Formation of foreign language communicative competence of future policemen and lawyers
Outline of the theoretical characteristics of the concept of foreign language communicative competence in the system of higher legal educational institutions. The peculiarity of the implementation of the NATO language standard in the educational process.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.11.2023 |
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Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs
Formation of foreign language communicative competence of future policemen and lawyers
Chernionkov Yaroslav Olexandrovych Ph.D in Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Foreign Languages Department, Associate Professor
This study was conducted to define and outline the main theoretical characteristics of the concept of «foreign language communicative competence» in a system of high legal educational institutions. The author researched, analyzed and determined the leading role and conceptual impact of studying the discipline the «Foreign language for specific purposes», implementation of the NATO language standard (STANAG 6001) in the educational process and the participation of cadets in various activities on the formation of foreign language communicative competence of the future police officer and lawyer. Some of the main components of the created formation system of the studied entity at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs have been emphasized.
It was noted that Future Policemen and Lawyers Foreign Language Communicative Competence can be defined: as a complex integrative whole that provides competent professional communication in the language of a specialty in the context of intercultural communication; as the ability of future specialists in the field of legal and law enforcement activities to apply their foreign languages knowledge in any situation according to professional activity.
The following system of future specialists in the field of law and law enforcement activity formation of foreign language communicative competence has been worked out: studying a foreign language within the discipline «Foreign Language for Specific Purposes»; participation in quests, coworkings, workshops; participation in the Discussion Club; participation in International program CEPOL; participation in cadets' scientific conferences of various levels; implementation of the NATO language standard «STANAG 6001» in the educational process.
The purpose of the discipline “Foreign language for specific purposes” is to form the ability for intercultural communication, which, in the case of future lawyers and policemen, has a professional direction, and is implemented on the basis of the formation of intercultural communicative competence. The author outlined the main types of exercises in foreign language classes in the professional training and preparation of future policemen (pre-text, text, post-text, communicative, written and listening).
Keywords: competence, foreign language communicative competence, formation of foreign language communicative competence, foreign language for specific purposes, higher legal educational institutions, cadets, future police officers and law experts, NATO language standard, classroom and extra-auditory communicative activities, created system.
Черньонков Ярослав Олександрович Ph.D, кандидат педагогічних наук, завідувач кафедри іноземних мов, доцент, Донецький державний університет внутрішніх справ, м. Кропивницький,
Дане дослідження було проведено з метою визначення та окреслення основних теоретичних характеристик поняття «іншомовна комунікативна компетентність» в системі вищих юридичних навчальних закладів. Автором досліджено, проаналізовано та визначено провідну роль та концептуальний вплив вивчення дисципліни «Іноземна мова професійного спрямування», впровадження мовного стандарту НАТО (STANAG 6001) у навчальний процес та участь курсантів у різноманітних заходах з питань формування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності майбутнього поліцейського та юриста. Наголошено на деяких основних складових створеної системи формування досліджуваного суб'єкта в Донецькому державному університеті внутрішніх справ.
Зазначалося, що іншомовну комунікативну компетентність майбутніх поліцейських та юристів можна визначити: як складну інтегративну цілісність, що забезпечує компетентне професійне спілкування мовою спеціальності в контексті міжкультурної комунікації; як здатність майбутніх фахівців у сфері правової та правоохоронної діяльності застосовувати знання іноземних мов у будь-якій ситуації відповідно до професійної діяльності.
Розроблено таку систему формування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності майбутніх фахівців у галузі права та правоохоронної діяльності: вивчення іноземної мови в рамках дисципліни «Іноземна мова професійного спрямування»; участь у квестах, коворкінгах, майстер-класах; участь у Дискусійному клубі; участь у Міжнародній програмі CEPOL; участь у курсантських наукових конференціях різного рівня; впровадження в навчальний процес мовного стандарту НАТО «STANAG 6001».
Метою навчальної дисципліни «Іноземна мова професійного спрямування» є формування здатності до міжкультурної комунікації, яка у майбутніх юристів та поліцейських має професійне спрямування та реалізується на основі формування міжкультурної комунікативної компетентності. Окреслено основні види вправ на заняттях з іноземної мови у професійній підготовці майбутніх поліцейських (дотекстові, текстові, післятекстові, комунікативні, письмові та аудіювання).
Ключові слова: компетентність, іншомовна комунікативна компетентність, формування іншомовної комунікативної компетентності, іноземна мова професійного спрямування, вищі юридичні навчальні заклади, курсанти, майбутні поліцейські та правознавці, мовний стандарт НАТО, аудиторна та позааудитна комунікативна діяльність, створений система.
Defining of the problem and the analysis of the last researches and publications. During the period of Martial Law, Europeanization and integration processes of our country with EU, modem society is in great need of competitive specialists who are ready to communicate in foreign language in their professional specialty. Nowadays, knowledge of a foreign language ensures an increase in the level of professional competence of a specialist, in particular future policemen, lawyers and law enforcement officers. Therefore, innovative aspects of foreign language teaching for future specialists in the legal sphere are extremely relevant. Competent selection of the content of teaching foreign language communication, taking into account professional specifics, features of the subject area of functioning of the language of the specialty is one of the factors that contribute to the effective organization of the educational process.
Many researchers at the present stage of development of science pay great attention to the definition of competencies, classification and structuring of their different types and directly determine the essence of the competence approach. The concept of «competence» can be understood as a combination of knowledge, practical skills and competencies that determine the ability of the learner to successfully pursue professional and educational activities in the future. Competence is the ability to show professional personal qualities, the ability to effectively establish business relationships, quickly and adequately adapt to needs and changes, systematically improve the level of skills. «Foreign Language Competence» is a set of knowledge, skills and competences that ensure effective communication in a foreign language, namely the ability to understand the language, speak clearly, adequately and spontaneously respond to the request for communication, change the range of communication, successfully use foreign language both in professional activity and for self-education [6, 97-101].
The analysis of scientific sources on the problem of research indicates a considerable interest in the issue of learning foreign languages in Europe and Ukraine in particular. The works of Ukrainian scientists O. Bihych, V. Derkach, N. Halskova, L. Zablotska, N. Lavrychenko, O. Maslyko and others have been devoted to this problem. In modern science, various aspects of the competence approach in the field of foreign languages have been studied by such authors as N. Bibik, L. Vashchenko, O. Lokshyna, O. Ovcharuk, L. Parashchenko, N. Kuzmina, O. Polunina, V. Rybalka, V. Sayuk, K. Sharapenko and others. V. Aitov, N. Artikutsa, P. Atutov, O. Badurka, H. Borozenets, O. Herasymenko, O. Hrosh, D. Demchenko, H. Kozlakova, N. Kostenko, T. Kostiukov, L. Nahorniuk, N. Nychkalo, A. Petrova, O. Poliakov, Y. Pradid, M. Pradivliannyi, Sekret, A. Waters have dealt with the problems of improving vocationally oriented learning of foreign languages. However, the problem of the formation of the foreign language communicative competence of future lawyers and policemen remains insufficiently studied.
Problematic aspects of training specialists for bodies of internal affairs of Ukraine, and now of the National Police, represented by the weighty specialists in administrative law, pedagogy, service and combat activity of the law enforcement activity, etc. Among others it is worth noting the research of such specialists, as O. Bandurko, V. Glukhover, R. Kalyuzhny, A. Manzhula, V. Petkov, O. Sinyavska, O. Chervyakov. Along with that further reform of the National Police of Ukraine requires the introduction of new standards of police training, in particular foreign languages. So the problems related to the development of foreign languages communicative competence of law enforcement students still remain unsolved.
In our opinion, Future Policemen and Lawyers Foreign Language Communicative Competence can be defined as a complex integrative whole that provides competent professional communication in the language of a specialty in the context of intercultural communication; as the ability of future specialists in the field of legal and law enforcement activities to apply their foreign languages knowledge in any situation according to professional activity.
So the main goal of a discipline «Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes» for future police officers and legal specialists is: increasing the general level of knowledge of a foreign language according to generally accepted European standards; formation of writing, reading, communication and listening skills through classroom and non-auditory classes; formation of professionally oriented lexical awareness; formation of intercultural communicative competence of law and law enforcement specialists [9, 173-178].
However, the problem of future lawyers and policemen5 forming the foreign language communicative competence in the process of learning foreign languages remains insufficiently researched in the field of modern pedagogical science. This determined the relevance of the study.
The purpose of writing the article is:
-to analyze the conceptual role and qualitative impact of cadets' participation in a variety of language training activities for the formation of their communicative competence;
-to analyze the essence of the concepts of «competence», «foreign language communicative competence», «future policemen and lawyers foreign language communicative competence»;
- to investigate theoretical and practical conceptual foundations of the studied theme at the Institutions of High Legal Education.
The main material of the study. The scope of state policy on the development of the English language in higher education in Ukraine includes:- Teaching English as a foreign language, including English for Special Purposes (ESP); - Teaching professional disciplines in English as part of the Ukrainian- language program (English as Medium of Instruction for Ukrainians (EMI-u);- Providing a full educational program in English for foreign students (English as Medium of Instruction for Foreigners - EMI-f) [7, 171-175].
At the Department of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Specialist Training for Pre-Trial Investigation Units of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs (Kropyvnytskyi), we see the following system of formation of foreign language communicative competence of future specialists in the field of law and law enforcement:
/ studying a foreign language within the discipline «Foreign Language for Specific Purposes»;
/ participation in quests, coworkings, workshops;
^ participation in the Discussion Club;
^ participation in International program CEPOL;
^ participation in cadet scientific conferences of various levels;
/ implementation of the NATO language standard «STANAG 6001» in the educational process.
The main goal of the discipline «Foreign Language for Specific Purposes» is to form the ability for intercultural communication, which, in the case of future lawyers, has a professional direction, and is implemented on the basis of the formation of intercultural communicative competence. The latter, in turn, is defined as such a level of possession of speech, language, socio-cultural and professional subject knowledge, skills and abilities in native and foreign languages, which allows communicatively acceptable intercultural communication and the opportunity to undergo internships in other countries.
Teaching English in a professional direction should be carried out in parallel with special training. In order to teach legal English to cadets, it is necessary to use a specific legal context, since there is a close connection between the language and specific legal systems and their peculiarities [5,101-104].
Thus, the basis of the organization of the process of training future lawyers in a foreign language based on the ideas of the competence approach as a special didactic system is the strategic goal, which is formulated as follows: the formation of foreign language communicative and translation competence of future lawyers [4, 223-230].
For a police officer, whose job is one of the most important in the world: to serve and protect people, knowledge of a foreign language is an integral part of the professional performance of tasks. So the system needs to approach this issue more deeply and direct the desire of the police officer to conscientiously study the language in order to acquire a higher level of qualification [2].
For example, the mastery of various reading strategies by future lawyers and policemen is fundamentally important for the professional activity of specialists of this field, as it is determined by specific communicative and cognitive tasks (description of the place, time, event, characteristics of the participants in the case, protocols) requires the mastery of the reading strategy [1, 94-98].
As part of our research, we will show the process of learning foreign languages at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs (Kropyvnytskyi). In foreign language classes, teachers introduce textbooks: «Police» (John Taylor, Jenny Dooley) for future specialists in Law Enforcement (policemen); «Law» (John Taylor, Jenny Dooley) for future specialists in Law, which are tied to the MIA OSVITA system. The main textbooks, according to which the process of learning a foreign language takes place, are structured in such a way that the first book = level B1, in turn, book 2 = level B2, and already book 3 = level C1 (generally accepted levels). Each Book consists of Essential Vocabulary, 15 Units, audio recordings for each unit and Glossary. Methodical manuals reflect the lexical, phonetic and grammatical aspects of each unit of the main textbooks.
Each unit has a fixed structure: pre-text exercises, text exercises, post-text exercises; listening exercises; communicative exercises; written exercises.
Pre-text exercises: e.g., «Before you read the passage, talk about these questions» are aimed at forming and developing the skills of guessing and language improvisation, setting up students / cadets for speaking in a foreign language.
Text exercises: e.g. «Read and translate the wanted poster» are aimed at forming and developing the skills of reading and translating foreign language professional texts with further understanding of their essence.
Post-text exercises: e.g. «Mark the statements as true or false», «Match the words with the definitions», «Fill in the blanks with correct words and phrases from the word bank» are aimed at checking the understanding of the read passage by students / cadets and developing their knowledge activation skills.
Listening exercises: e.g. «Listen to a conversation», «Check the
characteristics mentioned in the conversation», «Listen again and complete the conversation», «Listen and choose the correct answer», are aimed at forming and developing the skills of listening to foreign language professional texts.
Speaking exercises: e.g. «With a partner, act out / dramatize the roles below based on the conversation» are aimed to form and develop foreign language speaking skills.
Writing exercises: e.g. «Use the conversation to write a search summary», «Use the conversation to write an officer's description of the crime scene», «Use the conversation to write the captain's order», «Use the conversation to write a police report» are aimed to form and develop foreign language writing skills [9, 173-178]. communicative competence educational
The conditions for professionally oriented foreign language training for students of law faculties and universities are the need to familiarize them with the general and legal terminology of law, read authentic texts, form in them the skills of independent work to create an individual dictionary, master the skills of oral professional communication using examples of the most common situations of everyday communication, necessary for professional communication [3, 240-255].
Dialogical and polylogical speaking. It is proposed to conduct online-regime "Students (2 or more play) ^ Students (2 or more check both grammar and pronunciation) ^ Teacher (organizes and corrects everything)". The drawback is that students can cheat and peep into their notes. Also a significant disadvantage is the lack of eye-to-eye contact with the interlocutor, because it reduces the emotionality of speech and increases the likelihood of unnecessary pauses. Among the positive moments we can see that students develop skills not only in dialogical and polylogical speaking but also in checking vocabulary, phonetics and grammar. A significant advantage is the constant student involvement in the process of communicative interaction. The ultimate goal is the formation of communicative dialogical and polylogical competence. Monological speaking. It is proposed to conduct online -regime "Student 1 (plays) ^ Student 2 (checks both grammar and pronunciation) ^ Teacher (organizes and corrects everything)". The downside is that students can cheat and peek into their notes. Among the positives we can see that students develop skills not only in making up and reproducing monologues but also in checking vocabulary and grammar. A significant advantage is the constant student involvement in the process of communicative interaction. The ultimate goal is the formation of communicative monological competence. Video broadcasting. It is proposed to conduct online-regime "Student 1 (records video at home) ^ Student 1 (presents his video) ^ Student 2 (corrects mistakes) ^ Students (discuss video presentation) ^ Teacher (organizes and corrects everything)". The disadvantage is that students can cheat and peek into their notes. Also a significant disadvantage is the poor internet for video presentation and poor video quality. Among the positives we can see that students develop skills not only in making up and reproducing monologues but also in checking vocabulary and grammar. A significant advantage is the constant student involvement in the process of communicative interaction. Another advantage is that the student who presents the video can see himself from the side (pros and cons). The ultimate goal - the formation of communicative monological competence [11, 349-351].
Participation in quests, coworkings, workshops. We understand the educational method «Quest» of teaching foreign language for future police officers and lawyers as an educational and playful means of learning a foreign language, during which future police officers can activate lexical, grammatical, phonetic skills and abilities. It is characterized by the presence of several locations, during which cadets can also improve their physical skills and raise the level of motivation to master a foreign language.
Our QUEST has three locations: «Lexical stop on demand», «Grammar pursuit of the suspect» and «Artistic incident on the street». A platoon of cadets is divided into two teams, each of which runs its own route. The team that reaches the finish line first without mistakes wins.
The main task of the teams at the first location, in addition to physically getting to the given point faster, is to solve the active vocabulary crossword for the topic being studied.
The main task of the teams at the second location is to perform grammar exercises such as: «Fill in the blanks», «Find mistakes», etc.
The main task of the teams at the third location is role-playing various situations of both a criminal and everyday nature, which are studied in foreign language classes (stopping a criminal by the police, inspecting a crime scene, a court hearing, a hotel theft, a missing person, etc.). The quest ends by awarding the winners with a sweet prize.
We understand the educational method «Coworking» of teaching foreign language for future police officers and lawyers as an educational and playful means of learning a foreign language, during which future police officers can form, activate and develop their own communicative skills and abilities (monological, dialogical, polylogical, group), which will lead to an increase in the level of foreign language communicative competence.
We will give an example of a CO WORKING that we conduct in our classes on any topic. Our co-working session was dedicated to the International Day of Peace (September 21). The teacher presents several videos for the cadets' discretion, which reveal the essence of this day, and tells about the history of its origin and ways of celebration in our country and abroad. Then, in a calm, comfortable atmosphere with tea and sweets, the cadets discuss the topicЃsWhat is the PEACE for me? »* This year this issue is extremely relevant and has a variety of colors.
We understand the educational method «Workshop» as an educational seminar or series of meetings emphasizing interaction and exchange of information among a usually small number of participants.
Thus, the method of conducting creative WORKSHOP has the following positive aspects: 1) it increases students' motivation and interest in learning;
organizes a psychologically comfortable atmosphere during classes; 3) requires active communication between the student and the teacher, which helps to improve the results and quality of education; 4) provides an opportunity to use the student's creative potential; 5) develops new skills and abilities during independent work; 6) forms new professional skills and abilities; 7) uses all types of speech activity; 8) activates mutual stimulation of students; 9) ensures involuntary memorization of new vocabulary; 10) provides an opportunity to combine different areas of foreign language learning.
The educational session with the workshop takes place in several stages. At the first stage, cadets are divided into several groups and given tasks, for example: «Court session», «Interrogation of witnesses», «Analysis of a car accident», etc.
The second stage is characterized by the fact that the cadets independently assign roles at home and write and study lines.
The third, main stage is the presentation of the situation at the lesson. The task of the other two teams at the end is to correct lexical, grammatical, phonetic and situational errors, if they notice and can correct them [8, 178-182].
2. Participation in the Discussion Club. The teachers of Foreign Languages Department of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs conducted large- scale preparation for the discussion club5s creation in several stages:
Stage I - implementation of dialogic and monologic speech in each lesson;
Stage II - implementation of small discussion questions at each lesson;
Stage III - implementation of the practical component (binary classes, meetings with native speakers);
Stage IV - creation of the "English Discussion Club" at the university.
All stages are interconnected and complement each other. During the first three stages, the knowledge, abilities and skills of first (bachelor) level higher education students were monitored. This ended with the selection of a group of first- year students (the wishes of cadets and students coincided with their results). We plan to work with this group of discussion club participants throughout the 4 years of studying.
Participants of the DISCUSSION CLUB (cadets/students of all 4 faculties of the university) meet once a month. Sometimes guests are invited who are not among the teachers of foreign languages department. The relaxed atmosphere of the discussion club encouraged the participants (cadets and students of faculties No. 1, 2, 3, 4) to actively discuss in English. During which the cadets presented their vision of their own future profession and ways to improve a foreign language. The topics of the meetings were: «NATO Language Standards», «CEPOL», «The European Court of Human Rights», «The Red Cross Mission» and other.
The participants of the event «NATO Language Standards», were presented with: general characteristics of NATO language standards; foreign language proficiency levels according to NATO standards with their differentiation; basic provisions of the language standard STANAG 6001; requirements for preparing and passing the test exam from this standard.
The topic of the next meeting was «CEPOL». Participants were introduced to the main characteristics and facts of this organization; the main mission and values of CEPOL; types, directions (categories) of education and exchange of experience. During the discussion, the cadets were able to choose the field of study that they liked the most. Also, all participants of the English Discussion Club were able to register for participation in the international CEPOL program right at the meeting, using computers and their gadgets.
«The European Court of Human Rights» became the next topic of the English Discussion Club. English versions of some high-profile cases that fall under the jurisdiction of this judicial body were distributed to club members two weeks before the meeting. During the meeting, the participants were introduced to the structure of the European Court of Human Rights. Some cadets presented abbreviated versions of these cases and decisions on them and all together discussed the legal component of each case. These are such cases, for example: "CASE OF KUZNETSOV AND OTHERS v. UKRAINE", "CASE OF BABIN v. UKRAINE", "CASE OF DUBAS v. UKRAINE".
One of the topics was «The Red Cross Mission». The cadets of DonSUIA discussed the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross, key dates, facts, structure, wartime activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the cooperation of its representatives with the university, the role of the Red Cross in modern conditions, assistance to deported children, and support for doctors [10, 48-50].
Participation in International program CEPOL. All teachers of the Foreign Languages Department and a certain group of cadets are registered on the «CEPOL-LEEd» platform and participate in webinars and seminars.
Participation in cadet scientific conferences of various levels. All teachers of the Foreign Languages Department and a certain group of cadets (participants of department5s scientific circle) take active part in different conferences.
Implementation of the NATO Language Standard «STANAG 6001» in the educational process. The aim of this standard is to provide NATO forces with a table describing language proficiency levels. Participating nations adopt the table of language proficiency levels for the purpose of: a) Communicating language requirements for international staff appointments; b) Recording and reporting, in international correspondence, measures of language proficiency; c) Comparing national standards through a standardized table while preserving each nation's right to maintain its own internal proficiency standards. The given detailed definitions of the proficiency levels of the commonly-recognized language proficiency skills: «listening», «speaking», «reading», and «writing» [12].
In our practical activities, we distinguish several levels of foreign language proficiency according to the given standards:
NO PROFICIENCY. No practical ability to maintain any of these skills.
SURVIVAL. Able to understand and maintain simple skills.
FUNCTIONAL. Sufficient comprehension to read and to understand conversations; able to communicate and write in everyday social and routine workplace situations, correspondence and related documents, such as memoranda, brief reports, and private letters, on everyday topics.
PROFESSIONAL. Able to understand and participate most formal and informal speech on practical, social, and professional topics; can use the written language for essay-length argumentation, analysis, hypothesis, and extensive explanation, narration, and description.
EXPERT. Demonstrates strong competence in reading newspapers, magazines and professional literature written for the well-educated reader; can prepare highly effective written communication in a variety of prose styles, even in unfamiliar general or professional-specialist areas.
HIGHLY-ARTICULATE NATIVE. Comprehension and speaking proficiency equivalent to that of the well-educated native listener and speaker; reading and writing proficiency is functionally equivalent to that of a well-educated native reader and writer [13].
The most spoken language standard now is STANAG 6001. STANAG (Standartization Agreement, Standart NATO) is an international agreement valid in NATO countries and partner countries. One of the many agreements in this treaty, namely STANAG 6001, deals with foreign language proficiency standards for military personnel. According to the STANAG standard, testing is carried out and a corresponding certificate is issued. In Ukraine, the exam is conducted in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine:
-candidate applies to be sent to work abroad as part of national contingents, national personnel, multinational military administration bodies, in foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine, international organizations, for training;
-candidate holds a position that requires the use of a foreign language, or is in the reserve of candidates for such a position;
-candidate participates in international events.
We understand, that successful passing of the exam indicates that a cadet/student has a foreign language at a level sufficient for foreign language communication in certain professional fields. The main teaching method in exam preparation courses is the communicative method. Therefore, in the process of teaching English to future law enforcement specialists at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, we pay special attention to the formation of their foreign language communicative competence. Every month, in addition to dialogical/monological speaking at practical classes, we hold meetings with native speakers that have a practical component of studying. In particular, cadets and students had the opportunity to receive and discuss information on the following topics: «Los Angeles Police», «Court Procedure», «Police K-9 Units» and many others [8, 178-182].
Conclusions and prospects for further researches
Therefore, the implementation of the system of forming foreign language communicative competence will improve the continuous studying of modern higher legal institutions' cadets and achieve high performance. A foreign language has an important applied value for future policemen, lawyers, for whom the language is a kind of «professional weapon». It also has the special significance of the professional component of foreign language learning for future lawyers as the basis of intercultural professional communication in the context of modern international integration processes and academic mobility of students. Further studies we see in the future analysis of the NATO language standard.
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7. Chernionkov Yaroslav. (2021). [Conceptual theoretical characteristics of distance studying of foreign languages at non-linguistic faculties]. Academic notes / Ed. Board: V.F. Cherkasov, V.V. Radul, N.S. Savchenko, etc. - Edition 199. Series: Pedagogical Sciences.- Kropyvnytskyi: EPC of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, - P. 171-175
8. Ghernionkov Yaroslav. (2022). [Modern and Fashionable Methods of Studying Foreign Languages at Non-Linguistic Faculties on the Example of Training Future Police Officers]. Suchasni metodyky navchannia inozemnykh mov i perekladu v Ukraini ta za yii mezhamy: zbirnyk materialiv IV Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (Pereiaslav, 30 lystopada 2022 roku) / Hol. red. K.I. Mizin; Universytet Hryhoriia Skovorody v Pereiaslavi. Pereiaslav, 2022.- S. 178-182.
9. Chernionkov Y., Vasiutynska Ye. (2023). [Foreign Languages Teaching of Future Police Officers During War Period]. Naukovi zapysky / Red. kol.: V. F. Cherkasov, O. A. Bida, N. I. Shetelia ta in. Vypusk 1. Seriia: Pedahohichni nauky: Uzhhorod: vydavnytstvo «RIK-U». 2023. - № 3 - C. 173-178.
10. Chernionkov Yaroslav.(2023). [Foreign language training of future law enforcement officers: discussion club]. Aktualni pytannia rozvytku komunikatsii v profesiinii diialnosti pravookhoronnykh orhaniv: vyklyky KhKhI stolittia: Materialy Mizhvuzivskoi naukovo- praktychnoi konferentsii (24 kvitnia 2023 roku). Odesa: OdUVS, 2023. C. 48-50.
11. Chernionkiov Yaroslav. Foreign language communicative activity in terms of distance education at non-linguistic faculties. Book of abstracts of the Sixth Internet Conference Proceedings "Foreign language in professional training of specialists: issues and strategies. - 2022.- рр. 349-351.
12. STANAG 6001. [Electronic resource].
13. What is StAnAG 6001? [Electronic resource].
1. Зубенко, В. О. Інноваційні аспекти викладання іноземної мови для майбутніх юристів в умовах змішаного навчання / В. О. Зубенко // Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 5: Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи : зб. наук. праць. - Київ: Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2020.- Вип. 75 (т. 1) - С. 94-98.
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3. Наталія Назаренко, Лілія Рабійчук. Формування навичок професійного спілкування майбутніх юристів у процесі вивчення іноземної мови / Наталія Назаренко, Лілія Рабійчук // Збірник наукових праць Національної Академії прикордонної служби України, серія: педагогічні науки. - №2 (17), 2019. - С. 240-255.
4. Полякова Г. П. Особливості організації навчання майбутніх юристів іноземної мови професійного спрямування на засадах компетентнісного підходу / Г. П. Полякова // Науковий вісник Південноукраїнського національного педагогічного університету імені К. Д. Ушинського. - Одеса: ПНПУ ім. К. Д. Ушинського. - 2015. - №3. - С. 223-230.
5. ЃZавка І.В., Яремеко. Т.І. Особливості викладання іноземної мови за професійним спрямуванням для майбутніх фахівців у галузі права / І.В. Савка, Т.І. Яременко // Інноваційна педагогіка. - Випуск 21. Т. 3, 2020. - С. 101-104.
6. Bukhinska Tetiana, Hladkoskok Lesia, Melnyk Olena. Formation of Foreign-Language Communicative Competence of Future Lawyers Using Interactive Technologies / Bukhinska Tetiana, Hladkoskok Lesia, Melnyk Olena // Young Scientist. - No. 1 (77). - January, 2020.- P. 97-101.
7. Ghemionkov Yaroslav. Gonceptual Theoretical Characteristics of Distance Studying of Foreign Languages at Non-Lingiustic Faculties / Yaroslav Chernionkov // Academic notes / Ed. Board: V.F. Cherkasov, V.V. Radul, N.S. Savchenko, etc. - Edition 199. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. - Kropyvnytskyi: EPC of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, 2021. - P. 171-175
8. Ghernionkov Yaroslav. Modern and Fashionable Methods of Studying Foreign Languages at Non-Linguistic Faculties on the Example of taining Future Police Officers // Сучасні методики навчання іноземних мов і перекладу в Україні та за її межами: збірник матеріалів IV Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Переяслав, 30 листопада 2022 року) / Гол. ред. К.І. Мізін; Університет Григорія Сковороди в Переяславі. Переяслав, 2022.- 178-182. (Електронна книга).
9. Chernionkov Y., Vasiutynska Ye. Foreign Languages Teaching of Future Police Officers During War Period. / Yaroslav Chernionkov, Yelena Vasyutynska // Наукові записки / Ред. кол.: В. Ф. Черкасов, О. А. Біда, Н. І. Шетеля та ін. Випуск 1. Серія: Педагогічні науки: Ужгород: видавництво «РІК-У». 2023. - № 3 - C. 173-178.
10. Chernionkov Yaroslav. Foreign language training of future law enforcement officers: discussion club / Yaroslav Chernionkov ъhъh Актуальні питання розвитку комунікації в професійній діяльності правоохоронних органів: виклики ХХІ століття: Матеріали Міжвузівської науково-практичної конференції (24 квітня 2023 року). Одеса: ОДУВС, 2023. C. 48-50.
11. Chernionkiov Yaroslav. Foreign language communicative activity in terms of distance education at non-linguistic faculties. Book of abstracts of the Sixth Internet Conference Proceedings "Foreign language in professional training of specialists: issues and strategies. - 2022.- рр. 349-351.
12. STANAG 6001. [Electronic resource].
13. What is STANAG 6001? [Electronic resource].
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