Foreign language component of future specialists' professional training at establishments of higher education
Knowledge of a foreign language as an important component of a successful person. Requirements of recruitment agencies to the level of graduates. The role of speaking, listening, reading as types of speech activity in the training of future specialists.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.11.2023 |
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Foreign language component of future specialists' professional training at establishments of higher education
Danylyuk S.S.
The role of knowledge of a foreign language (or preferably several foreign languages) as one of the important components of a modern successful person is analyzed in the article.
A group of requirements of recruiting agencies for graduates' skills and abilities has been identified. The first requirement is the ability to speak, the ability to communicate. The second requirement is proficiency in writing. The third requirement is related to reading skills.
Attention is paid to the question of how to make foreign language classes at the university such that the student-future specialist should be competitive in the market. It is emphasized that a modern lesson should be focused, first of all, on such forms of work that teach to conduct a discussion, motivate reading and analysis of what has been read, and train to present one's point of view in a presentation.
The significance of such types of speech activity, as: speaking, listening, reading, in the process of future specialists' foreign language professional training has been deciphered. Speaking is considered to be a productive activity through which oral communication is carried out. The great role of listening for the formation of speaking skills is emphasized. Attention is paid to reading as the next important stage at a foreign language class.
A group of important methodological-and-educational tasks that a teacher faces in the process of future specialists' professional training has been singled out. They are like this: the use of articles in the learning process overcomes the existing students' ignorance in events (including in the professional sphere) taking place in the world; the choice of articles of a professional nature that are of interest to students helps to understand the topic and motivates them to study their favourite field of science and English; the article is of great importance for replenishing vocabulary and grammatical phenomena; if the article is interesting, modern, then it stimulates the desire for discussion and it is the basis for the development of written works.
Key words: a foreign language, ability to speak, proficiency in writing, reading skills, speech activity, future specialists' foreign language professional training, methodological-and-educational tasks, vocabulary and grammatical phenomena.
Данилюк С.С.,
У статті аналізується роль знання іноземної мови (а краще кількох іноземних мов) як однієї з важливих складових сучасної успішної людини.
Визначено групу вимог кадрових агентств до умінь і навичок випускників. Перша вимога - уміння говорити, уміння спілкуватися. Друга вимога - уміння писати. Третя вимога пов'язана з навичками читання.
Приділено увагу питанню, як зробити навчання іноземної мови в університеті таким, щоб студент - майбутній фахівець - був конкурентоспроможним на ринку праці. Наголошується, що сучасне заняття має бути орієнтованим насамперед на такі форми роботи, які вчать вести дискусію, мотивують до читання й аналізу прочитаного, навчають викладати свої думки у виступі.
Розшифровано значення таких видів мовленнєвої діяльності, як говоріння, аудіювання, читання у процесі іншомовної професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців. Говоріння вважається продуктивною діяльністю, за допомогою якої здійснюється усне спілкування. Підкреслено значну роль аудіювання у формуванні мовленнєвих навичок. На занятті іноземної мови увагу приділено читанню як наступному важливому етапу.
Виокремлено групу важливих методично-виховних завдань, які постають перед викладачем у процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців, як -от: використання артиклів у навчальному процесі долає наявну необізнаність студентів у подіях (зокрема у професійній сфері), що відбуваються у світі; добір статей фахового характеру, які цікаві студентам, що сприяє розумінню теми та мотивує до вивчення улюбленої галузі науки й англійської мови; при тому стаття має велике значення для поповнення словникового запасу та граматичних явищ; якщо стаття цікава, сучасна, то вона стимулює бажання дискутувати і є основою для розроблення письмових робіт.
Ключові слова: іноземна мова, уміння говорити, володіння письмом, навички читання, мовленнєва діяльність, іншомовна професійна підготовка майбутніх фахівців, методично - виховні завдання, лексико-граматичні явища.
The statement of the issue
Studying at an establishment of higher non-linguistic education today is a purposeful process of a specialist's formation and development
In this process, a foreign language teaching plays an important role. Knowledge of a foreign language (or preferably several foreign languages) is one of a modern successful person's important components. A foreign language knowledge broadens one's horizons, allows one to learn another people's culture and promotes communication. Undoubtedly, a foreign language knowledge is necessary if a person wants to be successful in his/her work and business. After all, the employer will always give preference to the specialist who speaks a foreign language. English has become the international language of communication today, not only in business. A huge amount of information is available in English, and the language knowledge not only gives access to it, but also allows one to overcome business and communication barriers. The demand for professionals who speak English is at its highest level. Recruiting agency specialists state the growth of salaries for specialists with knowledge of the English language. Knowledge of the second and the third foreign languages also affects the career growth and salary of the employee.
The analysis of relevant research. Modern scientists pay attention to the problem of future specialists' foreign language professional training in general (I. Gaidai, I. Kovalchuk, S. Sukhovetska, O. Khorosh [1], N. Lashuk, L. Hrechok, S. Kormiltsyna [2], L. Lipshyts [3], L. Maksymchuk [4], I. Savka, L. Nanivska [5], M. Soter [6], N. Stetsenko, D. Stetsenko [7], O. Yudina, R. Viazova, L. Kompaniiets [8], N. Yukhno [9], O. Yashchuk [10]).
The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of soft skills formation in the process of future specialists' foreign language professional training.
The body of the research. Let's turn to the requirements of recruiting agencies for the skills and abilities of graduates.
The first requirement is the ability to speak, the ability to communicate. Speaking has always been given an important place in the methodology of a foreign language teaching. Today, the formation of communicative competence as one of the main goals is not disputed by specialists.
The second requirement is proficiency in writing. English will be required not only for negotiations, but also for creating presentations and websites, for correspondence and work in social networks. Undoubtedly, students must master the skills of writing, the ability to make a presentation, to present it to the audience and in writing.
The third requirement is related to reading skills. HR directors of international companies want to see well-read specialists in their industry, those who have an outlook and vision in their area of responsibility and can convey their position both in their company and to international partners. English is today the language of business communication, however, the second, the third foreign language is always a plus in the international business environment. The issue of learning to read a lot and quickly, to master the skills of extensive reading is an important component of the content of a foreign language programs today.
Thus, the employer prefers the future specialist to be able to pass an interview in good English, be constantly aware of professional affairs in the world, read periodicals and professional magazines, be able to conduct a video or face-to-face conference with foreign partners, be able to correspond and make a presentation in professional English.
In this article, attention is paid to the question of how to make foreign language classes at a university such that a student-future specialist should be competitive in the market. It is emphasized that a modern lesson should be focused, first of all, on such forms of work that teach to conduct a discussion, motivate reading and analysis of what has been read, and train to present one's point of view in a presentation.
In the curricula, the priority is to teach speaking. Students want to talk with peers from other countries. To increase motivation, it is necessary to be able to discuss educational and professional issues. Knowledge of English broadens one's horizons. Undoubtedly, university teachers need to take into account students' desire to learn, first of all, to speak well, communicate with representatives of other cultures and do it professionally. Not without reason, speaking is called a creative activity, a productive activity.
Speaking is a productive activity through which oral communication is carried out. Undoubtedly, in order to form the skill of speaking, you need to listen a lot, i.e. listen to foreign speech. A large role in foreign languages methodology is given to listening. Listening (from Latin audire - to hear) is a receptive type of speech activity; semantic perception of an oral message. Listening consists of simultaneous perception of its linguistic form and understanding of the content of the utterance. The process of perception and understanding of sounding speech develops speaking skills. When communicating, one person speaks, the other person answers him/her. During listening, students must understand the content of the text, memorize it, match it with the previous and following information, and then respond. But if the student did not understand what he/she heard, then there will be no answer. When immersed or in lessons where communication is close to natural conditions, types of speech activity appear in conjunction. Naturally, when speaking, a listener is needed; listening cannot be without speaking. Modern communicative teaching methods put listening in an important place and consider it as a condition for mastering speaking and language in general.
It is important to note that listening at English classes performs many other functions. It motivates students and encourages students to learn. A modern lesson should contain authentic, interesting audio and video material; it is impossible to imagine a modern lesson without the use of television, radio and YouTube programs. Listening helps to form the skills and abilities of other types of speech activity and maintains the achieved level of speech proficiency.
The next important part of the lesson is reading. The educational standard of the third generation assumes that students are able to work with foreign language texts of a professional orientation, are able to process, analyze and systematize the information they receive. At the same time, reading an authentic text on a specific professional topic allows for more effective learning, immersion in the context, isolating the necessary vocabulary and grammar, simulating immersion in a natural speech environment, and forming communication skills that are specific to a particular culture. In modern teaching, the concept of the authenticity of the material is becoming increasingly important. An authentic text is a text that is not intended for pedagogical purposes. Most students, of course, want to understand such authentic texts, because this is one of the goals of language learning. However, the practice of reading such materials during the classroom is quite difficult, requires increased attention, special skills and more time.
Arguing about the place of authentic texts in the educational process, one can agree with colleagues that these texts are difficult for students to perceive, they may not always correspond to the learning conditions and the pedagogical tasks set. Undoubtedly, in authentic texts there is an excessive amount of verbal information, often difficult to digest, as well as thematic diversity that makes it difficult to digest. In this regard, the pedagogical environment discusses the use of texts that are processed for educational purposes without violating its authentic material. However, the use of professional articles for university students, as additional reading, will undoubtedly contribute to immersion in the modern natural professional environment.
Authentic texts motivate students because they are more interesting, related to life. Working with an authentic text, students not only do the exercises that are presented in the textbook, but discover new concepts, absorb the socio-cultural context. Most university teachers consider the use of authentic materials (and articles in particular) for independent work or as additional material. The article is a specific example of an authentic text, because it was written for a native speaker. Reading at the university should be accepted as an independent activity, and a special place should belong to reading in order to extract professional information from reading tests. The legitimacy of referring specifically to articles is explained, first of all, by the fact that this is a source of "fresh" information, including textual information. It is considered to be a positive moment if the text of the article correlates with the program material, supplementing it. Authentic texts, such as articles, perform many functions.
Information-and-training information is expressed in the fact that the articles recreate the conditions of natural speech communication, because they are connected with reality and represent a "real" (authentic) language. Organizational-and-management or motivating information lies in the fact that authentic materials help to create a sense of immersion in the student. Illustrative-and-visual information consists in the fact that authentic materials are a kind of combination of types of visualization that help to immerse yourself in the natural learning environment or close to it. The developing function forms observation, attention, language memory, speech and creative activity.
Using the Internet to read professional articles in English, the teacher solves or seeks to solve several very important methodological and educational tasks at the same time:
- the use of articles in the learning process overcomes the existing ignorance of students in events (including in the professional sphere) taking place in the world;
- the choice of articles of a professional nature that are of interest to students helps to understand the topic and motivates them to study their favourite field of science and the English language;
- the article is of great importance for replenishing vocabulary and grammatical phenomena;
- if the article is interesting, modern, then it stimulates the desire for discussion and it is the basis for the development of written works.
A workshop for the work of undergraduate students in the discipline of English in the professional field was developed with the aim of developing the skills of reading authentic foreign articles on professional topics. In general, the formation of a professional orientation in education involves instilling students' interest in their future profession, forming the habit of gaining knowledge through various communication channels. Reading and discussing professional articles turns them into an information basis for cognitive learning activities.
A workshop with a single thematic content has several advantages:
Concepts and topics are repeated in different articles, and st udents can compare authors' different opinions on relevant topics. Vocabulary, words, phrases, professional terms are repeated, becoming more accessible, clearer, and reading each subsequent article becomes easier, and the confidence of students as readers of professional articles grows accordingly. There is a growing understanding and students' confidence in the professional field they are studying. The material can be used by them in research work.
No matter how the workshop is used, for independent work, or in the classroom, its goal is to teach the student to read the article, to do it easily and with interest. It is necessary to form the skill of reading a professional text, to teach how to take notes, to isolate the main ideas and key details. However, the purpose of reading a professional article is not only in information search and processing, but in the ability to then use what has been read in written assignments, be able to present what has been read, use it for an essay, report, letter, etc. Therefore, written assignments are offered after reading the articles.
Traditionally, before reading, tasks that prepare the reader for the text are offered. Definitely, such tasks are necessary. Some tasks are related to the topic of the upcoming reading. Understanding the professional reading field is a very important point. Understanding the topic, concept makes it easier to understand the article. The title, author or footnotes to the article are additional supports before reading. Sometimes teachers prefer to give vocabulary from an article in order to remove some of the difficulties of understanding.
Reading with pleasure motivates students. The teacher's professional task is to inspire the student to read a professional article with interest and with a pencil in hand. It doesn't matter if the student is reading a paper article or from a digital source, taking notes is essential. While reading an article, it is useful and necessary to keep notes, emphasize or write down thoughts, questions. Taking notes is an effective way to absorb information. According to studies, after a single reading, about 10 per cent of the information remains in memory, while after writing a summary, about 75 per cent of the studied material is remembered and processed. It is recognized that handwriting is effective for students with developed kinesthetic memory. At the same time, taking notes with a pencil or taking notes contributes to its development. While reading an article, it is useful to highlight words, phrases and main ideas.
The ability to take notes both in their native language and in a foreign language is one of university students' necessary skills. When listening to lectures, students should understand the lecturer, take notes and subsequently reproduce the material. A t seminars, it is required to take notes, ask questions, discuss the material, while the answer is built on the basis of notes. Homework or independent work requires the processing of textual information from textbooks, lectures, articles, which requires developed skills in different types of reading (viewing, studying, searching) and the ability to take notes, highlight the main and secondary, structure the statement, paraphrase what has been read.
Note-taking of an article differs from lecture notes, where the teacher highlights important points. When reading a professional article in a foreign language, students are invited to highlight the introductory part, which contains goals, objectives, then the main part, which outlines the essence of the article and the ending with conclusions and a summary. Abstract means a summary of the article. Therefore, it is a mistake if we aim the student to rewrite complete sentences. The task is to briefly write down the main points, avoiding unnecessary digressions. Looking through the text of the article, students are already highlighting sentences that can enter the context. It is equally important to highlight the words that seem to be key ones, as well as unfamiliar words that need to be worked out. A s you read, questions or thoughts that arise are written in the margins, which can then be transferred to a notebook. The teacher may be interested in the assessment of the author's arguments or argumentation, it is interesting if the student has his/her own point of view on the problem. It is necessary to be able to fix the thoughts caused by reading. Of course, immediately after reading it, it makes sense to discuss whether the assumptions about the article made at the beginning converge. Then tasks are usually offered that are aimed at a more detailed understanding of the text. Vocabulary task allows you to add vocabulary on a given topic, see how it is used in context. Written assignments help to activate what has been learned when presenting one's point of view, analyzing or using the text in further research work. I would like to give examples of written assignments that are useful after reading the article. They form the whole range of foreign language skills.
Students can give detailed definitions of professional terms, write a report on an article, a summary of an article, letters to colleagues, classmates, express thoughts after reading an article, write conclusions to an article, recommendations. Written communication in English is widespread in the professional sphere on the one hand, and also contributes to the formation of communicative communication skills. The notes made will be useful during the written work with the article.
Discussions on professional topics after reading an article in English are one of the most motivating activities in the classroom, because they give not only the opportunity to expand professional knowledge, but also the potential to reveal themselves, to feel the joy of being able to speak on a professional topic in English. Undoubtedly, this is not an easy task, because students need to identify key points, find arguments for and against, or find solutions. With a low level of proficiency in professional vocabulary, the discussion is unlikely to succeed. There is no doubt that the task of a university teacher throughout the entire training is to accumulate professional vocabulary, which in due time is facilitated by reading articles. Presenting one' own thoughts and ideas in public is not an easy task for university student s, and it is even more a complex process in English, both from a linguistic and psychological side. However, during the discussion, where there is scope for the student's creative activity, there is training and development of the skills to think critically, build sentences and pronounce them coherently. The teacher's professional task is to encourage students to comprehend the main issues raised in the article, conduct an independent analysis of the situation, construct their knowledge, and learn new ones in the process of communicating with classmates.
Professional authentic articles are important in teaching English to students, as they provide relevant, vital topics in a foreign language, which contributes to a kind of immersion in the future profession and the development of professional vocabulary. An equally important task is to motivate reading articles, reading with interest, with a "pencil" in hand. Written tasks of a productive nature are of great importance after reading, such as: writing a letter, review, conclusion, abstract, as well as conducting creative discussions after reading. We should also not forget that the power and magic of reading is in reading itself, even for educational purposes.
The importance of productive activities is obvious. The modern world requires new skills from teachers and students. The rules for proper, effective presentation are presented in many manuals and textbooks. Undoubtedly, teachers in the classroom explain what is required of students. However, from practice it can be stated that the correct preparation of the presentation is not always observed. It is necessary that in the course of the subject, the teacher should give tasks to prepare presentations, listen to students and conduct discussions. The presentation is used in companies and organizations to present new projects, products and services. The main objective of the presentation is to interest the audience. It is impossible for students to confuse a presentation with a report, just read the text and accompany it with pictures. The presentation must be well prepared.
It should have a clear structure: introduction, main body and conclusions. The topic should be relevant, interesting and professionally understandable. Slide designs should not have a lot of text. Much of success lies in persuading an audience, so a good presentation is most often rehearsed. Therefore, good English is required. To present interesting material, you need to read a lot, analyze, summarize printed and audio material on the topic, which brings us back to the previous parts of this article about the importance of reading and listening to authentic sources.
It is necessary to guide students in the selection of appropriate audiovisual material for the presentation. These can be: official documents such as licenses, certificates, diplomas, statements and audiovisual, such as video and audio stories. It is necessary that the student should practice what is put on the slide. The font must be at least 18. There are 10-20 words on the slide itself. The teacher should make sure that the student places key important terms on the slide that should be highlighted. A good presentation always has both theoretical and practical material. Speech with a presentation is a summary, a report on the work done on reading and analyzing material on the topic, as well as a demonstration of speaking skills. Students who systematically make presentations at English classes acquire the skill of public speaking in English. The teacher helps the student to comply with the rules, makes sure that he does not chatter and observe pauses, addresses the audience and reacts to it. At the end of the school year, students preparing presentations become ready speakers.
Thus, a modern lesson in a foreign language at a university should be as close as possible to the requirements of students' future work. Using authentic materials, the teacher approximates the conditions of the real language environment and communication situations that are typical for native speakers. And with the help of new forms and methods of work, the transition from educational activity in a learning situation to practical activity in a real life situation is ensured. The teacher in the classroom should become an active participant in the process of pedagogical interaction in order to maintain communication and effectively support it in the classroom.
foreign language speaking listening reading
In conclusion, we should note that foreign language teachers are currently being hired for employees of companies and enterprises. There are often claims that students who come to work even with good English do not have the necessary skills to work in a professional environment. Thus, foreign language teachers at establishments of higher education need to update their classes. The session should be as interactive as possible, in which students talk for the maximum possible amount of time, work in pairs, in a group, participate in a discussion or speak in public. Teachers offer students work with authentic sources, motivate students to read professional literature, articles and blogs with a pencil in their hands. Students in the classroom prepare for presentations on the topics discussed and present their point of view.
Prospects for further researches embrace the need to obtain empirical data on soft skills formation in the process of future specialists' foreign language professional training.
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2. Lashuk, N., Hrechok, L., & Kormiltsyna, S. (2021). Do pytannia inshomovnoi pidhotovky v systemi neperervnoi osvity [To the issue of foreign language training in the system of continuous education]. Osvitolohichnyi dyskurs, 33 (2), 91-104 [in Ukrainian].
3. Lipshyts, L. V. (2022). Inshomovna pidhotovka yak skladova profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv morskoi industrii [Foreign language training as a component of professional competence of future maritime industry specialists]. Pedahohichnyi almanakh, 52, 103-107 [in Ukrainian].
4. Maksymchuk, L. (2021). Inshomovna pidhotovka studentiv zakladiv vyshchoi osvity do profesiinoi komunikatsii zasobamy interaktyvnykh tekhnolohii [Foreign language preparation of students of higher education institutions for professional communication by means of interactive technologies]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats natsionalnoi akademii derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy. Seriia: pedahohichni nauky, 4 (27), 121-133 [in Ukrainian].
5. Savka, I. V., & Nanivska, L. L. (2022). Intehratsiinyi pidkhid do inshomovnoi profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh ofitseriv inzhenernykh viisk [Integrative approach to foreign language professional training of future officers of engineering troops]. Innovatsiina pedahohika, 50 (2), 39-42 [in Ukrainian].
6. Soter, M. V. (2022). Bloh yak zasib inshomovnoi pidhotovky zdobuvachiv vyshchoi osvity inzhenerno-tekhnichnykh ta ekonomichnykh spetsialnostei [Blog as a tool for foreign language training of students of technical and economic specialties]. Pedahohichnyi almanakh, 52, 126-133 [in Ukrainian].
7. Stetsenko, N. M., & Stetsenko, D. V. (2020). Vykorystannia suchasnykh anhlomovnykh serialiv u navchanni studentiv inozemnoi movy [The use of modern English-language series in teaching foreign language students]. Pedahohichnyi almanakh, 45, 150-157 [in Ukrainian].
8. Yudina, O. V., Viazova, R. V., & Kompaniiets, L. H. (2021). Inshomovna pidhotovka zdobuvachiv vyshchoi osvity do profesiino oriientovanoi mizhkulturnoi komunikatsii [Foreign language training of higher education students for professionally oriented intercultural communication]. Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka-akademiia»: Seriia «Filolohiia», 12 (80), 173-176 [in Ukrainian].
9. Yukhno, N. V. (2022). Sut ta struktura inshomovnoi komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti fakhivtsiv [The essence and structure of specialists' foreign language communicative competence]. Naukovi zapysky kafedry pedahohiky, 51, 113-119 [in Ukrainian].
10. Yashchuk, O. (2022). Inshomovna pidhotovka maibutnikh fakhivtsiv: ziasuvalno-sutnisnyi kontekst [Foreign language training of future specialists: an explanatory and substantive context]. Liudynoznavchi studii. Seriia «Pedahohika», 14 (46), 63-71 [in Ukrainian].
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