Formation of professional and communicative culture of future specialists in preschool education
The essence of the concept of "communicative culture". It is emphasized that the communicative culture of a preschool teacher is expressed in the ability to establish humanistic, personally oriented relationships with pupils, their parents and colleagues.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 21,3 K |
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Formation of professional and communicative culture of future specialists in preschool education
Liudmyla Yefymenko,
Doctor of Philosophy,
Lecturer at the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education Municipal Institution "Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy" of Kharkiv Regional Council (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
The growing role of communication in modern Ukrainian society, caused by globalization trends, integration of cultures, processes of intensification of information exchange at all levels of social interaction, determines the need to form a personality's communication culture. Therefore, the needfor in-depth formation ofprofessional and communicative culture of future specialists in preschool education is growing.
Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical and special literature, the article substantiates the essence of the concept of "communicative culture" and explores its role in the professional activity of a future preschool education specialist. It is emphasized that the communicative culture of a preschool teacher is expressed in the ability to establish humanistic, personally oriented relationships with pupils, their parents and colleagues.
The professional and communicative culture of future specialists in preschool education is defined as an integral dynamic personal formation that includes a worldview system of beliefs, knowledge, values, attitudes, ethical and aesthetic norms; professional communication skills based on knowledge of culture, design, organization and regulation of communication; personal traits that ensure the effectiveness of communication in professional activities related to the implementation of the educational process in the conditions of preschool education, taking into account individual characteristics and needs of the subjects of this process.
The attention is focused on the fact that the professional communication activity of a preschool education specialist is a reflection of his/her professional and communicative culture. The directions of application of professional communication of future specialists in preschool education are characterized. It is emphasized thatfuture specialists in preschool education should master such communication skills as: formulating the purpose and content of communication, demonstrating their competence in the educational sphere, managing the communication process by grammatical and stylistic response to what the interlocutor says, using the correct intonation models of statements, expressing their own opinion and attitude to the subject of conversation, etc.
In the structure of professional and communicative culture of future specialists in preschool education, such components as worldview, technological and personal are identified and disclosed. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional and communicative culture of future specialists in preschool education are defined and specified.
Key words: culture, communication, professional and communicative culture, preschool education institution, preschool education specialist.
доктор філософії, викладач кафедри теорії та методики дошкільної освіти Комунального закладу «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради (Харків, Україна)
Зростання ролі комунікації в сучасному українському суспільстві, спричинене глобалізаційними тенденціями, інтеграцією культур, процесами інтенсифікації обміну інформацією на всіх рівнях суспільної взаємодії, детермінує необхідність формування комунікативної культури особистості. Тому з поточним роком зростає потреба поглибленого формування професійно-комунікативної культури майбутніх фахівців дошкільної освіти.
На основі аналізу науково-педагогічної та спеціальної літератури у статті обґрунтовано сутність поняття «комунікативна культура» та досліджено її роль у професійній діяльності майбутнього фахівця дошкільної освіти. Підкреслено, що комунікативна культура педагога дошкільної освіти виражається в умінні налагоджувати гуманістичні, особистісно зорієнтовані взаємини з вихованцями, їхніми батьками й колегами.
Професійно-комунікативну культуру майбутніх фахівців дошкільної освіти визначено як інтегральне динамічне особистісне утворення, що охоплює світоглядну систему переконань, знань, цінностей, поглядів, етичних та естетичних норм; професійні комунікативні вміння, що базуються на знаннях про культуру, проєктування, організацію та регулювання спілкування; особистісні риси, які забезпечують ефективність комунікації в професійній діяльності, пов'язаній зі здійсненням освітнього процесу в умовах закладу дошкільної освіти з урахуванням індивідуальних особливостей та потреб суб'єктів цього процесу.
Зосереджено увагу на тому, що професійна комунікативна діяльність фахівця дошкільної освіти постає відображенням його професійно-комунікативної культури. Схарактеризовано напрями застосування професійної комунікації майбутніх фахівців дошкільної освіти. Наголошено, що майбутні фахівці дошкільної освіти мають оволодіти такими комунікативними вміннями, як-от: формулювати мету та зміст спілкування, демонструвати свою компетентність в освітній сфері, керувати процесом комунікації шляхом граматичної та стилістичної реакції на сказане співрозмовником, вживаючи правильні інтонаційні моделі висловлювань, виражати власну думку та ставлення до предмета розмови тощо.
У структурі професійно-комунікативної культури майбутніх фахівців дошкільної освіти означено й розкрито такі компоненти, як-от: світоглядний, технологічний та особистісний. Визначено та конкретизовано педагогічні умови формування професійно-комунікативної культури майбутніх фахівців дошкільної освіти.
Ключові слова: культура, комунікація, професійно-комунікативна культура, заклад дошкільної освіти, фахівець дошкільної освіти.
Statement of the problem
professional communicative culture preschool education
In the context of reforming preschool education, significant changes are taking place in the approaches, content, forms and methods of organizing educational activities. At the present stage, preschool education, as an integral system, is aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development of a preschool child in accordance with his or her inclinations, abilities, individual characteristics, and the formation of life competence. In preschool education institutions, this is ensured in the process of communication between a child and a preschool education specialist as the main figure in the educational process.
In the new format of organizing joint interaction between preschool education specialists and children, the former becomes a carrier of cultural and moral values, patterns of behavior in society, and ways of cooperation through communication. Therefore, it is important that a preschool education specialist has a formed system of values, professional competencies, and a common culture that he/she will always implement in professional communication in the educational process of a preschool education institution. This actualizes the need for the purposeful formation of professional and communicative culture of preschool education specialists, which should become a powerful means of developing the preschooler's personality and acquiring life competencies.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The analysis of scientific sources shows that in recent decades the problem of professional training of future specialists in preschool education has been considered in the works of H. Belenka, A. Bogush, I. Dychkivska, L. Zagorodna, L. Kidina, I. Kniazheva, T Ponimanska and others. In particular, scholars identify the following aspects of this training: to work with preschool children (O. Anisimova, V. Butenko, O. Vashak, G. Grama, N. Davkush, S. Dyachenko, L. Yefymenko, L. Ishchenko, R. Kondratenko, T. Kotyk, L. Kuzemko, A. Kurchatova, T. Lesina, I. Lutsenko, V. Lyapunova, N. Myskova, O. Monke, S. Petrenko, L. Savchenko, T Stepanova, N. Trofaila, I. Trubnyk, O. Yurchuk, and others); to work with parents (H. Borin, T. Zharovtseva, A. Zaliznyak, N. Kovalevska, and others).
Some issues of training future specialists in preschool education are highlighted in dissertations, such as: formation of professional competence (H. Shaparenko); formation of professional skills (T. Shvets); preparation for innovative pedagogical activity (L. Mashkina); speech expression (Y. Rudenko); realization of educational communication (didactic aspect) (O. Maksimkina); education of communicative tolerance (L. Yefymenko); psychological features of the formation of the valuesense sphere (S. Husakivska) and others.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the phenomenon of professional and communicative culture as a necessary component of the professional skills of future preschool education specialists.
Summary of the main material
In the context of the systemic transformation of the education sector, the main goal of which is a new high quality of education at all levels, which implies compliance with modern demands of the individual and society, the needs of the economy and global trends, we are convinced of the need for changes not only in the content, approaches, forms, means and methods of training future specialists in preschool education, but also in promoting their qualitative personal changes.
The Law of Ukraine "On Education" defines the purpose of education as the comprehensive development of a person as a personality and the highest value of society, his or her talents, intellectual, creative and physical abilities, formation of values and competencies necessary for successful self-realization, raising the educational level of citizens to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine and its European choice (Law of Ukraine "On Education", 2017).
In the system of training future specialists in preschool education, it is important to take into account the integrity of the process of preschool education, which, according to the Law of Ukraine "On Preschool Education", is aimed, firstly, at ensuring the comprehensive development of a preschool child in accordance with his or her inclinations, abilities, individual, mental and physical characteristics, cultural needs; secondly, at the formation of moral standards in a preschool child, the acquisition of life social experience (Law of Ukraine "On Education", 2001).
The need to train a new generation of teachers capable of personal professional growth is outlined in the Concept of Teacher Education Development and leads to the development of new trajectories, models, technologies and methods of professional training of future teachers. The system of requirements for the professional qualification of a teacher is provided for in the professional standard, which is currently approved only for primary school teachers among the pedagogical professions (Concept of Teacher Education Development, 2018).
We understand the ability to communicate as the ability to carry out subject-subject interaction and developmental interpersonal pedagogical communication with preschool children and personally and socially oriented communication with all participants in the educational process. In such conditions, readiness for professional communication as an important aspect of the professional activity of future specialists in preschool education becomes an integral part of the work in the specialty. The professional communication of a future preschool education specialist can be characterized by directions or areas of application, according to which different means of the acoustic system of speech are used.
The first direction can be conditionally attributed to the didactic direction, i.e. educational and developmental. The direction of communication in this case is to equip children with new information, knowledge, explanations of things, phenomena, signs, patterns, etc. The speech of a preschool education specialist in these conditions will have a narrative intonation, characterized by a calm, even pronunciation. In the educational process, such speech is used during classes, didactic games, observations, conversations and other specially organized activities.
The second direction is conditionally distinguished as educational. Such communication is aimed at educating the child's personality, so speech has an emotional and expressive color, which conveys the subjective modality of the preschool education specialist and becomes a means of influence. In this case, the speech will have one or more of the following types of intonation: encouragement, condemnation, support, warning, instruction, surprise, request, etc. To be effective in using professional speech as an educator, a teacher must be able to identify the child's condition, select verbal and non-verbal means of communication appropriate to the situation, and implement them with the appropriate intonation.
Professional communication of a preschool education specialist can also be traced in such areas as interaction with parents of pupils and colleagues. Based on our own practical experience, we can state that communicative interaction with parents, colleagues and the management of the institution requires an unquestionably high level of competence (both general and professional) and personal culture from the preschool teacher.
In addition, interaction with parents also requires patience, endurance, and ethics. The ability to select the necessary tactics and means of communication, the formation of a high level of culture manifested in communication will significantly increase the effectiveness of such interaction in future professional activities. Therefore, the formation of future preschool education specialists' readiness for professional communication is one of the important tasks of their professional training.
The readiness of future preschool education specialists for professional communication is understood as a personality trait that ensures the successful implementation of their professional functions in the process of professional and communicative interaction (personality-oriented communication).
We believe that the readiness of future preschool education specialists for professional communication is the result of consistent actions that need to be implemented during their studies at a higher education institution. The need to prepare future preschool education specialists for professional communication is due to the fact that young professionals, even with a sufficient level of professional vocabulary and grammatical structures, experience certain difficulties in producing professionally oriented speech and make significant mistakes.
Therefore, during the educational process of higher education institutions, future specialists in preschool education should master such communication skills as: formulating the purpose and content of communication, demonstrating their competence in the educational field, managing the communication process by grammatical and stylistic response to what the interlocutor says, using the correct intonation patterns of statements, expressing their own opinions and attitudes towards the subject of conversation, etc.
The modern understanding of culture is complicated by the presence of too many definitions. A retrospective analysis of the literature suggests that the concept of "culture" belongs to a number of fundamental concepts that have undergone numerous changes in the course of their historical development.
In the context of the study, we consider culture as a system of value-oriented norms of human existence that are creatively assimilated by the individual in the process of activity and become part of the general and professional culture of a person (Tarasova, 2012: 22).
From the standpoint of the cultural approach, the formation of professional culture is understood as a systemic factor in the formation of a future specialist. According to A. Kapska, professional culture, in addition to the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, includes certain personal qualities, norms of attitude to various components of professional activity (Kapska, 2001: 21).
N. Mazur's definition is significant: "Professional culture is a higher level of professionalism achieved through philosophical reflection and self-reflection of the profession, it is a measure and a way of creative self-realization of a specialist in various types of professional activity and communication aimed at assimilation, transfer and creation of professional values" (Mazur, 2009: 13).
Yu. Smolianko interprets the professional culture of future preschool education specialists as "a complex integrated personal formation characterized by positive motivation for professional activity, a set of professionally significant personal qualities, value orientations and attitudes, moral, spiritual and aesthetic norms of behavior that contribute to the effective implementation of professional activities" (Smolianko, 2018: 48-49).
In the context of our study, we use the definition of H. Belenka, who is convinced that "professional culture contains individually developed strategies based on professional knowledge and life experience, means of orientation in the environment" (Belenka, 2006: 12).
The understanding of the teacher's communicative culture proposed by V. Sadova is valuable. She sees this phenomenon as "a dynamic personal formation that combines the art of speaking and listening, objective perception and correct understanding of the individual, positively influences the formation of humane relationships and makes it possible to achieve effective communicative interaction on the basis of common interests" (Sadova, 2000: 6-7).
It should be emphasized that the communicative culture of a preschool teacher is expressed in the ability to establish humanistic, personally oriented relationships with students, their parents and colleagues. This presupposes the following qualities: focus on the positive traits of another person, attentive attitude to him/her as a person; ability to understand the emotional state of the interlocutor; ability to motivate the interlocutor to achieve the goal, etc.
In the context of our study, we understand communicative culture as a culture of speech behavior, communicative interaction, which is conditioned by the appropriate choice and organization of linguistic means that in each specific communication situation, while observing linguistic and ethical norms, allow for effective communication tasks.
Therefore, we can formulate a definition of the term "professional and communicative culture of future preschool education specialists": it is an integral dynamic personal formation that includes a worldview system of beliefs, knowledge, values, views, ethical and aesthetic norms; professional communication skills based on knowledge of culture, design, organization and regulation of communication; personal traits that ensure the effectiveness of communication in professional activities related to the implementation of the educational process in preschool institutions.
It should be noted that due to the constant interaction with people, which requires the teacher to focus on the partner, the profession of preschool education specialist is considered one of the most difficult, stressful, and psychologically stressful. The educator must be friendly, open-minded towards children and parents, and be able to establish cooperation with all participants in the educational process in everyday life, as trustful communication throughout the day provides the greatest opportunities for the formation of the preschool child's personality.
The implementation of a personality-based model of preschool education requires a special attitude of a preschool educator to the entire educational process. The task is to provide children with the necessary material, support children's interest, and help them realize their plans. These features, in our opinion, determine the specific requirements for the personality of the preschool teacher, which are manifested in one way or another in the communicative competence.
Thus, friendliness, sensitivity, affectionate attitude, well-developed volitional qualities are some of the mandatory personal qualities that have become specific (professional) for this profession, and their presence is a prerequisite for the work on the education of the preschool child's personality. Therefore, we believe that communication is one of the most powerful factors influencing personality development.
It is worth noting that in a modern preschool education institution, communication is multifunctional. It relaxes, motivates, concentrates, educates, and teaches. We are convinced that the ability to communicate and communicate is a necessary condition for ensuring the educational process in preschool education.
A communicative and cultural personality is characterized by certain individual communicative skills and qualities; their communicative interaction takes place in a certain communicative environment and such a person is communicatively competent (Halatsyn, 2019: 18).
Based on the theoretical study, we can assert that the professional communication activity of a preschool education specialist is a reflection of his/ her professional and communicative culture.
We understand the formation of professional and communicative culture of future specialists in preschool education as a process that takes place in accordance with the concept of student-centeredness. That is, it is a process with the use of such forms and methods of teaching, which are based on humanistic, cultural principles and individual, personality- oriented approaches in the organization of training, the integrated use of traditional and innovative forms and methods of training highly qualified specialists. At the same time, the leading quality of their professional competence is the ability to continuous self-education and self-development, to creative activity, independence, responsibility and initiative.
In the structure of the professional and communicative culture of future preschool education specialists, we distinguish worldview (a system of beliefs, knowledge, values, attitudes, ethical and aesthetic norms), technological (professional communication skills) and personal (personal qualities that absorb mental processes, properties, psychological states and determine an individually stable form of behavior of future preschool education specialists in professional communication - personality-oriented communication) components.
We are confident that the formation of professional and communicative culture of future preschool education specialists can be realized under specially created pedagogical conditions, such as: ensuring sustainable motivation for self-actualization of professional and communicative culture; organization of acmeological influence and support in the process of forming professional and communicative culture; immersion in active independent activity for the acquisition of personal professional and communicative experience by future preschool teachers in the process of professional training.
The professional and communicative culture of future preschool education specialists can be positioned as a personal need to interact with other subjects of the educational process of preschool education, the expression of the holistic and individual in a person, the manifestation of his/her creative potential in the ability to maintain a positive character of the communication process and to treat interlocutors kindly.
The results of the study presented in the article do not exhaust all aspects of the problem of forming the professional and communicative culture of future preschool education specialists. Further scientific research can be devoted to expanding the content aspect of the implementation of the professional and communicative culture of future preschool education specialists with various subjects of educational activity, in particular with the use of distance learning technologies.
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курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.
реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.
отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).
реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.
реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012