but on the other hand they can be used to signify different approaches. In Oxford Dictionary term application is given as an act of putting something to use. Application of new techniques. Oxford University Press considers application software as a computer program designed to carry out a specific task other than one relating to the operation of the computer itself. We can assume that application in online learning is created with practical purpose as program or part of it to fulfill one or more practical educational goals.

Researches show that education can be supported with popular modern means of communication. Teaching can be done with the help of current social networks e.g. Facebook [10]. Use of Teams and Office 365 [1; 3] is not only effective but can be considered as a core knowledge, something that is a must in the modern world.

Some of researchers claim that Student-Centred Learning can be better that other types of student-teacher interaction [5; 6; 7]. Therefore, mentioned positions can be added to the concept of flexibility in distant and online learning.

One more important point to consider is the personal growth. Been flexible is a demand of nowadays and era of computer technologies. Flexibility includes personal growth as well. One of key elements in distant learning is to be fast. Fast responds and flexibility is a demand of modern technologies, youth generation interaction and XXI century.

It is very important to provide students with decent and clear step by step instructions. For example:

Giving them idea of how they should do the activity. It is possible just to get the feedback on how they feel, like or dislike or comfortable with it. It is also good practice to speculate on possible further improvements.

Sometimes it is wise to provide students with more details (depends on the group) e.g.: problems they struggle with, the reason for the problem to occur, frequency of the problem, possible solutions without involving teacher or technical support and other.

Next point is the way teacher presents the instructions. Some things can be remembered better if they are different from regular information flow frame, constantly repeated or just used in the effective frame (for current group). Presentation can be followed with audio, or it can be teacher's voice, video and so on. It is good thing to constantly repeat the same information but change the frame. Even the color of the background in the presentation with familiar information can attract attention. It is very important to be creative wen something must be learned by hard. Teacher's creativity inspires students to study. At this point it is possible to use check games (short questioners by Google Forms, tests made in Moodle, Kahoot and so on). Small tests can be fallowed with no grade but with the support and advice from the teacher. It is also possible to ask students to share their opinion about their test experience in the feedback. It is considered to be a good practice to give small tests at the start or end of the classes. Sometimes it is possible to give small test during the classes if topic is divided into blocks of information and temp of the classes if fast. On the one hand to finish each part of logical information with comprehension check can be interactive and productive on the other students may struggle and there is a risk of getting a set of time-consuming activities. Student's life and security is a priority. So, students must know that if it is air alarm and they are not safe they can disconnect from the class without any penalties. Same goes for technical issues. Of course, it is rather exception. Student can't make constant excuses for been absent regarding to their technical issues. technology distance educational online tool

First thing teacher should keep in mind it is system. Baby steps are the best way to manage any distance learning challenges. Few simple rules:

1. Always have a backup. Teacher should have «plane B», «plane C». Keeping a pile of tasks according to the curriculum is a must. They should be stored both in the cloud and somewhere on your PC. The best practice is to have one more copy in mobile phone memory as well. It is also good practice to synchronize your Google account with current devise. So in case if something went wrong with online task teacher can send tasks via the e-mail. It is not recommended to send tasks using messengers.

2. Teacher is one to control and moderate. Teachers can be flexible if they can handle modem technologies. This can boost students' interest. Providing students with modern challenges keep them interested. But it is ok just to be strict and stick to the curriculum with some groups. In any case it is a rule to check any websites or content before you give it to the students. So, teacher should moderate himself as well. Look through students' presentations before giving a green light to show it to the group. Same goes for useful links one of students sharing with everyone. As an admin teacher always can ban some functions, cut off the broadcasting, or exclude extra students. Sometimes teacher can set options which allow students to invite gests for conferences it is to control to. If teacher doesn't want to prohibit extra account, they should double-check the settings of their conferences.

One of important things before teacher starts his work with a group is clear and simple list of demands and information for the group.

One of the simplest solutions for this problem is setting rules:

1. Set rules for connecting and greeting.

2. Set rules for individual and group activity.

3. Set rules for oral and written activities.

4. Set clear grade and penalty standards.

5. Name all applications and devices students will use.

6. Set rules for disconnecting and feedback.

7. Set time limits.

Rule must apply for all the students. Approach should be fair, clear, flexible, individual but general and strict and the same time. So if the teacher makes an exemption explanations must be made for the student and the rest of the group.

It becomes good practice to have a backup. Teacher should have «plane B», «plane C» and so on. Same goes for online education as well. Keeping a pile of tasks according to the curriculum is a must. They should be stored in the cloud and teachers PC. The best practice is to have one more copy in mobile phone as well. So, in case if something went wrong with online task teacher can send tasks via the email. However, is not recommended to send tasks using messengers.

If teacher sends task with messenger student may say it was not delivered, make some excuses based on the fact that messenger is not an official tool and not regarded as a part of educational tools web. So, to use educational e-mails or chats is better practice.

Another important point is the use of patterns. It can be helpful e.g. Microsoft Forms allow you to make some tests, same goes for Google presentations and test forms. The fact that one uses patterns does not mean this person is not flexible. Patterns can be changed, mixed, updated at any moment. Some teachers are struggle with patterns arguing it is time consuming But pattern is a way to save time and get better result in a long run.

One more point is to stay in touch keeping set of even short responds and answers is better than nothing. Even if answer is just information, those students have to wait for his or her results longer. It is also suitable if one has his set of patterns for the online correspondence. However, it is important to very them sometimes in order to show that feedback is given by human been not program. Students will appreciate that.

It is good to be interactive and open-minded. This is one more thing connected with flexibility. Temp does matter. Students may not understand absence of immediate feedback. They get use to have fast interaction with each other. Personal time is a question of etic and culture and should be negotiated with students. Any answer is better that absence of answer. Is something is wrong with the equipment or tools it is better to clarify this situation to the group individually than leveeing it just to the official news.

If it is not prohibited than it is possible. If student is using newborn tool and it is not troublesome it is possible to give the green light to it. Of course it should be checked by teacher and then it might even become of teachers new tools in future.

Conclusion (findings, perspectives of further research)

We could define terms flexibility, distant and online learning considering specific of modern education. The concept of flexibility in distant and online learning can include popular modern means of communication, social networks, Student-Centred Learning, terms of activity, place and time. Some of interactions patterns were given. The set of possible solutions, patterns of interaction with applications was suggested for teachers to consider.

As far as distant learning is impossible without use of technologies proper level of mastering it is a demand of modern education and science. It is seeming to be relevant to make some researches on further development of the basic algorithms structure by getting more statistic information,

For a perspective of further research, we can get more data, statistics on online educational patterns and interaction types. Get more of patterns basic interaction and peculiarities by analyzing sources.

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1. Day in the life: Teaching in Teams and Office 365.

2. Dong Y., Xiaoying S., Wang W., Peng S. Front. Psychol., 27 November 2019 Sec. Educational Psychology Volume10-2019.

3. Microsoft Teams Quick Start guide for educators.

4. Chen N.S., Wie C.W., Liu C.C. (2011). Effects of matching teaching strategy to thinking style on learner's quality of reflection in an online learning environment. Comput. Educ. 56, 53-64.

5. Codina N., Valenzuela R., Pestana J.V., Gonzalez-Conde J. (2018). Relations between student procrastination and teaching styles: autonomy-supportive and controlling. Front. Psychol. 9:809.

6. Cornelius-White J. (2007). Learner-centered teacher-student relationships are effective: a meta-analysis. Rev. Educ. Res. 77, 113-143.

7. Hanewicz C., Platt A., Arendt A. (2017). Creating a learner-centered teaching environment using student choice in assignments. Distance Educ. 38, 273287.

8. Huang E.Y., Lin S.W., Huang T.K. (2012). What type of learning style leads to online participation in the mixed-mode e-learning environment? A study of software usage instruction. Comput. Educ. 58,338-349.

9. Ozyurt O., Ozyurt H. (2015). Learning style based individualized adaptive e-learning environments: content analysis of the articles published from 2005 to 2014. Comput. Hum. Behav. 52, 349-358.

10. Prescott J. (2014). Teaching style and attitudes towards Facebook as an educational tool. Act. Learn. High. Educ. 15,117-128.

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12. Mos'pan N.V. (2023). Digitalisation of writing in higher education: the COVID-19 pandemic impact. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20 (2). pp. 1-24.

13. Mos'pan N.V. (2023). Trends in emergency higher education digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice (20). p. 1.

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  • Глобализация образования как педагогическая проблема. Тенденции информационной и культурной глобализации. Формы использования сетевых технологий в условиях глобализации образования. Система управления обучением Lotus Learning Space.

    дипломная работа [807,3 K], добавлен 07.07.2003

  • Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).

    реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015

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