Methodological recommendations to professional training organizers on the use of distance learning tools for development of professional competence of junior inspectors of the border guard service

The development and use of distance learning tools in the system of improving the qualifications of inspectors of the border department. Four levels of its organizers, the main methodical recommendations for the development of professional competence.

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Дата добавления 19.11.2023
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Bohdan Khmelnytskyi national academy of the state border service of Ukraine

Methodological recommendations to professional training organizers on the use of distance learning tools for development of professional competence of junior inspectors of the border guard service

Bilyavets Andriy Yakovych,

instructor of the department of fire and tactical special training, faculty of state border security



The article presents the main methodical recommendations to the organizers of professional training regarding the development of professional competence of junior inspectors of the border guard service by means of distance learning. In order to specify the method of development and use of distance learning tools in the system of improving the qualification of inspectors of the border guard agency, the article highlights four levels of its organizers. The first (departmental) level is the management of professional, combat and special training (Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine). The second (academic) level is educational institutions and training centers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the main departmental distance learning center. The third level of bodies and units of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as SBGSU). The fourth instructor-teacher level is a pedagogical and instructor staff that directly trains junior inspectors of the border guard service (hereinafter referred to as JIBGS). Methodological recommendations of a general nature are the use of the following didactic principles: differentiation of content (selection and design of distance learning courses for the needs of the bodies and units of the SBGSU); integrity of content (theoretical and practical training); consistency and continuity of various stages and levels of professional development (obtained knowledge and skills deepen and expand their previous scope); relationship between learning and self-education. The main methodical recommendations of the study are as follows: making changes and additions to the departmental legal framework of the SBGSU, which regulates the procedure for personnel training (annual orders for the training of the SBGSU personnel), in particular, provision of the implementation of distance learning courses on a permanent basis for all categories of junior staff of the SBGSU; provision of distribution of distance learning courses for JIBGS to certain groups; distance learning courses for junior staff should be planned for one calendar quarter; providing the possibility of centralized registration of junior staff on the main European educational platforms.

Keywords: junior inspectors of the border guard service, professional competence, professional development, methodical recommendations, distance learning tools, professional training.


Білявець Андрій Якович викладач кафедри вогневої та тактико - спеціальної підготовки, факультету безпеки державного кордону, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Хмельницький

Методичні рекомендації організаторам професійної підготовки щодо використання засобів дистанційного навчання для розвитку професійної компетентності молодших інспекторів прикордонної служби

У статті подано основні методичні рекомендації організаторам професійної підготовки щодо розвитку професійної компетентності молодших інспекторів прикордонної служби засобами дистанційного навчання. З метою конкретизації методики розробки та використання засобів дистанційного навчання у системі підвищення кваліфікації інспекторського складу прикордонного відомства у статті виділено чотири рівні її організаторів. Перший (відомчий) рівень - управління професійної, бойової та спеціальної підготовки (Адміністрація Державної прикордонної служби України). Другий (академічний) рівень - навчальні заклади та центри підготовки Державної прикордонної служби України, відомчий головний центр дистанційного навчання. Третій рівень органів і підрозділів Державної прикордонної служби України (далі - ДПСУ) Четвертий інструкторсько-викладацький рівень - педагогічний та інструкторський склад, який безпосередньо здійснює підготовку молодших інспекторів прикордонної служби (далі - МІПС). Методичними рекомендаціями загального характеру є використання таких дидактичних принципів: диференційованість змісту (відбір та проектування курсів дистанційного навчання під потреби органів і підрозділів ДПСУ); цілісність змісту (теоретичної та практичної підготовки); узгодженість і наступність різних етапів і рівнів підвищення кваліфікації (засвоєнні знання та уміння поглиблюють і розширюють попередній їх обсяг); взаємозв'язок навчання і самоосвіти. Основними методичними рекомендаціями у досліджені є такі: внесення змін і доповнень у відомчу нормативно правову базу ДПСУ, яка регламентує порядок підготовки персоналу (річні накази на підготовку персоналу ДПСУ), зокрема передбачення впровадження на постійній основі курсів дистанційного навчання для усіх категорій молодшого персоналу ДПСУ; передбачення розподілу курсів дистанційного навчання для МІПС на певні групи; планування курсів дистанційного навчання для молодшого персоналу здійснювати на один календарний квартал; передбачення можливості централізованої реєстрації молодшого персоналу на основних європейських навчальних платформах.

Ключові слова: молодші інспектори прикордонної служби, професійна компетентність, підвищення кваліфікації, методичні рекомендації, засоби дистанційного навчання, професійна підготовка.


Problem statement. In connection with the urgent need to transform military education in Ukraine in the context of repelling russian armed aggression, the following tasks need to be solved, namely: ensuring the implementation of such principles: education throughout the entire military career; acceleration of the process of introduction of modern information, information and communication technologies and distance learning technologies [1]. Since the SBGSU is part of the state defense forces, the above-mentioned tasks directly apply to the junior staff of the border guard agency of Ukraine.

Currently, distance learning technologies and tools are widely used in the process of training and upgrading the qualifications of the SBGSU personnel, but this applies more to the training of the officer ranks. At the same time, distance learning courses to ensure the progressive dynamics of the development of professional competence of the junior staff of the SBGSU have not been held until now. Under such conditions, the issue of methodical support for the process of designing, developing and using distance learning tools in the professional development system for JIBGS is particularly urgent.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The work of such scientists as S. Gahovich [8], Yu. Krasylnyk [9], V. Yagupov [7] and others were devoted to the issue of the methodology of designing electronic educational resources and the use of distance learning tools. I. Bloshchynskyi [11], A. Mashtaler [10] and others considered the use of distance learning tools in the system of professional training and advanced training of the personnel of the border guard agency of Ukraine. The works of A. Balendr [12-14] are also of scientific interest in terms of the use of pan - European and international educational online platforms for the training of border guards of Ukraine. During the work on methodological recommendations, the author's own scientific developments [2-6] were also taken into account. At the same time, despite the attention of scientists to this issue, the methods of conducting courses for distance learning of JIBGS and the development of means for their conduct are still neglected. An additional solution to the issue of introduction of distance learning courses for junior border guards on a permanent basis is needed as well.

The purpose of the article is to formulate methodological recommendations for the organizers of professional training regarding the development of professional competence of junior inspectors of the border guard service by means of distance learning in the system of professional development.

Presenting main material. The following aspects were taken into account for the development of methodological recommendations for the organizers of professional training within the framework of the study: analysis of the existing problems of the development of professional competence of JIBGS by means of distance learning in the system of professional development [2]; the characteristics and features of the existing system of distance learning of the SBGSU, trends and prospects for its development, as well as the requirements of current legal acts that regulate the implementation of professional training of junior personnel [3]; definition of the main conceptual apparatus, purpose, structure and content of JIBGS professional competence [4]; results of experimental work on checking the effectiveness of certain pedagogical conditions [5]; principles, approaches, forms and methods are presented in the structural-functional model, to ensure the positive dynamics of the development of professional competence of JIBGS [6].

The study and analysis of scientific works on the methods of implementing distance learning and the development of a methodological basis for their implementation [7-9] primarily point to the need to clearly define the essence of the content of competencies that are planned to be developed by means of distance learning. In view of this, in the study, we defined the professional competence of JIBGS as a property of an integrative nature, which includes motivational, value, cognitive (knowledge), activity, personal components of a border guard, which are necessary for the high-quality performance of service tasks, and which at the same time can be supplemented with new components, in respect to modern needs of the border guard agency. The research conducted by the author indicates that distance learning in the JIBGS professional development system is designed to create favorable conditions for the transition to practical training in the educational centers of the SBGSU. Distance learning will also make it possible to significantly save time and material resources for the training of junior border guards.

General recommendations based on the results of the conducted research are the use of system, competence, activity, person-oriented, integrative and informational approaches. Taking into account the essence of the mentioned approaches during distance learning with JIBGS, it is recommended to apply the following didactic principles: differentiation of content (selection and design of distance learning courses according to the needs of the bodies and units of the SBGSU); integrity of content (theoretical and practical training); consistency and continuity of various stages and levels of professional development (learned knowledge and skills deepen and expand their previous scope); the relationship between learning and self-education (at the center of the learning process are the learners). It is advisable to use the following methods for a more complete implementation of the mentioned approaches and principles during distance learning of JIBGS: distance training courses; conducting video lessons; online presentations; online lectures with education seekers; testing and solving situational tasks. Especially important is the need to expand the online educational environment for JIBGS, not limiting itself to educational materials only from the online libraries of educational institutions and the bank of courses of the main distance learning center of the SBGSU. It is advisable to use educational online platforms, educational web-sites, open-type mobile applications to activate independent cognitive activity.

The analysis of departmental guidance documents, as well as scientific works aimed at developing the professional competence of border guards by means of distance learning [9-14], indicates the need for a comprehensive consideration of this issue. In order to provide signs of clarity and structure to the presented methodical recommendations, we have identified four levels of organizers of professional (combat and special) training of JIBGS: departmental level - management of professional, combat and special training (Administration of SBGSU); academic level - educational institutions (SBGSU training centers, the main distance learning center of SBGSU); the level of bodies and divisions of the SBGSU - departments of combat and special training of state border protection bodies, heads of divisions; instructor-teaching level - pedagogical and instructor staff, which directly prepares JIBGS.

In order to achieve a positive dynamic in the development of the professional competence of JIBGS at the departmental level, we recommend, first of all, to introduce changes and supplement the departmental regulatory and legal framework of the SBGSU, to provide for the implementation of distance learning courses on a permanent basis for all categories of junior staff of the SBGSU, to provide for the division of distance learning courses for JIBGS into two groups. The first group of courses is «Micro-courses» for each state border protection agency. The second group of courses is «Distance courses before studying at the educational centers of the SBGSU». Taking into account the high dynamics of deployment of JIBGS in state border protection bodies, for high-quality organization of distance learning courses with junior personnel, planning should be carried out for one calendar quarter.

Provide distance courses on the appropriate subject for JIBGS before sending them to contact courses at educational institutions of the SBGSU. In order to differentiate the content of JIBGS training in a remote form, allow training departments of state border protection bodies to independently plan and conduct micro-courses for junior personnel. The basis of planning is to lay down one's own needs in personnel training (topics, scope, terms, number of personnel). To supplement the content of departmental normative documents on the organization of distance learning in the part related to the expansion of the technological spectrum of distance learning. To allow the use of an open Internet network on a permanent basis for JIBGS training. Expand the online educational environment for distance learning of JIBGS by introducing on a permanent basis the use, in addition to the Moodle platform, of such digital platforms as Google for education, Windows - 365, Classtime, etc. Provide for the possibility of centralized registration of junior personnel on the main European educational platforms for the activation of independent cognitive activities. Abolish the practice of working out individual lists of questions (hereinafter - ILQ) designed for one year for junior staff. The replacement of independent study of ILQ with distance learning will have a positive impact on the development of professional competence of JIBGS. Since two hours per week are provided for the study of ILQ, this time in the personnel training system should be used for systematic distance learning of JIBGS.

In order to ensure the inseparability of theoretical and practical training at the academic level, it is recommended to design courses and select the content of distance learning for JIBGS, taking into account European experience. When planning distance learning courses for JIBGS, we should rely on the content of operational-service and service-combat tasks of border guard units. Using an activity approach, design and develop methodical (didactic), educational and methodical materials for remote micro-courses for JIBGS. The development of educational materials should be carried out in a binary way, namely: the first party is a teacher or instructor of an educational institution (SBGSU training center); the second party is the officer (chiefs) of the relevant department of the headquarters of the border guard bodies.

Planning and development of educational and methodical materials for distance courses for JIBGS before sending to contact training should be carried out by teachers of training centers in cooperation with instructors for practical training of JIBGS. Preserve the existing practice of conducting distance courses for the training of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical staff and methodologists of educational institutions. To increase the volume of classes with the specified personnel on topics related to the organization and mastery of distance learning technologies. At the same time, ensure the systematic involvement of officers of the departments and services of the state border guarding authorities, who will conduct JIBGS training on micro-courses, in training at this course. The content of the course on the topic of organization and mastery of distance learning technologies should be supplemented with topics on the use of gamification tools and mobile applications for the training of junior staff of SBGSU.

Using a person-oriented approach, determine the mandatory volume of educational material that must be mastered by JIBGS during distance learning in one hour or educational day.

The main distance learning center of the SBGSU is recommended to: create and fill a single bank of distance learning micro-courses for JIBGS from all border protection agencies during the testing of new distance courses in the conditions of the real educational process; to develop organizational instructions, standard plans for the order of work for officers of departments and services in the border guard bodies during the development and formation of micro-courses for JIBGS; to provide in the developed instructions for measures to control the introduction and updating by coordinator teachers of the legal framework and other literature to the electronic library of the distance learning web resource for JIBGS; when granting access rights to the information contained on the distance learning website, provide access to the specified information, including test results, to the management of the border protection authorities.

At the level of bodies and divisions of the SBGSU, in order to deepen the external motivation of junior staff to study, it is advisable to introduce systematic remote micro-courses (in the relevant areas) before appointing JIBGS to higher positions. To introduce a systematic study of the needs of the border guard units in terms of improving the qualifications of JIBGS by distance learning. Compile appropriate plans-schedules of professional development with relevant lists of JIBGS within the border guard body, while constantly monitoring the order and terms of registration for training. Systematically conduct additional JIBGS classes within the border protection authorities on the topic «Application of digital tools and technologies for distance learning». To carry out the development of educational and methodological and methodological and didactic materials for distance learning courses in cooperation with the teachers of educational centers of the SBGSU. Consulting work with those who are studying, specialists from the departments and services of the headquarters of the border guards in the relevant areas will have a positive impact. Determine the frequency, order and volume of consultations during the training process. It is advisable to create a system of monitoring the success of JIBGS educational achievements. Taking into account the European experience, the evaluation system should be based on «Formative evaluation» for the formation of a more holistic view of the professional competence of JIBGS. Supervision of timely registration and completion of remote micro-courses should be organized by the heads of border divisions and their staff deputies.

The results of the study indicate that the main efforts of the instructor-teaching staff during the development and implementation of distance learning courses should be focused on the development of the basic competencies of JIBGS.

In order to ensure the sustainable development of the professional competence of JIBGS, it is advisable to divide the work of the instructor-teaching staff into two stages. The first stage is preparatory, during which planning, educational and methodological, methodological and didactic materials for distance courses should be developed. The second stage is implementation, during which to organize an independent study of JIBGS educational materials proposed by the program using the author's structural and functional model.

During the planning and preparation of distance learning courses, it is advisable for instructors and teachers to use a competency-based approach to form the educational goal and objectives of distance courses with the JIBGS category. Point out the positive impact of a clear specification of the type, scope and content of personnel competencies, the development of which the projected course will be aimed at. It is also recommended to identify a group of developers and tutors - consultants from among the teaching staff, instructors and specialists in the border guarding bodies to fully achieve the goals of the planned distance course. As the results of the researches have shown, the features of distance learning allow to fully realize the possibilities of reproductive and problem models of learning. When determining the model of training in the course, it is advisable to give preference to the encyclopedic model of educational materials. To develop methodical and didactic educational materials, use an informational approach. At the same time, a progressive increase in the amount of information by type of learning material perception (electronic text, video materials, presentations, etc.) will have a positive impact.

According to the method of perception, it is recommended to give preference to the use of text and video materials during training. When choosing the technologies of work of education seekers for conducting distance learning courses, preference should be given to the following:

independent study of educational text and video materials; independent solution of test tasks and solution of situational tasks; independent processing of course literature; creation of online course libraries for JIBGS;

development of electronic educational resources (electronic textbooks, study guides, electronic reference books and manuals on the subject of the course). The developed electronic educational resources will be used in the future as supporting literature for the course. To determine exactly what volume of educational materials should be mastered by those who study for one unit of educational time. It is recommended to take one astronomical hour per unit of study time. The conducted research showed that the optimal volume is up to nine pages of an educational text in A4 format in one astronomical hour. It is advisable to adopt an educational module (educational rubric) as the main educational unit during distance learning courses. Based on the results of the research, we note that it is recommended to include no more than six educational topics in one module. To improve the effectiveness of the evaluation and control system, the practice of summative evaluation (receiving one grade per course) should be moved away. Apply formative assessment (separate assessment for each module or each of the competency criteria that the course forms). When designing test tasks, it is advisable to use such a digital tool as «Google forms», while it is recommended to choose closed-type testing (with multiple-choice answers). The use of information technologies of the open type (Internet) of the network also has a positive impact. Among the digital tools, it is advisable to choose the Google for education platform, which greatly facilitates the work of instructors and teachers during the process of training, consultations and control measures. In order to improve the effectiveness of distance learning, instructors and teachers are recommended to intensify work to motivate JIBGS during introductory lectures and consultations. The main efforts should be aimed at deepening internal motivation, paying attention to the social importance of the border guard profession. As the results of the conducted research showed, traditional methods of motivation during distance learning are not completely effective. It is advisable to motivate the staff to study, first of all explaining the importance of those competencies for the development of which the distance course is designed. It is also recommended to motivate JIBGS through the prism of personal preservation due to the high risk of the profession of a border guard. In addition, apply the method of motivation to study in the context of professional growth, support feedback via e-mail, video communication, group chats, etc. In addition, we would like to point out that it is important to organize the communication of both the JIBGS with the tutors, and the communication between the students for group work. It will be effective to draw up separate consultation schedule plans for each distance learning course, in which consultation is provided for at least one day a week. It will be effective to reflect the number and name of the topics on which consultations will be provided in the first, second and other weeks of study in the plans-schedules of consultations. It is advisable to provide individual counseling for JIBGS through mailboxes, mobile communication devices and video communication in messengers. It is recommended to use such a digital tool as Google calendar to work out the schedule. Teachers and instructors need to direct the efforts of students to independently study the educational literature located in the library of the planned educational course. In order to activate independent cognitive activity, it is advisable to direct the work of students to process the content of educational sites and mobile applications, while choosing applications of the interactive type. After completing the course, it is recommended to conduct a questionnaire with the students for the purpose of selfreflection of JIBGS and fixing the input and output levels of knowledge.

Conclusions. Therefore, it is advisable to apply the following didactic approaches as a basis of methodological recommendations for the development of professional competence of JIBGS: differentiation of content (selection and design of distance learning courses according to the needs of the bodies of the units of the SBGSU); integrity of content (theoretical and practical training); consistency and continuity of various stages and levels of professional development (knowledge and skills deepen and expand the previous scope); relationship between learning and self-education. In the structure of methodological recommendations, four levels of distance learning organizers should be identified. The main methodological recommendations at the departmental level are: 1) introduction of changes and additions to the departmental legal framework of the SBGSU, which regulates the procedure for personnel training (annual orders for the training of SBGSU personnel), in particular, provision for the implementation of distance learning courses on a permanent basis for all categories of junior staff of the SBGSU;

2) predicting the distribution of distance learning courses for JIBGS into two groups. The first group of courses is «Micro-courses» for each body of state border protection. The second group of courses - «Distance courses before studying at the SBGSU educational centers»; 3) planning distance learning courses for junior staff for one calendar year quarter, planning distance courses (current planning) for 1 calendar year; 4) permission for training departments of state border protection bodies to independently plan and conduct micro-courses for junior personnel based on their needs (topics, scope, terms, number of personnel); 5) predicting the possibility of centralized registration of junior staff on the main European educational platforms to activate the independent cognitive activity of JIBGS.


distance learning border

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