Interactive methods in competent learning of the Ukrainian language

The essence of interactive methods, their relationship and interaction with other methods, assessment of advantages. The conditions for educational interaction, obtaining a collective intellectual product? corresponding experience of cognitive activity.

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Дата добавления 25.11.2023
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Institute of pedagogy of the National academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine

Interactive methods in competent learning of the Ukrainian language

Halaievska Liudmyla Viktorivna,

candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher of the department of teaching Ukrainian language and literature



The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of interpretation of interactive methods, their definition is presented; the essence and nature are revealed, relationships and interaction with other methods are considered.

The essence of interactive methods is analyzed - creating conditions for educational interaction, obtaining a collective intellectual product and the corresponding experience of cognitive activity. These methods fundamentally change the scheme of interaction of the participants of the educational process and contribute to the development of cognitive interests and the provision of important needs for effective communication, confirm the idea of training a sociable, communicatively competent student of education, which causes the activation of interactive teaching methods in the work and contributes to the dialogization of the educational process of learning the Ukrainian language.

The advantages of these methods are that the material, which is presented at a higher level or in a non-standard form, allows learners to get a starting point for independent research on controversial questions; there is an interest in cognitive activity; abilities and skills necessary for independent educational activities are formed.

The conceptual provisions of interactive methods are characterized. The didactic aspects of using innovative methods in competence training are outlined.

The factors of the optimal selection of interactive methods, as well as the conditions and criteria for their effective use, in particular for distance learning, are determined. criteria are defined; conclusions are formulated; prospects for further research are outlined.

Interactive teaching methods are considered from the standpoint of their unity, the ability to ensure the assimilation of subject knowledge, the formation of abilities and skills, and for each student of education, the system of methods must be transformed into a system of self-learning, the development of independence, the ability to acquire, process, analyze facts, systematize them and apply them to solve life problems, and in the future, global problems.

Keywords: teaching method, interactive teaching methods, competence approach, Ukrainian language lesson, institution of general secondary education.


Галаєвська Людмила Вікторівна кандидат педагогічних наук, старший науковий співробітник відділу навчання української мови та літератури, Інститут педагогіки Національної академії педагогічних наук України, м. Київ,

Інтерактивні методи у компетентнісному навчанні української мови

У статті обґрунтовано актуальність проблеми трактування інтерактивних методів, подано їх визначення; розкрито сутність і природу, розглянуто взаємозв'язки і взаємодію з іншими методами.

Проаналізовано суть інтерактивних методів - створення умов для навчальної взаємодії, отримання колективного інтелектуального продукту й відповідного досвіду пізнавальної діяльності. Ці методи принципово змінюють схему взаємодії учасників освітнього процесу й сприяють розвитку пізнавальних інтересів і забезпеченню важливих потреб ефективної комунікації, утверджують ідею підготовки комунікабельного, комунікативно компетентного здобувача освіти, що спричиняє активізацію в роботі інтерактивних методів навчання й сприяють діалогізації освітнього процесу навчання української мови.

Переваги цих методів у тому, що матеріал, який подається на більш високому рівні або у нестандартній формі, дає змогу здобувачам освіти отримати вихідну базу для самостійного дослідження суперечливих запитань; виникає інтерес до пізнавальної діяльності; формуються уміння і навички, необхідні для самостійної навчальної діяльності.

Схарактеризовано концептуальні положення інтерактивних методів. Окреслено дидактичні аспекти використання інноваційних методів у компетентнісному навчанні.

Визначено чинники оптимального добору інтерактивних методів, а також умови і критерії їх ефективного застосування, зокрема за дистанційного навчання. визначено критерії Сформульовано висновки, накреслено перспективи подальших досліджень.

Інтерактивні методи навчання розглядаємо з позиції їх єдності, здатності забезпечувати засвоєння предметних знань, формування умінь і навичок і для кожного здобувача освіти система методів має трансформуватися в систему самонавчання, розвитку самостійності, здатності здобувати, переробляти, аналізувати факти, усистемлювати їх і застосовувати для вирішення життєвих, а в перспективі і глобальних проблем.

Ключові слова: метод навчання, інтерактивні методи навчання, компетентнісний підхід, урок української мови, заклад загальної середньої освіти.

Main part

Formulation of the problem. The transformation of the educational paradigm actualized the view of education from the standpoint of its effectiveness. Given the dominance of the competency-based approach in the modern Ukrainian school, the existing typology of teaching methods and the development and implementation of competency-based training methods need to be reconsidered. The concept of a teaching method is complex and multidimensional, and this is confirmed by the problem of classification of teaching methods, which is still multifaceted and debatable.

A competent approach to learning involves, first of all, the formation of relevant competences, subject and key, requires a special organization and the implementation of educational and cognitive activities with the use of appropriate methods, among which interactive methods occupy a prominent place, which, in particular, are becoming widespread in the study of the native language.

Innovative processes in the field of education are a prominent feature of the modern educational process, one of the objective conditions for the transformation of Ukraine into a democratic and legal developed state. Despite the economic, sociocultural and political instability of Ukrainian society, significant changes are taking place in the education system of the transition from a traditional to an innovative school. In order to realize the personal potential of each student in the learning process, there is a need to create conditions for the formation of such personality qualities as mobility, the ability to integrate into a dynamic society, critical thinking, the ability to generate new ideas, the ability to make non-standard decisions and bear responsibility for them, communication skills, teamwork skills, the ability to model educational and educational situations, etc. Solving such tasks is facilitated by the use of interactive learning methods.

Method (Greek - the way of research / knowledge) - a way of learning about the phenomena of nature and society; organization of practical and theoretical mastering of reality, determined by the laws of the researched object.

The essence of teaching methods and their structure are revealed through the analysis of relationships between the categories of purpose, content, methods and means of their assimilation, and results.

Analysis of the latest research. Teaching methods were the subject of research interest of such scientists as A. Aleksyuk, O. Bilyaev, N. Bondarenko, S. Honcharenko, N. Golub, O. Horoshkina, E. Dmytrovskyi, S, O. Kucheruk, I. Malafiik, Melnychayko, S. Omelchuk, V. Onyshchuk, M. Pentylyuk, O. Pometun, L. Rozhilo, M. Stelmakhovich and others [2; 4; 9]. Undoubtedly, there are many scientific works that justify the feasibility of using interactive methods to increase the effectiveness of the learning process.

During the last twenty years, research on interactive methods of learning the Ukrainian language has intensified (N. Bondarenko, O. Horoshkina, N. Golub, S. Karaman, L. Kratasyuk, O. Kucheruk, L. Popova, T. Symonenko, N. Solodyuk, etc.), which contribute to the development of students' communicative abilities and skills, their cognitive activity, and the establishment of emotional contacts between the participants of the educational process.

The purpose of the article is to find out the essence of interactive teaching methods, the effectiveness of their use by language teachers to achieve optimal educational results.

Presenting main material. The development strategy of Ukrainian education, the modern understanding of the concept of student learning outcomes are related to the competence approach, which defines a new image of the goals, content, and methods of forming a linguistic personality. According to O. Pometun, the specified approach specifies the definition, emphasizing the structure of competence. According to the researcher, «the competence approach is the focus of the educational process on the formation and development of key (basic, basic) and subject competencies of an individual. The result of such a process will be the formation of a person's general competence, which is a set of key competences, an integrated characteristic of a person. Therefore, there is a growing need to select such teaching methods that would meet the tasks of the modern educational paradigm.

However, in the conditions of competency-based training, the introduction of the remote form, the vector of the educational process, which for many years was based on academic knowledge, has changed; learning becomes practically oriented. In this context, the problem of developing effective mechanisms for the formation of a competent student, ready to fully socialize, see his place in society, influence it and actively participate in all its processes, becomes particularly relevant. The priority task is the search for optimal methods and techniques for the formation of key competencies of education seekers in the process of learning the Ukrainian language. As O. Kucheruk rightly points out, «the transition from informational and reproductive methods to the implementation of an anthropocentric model of the organization of the educational process is ensured by the use of various methods focused on the interests of the individual, increasing learning motivation, aimed at activating learning, self-education, developing internal culture, creative speech and thinking activities, development of effective communication skills, etc., that is, not on separate knowledge and skills, but on the formation of a competent personality, the essential indicator of which would be its spirituality» [7, p. 60]. This encourages language teachers to use various combinations of traditional and interactive teaching methods.

The word «interactive» is borrowed from the English language («interact», where «inter» means mutual and «act» means to act). Thus, «interactive» is capable of interaction, dialogue.

«Interactive teaching methods are a way of organizing the active interaction of students and a linguist teacher in the educational process with the aim of achieving significant didactic results» [11, p. 67].

Interactive learning is a special form of organizing cognitive activity, which has a specific, foreseeable goal - to create comfortable learning conditions under which every student feels successful and intellectual. The peculiarity of interactive learning is that the educational process is carried out under the condition of constant, active interaction of all its members.

In the domestic scientific literature, the most famous classification of interactive teaching methods by Ukrainian scientists O. Pometun and L. Pyrozhenko, who divide interactive teaching methods into four groups, united by a common educational goal and forms of organization of students' educational activities: cooperative learning (work in pairs); collective group training (brainstorming); situational modeling (role play); elaboration of debatable issues (case method, discussion) [9, p. 27]. The essence of interactive learning is that the learning process takes place through constant, active interaction of all students [10, p. 13]. Under such conditions, pedagogues-linguists and students of education are full-fledged, equal subjects of the education system. The basis of interactive learning should be an equal dialogue between those who teach and those who learn.

Interactive teaching methods, unlike traditional ones, involve active interaction and involvement in cooperation in the educational process of all its participants, while preference is given to those teaching methods that stimulate and motivate educational activities (role-playing games, educational discussions, the project method, etc.), contribute formation of the ability to independently master knowledge is a reliable basis for self-education and a condition for the development of a harmonious personality.

By the methods of interactive learning, I. Lutsik understands such methods that «determine the process of active interaction of the subject of learning with the educational environment in order to achieve certain didactic results» [9].

Summarizing scientific studies, O. Horoshkina defines «interactive teaching methods as methods of interpersonal interaction of subjects of education in the teacher-student, student-teacher, student-student mode, which ensure the effective implementation of the goals and objectives of the lesson, have a significant communicative, sociocultural and educational potential» [6].

Let's consider the essence of the most common interactive learning methods.

In order to update basic knowledge, it is effective to use the «Microphone» method, which provides an opportunity for each student to say something quickly, in turn, answering questions or expressing their opinion or position. The main requirements for the use of the «Microphone» method are defined as follows: only the one with the «symbolic» microphone should speak, the answers are not commented on or evaluated; when one speaks, others cannot speak. This type of work makes it possible to activate the mental activity of students and prepares them for perception and active discussion in class. A prominent place in the educational process is occupied by such a method of collective discussion as «Brainstorming». The effectiveness of the method is achieved by freely expressing the opinions of all participants and helps to find several solutions on a certain topic. The «Carousel» method is the most effective for the simultaneous inclusion of all participants in the educational process in active work with various partners to discuss debatable issues. The «Teaching - Learning» method enables students to transfer their knowledge to their classmates. Using this method encourages students to generalize concepts and facts, promotes the emergence of questions and increases interest in learning. An important way of implementing interactive learning is the project method, which determines the acquisition and application of practical skills and abilities by the students of education. In the project work, students are involved in a search educational and cognitive activity organized by the subject teacher.

The project method is a complex method of learning, which is a set of educational and cognitive actions necessary to solve a certain problem based on the creative search of students, and involves the presentation of the obtained results in the form of a specific educational product of project activity [10, p. 23-27].

It is worth noting that in pedagogy (V. Lazarev, O. Novikov, etc.), the word «project» is used mainly in two meanings: 1) as an image of the future result of the system in the form of a model; 2) as a completed cycle of productive activity consisting of three main phases - design, technological and reflective. Each of these phases consists of stages. It is precisely the second meaning that formed the basis of the essence of the project method, which makes it possible to implement the idea of developmental learning in practice.

Participation in the discussion fosters the ability to actively defend one's own point of view, to critically approach other people's and one's own judgments. The use of the project method in the educational activities of students forms their creativity, stimulates intellectual activity, develops communication skills, develops the ability to work in a team, and develops information and communication skills.

An important method of cognitive activity is a discussion, which involves a broad public discussion of some controversial issue. The method is used in the educational process in a certain sequence. The discussion creates optimal conditions for the prevention of possible misinterpretations, for the increased activity of those seeking education and the strength of their assimilation of the material. She teaches techniques of argumentation, scientific proof. Participation in the discussion fosters the ability to actively defend one's own point of view, to critically approach other people's and one's own judgments. A specific discussion question is formulated, to which there is no unequivocal answer and which allows for various solution options. During such a discussion, different positions are revealed, and the emotional and intellectual impetus awakens the desire to actively think. All statements must be accompanied by arguments. The discussion can end both with consensus (acceptance of an agreed decision) and with the preservation of existing differences between its participants. The use of the discussion method in the educational process of students of education promotes the development of critical thinking, gives an opportunity to determine one's own position, forms the skills of argumentation and defending one's opinion, teaches to hear and understand the interlocutor.

An effective interactive method is the game method.

According to O. Kucheruk, games have become one of the most productive innovations in education in recent decades. Their indisputable advantage over traditional forms of training is that they require the activity of each participant, are more engaging than any other training methods, remove emotional barriers and help overcome various forms of psychological protection [7].

During the game, each participant makes mistakes and finds successful solutions by himself, enriching personal experience that is not forgotten, because «it happened to me» [10, p. 45]. Therefore, the game method of learning is important for preparing the emerging personality for life, for interaction in society. We consider the game method (or game method) as a set of educational actions that involve the reproduction of characteristic features of various modes of activity (intellectual, communicative, etc.) on the basis of competition, modeling of interpersonal relationships in game educational-subject situations.

In the «Encyclopedia of Education» (edited by V. Kremen), N. Kudykina notes that play is a type of creative human activity, in the process of which methods of acting with objects, relationships between people, norms of social life and cultural heritage of mankind are reproduced in an imaginary form. which characterize the historically achieved level of development of society.

In the process of implementing the game model of language learning, it is important to understand that a didactic game in pedagogy is considered as a type of cognitive games specially created by adults or inherited from previous generations, which are used in the educational process under the direct guidance of a teacher - linguist. Among the defining features of didactic games is the presence, in addition to the game (for students of education), of a clearly defined didactic goal (for the teacher-linguist), regulation of game activity by specially defined rules [9; 14].

An effective interactive method is a public presentation of the project. Presentation is the most effective way to convey important information both one - on-one and during public speaking. Slide presentations using multimedia equipment make it possible to effectively and visually visualize the content of the researched material, highlight and illustrate a message that carries instructive information, and show its key content points. The use of a presentation or its elements makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of public speeches, which are part of professional activity. In addition, such a form of independent productive activity as a presentation contributes to the development of speaking, reading and writing skills; improvement of public speaking skills; possession of dialogic skills; logical thinking; the ability to identify the main thing and discard the secondary; structure own thoughts; activation of leadership potential, adaptability, flexibility, conflict resistance; ensuring versatile development of personality, contact, ability to work in a team; interactive skills; improvement of communicative behavior skills; increasing creative potential, creativity; search for innovative approaches.

In our opinion, the specified methods take into account the requirements of the competence approach, since the use of methods belonging to the specified groups in the educational process contributes to the formation of the subject and key competencies of students through practical activities, and not the traditional way - from theory to practice.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. So, the competence paradigm influenced the selection of methods of teaching the Ukrainian language: the methods undergo transformations, are supplemented with psychological techniques, which is due to the need to increase the activity of students, increase motivation to master the subject.

The submitted materials do not fully reveal the problem. Many aspects of it require careful attention from researchers, and possibly special studies.


interactive educational cognitive product

1. Biliaiev, O.M. (1981) Suchasnyi urok ukrainskoi movy [A modern lesson of the Ukrainian language] Kyiv: Radianska shkola. [in Ukrainian].

2. Bondarenko, N.V. (2013) Metody navchannia ukrainskoi movy kriz pryzmu kompetentnisnoho pidkhodu [Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language through the prism of the competence approach] D^^^oslo^vo. [in Ukrainian].

3. Bondarenko, N.V. (1994) Pedahohichni tekhnolohii. Humanitarni tekhnolohii: Konspekt lektsii [Pedagogical technologies. Humanitarian technologies: Synopsis of lectures] Kyiv: Vydavnychyi dim «KM Academia». [in Ukrainian].

4. Bondarenko, N.V. (2020) Tradytsiini metody navchannia ukrainskoi movy: suchasnyi kontent [Traditional methods of learning the Ukrainian language: modern content] Problemy metodiv kompetentnisno oriientovanoho navchannia ukrainskoi movy v zakladakh zahalnoi serednoi osvity: zbirnyk materialiv kruhloho stolu, prysviachenoho pamiati chlena-korespondenta NAPN Ukrainy, doktora pedahohichnykh nauk, profesora Biliaieva Oleksandr Pedahohichna dumka. [in Ukrainian].

5. Volkova, N.P. (2018) Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia u vyshchii shkoli: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk [Interactive learning technologies in higher schools: educational and methodological manual] Dnipro: Universytet im. Alfreda Nobelia.

6. Horoshkina, O.M. (2013) Osoblyvosti vykorystannia interaktyvnykh metodiv na urokakh ukrainskoi movy [Peculiarities of the use of interactive methods in Ukrainian language lessons] Ukrainska mova i l^^erat^^^a v shkola. [in Ukrainian].

7. Kucheruk, O.A. (2011) Systema metodiv navchannia ukrainskoi movy v osnovnii shkoli: teoriia i praktyka: monohrafiia [The system of methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in primary school: theory and practice] Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka. [in Ukrainian].

8. Kucheruk, O.A. (2008) Kontseptsiia systemy metodiv navchannia movy v osnovnii shkoli [The concept of a system of language teaching methods in primary school] Ukrainska mova i literatura v shkoli. [in Ukrainian].

9. Kucheruk, O.A. (2013) Suchasni tendentsii vdoskonalennia zmistu i metodiv ukrainomovnoi osvity [Modern trends in improving the content and methods of Ukrainian - language education] Nauka i osvita: nauk.-praktych. zhurnal Pivdennoho naukovoho Tsentru NAPN Ukrainy. [in Ukrainian].

10. Pometun, O.I., &Pyrozhenko L.V. (2004) Suchasnyi urok. Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia: naukovo-metodychnyi posibnyk [A modern lesson. Interactive learning technologies: a scientific and methodological manual]. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

11. Pometun, O.I. (2007) Entsyklopediia interaktyvnoho navchannia [Encyclopedia of interactive learning]. Kyiv.

12. Pometun, O.I. (2008) Interaktyvni metody navchannia [Interactive learning methods] Entsyklopediia osvity. K.: Yurinkom Inter. [in Ukrainian].

13. Zhornyk, O. (2000) Vykorystannia dydaktychnykh ihor u navchanni [The use of didactic games in education] Ridna shkola. [in Ukrainian].

14. Khmiliar Oleh, Piankivska Liudmyla, Krasnytska Olha, Cherevychnyi Sergiy. Transformational Influence of Fake Messages on the Behavioral Activity of an Individual: Psycholinguistic Aspect. Postmodern Openings. 2021, 12 (2). Р. 133-148. DOI: 10.18662/po/12.2/300 URL:


1. Biliaiev, O.M. (1981) Suchasnyi urok ukrainskoi movy [A modern lesson of the Ukrainian language] Kyiv: Radianska shkola. [in Ukrainian].

2. Bondarenko, N.V. (2013) Metody navchannia ukrainskoi movy kriz pryzmu kompetentnisnoho pidkhodu [Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language through the prism of the competence approach] Dyvoslovo. [in Ukrainian].

3. Bondarenko, N.V. (1994) Pedahohichni tekhnolohii. Humanitarni tekhnolohii: Konspekt lektsii [Pedagogical technologies. Humanitarian technologies: Synopsis of lectures] Kyiv: Vydavnychyi dim «KM Academia», [in Ukrainian].

4. Bondarenko, N.V. (2020) Tradytsiini metody navchannia ukrainskoi movy: suchasnyi kontent [Traditional methods of learning the Ukrainian language: modern content] Problemy metodiv kompetentnisno oriientovanoho navchannia ukrainskoi movy v zakladakh zahalnoi serednoi osvity: zbirnyk materialiv kruhloho stolu, prysviachenoho pamiati chlena-korespondenta NAPN Ukrainy, doktora pedahohichnykh nauk, profesora Biliaieva Oleksandr Pedahohichna dumka. [in Ukrainian].

5. Volkova, N.P. (2018) Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia u vyshchii shkoli: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk [Interactive learning technologies in higher schools: educational and methodological manual] Dnipro: Universytet im. Alfreda Nobelia.

6. Horoshkina, O.M. (2013) Osoblyvosti vykorystannia interaktyvnykh metodiv na urokakh ukrainskoi movy [Peculiarities of the use of interactive methods in Ukrainian language lessons] Ukrainska mova i l^^erat^^^a v shkola. [in Ukrainian].

7. Kucheruk, O.A. (2011) Systema metodiv navchannia ukrainskoi movy v osnovnii shkoli: teoriia i praktyka: monohrafiia [The system of methods of teaching the Ukrainian language in primary school: theory and practice] Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka. [in Ukrainian].

8. Kucheruk, O.A. (2008) Kontseptsiia systemy metodiv navchannia movy v osnovnii shkoli [The concept of a system of language teaching methods in primary school] Ukrainska mova i literatura v shkola. [in Ukrainian].

9. Kucheruk, O.A. (2013) Suchasni tendentsii vdoskonalennia zmistu i metodiv ukrainomovnoi osvity [Modern trends in improving the content and methods of Ukrainian - language education] Nauka i osvita: nauk.-praktych. zhurnal Pivdennoho naukovoho Tsentru NAPN Ukrainy. [in Ukrainian].

10. Pometun, O.I., &Pyrozhenko L.V. (2004) Suchasnyi urok. Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia: naukovo-metodychnyi posibnyk [A modern lesson. Interactive learning technologies: a scientific and methodological manual]. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].

11. Pometun, O.I. (2007) Entsyklopediia interaktyvnoho navchannia [Encyclopedia of interactive learning]. Kyiv.

12. Pometun, O.I. (2008) Interaktyvni metody navchannia [Interactive learning methods] Entsyklopediia osvity. K.: Yurinkom Inter. [in Ukrainian].

13. Zhornyk, O. (2000) Vykorystannia dydaktychnykh ihor u navchanni [The use of didactic games in education] Ridna shkola. [in Ukrainian].

14. Khmiliar Oleh, Piankivska Liudmyla, Krasnytska Olha, Cherevychnyi Sergiy. Transformational Influence of Fake Messages on the Behavioral Activity of an Individual: Psycholinguistic Aspect. Postmodern Openings. 2021, 12 (2). Р. 133-148. DOI: 10.18662/po/12.2/300 URL:

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  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

    курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.

    курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012

  • What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.

    реферат [543,8 K], добавлен 25.12.2014

  • The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.

    курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015

  • The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015

  • Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.

    курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008

  • The most common difficulties in auding and speaking. Psychological characteristics of speech. Linguistic characteristics of speech. Prepared and unprepared speech. Mistakes and how to correct them. Speaking in teaching practice. Speech, oral exercises.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 01.04.2008

  • Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.

    курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.

    курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017

  • Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.

    курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013

  • Особливості філософії освіти у ХХІ столітті. Характеристика системи інноваційних принципів та методів викладання у вищій школі - "Blended Learning", що забезпечує значно вищу результативність освітнього процесу. Особливості застосування цієї системи.

    статья [23,8 K], добавлен 21.09.2017

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