Formation of health culture and self-preservation behavior of young people in the system of higher professional education
Progressive deterioration of the health of all population groups. Possibilities of the individual regarding self-preservation, self-knowledge and self-actualization. Analysis of the formation of a complex of qualities and abilities in an individual.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 31,0 K |
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Foreign Philology and Translation, S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
Formation of health culture and self-preservation behavior of young people in the system of higher professional education
Polezhaieva Olena Viktorivna Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy,
Movmyga Nataliia Evgenivna PhD of Psychology, Associate professor, Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety
Human health has always been a socially significant element that most acutely determines the peculiarities of modern society state, as evidenced by the results of numerous sociological studies. It is known that health is the most important value both in the life of an individual and of the whole society. In this regard, since ancient times, various aspects of health maintaining and strengthening, formation of the foundations of self-preservation behavior and a culture of health have been studied in medicine, philosophy, psychology, sociology and pedagogy. Today, there is a progressive aggravation in the health of all population groups, but the health of young people is of a particular concern, which is associated with a significant decrease in the number of this population category, deterioration of their somatic, mental and reproductive health. Health in modern society is considered as a global problem, which at the level of society determines the possibilities for survival and at the individual level as the possibilities of an individual for selfpreservation, self-knowledge and self-actualization. First of all, it is about the formation of a complex of qualities and abilities of an individual, which is aimed at self-development and connected not only with the desire to occupy a certain social position, which will allow an individual to realize himself as a social subject, revealing and improving his potential, but also to live a full life and bring a great benefit to society. Today young generation is left without reliable social reference points. The destruction of traditional forms of socialization increased the personal responsibility of young people for their fate, putting them in front of the necessity of choice, revealed the unwillingness of most of them to join new social relations. Modern social realities require a qualitative understanding of a place and role of health and self-preservation behavior in the system of values, analysis of value orientations and life practices of students as agents of social change. Such a view of the problem will open opportunities for a deeper understanding of the most significant determinants of a healthy lifestyle, differences and similarities in everyday behavior of this social group, formation of dominant self-preservation behaviors that can be formed through education. Possessing the basics of health and self-preservation behavior is the main value of young generation and requires the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge and skills acquired at the beginning of socialization in an educational establishment. It is what this article is dedicated to.
Keywords: youth, health, health culture, self-preservation behavior, value orientations, motivation, life practices of modern youth.
Полежаєва Олена Вікторівна ст. викладач кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу, Харківський національний економічний університет ім. С. Кузнеця, м. Харків
Мовмига Наталія Євгенівна кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри безпеки праці та навколишнього середовища, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут», м. Харків
Здоров'я людини завжди виступало соціально значимим елементом, що найбільш гостро визначає специфіку стану сучасного суспільства, про що свідчать результати численних соціологічних досліджень. Известно, что здоровье представляет собой важнейшую ценность как в жизни отдельного человека, так и всего общества. В связи с зтим с древнейших времен различньїе аспектьі сохранения и укрепления здоровья, формирования основ самосберегающего поведения и культури здоровья изучались в медицине, философии, психологии, социологии, педагогике. Сьогодні відзначається прогресуюче погіршення здоров'я усіх груп населення, але саме здоров'я молоді, викликає особливе занепокоєння, що пов'язано зі значним зниженням чисельності цієї категорії населення, погіршенням їх соматичного, психічного і репродуктивного здоров'я. Здоров'я в сучасному суспільстві розглядається як глобальна проблема, яка на рівні соціуму визначає можливості щодо виживання, а на індивідуальному як можливості особистості щодо самозбереження, самопізнання та самоактуалізації. Передусім йдеться про формування в особистості комплексу якостей і здатностей, які, будучи спрямовані на саморозвиток, пов'язані не тільки з прагненням зайняти певне соціальне становище, що дозволить індивідуму самореалізовуватися як соціальному суб єкту, розкриваючи та вдсконалюючи свій потенціал, але й жити повноцінним життям і приносить велику користь суспільству. На сьогодні молоде покоління залишилося без надійних соціальних орієнтирів. Руйнація традиційних форм соціалізації підвищила, особисту відповідальність молоді за свою долю, поставивши її перед необхідністю вибору, виявила неготовність більшості з них включитися в нові суспільні відносини. Сучасні соціальні реалії вимагають якісного осмислення місця та ролі здоров'я та самозбережувальної поведінки у системі цінностей, аналізу ціннісних орієнтацій та життєвих практик студентської молоді як діяча соціальних змін. Такий погляд на проблему відкриє можливості для глибшого осмислення найбільш значущих детермінант здорового способу життя, відмінностей та подібностей у повсякденній поведінці цієї соціальної групи, формування домінант самозбережувальної поведінки, які можна формувати через освіту. Володіння основами здоров'я та самозбережувальної поведінки є головною цінністю молодого покоління та вимагає засвоєння певного обсягу знань та навичок, отриманих на вході соціалізації у навчальному закладі. Чому і присвячено дану статтю.
Ключові слова: молодь, здоров'я, культура здоров'я, самозбережувальна поведінка, цінністні орієнтації, мотивація, життєві практики сучасної молоді.
Formulation of the problem
Human health has always been a socially significant element that most acutely determines the specifics of the state of modern society, as evidenced by the results of numerous sociological studies. Today, there is a progressive deterioration in health of all population groups, but the health of young people is of a particular concern, which is associated with a significant decrease in the number of this population category, deterioration of their somatic, mental and reproductive health.
The structure of the causes of sickness rate is largely determined by the way of life, its objective parameters and subjective attitude to life. That is why today the research of the rules of a healthy lifestyle and formation of self-preservation behavior are the relevant directions of preserving and strengthening health, prevention of various diseases among student youth.
Health in modern society is considered as a global problem, which at the level of society determines its possibilities for survival, and at the individual level - the possibilities of an individual for self-knowledge, self-preservation and selfactualization. First of all, it is about the formation of a complex of qualities and abilities of an individual, which are aimed at his self-development and associated with the desire to occupy a certain social position, which will allow an individual to realize himself as a social subject, revealing and improving his potential. Among such qualities the following can be distinguished: the development of an individual's need and ability for conscious self-knowledge; focus on self-identification; activities related to self-development and disclosure of one's abilities; formation of motivation for personal self-regulation; providing educational influences on the individual's ability to self-development and self-actualization throughout his life. Satisfying a person's need for creative self-realization depends crucially on his health and is the most important prerequisite for professional activity. Health is an important direction of successful self-realization of students in their future professional activity.
In addition, when entering the labor market, specialists with higher education, in addition to theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities of practical activity in the relevant field, should demonstrate an adaptability, the ability to work in critical conditions and situations of uncertainty. Among the requirements of modern employers, there are the following: an ability to quickly "react", an ability to think about the future; an ability to cope with the increasing complexity of the world; stress resistance, maintaining one's mental and physical health [1].
Thus, modern social realities require a qualitative understanding of place and role of health and self-preservation behavior in the system of values, analysis of value orientations and life practices of students as agents of social change. Such a view of the problem will open the opportunities for a deeper understanding of the most significant determinants of a healthy lifestyle, differences and similarities in the everyday behavior of this social group, formation of dominant self-preservation behavior that can be formed through education period. It is what this article is dedicated to. Mastery of the basics of health is the main value of young generation. It requires the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge and skills acquired at the beginning of socialization in an educational institution.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The methodological basis of our research from the point of view of striving for the formation of self-preservation behavior and formation of a culture of health is made up of the theoretical and empirical works of domestic and foreign scientists. Empirical study of personal aspirations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle (T. Andriuchenko, O. Vakulenko, V. Volkov, N. Dzyuba, V. Kolyada, N. Komarova, I. Pesha, N. Tilikina), formation of a culture of health care (Horaschuk V., Sedashev Ya. Kopa V.M., Lavrychenko N.), study of the specifics of psychological readiness of students to organize a healthy lifestyle (Voloshko N.I.). Special attention should be paid to studies on the formation of a valuable attitude to a healthy lifestyle among students (N.A. Bashavets, V.I. Bobrytska, I.M. Melnychuk, S. Shandruk), the spiritual need to treat one's health as a primary value ( O. Martyniv, A. Furmanov, M. Yuspa); as a complete, harmonious state, which depends on a person's observance of the optimal organization of his life (V. Prikhodko); as a state of constant awareness and responsibility of a person before himself and the environment (S.Gir); as a psychosomatic phenomenon, necessarily connected with human relationships, social self-determination, with the level of self-regulation of a person, his ways of getting out of a conflict and psychotraumatic situations (Sedasheva S., Sedashev Ya.); criteria and indicators of personal health culture based on the study of the "health culture" phenomenon (O.A. Akhverdova, V.A. Magin, V.K. Gavrilkevich, S.L. Kruk), etc.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the current issues of rethinking the place and role of health and self-preservation behavior in the value system of students, analysis of value orientations and life practices, determining the main criteria for the formation of self-preservation behavior and health culture in the sphere of higher professional education, and, accordingly, their implementation in the educational process. knowledge individual health
Presenting main material
The lifestyle of modern youth reflects the entire spectrum of social transformations of Ukrainian life, the negative impact of this phenomenon on social processes and the peculiarities of society functioning. Modern social processes have dramatically changed the social, financial and political state of young people. Recently, many youth problems have intensified, among which the most important ones are: the consequences of military actions, low living standards, unemployment and significant economic and social dependence on parents; marriage and family; low birth rate - the birth rate does not ensure reproduction of generations; material insecurity, lack of resources to improve living conditions; poor health and increasing level of social deviations; loss of ideals, social perspective, life optimism. The young generation was left without reliable social reference points. The destruction of traditional forms of socialization increased the personal responsibility of young people for their fate, putting them in front of the necessity of choice, revealed the unwillingness of most of them to join new social relations. The choice of a life path began to be determined not by the abilities and interests of a young person, but by specific circumstances.
Wide spread of harmful habits in the youth environment (smoking cigarettes, hookah, vaping, drinking beer and alcohol, hypodynamia, excessive use of sweet drinks, energy tonics, etc.), ignorance by young people the methods of self-healing, self-control, psychological self-regulation and support of their health, in particular methods of self-preservation behavior, and as a result underestimation and inattention to the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The value attitudes of students are now mainly related to the achievement of high material well-being and life success, as a result of which such significant values as health and healthy lifestyle are displaced.
In general, the value orientations and needs of young people determine their own life plans, which are refined and restructured over time. Planning the life of young people is not possible without certain motives that guide young people. These motives, as well as life plans in general, are different in different socio-professional and age groups of young people. They change with the passage of time, changes in living conditions, place of life, and circumstances. The life plans of young people are connected with the desire to occupy a certain social position, which will allow an individual to realize himself as a social subject.
That is why today the formation of a culture of health and self-preservation behavior through higher professional education is a relevant way of preserving and strengthening health, prevention of various diseases among students.
The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine has published a sociological study of the situation concerning young people in Ukraine for 2021. The research was carried out by the "4SERVICE HoLdiNg" on demand of the Ministry. The survey is devoted to the following topics: "Youth values", "Effectiveness of youth policy: evaluation by youth", "Civil and political activity of youth", "Learning, education and employment of youth", "Mobility and migration guidelines of youth", "Healthy lifestyle of youth ” and “Information needs of youth”. The choice of personal guideposts of modern youth is constructed from several spaces; the first space, the most important, consists of the desire to be healthy and feel good (75.7%), to have material well-being (58.7%) and good and reliable friends (45.8%). The research shows that young people still have a certain system of values that reflects their view of the world [2].
During 2022, in connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, according to the results of the sociological study "The impact of war on youth in Ukraine", concern for health (one's own or loved ones') increased significantly - 50% against 35% in 2021; and mental health concerns (bad mood, despondency, depression, concern, feelings of loneliness) -- 22% vs. 11% in 2021. Study participants said that a full-scale invasion had a negative impact on their health, in particular due to the limited access to health care services, especially in the first weeks of war. Bad habits appeared or returned, and some gave up good ones. Psychological health deteriorated sharply. Limited access to health care services (which was mentioned by 13% of young people) is connected not only with objective factors, such as the inaccessibility of medical facilities and medicines, but also with subjective ones - the inability to self-discipline, self-organization and self-control, psychological self-regulation [3].
Thus, it will be appropriate to focus on risk factors that play a key role.
Scientists distinguish such individual risk factors as[4,5,6,7]:
-inadequate life skills;
-lack of self-control, perseverance and skills to resist pressure from others; -low self-esteem and self-doubt;
-emotional and psychological problems;
-positive attitude towards alcohol and drug abuse;
-denial of generally accepted values and beliefs;
-inability to work successfully;
-lack of mutual understanding with the environment;
-manifestations of antisocial behavior at an early age, such as lying, theft, aggressiveness, often combined with shyness or hyperactivity.
A young person with a wide range of individual risk factors needs deeper and longer social intervention.
Young people are characterized by a close connection of psychophysical characteristics with social parameters. An uncertain social status causes deformation of lifestyles and can lead to the escalation of social tension.
In general, the social well-being of modern youth is described in categories, defining the characteristic features of youth as apathy (irresponsible hedonism and conformity) and rebellion (political or moral radicalism, crime). The general social well-being of modern youth in the last two decades is defined in terms of axiological anomie, apathy, confusion, insecurity, sense of meaninglessness and hopelessness of existence. This causes pathological phenomena of the psychological and moral character such as cynicism, indifference, the desire for primitive pleasures, the cult of pleasure (hedonism), lack of desire for intellectual and spiritual improvement, contempt for high spiritual and cultural ideals and the attractiveness of an unhealthy lifestyle. In general, the deviant behavior of young people is the result of modern society crisis .
However, the specific feature of social status of young people - its focus on the future - determines its special social significance. By imitating and reproducing the formed social relations, each new generation ensures the preservation of the integrity of society and participates in its improvement and transformation on the basis of its innovative potential. Thus the development of youth and society as a whole is carried out.
In this context, issues related to the elimination of negative trends in the youth environment (increase in various social deviations, alcoholism, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency), formation of value orientations, healthy lifestyle and selfpreservation behavior acquire special social significance.
The All-Ukrainian information and prevention campaign "Responsibility starts with me" was launched in Ukraine [8].
Its main tasks are:
-implementation of measures to popularize and establish a healthy and safe lifestyle and culture of health among young people, countering the spread of socially dangerous diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction and tobacco smoking in youth environment, in particular, identifying facts of violations of current legislation on the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to minors, carrying out information and educational work among trade establishments and population regarding responsibility for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products to minors;
-involvement of young people in acquiring knowledge, abilities, skills and other competences outside the system of education;
-creation and placement of social advertising on issues of youth development;
-involvement of young people in volunteer activities, participation in social life of local communities, in particular beautification activities, formation of a caring attitude towards the environment;
-development of partnership relations of executive authorities with institutions of civil society and local self-government bodies, private sector, mass media in order to fulfill the tasks of the action.
In addition, today this scientific direction is actively developing.
The culture of health, as a relatively independent and special social phenomenon takes one of the prior positions. Not just a mechanical connection of these words and concepts, but a synthesis that creates a new quality, a new meaning. If the essence of human health was considered only from the standpoint of natural and scientific knowledge before, now the current level of development of science, culture, and society involves consideration of the essence of human health from a humanitarian standpoint in unity with natural sciences and culture, which can testify to systematicity, integrity study of the phenomenon of health. Recently, the term "health culture" has attracted the attention of specialists in various fields, in particular teachers, psychologists, doctors, specialists in physical education and sports [5].
The culture of health is an important component of the general culture of a person, which determines the formation, preservation and strengthening of his health. A civilized person is not only a "consumer" of his health, but also a "producer" of it. A high level of human health culture presupposes harmonious communication with nature and people. An element of health culture is a person's careful and correct attitude towards himself, the desire for self-knowledge, formation, development and self-improvement of his personality. Health culture is not only the sum of knowledge, the amount of relevant skills and abilities, but also a healthy lifestyle with a humanistic orientation. The level of health culture is determined by knowledge of the reserve capabilities of the body (physical, mental, spiritual) and the ability to use them correctly [5].
Today, the culture of health determines the degree of dependence of a person's state of health on the ways he builds his own lifestyle and interacts with the surrounding world.
The health culture of a young person is understood as the integrative formation of a personality, which includes the focus on the creation of living conditions that are safe for one's own health and the health of the surrounding people, on relaying the values of health, a healthy lifestyle and methods of preservation, strengthening and formation of health, valeological education, valuable attitude to health, mastery of self-control methods of physical, social and spiritual state, health-preserving means of performing professional activities [9].
Thus, we will consider the culture of health as an integrating cultural health literacy and cultural health readiness, i.e. a holistic education, which includes the priority of the value of health and deep knowledge of the ways and means of effective formation, preservation and promotion of health.
Researchers single out the integrative characteristics of health culture, which include: valuable, intellectual, cognitive, motivational, emotional, personal, volitional and other components. Different components of health culture perform special functions (axiological, communicative, restorative, creative, diagnostic, and others). Some scientists propose the structure of health culture which represents the unity of cognitive-motivational, emotional, and communicative-volitional components (Table. 1) [10,11].
Currently, in connection with the wide spread of mass media, a general issue is that the volume of superficial knowledge acquired by future specialists is quite large. This makes special demands on the content and organization of their cognitive activity. Therefore, for the successful formation of professional knowledge, abilities and skills in any sphere, it is necessary to rely on the existing knowledge of students, activating their cognitive activity. The fulfillment of this condition becomes especially important in the formation of knowledge in the field of professional training. For the professional performance of functions in the field of operating safety, first of all, the acquired knowledge must be systematized, have a practical orientation, i.e. ensure the personal safety of specialist's activities [12].
Table 1. Criteria and indicators of personal health culture
Structural components |
Criteria |
Indicators |
Cognitive- motivational |
Cognitive |
Understanding the essence of health culture. Replenishment of knowledge about spiritual, psychophysical and social health of an individual. Awareness of health and culture as universal human values. |
Motivation |
Conscious design of life aspirations, which determine modus Vivendi - way of life. Valeological behavior that determines a healthy lifestyle. |
Emotional |
Emotional |
Emotional stability. Overcoming difficulties and mental state on an emotionally-positive background. |
Cognitive-volitional |
Communicatively effective |
Availability and scope of knowledge on the culture of communication. Manifestation of communicative tolerance. Search activity. Satisfying optimal movement mode. |
Volitional |
Striving for self-development, self-improvement and self-education. Volitional regulation of behavior, overcoming difficulties in achieving set goals. |
It is known that the same goal can be achieved in different ways. This condition determines the fact that each researcher sees the ways and elements of practical implementation of health culture in his own way. In this regard, various researchers, formulating the definition of the concept of "personal health culture", focus on various aspects of a person's mental activity. This provided grounds for highlighting several main approaches to understanding this phenomenon [5,6,7,13]:
value (axiological), in which the culture of health is understood primarily as a system of health-related values acquired by an individual;
activity - the culture of health is presented as a purposeful organized activity of an individual, the purpose of which is to preserve and strengthen health;
intellectual and informational - health culture - as a system of acquired theoretical and practical multi-disciplinary knowledge related to health; an ability to acquire and disseminate it;
integrative-personal - This approach, in our opinion, represents the most holistic and systematic view of health culture as an integrative personal formation, which is a dynamic combination of various mental functions and components of the personality, oriented towards achieving and maintaining strong health.
So, from the above definitions, we can see that the researchers, looking for an understanding of the phenomenon of "health culture", adhere to a common strategic direction focused on human health, its preservation and strengthening, but see differently the tactical elements of the practical implementation of health culture in the vital activity of a separate personality. However, despite these differences, in all given definitions, it can be seen that the culture of personal health is based on a system of higher mental functions of a person organized in a certain way, aimed at the realization of the strategic goal- the person's health.
The scientific literature suggests the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and self-preservation behavior step by step. So, these stages are: motivational-orientational, cognitive-enriching, creative-technological [5]:
-the motivational-orientation stage - the gradual "immersion" of a student in an atmosphere conducive to the emergence of deep positive experiences regarding cognitive activity, its content, forms and methods of implementation. This stage is aimed at activating the motivational sphere of future educators regarding strengthening and preserving health; formation of value orientations regarding one's own health, professional orientation of an individual.
-cognitive-enrichment stage - deepening and generalization of knowledge on health issues and its preservation, formation of a healthy lifestyle, familiarization with modern health-preserving technologies.
-creative-technological stage - aimed at activating and identifying students' abilities and needs for creative expression of knowledge, abilities and skills in practical health care activities [5].
In addition, the formation of an individual's health culture is also built taking into account an effective approach, which is characterized by the following features: organization of various types of cultural and recreational activities of an individual; an individual acts not only as an organizer of leisure time, but also as a translator of a certain amount of knowledge on the culture of health improvement; cognitive material is used as a means of mastering health care activities.
Modern scientists also highlight the concept of valeological competence. Indicators revealing the degree of valeological competence of the student are the following:
-knowledge of the theory of health culture education, which implies the understanding of the role and place of health culture in the system of public relations, in professional activity and in his personal life; the ideas about the essence of different types of health, a healthy lifestyle, the structure of health culture and the process of its formation; knowledge of factors that affect the somatic, psychological and spiritual health of a person, methods of recovery and a healthy lifestyle, psychophysical recovery, health control, methods of creating healthy living conditions;
-practical readiness to preserve, strengthen and shape one's health, which includes skills related, firstly, to the preparation of an expert on healthy lifestyle, and secondly, to the specialist's readiness to carry out health-preserving activities, thirdly, with the implementation of the process of intellectual, physical, mental and spiritual self-development of future specialists, fourthly, with the readiness of a student to relay the values of health and the experience of valeological activity, to promote a healthy lifestyle;
- mastery of methods of health self-monitoring, methods of determining the physical condition of a person and the efficiency of various body systems; an ability to diagnose the level of physical qualities development (endurance, flexibility, strength, speed and coordination abilities); diagnose the development of mental qualities (attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative potential, etc.) and the level of spiritual development of an individual; to identify the level of development of health culture; collect, store and use valeological information [9,11,13].
Thus, we found out that the basis for the formation of foundations of self-preserving behavior and health culture is a person's motivational attitude to the realization of his social, physical, intellectual and mental capabilities and abilities and ethical issues of health, which include health education preserving forms of behavior in young people thanks to the choice of the best ways to protect the body from the effects of various harmful environmental factors. In addition, it also includes moral issues of recreation, sexual behavior, educational and professional activities, etc.
Young people call health their value, but react differently to health problems and their solution, i.e., the level of awareness of the health value, responsibility for its preservation and the degree of life-saving activity differ significantly from person to person.
The motivation function is a critical structural element of the general activity system. It includes two sides: firstly, it activates all the needs of a person by the activity, secondly, it helps to evaluate the result of the overall activity. All motivating sources of a person's activity are united by the concept of motivational sphere. It includes person's needs, interests, aspirations, beliefs, drives, attitudes, etc. At the same time, social norms and rules, life principles, goals, values, and the world view system as a whole can also have a motivating force [14].
The methodological basis for positive motivation of self-preservation behavior in young people is a humanistic approach, the essence of which is to create a favorable situation for their readiness to perceive and adequately respond to the educational actions of social environment, in particular in higher professional education. The level of this readiness is characterized by the ability of young people to transform external requirements into internal motivation, behavior with their self-awareness and responsibility for their own culture.
Among the forms and methods of a healthy lifestyle formation, the priority belongs to active methods based on a democratic style of interaction, aimed at an independent search for truth and contribution to the formation of critical thinking, initiative and creativity.
It is worth adding that ensuring personal safety, i.e. safety culture, can also be considered a component of self-preservation behavior. Safety culture refers to a set of norms, beliefs, values, attitudes and assumptions that are an integral part of our daily life [15].
Today, safety culture is considered as a norm of behavior, a natural reaction, an acquired reflex of a civilized person regarding the potential possibility of a threat or danger, a correct reaction that has become an everyday habit and norm. It is the presence of such a real safety culture that becomes an indicator of the quality of society's maturity and development. At the same time, at the current stage, society is characterized by a low level of popularization of safety culture, despite the generally recognized value of human health, which is the basis of safety [16].
So, the components of safety culture are recognized:
at the individual level - a worldview, norms of behavior,
individual values and preparedness of a person in the life safety sphere;
at the collective level - corporate values, professional ethics and
morals, personnel training in the field of security;
at the social level - traditions of safe behavior, social values,
preparedness of the entire population in the life safety sphere.
Today, the safety culture should be formed and developed in specially organized educational and pedagogical activities. Namely, a rational combination of innovative forms and methods of education with traditional ones, a complex combination of general and special disciplines, solving organizational, technical, educational and methodological issues, etc. [15].
Thus, one of the urgent problems of the modern world is the formation of youth health culture. Health culture as a part of the general culture of a person, is a multi-level holistic education that includes the individual's activity aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical, mental, social and moral health of a person. The formation of a new way of thinking, taking into account the basics of health culture and self-preserving behavior by activating motivational processes, gaining knowledge by young people how to estimate their potential abilities, about their own mental and creative potential, awareness of the distinction between feasible and impossible, revealing the specifics of self-cognitive and self-organizing technologies, etc. is extremely important and necessary in the system of higher professional education.
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