Media reality of modern education: historiography of the problem of media literacy and media competence
The results of the study made it possible to identify and describe the content and factors of the development of the problem of media literacy and media competence as key components of the transformation processes of the modern educational paradigm.
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Дата добавления | 24.11.2023 |
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Media reality of modern education: historiography of the problem of media literacy and media competence
Svitlana Loboda
The modern educational paradigm exists in media reality. Accordingly, the challenges and trends of the modern educational space are formed around the problem of media literacy and media competence. The aim of the study is to analyze the best educational practices of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom in the sphere of media literacy and media competence in order to identify the innovative potential of modern reforms, understand and realize modern processes in education, and design its future.
The research is based on the analysis of contemporary scientific and pedagogical discourse around the issue of media literacy and media competence. The study of this issue is based on a comprehensive retrospective analysis of the works of scholars from the United States, as well as Canada, the United Kingdom. The author analyzes the historiography of this issue, which reflects different stages of its development, using a complex of historiographical and historical-comparative methods and approaches.
The results of the study made it possible to identify and describe the content, focus, specificity and factors of the development of the problem of media literacy and media competence as key components of the transformation processes of the modern educational paradigm and determine the value-content orientations of scientific and pedagogical discourse.
Based on the results of the analysis of the historiography of the problem, it is concluded that the theoretical basis of the problem of media literacy and media competence is made up of pedagogical, sociological, psychological and philosophical theories; the impact of media on the formation of the individual in particular and the community in general; research on information and information- psychological security of the individual; provisions on the influence of the mass media on the formation of personal qualities and behavior; provisions on the impact of informatization on the learning process; research on psychological protection of the individual in the information environment; research on the phenomenon of information culture; concepts of personal information culture development; general scientific provisions of the theory and history of the periodical press and its influence on the formation of consciousness; a provision on the need to enrich pedagogical experience by combining the best examples of pedagogical theory and practice from different countries in order to preserve universal values, ideals and individual rights.
Keywords; media reality, media literacy, media competence, information educational paradigm, information protection of children, media education, scientific and pedagogical discourse.
Лобода Світлана
Медійна реальність сучасної освіти: історіографія проблеми медіаграмотності та медіакомпетентності
Сучасна освітня парадигма існує в медійній реальності. Відповідно виклики та тренди сучасного освітнього простору формуються навколо проблеми медіаграмотності та медіакомпетентності. Метою дослідження є аналіз найкращих освітніх практик США, Канади та Великої Британії у сфері медіаграмотності та медіакомпетентності з метою виявлення інноваційного потенціалу сучасних реформ, розуміння та реалізації сучасних процесів в освіті та проектування її майбутнього.
Дослідження базується на аналізі сучасного науково-педагогічного дискурсу навколо проблеми медіаграмотності та медіакомпетентності. Дослідження ґрунтується на комплексному ретроспективному аналізі праць вчених США, а також Канади, Великої Британії. Автор аналізує історіографію даної проблеми, яка відображає різні етапи її розвитку, використовуючи комплекс історіографічних та історико- порівняльних методів і підходів.
Результати дослідження дали змогу виявити та описати зміст, спрямованість, специфіку та чинники розвитку проблеми медіаграмотності та медіакомпетентності як ключових складових трансформаційних процесів сучасної освітньої парадигми та визначити ціннісно-змістовні орієнтири науково-педагогічного дискурсу.
За результатами аналізу історіографії проблеми зроблено висновок, що теоретичну основу проблеми медіаграмотності та медіакомпетентності складають педагогічні, соціологічні, психологічні та філософські теорії; вплив медіа на формування особистості зокрема та спільноти загалом; дослідження інформаційної та інформаційно-психологічної безпеки особистості; положення про вплив засобів масової інформації на формування якостей і поведінки особистості; положення про вплив інформатизації на процес навчання; дослідження психологічного захисту особистості в інформаційному середовищі; дослідження феномену інформаційної культури; концепції розвитку інформаційної культури особистості; загальнонаукові положення теорії та історії періодичної преси та її вплив на формування свідомості; положення про необхідність збагачення педагогічного досвіду шляхом поєднання кращих зразків педагогічної теорії та практики різних країн з метою збереження загальнолюдських цінностей, ідеалів і прав особистості.
Ключові слова: медіареальність, медіаграмотність, медіакомпетентність, інформаційно-освітня парадигма, інформаційний захист дітей, медіаосвіта, науково-педагогічний дискурс.
media reality modern education
The rapid development of media technologies and their active integration into the educational space have led to the emergence of a new educational paradigm, the main educational environment of which is the media space. Under the influence of scientific and technical progress and the introduction of information and communication technologies, the rethinking of such new educational phenomena as media literacy and media competence is gaining special relevan ce. On the way to the implementation of these directions of education development, it is advisable to analyze the best educational practices in order to identify the innovative potential of modern reforms, understand and realize modern processes in education, and design its future.
Given the topic of the study, it is important to turn to the study of pedagogical practices of media literacy and media competence in the United States of America (USA), Canada, and the United Kingdom. Modern pedagogical research and practical experience of these countries has significant achievements in developing media literacy and media competence of the younger generation and generally solving the problem of information protection of children and youth.
The chronological boundaries of the study cover the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century. The lower limit (90s of the 20th century) is characterized by the beginning of a qualitatively new stage in the development of educational policy in the USA, primarily by the active development of mass communication media and the growth of their influence on the individual, which led to the need for the formation of information culture and media education of children. Proclaimed in the early 90s of the twentieth century, the policy of information protection of children in US secondary schools has become a priority area of the national strategy for reforming education in the twenty-first century. In 1994, the Goals 2000: Educate America Act was passed, which established media education as a mandatory course in US schools. In 1998, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) was passed. A wide range of civic initiatives have been launched in the country, and non-governmental organizations for media literacy and information literacy are active in the country.
Upper chronological limit (beginning of the 21st century) is characterized by the beginning of a qualitatively new stage in the development of educational policy in these countries, the creation of a new educational paradigm. The active development of information and communication technologies and their growing influence on the individual has led to the intensification of scientific and pedagogical research on the formation of media literacy and media competence, information culture and media education of the younger generation.
The problem of media literacy and media competence began to develop and be studied in the 60s and 70s yearsof the 20th century such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and some others.
The theoretical basis of the study is the work of M. McLuhan and L. Masterman. M. McLuhan (1964) was the first to introduce the term media education into scientific circulation and highlighte d the impact of media on the individual. L. Masterman (1985; 1997; 1998) created the concept of media education aimed at developing critical thinking in children and adolescents as a way to overcome the n egative influence of the media.
The works of American scholars deserve special attention in the context of this problem. The development of the theory and methodology of media education and media literacy in the United States is highlighted in the studies of J. Johnson (2001), D. Considine (1999), K. Tyner (1998), R. Hobbs (2020) and others.
A deeper analysis is required a number of works by such researchers as S. Bazalgette (1992), D. Buckingham (2003), Ch. Worsnop (1996), B. Duncan (1989), R. Kubey (1997), T. Hart (1991), J. Pungente (1999) and others. These works are valuable for pedagogical science from the point of view of evidence and comparison when assessing the level of development and ensuring media literacy and media competence. The aforementioned works discuss the processes of mass informatization and computerization that created the prerequisites and conditions for the transition to the information society. Much of the research focuses on information, which has become an important resource for political, socio-economic, technological, and cultural development and has become a productive force in the new society. Researchers note that the impact of information and communication technologies can have both positive and negative influence on the development of society and the individual. Scientists emphasize the negative consequences of informatization and computerization and identify a whole range of problems: alienation of people from reality and the impact of the information environment on the moral and spiritual health of society, protection of intellectual property, combating computer and high-tech crimes, censorship in global computer networks, the problem of ensuring the security and confidentiality of information, the possibility of psychological influence on individual and social consciousness, etc.
Certain aspects of the mentioned problem have already been highlighted in the previous works of the author (Blaszczak et al., 2021; Loboda et al., 2023).
Noting the work of scholars on this issue, we can state that in the context of the rapid development of information technology, the problem of media literacy and media com petence remains relevant today.
The aim of the article is to outline the historiography of the problem and on its basis, namely holistic retrospective analysis of problematic publications of teachers in the USA, Canada and Great Britain, describe the content, directions, specificity, factors of the development of the problem of media literacy and media competence and determine value-content guidelines of scientific discourse.
The goal and task of the study, taking into account the multifaceted nature of the problem, is to determine the need to use a complex of historiographical and historical-comparative methods and approaches. The historiographical approach helps reveal the state of the problem in the historical- pedagogical science. Scientific source criticism, which includes source analyzis and source-scientific synthesis of archival and published sources provides an opportunity to obtain a set of scientifically verified facts on the investigated problem. The application of the axiological approach allows to determine value-content guidelines scientific discourse in the USA, Canada and Great Britain.
Thus, the reliability and validity of the results and conclusions of the study provided with theoretical and methodological substantiation of its original provisions on the basis carrying out a historiographical analysis of the investigated problem, as well as a systematic analysis a wide source base using the method of scientific source criticism.
The source base of the study includes acts, regulations, and documents of the U.S. Department of Education; The Library of Congress; articles by foreign scholars in the ProQuest electronic database; materials from international scientific conferences; documents of international organizations on the issue of information protection of children (UNESCO; UN); analytical materials of scientific and pedagogical centers, associations for media education and information literacy.
Scientific periodicals of pedagogical publications of the USA: „Journal of Information Literacy" (JIL), „American Educational Research Journal", „Children and Media", „Current Issues in Education", „School Community Network", „American School Board Journal", „Education Week", „Net Family News", „Cyberpsychology", „The Journal of Media Literacy Education", „An Ounce of Prevention", „Education News", „Educause", „Internet and Schools", „The 21st Centure School", „K-12 Mobile Classroom", „The Future Of Children", „Networks", „Frontline", „Media Health Matters", „Kids First", „Common Sense media", „Limi TV", „Communications in Information Literacy", „The Teachers Net Gazzette" and others.
In order to outline a large circle of pedagogical periodicals from the point of view of the value aspect, the main selection criteria are highlighted: 1) representation of content by the press units of analysis - topics of "media literacy" and topics of "media competence"; 2) author's composition: scientists, education workers, practicing teachers, state, public, political figures; 3) scale of publicizing the problem: events of global significance, regional problems, of local importance. Having specified the phenomena associated with information saturation pedagogical press, we received the basis for compiling a sample of the most valuable from informative point of view of periodicals.
The results obtained during the analysis of the leading editions of the pedagogical periodical press provide an opportunity to reveal the internal thematic connection between the arrays of pedagogical sources, which creates grounds for determining not only quantitative, but also substantive and qualitative ones characteristics of the publications selected for analysis, which, in turn, will create appropriate conditions for revealing the ideological content of both general and personified pedagogical content thoughts of the USA, Canada and Great Britain at the beginning of the 21st century.
In the United States, in the context of developing media education and media literacy as a means of overcoming the negative influences of the information environment and shaping information culture, children and youth are taught to critically perceive the media, see commercial motives through the prism of negative stories, analyze and mentally deconstruct a screen or print product. American scientists have developed a set of programs, trainings, and videos to instill "information immunity" in the younger generation.
The National Association for Media Literacy Education defines "media literacy" as a field that develops skills that promote healthy lifestyles and allow for critical choices. Media literacy is the result of media education and media study. Media literacy is associated with the devel opment of a critical understanding of analyze,the nature of media, media techniques and their impact, and an understanding of the role of media in life. A media literate person is media competent, i.e., able to critically and consciously select and evaluate media texts, maintain a critical distance from popular culture, and resist media manipulation. A media-literate person has developed abilities to perceive, evaluate and create media texts, to understand the socio-cultural and political context of media in the modern world. To be media literate is to have the skills to understand the language of the media, to be a critical viewer, and to be aware of media influence. In his publications, W. Potter (2004) considered this concept as a means of overcoming the negative effects of media and pop culture.
In our study, media literacy and media competence are defined as knowledge about communications and the media, the use of all types of media to gain the necessary knowledge and creative expression, assessment of the reliability of information, development of critical thinking, the ability to properly organize the information process and ensure information protection of the individual.
L. Masterman (1985, 1997, 1998) developed the theory of critical thinking and critical autonomy in the audience. L. Masterman believes that the audience needs to be guided in the face of a glut of diverse information, taught to perceive it correctly, analyze it, and have understanding of the mechanisms of influence and consequences for consumers of media texts. The main goal is to help students understand how the media function, whose interests they reflect, what the content of media texts is, how they reflect reality, and how they are perceived by the audience. Masterman L. believes that media education is the process of studying works of media culture (Masterman, 1985, pp. 15-68; Masterman, 1998).
A significant contribution is the work of David Buckingham (2003), in which he provided an in¬depth analysis of the problems faced by media educators and considered media education and media literacy in the light of the latest changes in the media sphere and in the lives of the younger generation. The author has developed accessible and convincing principles on which to base media programs, as well as theoretically sound and practically feasible fundamental principles of pedagogical practice. This work addresses the following questions: how should education respond to the realities of an increasingly media-driven world; how can it help young people become active media culture critics; how can it cope with the complex technological, cultural, and economic transformations that are changing the contemporary media environment? David Buckingham presents an overview of debates, theories and principles in the field of media education and highlights areas for reforming modern education.
The following foreign researchers have made a significant contribution to the study of the destructive influence of mass media, primarily television, in their psychological and pedagogical research: J. Cantor (2003), T. Orange (2007), L. O'Flynn (2007), W. Potter (2004), E. Thoman (2004), D. Phillips (2000), etc. Most of them are based on the study of the impact of screen violence and aggression on the formation of children's personalities. Researchers note that children's regular viewing of scenes of violence and aggression on the screen results in the emergence of peculiar psychological phenomena: such as the adoption of an aggressive types of behavior, the removal of prohibitions on causing moral and physical harm to others, the loss of emotional sensitivity to other people's pain, the emergence of fears, anxiety, and the acceptance of the role of "victim" or "aggressor" in real life.
In view of this problem, the work of T. Orange (2007) and L. O'Flynn (2007), in which they highlight the negative consequences of children's media usage which is cited. The researchers see the main reasons for these consequences in the excessive use of media and the negative impact of both the content of information and the technical means of obtaining it. The authors identify the main areas of negative media impact on children: physical condition (static tension, obesity, visual impairment, problems with coordination, hyperactivity or lethargy, sleep disturbances), behavior (depression, aggressiveness, anxiety, irritability, profanity, early maturation, impulsivity), education (poorly developed speech, problems with attention, lagging behind in literacy, inability to think independently, tendency to copy), family relationships (selfishness, isolation, lack of understanding between parents and children, possibility of Internet acquaintance with dangerous people), world view (lack of realism in the world view, simplified values, life according to the "I want" principle) (Orange, O'Flynn, 2007, pp. 45-85).
Noteworthy are the works of S. Livingston (2009), where she deals with the problem of interaction between young people and the Internet. The study examines the practice of daily use of the Internet by children in the context of a complex historical and cultural situation that is changing. It highlights the complex dynamic relationship between Internet opportunities and risks for children. In particular, the main issues that are being developed in the work are Internet ethics, online behavior, ensuring confidentiality and privacy, threats and dangers and their consequences for children. The paper presents a classification of online risks and opportunities for children. The main groups of risks are technical (spam, advertising, theft of private information, hacking, gambling, hacking); aggressive (content wi th elements of violence, cruelty, bullying); sexual (pornographic content, meetings with strangers, sexual abuse, actual creation of pornographic materials); and value-based (propaganda of racism, alcohol, drugs, smoking, suicide, anorexia, etc.). Main features: educational resources, global information, contacts with friends, social networking, self-expression. The researcher, relying on modern theories of development and personality learning, provides a critical analysis of personality development on the Internet, highlights the actions of legislation in this area and provides recommendations for parents and teachers on online safety of children.
Important for understanding the problem of media literacy and media competence is the work of S. Livingston (2009), which focuses on the crimes and harm of media content for the younger generation. S. Livingston analyzes in detail the content of television, movies, videos, electronic games, the Internet, mobile phones, radio, music, print media, and advertising, based on the research of well-known scholars. According to the researcher, the most common media content is violence, cruelty, sex, and promotion of anti-social behavior and unhealthy lifestyles.
S. Livingston analyzes from a historical perspective the research of scholars from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom on the effects of media content on children, and highlights sociological studies. An overview of media content research methods and methods for preventing and correcting the effects of negative content on children is presented. The article analyzes the effects of media content on children and gender differences in the impact and perception of negative content. The factors and reasons that increase the impact of negative content are analyzed: poor parent-child relationships, low IQ, poverty, parental divorce, insults from parents, etc.
In the context of our study, the work of S. Livingston (2012) is valuable, in which she defines and analyzes children's media culture in different countries of the world based on the in-depth research of such scholars as M. Barker, D. Bolter, R. Grusin, U. Bronfenbrenner, D. Buckingham, K. Drotner, A. Dorr, J. Thompson and others.
The works of the American scholar W. Potter (2004) are important for our study. According to W. Potter, the media has a great influence on our thinking and perception of the environment, shaping our views and beliefs, but media literacy can help avoid the potentially negative effects of media messages and enhance the potentially positive effects. The paper analyzes media content, audience, and privacy of media messages.
W. Potter examined media literacy, in particular, analyzing different definitions of the term. The researcher noted that all the differences in definitions depend on the type of media being studied. The author presented an agnostic approach to all types of media, focusing on how people receive and process information from different media. The researcher identified the following blocks of media literacy: personal position, knowledge structure, skills and goals. W. Potter argues that a person is media literate if he or she has a structure of awareness in five fields: effects in the media sphere, content in the media, industries in the media, the world reality and personal skills. Skills include analysis, evaluation, grouping, deduction, synthesis, and abstraction (Potter, 2004).
W. Potter thoroughly researched media violence and cruelty. W. Potter tried to find out how much media violence is on the screen, what hidden meanings the scenes of violence carry, how media violence affects viewers individually, as members of a particular group, and as members of society. The work presented a detailed historical overview of research and theories of cruelty and violence in the medi a over a period of more than 40 years. The author analyzed the research of outstanding media educators of the past, such as S. Bazalgette, D. Buckingham, Ch. Worsnop, M. McLuhan, K. Montgomery and characterizes the state of modern media education in the USA. The author provides rethinking and new definitions of such concepts as cruelty, violence, context, levels of phenomena, effects, risks, the nature of media industries, etc.W. Potter emphasized the need to change the methodological tasks used to assess the content and effects of media violence. The author provided a typology of media effects: immediate and long-term effects. The direct effects include:
- cognitive (media can immediately instill ideas and information);
- ideological (media create, change, and strengthen a person's views);
- emotional (media evoke an emotional response);
- behavioral (imitation, activation, media can make a person do something, for example, activating purchases through advertising);
- physiological (media can calm or excite for a short time).
Long-term effects are:
- cognitive (acquisition of long-term information);
- worldview (consolidation of views, change of previous attitudes towards the environment);
- behavioral (media narcosis, lack of moral inhibitions);
- emotional (long-term increase or decrease in emotional reactions);
- physiological (dependence on media or media content).
Recommendations on how to protect against the negative impact of media violence are reflected in the paper. In the final part, the author proposes a new theoretical approach to explaining the theory of linearity.
Some modern learning approaches include the learning activities among the students at various levels such as personal, motivational-volitional, cognitive and metacognitive and other personal levels; learning based on the concept of life strategies of a person; self-regulated learning with the use of metacognitive skills (Marchenoka, 2021; Balashov et al. 2022).
Among these works, we highlight the study by R. Hobbs (2020). The author addressed teachers and educators who wish to use electronic media, mass media, and pop culture as learning resources to develop students critical thinking and communication skills, which are components of media literacy. Numerous creative examples, ideas, technologies, and strategies for fostering media literacy in students were presented in the work. The key concepts of electronic media literacy, according to R. Hobbs are: access, analysis, creation, display and activity. The author presented a critical account of student participation in the contemporary electronic media environment. She believe d that the Internet provides enormous opportunities for students: learning resources, communication, sharing problems and experiences in everyday life. However, on the other hand, there are issues of online threats, online ethics, and online behavior. Therefore, R. Hobbs emphasized the need for teachers to introduce media literacy in various academic disciplines as a means of critical evaluation and analysis of information from media sources. It is emphasised that the number of electronic texts created by students is growing (blogs, wikis, cell phones, webcams, video cameras, social media, etc.) and teachers should be able to critically analyze these texts.
As can be seen, the problem of media literacy and media competence in modern scientific and pedagogical discourse is presented as a multidimensional one. The historiography of the problem is based on a rich and diverse source base, and is distinguished by the thoroughness of coverage of pedagogical, psychological, and technical aspects of the development of the problem of forming media literacy and media competence of young people.
The analysis of the historiography of the problem of media literacy and media competence has shown that there are several trends in its consideration: classification and characterization of the main information threats and dangers, coverage of the impact of the media on the mental and physical development of the individual, development of media education and media literacy as the most effective means of protecting the individual from negative media influence, and some others.
The pedagogical concepts of media education leaders in the USA, Canada, and the Western Europe represent the following models: educational and informational (studying the theory, history and language of media); educational and ethical (consideration of moral, religious and philosophical issues on media material); practical and utilitarian (practical study and use of media); aesthetic (development of artistic taste and analysis of media culture); developmental learning . The main emphasis is on the development of perception, imagination, critical thinking about media texts of any type.
The formation and development of media literacy and media competence is considered through the prism of identifying the means of information protection, the main information threats and dangers to children, analyzing the impact of the media on the mental and physical development of the individual and finding ways to overcome negative effects, forming information culture and information literacy as a means of overcoming information threats and dangers among young people. Among the various areas of studying the problem of media literacy and media competence are the following: the development of personal information culture; analysis of the functions and models of media culture; development of a new field of study, mediology; problems of media education as a factor of socialization of the individual; analysis of media criticism as an important phenomenon of modern information society; theory and history of media education.
Thus, it can be concluded that the modern scientific discourse is focused on the study of the impact of information on the psyche of the individual. Researchers emphasize that there are different types of threats to the younger generation due to their age and psychological characteristics. Insufficient development of critical thinking, unformed mental, volitional, and emotional spheres of the younger generation, and uncontrolled access to information sources are the main reasons why young people are the most vulnerable social stratum of society to the negative effects of the information environment. Only media-literate and media-competent people with a sufficiently developed information culture will be able to ensure their own information security in later adult life.
The younger generation should have the following media competencies: safe computer and Internet skills; knowledge of the main threats and dangers of the information environment and methods of combating them; ability to protect personal confidential and personal data; knowledge of their rights in the information environment and the ability to defend them; knowledge of regulatory, legislative, ethical, moral, and legal norms when working in the information environment and their observance in practice; the ability to identify and counteract information threats and dangers develop critical thinking, mental resistance to negative information influences and various kinds of addictions (computer, gaming, etc.). Thus, it can be concluded that an information-protected person is responsible for his or her own information security (is able to ensure it), and on the other hand, is responsible to society for his or her behavior in the information environment, and contributes to the information protection of society and the state as a whole.
Contemporary scholars are unanimous in their opinion that existing approaches to the psychological protection of the individual from information cover only some aspects. A comprehensive view of this problem requires the development of a pedagogical methodology, ways, forms and methods of ensuring information protection of children and improving the methodology of teaching and fostering a culture of information protection of young people, and thus media literacy and media competence.
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