Features of the military institutions of higher education cadets polycultural competence formation in the process of learning professionally oriented foreign language

Consideration of the issue of mastering foreign language communication skills as an element of the formation of multicultural competence of cadets of higher education institutions. The relevance of the formation of multicultural competence for officers.

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Дата добавления 06.11.2023
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Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Aviation English Department

Features of the military institutions of higher education cadets polycultural competence formation in the process of learning professionally oriented foreign language

Yerastova-Mykhalus Inna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Associate Professor

Zelenska Olena

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Associate Professor


The article is devoted to consideration of the peculiarities of the formation of multicultural competence of cadets in the process of learning a professionally oriented foreign language, as well as the issue of mastering foreign language communication skills as an important element of the formation of multicultural competence of cadets of military institutions of higher education. The article highlights the relevance of the formation of multicultural competence for future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in modern conditions. Based on the analysis of various scientists' researches, the essence of the concept of multicultural competence of cadets of military institutions of higher education is revealed, its structure is defined as the unity of cognitive processual and personal axiological components. The role of communication in a foreign language and the development of its skills in the formation of the mentioned phenomenon during the training of cadets in military institutions of higher education is substantiated. The forms and methods of educational work that contribute to the successful formation of skills and abilities of multicultural competence as one of the components of the professional training of future military specialists are presented. For example, involvement in participation in the work of sections, discussions, such as conferences, meetings, quizzes, etc. The examples of the use of authentic materials meant to increrase the level of formation of cadets' polycultural competence while learning a foreign language such as advertising brochures, posters, excursion leaflets, guidebooks, etc., are considered. The importance and necessity of forming such a professionally significant quality as tolerance, which has verbal and non-verbal expression in speech and is a core element of intercultural communication, is emphasized. Examples of language parameters of tolerance and intolerance, such as flexibility of speech, referentiality, etc., are provided.

Key words: polycultural competence; cadet; military institution of higher education; communication in a foreign language; professional activity; tolerance.

Особливості формування полікультурної компетентності курсантів військових закладів вищої освіти у процесі вивчення професійно орієнтованої іноземної мови

Єрастова-Михалусь Інна Борисівна - кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри авіаційної англійської мови Харківського національного університету Повітряних Сил імені Івана Кожедуба

Зеленська Олена Миколаївна - кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри авіаційної англійської мови Харківського національного університету Повітряних Сил імені Івана Кожедуба


multicultural competence communication skill

Статтю присвячено розгляду особливостей формування полікультурної компетентності курсантів у процесі вивчення професійно орієнтованої іноземної мови, а також питанню оволодіння навичками іншомовного спілкування як важливого елементу формування полікультурної компетентності курсантів військових закладів вищої освіти. У статті висвітлено актуальність сформованості полікультурної компетентності для майбутніх офіцерів Збройних Сил України у сучасних умовах. На основі аналізу досліджень різних науковців розкрито суть поняття полікультурної компетентності курсантів військових закладів вищої освіти, визначено її структуру як єдність когнітивно-процесуального й особистісно-аксіологічного компонентів. Обґрунтовано роль іншомовного спілкування та розвитку його навичок у формуванні зазначеного явища під час навчання курсантів у військових закладах вищої освіти. Наведено форми і методи навчально-виховної роботи, що сприяють успішному формуванню вмінь і навичок полікультурної компетентності як однієї зі складових професійної підготовки майбутніх військових фахівців, як під час аудиторної, так і під час позааудиторної діяльності курсантів. Наприклад, залучення до участі в роботі гуртків, секцій, факультативів, дискусійних заходах, таких, як конференції, засідання «круглого столу», вікторин, дискусій тощо. Розглянуті приклади використання аутентичних матеріалів під час навчання іноземній мові з метої підвищення рівня сформованості полікультурної компетентності курсантів, такі як рекламні проспекти, афіші, програми екскурсій, путівники тощо. Підкреслено важливість та необхідність формування такої професійно значущої якості як толерантність, що має вербальне та невербальне вираження у мовленні та є однією з основ міжкультурної комунікації. Надано приклади мовних параметрів толерантності й інтолерантності, таких як мовленнєва гнучкість, референтність тощо, а також невербального прояву даної якості, що проявляється у належному використанні жестів, міміки та погляду.

Ключові слова: полікультурна компетентність; курсанти; військовий заклад вищої освіти; іншомовне спілкування; професійна діяльність; толерантність.

Problem statement and relevance

The realities of the beginning of the 21st century form new requirements for defining the goals and content of military education. In the context of multiculturalism, attention is focused on the formation of future officers' ethnic and cultural values of the society, norms of intercultural and interethnic communication, communicative flexibility, orientation to humanism and tolerance in communication with representatives of different races, cultures, religions, and languages. These requirements are related to the deepening of military cooperation with foreign countries, the organization and conduct of joint exercises and maneuvers by them, participation in peacekeeping operations, and their partnership in the training of military personnel. The expansion of international relations makes the issue of formation of foreign language communication skills among representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine particularly relevant, that is determined by the need for future officers to acquire polycultural competence.

Despite the fact that considerable attention is paid to the issue of professional training of future officers in institutions of higher education today, the general state of researching the problem of mastering polycultural competence and foreign language communication skills by cadets in its formation at theoretical and practical levels remains unsatisfactory. This determines the relevance of the chosen research topic.

Analysis of recent studies and publications

The issue of the formation of cadets' multicultural competence is considered in the following directions: the study of polycultural competence, the essence of the concept of «polyculturality», «polycultural competence» is among the research interests of R. Agadullin, S. Tkachev, N. Tkacheva, A. Tkachev, O. Demyanenko, S. Klepko, T. Moroz, etc.; such leading scientists as Y. Habermas, K. Popper, V. Lectorsky and others dealt with the issue of tolerance; the problem of the formation of intercultural tolerance of future specialists of various fields of training is considered by E. Agius, J. Ambrosewicz, T. Kolbina and others; training of cadets in institutions of higher education I. Danylyuk, O. Bykonya, A. Demkiv, M. Yena, A. Savytska, O. Khmelyuk and others. At the same time, the theoretical analysis of the research works shows that the issue of the formation of polycultural competence of cadets in the process of learning a professionally oriented foreign language in institutions of higher education has not been sufficiently developed.

The aim of the article is to reveal the importance and special features of mastering skills of foreign language communication by the cadets of institutions of higher education in the formation of polycultural competence during their studies at the institutions.

Research materials on the subject

Modern trends in the development of the society require active changes in the organization of the pedagogical process in institutions of higher education. This aspect is reflected in relevant documents in the field of higher military education. For example, the Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine «On Approving the Concept of Teaching Foreign Languages in Institutions of Military Education of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine», points out the importance of increasing the requirements for graduates of institutions of higher education regarding their professional activity and competnce. First of all, it lies in the acquisition by representatives of the armed forces of the skills of effective foreign language communication with representatives of other languages, cultures and religions, which is an important component of polycultural competence.

Based on the analysis of scientific works, the polycultural competence of a cadet of an institution of higher education is considered as a complex professional and personal quality that ensures the ability of the future soldier to interact with representatives of other cultures on the basis of mutual respect and mutual understanding and to effectively perform professional tasks in a polycultural environment (Zelenska, Marchenko, 2020).

Taking into account the different points of view regarding the structural components of polycultural competence, its structure was specified as a unity of cognitive-processual and personal-axiological components. The cognitive- processual component ensures that cadets have knowledge about: the essence of culture, diversity and special features of subcultures, trends of their interaction; material and spiritual culture, history, geography, daily life, traditions and customs of representatives of different countries; rules and norms of intercultural communication; extralinguistic information; the fundamental principles of state legislation regarding the rights of national minorities, as well as UNESCO documents, international conventions, agreements on international cooperation, friendship and mutual understanding between peoples, etc. (Агадуллін, 2004, р. 2).

The study of a foreign language at military institutions of higher education is based on the state educational language standards and takes into account the standardized language levels of NATO «STANAG-6001». The content of the language educational material is determined by social contacts related to the spheres of real life, as well as taking into account the professional focus of education at military institutions of higher education.

Given the need to develop polycultural communication skills in foreign language learning, the possibilities for using authentic educational materials which provide cadets with knowledge of polycultural orientation within the framework of learning foreign language learning as an educational discipline should be expanded. This requires linguistic and cultural selection of vocabulary and the development of techniques for its assimilation so that the cadets' language becomes more natural. The specificity of linguistic and cultural material creates real conditions for the development of cadets' polycultural communication through the language and contributes to the optimization of the process of learning the basics of foreign language communication at the intercultural level.

Taking into account the recommendations of the prominent researchers (Agius, 2003; Ambrosewicz, 2003; Kolbina, 2010), we consider it expedient to use the following authentic pragmatic materials: advertising brochures of various educational centers, classified ads, newspaper materials about the education system, problems in the field of education; reproductions of artistic works, advertising brochures, guides with illustrations of landmarks and other interesting places, city maps, programs and posters of performances, festivals, excursion leaflets, guidebooks; household items (their illustrations and labels), hotel advertising brochures, routes of means of transport, travel tickets, bills for payment; correspondence materials (letters, cards, invitations), business cards, greeting cards on the occasion of various family events (childbirth, weddings, anniversaries), religious and other holidays; advertising of health centers, sports complexes, swimming pools, etc., posters about mass sports events (races, swimming, etc.). The use of all these practical materials contributes to the cadets' acquisition of the country studies knowledge, as well as to the semantization of language units and the development of semantic and linguistic guess, comparative skills, evaluative judgments, etc.

The skills of polycultural competence also include knowledge of the features of verbal and non-verbal communicative behavior of native speakers. As a result, an important element in the training and formation of skills of intercultural dialogue is the involvement of cadets in the performance of tasks and exercises aimed at forming the skills of effective verbal and non-verbal of intercultural communication. Therefore, considerable attention should be paid to stimulating cadets to express their judgments in the correct form, try not to use categorical expressions and avoid direct judgments when expressing their own opinion or assessment. For example, cadets are encoureged to say not very tall instead of short about a person, not very clever instead of stupid, mentally challenged instead of insane. In the journalistic and political sphere, examples of politically correct vocabulary can include: euthanasia/mercy killing; the 3d world countries, etc.

The cadets' mastery of knowledge and skills of foreign language communication in a polycultural aspect should also be paid considerable attention also in extracurricular educational work, such as: conferences, meetings, quizzes, discussions, etc.

The broadening of the personal and axiological component of cadets' polycultural competence is also facilitated by periodic meetings, friendly visits with the participation of foreign teachers as speakers of foreign languages, officers (including NATO countries).

To form polycultural competence during cadets' extracurricular activities, it is also important to involve them in the work of groups, sections, electives, etc. For example, the participants of the «English Without Borders» club study English through the excerpts from literary works, authentic language expressions, organization of e-mail correspondence with native speakers, participation in brain-rings, publication of wall newspapers, etc.

In addition, in order to promote the further development of polycultural knowledge, motives and values of conflict-free behavior, respect and respectful attitude to the diversity of cultures, awareness of the value of each person, etc., virtual local history excursions / tourist trips to the most famous cities of different countries and their places of interest should be organized for future soldiers.

Thematic evenings, weeks of a foreign language, days of culture and festivals dedicated to polycultural issues, the exchange programs between domestic and foreign military institutions of higher education, etc., ensure significant influence on formation of polycultural competence.

Patience and tolerance are considered to be the basis of intercultural communication that have verbal and non-verbal expression in speech. In order to express a tolerant attitude towards one's interlocutor, it is necessary to exclude speech units that offend feelings and dignity of an individual, and to use appropriate neutral or positive euphemisms.

Nowadays, attempts are often made to create a list of tolerant words, phrases, idioms and vocabulary, but such attempts do not have a positive result. First of all, this is explained by the fact that the language of tolerance does not exist, in fact tolerant or intolerant speech is meant (Єрастова-Михалусь, 2016, p. 37). Since there are no tolerant or intolerant words, we can only talk about the incorrect use of words, that is, about intolerant statements. This fact indicates the need to be aware not of linguistic parameters that will determine the content of statements but of language parameters that will determine the content of statements. An object and the attribution of some features (qualities or actions) to it define linguistic parameters of tolerance and intolerance. The same concept can be called differently depending on the situation. The choice of name plays an important role in establishing contact with representatives of other cultures. For example, African-Americans are often referred to as 'Negroe', and careless use of such a name can lead to strained relations between business partners.

The parameters of tolerant speech include: 1) speech flexibility (the ability to find and use such words and constructions in the text that bring the addresser closer to the addressee), however, this does not mean copying the addressee's language, such a parameter means readiness to perceive the speech of a partner without giving up his point of view; 2) referentiality (dominance of a neutral, calm stylistic tonality; inadmissibility of the addressee imposing his point of view; rational assessment based on facts); dialogicity (selection of means of speech that promote interaction, emphasis on the addressee, least possible use of pronouns and verbs of the first person singular, etc.) (Rijadi, 2021).

According to the philosopher and linguist H. Gryce, the basis of speech communication is the principle of productive cooperation - the willingness of partners to cooperate (Anderson, 2022), which is impossible without a tolerant attitude towards each other. He proposed 'rules of cooperation' that are mandatory for all functional varieties of business contacts. These rules relate to: quantity (the statement must not contain less or more information than necessary); quality (not to say what would be considered false or for which there is no sufficient ground); relations (do not deviate from the topic); ways (avoid unclear expressions, ambiguity; be concise; avoid unnecessary verbosity; be organized).

Tolerant expressions do not limit the rights and opportunities of others. The main rule of tolerant speech is politeness. In order to influence the decisions of interlocutors without causing feelings of resentment, it is recommended to start communication with praise and sincere recognition of virtues; point out their mistakes indirectly, but start with your own; ask the interlocutor questions and provide an opportunity to defend one's point of view; to express approval of the slightest luck and celebrate every success of their colleagues (Yerastova-Mykhalus, Tzypina, 2020).

The non-verbal manifestation of tolerance lies in the appropriate use of gestures and facial expressions. Therefore, in tolerant relations, it is not allowed to use gestures of ambiguous character or that can be interpreted differently in different cultures.

The main sign of friendliness and affection of an interlocutor is a smile, however, if used incorrectly, a smile can have the opposite effect. For example, at the first business meeting, it is not advisable to use a very open or wide smile, as this may cause mistrust on the part of the partner.

To establish tolerant relations, the eye contact is important, which is one of the most influential means of non-verbal communication. During a conversation, one's eyes should be directed at the interlocutor, which shows attention, interest in what is being discussed, and expresses respect. Looking away during a conversation can be a sign that the person is nervous, unsure of what to say, or it can indicate that they are not interested in the conversation and want to end it. Thus, in order to establish tolerant relations, it is necessary to be aware of the peculiarities of using verbal and non-verbal means in terms of tolerance-intolerance and to remember that tolerant speech is important to prevent conflict during interaction with foreign partners.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

It was found that the new requirements for the professional training of future military specialists stem from the deepening of international cooperation, the orientation of our state's policy towards Euro-Atlantic integration, the participation of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in international exercises, UN peacekeeping operations, which require cadets of military universities to master the skills of polycultural competence and in particular, foreign language communication skills for one's successful professional activities in the conditions of a polycultural society. Further research should be oriented to a more detailed study of the ways of organization of cadets' independent work in order to acquire skills of polycultural competence.

Список використаних джерел

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References (translated and transliterated)

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2. Agius, E., Ambrosewicz, J. (2003). Towards a culture of tolerance and peace. Montreal: IBCR, 65 [in English].

3. Anderson, C. (2022). Essentials of Linguistics. eCampusOntario, 2, 446. [in English].

4. Gurenko, O.I. (2005). Formuvannia etnokulturnoii kompetentnosti studentiv pedagogichnogo universytetu v umovakh polietnichnoho seredovyshcha [Formation of ethnocultural competence of students of a pedagogical university in the conditions of a polyethnic environment]: dys. ... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.04. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].

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8. Yerastova-Mykhalus, I.B. (2016). Formuvannia mizhkulturnoyi tolerantnosti maybutnikh magistriv z ekonomiky [Future Masters of Economics Intercultural Tolerance Formation]: dys. ... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.04. Kropyvnytskiy, 234 [in Ukrainian].

9. Yerastova-Mykhalus, I.B., & Tsypina, D.S. (2020). Formuvannia mediatyvnoyi kompetentnosti u protsesi vyvchennia profesiyno-oriientovanoyi inozemnoyi movy [Mediator competence formation in the process of learning professionally oriented foreign language]. Aktualni pytannia gumanitarnykh nauk. NPU im. M. Drahomanova. Drohobych: Vydavnychyi dim «Helvetyka», 310 [in Ukrainian].

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  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

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  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

  • Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.

    курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007

  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

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