The development of educational competence of students in the conditions of martial law
Formation educational competence of students in the conditions of martial law. Development of positive motivation and emotional and purposeful attitude to learning. Ensuring the process of formation of the system of knowledge and experience of students.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 13.12.2023 |
Размер файла | 22,0 K |
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National academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine
Institute of pedagogy
Department of innovations and strategies for educational development
The development of educational competence of students in the conditions of martial law
Trubacheva S., C. Ped. Sci.,
Senior Researcher
The article is devoted to the solving of the problem of formation and development of educational competence of students in the conditions of martial law. The educational competence is the general ability of students to learn, which is provided by the system of knowledge, skills and experience of independent educational activities, formed on the basis of positive motivation and emotional and purposeful attitude to learning. The article aims to reveal the ways of ensuring the process of formation of the system of knowledge and experience of students' educational activities, necessary and sufficient for their full mastery of educational competence in the conditions of martial law.
The main research methods used in this article are: analysis, generalization and systematization of ways to ensure of the system and experience of educational activities of students, necessary and sufficient for their full mastery of educational competence in the conditions of martial law. Overcoming the educational losses caused by this problem requires paying more attention in the educational process to the formation and development of students' educational competence, increasing their motivation to study, and the level of independence in educational activities. Building the content of education on the basis of humanization and democratization contributes to understanding the value of educational information, gives scientific and cultural concepts vital concreteness and creates favorable conditions for the development of the motivational sphere: the needs and interests of students. Considerable attention should also be paid to the choice of educational technologies, which more effectively ensure the systematic knowledge and experience of students' educational activities, and which are necessary and sufficient for their full mastery of educational competence in the conditions of martial law.
Key words: educational competence of students, content of education, educational technologies.
Розвиток навчальної компетентності учнів в умовах воєнного стану
Трубачева С.Е., к.п.н., с.н.с., завідувач відділу інновацій та стратегій розвитку освіти Інститут педагогіки НАПН України, м. Київ, Україна
Стаття присвячена вирішенню проблеми формування та розвитку навчальної компетентності учнів в умовах воєнного стану. Навчальна компетентність - це загальна здатність учнів до навчання, яка забезпечується системою знань, умінь і досвіду самостійної навчальної діяльності, сформованою на основі позитивної мотивації та емоційно-цілеспрямованого ставлення до навчання. Стаття має на меті розкрити шляхи забезпечення процесу формування системи знань і досвіду навчальної діяльності учнів, необхідних і достатніх для повноцінного оволодіння ними навчальною компетентністю в умовах воєнного стану.
Основними методами дослідження, використаними в даній статті, є: аналіз, узагальнення та систематизація шляхів забезпечення системи та досвіду навчальної діяльності учнів, необхідних і достатніх для повноцінного оволодіння ними навчальною компетентністю в умовах воєнного стану. Подолання освітніх втрат, зумовлених цією проблемою, потребує у навчальному процесі приділяти більше уваги формуванню та розвитку навчальної компетентності учнів, підвищенню їх мотивації до навчання, рівня самостійності у навчальній діяльності. Значна увага має бути приділена також вибору змісту освіти та освітніх технологій, які більш ефективно забезпечують системність знань і досвіду навчальної діяльності учнів, та необхідні й достатні для повноцінного оволодіння ними навчальною компетентністю в умовах воєнного стану.
Ключові слова: навчальна компетентність учнів, зміст освіти, освітні технології.
Formulation of the problem. Most children who have experienced educational losses do not have access to educational institutions, or their access is limited, which is why they need distance learning. However, the results of surveys of teachers of general secondary education institutions, conducted by the State Service for the Quality of Education, proved that the primary problem of distance learning is the inability of students to learn independently. During the survey, 61% of primary school teachers in villages and cities indicated this, and 67% of teachers of grades 5-11 in cities put this factor in first place, as did 53% of teachers of 5-11 grades in villages [1].
The development of students' educational competencies, increasing their motivation to study, the level of independence in educational activities is one of the directions in overcoming educational losses in the conditions of martial law. In this regard, the distance learning system needs to be modernized. Today, the implementation of distance learning involves updating the educational and methodological support of this process with the use of modern possibilities of digitization and students' access to them, with the introduction of pedagogical technologies organized in the logic of the competence approach with the development of such activities as: educational and research, search and design, creative, project.
Literature Review. The education system in the conditions of martial law requires significant changes related to the introduction of distance learning with the use of competence-oriented educational technologies. The work of O.M. Topuzov, M.V. Golovko, T.M. Zasekina, V.O. Malikhin, O.V Onoprienko, O.I. Pometun, V.H. Redko, and many other researchers of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [2]. They also prepared a methodical advisor before the beginning of the new 2023-2024 academic year on key issues related to solving the problems of general secondary education in Ukraine under martial law and its reconstruction: realities, experience, prospects [3]. However, insufficient attention was paid to the issue of the development of student educational competences by means of modern educational technologies during the martial law.
The article aims to reveal the ways of ensuring the process of forming a system of knowledge and experience of students' educational activities, necessary and sufficient for their full mastery of educational competence in the conditions of martial law.
The main research methods used in this article are: analysis, generalization and systematization of the ways to ensure of the system and experience of educational activities of students, necessary and sufficient for their full mastery of educational competence in the conditions of martial law.
One of the key competences that must be formed in students is lifelong learning. The educational competence is the general ability of students to learn, which is provided by the system of knowledge, skills and experience of independent educational activities, formed on the basis of positive motivation and emotional and purposeful attitude to learning [4]. However, the analysis of the current state of education, which is characterized by numerous educational losses, during more than two years of quarantine restrictions and full-scale war, proved a problem with the development of this competence [1; 5; 6; 7]. During this time, the children studied mostly remotely. For institutions of general secondary education, this was an atypical form of education. Judging by the above results, its content and educational technologies need to be improved to increase the level of independence, activity and motivation of students in the educational process.
The reforms that began in education before martial law are connected with the orientation of society towards European values. Humanization and democratization will continue to be the basic principles of the development of national education, and their implementation should be carried out taking into account the individual needs of students. The content of the New Ukrainian School is designed to bring up in children a sense of patriotism, citizenship, humanity, compassion, understanding, tolerance, conscience, honor, love, friendship as value orientations that must be embodied in life, in the norms of personal behavior. Building the content of education on such a basis will contribute to the understanding of the value of educational information, give scientific and cultural concepts vital concreteness and create favorable conditions for the development of the motivational sphere: the needs and interests of students. Designing the content of education based on value positions determines the need to create such educational subjects or blocks of existing subjects that have an integrated character and their main purpose is the formation of positive motives based on the optimal structure of educational activities. Through this content, which passes through the student's interests, feelings, experience, the integration of someone else's valuable experience and one's own is carried out. The level of formation of value orientations is recognized as an indicator of the degree of socialization of an individual - as a result of his readiness for life in modern society. The main features of this content of education are: fundamentality - provision of deep and solid knowledge; development of the student's personal qualities - abilities, interests, thinking, speech, aesthetic taste, enrichment of knowledge, abilities and skills with a valuable meaning; dialogicity - interaction, partnership between participants of the educational process, which requires conscious and active cognitive activity; integrability - formation of a holistic view of the surrounding world; existentiality - the development of intuition, creative imagination, emotions, feelings. Such an approach is quite effective, especially when developing a variable component of the content of education.
The ability to apply generalized knowledge, skills and experience in specific situations to solve tasks in real activity is important for a person. Needs encourage a person to independently orient himself in the situation, to acquire new necessary knowledge. Correct determination of the purpose of action in accordance with objective laws and circumstances, determination of specific methods and means of activity, implementation of this activity, evaluation of the obtained results - all these are the main components of a person's educational competence.
Regarding the improvement of educational technologies aimed at the formation of educational competence, it should be noted that they have their own peculiarities of application depending on the type of educational subject or course in which they are used. These features consist not so much in changing the algorithm or organizational components, but in the relevance of the chosen topic and its content. Modern tools and methods of implementation, which are currently associated with digital educational e-platforms, electronic educational resources, are important. The use of remote platforms in lessons makes it possible to bring the modern lesson to a qualitatively new level; to raise the status of the teacher; to expand the possibilities of illustrative accompaniment of the lesson; create conditions for the implementation of various forms of education, types of activities and effective organization of control of students' knowledge, abilities and skills; facilitate and improve the development of creative works. Modern pedagogical technologies should be based on dialogue, creative cooperation using project and research methods. In the conditions of distance learning, they should provide mediated interaction of subjects of educational activity with mandatory feedback. They provide for mutual assistance and exchange of cultural- informational, spiritual-moral, emotional-value flows between performers in accordance with the chosen issue. Their application should contribute to the formation of experience in educational activities and activities in the field of national, universal culture, cultural foundations, family, social, public traditions. will encourage students to actualize existing and actively search for missing knowledge, using for this the most diverse types of activities and various sources of information. The process of forming the educational competence of students has a fairly stable model. Its main components are: creating a problematic educational situation for the student, formulating the questions necessary for its solution, finding answers to these questions based on independent search, checking the answers, systematizing and generalizing the knowledge and skills acquired by students and consolidating them. The path of the assimilation process may change depending on whether the student solves practical or theoretical and by what methods.
A characteristic feature of students' thinking in the process of forming educational competence is the combination of its conceptual, practical and visual components in a certain ratio. At the first and last stages of solving an educational problem, when the student tries to apply methods of action already familiar to him and during the verification of the found solution, his awareness and memorization is prioritized by an abstract- theoretical type of thinking, which allows to generalize based on deduction, to obtain knowledge independently about certain regularities and apply them in practice. At the stage when the search for a fundamentally new solution is underway, the main role is played by intuitive and practical components. Solving the problem is facilitated by practical actions, manipulation of images, use of visualization (tables, diagrams, graphics and other types of symbolic visualization). They are used to model the content of problems, which is reproduced in the student's mind. The necessity of applying knowledge in non-standard situations, understanding the multiplicity of information, orienting in the world of information flows that are important in the overall cultural development of the individual is also determined [7].
The most effective technologies for the formation of students' educational competence include metasubject technologies. Metasubject technologies are pedagogical ways of working with students' thinking, communication, action, understanding, and reflection. The use of metasubject technologies in the teaching of traditional academic subjects makes it possible to demonstrate to students the processes of formation of scientific and practical knowledge. Metasubject technologies are aimed at organizing students' metasubject activities, і.e.: strategic (motive, goal, plan, means, organization, actions, result, analysis); research (fact, problem, hypothesis, verification-collection of new facts, conclusion); design (design, implementation, reflection); resolution (building scenarios for the unfolding of events); modeling (building with the help of sign systems mental analogues - logical structures of the studied systems); constructive (building a system of mental operations, making sketches, drawings, drawings that make it possible to specify and detail the project); predictive (imaginary construction of the future state of the object based on prediction) [4; 8].
Project educational technologies also contribute to increasing the activity and independence of students' educational activities. From mini-projects aimed at solving traditional educational tasks at the level of situational activity. Through projects with a supra- situational level of activity with the strengthening of value- oriented, communicative, aesthetic and transformative educational components due to the inclusion of tasks for the preparation of reports and reports of students, the introduction of laboratory research workshops.
Identifying the level of formation of students' educational competence cannot be limited to a few tasks of the thematic or final control work, but has a complex nature of the control and evaluation activity of the teacher, in the arsenal of which there are various types of evaluation of the results of the educational activities of students. Recently, pedagogical tests are increasingly used in control and evaluation activities, as they ensure objectivity and comparability of the achieved results of students, comprehensiveness and fairness in evaluating their educational activities. educational motivation student martial law
When developing the technology of independent acquisition of knowledge by students, it is necessary to remember that during the organization of educational activities of students, several teaching methods are always combined. Therefore, when we are talking about a particular method at a certain point in time, it means that it dominates other methods at this stage and has a special influence on the progress of this stage of the lesson. However, the effectiveness of using the priority method largely depends on its rational combination with other teaching methods and techniques.
As the analysis of the results of observations in the course of pedagogical practice showed, the diversification of teaching methods used in the process of implementing the technology of independent acquisition of knowledge by students in the conditions of distance learning increases the quality of the results obtained by students during independent work. Studying the educational material, which contains visualizations and practical tasks, contributes to its stronger memorization.
The primary problem of teaching students under martial law is the inability of students to learn independently. Overcoming the educational losses caused by this problem requires paying more attention in the educational process to the formation and development of students' educational competence, increasing their motivation to study, and the level of independence in educational activities. In this regard, it is advisable to focus the attention of teachers on the choice of educational technologies and the content of training, which are more effective in providing the system and experience of educational activities of students, necessary and sufficient for their full mastery of educational competence in the conditions of martial law. It is advisable to give priority to project technologies and technologies of a meta-subject direction, for example: technology of independent acquisition of knowledge by students, technology of formation of critical thinking of students and other technologies of developmental education. In order to increase the motivation of students to learn in the conditions of martial law, it is advisable to use the content of education, designed to form in children a sense of patriotism, citizenship, humanity, compassion, understanding, tolerance, conscience, honor, love, friendship as value orientations that should be embodied in life, in norms of personal behavior. Compliance with the above-mentioned conditions should contribute to increasing the activity of students in learning, their independence, which will be an incentive for the development of their educational competences and increase the quality of their educational results. The further direction of the development of this problem is related to the modernization of distance learning of students. During martial law, the issue of its digitization becomes even more relevant due to the increase in the level of use of e-platforms, digital services and electronic educational resources.
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