Blended learning
Advantages and disadvantages of the transition from classical education to online education in the conditions of digital transformation. Determining the degree of acceptance of online education by students. The system by which online learning takes place.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 21,4 K |
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Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of Vocational Training
Blended learning
Gubareva Olga Semenivna, Candidate of Psychological
Sciences, Associate Professor
Herasymchuk Tetyana Volodymyrivna, Candidate of
Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Voronova Yelyzaveta Mykhailivna, Associate professor
Instant access to people and information through technology is increasing, transforming our daily lives. E-learning is an effective way for students to study. Online education has many benefits that help students learn. Online education has made rapid progress recently. Online courses can allow students when they cannot go to class in person. Through online courses, students can get the same quality of education at home. Education can have different purposes and online classes help meet them. Online education can be considered as education because it offers new opportunities for traditional education. Online courses are convenient and flexible. Different types of distance learning are available. Instructors-teachers nevertheless send all information to students via the Internet.
Using connected mobile tools such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, we intentionally combine physical and online activities to create an optimal experience. That's what mixed learning is about: situating learning experiences online or on the spot based on the relative strengths and weaknesses of each method. Combined courses give teachers the opportunity to combine the best of the site and online to create a new learning environment for their students. Research suggests that combined courses can have a positive impact on efficiency, comfort and learning outcomes. By moving most of the teaching to the online environment, blended courses increase the flexibility of participants' schedules, provide learning benefits through automated and asynchronous online tools, and can penetrate the modern social web to help students transcend traditional classroom boundaries. In order for teachers to constantly achieve these benefits, they must go beyond a simple "digital facelift". Instead, teachers should focus on creating transformational mixes through a deliberate course reworking process.
An online classroom is a potentially powerful arena of teaching and learning, in which new practices and new relationships can make an important contribution to learning. In order to take advantage of the power that this creates in education, teachers must be trained not only in the use of technology, but also in changing the way they organize and deliver material. Making this shift can increase students' potential to take responsibility for their own learning process and facilitate the development of a sense of community among them.
Keywords approaches, digital, video lessons, support, online education, device, virtual classroom.
Губарева Ольга Семенівна кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри філософії та педагогіки професійної підготовки
Герасимчук Тетяна Володимирівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри філософії та педагогіки професійної підготовки
Воронова Єлизавета Михайлівна доцент кафедри філософії та педагогіки професійної підготовки
Смішане навчання
Миттєвий доступ до людей та інформації за допомогою технологій зростає, змінюючи наше повсякденне життя. E-learning є ефективним способом навчання студентів. Онлайн-освіта має багато переваг, які допомагають студентам навчатися. Останнім часом онлайн-освіта швидко прогресувала. Онлайн-курси допомагають студентам, коли вони не можуть відвідувати заняття особисто. Завдяки онлайн-курсам студенти можуть отримати таку ж якість освіти вдома. Освіта може мати різні цілі, і онлайн- класи допомагають їх досягти. Онлайн-освіту можна розглядати як освіту, оскільки вона відкриває нові можливості для традиційної освіти. Онлайн- курси зручні та гнучкі. Доступні різні види дистанційного навчання. Викладачі-інструктори надсилають усю інформацію студентам через Інтернет.
Використовуючи підключені мобільні інструменти, такі як смартфони, планшети та ноутбуки, ми навмисно поєднуємо фізичну та онлайн-активність, щоб створити оптимальний досвід. Ось що означає змішане навчання: розміщення досвіду навчання онлайн. Комбіновані курси дають викладачам можливість поєднати найкраще з сайтів, щоб створити нове середовище навчання для своїх студентів. Дослідження показують, що комбіновані курси можуть мати позитивний вплив на ефективність, комфорт і результати навчання. Переміщуючи більшу частину викладання в онлайн-середовище, змішані курси підвищують гнучкість графіків учасників навчання, забезпечують перевагу навчання за допомогою автоматизованих та асинхронних онлайн-інструментів і можуть проникнути в сучасні соціальні мережі, щоб допомогти студентам вийти за межі традиційних класів. Для того, щоб викладачі постійно отримували ці переваги, вони повинні виходити за рамки простої «цифрової підтяжки». Замість цього викладачі повинні зосередитися на створенні трансформаційних матеріалів.
Онлайн-клас є потенційно потужною ареною викладання та навчання, в якій нові практики та нові відносини можуть зробити важливий внесок у навчання. Для того, щоб скористатися перевагами викладачам необхідно не тільки вміти користуватися технологіями, а й змінювати спосіб їх організації та передачі матеріалу. Здійснення цього зрушення може підвищити потенціал студентів брати відповідальність за власний навчальний процес і сприяти розвитку почуттю спільноти серед них.
Ключові слова: підходи, пристрій, відео-уроки, цифровий, підтримка, онлайн-освіта, віртуальний клас
Many who dream of online education somehow imagine a virtual school in which teachers are nothing more than those who load tasks and set up a teaching management system. But by excluding actual teaching from the distance education equation, we have condemned distance education only to the status of a correspondence course. And it has the potential to be much greater than any model we have ever imagined, but only if the tools are used correctly and if there is a balanced balance between offline interaction and online learning.
Over the past ten years, organizations have adopted technology-based teaching to support different learning requirements and different audiences. The "classroom only" approach is being transformed and online training is no longer limited by distance and cost.
While most entrepreneurs do not completely abandon traditional regimes to prioritize online education, blended learning is proving to be the preferred path. To ensure that corporate students have access to the right skills and knowledge to meet organizational goals, companies choose blended learning because they realize that simple, non-interactive online or in-person training no longer works.
Although each method has its advantages and disadvantages, blended learning outweighs other learning methods by providing instructions that are effective and results-oriented from the outset.
Literature Review
Coordinated pedagogical activity of teachers and students based on Internet technologies, especially the teacher's website, with regard to the system of principles, methods and strategies of the educational process to achieve this goal - the formation of the personality of the future professional.
Consideration should be given to defining a system of principles for the application of the higher education website: first, that the higher education education process has its own specificities; secondly, it is necessary to determine the didactic foundations of the application of Internet technologies of higher education on the basis of philosophical, dialectical laws of developmental processes. In addition, the formation of the personality of the future professional is also influenced by the intellectual and creative activity and self-education of the students themselves according to AndrushchenkoV.P., Podolsky A., Zajchenko, I.V.
Principles of teaching - basic provisions, which are determined by the aims and objectives of teaching and determine the forms and methods of teaching, ie the rules of practical educational work of teachers who can predict a positive learning outcome.
Principles are characterized as basic, initial, theoretical provisions that determine the choice of methods, techniques, other ways of learning, because the principles (from the Latin principle - beginning, basis) - are the basic principles of science (learning theory), which can not be interpreted as recommendations.
In addition, if we add the definition of some researchers like Drozdova I.P., Bebik V. M., Ferguson K. we can identify such pedagogical functions of Internet technologies in student education as:
- communicative: forms the ability to use terminological vocabulary for the possibilities of professional communication, expression, argumentation about one's own positions in the specialization;
- information: carrying out various information operations (collection, processing, analysis, structuring, storage and transmission, etc.);
- management: allows to manage students' educational activities;
- educational: helps to find new information about professional, important knowledge;
Materials and Methods
online education digital transformation
Online courses are a combination of video recordings and live lectures with course reading and tests. They are generally conducted through a virtual portal, through which students gather reading materials, communicate with teachers and classmates, view grades and monitor progress.
In general, many online classes run at their own pace and students can choose the time period to study. In some cases, these classes also provide a specific schedule and the student is required to be available to maximize their learning. Some examples of such online courses are MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which are offered by various organizations.[7]
This type of class received a boost during a pandemic. With the global spread of COVID-19, all educational institutions had to close and were forced to run courses over the Internet. However, in order to take advantage of these classes, it is recommended to have a good stable internet connection.[11]
Like traditional classes, online classes can have different workloads depending on the difficulty of the course. Online courses also allow the user to take more than one course at a time. This allows them to maximize their productivity. The user can thus plan his time, which will allow him to reconcile work, school and family.
Blended learning combines the best of two training environments - traditional personal classroom training and e-learning at a high technical level. By covering all the basics, you can engage all types of students - those who learn better in a structured environment that involves face-to-face interaction with the instructor, and independent types who learn better through semi-autonomous computer-based training.
Your company probably has millennials who are more accustomed to digital learning as well as traditional students - blended learning serves both.
The classroom offers the opportunity to play roles with immediate face-to- face feedback.
Online learning offers tailor-made learning with eLearning components that are suitable for interactive media such as games, videos, tutorials, quizzes and social media components, all available from the student's home management system (LMS) homepage - and accessible from a smartphone or a student's tablet. Here are some of the main reasons why teachers are widely embracing the blended learning approach, which is becoming a trend.[3]
Ensures an effective combination of teaching methods
The term 'blended learning' is a formal curriculum that combines the best of classroom and online learning. Students and educators like blended learning because it complements classroom instruction properly.
More specifically, when a student joins an online program supported by blended learning, he or she is assigned a teacher who determines the pace based on the student's progress and abilities.
Flexibility in terms of availability - smartphones and applications. Ownership of mobile devices is growing rapidly. Research predicts that in a growing number of smartphone users, this is a large proportion of students. Mobile technology brings many benefits to the e-learning space. In fact, many people feel that since the advent of mobile learning, online course creators are now in a better position to create customized blended learning courses. Thanks to the robustness of today's mobile devices, many obstacles to successful blended learning solutions can now be easily addressed.
As mobile devices provide easy access to learning, education systems should not discourage students from using their smartphones. Mixed benefits of e-learning from the use of a smartphone; anyone can take courses without prior training. This is due to the intuitiveness of today's young students and the availability of modern facilities. You can study on weekdays or weekends according to your schedule.
In addition, more and more applications have an educational purpose every day. Education programms are developing and will be not only a common educational medium, but also applications that take into account the users' locations and provide them with contextual content about the surrounding monuments, museums, etc.
Engaging interaction
For most students, discipline can be a problem in their routine, as can arranging a schedule around education. Therefore, the student / teacher relationship is considered necessary here. Depending on the student and his learning habits, a trained mentor can create a plan for them.
An individual approach like this is what a regular school cannot offer. In a physical education classroom, everyone must take part in the same program, and the teachers responsible for these classes cannot pay such special attention to everyone in the group. But through combined learning, the student will gain an engaging experience right from the comfort of home.[6]
Supports self-directed education
Physics classrooms may not always support self-study. In physical education classrooms, there are many people who do not complete their studies because students lose interest in their program when they are forced to attend a group of classes limited by time and space.
If a person enrolls in a combined study program, he or she can manage his / her education according to his / her interests. In addition, it also allows participants to gain selection expertise more quickly.
Spend hours of quality online. Combined teaching aids to solve one of the most common problems that students have - they spend too much time online. Obviously, it is impossible for young people and everyone else to avoid social platforms, because that is where their friends and family are.
ELearning courses are slowly but effectively overtaking social networks. Due to the nature of this teaching method and the fact that it is done online, support groups are set up at the same time as educational groups. Thus, when a student completes a combined training course, they will have a group on Facebook or a list on Twitter, which they can turn to for further guidance or possibly to share their user experiences. Such peer-to-peer learning increases the commitment and value derived from the course.
It is cost effective. Another problem that many students face is financial support or the burden of student loans. Although they manage to pay for their education during the school year, many of them are stuck repaying their loans.
Given that blended learning allows students to choose their own courses and direct their education, becoming a professional is certainly less time consuming for them. eLearning is cheaper in any case, but if you include a smaller number of courses, the total price will be significantly reduced.
Keeps students focused and improves knowledge retention. It is true that all students, regardless of their age, learn differently. Blended learning is the best approach as it can support both offline and online teaching methods. It allows the instructor to create a course that reaches visual, auditory and kinetic students alike.
If you use a learning management system (LMS) for blended learning, educators can evaluate the effectiveness of training content by assessing students based on test / quiz results. If a student continues to face difficulties, it means that he needs further support. Overall, the blended learning pattern supports the needs of students and ensures the overall preservation of knowledge.
Improved teaching conditions
Combined learning is able to break down the conventional stony approach to teaching and helps to improve conditions such as limited isolation, improved opportunities for collaboration and meaningful professional development.
Blended learning helps teachers increase efficiency by allowing different learning environments to be combined into one classroom - and often moves these learning techniques out of the classroom. [9] Although learners prefer a blended learning approach, it is also beneficial for teachers because it allows them to make learning fun and interactive.
The use of technology in the corporate world was responsible for a positive view of blended learning techniques. It helps to guide the training process and is able to support the educational needs of a large number of students from around the world.
There is a mixed learning approach for corporate students, as they have access to learning content that is not bounded by "four walls". Students benefit from different learning channels and media formats, as blended learning can support different learning styles.
Blended learning is important because it breaks down traditional teaching walls, those that do not work for all students, and now with access to current technology and resources we can adapt the learning experience to each student. Blended learning also offers flexible time frames that can be adapted to each person and offers them the opportunity to learn at their own pace.
It is worth saying that a mixed approach to learning is more student-centered. It never limits students or forces them to depend on one source of information. In the event that they miss a face-to-face meeting, they can find this information elsewhere, promoting the concept of independent learning.
All the benefits of blended learning mentioned above make existing systems look outdated and old-fashioned. Combined education is more important than ever to improve the storage, involvement and teaching of information, regardless of industry, from schools to corporations.
All students no matter their age learn differently and teaching methods should reflect this, by designing teaching programs in a way that reaches visual, auditory, and kinetic learners alike.
With the heavy integration of technologies, we'll be able to improve teaching, information retention, engagement, responsibility, and enjoyment. Students never outgrow their learning styles, meaning blended learning is more important than ever, no matter what the industry is, from schools to corporations, from all walks of life.
1. Bovill, C. (2020). Co-creation in learning and teaching: The case for a whole-class approach in higher education. Higher Education, 79(1), 1023-1037.
2. Burstein, R. (2020). Research Eclipsed: How Educators are reinventing research- informed practice during the pandemic. Research Report.
3. Drozdova, I. & Mariana,S. & Herasymchuk,T. & Tymoshchuk,O. & Babay,L. & Ryabokon, N. (2021). Organization of Websites as a Way of Introducing Internet Technologies into the Educational Process of High School, Applied Linguistics Research Journal,5(4): 185-190.
4. Fernandez-Berrocal, P., Gutidrrez-Cobo, M. J., & Rodriguez-Corrales, J. (2017). Teachers' affective wellbeing and teaching experience: The protective role of perceived emotional intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2227), 1-8.
5. Harandi, S. R. (2015). Effects of e-learning on students' motivation. 3rd International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management, 423-430. 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.905
6. Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies. (2020). Technical Note on Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. New York: INEE. Irvine, J. (2019). Relationship between teaching experience and teacher effectiveness: Implications for policy decisions. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 22, 1-19.
7. Jun J. Understanding E-Dropout. (2005). International Journal on E Learning. Vol. 4, № 2. P. 229-240.
8. Lopez-Catalan, L., Lopez-Catalan, B., & Delgado-Vazquez, A. M. (2018). Web promotion, innovation and postgraduate e-learning programs. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 1(11), 47-59.
9. Marutschke, D. M., Kryssanov, V., Chaminda, H. T., & Brockmann, P. (2019). Smart education in an interconnected world: Virtual, collaborative, project-based courses to teach global software engineering. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 39-49. 981-13-8260-4_4
10. McLoughlin C., Luca J. (2002). A learner-centered approach to developing team skills through web-based learning and assessment. British journal of educational technology. Oxford. V. 33. № 5. P. 571-582.
11. P.A., Umar, A. (Eds.), Perspectives on distance education: Teacher education through open and distance learning (pp. 7-22). Commonwealth of Learning. 02680513.2012.716661
12. Perera, H. N., Granziera, H., & McIlveen, P. (2018). Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 171-178.
13. Podolsky, A., Kini, T., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2019). Does teaching experience increase teacher effectiveness? A review of US research. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 4(4), 286-308.
1. Bovill, C. (2020). Co-creation in learning and teaching: The case for a whole-class approach in higher education. Higher Education, 79(1), 1023-1037.
2. Burstein, R. (2020). Research Eclipsed: How Educators are reinventing research- informed practice during the pandemic. Research Report.
3. Drozdova, I. & Mariana,S. & Herasymchuk,T. & Tymoshchuk,O. & Babay,L. & Ryabokon, N. (2021). Organization of Websites as a Way of Introducing Internet Technologies into the Educational Process of High School, Applied Linguistics Research Journal,5(4): 185-190.
4. Fernandez-Berrocal, P., Gutidrrez-Cobo, M. J., & Rodriguez-Corrales, J. (2017). Teachers' affective wellbeing and teaching experience: The protective role of perceived emotional intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2227), 1-8.
5. Harandi, S. R. (2015). Effects of e-learning on students' motivation. 3rd International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management, 423-430. 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.905
6. Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies. (2020). Technical Note on Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. New York: INEE. Irvine, J. (2019). Relationship between teaching experience and teacher effectiveness: Implications for policy decisions. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 22, 1-19.
7. Jun J. Understanding E-Dropout. (2005). International Journal on E Learning. Vol. 4, № 2. P. 229-240.
8. Lopez-Catalan, L., Lopez-Catalan, B., & Delgado-Vazquez, A. M. (2018). Web promotion, innovation and postgraduate e-learning programs. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 1(11), 47-59.
9. Marutschke, D. M., Kryssanov, V., Chaminda, H. T., & Brockmann, P. (2019). Smart education in an interconnected world: Virtual, collaborative, project-based courses to teach global software engineering. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 39-49. 981-13-8260-4_4
10. McLoughlin C., Luca J. (2002). A learner-centered approach to developing team skills through web-based learning and assessment. British journal of educational technology. Oxford. V. 33. № 5. P. 571-582.
11. P.A., Umar, A. (Eds.), Perspectives on distance education: Teacher education through open and distance learning (pp. 7-22). Commonwealth of Learning. 02680513.2012.716661
12. Perera, H. N., Granziera, H., & McIlveen, P. (2018). Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 171-178.
13. Podolsky, A., Kini, T., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2019). Does teaching experience increase teacher effectiveness? A review of US research. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 4(4), 286-308.
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контрольная работа [33,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2014Использование новых технологий мультимедиа и Интернет для повышения качества обучения за счет улучшения доступа к ресурсам и сервисам, а также удаленного обмена знаниями и совместной работы. Сегментация рынка e-learning. Потребители электронного обучения.
реферат [99,8 K], добавлен 13.04.2013Oxford is a world-leading centre of learning, teaching and research and the oldest university in a English-speaking world. There are 38 colleges of the Oxford University and 6 Permanent Private Halls, each with its own internal structure and activities.
презентация [6,6 M], добавлен 10.09.2014