Role of valeological competence as the basis of health culture and health-saving behavior of young people in the system of higher vocational education

A necessity to form a responsible attitude to health of future specialists. Social and pedagogical need to consider the problem of health education and health care as a strategic direction of education system. Valeological training of students.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 26.11.2023
Размер файла 54,6 K

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Размещено на

National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics


Movmyga Nataliia Yevhenivna PhD of Psychology, Associate

professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety

Polezhaieva Olena Viktorivna Senior Lecturer, Department of

Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation



valeological training student health

In the context of the emergence of a large number of factors (social, environmental, material and spiritual) that negatively affect the health of students in Ukraine, there is a necessity to form a responsible attitude to health of future specialists. Today, there is an urgent social and pedagogical need to consider the problem of health education and health care as a strategic direction of education system. It is the duty of educational institutions which is designed to ensure the solution of the issues of forming health-saving competencies and health culture of young people. Valeological training of students is a prerequisite for the formation of general and valeological culture of student's personality, which ensures the development of students' cognitive abilities in matters of health and healthy lifestyle through mastering the methods and techniques of cultural cognition; promotes the development of culture as a system of values, broadens the cultural outlook of students; contributes to improving the quality of professional training; enriches the professional functions of future specialists, prepares them for future activities. The authors emphasize that the process of forming students' valeological competence requires pedagogical management, which is the creation of pedagogical conditions that include the development of student's subjective position in relation to his/her health; organization of activity-oriented space that allows students to demonstrate valeological competence; provision of valeological support for the educational process in higher education institutions. The article underlines that the work on the formation of students' valeological competence consists of developing a system for monitoring the state of students' health; methodological approaches to actualizing and developing readiness for a healthy lifestyle; a system of measures to form valeological competence at the value-semantic, cognitive, motivational and emotional levels; development of a concept for coordinating the activities of resource centers for individualizing medical, psychological, socio-pedagogical influences on students. The article reveals the concepts of health culture, valeological competence, and valeological self-realization. In addition, the authors actualize the issue of valeological competence not only for students, but also for scientific and pedagogical workers. A key condition for formation of students' valeological competence is a conscious and reformed position of a lecturer. The importance and necessity of training a valeologically competent scientific and pedagogical worker today is determined by the general trend of deterioration of health of all subjects of educational process.

Key words: social and pedagogical need, health-saving competencies, valeological culture, cognitive abilities, activity-oriented space, methodological approaches, socio-pedagogical influences.


Мовмига Наталія Євгенівна кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри безпеки праці та навколишнього середовища, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», м. Харків

Полежаєва Олена Вікторівна ст. викладач кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філологи та перекладу, Харківський національний економічний університет ім. С. Кузнеця, м. Харків


В умовах виникнення в України великої кількості факторів (соціальних, екологічних, матеріальних та духовних), що негативно впливають на здоров'я студентів виникає необхідність формування у майбутніх фахівців відповідального ставлення до здоров'я. На сьогодні стоїть гостра соціально-педагогічна необхідність розглядати проблему здоров'яформування та здоров'язбереження як стратегічний напрямок діяльності системи освіти. Саме освітня діяльність навчальних закладів покликана забезпечити вирішення завдань щодо формування здоров'язберігаючих компетенцій та культури здоров'я молоді, що навчається. Валеологічна підготовка студентів є необхідною умовою формування загальної та валеологічної культури особистості студента, яка забезпечує розвиток пізнавальних здібностей студентів у питаннях здоров'я та здорового способу життя через оволодіння способами та прийомами культурологічного пізнання; сприяє освоєнню культури як системи цінностей, розширює культурний світогляд студентів; сприяє підвищенню якості професійної підготовки; збагачує професійні функції майбутнього спеціаліста, готує його до майбутньої діяльності. Автори зауважують, що процес формування валеологічної компетентності у студентів потребує педагогічного управління, яке є створенням педагогічних умов, що включають розвиток суб'єктної позиції студента по відношенню до свого здоров'я; організація діяльнісноорієнтованого простору, що дозволяє студентам виявляти валеологічну компетентність; забезпечення валеологічного супроводу виховного процесу у ЗВО. В статті підкреслено, що робота щодо формування валеологічної компетентності у студентів полягає у розробці системи моніторингу стану здоров'я студентів; методичних підходах до актуалізації та розвитку готовності до ведення здорового способу життя; системи заходів щодо формування валеологічної компетентності на ціннісно-смисловому, когнітивному, мотиваційно-діяльнісному та емоційному-вольовому рівнях; розроблення концепції координації діяльності ресурсних центрів з індивідуалізації медико-психолого-соціо-педагогічних впливів на студента. У статті розкриті поняття культури здоров'я, валеологічної компетенції, валеологічної самореалізації. Крім того, автори актуалізують питання валеологічної компетенції не тільки студентів, но і науково-педагогічних працівників. Ключовою умовою процесу формування валеологічної компетенції студентів є усвідомлена та реформована позиція педагога. Важливість та необхідність підготовки валеологічно компетентного науковопедагогічного працівника на сьогодні визначаються загальною тенденцією погіршення здоров'я всіх суб'єктів освітнього процесу.

Ключові слова: соціально-педагогічна потреба, здоров'язбережувальні компетенції, валеологічна культура, пізнавальні здібності, діяльнісноорієнтований простір, методологічні підходи, соціально-педагогічні впливи.

Formulation of the problem

Modem society is increasingly aware of the need for social, mental, and environmental well-being. The main responsibility for solving the problem of health preservation, first of all, falls on education in all its manifestations and at all its levels, as it plays the most important role in the formation of health-saving knowledge and skills of younger generation. There is an acute socio-pedagogical need to consider the problem of health formation and health saving as a strategic direction of education system. It is the activity of educational institutions that is called to provide the solution of problems on formation of healthsaving competences and culture of students's health. In conditions of emergence of a large number of factors (social, environmental, material and spiritual) in Ukraine that negatively affect students' health, there is a need to develop a responsible attitude to health of future professionals. The researches show that the process of developing students' valeological competence can be a necessary prerequisite for this process. It prompts the search for a model of educational process that can ensure the formation of valeological competence of a specialist in any field, which is the pre-requisite and becomes a general methodology for solving specific problems related to the preservation of youth health [1,2,4,5].

Tomorrow's graduates will become the active participants of social process of recovery and well-being of the country. It mainly depends on the level of health and safety culture that our students will develop during their studies and remain in force of their professional activities.

The modern science of health is characterized by a gradual shift in the health paradigm: the emphasis is transferred from the treatment of diseases to the promotion of ways to preserve and promote health; from the analysis of various symptoms of diseases to the study of health and factors of its formation, among which a special place belongs to the individual responsibility for the preservation of health, its enhancement and development. A special role in this context is played by the culturological approach, which ensures the development and self-realization of student's personality, in particular, in terms of fostering a culture of health and health-saving behavior.

In modern pedagogical science, the scientific direction of health culture is actively developing as a relatively independent and special social phenomenon. It is not just a mechanical connection of these words and concepts, but a synthesis that creates a new quality and a new meaning. If before the essence of human health was considered only from the standpoint of natural sciences, the current level of the development of science, culture, and society implies consideration of the essence of human health from a humanitarian standpoint in unity with natural sciences and culture, which may indicate the systematic and integral study of health phenomenon. Recently, the term "health culture" has attracted the attention of specialists in various fields, including educators, psychologists, physicians, and specialists in physical education and sports. Health culture is an important component of a person's general culture, which determines the formation, preservation and strengthening of his or her health. A cultured person is not only a "consumer" of his/her health, but also its "producer". A high level of health culture implies harmonious communication with nature and other people. An element of health culture is an attentive and correct attitude of a person to himself (herself), the desire for self-awareness, formation, development and self-improvement of his/her personality [6].

The culturological approach in valeological training of students is a necessary condition for the formation of general and valeological culture of student's personality. It provides the development of cognitive abilities of students in matters of health and healthy lifestyle through mastering the methods and techniques of culturological cognition; It also promotes the development of culture as a system of values, expands the cultural outlook of students, contributes to the quality of professional training and enriches the professional functions of future specialists.

In this article the authors consider the culture of health as an integrating cultural and health literacy and cultural and health preparedness, i.e. holistic education, representing the unity of the priority of health value, high activity on mastering and broadcasting professionally the profound knowledge about the ways and means of effective formation, preservation and strengthening of health [7].

Nowadays valeological training becomes one of the most important tasks of educational institutions and especially higher professional education, a necessary condition for solving the problem of health formation and health saving of students. In this context we actualize the issues of wellness training and formation of wellness competence of future graduates. An educator plays an essential role in transferring knowledge and skills of health saving to students. That is why formation of valeological competence of future specialists is a necessary and obligatory condition of their professional training.

In this article the authors consider valeological training as a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, preserving and strengthening health, careful and creative attitude to it; knowledge about health and healthy lifestyle, overcoming and preventing bad habits, methods of preservation and strengthening personal health by one's own efforts, i.e. the process that provides training students in the sphere of health formation and health preservation. It is very critical that the valeological competence becomes an integral part of professional competence of future specialists.

The development of theoretical and methodological foundations of valeological training should be aimed at solving the problem of formation, preservation, and strengthening of youth health in the context of future professional and public activity (taking into account economic, social and cultural factors), increasing the level of spiritual health, motivation for a healthy lifestyle, development of valeological values, emotional and volitional sphere, preservation of personal health by one's own efforts.

Only then the valeological training will become one of the most critical factors in solving the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of young generation. At present the only discipline, mastering which, the valeological training of students is possible, is "Safety of life activity". The study material is devoted to the basics of valeological human security and provides the formation of the need to maintain health, healthy lifestyle, science-based need to strengthen one's own health by one's own efforts in accordance with the capabilities and needs of the body using traditional and innovative methods of health improvement.

However, it is important to note that today higher education institutions of Ukraine are granted the right to independently decide and formulate curricula for the training of relevant specialists and to determine which disciplines to teach for this purpose. Today there is a problem of defining and justifying safety and health disciplines in the structure of professional training of modern specialists. The reorganization of education system in Ukraine, constant changes in the requirements for curricula and programs of different educational and qualification levels, the lack of coordinated actions between the state services dealing with security issues and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine cause the destruction of the block of disciplines in higher education institutions that provides future specialists with security factors in everyday life, in particular, "Life Safety". It can be argued that today the problem of training future specialists in safety and safe living and working conditions depends on the preferences of the university, the interest of its management and the consciousness of students [8].


Thus, the authors focus on the ways to solve the problems of valeological training and valeological education of students in higher education institutions and the formation of their valeological competence in terms of cultural approach, the availability of practical skills and abilities in the field of health care; the ability to establish links between valeological knowledge and practical actions in their future professional activities on the basis of formed value orientations to preserve and strengthen their own health.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The analysis of psychological, pedagogical and valeological literature shows that the role of valeological education and upbringing in the formation of culture of society and personality is considered in different aspects. Namely, the scientific works of V. Brekhman, V. Horashchuk, V. Bobosky, Z. Malkov, V. Zhezhekhovska, V. Tlanchuk, L. Tatarukova, Brekhman, V. Horashchuk, O. Dubohai, V. Lozynskyi, Z. Malkov, V. Orzhekhovska, M. Talanchuk, L. Tatarnikova are devoted to the study of the basics of health education. The concept of "health-saving competence" is considered in the scientific works of D. Voronin, O. Antonov, I. Anokhin, N. Tamarska, A. Markov, L. Mitin, etc. The literature review has shown that the list of key competencies of students includes both health-saving (N. Bibik, T. Boichenko, D. Voronin, O. Ovcharuk, O. Rudenko, O. Savchenko, V. Uspenov) and valeological competence (V. Azarenko, V. Bobrytska, O. Bondarenko, V. Nesterenko, V. Sydorenko). In addition, the peculiarities of conscious and value attitude to health are studied in the works of N. Denysenko, N. Zymivel, Nikiforov and many others. The development of valeological competence is studied by V. Azarenko, V. Bobrytska, O. Bondarenko, V. Nesterenko, V. Sydorenko and others. G. Ivanov, B. Maksymchuk, V. Prykhodko, I. Saluk, M. Sevriuk, M. Selezinka, I. Smolyakova, L. Stolyarenko devoted their works to the psychological and valeological aspects of health of higher education institutions students of technical specialties. The works of V. Yasinsky and Y. Zhydetsky are devoted to the formation of valeological competence of scientific and pedagogical workers.

Presenting main material

The ability to apply the latest scientific achievements, to develop the necessity and the ability to learn throughout life and to improve professional competence are in high demand by employers. However, a prerequisite for achieving the above competencies is a high or at least sufficient valeological state of future specialists. These aspects are of primary concern to future technical specialists, especially taking into account the man-made hazards and occupational exposures. Increasing the production potential of Ukraine and the Gross Domestic Product is directly related to the professional activities of technical specialists. At the same time, the pedagogy of higher education should largely take on the issue of determining and ensuring proper working conditions, formation of future specialists' internal motivation, need and culture of health. Thus, the appropriate use and increase of physical, psychological and professional resources of an individual will lead to the significant results in work, self-realization and self-development of future specialists [9].

These factors have drawn close attention of scientists to the issues of medicine, hygiene, valeology, ecology, physical education, biomedical and recently socionomic sphere - psychology, sociology, pedagogy. In particular, in the sphere of higher education pedagogy, in addition to the latest methods of forming professional competencies, there is an urgent problem of forming health-saving ones because future specialist is an intellectual, spiritual and physical carrier and a model of professional activity and life order, the applications of which are closely interconnected [9].

Modern scientists see the basis of student health, in particular, valeological competence, in acquiring theoretical and practical competencies in health improvement, valeological culture and health care, which are the most consistent with the developmental purpose of any education.

To date, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the concept of "valeological competence".

Some scientists define the concept of valeological competence as a set of valeological knowledge (valeological awareness) and skills to apply them competently in practice (valeo-literacy). In the works of other scientists, valeological competence is considered as the ability to possess the sum of valeological knowledge with scientifically based facts, ideas and concepts accumulated by mankind in the sphere of health preservation; the availability of practical skills and abilities of health preservation to establish links between valeological knowledge and practical actions in professional activities on the basis of formed value orientations to maintain and strengthen health [2,3].

In turn, the valeological competence of teachers is considered as a component of life competence, which is manifested in knowledge, values and motives, valeological position, activities for the improvement of themselves and their students [5].

Valeological competence is formed on the basis of a positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle, characterized by the active and conscious propaganda and educational activities aimed at transferring knowledge, acquiring skills and abilities of rational organization of life, an ability to bear persona, social and legal responsibility for decisions made on the choice of behavioral strategy in society to preserve their health and the health of others [1,4].

By valeological competence we understand the possession of the sum of knowledge, which includes scientific facts, ideas, concepts accumulated by mankind in the sphere of health; availability of practical skills and abilities in the field of health preservation; an ability to establish connections between valeological knowledge and practical actions in professional activity on the basis of formed value orientations on preservation and strengthening of one's own health. Being one of the social competences, wellness competence provides normal human life activity. It is formed, developed and manifested in the society and, therefore, cannot be considered outside the conditions in which all human life activities are carried out.

The core of the valeological approach is the awareness of health as a personal and social value, as the main condition for the full disclosure and realization of social potential of an individual.

In connection with the increasing decline in the level of population health in Ukraine, in particular young people, valeological competence, which means the knowledge and skills in the field of health management, becomes a priority in the structure of professional competences of future specialists (practical, social, psychological, informational, communicative).

From the point of view of activity approach the structure of student's valeological competence can be presented in the form of the following structural components: general scientific, instrumental, social-personal and general cultural.

General-science component is the ability of an individual to scientifically analyze and predict the biosocial situation - the impact of socio-cultural factors of different territories on the biosystem "Man"; the ability to identify the naturalscience essence of health-saving problems arising during the life and professional activities.

Instrumental component is a readiness to design environmentally-oriented health saving technologies for further development and maintenance of functional body systems at optimal level, improvement of basic physical qualities; readiness to work with information about health in popular scientific publications and mass media; readiness to analyze different kinds of judgments about effectiveness of traditional, new and innovative health saving technologies.

Socio-personal component is a readiness to observe the rights and responsibilities of a citizen of the country to maintain health and live a healthy lifestyle; readiness to use systematic exercise and various sports to form and develop mental qualities and personality traits necessary in socio-cultural and professional activities (moral-will, communication, organizational, leadership, self-confidence, self-discipline, citizenship, patriotism, etc.).

General cultural component is the ability and willingness to self-determination, self-improvement, self-development in the context of scientific development and changing social practice (to the revaluation of experience, analysis of physical health, capabilities, an ability to acquire new knowledge in the field of health saving, using various forms of learning, information and educational, health technologies, etc.); respect for the historical heritage and cultural traditions of health; understanding of the driving forces and patterns of a man in the historical process; understanding and analysis of worldview, socially and personally significant philosophical problems; understanding of moral duties of a man to be healthy in relation to nature, society, other people and himself; understanding of a role of valeological culture in human life activities; understanding and analysis of socio-cultural problems and processes; an ability to perceive and adequately interpret information about public health; the use of sociological knowledge in professional and social activities; understanding of the diversity of health-conscious cultures and civilizations in their interaction.

Thus, we consider the valeological competence as a new integral formation of personality based on the formed valeological competences, providing a high level of health preservation in the process of professional and personal formation.

It is reasonable to consider the formation of valeological competence of university students as an element of their professional education system, which is the process of development of valeological knowledge and skills, personal qualities, social experience, which results in readiness to personally and socially significant activity in relation to the objects of reality.

The educational process of the university, especially its educational component, has significant socio-pedagogical potential for the formation of valeological competence in students both at the level of motivation and at the level of activities and attitudes.

The model of the process of valeological competence formation among students includes the following components: motivational-valuable, cognitive, operational-activational:

-motivational-value component of wellness training of a students is aimed to ensure that wellness knowledge entered the system of views, value orientations, comprehension of the value of human health in life, penetrated the sphere of feelings, experiences; motivational-value orientations on wellness activities provide the formed vital need in it, the knowledge system about health, healthy lifestyle, physiological, psychological features of one's body, organizes and directs cognitive and practical valeological activity of the individual;

-cognitive component of valeological training of students includes a system of knowledge about health and healthy lifestyles; various methods of preserving and strengthening health in accordance with the features and needs of a body, methods of diagnostics of physical and mental state; forms an understanding of the importance of health for human life, awareness of the dependence of health on the quality of the environment; equips the dialectical approach to cognitive and practical wellness activities.

-the structure of the activity component of wellness training is presented as follows: cognitive activity: the ability to acquire knowledge about health, healthy lifestyles, ways and methods of health improvement, methods of diagnosis of physical and mental health; practical activity: the ability to organize and implement activities aimed at the formation, preservation and enhancement of health, to diagnose physical and mental health; creative activity: the ability to search for new solutions to health promotion and health saving; self-assessment of the results of wellness activities.

The unity and interaction of these components is a prerequisite for the successful professional activity of a modern teacher working in the context of various environmental problems, modernization of society, spread of unhealthy lifestyles, etc. [10].

The effectiveness of the process under the study is determined by the following conditions: development of the subjective position of a student in relation to his (her) health; organization of activity-oriented space, allowing students to show valeological competence; providing valeological support of the educational process in the university.

The process of valeological competence formation among university students needs pedagogical management, which is the creation of pedagogical conditions.

The work on the formation of valeological competence of students consists of the development of a system to monitor the health of students; methodological approaches to the actualization and development of readiness to live a healthy lifestyle; a system of measures to form valeological competence at the valuesemantic, cognitive, motivational-activational and emotional-volitional levels; development of the concept of coordination of resource centers to individualize medical, psychological, social and educational impacts on students.

In addition, the use of project-based learning technology is of a particular importance in the formation of health competence, since project activities are considered in the system of personality-oriented education and contribute to the development of such personal qualities of students as independence, initiative, purposefulness.

Designing in the educational process involves determining the activities of a lecturer and students in their personally developing professional interaction. It is important to note that the value of project technology lies in the process of obtaining the results of such activities. The use of the project method contributes to the implementation of certain pedagogical tasks faced by educatorrs: intensification of educational process, improving its efficiency and quality of student learning outcomes; systematic integration of subject tasks, development of students' experimental research skills; building an open education system that provides each participant (a teacher, a student) with their own trajectory of self-education; formation of information culture of both students and teachers [11].

The result of mastering valeological competence is the valeological selfrealization of student's personality. On the one hand, it is a condition determining the realization of creative, professional and social self-realization, as these processes are impossible in the absence of health, and on the other hand, it is an independent value. The desire to be healthy, enduring, resistant to adversities both physical and psychological. To have a beautiful body, to manage it is a normal desire of any person. Valeological self-realization of a person is characterized by full satisfaction of the need to maintain health, the compliance with the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle. Accordingly, the motivation in valeological self-realization is a system of internal and external motives that make a person carry out health-saving and healthforming activities. Motive in valeological self-realization of a person is an incitement to valeological activity connected with full satisfaction of a need in health preservation, observance of rules and norms of a healthy way of living.

We can talk about valeological self-realization of a person if:

-valeological activity of a person leads to high results in health saving and health forming;

-biological age of an individual is much less than the calendar age;

-physiological characteristics of organs and systems are preserved at a high functional level;

-individual's achievements in valeological activity arouse admiration and desire in the people around him/her to imitate him/her;

-a person experiences full satisfaction with himself/herself and the results of his/her valeological activity.

It is important to note that the key and obligatory condition for the formation of students' valeological competence is a conscious and reformed position of a lecturer.

The concept of valeological education of lecturers is one of the top priorities of modern society. It is the lecturer who is able to change the attitude of students to their own health, to help them understand modern health methods and what is the most important, to form an active life position of a valeological orientation: "I want", "I can", "I do" (I want to be healthy, I can do it, I do it). The rethinking of the subject field of valeology and the necessity to train valeologically competent scientific and pedagogical workers is actualized by the general trend of deteriorating health of all subjects of the educational process [5].


Thus, summarizing all the above, the authors believe that:

- valeological training of students in conditions of higher educational establishment is aimed at solving the following objectives: humanitarian and harmonious development of student's personality; formation of valeological orientation of student's personality, his motivation for health preservation, healthy lifestyle; development of cognitive interests and needs of students in the sphere of health formation and health saving; formation of valeological competences; ability to apply valeological knowledge in practice, development of creative abilities of students in health-improving activities. Solution of the set issue is aimed at increasing the efficiency of students' training to carry out valeological activity and all-round harmonious development of a personality, of a future specialist and professional.

- the content of valeological training of higher educational establishment students is based on scientific knowledge about health, its types, components, quality, level of health, healthy lifestyle, its components such as: the optimal organization of work and rest; favorable environmental conditions; rational, healthy diet; physical activity; giving up and prevention of bad habits; compliance with the hygiene standards and requirements; disease prevention; absence or minimization of stress factors in the environment; using traditional, new and innovative methods of wellness.

- culturological approach in valeological training of students provides: the formation of general and personal culture of health of students;

development of their cognitive interests in health and healthy lifestyle through mastering the methods and techniques of culturological knowledge; mastering culture as a system of values; broadening cultural outlook; improving the quality of professional training of future specialists; their preparation for valeological activity, their valeological self-realization.


1. Bondarenko O.M. (2008) Formation of valeological competence of students of pedagogical universities in professional training [Formuvannya valeolohichnoyi kompetentnosti studentiv pedahohichnykh universytetiv u protsesi profesiynoyi pidhotovky]: Ph.D. thesis (Pedagogical Sciences) in specialty: 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Vocational Education [Teoriya i metodyka profesiynoyi osvity] / O.M. Bondarenko - Kyiv: Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 189 p. [in Ukrainian].

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