Results of the on-line questionnaire of students of foreign citizens’training department on clinical anatomy and operative surgery regarding technical support of educational process at distance learning

In distance learning, student questionnaires remain an important tool for studying students' opinions. The results of the survey showed that students have different attitudes towards distance learning. In order to conduct the distance learning process.

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Results of the on-line questionnaire of students of foreign citizens'training department on clinical anatomy and operative surgery regarding technical support of educational process at distance learning

V.O. Kavyn

Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

The educational process in higher educational institutions of Ukraine is subject to reform and improvement, with the aim of forming a modern competitive specialist in the labor market. Higher medical education on the present stage requires the use of the hindmost technologies and tools during practical classes and lectures, methods of motivating students. The real challenge to the educational process was the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to a more active transition to distance learning in educational medical schools. Distance learning is one of the priority tasks of modern education. Electronic control, which is carried out during distance learning, has both advantages and disadvantages. Its main advantages include: the ability to quickly test the knowledge of a large number of students at the same time, improving the teacher's professional skills, increasing the ability to implement individual work with students of higher education. Among the disadvantages of distance learning are: reduced language contact between the student and the teacher; the advantage of standardized thinking; the labor-intensive of the process, which is associated with the additional formating of the educational complex. Successful practical training in distance learning depends on proper technical support, mainly from students. During practical classes with foreign students, technical problems were repeatedly noted, which disrupted the educational process. This was the purpose of conducting a questionnaire of students to study their technical support to carry out the distance learning process.

Key words: on-line questionnaire, distance learning, technical support.

Результати on-line опитування студентів факультету підготовки іноземних громадян на кафедрі клінічної анатомії та оперативної хірургії щодо технічного забезпечення навчального процесу при дистанційній формі навчання

В.О. Кавин

Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет

Навчальний процес у вищих навчальних закладах України підлягає реформуванню та вдосконаленню, з метою формування сучасного конкурентоспроможного фахівця на ринку праці. Вища медична освіта на сучасному етапі вимагає використання найсучасніших технологій і засобів під час проведення практичних занять і лекцій, методів мотивації студентів. Справжнім викликом для освітнього процесу стала панде-мія COVID-19, яка сприяла більш активному переходу на дистанційне навчання в освітніх медичних закладах. Дистанційне навчання є одним із пріоритетних завдань сучасної освіти. Електронний контроль, який здійснюється під час дистанційного навчання, має як переваги, так і недоліки. До основних його переваг можна віднести: можливість швидкої перевірки знань великої кількості студентів одночасно, підвищення професійної майстерності викладача, підвищення можливостей здійснення індивідуальної роботи зі студентами вищої освіти. Серед недоліків дистанційного навчання можна назвати: зниження мовного контакту між студентом і викладачем; перевага стандартизованого мислення; трудомісткість процесу, яка пов'язана з додатковим формуванням навчального комплексу. Успішне практичне навчання в дистанційному навчанні залежить від належної технічної підтримки, переважно з боку студентів. Під час практичних занять з іноземними студентами неодноразово відзначалися технічні неполадки, які порушували навчальний процес. З цією метою було проведено анкетування студентів для вивчення їх технічного забезпечення для здійснення процесу дистанційного навчання.

Ключові слова: on-line опитування, дистанційне навчання, технічна підтримка.

Together with Ukrainian students, foreign students have been studying medicine for more than 15 years in higher medical institutions of Ukraine. It should be noted, that foreign students during this time have properly adapted to the living conditions in Ukraine and the conditions of study in medical universities. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the number of foreign students wishing to obtain higher medical education in Ukraine. This indicates the appropriate level of teaching in medical universities of Ukraine and the professionalism of teachers. However, there are still many weaknesses in the teaching of a discipline in higher medical institutions, in providing practical classes with appropriate and modern educational tools, in organizing the components of the educational process at departments, as well as in providing appropriate technical equipments of both teachers and students. The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) envisages further development of infrastructure, connectivity and digital equipment as a one of the areas of improving distance education [1]. Solution some tasks at the department can take a place in dialogue with students, listening to their opinions and wishes. One of the methods of studying students' opinions is to conduct their questionnaires [2], which helps to establish and improve the educational process at the department, motivate students to become active participants the educational process and better master the discipline. Despite the distance learning form, student questionnaires can be conducted on-line with further analysis of the educational process at the department.

Results and discussion

A questionnaire of 79 second-year students on spacialty in Medicine at the Departament of Foreign Citizens of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University was carried out. These students studied at the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. Due to the distance learning form, student questionnaire were conducted on-line using the TEAMS platform. The teacher sent a questionnaire with questions to a group of students. Each student independently answered the questions in the questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, each student sent it to the teacher in a chat. Most of the questions concerned the state of technical support of distance learning. Students, answering the questions, could use both probable answers to the question and express their own opinion on the question. Students were asked to answer the following questions: 1. During distance learning I was in: A) my B) Ukraine. 2. What do you think about distance learning: А) provides knowledge; B) does not provide knowledge; C) not metter. 3. I used for distance learning: А) phone В) comp C) laptop; 4. Why I did not use the computer:.. 5. Internet speed was: A) good B) bad C) could change. 6. I had problem with internet: А) yes В) no. 7. During distance learning, my preparation for the practical lesson was: А) the best В) worse C) has not changed. 8. I used a textbook or manual when answering during distance learning: А) yes C) no; 9.1 used the online consultation: А) yes В) no.

During distance learning, students of the Departament of Foreign Citizens were mostly abroad of Ukraine (65%), while 35% of foreign students continued to study in Ukraine (fig.1). Each student, regardless of his / her location, had access to the electronic teaching materials of the department, which are necessary for preparation for practical classes. E-learning materials are available on the website of the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery. Each student has access to the cloud, which can be accessed from a computer or other mobile device and get the specially designed educational and methodological documentation for the practical lessons [3].

According to the results of the questionnaire, in practical classes, in the form of distance learning, students used computers in only 9% of cases. Lap-tops or netbooks were used by students in 27% of cases, while mobile phones were used by students in 64% of cases (fig.2). Such a high percentage of phone use, students explained that phones are more convenient and economi-cal. One of the reasons for the active use of telephones, especially by Indian students who have been in their country, is the problem with electricity supply in some parts of India. One of the reasons for the active use of tele-phones, especially by Indian students who have been in their country, is the problem of electricity supply in some parts of India. However, we noted dis-advantages in the use of telephones by students. Often the image from the phone was not stable and clear, the sound was lost, there was extraneous noise and so on.

Fig.1 Location of foreign students during distance learning (1- abroad; 2-in Ukraine)

According to the questionnaire results, 50% of students do not use a computer at all, but prefer mobile devices. In our opinion, this has both posi-tive and negative sides. The positive thing is that students have become more mobile, they have more independence in organizing and preparing for prac-tical classes. However, the opposite approach of students to learning when using mobile devices is not excluded. In particular, students can use their mobile devices on the street, on a plane or train. This leads to communication barriers, which is reflected in the lessons and the teacher has to spend extra time interviewing such students. Mobile devices must appropriate certain characteristics and technical status so that the learning process is not dis-rupted.

Fig. 2 Students' use of communications atdistance learning (1-phones; 2- laptops or netbooks; 3-computers)

For a successful learning process, the Internet must work 24/7 at the appropriate speed. As instruction medium is completely through the Internet, software and hardware dysfunction can totally compromise the sessions and interrupt the learning process [5]. According to the questionnaire, 53% of students said that the speed of the Internet during their studies was sufficient. However, 47% of students indicated that they had problems with the Internet, which hindered their learning (fig.3).

Fig. 3 Providing of students by the Internet: 1- good; 2- insufficient or the Internet is absent

questionnaire educational distance learning

It should be noted that there is a percentage of students living in areas where the Internet is absent. This accordingly affected the course of the educational process. Students of the Departament of Foreign Citizens expressed their attitude to distance learning in different ways. According to the results of the questionnaire, 42% of students expressed the opinion that distance learning does not provide knowledge. However, 38% of students think that distance learning can provide the necessary knowledge. However, 20% of students believe that the form of education is not important for obtaining the necessary knowledge. Approximately 25% of students answered in their questionnaires that the change in the form of education did not affect their preparation for practical classes. About 30% of students noted that the change in the form of education has worsened the general preparation for classes, and 45% of students noted the opposite improvement in preparation for practical classes in clinical anatomy and operative surgery. This confirms the view that distance learning may be a possible alternative [4]. In addition, the students pointed out that the distance learning form is interesting because many videos are used in practical classes. Thanks to the TEAMS platform, practical classes can be supplemented with modern technologies, which will only contribute to the learning of students. One third of students preferred distance learning, as the risk of a COVID-19 pandemic has risen sharply. In the case of distance learning, the teacher's control over the use of additional textbooks by the student during the practical lessons has significantly decreased. This is evidenced by questionnaire data, which show that about 40% of students used textbooks at their answers on questions from the teacher. Obviously, this requires the use of additional innovative technologies with a certain technical approach for a more objective assessment of students. It is noted by others authors [5]. Today, it is relevant and promising. For better mastering by stu-dents of both theoretical material and practical skills at the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery, time is allotted for consultations. According to the questionnaire, the majority of students (52%) attended online consultations, while 48% of students did not use the consultations. Consultations for students were held on the TEAMS platform after their prelimi-nary on-line registration. At the consultation, students had the opportunity to receive answers on the topic of practical classes, modular questions or test tasks. The percentage of students who did not use counseling for various reasons remains high. We are working on this problem and trying to convince students to participate more actively in the learning process.


In distance learning, student questionnaires remain an important tool for studying students' opinions. The results of the survey showed that students have different attitudes towards distance learning. In order to successfully conduct the distance learning process, students must have adequate technical support. Not infrequently, the state of technical support is an objective reason and does not depend only on students. Assessment of students' knowledge in distance learning is not always objective.


1. Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027)

2. Abbasi, Maria S.a, Ahmed, Na- seera, Sajjad, Batoolbhttps:// or-, Alshahrani, Abdullahc /0000-0003-4490-1487. E-Learning perception and satisfaction among health sciences students amid the COVID-19 pandemic // Work. 2020, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 549-556.

3. Kuzmina OM On-line testing of knowledge of applicants - a tool for improving the quality of education / Distance learning as a modern educational technology [Electronic resource]: materials of the interuniversity webinar (Vinnytsia, March 31, 2017) / LB Lishchynska. - Vinnytsia: VTEI KNTEU, 2017. - 102 p.

4. Samar A. Ahmed, Nagwa N. Hegazy, Hany W. Abdel Malak, W. Cliff Kayser. Model for utilizing distance learning post COVID-19 using (PACT)™ a cross sectional qualitative study //BMC Med Educ. 2020; 20: 400

5. Bandas I.A., Palytsia L.M., Scobeieva O.A. Pros and cons of distance learning for medical students under quarantine condition / Medical Education, 2021, 4, 72-76

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