Professional communicative interaction of education seekers

Approaches to the implementation of the humanistic paradigm in the system of higher education, the formation of attitudes for the introduction of a dialogic approach, providing the basis for professional interaction. Content of the educational reform.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 12.12.2023
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National academy of the state border service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

Kamianets-Podilskyi vocational college of the Kamianets-Podilskyi State Institute of Higher Education

Khmelnytskyi secondary school No. 14, grades I-III

Professional communicative interaction of education seekers

Tushko Klavdiya Yuriivna,

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, associate professor of the department of psychology, pedagogy and socio-economic disciplines

Gluhamniuk Oleh Valentinovych,

teacher of the department of foreign languages

Gaponenko Nataliya Pylypivna,

teacher of the separate structural division

Volchelyuk Oksana Vasylivna,

teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, specialist of the highest category


Huge volumes of modern information, the dynamics of globalization processes, the evolution of international interaction of Ukraine, the certainty of the Western vector of development of Ukrainian society are the basis for the relevance of the study of the problem of formation of the ability of future professionals to interact professionally.

The implementation of the humanistic paradigm within the framework of the higher education system provides for the formation of appropriate settings for the introduction of a dialogic approach, which means insurance of the foundation for professional interaction. This problem concerns such key social and psychological issues as activity motives, interests and needs of the individual, the organization of interaction in the process of professional activity, the existence of a certain level of communication, etc. The modern slogan of the Ukrainian educational reform is the rational construction and implementation of the system of professional training on the principles of the humanistic concept of interpersonal and professional pedagogy. Taking this into account, it is important to solve this problem through a detailed theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical context of professional interaction.

The formation of the ability of any specialists to interact professionally in modern society has taken a significant place. The article reveals the essence of the problem of forming of the professional interaction ability of future specialists of the border guard service of Ukraine. The content and features of their professional activity are analysed in order to grasp the meaning of professional interaction in the law enforcement border guard agency. The results of research of theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of the professional interaction ability are presented. The content of the concept of professional interaction training of future border guard officers is determined (the corresponding methodological approaches, didactic principles, objectives, tasks, and pedagogical conditions are outlined).

Keywords: professional interaction; border guard officers; concept; professional activity.


Тушко Клавдія Юріївна доктор педагогічних наук, професор, доцент кафедри психології, педагогіки та соціально-економічних дисциплін, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького

Глухамнюк Олег Валентинович викладач кафедри іноземних мов, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького

Гапоненко Наталія Пилипівна викладач відокремленого структурного підрозділу, Кам'янець-Подільський фаховий коледж Навчально-реабілітаційного закладу вищої освіти «Кам'янець-Подільський державний інститут»

Волчелюк Оксана Василівна вчитель української мови та літератури, спеціаліст вищої категорії, Хмельницька ЗОШ №14 І-ІІІ ступенів

Професійна комунікативна взаємодія здобувачів освіти

Величезні обсяги сучасної інформації, динаміка процесів глобалізації, еволюція міжнародної взаємодії України, визначеність західного вектору розвитку українського суспільства є основою актуальності дослідження проблеми формування здатності майбутнього професіоналів для професійної взаємодії.

Реалізація гуманістичної парадигми в системі вищої освіти передбачає формування відповідних установок для запровадження діалогічного підходу, що означає забезпечення основи професійної взаємодії. Ця проблема стосується таких ключових соціально-психологічних питань, як мотиви діяльності, інтереси та потреби особистості, організація взаємодії в процесі професійної діяльності, наявність певного рівня спілкування тощо. Сучасне гасло української освітньої реформи: полягає в раціональній побудові та реалізації системи професійної підготовки на засадах гуманістичної концепції міжособистісної та професійної педагогіки. Зважаючи на це, актуальним є вирішення даної проблеми шляхом детального теоретичного аналізу психолого-педагогічного контексту професійної взаємодії.

Формування здатності будь-яких спеціалістів до професійної взаємодії в сучасному суспільстві посіло значне місце. У статті розкривається сутність проблеми формування здатності до професійної взаємодії майбутніх фахівців прикордонної служби України. Проаналізовано зміст та особливості їх професійної діяльності з метою усвідомлення змісту професійної взаємодії в правоохоронному прикордонному органі. Подано результати дослідження теоретико-методологічних підходів до формування вміння професійної взаємодії. Визначено зміст концепції професійної взаємодії майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників (окреслено відповідні методичні підходи, дидактичні принципи, цілі, завдання, педагогічні умови).

Ключові слова: професійна взаємодія; офіцери прикордонної служби; концепція; професійна діяльність.

Main part

Definition of the problem in general. The structure of society contains different elements: individuals, communities, institutions and organizations, as well as processes and interactions. The law enforcement structures in the social hierarchy, in particular the border guard service of Ukraine, belong to social institutions, that is, to those entities, without which the normal functioning of Ukrainian society is impossible. It is worth noting that the fundamental social components in Ukraine are in a marginal state. The Ukrainian border guard agency is entrusted with the implementation of important functions of domestic and international scale, and therefore the specialists of this agency should have competence, education and professionalism on a high level. In the realities of the higher education system, the last statement is a priority today: to ensure the content of high-quality training of future specialists of every industry. The solution to this problem involves ensuring of a high level ability of future border guard officers to interact, in particular, to interact professionally.

Huge volumes of modern information, the dynamics of globalization processes, the evolution of international interaction of Ukraine, the certainty of the Western vector of development of Ukrainian society are the basis for the relevance of the study of the problem of formation of the ability of future professionals to interact professionally.

The formation of the ability of any specialists to interact professionally in modern society has taken a significant place [5].

The justification of importance of formation of ability of professional interaction in system of professional training of future border guard officers is possible on the basis of definition of essence, contents and types of the corresponding professional competences.

It is possible to train future border guard officers in professional interaction through the implementation of the provisions of the main methodological approaches: systemic, synergetic, acmeological, axiological, personality oriented and competence based ones.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The careful analysis of the proposed problem testifies to the existence of scientific works devoted to its significance and multidimensional nature.

The heritage from the ancient era, which laid the foundations of the mechanical paradigm of interaction, to the present day. This problem is the object of attention of scientists belonging to different branches of knowledge: B. Ananyev, V. Bekhterev, L. Vygotsky, N. Volkova, G. Hegel, I. Zymnia, I. Kant, O. Korotaeva.

The scientists studied the problem from different points of view, including: I. Zymnia, I. Kon, L. Petrovskaya, etc. studied the problem of interaction from the standpoint of philosophy, pedagogy and sociology; T. Chapl identified the essence of information interaction; F. Rozanov - social meaning; N. Danilevsky - intercultural meaning; N. Kashchey - social and political meaning and etc.

Outlining of previously unsolved parts of a common problem. Despite the presence of the above mentioned studies, it should be noted that the conceptual basis of professional interaction is currently uncertain, in particular the system of professional interaction in the Border Guard Agency of the Ukrainian state.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the conceptual foundations of professional interaction training of future border guard officers.

Presentation of the main material. The professional interaction of future border guard officers in official activity is based on various types of verbal communication with colleagues of all levels, with residents of the border region, citizens of foreign countries, who cross the border of Ukraine [3].

We believe that it is necessary to formulate objectives, forms and methods of activity, types of communication and etc. for the purpose of detailed and qualitative definition of the features of this problem. On such basis, the system of professional interaction in border guard professional activity can be formed and its main components will be analyzed.

Thus, professional interaction within the Border Guard Agency of Ukraine is a sufficient and necessary condition for the implementation of relations in this professional sphere. The professional interaction within the Border Guard Agency covers both individuals and social communities and institutions in general, as well as simultaneous direct and indirect influence between these objects.

The features of professional activity of officers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is distribution of functional duties, regulations, authoritarianism in a management link, strict compliance with requirements of the Charter, limitation in making and implementation of certain decisions. These factors do not contribute to the processes of self-improvement and self-development, and, accordingly, the formation of border guard officers' ability to interact professionally [4].

Ukraine has adopted the Law «On the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine», which specifies the main tasks of the Agency dedicated to ensuring of the integrity of borders and protection of sovereign rights and freedoms of Ukraine [6]. These tasks are a component of the national security system of Ukraine.

The fundamental professional activities of border guard officers are the following functions:

organization and implementation of border control;

control and admission of vehicles and persons;

stopping of illegal movement of vehicles and persons across the border;

coordination of actions with military and law enforcement agencies to protect the border;

implementation of intelligence, information, analytical and search activities to ensure the integrity of the state;

ensuring participation in combating criminal groups of various types.

Another set of tasks performed by border guard officers are tasks associated with the protection of a separate section of the border, including: the organization and implementation of border control and border protection by a separate border detachment. The above mention task provides for both autonomous work and coordinated interaction with the existing border protection authorities.

It should be noted that future border guard officers in the personnel system of the Border Guard Agency belong, first of all, to the management level. This means that they must make and justify management decisions, ensure the cohesion of the border guards, create strong ties with the residents of the border regions, adequately represent Ukraine before the citizens of foreign countries, and so on.

Within the frame of the management activities of border guard officers, who perform service activities, it is necessary to analyze such a task as the management of the state border protection unit. The content of this task is the effective performance of operational and service tasks, and this implies a high level of professional interaction ability.

The next important task is to ensure constant readiness for action and management of means for the implementation of all existing operational and service tasks. It can be stated that the basis for the effective implementation of the above mentioned task is the professional interaction ability (coordination of relations between military personnel and structural units).

In the context of the given problem, the formation of professional interaction ability of future border guard officers during their professional training is influenced by the peculiarities of professional activity. Most operational and service tasks cannot be performed without a process of professional interaction.

The implementation of the humanistic paradigm within the framework of the higher education system provides for the formation of appropriate settings for the introduction of a dialogic approach, which means insurance of the foundation for professional interaction. This problem concerns such key social and psychological issues as activity motives, interests and needs of the individual, the organization of interaction in the process of professional activity, the existence of a certain level of communication, etc. The modern slogan of the Ukrainian educational reform is the rational construction and implementation of the system of professional training on the principles of the humanistic concept of interpersonal and professional pedagogy. Taking this into account, it is important to solve this problem through a detailed theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical context of professional interaction [1].

The analysis of social and philosophical literature allowed to formulate a conclusion about the content of interaction, which constitutes means of coordination of the objective (of a person or social group) and its practical implementation.

Taking into account the above mentioned facts, interaction is simultaneously a process, an action, a connection and therefore has a dialectical origin nature.

There is a certain disorder and dichotomy in the modern classification of different types of interaction. The professional interaction is interest focus of this study.

There is no analysis of the essence of the definition of «professional interaction» in the scientific literature. Its essential features are the existence of organizational forms of specific activities, emotional content, varieties of relationships, different ways of implementing feedback and direct communication.

The matter of the ability of a specialist in any sphere to implement professional interaction is very relevant now. Therefore, the professional training of future specialists should ensure the formation of such ability. The problem of professional interaction within the Border Guard Service of Ukraine has a special status. Therefore, representatives of the scientific sphere conduct research on the effective solution of this issue within the frame of the Border Guard Agency.

The definition of the content of professional training of future border guard officers in professional interaction requires a clear formulation of the description of its structure.

And this, in turn, means designing of a conceptual framework for training of future border guard officers in terms of professional interaction.

Designing the content of the concept of training of future border guard officers to interact professionally allows to clearly define the objectives and tasks of this training, to form a common methodology, to identify key methods, etc.

The determination of the theoretical foundation, in any study, makes it possible to get answers concerning the key scientific idea, the essential characteristics of the object and subject of research, the solution for the main contradictions (of scientific as well as social and cultural content), the algorithm and technology of studying the problem, etc. These components form the basis of the scientific concept [1].

The concept of training of future border guard officers in professional interaction is the fundamental idea for the implementation of this training. In our opinion, the concept is a set of scientific theory provisions, paradigms, concepts used to obtain optimal results in the scientific and practical sphere [2].

This study contains the original concept of training future guard border officers in professional interaction, as it reflects the personal scientific statements of the researcher, which are based on the generally accepted scientific paradigms [7].

Taking into account the above mentioned facts, the training of future border guard officers to interact professionally should be carried out taking into account the provisions of competence, personality-oriented, acmeological, systemic, synergetic, activity, axiological approaches.

The complex consideration of the specified theoretical and methodological approaches in training of future border guard officers to interact professionally is a basis of improvement of their professional training.

The conceptual framework of this training should contain goal, objectives, principles, methodology and appropriate pedagogical conditions, and therefore:

- the goal is to form a certain level of competence in the implementation of professional interaction of future border guard officers;

- didactic principles (scientific, autonomy, accessibility, rationality, consistency, systemacity, connection with practice, etc);

- methodological approaches (synergetic, competence, acmeological, personality-oriented, activity-oriented, etc);

- pedagogical conditions (ensuring dialogue in the educational environment for future border guard officers; a high level professional competence of representatives of scientific and pedagogical staff; a high level of interdisciplinary integration; an interaction as a leading method, means and form in the educational process).

The implementation of the above mentioned conceptual framework for training of future border guard officers to interact professionally is one of the conditions for the transformation of the conservative content of higher education into the modern democratic one.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The features of the operational activities of the border guard officers, practical and theoretical studies concerning their training in professional interaction showed the relevance of improvement of the content of their training to meet the requests and social requirements, which are formulated for professional border guard officers of Ukraine.

At the foundation of the above mentioned concept of training of future border guard officers to interact professionally there is the idea of obtainment of experience of professional interaction at different levels (with society, with colleagues in the professional sphere, with citizens of foreign cultures (the problem of multiculturalism and poly-culture), as well as with residents of border regions) by future border guard officers.

The result of such interaction is the formation of a system of cultural and national values. The task of the higher military educational institution is to ensure the appropriate content of professional training of future border guard officers, in order to form an open type of their social behavior, motivated professional activity.


humanistic education reform communicative

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3. Дияк В. Особливості соціально-економічної підготовки як складової фахової підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників. Збірник наукових праць Національної академії Державної прикордонної служби України. Сер.: Педагогічні та психологічні науки. 2013. №3. С. 76-85. URL:

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