Training of landscape gardening specialists in the french higher education system

In this article deals the issue of training future specialists in gardening and park management in higher education institutions in France. It is established that the training of these specialists is carried out in institutions of various types.

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Дата добавления 17.11.2023
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Training of landscape gardening specialists in the french higher education system

Zabolotska I., PhD student

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Ecole internationale Mersch Anne Beffort


The paper deals the issue of training future specialists in gardening and park management in higher education institutions in France. It is established that the training of these specialists is carried out in institutions of various types, which are integrated into the general system of educational institutions. The main features of training of future specialists in landscape gardening in French higher education institutions are determined: constant development of an extensive and differentiated system of educational institutions; practical and constant interconnection and mutual influence between all levels of education, including professional development; autonomy of educational institutions within the framework of national, regional and local educational programmes; innovation in the educational process and professionalisation of future specialists. Higher education in France is aimed at shaping a new vision of the nation and the worldview of young people: innovation and scientific research; environmental protection and agro-ecological development of national territories; highly professional, multidisciplinary and demanded young specialists in the labour market; integration of scientific and educational achievements into the development of local territories; use of regional potential by combining the efforts of scientific, educational and industrial institutions to develop the country's bioeconomy. Higher agricultural education in France provides training, education of engineers, specialists in landscape architecture and design, specialised personnel, teachers, scientists and veterinarians in 26 higher education institutions: 19 institutions are public and 7 are private. To date, new types of educational institutions have been established and are successfully operating in France, providing multilevel and multi-functional professional training of agricultural engineers that optimally meet the interests of the individual and the staffing needs of enterprises and territorial communities. This helps to increase the competitiveness of their graduates, expand their career opportunities, and ensure stability in their professional activities. As a rule, these are professionals of a polyvalent nature who speak two foreign languages. The trend of improving and expanding the short cycle of professional higher education, as well as alternative (non-formal) agricultural education, which is represented by: apprenticeship (formation par apprentissage); continuing education (formation continue); distance education (formation ouverte et a distance); alternative system of assessment (certification) of professional experience (la Validation des Acquis de I'Experience, VAE), is quite effective for agricultural education in France.

Keywords: landscape gardening, education system, higher education institution, training of specialists, France.



Заболотська І.

Стаття присвячена розгляду питання підготовки майбутніх фахівців садово-паркового господарства у закладах вищої освіти Франції. Встановлено, що навчання зазначених фахівців здійснюється у закладах різного типу, які інтегровані у загальну систему освітніх установ. Визначено основні особливості підготовки майбутніх фахівців садово-паркового господарства у французьких закладах вищої освіти постійний розвиток розгалуженої і диференційованої системи закладів освіти; практичний і постійний взаєзв'язок і взаємовплив між усіма рівнями освіти, включно з підвищенням професійної кваліфікації; автономність закладів освіти у межах загальнодержавних, регіональних і місцевих освітніх програм; інноваційність у освітньому процесі й професіоналізації майбуніх фахівців.

Ключові слова: садово-паркове господарство, система освіти, заклад вищої освіти, підготовка фахівців, Франція.


training landscape gardening specialist

In the incredibly difficult times of the aggressive war against Ukraine, many challenges have arisen for all areas of our country's activities. Various sectors are on the verge of survival and competitiveness, which necessitates their immediate review and improvement. The education sector is no exception, especially as it is an important tool for building the country's future. Unfortunately, many towns and villages in Ukraine have suffered devastating destruction, and entire ecosystems have been disrupted. To restore them as quickly as possible and to rebuild the settlements after the war, effective training of greening specialists is essential. Therefore, it is urgent to introduce the positive experience of other countries, to implement already developed and time-tested ideas, projects, and technologies. In this regard, it is advisable to consider the experience of France, which is one of the world leaders in landscape design, in training gardening professionals.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

Both domestic and foreign scholars have studied certain aspects of higher education in France. In particular, the general features of higher education in France are considered by D. Mougel, who notes that the current priority areas for increasing the international competitiveness of the French higher education system are as follows: promoting successful higher education for all students and expanding access to higher education; ensuring international recognition of French higher education institutions. А. Durdas focused on the coexistence in modern France of three ways of obtaining higher education associated with different types of higher education institutions: universities, which are public multidisciplinary higher education institutions and provide diversified general university and specialised education at various levels; scientific, technological and commercial Grandes Ecoles, which train specialists of a specialised higher education level.


The purpose of the article is to identify the main features of training of specialists in gardening and park management in higher education institutions in France.


To achieve the stated goal, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis (when studying pedagogical and methodological publications); the method of comparison for comparing the content of bachelor's programmes in translation in French and foreign higher education institutions; the method of generalisation for formulating the conclusions of the study.


Higher education in France is aimed at shaping a new vision of the nation and the worldview of young people: innovation and scientific research; environmental protection and agro- ecological development of national territories; highly professional, multidisciplinary and demanded young specialists in the labour market; integration of scientific and educational achievements into the development of local territories; use of regional potential by combining the efforts of scientific, educational and industrial institutions to develop the country's bioeconomy; internationalisation of science, education and production while preserving national values; international mobility and openness of education to foreign students; academic freedom, accessibility and institutional autonomy of higher education institutions; civic and moral and ethical responsibility of each actor in the higher education system to society.

The trend of improving and expanding the short cycle of professional higher education, as well as alternative (non-formal) agricultural education, which is represented by: apprenticeship (formation par apprentissage); continuing education (formation continue); distance education (formation ouverte et a distance); alternative system of assessment (certification) of professional experience (la Validation des Acquis de l'- Experience, VAE), is quite effective for agricultural education in France.

The right to continuing education is enshrined in the French Labour Code. Non-formal education is available to all professionals in order to obtain a relevant state diploma, advanced training, narrower specialisation and improvement, certified recognition of professional qualifications, or to find a different job. As a rule, this type of education under the Ministry of Agricultural Policy of France is implemented in the Centres de Formation Professionnelle et de Promotion Agricoles (CFPPA) and in higher education institutions of agricultural profile. A basic secondary level of education or professional experience of a specialist is the basis for further study, taking into account the results of the interview and diagnostic test. The duration of study depends on the type of diploma chosen. The nomenclature of diplomas is the same as in general education: CAPA, BEPA, Bac Pro, BTA, Bac Techno, BTSA, titre d'- ingenieur and highly specific agricultural certificates.

France has a well-developed system of regional multidisciplinary professional development. The process of education based on the association of knowledgeintensive industries, higher engineering schools, multidisciplinary regional centres for vocational education and agricultural development or their separate structural units allows training specialists, teachers and researchers for the needs of the region in a wide range of specialties. At the same time, training personnel are attracted from the region and the process of self-renewal is ensured.

To date, new types of educational institutions have been established and are successfully operating in France, providing multilevel and multifunctional professional training for agricultural engineers that optimally meet the interests of the individual and the staffing needs of enterprises and territorial communities. This is what helps to increase the competitiveness of their graduates, expand their career opportunities, and ensure stability in their professional activities. As a rule, these are professionals of a polyvalent nature who speak two foreign languages.

Higher agricultural education in France provides training, formation of engineers, specialists in landscape architecture and design, specialised personnel, teachers, scientists and veterinarians in 26 higher education institutions: 19 institutions are public and 7 are private.

Діяльність всіх цих освітніх установ координує і контролює Національна рада вищої аграрної, харчової і ветеринарної освіти (CNESERAAV: Conseil national de l'enseignement superieur agricole, agroalimentaire et veterinaire) [2, 3].

Higher educational institutions of agricultural education were divided into 7 categories.

1. Higher state engineering schools:

1.1. National agronomic higher education institutions (ENSA: ecoles nationales superieures d'agronomie) or assimilated (mixed):

- National Agronomic Institute AgroPariTek (Institut des sciences et industries du vivant et de l'environnement, AgroParisTech), which combines three higher agricultural schools: Pari-Grignon, the Higher National School of Agricultural and Food Technologies (ENSIA: Ecole nationale superieure des industries agricoles et alimentaires) and the Higher National School of Mechanisation of Agriculture, Water and Forests (ENGREF: Ecole nationale du genie rural, des eaux et des forets);

- Higher National School of Agronomy in Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro, Grande Ecole d'enseignement superieur agronomique) [2];

- Higher National School of Agronomy in Rennes (Agrocampus Quest: Institut national superieur des sciences agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du paysage);

- Higher National School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture at the National Institute of Horticulture (ENSHAP: Ecole nationale superieure d'horticulture et d'amenagement du paysage);

1.2. Higher schools of civil engineering or assimilated, so-called ENIT (ENIT: ecoles nationales d'ingenieur des travaux):

- Higher National School of Civil

Engineering and Construction of Bordeaux (ENITAB: Ecole nationale d'ingenieurs des travaux de Bordeaux);

- Higher National School of Civil Engineering Clermont-Ferrand (ENITACF: Ecole nationale d'ingenieurs des travaux de Clermont-Ferrand);

- Higher National Institute of

Agronomic, Food and Environmental Sciences (Agrosup Dijon: Institut national superieur des sciences agronomiques, de l'alimentation et de l'environnement), which was created by the merger of the Higher National School of Agronomy of Dijon (ENESAD: Etablissement national d'enseignement superieur agronomique de Dijon) with the Higher National School of Applied Biology in Nutrition and Food Supply (ENSBANA: Ecole nationale superieure de biologie appliquee a la nutrition et a l'alimentation);

- Higher National School of Engineering and Technology of Agricultural and Food Technologies (ENITIAA: Ecole nationale d'ingenieurs des techniques des industries agricoles et alimentaires);

- Higher National Institute of Agricultural Education (INSFA: Institut national superieur de formation agroalimentaire);

- Higher National School of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Engineers at the National Institute of Horticulture (ENIHP: Ecole nationale des ingenieurs de l'horticulture et du paysage;

- National Institute of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture (INHP: Institut National d'Horticulture et de Paysage);

- Higher National School of Water and Environment of Strasbourg (ENGEES: Ecole nationale du genie de l'eau et de l'environnement de Strasbourg).

2. Private engineering schools that are also members of the Federation of Higher Agricultural Engineering Schools (FESIA):

-Angers Higher School of Agriculture (ESA: Ecole superieure d'agriculture d'Angers),

- Higher Agricultural Institute of Beauvais (ISAB: Institut superieur agricole de Beauvais),

- Purpan Higher School of Agriculture (ESAP: Ecole superieure d'agriculture de Purpan,

- Higher Agricultural Institute of Lille - Institute of Engineering Technologies for the Improvement of Local Areas (ISA- ITIAPE: Institut superieur d'agriculture de Lille - Institut des techniques de l'ingenieur en amenagement paysager de l'espace,

- Higher Agricultural Institute of the Rhone-Alps (ISARA: Institut superieur d'agriculture de Rhone-Alpes),

- Higher School of Agricultural Engineers and Technologists (ESITPA: Ecole superieure d'ingenieurs et de techniciens pour l'agriculture),

- High school of woodworking (ESB: Ecole superieure du bois).

3. National veterinary schools:

-Alfora National Veterinary School (Ecole nationale veterinaire d'Alfort),

- National Veterinary, Food and Agriculture School of Nantes (Ecole nationale veterinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation, Nantes-Atlantique),

-VetAgro Sup: Higher education and research institute in food, animal health, agronomic and environmental sciences (VetAgro Sup: Institut d'enseignement superieur et de recherche en alimentation, sante animale, sciences agronomiques et de l'environnement (Lyon),

- National Veterinary School of Toulouse (Ecole nationale veterinaire de Toulouse).

4. School of Landscape Architecture of Versailles (ENSP: l'Ecole nationale superieure du paysage de Versailles).

5. Schools of applied agriculture, including veterinary schools:

- Higher National School of Mechanisation of Agriculture, Water and Forests (ENGREF),

- National Centre for Agronomic Studies of Hot Regions (CNEARC: Centre national d'etudes agronomiques des regions chaudes),

- National School of Veterinary Services (ENSV: Ecole nationale des services veterinaires).

1. Educational centres of the third (research) cycle of study:

- Higher Institute of Food Processing (ISAA: Institut superieur de l'agroalimentaire),

- Institute for Higher Studies in Dairy Industry and Economics (IESIEL: Institut d'etudes superieures d'industrie et d'economie laitieres).

2. School for the Training of Teachers for Agricultural Education Institutions:

- Toulouse National Agricultural Training School (ENFA: Ecole nationale de formation agronomique de Toulouse) [3].

In addition, some higher agricultural engineering schools may merge with other engineering technology schools and research organisations to form National Polytechnic Institutes (INP, Institut national polytechnique).

The most important task of higher agricultural education in France is to support the productive interaction of researchers from all branches of knowledge aimed at achieving a common goal. In higher national and private engineering schools, the tradition of research ensures the broadness of the prospective specialist's outlook and creates the basis for the development of individual fields of knowledge.

One of the main tasks of agricultural education is the need to become a leading centre for the development of the local region, to be a centre for the integration of all factors that perform environmental, spiritual, educational, social, scientific and professional functions to meet the needs of the region and international cooperation.

Thus, we can state the fact that almost all components of the agricultural system are involved in the process of interaction aimed at achieving a common goal: the development of society and local territories in particular, the development of science and the latest innovative technologies, increasing the competitiveness of specialists in the labour market, and the personal and professional development of the creative potential of each specialist.

An example of a curriculum Engineer qualification (Titre inge- nieur): Engineer degree from the National Higher School of Agronomy in Toulouse (ENSAT), part of the National Polytechnic University of Toulouse [3].

Certification authority: National Higher School of Agronomy in Toulouse (ENSAT), The body responsible for the development and accreditation of the programme: Engineering Accreditation Commission.

The person responsible for signing the certification: ENSAT Director.

Qualification level and field of activity:

І (French nomenclature, approved in 1967),

7 (European nomenclature of professions).

Professional codes:

210 multidisciplinary specialist in the field of agronomy and agriculture,

211 crop production, special crops, plant protection,

118 life sciences.

Description of professional activities:

The technological component of environmental protection and improvement of living standards in rural areas requires knowledge of agronomy, agri-food technologies and earth sciences. First of all, knowledge of natural resource management (such as water, soil, biodiversity) and analysis of practical activities in the bio-physical environment is required. ENSAT aims to create highly professional engineers who are able to act efficiently and effectively in the production of animal and plant products, using their knowledge of biological and technological courses.

General sectors:

- agriculture, agronomy, agri-food technologies;

- earth sciences;

- biological sphere, medical sphere, health;

- construction and industry, logistics.

Specialised sectors:

1. Crop production (agrobiological) aspect: new technologies for the production plant base based on the study of selected specialised modules: plant genetics, plant protection, genomics and bioinformatics, production cycles of plant products.

2. Agricultural management - project management and change management: in-depth study of project management concepts, including strategic and humanistic aspects of enterprise management. Mastery of selected specialised modules based on practical actions in agricultural and local development projects.

3. Food industry - innovations and quality of agricultural products: indepth study of the scientific and technical basis for managing the processing and preservation of food products based on the rational use of living substances in agriculture.

4. Animal husbandry - specifics of the industry, production cycle and quality of animal products: study of the main areas of animal husbandry in the genesis: from animal husbandry to consumption of finished products, including processing processes and prospects for quality control.

5. Environmental sciences have two specialisations:

- Environmental protection:

conservation and recycling of water, soil, waste, etc.;

- Quality and management of natural resources: research, practical application and resource manage.

6. Production systems,

biosystems and local territories: agronomic, economic and social approaches to the development of agro- ecological systems.

Description of acquired and tested competences І. General competences for engineering specialities. Certification involves testing the following professional skills (competencies):

1. Ability to mobilise information resources from a wide range of basic sciences.

2. Knowledge and understanding of the scientific and technical components of the speciality.

3. Mastering the methods and means of engineering activities (identification and solution of problems, even those that are not clearly defined, data collection and processing, use of information technology, analysis and concept of complex systems, experimentation, etc.).

4. Ability to integrate into the organisation, manage and motivate the team for development: responsibility and leadership, project management, employment contract, establishing communication with both specialists and non-specialists in the field.

5. Analysis and consideration of the consequences of industrial, economic and professional situations: competitiveness and production, innovation, intellectual and industrial property, compliance with the quality and safety systems.

6. Ability to work internationally: knowledge of foreign languages, reliability, economic and socio-cultural awareness, experience of working abroad.

7. Adherence to and preservation of moral and social values: knowledge and building relationships in society, sustainable development and environmental protection, ethics.

ІІ. Specific competences characteristic of this particular School:

1. Knowledge of biological mechanisms and technological processes, as well as methods of their improvement in order to:

- cultivation or breeding of living organisms of plant and animal origin;

- processing of these products for food and other purposes.

2. Ability to understand, manage and design technological processes of production - processing of agricultural products on the basis of preserving the local biophysical environment (soil, water, air, climate, biodiversity, minerals):

- use;

- protection;

- reconstruction.

3. Mastery of institutional, economic, political, sociological, legal aspects of agricultural activities, as well as elements of agro-processing production at different levels: national (French),

European and global.

4. Knowledge and understanding of the specific mechanisms and economic processes of agricultural markets and economic policies of a particular agricultural sector at the national (French), European and global levels.

5. Ability to carry out research and scientific studies.

6. Ability to diagnose and analyse proposals in terms of complex issues (technological, economic, humanitarian, legal, environmental) of the production cycle "production-processing- consumption" at the level of the enterprise, industry and local development.


The training of specialists in landscape gardening is a harmonious component of the overall system of agricultural education in France. It is characterised by the following defining features: constant development of an extensive and differentiated system of educational institutions; practical and constant interconnection and mutual influence between all levels of education, including professional development; autonomy of educational institutions within national, regional and local educational programmes; innovation in the educational process and professionalisation of prospective specialists.


1. Blanchon-Caillot B. Pratiques et competences paysagistes dans les grands ensembles d'habitation. Paysage urbain: genese, representations, enjeux contemporains. 2007. № 13.

2. L'Ecole Nationale Superieure de Paysage Versailles Marseille. URL:

3. L'ecole nationale superieure agronomique de Toulouse URL: Postbac/Postbac/Occitanie/Haute-Ga- ronne/ecole-nationale-superieure- agronomique-de-toulouse-toulouse-inp.

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