Training peculiarities of future translators in the field of specialized translation

Peculiarities of the training of future translators that arise when performing professional translation tasks. Definition of the term "specialized translation" in the context of "branch translation". The training future translators in this field.

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Дата добавления 13.11.2023
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Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi

Training peculiarities of future translators in the field of specialized translation

Lolita Vorobiova,

PhD in education, lecturer at the department of foreign philology, Ukrainian studies and social and legal disciplines

Anna Pokulevska,

PhD in philology, associate professor, associate professor at the department of foreign philology, Ukrainian studies and social and legal disciplines

Kryvyi Rih


Since the year 2022, Ukraine has faced a demandfor professional translators and interpreters in the field of specialized translation that is increasing exponentially. Rapid growth in demand for expert translators is observed in such areas of specialized translation as military and medical. Ukraine united the civilized world in its desire to resist Russian aggression and terrorism; therefore, weapons donated as a result of cooperation between multiple countries, training, intelligence, logistical support, rehabilitation of the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians injured and sufferedfrom the russian attacks - all these aspects cause the paramount need for translators in the field of specialized translation.

The objective of the article is to explore the training peculiarities of future translators that occur while meeting the challenges of specialized translation, and to identify a more detailed definition of the term «specialized translation» as «галузевий переклад».

Authors suppose that for the term «галузевий переклад» the best stands the term «specialized translation». The other variants, such as «industrial translation», «branch translation», «'scientific-technical», and «'translation in the field of professional communication», do not cover all types of translation activities. Translation in the philological, economic, medical, and legal spheres remains outside this type of translation. Therefore, the type of translation that interests the authors of the article should be mentioned as «specialized translation»/ «галузевий переклад». This type of translation includes translations in philological, economic, medical, military, and legal fields. The translator who performs this type of translation we interpret as an «expert interpreter» or «expert translator».

The peculiarities that occur while training future translators in the spectrum of specialized translation are identified. They may be considered as follows: mastery of multiple languages; subject-matter expertise; familiarity with industry tools and technologies; cultural competence and sensitivity; continuous professional development; and emphasis on ethical considerations. The peculiarities and their characteristics are given briefly.

Key words: specialized translation, future translators, training.


Лоліта Воробйова,

кандидат педагогічних наук, старший викладач кафедри іноземної філології, українознавства та соціально-правових дисциплін Донецького національного університету економіки і торгівлі імені Михайла Туган-Барановського (Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область, Україна)

Анна Покулевська,

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземної філології, українознавства та соціально-правових дисциплін Донецького національного університету економіки і торгівлі імені Михайла Туган-Барановського (Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область, Україна)

Особливості підготовки майбутніх перекладачів у сфері спеціалізованого перекладу

З 2022 року в Україні спостерігається попит на професійних перекладачів у сфері спеціального перекладу, який стрімко зростає. Попит на експертів-перекладачів спостерігається в таких сферах галузевого перекладу, як військовий і медичний. Україна об'єднала цивілізований світ у прагненні протистояти російській агресії та тероризму, тому зброя, передана в результаті співпраці між багатьма країнами, навчання, розвідка, матеріально - технічна підтримка, реабілітація українських військових і цивільних осіб, поранених і постраждалих від російських атак, всі ці аспекти викликають першочергову потребу в перекладачах у сфері галузевого перекладу.

Метою статті є дослідити особливості підготовки майбутніх перекладачів, які виникають при виконанні завдань фахового перекладу, надати більш детальне визначення терміну «specializedtranslation» у контексті «галузевий переклад».

Автори вважають, що до терміну «галузевий переклад» найкраще підходить термін «specializedtranslation» Інші варіанти, такі як «industrialtranslation», «branchtranslation», «scientific-technical» and «'translationinthefieldofprofessionalcommunication» не охоплюють усіх сфер перекладацької діяльності. Поза вищезазначеними видами перекладу залишається переклад філологічних, економічних, медичних, юридичних текстів тощо. Тому вид перекладу, який цікавить авторів статті, слід назвати «specializedtranslation» / «галузевий переклад». Цей вид перекладу обумовлює переклади у будь-якій сфері, включаючи переклади в філологічній, економічній, медичній, військовій, юридичній сферах. Перекладач, який виконує цей вид перекладу, ми трактуємо як «експерт - перекладач».

Визначено особливості, які виникають під час підготовки майбутніх перекладачів у спектрі галузевого перекладу. Розглядаємо наступні особливості: володіння кількома мовами; предметна експертиза; знайомство з галузевими інструментами та технологіями; культурна компетентність і чутливість; постійний професійний розвиток; і наголос на етичних міркуваннях. Коротко наведена характеристика вищезазначених особливостей.

Ключові слова: галузевий переклад, майбутні перекладачі, підготовка.

Main part

Introduction. Translation is a very fast evolving field, and its exponential growth is rapidly shaping the sphere of translation. In today's globalized world, the demand for specialized translation services is on the rise. Especially since the full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory by russia in 2022, Ukraine has faced a demand for professional translators and interpreters in the field of specialized translation.

The number of foreign humanitarian organizations delivers medical aid where it is needed most in Ukraine. Expert inerpreters and translators in medical translation together with foreign medical stuff and volunteers deal with rehabilitation of the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians injured and suffered from russian attacks. The expert interpreters and translators work directly with representatives of the medical organizations and in partnership with local organizations to increase access to medical supplies and services as well, mental health and psychosocial support. Military translation is a very specific discipline. Ukraine united the civilized world in its desire to resist Russian aggression and terrorism. Weapons donated as a result of cooperation between multiple countries, training, intelligence, treatment of soldiers, logistical support, all these aspects are expanding internationally and cause the paramount need for translators in military field. Training future translators to excel in specialized translation requires a unique approach that goes beyond language proficiency.

The objective of the research is to explore the peculiarities of educating process while preparing future translators for the challenges of specialized translation, to identify more detailed definition of the term specialized translation. In order to be in demand on the modern labor market, specialized translation has been integrated into the educational process as a kind of translation. Therefore, the authors of the article think it is expedient to more thoroughly investigate the training peculiarities for this type of translation.

Analysis of research testifies to the fact that many scientists deal with the issues of translation. Among them, the translation in law sphere is actively studied by Brieger N., Karaban V., Komarova T., Kovalenko A., McKay W.R., Nikolenko A., Simkova I., Zinukova N. Karaban V., Chernovatyi L., Smith Roger H.C. deal with the problem of studying the scientific and technical translation.

Karaban V., Chernovatyi L. deal with translation in economic sphere.

Medical and military translation is the subject of research of such scientists as Balabin V. and Rebrii O.

The professional training of future translators is a subject of research of such scientists as Matsyuk O., Pavlyk O., Pidruchna Z., Rohulska O., Shtepulyak O.

The basic set of knowledge, skills and abilities needed for a professional translator is a subject of research for Ganicheva T., Morska L., Pidruchna Z., Simkova I., Bell R. The following scientists as Gile D., Havrylenko N., Hurtado A., Neubert A., and New - mark P. research formation of subject competence.

Therefore, the training peculiarities of future translators which occur while meeting the challenges of specialized translation have not yet been the subject of research by domestic scientists.

Results and discussion. Ukraine united the civilized world in its desire to resist Russian aggression and terrorism, therefore weapons donated as a result of cooperation between multiple countries, training, intelligence, logistical support, rehabilitation of the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians injured and suffered from the russian attacks, all these aspects cause the paramount need for translators in the field of specialized translation. The translation of the term «галузевий переклад» from Ukrainian into English is ambiguous; therefore let's choose the closest value to its content. The Ukrainian term «галузевий переклад» can be translated as «specialized», «industrial translation», «branch translation» and sometimes «scientific-technical» and even as «'translation in the field of professional communication» as well.

According to the authors of the article, the term «scientific-technical» «науково-технічний» translation does not cover all types of the sphere of occupation. Sometimes the Ukrainian term «галузевий переклад» is translated as «industrial translation» but in this case it will not cover medical, military, legal etc. ones. The term «translation in the field of professional communication» covers the sphere of translation into its own professional environment without distinguishing the fields.

Therefore, the type of translation that interests the authors of the article should be mentioned as «specialized translation»/ «галузевий переклад». This type of translation includes the translation in philological, economic, medical, military, legal fields. The translator who performs this type of translation, we interpret, as an «expert interpreter» or «expert translator».

Nowadays in Ukraine the phenomenon of the translation should be studied in the context of training professional translators in higher education institutions and highly raised scope of translation activities to be done, which is caused by globalized voluntary and military activity trigged with the full scale invasion into Ukraine in February 2022. The university programs of traditional translation speciality include the study of «specialized translation» focused in military and medical translations. The spectrum of translation activities is developing as well. Nowadays are in demand consecutive, simultaneous translations and especially video conferences translation and accompanying translation (tour guidance) (Ryabukha, 2017: 138).

Let's consider the important, in our opinion, peculiarities in the spectrum of specialized translation.

The subject Specialized Translation is introduced to students, who are studying under the program «Translation». As a rule, to become an Expert translator/interpreter requires a detailed knowledge of the translated sphere of interest: military science, technology, medicine, economy, jurisprudence etc. If an expert translator/interpreter in addition to translator's diploma has speciality diploma, it should be taken into consideration. A military translator and medical translator should have a huge sense of responsibility (Balabin, 2018: 10). Talking about the basic requirements, we can say that the translator needs to be proficient in foreign language, the topic of the text to be translated and mastery of translation techniques based on the knowledge of information technologies.

We can identify six peculiarities which occur while training the future translators in the spectrum of specialized translation. They may be considered as following:

- Mastery of Multiple Languages;

- Subject-Matter Expertise;

- Familiarity with Industry Tools and Technologies;

- Cultural Competence and Sensitivity;

- Continuous Professional Development;

- Emphasis on Ethical Considerations.

The first aspect we start with is a perfect Mastery of Multiple Languages. It is obvious that a fundamental requirement for future specialized translators is a mastery of multiple languages. A translator has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the source and target languages. The training of the future translators must also comprise a profound understanding of the nuances, cultural references, and specific jargon relevant to both languages. The ability to accurately convey context and connotations, to reproduce the context or tone of the original text, and a deep-rooted understanding of the etymological and linguistic correlations between the two languages required for the translation is essential in specialized translation, where precision is crucial.

The second peculiarity of training future translators in specialized fields is the necessity to develop subject-matter expertise. Universities and educational institutions need to offer specialized translation programs that include courses in specific fields, ensuring that students gain the necessary expertise to tackle complex and specialized texts effectively. An expert translator/interpreter needs to be familiar with the subject whether it's legal, medical, technical, or financial translation. It is also advisable, if necessary, to encourage students to be consulted by experts in the field of the subject and previous related translations.

Expert translator/ interpreter in specialized translation subject knowledge should not only enable understanding what specialists say or write, but likewise being understood. Such translators must possess in-depth knowledge of the respective domain. Talking about military translation, for example, armies have differences; hierarchical structures in the army could be different. It could be mostly observed in rank names. In the British army rank field marshal in some nations can be equivalent to the title of marshal or field marshal general. In the case of military translation as a field of specialized translation, it is advisable that the students are familiar with the military standard documentation. (English styleguide, 2023: 4) As an example, we can give document STANAG 2116, agreed by NATO. It covers the common standards for translating of the ranks. (Stanag, 2023: 6). Apart from a vast content of the terminology, there is also one feature characteristic of military and medical translation: accuracy and laconism and the absence of figurative and emotional expression. Especially for these two types of the specialized translation: medical and military, wrong translation of one word can lead to a lack of understanding, even a fatal misunderstanding. It can result in weapon misuse or fatal mistakes while providing medical services.

The third in our list is Familiarity with Industry Tools and Technologies. Language technologies are the ever-evolving environment, demanding that future translators are well-versed in industry-specific tools and software. Training programs for the future translators in the field of specialized translation should emphasize hands-on experience with digital tools to equip the future translators with the necessary skills for the digital age from Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools, which play an important part in the translation process to Machine Translation (MT) systems and Speech Recognition Software. In addition to advanced knowledge of word processing software (Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), familiarity with these technologies enhances the efficiency and accuracy of specialized translation (Chernovatyi, 2007: 136).

The fourth item is Cultural Competence and Sensitivity. A language is not just a set of words and grammatical rules, but also an extensive system of connotations and cultural references. Thus, expert translator/interpreter can be also called a cultural or cross-cultural mediator. Specialized translation often involves communication with diverse cultures and communities. Cultural awareness training should be integrated into specialized translation programs to ensure that graduates are well-equipped to navigate cross-cultural communication. Quality training programs for future translators must develop cultural competence and sensitivity. It is necessary for appropriate translations' adaptation. Cultural nuances, taboos, and regional preferences can significantly impact the effectiveness of a translation.

The fifth peculiarity of training future translators in specialized field is Continuous Professional Development. The translation field is dynamic, with new terminology, trends, and technologies emerging constantly. Students of the specialty «Translation» should be taught about lifelong learning. Four years of Bachelor training and one year or year and a half of Master course are only a basis, start for the development. It is obvious, that a quality training program considers that developing good research and information processing skills takes practice because it involves learning how to find useful, relevant, and trustworthy information online. Expert translators are those who embrace lifelong learning and continuous professional development to stay relevant and effective in their roles. Expert translators/interpreters are always researching things - terminology, wording, meanings, and subject-specific information. Institutions should encourage students to participate in workshops, attend conferences, and engage with industry professionals to expand their knowledge and stay abreast of the latest developments in specialized translation.

The last peculiarity in the offered list is Emphasis on Ethical Considerations. Specialized translation may sometimes be involved into confidential and sensitive information. The training of the future translators must also consider the adhesion to ethical guidelines, maintaining confidentiality and ensuring the accuracy while specialized translation. Training programs should emphasize the importance of professional ethics and the impact of translations on various stakeholders, promoting a responsible and principled approach to specialized translation. Therefore, it has to be taken into consideration.

Conclusions and recommendations. The peculiarities of training future translators in the field of specialized translation call for a comprehensive and dynamic approach to education. Beyond language proficiency, subject-matter expertise, familiarity with language technologies, and cultural sensitivity are crucial attributes for success in this domain. Emphasizing continuous learning and ethical considerations ensures that future translators are well-prepared to meet the demands of the globalized world. As the importance of specialized translation continues to grow, investing in tailored training programs will yield skilled and competent translators capable of bridging linguistic and cultural gaps on a global scale.

This approach will allow graduates to be clearer take into account your personal qualities when choos - to imagine the ways of their professional growth and ing specialty.


professional translator specialized branch

1. Balabin V. (2018) Vyznachennia poniattia «viiskovyi pereklad». [Definition of the meaning «military translation»] Filologichni traktaty-Philological essays, 10/3. 7-14. [in Ukrainian].

2. Chernovatyi L., Yakusheva N. (2007). Problemy formuvannia fakhovoi kompetentsii maibutnikh perekladachiv. [Problems of formation of professional competence of future translators] Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V. Karazina - Bulletin of V. Karazin Kharkiv National university. Kharkiv: Konstanta, 135-137.

3. Ryabukha T., Zinchenko N., Hostishcheva N. (2017). Formuvannia audytyvnoii kompetentsii maibutnikh perekladachiv pid chas navchannia usnoho poslidovnoho perekladu [Formation of auditory competence of future translators during training of oral sequential translation]. Naukovyi visnyk of Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. Pedagogics, no.2 (19), 137-144.

4. Brieger N. (2003). Test Your Proffessional English: Law. Penguin English. 103 p.

5. Smith Roger H.C. (2014). English or Electrical Engineering in Higher Education Studies. Garnet Education, 136 p.

6. STANAG 2116. URL:

7. English styleguide.URL:

8. Translation And Interpreting Methods And Approaches. URL: article1239.htm

9. Translation procedures, strategies and methods. URL:


1. Балабін, В.В. Визначення поняття «військовий переклад». Філологічні трактати. 2018. Т. 10, №3. С. 7-14.

2. Черноватий Л., Якушева Н. Проблеми формування фахової компетенції майбутніх перекладачів. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Каразіна. 2007. Харків: Константа. С. 135-137.

3. Рябуха Т., Зінченко Н., Хостіщева Н. Формування аудитивної компетенції майбутніх перекладів під час навчання усного послідовного перекладу. Науковий вісник Мелітопольського державного педагогічного університету ім. Богдана Хмельницкого. Сер. Педагогіка. 2017. №2 (19). С. 137-144.

4. Brieger N. Test Your Proffessional English: Law. Penguin English, 2003. 103 p.

5. Smith Roger H.C. English or Electrical Engineering in Higher Education Studies. Garnet Education, 2014. 136 p.

6. STANAG 2116. URL: (дата звернення: 29.07.2023).

7. English styleguide.URL:дата звернення: 29.07.2023).

8. Translation And Interpreting Methods And Approaches. URL: htm (дата звернення: 25.07.2023).

9. Translation procedures, strategies and methods. URL: (дата звернення: 26.07.2023).

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