Distance education in Ukraine: current development prospects

Organizational forms and characteristic features of distance learning in the system of continuous higher education. Specialized control of the educational process. Use of modern teaching aids. Application of information and communication technologies.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 25.11.2023
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Pavlo Tychyna Uman state pedagogical university

Department of chemistry, ecology and methods of its training

Department of biology and methods of its training

Department of of the natural sciences and methods

Department of theory and practice of foreign languages

Municipal Institution «Uman Taras Shevchenko Professional College of Education and Humanities of Cherkasy Regional Council»)

Distance education in Ukraine: current development prospects

Honcharuk V.V., PhD Ped. Sci., professor

Dekarchuk S.O., Senior teacher

Liulenko S.O., PhD Ped. Sci.), professor

Pliushch V.M., Dr Ped. Sci., Professor

Kazak Yu.Yu., Senior Lecturer

Poshtaruk L.I. Lecturer



The article develops the theoretical and methodological foundations of distance learning in the system of continuous education and its characteristic features (flexibility, modularity, parallelism, long-range action, asynchrony, mass character, economic efficiency, the changed role of the teacher, the new role and activity of the student, specialized control of the learning process, the use of modern teaching aids, sociality, internationality); the differences between distance learning and the traditional full-time form are established (in the distance learning system, the student is the customer of knowledge; the information and educational environment of distance learning is much wider, but less than traditional full-time education, regulates the behavior of participants in the pedagogical process and disciplines students to a greater extent); the specifics of the personal interaction of participants in the distance learning process and the management of distance learning processes (human studies, psychophysical, socio-psychological aspects predominate in it) are revealed; carrying out educational work in the conditions of remote betrothal puts forward the axiological approach in the first place; resolved a set of issues related to the introduction of a distance learning system into real pedagogical practice (its social, worldview, value, methodological, legal, financial, economic, organizational, didactic, technological, psychological, applied and educational aspects); organizational forms of distance learning are defined (traditional (correspondence); with fragmentary use of information and communication technologies; electronic; combined).

Keywords: higher education, education system, distance learning, distance education.


Дистанційна освіта в Україні: перспективи розвитку сучасності

Гончарук В.В., к.п.н., ст. викладач кафедри хімії, екології та методики їх навчання; Декарчук С.О. ст. викладач кафедри фізики та інтегративних технологій навчання природничих наук; Люленко С.О., к.п.н., доцент кафедри біології та методики її навчання; Казак Ю.Ю., ст. викладач кафедри теорії та практики іноземних мов, Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, м. Умань

Плющ В.М., д.п.н., професор, доцент кафедри природничих наук та методик їхнього навчання, Центральноукраїнський державний університет імені Володимира Винниченка

Поштарук Л.І., Комунальний заклад «Уманський фаховий педагогічно-гуманітарний коледж імені Тараса Шевченка Черкаської обласної ради»)

У статті розроблено теоретико-методологічні основи дистанційного навчання в системі неперервної освіти та його характерні ознаки (гнучкість, модульність, паралелізм, довготривалість дії, асинхронність, масовість, економічна ефективність, змінена роль викладача, нова роль), та активність студента, спеціалізований контроль навчального процесу, використання сучасних засобів навчання, соціальність, інтернаціональність); регулює поведінку учасників педагогічного процесу та більшою мірою дисциплінує учнів); розкривається специфіка особистісної взаємодії учасників процесу дистанційного навчання та управління процесами дистанційного навчання (в ньому переважають людинознавчі, психофізичні, соціально-психологічні аспекти); проведення виховної роботи в умовах дистанційного навчання висуває на перше місце аксіологічний підхід; вирішено комплекс питань щодо впровадження системи дистанційного навчання в реальну педагогічну практику (її соціальні, світоглядні, ціннісні, методичні, правові, фінансові, економічні, організаційні, дидактичні, технологічні, психологічні, прикладні та освітні аспекти); визначено організаційні форми дистанційного навчання (традиційна (заочна); з фрагментарним використанням інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій; електронна; комбінована).

Ключові слова: вища освіта, система освіти, дистанційне навчання, дистанційна освіта.

Problem setting

Resumen El articulo desarrolla los fundamentos teoricos y metodologicos de la educacion a distancia en el sistema de educacion continua y sus rasgos caracteristicos (flexibilidad, modularidad, paralelismo, accion de largo alcance, asincronia, caracter de masa, eficiencia economica, el cambio de rol del docente, el nuevo papel y actividad del estudiante, control especializado del proceso de aprendizaje, uso de medios didacticos modernos, sociabilidad, internacionalidad); se establecen las diferencias entre la educacion a distancia y la forma tradicional de tiempo completo (en el sistema de educacion a distancia, el cliente del conocimiento es el estudiante; el entorno informativo y educativo de la educacion a distancia es mucho mas amplio, pero menor que la educacion tradicional a tiempo completo, regula el comportamiento de los participantes en el proceso pedagogico y disciplina en mayor medida a los estudiantes); se revelan las especificidades de la interaccion personal de los participantes en el proceso de aprendizaje a distancia y la gestion de los procesos de aprendizaje a distancia (en ella predominan los estudios humanos, los aspectos psicofisicos, sociopsicologicos); realizar una labor educativa en las condiciones de los esponsales a distancia plantea en primer lugar el enfoque axiologico; resolvio un conjunto de cuestiones relacionadas con la introduccion de un sistema de educacion a distancia en la practica pedagogica real (sus aspectos sociales, ideologicos, valorativos, metodologicos, legales, financieros, economicos, organizativos, didacticos, tecnologicos, psicologicos, aplicados y educativos); se definen formas de organizacion de la educacion a distancia (tradicional (correspondencia); con uso fragmentario de las tecnologias de la informacion y la comunicacion; electronica; combinada).

Palabras clave: educacion superior, sistema educativo, aprendizaje a distancia, educacion a distancia.


The processes of globalization of all spheres of public life, the formation of the information (post-industrial) stage of development in developed countries make the implementation of the task of continuous education of the population a vital necessity. In its solution, models and technologies of distance education acquire a special role today. The modern pedagogical process is aimed at establishing mutually enriching relations between its participants, ensuring the adaptation of students to modern socio-economic conditions, self-realization and disclosure of the creative potential of the individual. The disclosure of its creative and intellectual capabilities at all levels of education is the basis of modern educational policy (Shehab & Khalifa, 2021). The intensive development of information and communication technologies initiates the formation of tendencies for the intellectualization of all types of society's activities in all its spheres, and above all in the education system (Atieku-Boateng, 2021), (Shoufan, 2019). Realization of opportunities for educational purposes requires the development of special approaches to the application of knowledge and technologies for creating, processing, storing, transmitting information in modern socio-cultural conditions. Such developments are carried out both in our country and abroad. Over the past thirty years, research has been carried out on the use of computer support programs in the field of traditional forms and methods of education (Hillier, 2018).

Analysis of recent research and publications. The implementation of a distance learning system in real pedagogical practice will make it possible to solve a number of problems, which in general terms can be formulated as follows:

a) ensuring the availability of a variety of information;

b) receiving general and vocational education;

c) advanced training, retraining or change in the field of professional activity during life;

d) intensification of the education system;

e) development of creative and intellectual abilities of a person (Gao, 2021).

The development of distance education ensures the creation of open, including international, educational structures for various purposes. Currently, there is an active development of modern science-intensive technologies based on cardinal socio-economic changes in society. The paradigm of education is changing - from "education for life" to "education throughout life". Within its framework, there is a search for new forms of organization of the learning process. One of the promising forms, according to scientists, is distance learning. Entering the system of distance education, it becomes its technological component. Today, this type of education is considered as a promising direction in the development of the national education system.

Literature review. Despite the obvious advantages of online learning in higher education institutions, the introduction of the educational process in electronic format involves solving a number of issues for both students and for academic staff of educational institutions (Riera Guasp, Ardid, Vidaurre & Duenas, 2018), (Rajab, 2018). For academic staff, the real challenge of online learning was the significant increase in the time required to provide a quality learning process. In particular, the time for preparing lecture classes, checking homework, and maintaining electronic and hardcopy records of attendance and success of education applicants has doubled (Ali, Khalil & El-Sharkawy, 2020).The major reasons for the suspension of the educational process during warfare are considered to be the lack of a clear plan of action for the use of online learning for all participants in the educational process and the lack of adequate facilities of institutions of higher education that could ensure the proper quality of online education (O'Doherty, Dromey, Lougheed, Hannigan, Last & McGrath, 2018), (Nikadambaeva, 2020), (Morin, 2020). Considering the challenges of online learning organization, scientists pay attention to the issues of qualified support of the student by the educator or other authorized persons during online learning. Such qualified support should begin at the stage of searching for proposals of distance learning programs and accompany the student during the entire learning process (Langegard, Kiani, Nielsen & Svensson, 2021).

The purpose of the article is to investigate the theoretical and methodological foundations of distance learning in the system of continuous education.

Presenting main material

Based on the analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and special literature on the research problem, the following general features of continuous distance learning are identified in three interrelated aspects: personal, functional and organizational. It has been established that continuous distance learning is implemented in practice through the following principles: systematic and scientific teaching; consistency and continuity of types, forms and technologies of education; predicting learning outcomes; specialization of education, taking into account the demands of the market and the possibilities of the individual; individualization of learning through the study of the real educational opportunities of students (Ratheeswari, 2018).

Self-education is an integral and one of the most important components of continuous distance learning, acting both as a way to gain knowledge and as a link between basic education and periodic training of specialists (Alqahtani & Rajkhan, 2020). The main forms of self-education in the context of distance learning are the study of specially selected information blocks on certain topics. We have singled out the following components in the adult lifelong education system: general education, realizing the possibility of obtaining and expanding secondary education; professional, allowing you to get a profession; additional, which offers educational programs for more productive occupations of citizens by interests (training for universities, learning foreign languages, etc.).

This complex includes a set of interconnected in terms of goals and objectives of education and upbringing of various types of "pedagogically useful" meaningful educational information on various media. Didactic software is used to organize, control and correct the educational process in distance learning and serves as one of the means of formation and self-development of the student's personality. According to the researchers, the success of distance learning in the system of lifelong education largely depends on the didactic quality of the content educational information used; professional skills of teachers; effective management of the pedagogical process; quality of software and hardware support; willingness of students to work with modern technologies.

This makes it possible to obtain a high result in the main components of the education system, which is achieved by the gradual inclusion of elements of distance learning into the system of continuous education. The specificity of distance learning lies in the indirect interaction of its participants, which is carried out on the initiative of the student, proceeds in the form of purposeful independent work on individual educational programs, the possibility of designing which is embedded in the learning model and is aimed at obtaining the desired result. In distance learning, the “customer” of knowledge is mainly the student.

Pedagogical forecasting plays a supporting role in relation to design and programming. It is designed to provide the necessary scientific information to the authorities throughout the entire design process, that is, this is not a one-stage event, but a continuous process. Pedagogical forecasting and design are the two initial phases of the management process, along with the phases of monitoring the implementation of the project, its operational adjustment and detailing, that is, operational management.

The conceptual problems include, in particular, such problems as the analysis and selection of the goals of distance learning, the analysis of the possible consequences of its system, the identification of a set of indicators characterizing the initial projects and the objects participating in them, the analysis of these indicators, the selection of the most significant and assigning them to the category of optimality criteria. According to the author, the design process may include the following stages: preliminary formulation of the pedagogical problem; determination of research objectives and selection of appropriate optimality criteria; identification and formulation of design conditions; compilation of the most complete list of alternatives and their preliminary analysis in order to discard those that are clearly ineffective; collection of the necessary information and forecasting changes in system parameters in the future; precise formulation of the problem statement; forecasting the likely consequences of the implementation of the distance learning system; development of a remote control model that allows evaluating the effectiveness of each alternative; analysis and selection of a design method and development of an algorithm for creating a system; evaluation of alternatives and determination of the most effective ones; acceptance of the project by management; project implementation and evaluation of results; forecasting the development of distance learning based on the ongoing project. The process of creating an organizational system of distance learning includes: preparatory, main and final stages, at which various activities are carried out to ensure the effective functioning of the distance learning system. They include organizational, technical, personnel, program-didactic, methodological, prognostic, regulatory, technological, corrective and financial aspects.

In the course of the study, we considered the provisions that determine these stages:

1. At the preparatory (organizational) - regulatory, financial, personnel, technical, programdidactic, methodological.

2. On the main - programmatic and didactic, methodical (representing the development, clarification and addition of those carried out in the framework of the first stage) implementation of the model, technological, corrective.

3. At the final stage - prognostic (assessment and forecasting of the further development of the distance learning system).

A specific feature of distance learning is the self-management of the learning process. The basic principles of self-guided learning are: - the process of distance learning as a system is built on the basis of a unified theory of teaching-learning; - the main figure of the learning process is the student's personality, which acts as a subject capable of self-government; - the systemic content of the learning process depends on the accepted concept of distance education and its structure. On the basis of these principles, we have constructed a model of distance learning in the system of continuous education, the main function of which is to provide effective reflective management of students' distance learning. The components of the system within the framework of achieving this goal perform specific functions inherent in them. Possessing a certain organizational integrity and operational independence, they are subsystems of the entire distance learning management system and develop in accordance with the laws of development of social systems.

The theoretical foundations of distance learning as a component of the system under consideration are represented by the initial provisions of the theories and methods outlined in the first and second paragraphs of the first chapter. At the same time, we note that there is no unified theory of distance learning and a coherent system for managing it in the system of educational institutions, practical activities for managing distance learning are unsystematic, which, on the one hand, reduces its effectiveness, and on the other hand, creates the prerequisites for real improvement. student self-government. In DL, all components of the program of the learning process are filled with new content that reflects its specifics. This allows you to quickly update the content and technology. To achieve the manufacturability of program development, a pedagogical scenario is created, which is one of the ways to fix experience. With the help of the scenario, typical procedures (sequence of actions) in the problem area are set in a generalized and structured form. The pedagogical scenario contains indications of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the beginning and completion of the necessary procedures. For example, for teacher training, a working pedagogical scenario is created that represents a teaching model in accordance with the selected teaching technology and the use of computer and other technology in distance learning. The pedagogical scenario is developed for programmers who create the appropriate computer support included in the structure of didactic support. Practice shows that the effectiveness of the implementation of the DL system depends on the fulfilment of a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions. By them, we mean a set of interrelated circumstances, measures aimed at creating a favorable environment that provides targeted management of the distance learning process and the rules established in the distance education system in order to ensure the high quality of distance learning. The system of organizational conditions is aimed at ensuring planning, organization, communication, regulation, control and correction of the distance learning process. The conducted experimental work showed that the most important pedagogical conditions for the implementation of a distance learning system in real educational practice include: theoretical foundations; organizational forms of distance learning; readiness of students for distance learning; pedagogical control of independent work in the distance learning mode; training teachers to work in the distance learning system.

The study revealed that the most important organizational conditions for the implementation of a distance learning system in real educational practice include:

- scientific development of theoretical foundations and technology of distance learning;

- designing a model for organizing distance learning;

- organizing the approbation of this model and testing it in mass pedagogical practice;

- purposeful use of information and telecommunication technologies in the process of distance learning;

- creation and use of a telecommunications complex in the distance learning system;

- organizing the design and development of didactic support for the distance learning process.

The implementation of a distance learning system is closely related to the problem of developing special didactic tools and choosing forms for this type of education. The pedagogical process in the distance learning mode can be carried out in full-time, part-time (evening), part-time forms of education, in the form of an external study or a combination of these forms.

Didactic means of distance learning, by their properties, actively influence all components of the learning system (goals, content of education, organizational forms, etc.) and allow setting and solving more complex and urgent tasks. The introduction of these tools into practice will allow students to form the skills of competent work with various types of information using information and communication technologies; involve each student in an active cognitive process; to provide free access to the necessary information not only in the information centres of the educational institution, but also in the centres of other countries; communicate with peers from other educational institutions of the country and even other countries of the world; work in collaboration in solving a variety of problems, while demonstrating certain communication skills; to form the ethics of work in telecommunication networks, etc.

organizational distance learning information communication


Scientific novelty of the research:

- clarified the conceptual apparatus (distance education, distance learning, distance learning technology, distance education tools);

- it has been proved that distance learning, due to a number of objective conditions, is becoming the most promising type of education, its distinctive features make it possible to better solve the problems of continuous education;

- the specificity of the design and implementation of didactic support for distance learning was revealed;

- a system of principles has been developed that allows introducing distance learning into lifelong education on a scientific and theoretical basis;

- applied a variety of methods, tools and techniques for designing a functional model of distance learning, taking into account one or another level of the lifelong education system;

- a set of organizational, legal, pedagogical, socio-psychological, technical, technological and other conditions have been established and taken into account, allowing to successfully implement the possibilities of distance learning in the system of continuous education;

- a model of pedagogical interaction of distance learning participants (teacher, learning model, student, means of communication) has been created.

Theoretical significance of the study:

- substantiated the theory of self-guided learning as the basis of distance learning;

- the theoretical and methodological foundations of distance learning in the system of continuous education and its characteristic features (flexibility, modularity, parallelism, long range action, asynchrony, mass character, economic efficiency, the changed role of the teacher, the new role and activity of the student, specialized control of the learning process, the use of modern means) learning, sociality, internationality);

- the differences between distance learning and the traditional full-time form have been established (in the distance learning system, the student is the customer of knowledge; the information and educational environment of distance learning is much wider, but less than traditional full-time education, regulates the behaviour of participants in the pedagogical process and disciplines students to a greater extent);

- the specifics of the personal interaction of participants in the distance learning process and. the management of distance learning processes were revealed (human studies, psychophysical, socio-psychological aspects predominate in it); carrying out educational work in the conditions of remote betrothal puts forward the axiological approach in the first place;

- a set of issues related to the introduction of a distance learning system into real pedagogical practice (its social, worldview, value, methodological, legal, financial, economic, organizational, didactic, technological, psychological, applied and educational aspects) has been resolved;

- organizational forms of distance learning are defined (traditional (correspondence); with fragmentary use of information and communication technologies; electronic; combined).

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of scientific and methodological recommendations for modelling the DL process and the use of a functional model of self-directed learning in institutions of the continuous education system. In addition, the materials and conclusions published on the results of the study can be used by employees of educational institutions in the preparation of curricula, high school students and students in the development of their social and professional orientation, in the system of advanced training and retraining of specialists using any level of computer literacy.


1. The development of the theory of a self-organizing system of distance learning is the development of one of the areas of personality-oriented pedagogical systems. It allows you to effectively implement distance learning technologies, education and self-development, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the regional system of continuous education. When implementing a distance learning system at various educational levels, interrelated and interdependent pedagogical, psychological, organizational, technological, personnel and regulatory methods are considered and a self-organizing model of distance learning is proposed.

2. Theories, technologies, telecommunication networks and software and information support for various purposes are widely used in the distance learning system. Based on the use of these tools in a distance learning environment, self- guided learning is provided. Information and telecommunication technologies make changes not only in the ways of disseminating the acquired knowledge, they suggest a new way of organizing the structural and functional components of the lifelong education system.

3. The optimal implementation of distance learning in the system of continuous education can be ensured by the integrated use of traditional and innovative means.

4. To ensure the effectiveness of the development and use of modern informatization tools in distance learning, it is necessary to organize qualified training and retraining of teachers. This training should have meaningful motivations and be carried out in an integrated manner with extensive practice in all types of information and telecommunication technologies used. At the same time, training should be focused on a different level of information culture of teachers.

5. Studies have shown that at the stage of application by users of software and information support of distance learning systems with computer support in various conditions, they need to be modernized and developed, which predetermines the importance of the theoretical development of the logic and patterns of their development; the need to study the previous stages of the life cycle of these systems. This requires taking into account organizational and pedagogical conditions both in the design, creation, and implementation of such systems. When developing and applying didactic support in the system of continuous distance learning, the components of the information infrastructure of the learning environment and the components of the real infrastructure of software for various purposes should be considered in conjunction.

6. Practical experience has shown that further improvement of distance learning for its use in the system of continuous education should be considered in the following interrelated areas: a) theoretical and methodological; b) regulatory and legal; c) methodical, involving research, development and implementation of forms, methods and means of distance learning; d) technological, based on the scientific application of technologies in distance learning; e) organizational and practical.


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