Formation of the subject attitude of educators towards the surrounding environment of high schools
The formation of the subject attitude of education seekers to the surrounding environment of higher education institutions. Study of the level of eco-anxiety in students in the conditions of distance learning on the example of the VNMU named Pirogov.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.11.2023 |
Размер файла | 92,9 K |
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Formation of the subject attitude of educators towards the surrounding environment of high schools
Ordatii Nataliia Mykolayivna Assistant, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, postgraduate, VSPU named after Mykhailo Kotsiubyskyi, Vinnytsya,
The article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of the subject's attitude of education seekers to the surrounding environment of higher education institutions. The purpose of the article is to study the level of reactive and situational eco-anxiety in students in the conditions of distance learning on the example of medical students of the Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M.I. Pirogov.
In the research process, such methods as analysis, systematization, synthesis, generalization, concretization, comparison, and psychodiagnostic techniques were applied, using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-STAI of Ch. Spielberg in the modification of Yu. Khanin (level of determining the state of reactive and situational anxiety).
An empirical study of the impact of eco-awareness on the development of anxiety in students of higher education was conducted, where the following features were distinguished: the implementation of theoretical and practical training of students in eco-oriented activities aimed at combining morality and science, which is able to ensure not only the transformation of the traditional effort to provide the individual with new opportunities in interaction with nature, but also outline the spectrum of human abilities to adequately navigate the flow of ecological realities and attitudes regarding one's own choice in the development of social criticism; inclusion of students in eco-oriented activities with the aim of training specialists who are able to resist medical, psychological and economic threats in all spheres of social life (local, regional, national and global levels); the formation of environmentalism as a character trait in students, which will contribute to the possibility of applying ecological knowledge and skills as needed in the conditions of the ecological environment; the use of special training technologies in the conditions of the educational environment with the aim of forming the subjective attitude of the students of education towards the environment of higher education institutions.
Key words: situational and reactive anxiety, subjective attitude, philosophical prerequisites, ecological knowledge, ecological consciousness, students of education.
subject attitude student education institutions
Ордатій Наталія Миколаївна доктор філософії (PhD), асистент, ВНМУ ім. М.І. Пирогова, лікар психіатр, ВМКЦ,
У статті розкрито особливості формування суб'єктного ставлення у здобувачів освіти до оточуючого середовища ЗВО. Метою статті є дослідження рівня реактивної та ситуативної еко-тривожності в студентів в умовах дистанційного навчання на прикладі медичних студенів Вінницького національного медичного Університету імені М.І. Пирогова.
У процесі дослідження застосовано такі методи як аналізування, систематизація, синтезування, узагальнення, конкретизація, порівняння та психодіагностичні методики, з використанням опитувальника оцінки тривожності Ч. Спілберга (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-STAI) у модифікації Ю. Ханіна, (рівень визначення стану реактивної та ситуативної тривожності).
Проведено емпіричне дослідження впливу екосвідомості на розвиток тривожності в здобувачів вищої освіти, де відокремлено такі особливості: здійснення теоретично-практичної підготовки студентів у екозорієнтованій діяльності, спрямованій на поєднання моральності та науковості, що здатна забезпечити не лише трансформацію традиційного намагання надати особистості нові можливості у взаємодії з природою, а й виокреслити спектр здібностей людини адекватно орієнтуватись у потоці екологічних реалій та установок щодо власного вибору в розвитку соціального критицизму; включення студентів в екозорієнтовану діяльність з метою підготовки фахівців, котрі спроможні протистояти медико-психологічним і економічним загрозам в усіх сферах суспільного буття (локальному, регіональному, національному та глобальному рівнях); формування у здобувачів освіти екологічності як риси характеру, що сприятиме можливості застосування екологічних знань і вмінь за потребою в умовах екосередовища; використання спеціальних тренінгових технологій в умовах освітнього середовища з метою формування суб'єктного ставлення у здобувачів освіти до оточуючого середовища ЗВО.
Ключові слова: ситуативна та реактивна тривожність, суб'єктне ставлення, філософські передумови, екологічні знання, екологічна свідомість, здобувачі освіти.
Formulation of the problem
Increasing the efficiency of the process at the stage of formation of environmental awareness among students is possible only through the harmonization of education, the introduction of individually oriented interactive methods of environmental education and its development, aimed at the formation of behavioral-active and motivational-value content respondents and their behavior. Purposeful human activity, in particular, among students during preparation for online classes, increases reactive anxiety in cyberspace conditions. In the context of the development of individual environmental skills, there is extracurricular work that goes beyond the curriculum and is aimed at supplementing and expanding the experience, knowledge and skills of students. In this way, it is possible to resolve the dilemma of contradictions between the global ecological need and the general theoretical level of knowledge acquired in the environment of higher education institutions during training and the responsibility of students.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Students of education towards the surrounding environment of higher educational institutions, according to the results of our study, the primary emphasis in increasing the level of development of activity and cognitive content EC is its emotional component, which is perceived mainly through the prism of aesthetic perception of the environment, the attitude towards which has they have a more objective character. It is this age category of people that is oriented towards the search for harmony in the world and awareness of their own security and comfort in it. At the student age, the definition of one's own place in society and the formation of a picture of the world mostly ends. The practical significance of the investigated problem is mostly based on interaction with nature in an aesthetic direction. That is why the psychological features of the process of development and formation of environmental consciousness among students are due to the direction of pedagogical efforts to educate them in aesthetic technologies in the cooperation of the individual with the environment. Therefore, it is the value-based, and not purely consumerist, attitude towards the environment that is the maxim of the ecological culture of education seekers in the eco-environment of higher education institutions [1 - 5].
Modern ecologically oriented education should now combine morality and science. It is able to ensure not only the transformation of the traditional effort to provide the individual with new opportunities in interaction with nature, but also to outline the spectrum of human abilities to adequately navigate the flow of ecological realities and attitudes regarding one's own choice in the development of social criticism.
The purpose of the article is to study the level of reactive and situational ecoanxiety in students in the conditions of distance learning on the example of medical students of the Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M.I. Pirogov.
Presenting main material. In the research process, such methods as analysis, systematization, synthesis, generalization, concretization, comparison, and psychodiagnostic techniques were applied, using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory- STAI of Ch. Spielberg in the modification of Yu. Khanin (level of determining the state of reactive and situational anxiety) and the author's questionnaire, which contains 11 arbitrary questions about satisfaction with distance learning.
Students of the Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M. I. Pirogov, who were on distance learning in the period from 05/22/2020 to 06/08/2023. During the psychological experiment, 60 students (65%-39 women and 35%-21 men) took part in the psychological experiment, of which 12 were lst-year students, 14 were 2nd-year students, 13 were 4th-year students, and 15 were 5th- year students. persons, 6 courses - 6 persons), using elements of distance learning. Distance education was organized according to such principles as individual orientation and accessibility of learning, provision of comfortable conditions between participants of the educational process and those seeking education, consideration of individual psychological features of cognitive processes, personal pace of learning and improvement of information culture, etc.
Distance learning (DL) is an educational process using a set of telecommunication technologies aimed at providing opportunities for students to learn the basic amount of information they need without direct contact with teachers in the learning process (in synchronous and asynchronous forms), and which can be both as an independent form of education and as a supplement to another more traditional organization of education, if necessary, providing the opportunity to study a course of training, retraining or advanced training of future specialists according to their educational needs, without changing their usual rhythm of life.
We note that reactive anxiety arises in response to a specific external stressful or extreme situation (a military threat), which is stretched over time and does not go away, and is aggravated by such factors as: the reality of a threat to health and life, the limitation of social contacts, the negative influence of the information field (mass media) etc.
Situational anxiety affects the purposeful activity of a person, in particular, in students during preparation for classes that are conducted in an online format and increases reactive anxiety in cyberspace conditions. As a result, disorganization of training preparation is observed, which causes rapid fatigue, mistakes and reluctance to prepare for classes, a formal attitude to training, and deterioration of well-being. Therefore, the presence of limited quarantine measures in the situation of distance learning reduces the variability of rest, contributes to an increase in tension and anxiety.
Distance learning was carried out on university platforms with possible access via Viber, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, MS Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc. Actively used one of the available means of Internet communication, Google ClassRoom. The material for preliminary preparation was placed in electronic form on the website of the university departments. Video lectures, surveys, testing were used, links to the material were provided, and the possibility of a free schedule of attending classes was provided.
According to the scale of reactive (situational) and personal anxiety by Ch. Spielberger-Y. Khanina, which is intended to clarify the quality of an individual's integral self-esteem (situational or permanent (personal) unstable self-esteem). According to the results of the method, not only the psychodynamic features of the personality are determined, but also its general tendencies regarding the interrelationship of the reactivity and activity parameters of the personality. The technique helps to make a detailed and subjective characterization of the personality, which increases its value in psychodiagnostic terms. Its results are usually evaluated in the following gradations: up to 30 points - low; 31-45 - average; 46 and more- high anxiety.In our study, this technique was used in the correlation of the obtained results (on a scale of 20-80) with the ranges (quartiles) of the normal distribution of students with different anxiety according to their activity parameter.
According to the data obtained in the testing process, the following results were obtained (Fig. 1): the highest level of low anxiety is characteristic of students of the 4th year - 84.5% (11 out of 13 surveyed), for students of the 1st year - 75% (9 students out of 12 ), for 2nd year students - 64.28% (9 students out of 14). The distribution among students of the 5th and 6th year is almost the same - 46.7% and 50% (among 29 women and 10 men, respectively).
Moderate anxiety has the following indicators - 5th year - 40% (6 students out of 15), 6th year - 33.33% (2 students out of 6), 2nd year - 28.57% (4 students out of 14), 1 course - 25% (3 students out of 12), 8 women and 9 men. Indicators of high anxiety have the following distribution: for the 6th year - 16.66% (1 student out of 6), 5th year - 13.33% (2 students out of 15) and for the 2nd year - 14.28% (1 student out of 14), exclusively among the female respondents, and for the 1st course and the 4th are not characteristic at all.
In fig. 1 shows that medical students have a low and moderate level of both personal and situational anxiety, a high level of anxiety is not observed. This indicates that the students have good psycho-emotional health and psychological stability. They lack fears, complexes and other negative traits that have a destructive effect on the educational process. Students with high personal anxiety usually take everything personally. However, in our study, the indicators of personal anxiety are low and moderate, and their emotional state corresponds to the norms.
Fig. 1. The level of situational andpersonal anxiety in medical students according to the reactive (situational) and personal anxiety scale of C. Spielberger-Yu. Khanina
We should also note that there is a certain number of people who are satisfied with distance learning and who are interested in learning, among them 25% (15 students), while those who do not enjoy learning - 10% (6 students out of 60). The compliance of distance education with expectations is 11.7% (7 students out of 60) and does not meet the expected results in education - 15% (9 students). The number of those who prepare for distance learning on time is 35% (21 students out of 60); the rate of those who study formally (from time to time) is 15% (9 students); 16.7% (10 students) of those who believe that they waste time with distance learning.
Thus, among the significant advantages of distance education, the following can be noted: the opportunity to study at any time according to an individual study schedule; the opportunity to study anywhere (studying in hard-to-reach areas); study without breaking away from the main activity (studying in several educational institutions at the same time); the opportunity to study at your own time (unlimited time); availability of educational materials (access to necessary literature); mobility (communication with teachers is carried out online and offline); distance learning in peace; individual approach to distance learning.
Therefore, situational and reactive anxiety are characteristic in any of the cases, characterized by a reduced potential for learning in general. Most students lack the motivation to acquire knowledge in such a way and are not concerned with doing independent work. We will not describe in detail their employment in the conditions of distance learning - this is not the main task of the study, but it will serve as a study in the future, and we will also note that they do not have an active approach to acquiring knowledge.
Taking into account the above, we note that the eco-environment directly surrounds a person, determines his conditions of living and eating, work and rest, education and upbringing. It promotes the vital activity of living beings with the environment in interaction and systematicity. Environmentalism represents a person's need to realize that he is an integral part of the entire living world and, accordingly, reflects the positive and negative effects of his environment. That is why, coexisting with all the surrounding components of the eco-environment, a person should minimize ecological problems and maintain the sustainability of his own life. Environmentalism in the educational environment reflects the needs of the individual in acquiring knowledge about nature and in fruitful coexistence with it, increasing the level of one's own awareness of the problems of protection and use of its benefits. Environmental education should contribute to the development of not only objectivity, but also the formation of a competent attitude to nature, a humanistic type in the adaptation of students to modern conditions.
One of these priorities is worldview in interaction with progeny: in the formation of value and life orientations; in the creation of means of humanization of the information society regarding the harmonious coexistence of man and nature; in the understanding of ecological education according to the principle of ecovitalism and the valuable self-attitude of a person to his own interaction with nature, in particular in a situation of an economic crisis or a pandemic.
Compliance with the new realities of life requires the harmonious development of the individual and society and the constant transformation of values that would balance the contradictions between what society requires and what the individual needs. The high level of modern life requirements requires increased attention to the problem of psychological health, which largely determines the stability and reliability of an individual. The flip side of social development and progress is situational and reactive anxiety. An increase in anxiety contributes to the development of "psychological barriers" to innovation, overwork, emotional tension, imbalanced state, etc., which create disharmony in the future life path of an individual. In particular, online learning requires increased concentration, demandingness and, often, exhaustion of the individual in the conditions of the educational process.
Empirical data show that reactive and situational anxiety are among the environmental destructive factors affecting a person's mental health. Predominant in the structure of pathological changes, characteristic of changes in mental health, are mental disorders of pre-clinical content, based on a series of intermediate destructions between the norm and pathology in interaction with the eco-environment, which cause various manifestations of socio-psychological maladaptation of the individual in the conditions of distance learning . It was found that environmentalism in the educational environment reflects the needs of the individual in learning about nature and in fruitful coexistence with it, increasing the level of students' knowledge about the problems of protecting and using its benefits. Environmental education should contribute to the development of not only objectivity, but also the formation of a worldview of a humanistic variety in order to adapt the students of education to the conditions of modernity.
Prospects for further research consist in clarifying and revealing the factorial weight of personal potentials capable of ensuring psychosomatic health in the professional activity of a person in the eco-environment of the ZVO.
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2. Vizn^k, I., Dzekan, O., Dolynnyi, S., Fomin, O., Fomina, N., & Ordatii, N. (2022). Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration processes. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 65-77.
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1. Візнюк І. М. Впровадження ПККПТ в освітньо-інформативне середовище дистанційного навчання за програмою «Macromedia flash». Технології розвитку інтелекту. Київ, 2019. Том 3. № 3(24). С. 23-46.
2. Ордатій Н. М. Екологічні чинники психосоматичних дисфункцій у студентів закладів вищої освіти: монографія / під керівництвом Візнюк І.М. Вінниця : Вид-во ТОВ «Друк», 2023. 260 с.
3. Viznluk, I., Dzekan, O., Dolynnyi, S., Fomin, O., Fomina, N., & Ordatii, N. Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration processes [Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration processes]. (2022). Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 65-77.
4.Vizrnuk І.Ј¬Ordatii N.Ј¬Ordatii A. Environmental Consciousness of Students in VSPU Named After Mykhayl Kotsyubynsky in the Conditions of Quarantine Restrictions. Sdence and Education, 3(CLХХХVП), 2021. Р. 38- 45. Режим доступу: https://scienceandeducation.pdpu.e
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