Defining foreign language communicative competence within the context of professional training for prospective officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at higher military educational institutions

The role of foreign language communicative competence in the professional training of future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Assessment of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Pedagogical methods of teaching foreign languages.

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Дата добавления 26.11.2023
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Defining foreign language communicative competence within the context of professional training for prospective officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at higher military educational institutions

Nagachevska Olena Oleksandrivna Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Nagachevskyi Viacheslav Yosypovych Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, the Head of the Department of Engineering Equipment, Faculty of Support Forces, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv

Semiv Galyna Oleksandrivna Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Rocket Artillery Armament, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv


The article deals with the problem of defining foreign language communicative competence within the context of professional training for prospective officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is proved that linguistic competency is essential for their professional education and training at higher military educational institutions. The study included a combination of theoretical and empirical research approaches. It has been determined that professional military education refers to a specific kind of military education that is designed to enhance the professional skills of military personnel and provide them with the requisite competencies required for their service-related activities. The educational framework is established in a hierarchical manner, consisting of L-courses designed for officers serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The curriculum encompasses a comprehensive range of components, including foundational courses, tactical instruction, foreign language education, legal and ethical studies, language, cultural, and social studies, strategic and operational analysis, scientific research elements, simulations and war games, field exercises and practical applications, professional internships, and ongoing assessment. According to the STANAG 6001 guidelines, there are four distinct levels designated for hearing, speaking, reading, and writing skills. It is indicated that within the realm of advanced military education, the term "Foreign Language Communicative Competence" (FLCC) pertains to the aptitude of military students to effectively engage in communication. The present study presents a set of pedagogical techniques and tactics that are deemed useful for the instruction of foreign languages.

Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, foreign language training, communicative competence, professional training for prospective officers, higher military educational institutions, STANAG 6001 guidelines.


Нагачевська Олена Олександрівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», м. Львів,

Нагачевський В'ячеслав Йосипович кандидат технічних наук, доцент, начальник кафедри інженерної техніки, факультет Сил підтримки, Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, м. Львів

Семів Галина Олександрівна кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри ракетно-артилерійського озброєння, факультет ракетних військ і артилерії, Національна академія сухопутних військ імені гетьмана Петра Сагайдачного, м. Львів


У статті розглядається проблема визначення іншомовної комунікативної компетенції в контексті професійної підготовки майбутніх офіцерів Збройних Сил України. Доведено, що лінгвістична компетентність є необхідною для професійної освіти та навчання у вищих військових навчальних закладах. Дослідження проводилося із застосуванням теоретичних та емпіричних дослідницьких підходів. Встановлено, що професійна військова освіта відноситься до конкретного виду військової освіти, призначеного для підвищення професійних навичок військовослужбовців і надання їм необхідних компетенцій, вагомих для їхньої службової діяльності. Освітня платформа має ієрархічну форму та складається з L-курсів, призначених для офіцерів, які проходять службу в Збройних Силах України. Навчальна програма охоплює широкий спектр компонентів, зокрема базові курси, тактичну підготовку, технічну та спеціалізовану підготовку, розвиток навичок менеджменту та лідерства, тренування з фізичної підготовки, навчання іноземних мов, правові та етичні дослідження, мовні, культурні та соціальні дослідження, стратегічний та оперативний аналіз, елементи наукового дослідження, моделювання та військові ігри, польові навчання та практичне застосування, професійне стажування та поточне оцінювання. Стверджується, що здатність ефективно спілкуватися іноземною мовою залежить від розуміння мовних стандартів, правильного лексичного застосування, точної вимови та інших аспектів лінгвістичної компетенції. Відповідно до положення STANAG6001 існує чотири рівні, визначені для оцінювання навичок аудіювання, мовлення, читання та письма. Зазначається, що у сфері вищої військової освіти термін «іншомовна комунікативна компетентність» (FLCC) стосується здатності військовослужбовців ефективно брати участь у спілкуванні іноземною мовою. У цьому дослідженні представлено набір педагогічних прийомів і методів, які вважаються корисними для навчання іноземним мовам.

Ключові слова: іншомовна комунікативна компетентність, іншомовна підготовка, комунікативна компетентність, професійна підготовка майбутніх офіцерів, вищі військові навчальні заклади, STANAG6001.

Statement of the problem

foreign language communicative competence officers

In the era of globalization, possessing a high degree of competence in the English language has significant benefits at both the individual and societal levels. The issue is especially relevant within the context of the professional education and preparation of prospective officers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In order to ensure the compliance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with NATO standards and the general European orientation of Ukrainian society, it is imperative to provide comprehensive training to develop exceptionally qualified military-trained professionals. The urgent need for this training arises from the broader phenomenon of globalization and the Ukrainian informational space's alignment with Western civilizations, which in turn requires the Armed Forces of Ukraine to undergo reforms in accordance with NATO standards.

Currently, Ukraine is embroiled in ongoing warfare with the russian federation. As a consequence of the asymmetry in military capabilities between the two nations, Ukraine finds itself compelled to rely on the assistance of its Western allies. This reliance, in turn, demands the recruitment of military professionals who possess proficiency in the English language. In the context of a modern higher military educational institution, a primary purpose is to cultivate pertinent skills in students who will assume officer positions in the future.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Several experts, both native and international, have conducted research on the development of foreign language competency among prospective military officers. Scientific advancements made by I. Bloshchynskyi, O. Babich, T. Vakolyuk, O. Volobueva, O. Yefimova, L. Nanivska, L. Kanova, S. Kozak, V. Krikun, Lagodynskyi, S. Lazarenko, N. Shalygina, L. Yakubovska, and others have shed light on the issue of foreign language training for specialists who specialize in the fields of national security and defense.

The works of I. Bloshchynskyi [3;4] examine the characteristics of professional training for border guard professionals in other countries, particularly in the United States. The subject was addressed by several scholars, including O. Boe, R. Helt, T. Holth, M. Kozyar, B. Tazhigulova, N. Ryndenko, O. Romanyshyna, C. Paulston, O. Voitiuk, and several others, who presented theoretical methods. Simultaneously, P. Tkachuk elucidated and substantiated, from a scholarly perspective, the need of cultivating foreign language proficiency among prospective military officers, in light of Ukraine's adoption of EU norms.

The works of researchers such as I. Bloshchynskyi, O. Galus, Pochekalin, and D. Taushan have explored the scientific research on the utilization of electronic educational and methodological complexes to enhance the education of prospective philology bachelors and foreign language training for the vocational guidance of future border officers, with a focus on information and communication technology (ICT). N. Vasylyshyn, M. Hrynkiv, N. Yevtushenko, O. Yefimova, and other scholars [1-13; 24-26].

Kuzmenko Yu., Kovalchuk T., Ivanitska I. identify the categories of professional competence, communicative competence and foreign language communicative competence on the basis of Ukrainian and foreign sources [12].

The writings of O. Lagodynskyi, who conducted a study into the methods of foreign language training utilized by the armed forces of the United States and Great Britain, are deserving of special attention. Using the knowledge he gained from this experience, he made several suggestions that may help enhance the system of foreign language instruction in the Ukrainian Armed Forces [13, p. 167]. Бхіндер, Н. (2022) researches the advantages for each group of methods, oriented towards formation of lexical competence among future military officers taking into consideration pedagogical intention and professional task [5].

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the investigation of the significance of foreign language communicative competence in the professional training of prospective officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at higher military educational institutions in the conditions of martial law has not been thoroughly examined. This lack of research highlights the relevance of our study.

Consequently, the aim of our research is to elucidate the concept of foreign language communicative competence as it pertains to the professional training of future officers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine at higher military educational institutions in the conditions of martial law.

In order accomplish the aforementioned objectives, the following methods were employed: 1) theoretical; this study employs historical-genetic and systematic analysis to examine philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, scientific-methodical, and special literature; 2) empirical.

Results and Discussion. The educational process inside Ukrainian higher military educational institutions is governed by a comprehensive set of national laws, decrees, and regulations. The following are many prominent legal instruments that regulate this domain: the Law of Ukraine "On Education" serves as a fundamental legislation that delineates the overarching principles governing the educational landscape in Ukraine; the Law of Ukraine titled "On Higher Education" provides a comprehensive framework that addresses all aspects of higher education; the Law of Ukraine "On the National Security of Ukraine" encompasses several aspects related to the defense industry, which encompasses the necessary provisions for the training and professional growth of military personnel; the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is responsible for the formulation and implementation of rules and directives pertaining to various aspects of military education. These regulations encompass areas such as training requirements, curriculum specifications, and the overall administration of military educational institutions [14-16; 16; 18].

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has designated Ukraine as an Enhanced Opportunities Partner. Ukraine's involvement in international military cooperation or agreements, such as those with NATO or other international entities, can have a significant impact on the country's military education by imposing certain training and education requirements or rules [17].

According to the research conducted by I. Bloshchynskyi (2015a, 2015b), the primary objective of military professional training is to cultivate a comprehensive set of specialized knowledge, skills, abilities, and qualities among prospective officers. This training also encompasses the assimilation of service experience and adherence to professional conduct guidelines, which are essential for the effective execution of specific military responsibilities associated with a particular occupation and position (Bloshchynskyi, 2015a; 2015b).

Professional military education, alternatively referred to as a novel element within the framework of military education, operates by implementing a hierarchical system of L-courses (L1-L5) for officers belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other entities within the security and defense forces. The primary objective of this system is to acquire tactical, operational, and strategic levels of military education [14; 15].

The primary objective of professional military education courses is to foster the growth and cultivation of officer-leaders who exhibit a robust commitment to ongoing learning and the progression of their careers. These personnel possess extensive expertise regarding planning procedures and military decision-making that aligns with the requirements set by NATO.

The persistent character of professional military education courses supports a continuing educational process, allowing military personnel to progressively improve their military skills and maintain their competence in foreign languages throughout their professional careers. It is intended that prior to the assignment of the subsequent military rank and appointment to the associated position, soldiers would undertake training through necessary L-courses and professional development courses specific to their position.

The educational curriculum of higher military educational establishments (HMEEs) in Ukraine is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfill their tasks and responsibilities as future officers and specialized military personnel.

1. Foundation Courses: These training programs often address core topics within the Ukrainian military, including military history, the fundamentals of military art and science, leadership concepts, and organizational structures.

2. Tactical training: Students get instruction both theoretically and practically in order to comprehend and carry out tactical operations.

3. Technical and Specialized Training: Students will go through rigorous training in their respective fields, depending on the branch or speciality they choose to pursue (for example, infantry, artillery, engineering, or communications).

4. Management and Leadership: Since these students ultimately become military officers, they're provided with significant training in management and leadership. This involves having an awareness of different leadership styles, command structures, decision-making procedures, and methods of resolving conflicts.

5. Physical Training Given that physical fitness is a crucial factor, students are required to engage in regular physical activity and be evaluated on their progress.

6. Education in Foreign Languages: Due to the increasingly global character of today's military activities, it is common practice for students to get training in one or more foreign languages in order to improve their ability to communicate effectively.

7. Legal and Ethical Studies: Students study military law, international humanitarian law, rules of engagement, and the ethical obligations of a military commander during the seventh course, which is titled "Legal and Ethical Studies."

8. Language, Cultural, and Social Studies: Language and cultural training provides military personnel with the ability to communicate successfully with local communities and international partners throughout international engagements and peacekeeping operations.

9. Strategic and Operational Studies: Students at higher levels are given an introduction to operational art, the complexities of bigger military campaigns, and strategic concerns in the context of national security.

10. The scientific and research components of higher military education frequently include research methodologies and give students the opportunity to participate in investigations, projects, or theses that are pertinent to their profession.

11. Simulations and War Games. These assist students in applying theoretical information in actual scenarios, allowing them to practice decision-making while under duress.

12. Field Exercises and Practical Engagements:

13. Professional Internships in the Military.

14. Continuous Assessment: All the way through their academic careers, students are put through a variety of tests, examinations, and evaluations to determine whether or not they are able to satisfy the requirements of the roles they will play in the future.

Thus, higher military educational establishments in Ukraine aim to produce well-rounded, competent military professionals capable of leading troops, making informed decisions, and serving the national defense interests effectively. Given the evolving nature of education and defense priorities, the curriculum and structure of professional education might undergo changes and updates.

As explained by Artemov V.Yu., competence is defined in accordance with the Law as a dynamic amalgamation of knowledge, skills, practical abilities, cognitive processes, professional orientation, worldview, civic qualities, moral and ethical values. This amalgamation determines an individual's capacity to effectively engage in professional and continuing educational endeavors, and is the outcome of training at a specific level of higher education. The inclusion of the personal psychophysical traits of law enforcement agents is crucial in the context of these specific actions [1].

Hence, the competence of law enforcement officers can be delineated as the amalgamation of three essential elements: - Proficient knowledge, aptitudes, and proficiencies; - Conscious assimilation of official and civic values encompassing patriotism, responsibility, conviction, dedication, discipline, humanism, and accountability; - Professionally significant personal psychophysical capacities such as bravery, endurance, tenacity, sound physical health, and mental equilibrium [1].

The possession of professional competence is an essential attribute for those serving in the military, whereas foreign language communicative competency has substantial significance in the context of everyday leadership. As stated by Holth and Boe (2017), communicative competence plays a crucial role in the professional careers of officers, military unit personnel, and their overall effectiveness in high-stakes missions. Hence, it is imperative that military leaders possess communicative skills as an integral component of their professional competence [8].

In the opinion of Kozyar et al. (2020), communicative competence is potentially defined as having the ability to effectively engage in interpersonal and group communication by employing a range of communication strategies and techniques to facilitate the successful transmission and comprehension of information [11]. According to Paulston (1992), there is a suggestion among researchers that the acquisition of communicative competence is contingent upon the understanding of language norms, word usage, accurate pronunciation, and other aspects of linguistic competence [20].

In the words of O. Voitiuk, communicative competence might be seen as a distinct form of professional competence, wherein an individual possesses the readiness and capability to learn specialized and scientific information through professional communication [6].

According to the Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine No. 23 dated January 18, 2016 "On the approval of the Instructions for the training and use of national contingents, national personnel in international operations to maintain peace and security", a foreign language plays an important role in the system of training military specialists [14; 15; 16].

Foreign language communicative competence or the ability to communicate in a language other than one's native tongue currently has an essential place within the framework of professional competence for a modern military officer in Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has brought into focus the crucial importance of communicative competence in foreign languages for cadets in higher military education educational institutions that are associated with the armed forces. The following is a rundown of the various ways in which the war underscores the significance of this competence:

1. Strategic Communications or International Collaboration: In the integrated world of today, military operations frequently require collaboration with international counterparts. In light of the fact that the war in Ukraine has worldwide repercussions, a number of nations have joined the fight on a global scale, either directly by lending their assistance or indirectly by participating in diplomatic and peacekeeping operations.

2. Diplomatic Negotiations.

3. Missions of Humanitarian Assistance. Those members of the armed forces who are fluent in other languages are able to interact with impacted citizens, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and international relief agencies more efficiently, which facilitates humanitarian aid.

4. Propaganda, misinformation operations, and other forms of media and information warfare have been utilized extensively during the Ukraine crisis.

5. Intelligence Gathering: One of the most important aspects of contemporary warfare is the ability to intercept and decipher the communications of the enemy. When it comes to the interpretation of intercepted communications or documents, cadets who have received training in other languages can give useful insights.

6. Sensitivity to Cultural Aspects. Gaining an understanding of these distinctions can assist in the process of forecasting the behaviors of the adversary, establishing a relationship with the local populace, and carrying out psychological operations.

7. Engaging with the Local Populations in Order to Build Trust.

8. Peacekeeping and Reconstruction After the Conflict. It will be necessary for these efforts to have cadets who are fluent in other languages so that they can coordinate with the local government, international organizations, and the civilian population.

9. Acquiring Training and Military Equipment. The ability to communicate effectively in other languages is essential for learning the specifications, application, and upkeep of such machinery, as well as for digesting the instruction given by overseas specialists.

10. Career Opportunities.

So, Foreign Language Communicative Competence isn't simply about being able to speak the target language well. It is about providing the means for military personnel to function more efficiently in a world that is becoming increasingly linked and globalized. Investing in FLCC may give military institutions with strategic benefits, both in terms of the efficiency of their operations and in terms of their ability to create partnerships on the international arena.

One area of focus in the upgrading of language training is the development of professional foreign language competence among military personnel. Prominent researchers in this field, such as P. Bekh, N. Bibik, I. Bim, L. Maslak, N. Vovchasta, S. Goncharenko, S. Nikolaeva, S. Kozhushko, O. Tarnopolskii, and others, argue that a key aspect of this modernization involves the unification and standardization of foreign language education. This includes the assessment of foreign language skills among cadets and students in military educational institutions, which can be achieved through the implementation of STANAG6001 language testing.

The teaching of languages and the evaluation of their proficiency are among the most critical issues in the international setting of NATO. NATO members founded the Bureau for International Language Coordination (BILC) in 1966 "to disseminate to participating countries information on developments in the field of language learning" (Bureau for International Language Coordination, 2002). In accordance with this agreement, all NATO countries have committed to using these competence levels for the following purposes: meeting language requirements for international staff appointments; comparing national standards through a standardized table; recording and reporting, in international correspondence, measures of language proficiency if necessary by conversion from national standards. (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1976: 1) [17].

Stanag 6001 Edition 1 recommended the following levels for the four abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with the following labels for each level:

0 complete lack of any practical proficiency

1 elementary

2 unsatisfactory (insufficiently functioning)

3 good (minimum professional)

4 very good (full professional)

5 excellent (native/bilingual) [17].

In the context of institutions of higher military education, the term "Foreign Language Communicative Competence" (FLCC) refers to the capacity of military students to communicate successfully in a wide variety of contexts, ranging from military operations to diplomatic engagements, due to the breadth and depth of their expertise. The FLCC has several facets and is comprised of the following many important components:

1. Linguistic Competence: This refers to the mastery of the language system, which includes phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and semantics. 2. Cultural Awareness: This refers to the awareness of one's own culture and its history. Students are able to compose sentences in a foreign language and grasp what those phrases mean thanks to this essential component of FLCC. 3. Competence in Pragmatics. 4. Sociolinguistic Competence. Students in the military should be aware of the cultural norms, attitudes, and beliefs held by native speakers of the language they are studying. When it comes to preventing misconceptions and maintaining successful communication across cultural lines, this is of the utmost importance. 5. Strategic Competence: this refers to the capability of utilizing tactics to promote communication, particularly when confronted with challenges. 6. Competence in Discourse: this component focuses on the capacity to build clear and cohesive spoken or written materials, and it can be either spoken or written. 7. Cultural Competence: Understanding and respect of the Culture(s) Associated with the Foreign Language Cultural competence is inextricably tied to language acquisition. It refers to the understanding and respect of the culture(s) associated with the foreign language. This involves information about society norms and values, as well as history, traditions, and customs. 8. Professional and Technical Competence. 9. Capacity for Listening and Interpretation.

Therefore, Foreign Language Communicative Competence is a comprehensive combination of language skills, cultural knowledge, and strategic communication capabilities for students enrolled in higher military education institutes. This combination guarantees that they are ready to function effectively and efficiently in a globalized and linked military scene by ensuring that they are equipped to handle a variety of scenarios.

In this study, we propose a range of effective pedagogical approaches and strategies for teaching foreign languages. These methods aim to facilitate the acquisition of essential communicative competence in a foreign language and enhance performance on the STANAG 6001 test. Specifically, we recommend the utilization of communicative and interactive teaching methods, engaging in discussions, incorporating motivational speeches delivered by notable individuals, conducting briefings, analyzing news reports, and implementing creative projects such as video production, essay writing, and presentations focused on topics relevant to the officer's specialization.


In conclusion, the war in Ukraine highlights how important it is for cadets to have communication ability in a foreign language. It has been determined that professional military education (PME) refers to a specific kind of military education that is designed to enhance the professional skills of military personnel and provide them with the requisite competencies required for their service-related activities. The educational framework is established in a hierarchical manner, consisting of L-courses designed for officers serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The curriculum encompasses a comprehensive range of components, including foundational courses, tactical instruction, foreign language education, legal and ethical studies, language, cultural, and social studies, strategic and operational analysis, scientific research elements, simulations and war games, field exercises and practical applications, professional internships, and ongoing assessment. According to the STANAG 6001 guidelines, there are four distinct levels designated for hearing, speaking, reading, and writing skills. It is indicated that within the realm of advanced military education, the term "Foreign Language Communicative Competence" (FLCC) pertains to the aptitude of military students to effectively engage in communication. The present study presents a set of pedagogical techniques and tactics that are deemed useful for the instruction of foreign languages.


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12. Kuzmenko, Yu., Kovalchuk, T., Ivanitska, I. (2021). Formation of foreign language communicative competence among future military officers: international experience. Comparative Professional Pedagogy 11(1). P. 101-108. (in English) DOI: 10.3189/2308-4081/2021-11(1)-14

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23. Torichnyi, O. (2012). Teoriia i praktyka formuvannia viiskovo-spetsialnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh ofitseriv-prykordonnykiv u protsesi navchannia [Theory and practice of formation of military special competence of future border guard officers in the process of learning]. Khmelnytskyi: National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

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