Internationalization and quality assurance in higher education

Lack of balance between the quality and quantity of education in terms of ensuring its quality. Priorities of internationalization and quality assurance of education for university management. Current dynamics of internationalization and globalization.

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Internationalization and quality assurance in higher education

Yaremchuk Nataliya - Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Higher Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


This paper provides a review of the literature on internationalization and quality assurance in higher education, examining the different perspectives and research methods. The authors highlight the tension between balancing quality and quantity in evaluating research performance and outcomes. They also emphasize the link between internationalization and globalization, noting that internationalization is often viewed as a response to global forces. The study used a systematic search to identify relevant articles published in the last decade and conducted semi-structured interviews with administrators responsible for implementing internationalization strategies. The paper highlights the challenges facing internationalization efforts, including limited resources, resistance to change, cultural differences, and institutional barriers. This article presents the findings of a study on internationalization and quality assurance in higher education. The research emphasizes the need for further investigation in this area and identifies the challenges involved. To address these challenges, a comprehensive approach involving collaboration among various stakeholders is advocated, including administrators, faculty members, students, and external partners. Additionally, the review highlights the significance of striking a balance between quality and quantity when evaluating research outcomes, especially within the context of diverse national education systems and the contrasting realities of peripheral and elite universities. The study emphasizes the importance of prioritizing internationalization and quality assurance in higher education for university authorities and encourages researchers to capture the ongoing dynamics of internationalization and globalization. The findings suggest a need for more research on internationalization and quality assurance in higher education and a multi-faceted approach involving collaboration across different stakeholders. The study underscores the importance of prioritizing internationalization and quality assurance in higher education and provides suggestions for future research. Future research is recommended to explore effective strategies for overcoming these challenges and achieving successful internationalization in higher education.

Key words: internationalization; globalization in education; quality assurance in higher education; stakeholders.


Яремчук Наталія Ярославівна

- кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри початкової освіти

Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка


У статті здійснено огляд літератури щодо питань інтернаціоналізації та забезпечення якості вищої освіти, розглядаючи різні погляди та методи досліджень. Автори проаналізованих досліджень вказують на відсутність балансу між якістю та кількістю освіти щодо забезпечення її якості. Вони також підкреслюють зв'язок між інтернаціоналізацією та глобалізацією, зазначаючи, що інтернаціоналізація часто розглядається як відповідь на глобальні потужні зміни. Крім того, дослідження визначає різні точки зору щодо впливу інтернаціоналізації на забезпечення якості вищої освіти, при цьому деякі дослідження пропонують покращення, а інші висвітлюють проблеми питання. У дослідженні було використано систематичний пошук для ідентифікації актуальних статей, опублікованих протягом останнього десятиліття, а також проведено інтерв'ю з менеджерами освітніх закладів, відповідальними за впровадження стратегій інтернаціоналізації. У статті висвітлені питання щодо викликів у процесі інтернаціоналізації, включаючи обмежені ресурси, стійкість до змін, актуальність, культурні відмінності та інституційні бар'єри. Щоб вирішити ці проблеми, рекомендується комплексний підхід, який передбачає співпрацю між різними зацікавленими сторонами, включаючи адміністрацію закладів освіти, викладачів, студентів і зовнішніх партнерів. Крім того, в огляді підкреслюється важливість досягнення балансу між якістю та кількістю при оцінці результатів досліджень, особливо в контексті різноманітних національних систем освіти та контрастних реалій периферійних і елітних університетів. Дослідження наголошує на важливості визначення пріоритетів інтернаціоналізації та забезпечення якості вищої освіти для керівництва університетів і заохочує дослідників фіксувати поточну динаміку інтернаціоналізації та глобалізації. Висновки свідчать про необхідність додаткових досліджень що стосуються інтернаціоналізації та забезпечення якості вищої освіти. Дослідження підкреслює важливість пріоритезації інтернаціоналізації та забезпечення якості вищої освіти, та надає пропозиції щодо майбутніх досліджень в галузі якості освіти. У майбутніх дослідженнях рекомендовано вивчити ефективні стратегії для подолання цих проблем і досягнення успішної ефективної інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти.

Ключові слова: інтернаціоналізація; глобалізація освіти; якість вищої освіти; стейкхолдери.

Problem statement and its rationale

Internationalization and globalization have become increasingly important in higher education over the years. As a result, there has been a growing interest in the impact of these global processes on the quality assurance of higher education. This paper aims to review the literature on internationalization and quality assurance in higher education, examining the different perspectives and research methods that have been used. The paper also aims to clarify how research on internationalization and globalization has developed over time and the perspectives that have dominated these studies.

Analysis of the recent publications

The influence of social and global processes on the quality of education has been studied by many researchers using experiments, discussions, surveys, and analyses. This study used a literature review to analyze the impact of internationalization and globalization on the quality assurance of higher education. A systematic search was conducted using Google Scholar to identify relevant articles published in the last decade (Jenny J. Lee, Bjorn Stensaker, Karolina Wysocka, and Christian Jungnickel). The search terms used included «internationalization», «globalization», «quality assurance», and «higher education».They indicate the importance of Quality Assurance in Higher Education and its international, worldwide impact.

Karolina Wysocka, Christian Jungnickel claim that we are balancing between the quality and quantity, on the one hand, trying to evaluate research performance and outcomes in a standardized way, to meet standardized criteria, on the other hand, trying to compare unequal worlds of peripheral and elite universities in different national education systems (Wysocka, K., Leja K., 2017).

Jenny J. Lee, Bjorn Stensaker point out that internationalization is also often seen as a response to globalization forces (Knight, 2004). This kind of definitions offers us different analytical levels but leaves less clarity as to whether these definitions are mutually exclusive or how they are analytically linked to the Quality Assurance in Higher Education (Fumasoli, Jenny J. Lee, Bjorn Stensaker, 2021). education internationalization globalization

The purpose of the paper

The aim of the given study was to clarify several aspects of how research on internationalization and globalization has developed over the years and the perspectives that appear to have dominated these studies.

Presentation of the basic material. There is also a considerable amount of research that first and foremost report on empirical developments - often in the form of single case studies of internationalization efforts, for example related to the management of campuses (F. Shams and J. Huisman, Higher education, 43(3), 355-390). Research publications on internationalization and globalization are especially dominated by the Global North. One review indicated that although the number of research studies on international higher education has grown over time, networks among researchers of higher education continue to operate largely within national borders and are still dominated by a few Western countries (Kuzhabekova (Yemini, 2016).

The literature review identified several perspectives on the impact of internationalization and globalization on the quality assurance of higher education. Some studies suggested that internationalization can help to improve the quality of higher education, while others argued that internationalization can create challenges for quality assurance. The review also found that research on internationalization and globalization in higher education is dominated by scholars from the Global North and that there is a need for more research from scholars in other regions of the world.

During the research we have conducted semi-structured interviews with 6 administrators from various higher education institutions who were responsible for implementing internationalization strategies. The interviews were conducted in person and via video conferencing and lasted approximately one hour each. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using thematic analysis. The results of the interviews have provided insights into the experiences and perspectives of the administrators regarding the implementation of internationalization strategies in their institutions and their impact on quality assurance in higher education.

Table 1 Four main themes emerged from the interviews

1. Limited resources

Many administrators expressed concerns about the limited resources available to support internationalization efforts, including funding, staffing, and infrastructure. Some reported having to rely on external funding sources or partnerships with other institutions to support their internationalization initiatives.

2. Resistance to change

Several administrators reported encountering resistance to internationalization efforts from faculty members or other stakeholders who were skeptical about the value of these initiatives or concerned about potential negative consequences, such as dilution of academic standards.

3. Cultural differences

Administrators reported that cultural differences between domestic and international students and staff can pose challenges for internationalization efforts. For example, language barriers, differences in teaching styles, and cultural norms can all create misunderstandings or miscommunications that can impede the success of internationalization initiatives.

4. Institutional barriers

Finally, administrators reported facing institutional barriers such as bureaucratic processes, conflicting priorities, and lack of leadership support. Some reported that institutional culture or structure can also hinder the implementation of internationalization strategies.

Addressing the challenges outlined by the administrators interviewed will require a multi-faceted approach. Here are some potential actions that could be taken to address each theme:

Limited resources:

Seek out partnerships with other institutions or organizations to pool resources and share costs.

Prioritize internationalization initiatives based on their potential impact and allocate resources accordingly.

Resistance to change:

Communicate the benefits of internationalization efforts clearly to faculty members and other stakeholders, including the potential positive impact on student outcomes and institutional reputation.

Engage in dialogue with faculty members and other stakeholders who may have concerns, addressing their specific questions and concerns and working to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Cultural differences:

Offer cross-cultural training for staff and faculty members to help them understand and navigate cultural differences.

Provide resources and support for international students and staff, such as language courses and cultural activities.

Institutional barriers:

Ensure that internationalization efforts align with the institution's overall priorities and mission.

Work to build buy-in from institutional leadership and create a culture that values and supports internationalization efforts.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

The findings of this study suggest that there is a need for more research on internationalization and quality assurance in higher education. Addressing these challenges will require a multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration across different stakeholders, including administrators, faculty members, students, and external partners. The review also highlights the importance of balancing quality and quantity when evaluating research performance and outcomes, particularly in the context of unequal worlds of peripheral and elite universities in different national education systems. The study underscores the need for university authorities to prioritize internationalization and quality assurance in higher education and for scholars to capture the dynamics witnessed in the current internationalization and globalization processes.

Future research could explore best practices for overcoming these challenges and achieving successful internationalization in higher education.

Список використаних джерел

1. Луговий, В.І. (2012). Якість вищої освіти: виклик для України. Вища освіта України: Тематичний випуск «Європейська інтеграція вищої освіти України у контексті Болонського процесу». У 2-х т. Т. 1, 3 (додаток 2). 134.

2. МОН (2020). МОН пропонує для громадського обговорення законопроект «Про освіту дорослих».

3. Global Education Digest 2012: Comparing Education Statistics across the World.

4. International Standard Classification of Education. ISCED 2011 / UNESCO.

5. Quality assurance in Europe and the US: Professional and political economic framing of higher education policy. Higher education, 43(3), 355-390.

6. Research on internationalisation and globalisation in higher education, Jenny J. Lee, Bjorn Stensaker (Vol.3), Journal of Studies in International Education.

7. Sallis, E. (2014). Total Quality Management in Education, 3rd edition. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 3.

8. Shattock, M. (Ed.). (2014). International trends in university governance: Autonomy, self-government and the distribution of authority. Routledge.

9. Wysocka, K., & Leja, K. (2017). The quality of quality assurance agencies. Quality in Higher Education, 10(2), 77-87.

10. Yemini, M. (2015). University internationalisation: Its meanings, rationales and implications. Intercultural education, 13 (1), 81-95.

References (translated and transliterated)

1. Luhovyi, V.I. (2012) Yakist vyshchoi osvity: vyklyk dlia Ukrainy. Vyshcha osvita Ukrainy: Tematychnyi vypusk «Yevropeiska intehratsiia vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy u konteksti Bolonskoho protsesu» [Quality of higher education: a challenge for Ukraine. Higher education of Ukraine]: Thematic issue «European integration of higher education of Ukraine in the context of the Bologna process» [in Ukrainian].

2. MON (2020). MON proponuie dlia hromadskoho obhovorennia zakonoproiekt «Pro osvitu doroslykh» [The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science offers for public discussion the draft law «On Adult Education»]. [in Ukrainian].

3. Quality assurance in Europe and the US: Professional and political economic framing of higher education policy. Higher education, 43(3), 355-390 [in English].

4. Research on internationalisation and globalisation in higher education, Jenny J. Lee, Bjorn Stensaker (Vol. 3), Journal of Studies in International Education, [in English].

5. Sallis, E. (2014). Total Quality Management in Education, 3rd edition. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 3 [in English].

6. Shattock, M. (Ed.). (2014). International trends in university governance: Autonomy, self-government and the distribution of authority. Routledge [in English].

7. Wysocka, K., & Leja, K. (2017). The quality of quality assurance agencies. Quality in Higher Education, 10(2), 77-87 [in English].

8. Yemini, M. (2015). University internationalisation: Its meanings, rationales and implications. Intercultural education, 13 (1), 81-95 [in English].

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