Interactive methods of learning a foreign language: the role of the communicative approach

Review of interactive methods that contribute to active communication and interaction of students in the learning process. Advantages of communicative approach and teaching methods. Formation of speaking skills through realistic learning situations.

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Дата добавления 18.11.2023
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Interactive methods of learning a foreign language: the role of the communicative approach

Tsaryk O., Panychok T., Rybina N., Koshil N., Hyryla O.


The article focuses on the role of the communicative approach in learning a foreign language. The authors explore interactive methods that promote active communication and interaction between students in the learning process. The article analyses the advantages of the communicative approach compared to traditional methods and highlights the main principles of this approach, including the role ofthe teacher, individual characteristics ofstudents and the use of authentic material. Particular attention is paid to the development of speaking skills through realistic learning situations and the use of various speaking activities. In the context of the article, it is noted that the communicative approach allows students to acquire practical skills in using the language in real situations, and is not limited to learning only grammar and vocabulary. This contributes to the development of communicative competences that are necessary for effective communication in a foreign language. The authors also mention possible disadvantages of the communicative approach, such as the fact that students may make grammar mistakes or engage in speech situations for which they are not prepared. However, the authors argue that mistakes are an integral part of the learning process and help in learning as students learn from and correct their mistakes. Finally, the article points to the prospects for research in this area, including improving teaching methods, using technology, and studying the impact of context on communication skills. The authors encourage further research and development of the communicative approach to foreign language learning, as it contributes to improving the quality of learning and equips students with the necessary skills to successfully use the language in real-life situations. In general, the article emphasises the importance of the communicative approach in foreign language learning and encourages further research in this area.

Key words: communicative approach, methods of teaching a foreign language, interactive methods, foreign language learning, speech activity, grammar mistakes, realistic learning situations, speech skills, communicative competences, shortcomings, research prospects.


Царик О. М., Паничок Т. Я., Рибіна Н. В., Кошіль Н. Є., Гирила О. С. Інтерактивні методи вивчення іноземної мови: роль комунікативного підходу

Стаття розкриває роль комунікативного підходу у вивченні іноземної мови. Автори досліджують інтерактивні методи, що сприяють активному спілкуванню та взаємодії студентів у процесі навчання. У статті аналізуються переваги комунікативного підходу порівняно з традиційними методами викладання, а також висвітлюються основні принципи цього підходу, включаючи роль викладача, індивідуальні особливості студентів та використання автентичного матеріалу. Особлива увага приділяється формуванню навичок мовлення через реалістичні навчальні ситуації та використання різноманітних мовленнєвих активностей. У контексті статті, зазначається, що комунікативний підхід дозволяє студентам набувати практичних навичок використання мови в реальних ситуаціях, а не обмежується вивченням виключно граматики та лексики. Це сприяє розвитку комунікативних компетенцій, які необхідні для ефективного спілкування іноземною мовою. Автори визначають можливі недоліки комунікативного підходу, зокрема те, що студенти можуть допускати граматичні помилки або залучатися до мовленнєвих ситуацій, які вони не готові обговорювати. Однак, автори стверджують, що помилки є невід'ємною частиною процесу навчання і допомагають у вивченні, адже студенти навчаються на власних помилках та коригують їх. Колектив авторів вказує на перспективи досліджень у цій галузі, зокрема удосконалення методик навчання, використання технологій та вивчення впливу контексту на комунікативні навички. Автори заохочують подальше дослідження і розвиток комунікативного підходу у вивченні іноземних мов, оскільки він сприяє покращенню якості навчання та забезпечує студентам необхідні навички для успішного використання мови у реальних ситуаціях. Загалом, наголошується на важливості комунікативного підходу у вивченні іноземної мови та доцільності подальших досліджень у цій області.

Ключові слова: комунікативний підхід, методика викладання іноземної мови, інтерактивні методи, вивчення іноземної мови, мовленнєва діяльність, граматичні помилки, реалістичні навчальні ситуації, мовленнєві навички, комунікативні компетенції, недоліки, перспективи досліджень.

In today's global world, knowledge of foreign languages is becoming an increasingly important competence that opens up many opportunities. Thanks to the active inclusion of Ukraine in the world community, there has been a great need for knowledge of foreign languages, citizens increasingly understand that mastering foreign languages gives them greater freedom, professional mobility and promotes personality development. Possession of speaking skills of other languages is considered as a means of socialization that unites states and peoples.

That is why nowadays special attention should be paid to the efficiency and quality of the process of learning foreign languages, where the use of interactive methods is becoming more and more relevant and requires the attention of teachers and scientists. The task of the modern educational process is to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world, where communication is a necessary component of successful social and professional activity. Consequently, the role of the communicative approach to learning a foreign language is of particular importance. Interactive teaching methods ensure active interaction of students, their communication and mutual understanding, which contributes to the effective acquisition of language skills and the development of communicative competence.

The theoretical approaches to teaching foreign languages considered in scientific studies, in particular the communicatively oriented approach, were the object of attention of scientists and specialists. Among the authors who devoted their works to this topic, we can mention I. Beam, D. Bruner, N. Borysk, D. Green, N. Hez, I. Zimnia, G. Kitaigorodska, L. Kunch, O. Leontiev, M. Makosh, R. Milrud, E. Pasov, D. Wilkins, D. Haims, S. Shatilov and

Shcherbu. These researchers made a significant contribution to the understanding and development of methods of teaching foreign languages, based on their theoretical foundations and experimental studies [3, p. 285]. Among the Ukrainian scientists who studied various aspects of interactive methods of foreign language learning, it is worth noting O. Tarnopolsky, P. Shevchuk, P. Fenryh, O. Sichkaruk, U. Naumenko, N. Godovanets, I. Belyaeva [4, p. 122]. Having analyzed relevant scientific and scientific-methodological sources, it can be assumed that the communicative approach has not received sufficient attention in research and practice related to the chosen problem. However, the results of foreign experimental studies indicate a high level of effectiveness of this approach in teaching foreign language students.

The aim of the article is to study the influence of interactive methods on the process of learning a foreign language, the role of the communicative approach in the development of communication skills, expressing one's thoughts and understanding a foreign language. By analysis effective strategies and examples, this article will show how using interactive methods based on on communicative approaches, maybe promote successful study foreign language and expansion speech skills students.

Studying foreign language is important an aspect of education in modern times the world, because it opens many opportunities for international communication, development cultural understanding and professional growth. In this context communicative approach occupies central place as it puts accent on development communicative skills and abilities students. Major purpose oft he communicative approach at studies foreign language is development of students` communicative skills, their ability effectively communicate in real language situations. This approach puts accent on practical use languages, transmissions information, interaction and understanding between interlocutors and directional on that to make pupils be able to use language not only for learning, but also for everyday use communication, work and interactions with carriers languages in real vital situations.

The main principles of communicative approach at studies foreign languages are based on active use languages in communicative situations and implementation communicative tasks. The main principles include the following ones.

Orientation on communicative skills. The main purpose of communicative approach is development of the ability communicate in real communicative situations effectively. Students are studying to express their ideas, ask questions, answer them and interact with others by people using language.

Authenticity language tasks. Students receive tasks which simulate real situations communication. It may be a role play, a dialogue, the debate or real life imitation. These authentic tasks stimulate students to active using languages and development practical skills.

Interaction and cooperation. Communicative approach provides active interaction and cooperation between students. Group work, partnership interaction and shared activity help to students to learn to communicate, to listen and respond on others, to solve task and cope with problems together.

Practical application languages. Students use language to achieve specific goals. They are studying to use language means of understanding and expression ideas, receiving information, critical thinking and solutions of real communicative situations. interactive communication learning

Individual approach. Communicative approach takes into account individual features students and their needs. It helps adaptation teaching to individual needs. Each student learns in person and in a team, that allows them develop skills that are most important and necessary for them.

Gradually andsystematicity. Teaching languages by communicative approach is built on principles of gradualness and systematicity. Students expand their vocabulary gradually, improve grammar skills and develop communicative strategies depending from their own level.

These principles contribute to the creation of timulating and effective educational atmosphere, where pupils have possibility to use language actively, communicate and develop communicative skills. Communicative approach is a valuable tool in learning foreign language which helps students to prepare for effective communication in real lifesituations.

V. Prychyna emphasizes that the effectiveness of the implementation of such an approach depends on the following factors:

Professional qualifications of the teacher, including his intellectual, creative and organizational abilities.

Understanding the individual characteristics and natural abilities of students in order to create favorable conditions for the development of their cognitive abilities, needs and interests.

Use of communicatively oriented teaching and methodical materials from publishers such as Oxford University Press , Longman , Express Publishing . The tasks and exercises in these textbooks are realistic and motivating, cover a wide range of educational, social and aviation topics and contain a sufficient amount of authentic material.

Formation of students' communication skills in English through four types of speech activity: oral expression, listening, reading and writing [5, p. 195].

It is worth noting that the communicative approach to learning a foreign language is significantly different from traditional methods, it emphasizes the development of communicative skills and the ability to communicate, recreating real communicative situations, which distinguishes it from traditional methods that focus on grammar and language structures . The main differences are also in the approach to the goal, the organization of the educational process and the role of the student. Communicative approach to learning a foreign language suggests that:

traditional methods usually focus on learning grammar and learning language structures, including reading and translating texts. The communicative approach is aimed at the development of practical communication skills, the ability to use language to communicate and interact with others;

in the communicative approach, the emphasis shifts to the active role of students, interaction and cooperation, rather than based on frontal teaching, where the teacher acts as the center of attention and the students passively receive information. Students communicate a lot with each other and with the teacher, engage in various communicative exercises, role-plays and situations;

in traditional methods, the student acts more as a receiver of information, obeying the rules and structures of the language. In the communicative approach, the student becomes an active participant in the educational process, he learns to use language for real communication and expression of his own thoughts;

the communicative approach involves the performance of various communicative tasks that simulate real communication situations. Students learn to use the language to solve practical tasks such as questions and answers, dialogues, role-plays, discussions and project work.

However, the communicative approach to teaching a foreign language has its disadvantages as well, it sometimes faces criticism, especially regarding the increase in the number of grammar mistakes among students. This problem can have two ambiguous reasons.

First, teachers who use a communicative approach sometimes make occasional mistakes in grammar or pronunciation, believing that they are of little consequence. This may stem from a desire to encourage students to use the language actively without worrying about small details. However, this can lead to the accumulation of wrong habits and difficulties in further language acquisition.

Secondly, students may find themselves in speech situations for which they were not prepared, and while trying to cope with them, they make mistakes. This may be due to insufficient practical experience in real communicative situations, or insufficient training and preparation for such situations.

In order to prevent frequent grammar mistakes while using the communicative approach, it is important to ensure an appropriate balance between encouraging active language use and correcting errors. Teachers should provide constructive feedback and correction, promote conscious mastery of correct grammar and pronunciation, and develop self-monitoring and self-correction skills in students.

Considering these ambiguous aspects of the communicative approach, teachers can approach teaching in a balanced way, where the emphasis is on both communicative skills and grammar and pronunciation, providing students with sufficient preparation for speech situations that may arise in real life [9, p. 82].

As V. Vdovin emphasizes, the communicative approach is oriented towards learning the language through communication. The use of language in a real communicative situation has given rise to some trends within the communicative approach relevant to foreign language teaching:

communicative focus of all types of education;

the main link in the learning process is not the teacher, but the student ("learner-centered approach");

students' interest in the learning process in accordance with their interests, abilities and needs ("the total person approach");

educational and methodical materials are presented according to the situational-thematic or functional principle;

the main types of students' work are paired (dialogue) and group (polylogue) work;

a communicative approach to language learning contributed to the emergence of an unconventional attitude towards mistakes. Questions arise: What is considered a mistake? What is its nature? [2, p. 16].

So, summing up everything mentioned above, we can say that the communicative approach to learning a foreign language is one of the most common among modern approaches. It emphasizes the development of students' communication skills and their ability to use language effectively in real language situations. The main advantages of the communicative approach are:

Emphasis on communication focuses on the development of the student's communication skills, which allows him to use the language effectively in real communication situations.

It promotes motivation because the communicative approach uses live, real communication situations, students feel more motivated to learn the language because they see its practical application.

Developing comprehension skills focuses on understanding other people's speech, which helps develop listening and listening comprehension skills.

Use of real materials includes the use of a variety of authentic materials such as videos, texts, audio recordings, allowing students to become familiar with different aspects of language and culture.

In addition, the communicative approach uses real materials such as texts, videos, audio recordings, etc. It helps students to become familiar with various aspects of language and culture, expands their understanding of a foreign language and their listening skills.

While this approach has its advantagess, it is also open to debate and criticism. There are some reasons for this, namely:

Grammar mistakes: Because of the focus on communication, students may make grammatical errors because the emphasis is on communication rather than correct wording.

Requirements for the teacher: the effective application of the communicative approach requires high professional competence and the ability of the teacher to create a stimulating learning environment.

Context limitation: the communicative approach may be limited to relevant contexts, which may lead to an inferior understanding of language structures and academic background.

Lack of formal exercises: the communicative approach focuses on conversational practice, which can lead to a lack of systematic formal exercises that help consolidate grammatical and lexical rules [8, c. 151]. However, it should be noted that mistakes are a necessary component of the learning process, through them we gain experience and learn.

The study of the communicative approach in the context of foreign language learning opens wide prospects for further research. Research can be directed to the development and improvement of methods based on a communicative approach. This includes the development of new learning materials, exercises and tasks that promote more effective language learning with an emphasis on communicative competence. It is relevant to study the influence of modern technologies, such as computer programs, mobile applications and web resources, on the effectiveness of the communicative approach. Learning can focus on the development and evaluation of new interactive tools that help students actively interact with language in real communicative situations. Innovative research in this field can help to improve methods, improve the quality of education and contribute to a more successful acquisition of language competence by students.

The analysis of European and Ukrainian experience confirms the successful application of a communicative approach that activates students in learning and promotes their active involvement in the language environment.

Communicative approach is effective means of training as it helps to apply language in practice, development communicative skills and stimulates interest students in the process training. However, successful realization this approach depends from row factors which needs attentive consideration and preparation. It is important to continue conducting research and improve teaching methods taking into account modern technologies and psychological characteristics of students.


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11. Nguyen T. M. H., & Elliott G. Implementing a communicative approach in Vietnamese EFL classrooms. TESOL Quarterly. 2018, №52 (3). P 715-724.

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14. Zhang L. & Zhou J. The role of computer-assisted language learning in promoting communicative language teaching: A metaanalysis. Language Teaching Research. 2019, №23(5). P 584-607.


1. Baidak L. I. Sut komunikatyvnoho metodu vykladannia inozemnykh mov.[The sense of the communicative method in teaching foreign languages]. Materialy XIII Mi^dzynarodowejnaukowi-praktycznej konferencji,”Naukowaprzestrzen Europy-2017” (Przemysl, 07-15 kwietnia 2017 r.). - Przemysl : Nauka i studia, 2017. S. 25-30. [in Ukrainian]

2. Vdovin V. V. Komunikatyvnyi pidkhid yak optymalnyi zasib vyvchennia inozemnoi movy u VNZ [Communicative approach as an optimal means of learning a foreign language at a university] Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu «Lvivska politekhnika», 2007, № 586. S. 15-20. [in Ukrainian]

3. Muravska S. M. Komunikatyvno zoriientovanyi pidkhid u navchanni anhlomovnoho spilkuvannia maibutnikh aviafakhivtsiv. [Communicatively oriented approach in teaching future aviation specialists English communication] Filolohichni studii: Nau- kovyi visnyk Kryvorizkoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu. 20016 (15). C. 284-292. [in Ukrainian]

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5. Prychyna V V Komunikatyvno zoriientovanyi pidkhid do navchannia uchniv anhlomovnoho spilkuvannia. [Communicatively oriented approach to teaching students English communication] Tavriiskyi visnyk osvity. 2012. № 4 (40). S. 195-201. [in Ukrainian]

6. Cheon H. S. & Nam J. (2018). Exploring the effectiveness of information gap activities in an English as a foreign language classroom. English Teaching, 73(4). P. 21-48.

7. De Araujo F. C., & Palma-RivasN. (2019). The effects of collaborative learning on L2 vocabulary acquisition: A systematic review. Language Teaching Research, 23(3). P. 341-368.

8. Harmer J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. 3rd ed. - New York, Longman, 2001. 370 p.

9. Li S. (2018). Task-based language teaching: Teachers' beliefs, instructional practices, and challenges. RELC Journal, 49(1). P 75-89.

10. Nargis N., Armelia L. Optimizing EFL learners'communicative competence through short movie project. Asian EFL J., 2018. № 20. Р 201-208.

11. Nguyen T. M. H., & Elliott G. (2018). Implementing a communicative approach in Vietnamese EFL classrooms. TESOL Quarterly, 52(3), 715-724.

12. Swen M. Seven Bad Reasons For Teaching Grammar - And Two Good Reasons For Teaching Some. In Methodology in Language Teaching, ed. Richards and Renandya, CUP 2002. P 148-152.

13. Widdowson G. (1990) Teaching language as Communication. - UK: Oxford University Press. 168 p.

14. Zhang L. & Zhou J. (2019). The role of computer-assisted language learning in promoting communicative language teaching: A meta-analysis. Language Teaching Research, 23(5). P. 584-607.

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  • Использование новых технологий мультимедиа и Интернет для повышения качества обучения за счет улучшения доступа к ресурсам и сервисам, а также удаленного обмена знаниями и совместной работы. Сегментация рынка e-learning. Потребители электронного обучения.

    реферат [99,8 K], добавлен 13.04.2013

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