Educational potential of the activities of information institutions during the war period

Analysis of the activities of information institutions in the city of Kropyvnytskyi during the war period in the context of patriotic education of student youth. The role of the educational potential of the scientific library and the State Archives.

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Дата добавления 06.11.2023
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Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Department of History, Archaeology, Information and Archival Affairs

Foreign Languages Department

Educational potential of the activities of information institutions during the war period

Barabash V.A., PhD in Ped., Ass. Professor

Gliebova L.V., PhD in Phil., Ass. Professor

Mytsenko V.I., PhD in Ped., Ass. Professor


The article presents the analysis of the activity of information institutions in the city of Kropyvnytskyi during the war period in the context of patriotic education of student youth. A comprehensive analysis of the activities of Chyzhevskyi Regional Universal Scientific Library and the State Archive of Kirovohrad region under martial law was made.

The significance of the activity of cultural and informational centres of the region is substantiated, their powerful educational potential aimed at increasing the prestige and security of the state, which is one of the main tasks of modern patriotic education, is determined.

The historiography of the study includes three thematic groups: the first group includes sources dedicated to contemporary issues of patriotic education; the second group of works consists of materials on issues of social communication and information resources, and the third group of scientific works is devoted to highlighting the activities of archival institutions.

The activity of cultural and information centres is aimed at increasing the prestige and security of the state, because only under the condition of balanced cooperation of information institutions, Ukraine is able to decently resist Russian occupation both on the battlefield and in the information war. Modern cultural and information centres, acting as powerful repeaters of the state ideology and social ideas of the Ukrainians, on the one hand, form, protect and spread the Ukrainian information space, fitting it into the European context, and on the other hand, realizing a powerful educational potential, fulfil super-tasks in the field of development of young individuals - forming a new Ukrainian national-patriotic elite.

Keywords: information institutions, Russian aggression, patriotic education, student youth, security and defence of the state.


Виховний потенціал діяльності інформаційних установ у воєнний період

Барабаш В.А., к.п.н., доцент; Глєбова Л.В., к. філол. н., доцент кафедри історії, археології, інформаційної та архівної справи; Миценко В.І., к.п.н., доцент, завідувач кафедри іноземних мов Центральноукраїнського національного технічного університету

У статті проаналізовано діяльність інформаційних установ м. Кропивницький у воєнний період у контексті патріотичного виховання студентської молоді. Здійснено комплексний аналіз діяльності Обласної універсальної наукової бібліотеки ім. Д.І. Чижевського та Державного архіву Кіровоградської області в умовах воєнного стану.

Обґрунтовано значущість діяльності культурно-інформаційних центрів регіону, визначено їх потужний виховний потенціал, спрямований на підвищення престижу і безпеки держави, що і є одним з головних завдань сучасного патріотичного виховання.

Ключові слова: інформаційні установи, російська агресія, патріотичне виховання, студентська молодь, безпека і захист держави.

Problem statement and substantiation of its relevance

The martial law introduced in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 made serious changes not only in everyday life, but also in all areas of the social and economic sectors, making them militarily adapted to new conditions [20]. Therefore, Russian aggression actualized the problem of patriotic education of the Ukrainian youth.

The state targeted social programme of national- patriotic education for the period until 2025, approved in June 2021, defines the main goal to improve and develop a comprehensive national policy of national- patriotic education through the formation and affirmation of Ukrainian civic identity based on unified public-state (national) values (identity, will, unity, dignity) and universal human values, principles of love and pride for one's own state, its history, language, achievements in the field of culture, economy, science, sports, effective assistance to state authorities and local self-government bodies in the protection of the national statehood of the Ukrainian people, readiness to protect the state independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, awareness of the civic duty to develop a successful country and ensure one's well-being in it [17].

In the context of national-patriotic education, cultural and information centres form a national context that will become a point of support and foundation of self-identification, playing a special role in the process of becoming a free and independent state at the European level.

Analysis of latest research and publications. The historiography of our study includes three thematic groups: the first group includes sources dedicated to contemporary issues of patriotic education; the second group of works consists of materials on the issues of social communication and information resources, and the third group of scientific works is devoted to highlighting the activities of archival institutions.

In modern national pedagogical theory and practice, the problem of transition to a fundamentally new system of educational relations is covered by the studies of I. Bekh [3], O. Vyshnevs'kyi [4], I. Zyazyun [9] and others. Thus, O. Vyshnevs'kyi emphasizes three types of patriotism: ethnic patriotism, which is based on the sense of belonging to one's people, culture, and history; territorial patriotism, the foundation of which is love for the place on earth, terrain, landscape, climate, etc., where a person was born; statecraft patriotism has a unifying force: if the ultimate goal of the nation is to build its own state - its state self-determination, then the main goal of education is the development of a statecraft worldview and feeling in our children the higher patriotism that is based on state ideology and is connected with the concept of citizenship [4, P. 269-271].

The historical aspect of philosophical and worldview prerequisites for the development of patriotic education in Ukraine is presented in the work of V. Kulchytskyi [11]. I. Dudka considers the main aspects of patriotic education of student youth as a component of social activities of a higher educational institution [8]. The essence of national-patriotic education as a component of the formation of the Ukrainian state, as well as pedagogical reflections on the fact that patriotic education is a need or requirement of the time are contained in the scientific research of M. Shcherban [22].

In the context of our research, we focus on the problem of social communication, which is closely related to the formation of patriotic qualities of an individual. I. Levchenko rightly notes: "The world community poses extremely difficult questions to each state regarding the implementation of the appropriate information and communication policy with the aim of adapting its citizens to living conditions in the new information and communication space, forming a new vision of human rights and responsibilities regarding the satisfaction of information - communication needs in society and, thus, to prepare its citizens for life in the new realities of the world, the life of which is based on the use of information as the main resource of development" [12].

The issue of national information resources as an important factor in the formation of the national socio- cultural space, which is being investigated by leading modern scientists, remains relevant. A significant contribution to the development of the problem of the functioning of national information resources based on the national information tradition was made by М Onyshchenko, M. Horovyi, and V. Popyk [14]. The authors analyze national resources as a valuable factor of social organization in the conditions of the development of information society.

The scientific studies of H. Pocheptsov deserve special attention. The author emphasizes the importance of producing a national information product. The scientist rightly points out that we will not be winners if we do not produce our own information product [18].

Modern libraries have transformed into super- powerful cultural and information centres that not only concentrate and distribute information flows, but also act as relays of state ideology and social ideas. The participation of libraries and their information and analytical units in providing information support for social development management processes is contained in the monographic study by T. Hranchak "Library in information support for social process management: political and communication aspect" [6]. The role and purpose of a library in modern information space is in the centre of attention of S. Harahulia [5].

Important and informative for our research is the scientific work of T. Ihnatova "Algorithm for the success of national-patriotic education of youth in libraries" [10].

The third group of publications consists of studies of the activities of archival institutions. The value of the information resources of archival institutions is that their documentary information can be used for the study of national and world culture, and for the development of economic and social forecasts in the field of scientific and technical development of Ukraine, increasing the prestige of the country. A number of scientific studies are devoted to the problem of the development of modern archival institutions of Ukraine, in particular the works of A. Alieksieienko, M. Balyshev "Archives are the custodians of the history of science and technology: institutionalization of archival storage of scientific and technical documentation in Ukraine" [1];

V. Bezdrabko "Archive, archivist, archival culture: idea, metaphor, emergence of future image" [2]. M. Paliienko "Image of the "archive" in modern scientific discourse: multiplicity of interpretations" [16] and others.

The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize the experience of cultural and informational institutions of the region, in particular Chyzhevskyi Regional Universal Scientific Library (Kropyvnytskyi) and the State Archive of Kirovohrad region, in the conditions of martial law, to determine their influence on the patriotic education of student youth.

Main material of the research

Today, national-patriotic education is implemented in a wide range of activities of informational and cultural institutions, which includes thematic informational and educational events, namely: round tables, debates, presentations with further discussion, creative meetings, public lectures, etc. As P.W. Singer and Emerson T. Brooking appropriately point out, "The response model comes from a number of countries that have moved from military reorganization to "nationwide" efforts designed to vaccinate societies against informational threats. It is no accident that among the first states to do so were Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden, each of which faced a constant barrage of Russian information attacks, supported by the proximity of Russian soldiers and tanks. Their countermeasures include citizen education programmes, public tracking and exposure of foreign disinformation campaigns, election protection and political transparency enforcement, and legal action to limit the influence of malicious super-spreaders.

...Accordingly, information literacy is no longer just a matter of education, but a need for national security" [19].

In modern conditions of the development of the information society, libraries, archives, and museums have powerful prospects in the implementation and consolidation of human ideals, values and norms of harmonious development of student youth. In this vein, the statement of the authors of the monograph "National information resources as an integrative factor of the national socio-cultural environment" is appropriate, regarding the fact that today "national libraries are becoming symbols of state independence and identity. As a new institution of statehood, they were focused on performing functions that can be conditionally characterized as functions of "national memory" [14, p. 93]. The above-mentioned convinces of the importance of the priority task of information institutions, which in modern realities, first of all, should ensure the transmission of the national system of values to the next generations, in particular the value of preserving and strengthening national independence and sovereignty and, as a result, consolidate the nation, activate patriotic feelings.

Libraries, having thousands of years of educational experience, in the new socio-cultural reality are creating their new image of a mega-cultural institution, which is designed not only to educate, but also to inspire and organize, protect and defend national values. Undoubtedly, such functions are characteristic of all informational and cultural institutions of Ukraine today. We analyzed the multifaceted activities of Chyzhevskyi Regional Universal Scientific Library during the period of Russian aggression, identifying the main directions of work of all its departments: local history, art, rare and valuable publications, the department of documents from economic, technical and natural sciences. Let us consider each direction in more detail.

Now, more than ever, we need new approaches and new ways to educate patriotism as a feeling and as a basic personality quality. At the same time, it should be taken into account that Ukraine has an ancient and magnificent culture and history, the experience of a statecraft life, which are a powerful source and a solid foundation for the education of children and youth. They have already entered educational and general educational space, but current social processes require their rethinking, which opens up new opportunities for the educational sphere. information library archive patriotic education

In view of the above-mentioned, let us turn to the educational projects that Chyzhevskyi Regional Universal Scientific Library is implementing today. First of all, we should note that the knowledge of native history is the main marker of the Ukrainian identity, because it forms a citizen, a patriot, with whom the state and society associate the prospects of their further development. Thus, as part of the educational project "Ukraine during the Second World War: Little-Known Pages", Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University Oleksandr Chornyi held a series of public lectures: Ukraine during the Second World War: Little-Known Pages; Germany's attack on the USSR. Declared undeclared war; Summer 1941. Green Gate. Heroism and tragedy of the 6th and 12th armies; Stalin's order No. 270 in the history of the German- Soviet war; The turning point of 1943: what went wrong?; Battle for the Dnipro: summer 1943 - spring 1944; War and propaganda. What were the mass media of that time, what were the propaganda technologies during the Second World War and how did they influence public opinion.

Native literature reveals the invaluable experience of struggle and resistance of the Ukrainian people, its universal mission helps young people to deeply understand the essence and mentality of their people, to understand the historical path of this people. In this context, the Project "Conversations about literature with Serhii Mykhyda" became very relevant and significant. As part of the project, all those who wish to develop their ideas about Ukrainian literature are invited to communicate and improve their spoken Ukrainian language at weekly meetings with Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University Serhii Mykhyda.

Literary presentations, book exhibitions prove that literature is given one of the most important places in the integration processes that are actualized in modern education. This is confirmed by the presentation of the third book of poetry "The Third Swallow" by a young talented poet Olha Mohylda; presentation of the rare edition of 1936 "Ukrainian folk song". It would be appropriate to note that the father of Ukrainian modernism, developer of the Ukrainian state coat of arms adopted by the Central Rada, representative of Ukrainian lyrical impressionism Vasyl Krychevskyi participated in the creation of the collection of songs.

A significant role in the formation of patriotic feelings is played by street actions aimed at protecting peace both in Ukraine and around the world. On International Bird Day, a street action "Let there be peace in Ukraine!" took place on the grounds of Chyzhevskyi Regional Universal Scientific Library. The residents of Kropyvnytskyi and guests of the city were invited to make their own paper doves - symbols of peace, and write wishes on their wings to support the Armed Forces and the people of Ukraine in the fight against Russian occupiers for their freedom and independence.

Another valuable direction of the multifaceted activity of the regional book collection is the organization and conduct of art practices, in particular, master classes in neurographics and sketching by Maria Hrim; free weekly computer courses at the Internet Centre of the library "World of Digital Literacy for Everyone"; the activity of the online spoken English club with Bill Thomson on the Zoom platform and others.

In the same vein, it is worth mentioning painting exhibition of the famous Kropyvnytskyi artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine Valerii Davydov "Realm of Silence".

Mass cultural events that attracted creative youth of the region became traditional. In May, the library became the location of an unforgettable musical event

– the rock fest "Against the War"! The organizer of such a charity event was an old and faithful friend of the book collection centre - the editorial office of the newspaper "Central Ukraine". It should be noted that during the rock fest, all volunteers were able to financially support our soldiers on the front lines; volunteer Vadym Nikitin donated the collected funds for the purchase of necessary items. An art house club is constantly active in the library inviting everyone to watch high-quality, new European and Ukrainian films. As part of the "Live Pages" project, a literary and musical evening "The Heart of Ukrainian Spirituality" was held in the library.

Photo tours became another effective activity of the library. Historians call the city of Kropyvnytskyi a centre for the study of a unique national phenomenon.

– Chumak trading. Pavlo Ryabkov, a historian, archaeologist and ethnographer, deputy director of the Regional Museum of Local History, one of the founders of the Museum of Local History, was engaged in the study of Chumak culture at the end of the 19th century, so as part of the International Day of Monuments and Landmarks in the library's art department; he held a photo tour "Sights of Culture along the route of Pavlo Ryabkov's Chumak route". A real event was the presentation of the virtual exhibition of Karol Szymanovsky Museum of Musical Culture "Historical and Cossack Songs of Kropyvnytskyi Region.

The 50th anniversary of the encyclopaedic publication on the history of cities and villages of Kirovohrad region was dedicated to local history studies, which took place in the library of the tragic for the Ukrainian people on February 24. Volodymyr Polishchuk, a well-known journalist, local historian and researcher of the history of Kropyvnytskyi and Kirovohrad region presented the publication "They planned one thing and built another". In Soviet times, newspapers periodically published reports about future new buildings, drawings and models of these buildings, as well as interviews with architects, who discussed the development plans of the city of Kirovohrad. But much of what was planned by the party leaders and architects was never built, or was built in the wrong place and not as originally planned. Volodymyr Polishchuk spoke in more detail about the plans, which were recorded in newspaper reports and archival documents. Publications in the newspapers "Zinovievskyi Proletar", "Molodyi Komunar", "Kirovohradska Pravda", as well as materials stored in the funds of the State Archive of Kirovohrad Region, the Regional Museum of Regional History and on the website of the library, as well as photos from collections of local historians. It is symbolic that a new history of new buildings in Ukraine begins today. Collection of books for our defenders is an effective help of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

So, a far from complete list of activities of such a powerful mega-cultural centre of the region as Chyzhevskyi Regional Universal Scientific Library allows us to state that in the conditions of martial law, the multifaceted activities of information institutions in our region are aimed at the consolidation, support and victory of the Ukrainian society.

The activities of archival institutions of Ukraine, which not only reflect the history of the spiritual and material life of the people, represent a great cultural value, but act as custodians of the national identity, are of primary importance at present. It is impossible to raise a patriot without a national Ukrainian base recorded and stabilized in the archives. After all, without archival documents, history ceases to be history and turns into well-informed journalism.

The analysis of the website of the State Archive of Kirovohrad region proved a highly professional activity of employees during the period of martial law. Let us turn to the main events organized by archivists to support patriotism and love for Ukraine. Since the first days of the Russian-Ukrainian war, archive staff has been broadcasting the world's support for the Ukrainian people. Already in February, the State Archives of Kirovohrad region introduced a series of educational videos on first aid in emergency situations.

Since the beginning of March, the State Archive of Kirovohrad region, like all state archives of Ukraine, has stopped processing any requests from the Russian Federation (both legal entities and individuals). At the same time, the collection and formation of a collection of materials (photos, audios, videos, paper materials) regarding the full-scale invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine and the heroic resistance of our Armed Forces and people began. The employees of the archive appealed to the residents of our region with a request to e-mail relevant materials to the State Archive of Kirovohrad region.

Permanent work is carried out by employees of the Archive on digitization of documents. Thus, in March, another addition to the database "Digitized descriptions of cases of the State Archive of Kyiv region of the period after 1917" took place.

In the cultural aspect, an important event was the organization and holding of the online exhibition "100th anniversary of the creation of the Berezil" theatre (1922-1935).

A landmark event in the activities of the State Archive of Kirovohrad Region is the release of a new section of the Barrier-Free Handbook "In Wartime", in which you can study various headings, in particular "There are many more meanings hidden in communication than we think." The presented material of the guide is the first step in the formation of a new ethics of communication, because the information provided will help reveal new, additional meanings, when the focus is on a person and his diversity. The subject outlines important problems of parent-child relationships, the lives of older people, tips on how to calm people with disabilities, problems of disabled people, etc.

Like all information institutions of Ukraine, the Archive continues the practice of holding virtual exhibitions. In this context we note the organization of the exhibition of archival documents: "30 years of activity of Kirovohrad Regional State Administration" (the Archive fund No.-7838 "Kirovohrad Regional State Administration", which contains original documents for the years 1992-2012); "Indomitable Ukrainians", dedicated to the victims of the totalitarian regime; "Life and activities of Marko Lukych Kropyvnytskyi"; "Creative restlessness", dedicated to famous journalists of the region; photo exhibitions: "Vyshyvanka - a symbol of Ukrainian culture"; demonstration of materials, in particular manuscripts, from the fund of personal origin of a well-known countryman Smolenchuk Mykola Kuzmovich.

For the International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl disaster, the archive staff prepared a selection of articles from local newspapers on this topic, which are stored in the reference and information fund of the institution. The scientific and research activities of the above-mentioned fund are marked by the release of the next edition of the collection "The Inhul Steppe", which includes materials about hitherto unknown pages of history, local history and genealogy, presentation of the XVI edition of the continuing edition, "Between the Buh and the Dnipro", which contains materials of the 8th regional scientific and practical conference "Ukrainian independence: from dream to reality" and the 14th regional literary and local history Kutsenko readings dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

The practice of inspection tours continued, during which archive employees emphasize the importance of preserving documents during wartime. Archive employees are constantly involved in all-Ukrainian seminars and scientific and practical conferences online.

Citizens are invited to participate in the description of photo documents presented in the special project "Kirovohrad region in the lens of Vasyl Kovpak".

The State Archive of Kirovohrad Region has started work on the creation of a fund for the use of the National Archive Fund genealogical documents within the framework of cooperation with Family Search International.

So, today, in the difficult conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, archives perform extremely important, planned and unplanned tasks, constantly improving the process of communication with their users. An important step towards improving the provision of services is the creation of a reader's electronic ticket. This will provide an opportunity for all those who wish to participate not only in scientific and research activities, but also in a wide range of research tasks.

Conclusions on the research and prospects for further study

A comprehensive analysis of the activities of information institutions in the region allows us to single out certain practical accents of the activities of these institutions. Thus, the most common types of activities of Chyzhevskyi Regional Universal Scientific Library in the conditions of martial law were lectures by leading scientists of the region, in particular historians and philologists; master classes organized for citizens and internally displaced people; cultural street actions, round tables, artistic presentations.

The employees of the State Archive of Kirovohrad region focused on the digitization of archival documents and active participation in all- Ukrainian and international conferences and seminars, as well as the organization and holding of virtual exhibitions dedicated to current issues.

All the above-mentioned facts confirm that today the activity of cultural and information centres is aimed at increasing the prestige and security of the state, because only under the condition of balanced cooperation of information institutions, Ukraine is able to decently resist Russian occupation both on the battlefield and in the information war. Modern cultural and information centres, acting as powerful repeaters of the state ideology and social ideas of the Ukrainians, on the one hand, form, protect and spread the Ukrainian information space, fitting it into the European context, and on the other hand, realizing a powerful educational potential, fulfil super-tasks in the field of development of young individuals - forming a new Ukrainian national-patriotic elite.

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20. Указ Президента України «Про введення воєнного стану в Україні» №2102-IX від 24.02.2022 / Верховна рада України.

21. Размещено на http://www.Allbest.Ru/

Українська система вищої освіти в умовах воєнної агресії РФ: проблеми й перспективи розвитку.

22. Щербань М.П. Патріотичне виховання - потреба чи вимога часу. Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету ім. Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: Педагогічні науки: зб. наук. праць. Випуск 41 / Редкол.: В.І. Шахов (голова) та ін. Вінниця: Нілан ЛТД, 2014 С. 155-160.

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1. Alieksieienko, A., Balyshev, M. (2017). Arkhivy - zberihachi istorii nauky i tekhniky: instytutsionalizatsiia v Ukraini arkhivnoho zberihannia naukovo-tekhnichnoi dokumentatsii [Archives are custodians of the history of science and technology: institutionalization of archival storage of scientific and technical documentation in Ukraine]. Arkhivy Ukrainy, 5/6 (310/311),151-161 [in Ukrainian].

2. Bezdrabko, V. (2018). Arkhiv, arkhivist, arkhivnakultura: ideia, metafora, postannia maibutnoho obrazu [Archive, archivist, archival culture: idea, metaphor, emergence of the future image]. Arkhivy Ukrainy, 2/3 (313/314), 7-19 [in Ukrainian].

3. Bekh, I.D. (2018). Patriotyzm yak tsinnist'. 7 naukovykh pozytsiy u natsional'no-patriotychnomu vykhovanni [Patriotism as a value. 7 scientific positions in national-patriotic education].Upravlinnya osvitoyu, 6, 7-12 [in Ukrainian].

4. Vyshnevs'kyi, O. (2008). Teoretychni osnovy suchasnoyi ukrayins'koyi pedahohiky [Theoretical foundations of modern Ukrainian pedagogy]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].

5. Harahulia, S. (2014). Biblioteky v informatsiinomu suspilstvi: oriientatsiia na korystuvacha [Libraries in the information society: user orientation]. Library Bulletin, 6, 17-23. [in Ukrainian].

6. Hranchak, T. (2014). Biblioteka v informatsiinomu suprovodi upravlinnia suspilnymy protsesamy: polityko- komunikatsiinyi aspekt [Library in the information support of social process management: political and communication aspect]. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

7. Derzhavnyi arkhiv Kirovohrads'koyi oblasti [State archive of Kirovohrad region]. [in Ukrainian].

8. Dudka, I. (2015). Patriotychne vykhovannia studentskoi molodi yak skladova hromadskoi diialnosti vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu [Patriotic education of student youth as a component of social activity of a higher educational institution]. Origins of pedagogical skill, 16, 56?63 [in Ukrainian].

9. Zyazyun, I.A. (2000). Pedahohika dobra: idealy i realiyi [Pedagogy of goodness: ideals and realities]. Kyiv: MAUP [in Ukrainian].

10. Ihnatova, T. (2015). Alhorytm uspikhu natsional'no-patriotychnoho vykhovannya molodi u bibliotekakh [Algorithm of success of national and patriotic education of youth in libraries]. Bibliosvit, 1, 49-55 [in Ukrainian].

11. Kulchytskyi, V.Y. (2014). Filosofs'ko-svitohlyadni peredumovy rozvytku patriotychnoho vykhovannya v Ukrayini (istorychnyi aspekt) [Philosophical and ideological prerequisites for the development of patriotic education in Ukraine (historical aspect)]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorods'koho natsional'noho universytetu, 30, 76-78 [in Ukrainian].

12. Levchenko, I. (2022) Sotsialna komunikatsiia yak vazhlyva skladova informatsiino-komunikatsiinoho prostoru. [Social communication as an important component of the information and communication space]. Society. Document. Communication, 14, 253-266. [in Ukrainian].

13. Oblasna universal'na naukova biblioteka im. D.I. Chyzhevskoho [Chyzhevskyi Regional Universal Scientific Library]. [in Ukrainian].


15. Onyshchenko, O., Horovyi, M., Popyk, V. (2014). Natsionalni informatsiini resursy yak intehratyvnyi chynnyk vitchyznianoho sotsiokulturnoho seredovyshcha [National information resources as an integrative factor of the domestic socio-cultural environment]. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

16. Osvita v umovakh voyennoho stanu [Education under martial law]. [in Ukrainian].

17. Paliienko, M. (2016). Obraz «arkhivu» v suchasnomu naukovomu dyskursi: mnozhynnist interpretatsii [Image of "archive" in modern scientific discourse: multiplicity of interpretations]. Arkhivy Ukrainy, 5-6 (304- 305), 136-152 [in Ukrainian].

18. Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny «Pro zatverdzhennya Derzhavnoyi tsilovoyi sotsialnoyi prohramy natsional'no-patriotychnoho vykhovannya na period do 2025 roku ta vnesennya zmin do deyakykh postanov Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny» (2021, June 30). [Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On approval of the State targeted social program of national and patriotic education for the period until 2025 and amendments to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine»]. [in Ukrainian].

19. Pocheptsov, H. (2012). Vid Facebook'u i hlamuru do Wikileak's: media komunikatsii [From Facebook and glamour to Wikileak's: media communication]. Kyiv: Spadshchyna [in Ukrainian].

20. Singer, P.W., T. Brooking, Emerson. (2019). Viyna laykiv. Zbroya v rukakh sotsial'nykh merezh [War of likes. Weapons in the hands of social networks]. Kharkiv. [in Ukrainian].

21. Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrayiny «Pro vvedennya voyennoho stanu v Ukrayini» [Decree of the President of Ukraine «On the introduction of martial law in Ukraine»]. (2022, February 24). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

22. Ukrayinska systema vyshchoyi osvity v umovakh voyennoyi ahresiyi RF: problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku. [The Ukrainian system of higher education in the conditions of military aggression of the Russian Federation: problems and prospects for development]. [in Ukrainian].

23. Shcherban, M.P.(2014).Patriotychne vykhovannya - potreba chy vymoha chasu [Patriotic education - a need or demand of the times]. [in Ukrainian].

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