Practices of the "personal producing" course teaching in the student-centered learning context

Systematization of the experience of teaching the course "Personal production" in the context of student-centered learning. Implementation of the principle of student-centered learning. Updating the content of the "Personal Production" discipline.

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Дата добавления 08.01.2024
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Размещено на

National Aviation University, Kyiv

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Practices of the «personal producing» course teaching in the student-centered learning context

А. Ivashchuk

candidate of sciences in social communications

associate professor head of the Advertisement and

Public Relations department

О. Ryzhko

doctor of social communications,

associate professor chair professor

of the department of publishing and editing


The purpose of the study is to systematize the practices of the «Personal Producing» course teaching in the student-centered learning context.

Research methodology. To systematize the practices of teaching the free choice discipline «Personal Producing» and to estimate students' satisfaction with the level of the course teaching, as well as to adjust the content of the said discipline based on the study results, the following methods were used: document analysis (to track the transformation of the course work programs' content over three years); analysis of projects presented within the «Personal Producing» elective discipline for 2020-22 (to collect primary information and select the best examples); selective anonymous survey of students who chose the discipline in the 2022/23 academic year using Google-forms to determine the level of satisfaction with the course learning (11 persons choose the discipline, 6 persons took part in the survey). The questionnaire contained 7 questions: 5 with multiple-choice answers and2 open-ended questions. To process the information received, the following methods of generalization and analysis of information were used: systematization, grouping, qualitative (text analysis, classification) and quantitative (digital data) methods of data interpretation.

Results. It was established that the implementation of the student-centered learning principle within the «Personal Producing» course occurs at several levels: 1) the actual choice of discipline; 2) the possibility to influence the course content formation; 3) the choice of project type (work with a producing subject or self-producing); 4) the choice of the project itself (from idea to its implementation) - allows students to acquire knowledge, as well as master practical skills and abilities, develop general and professional competencies, including creativity and innovation. The project-based approach to teaching and the course content construction based on such components as: the producer person in the creative industries system and the producing-subject person + personal brand (formation or rebranding) + producing strategy + project report (in a creative form) allow students to implement their own projects from idea to potential/actual monetization.

The involvement of students (through surveys) in adjusting the discipline content makes it possible to properly update the course and ensure justified interest in it, which, in turn, helps students become competitive professionals.

Novelty. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to update the «Personal Producing» course content by deepening the topics of the «psychological block» (communication with the producing subject, producer's orthobiosis, the professional «burnout» problem, stress resistance), and also, taking into account the trend that students have begun to choose business representatives as producing subjects more often, to add to the practical activities more cases with the analysis of business people's personal brands and to reformat some practical sessions into master classes, involving representatives of business, media in particular, as speakers.

Practical importance. The results obtained will be used in the process of updating the «Personal Producing» discipline content for bachelors and for the development of the «Personal Brand: Creation and Promotion» course curriculum for second (master's) degree students majoring in 061 «Journalism».

Key words: personal producing, personal brand, student-centered learning, project, project approach.

Іващук А., Рижко О.

Досвід викладання курсу «Персональне продюсування» в контексті студентоцентрованого навчання


Мета дослідження - систематизувати досвід викладання курсу «Персональне продюсування» в контексті студентоцентрованого навчання.

Методологія дослідження. Для систематизації досвіду викладання дисципліни вільного вибору «Персональне продюсування» та виявлення задоволеності здобувачів рівнем викладання окресленого курсу й коригування на основі результатів дослідження змісту згаданої навчальної дисципліни було використано: аналіз документів (для відстеження трансформації змісту робочих програм курсу за три роки); аналіз проєктів, представлених у межах вибіркової дисципліни «Персональне продюсування» за 2020-22 рр. (для збирання первинної інформації та відбору кращих прикладів); вибіркове анонімне анкетування студентів, що обрали означену дисципліну у 2022/23 н.р., за допомогою Google-forms для виявлення рівня задоволеності вивченням курсу (дисципліну обрали 11 осіб, в опитуванні взяли участь 6 осіб). Анкета містила 7 запитань: 5 із варіантами відповідей і 2 відкриті. Для обробки отриманої інформації використано методи узагальнення та аналізу інформації: систематизація, групування, якісні (аналіз тексту, класифікація) та кількісні (цифрові дані) методики інтерпретації даних.

Результати. Встановлено, що реалізація принципу студентоцентрованості навчання в межах роботи над курсом «Персональне продюсування» відбувається на кількох рівнях: 1) власне вибору дисципліни; 2) можливості вплинути на формування змісту курсу; 3) вибору типу проєкту (робота з суб'єктом продюсування або самопродюсування); 4) вибір самого проєкту (від ідеї до її втілення) - і дає змогу студентам здобути знання й опанувати практичні вміння й навички, розвинути загальні та фахові компетентності, зокрема креативність та інноваційність. Проєктний підхід у навчанні і побудова змісту курсу з опорою на такі складники, як: особа продюсера в системі креативних індустрій і особа суб'єкта продюсування + персональний бренд (формування чи ребрединг) + стратегія продюсування + звіт за проєктом (у креативній формі) дають змогу здобувачам освіти реалізувати власні проєкти від ідеї до потенційно/факт ичної монетизації.

Залученість студентів (через опитування) до корегування змісту дисципліни дає можливість належно актуалізувати курс і забезпечувати виправдану цікавість до нього, що, своєю чергою, допомагає здобувачам освіти ставати конкурентоспроможними фахівцями.

Новизна. На основі отриманих даних можна оновити зміст курсу «Персональне продюсування», поглибивши теми «психологічного блоку» (комунікування з суб'єктом продюсування, ортобіоз продюсера, проблема професійного «вигоряння», стресостійкість), а також, зважаючи на тенденцію, що студенти почали частіше обирати суб'єктами продюсування представників бізнесу, додати до практичних завдань більше кейсів із аналізом персональних брендів бізнесменів, а частину практичних занять переформатувати на майстер-класи, залучаючи до них у ролі спікерів представників бізнесу, зокрема медійного.

Практичне значення. Одержані результати будуть використані у процесі оновлення змісту дисципліни «Персональне продюсування» для бакалаврату та для розроблення навчальної програми курсу «Персональний бренд: створення і просування» для здобувачів освіти другого магістерського рівня спеціальності 061 «Журналістика».

Ключові слова: персональне продюсування, персональний бренд, студентоцентроване навчання, проєкт, проєктний підхід.

Iwaszczuk A., Ryzko O.

Doswiadczenie w prowadzeniu kursu «Produkcja personalna» w kontekscie edukacji zorientowanej na studenta


student-centered learning discipline

Cel badania - usystematyzowac doswiadczenie w prowadzeniu kursu «Produkcja personalna» w kontekscie edukacji zorientowanej na studenta.

Metodologia badania. W celu usystematyzowania doswiadczenia w prowadzeniu dyscypliny do wolnego wyboru «Produkcja personalna» oraz ujawnienia satysfakcji aplikantow z poziomu prowadzenia okreslonego kursu, a takze regulacji na podstawie wynikow badania tresci wymienionej dyscypliny wykorzystano: analizq dokumentow (w celu sledzenia transformacji tresci roboczych programow kursu za trzy lata); analizq projektow, przedstawionych w ramach selektywnej dyscypliny «Produkcja personalna» w ciqgu 2020-22 lat (w celu zbierania podstawowych informacji oraz selekcji najlepszych przykfadow); selektywny kwestionariusz anonimowy dla studentow, ktorzy wybrali okreslonq dyscyplinq w latach 2022/23 za pomocq Google-forms w celu ujawnienia stopnia satysfakcji ze studiowania kursu (dyscyplinq wybrafo 11 osob, w ankietowaniu wziqfo udziaf 6 osob). W kwestionariuszu miescifo siq 7 pytan: 5 - z mozliwosciq wyboru odpowiedzi oraz 2 pytania otwarte. W celu przetwarzania uzyskanych informacji wykorzystano metody uogolnienia oraz analizy informacji: systematyzacja, grupowanie, jakosciowe (analiza tekstu, klasyfikacja) oraz ilosciowe (dane cyfrowe) metody interpretacji danych.

Wyniki. Ustalono, ze realizacja zasady edukacji zorientowanej na studenta w ramach pracy nad kursem «Produkcja personalna» odbywa siq na kilku poziomach: 1) bezposrednio wyboru dyscypliny; 2) mozliwosci wpfynqc na ksztaftowanie siq tresci kursu; 3) wyboru typu projektu (praca z podmiotem produkcji lub produkcja osobista); 4) wybor samego projektu (zaczynajqc od pomysfu i az do jego realizacji) - oraz umozliwia studentom zdobywanie wiedzy i opanowanie praktycznych umiejqtnosci, rozwijanie kompetencji ogolnych i zawodowych, w tym kreatywnosci i innowacyjnosci. Podejscie projektowe w edukacji i budowanie tresci kursow w oparciu o takie komponenty jak: osoba producenta w systemie przemysfow kreatywnych oraz osoba podmiotu produkcji + marka osobista (formowanie lub rebranding) + strategia produkcji + raport z projektu (w formie kreatywnej) umozliwiajq studentom realizacjq wfasnych projektow zaczynajqc od pomysfu i do potencjalnej/rzeczywistej monetyzacji.

Zaangazowanie studentow (za pomocq ankiety) w dostosowywanie tresci dyscypliny pozwala na odpowiedniq aktualizacjq kursu oraz zapewnianie uzasadnionego zainteresowania nim, co z kolei pomaga studentom stac siq konkurencyjnymi specjalistami.

Nowosc. Na podstawie uzyskanych danych mozna zaktualizowac tresc kursu «Produkcja personalna», pogfqbiajqc tematy «blokady psychologicznej» (komunikacja z podmiotem produkcji, ortobioza producenta, problem «wypalenia» zawodowego, odpornosc na stres), a takze biorqc pod uwagq tendencjq, ze studenci zaczqli coraz czqsciej wybierac jako podmioty produkcyjne podmioty biznesu - dodac do zadan praktycznych wiqcej kejsow z analizq marek osobistych biznesmenow oraz przeformatowac czqsc zajqc praktycznych na kursy mistrzowskie z udziafem przedstawicieli biznesu jako prelegentow, w szczegolnosci osob z mediow.

Znaczenie praktyczne. Uzyskane wyniki zostanq wykorzystane w procesie aktualizacji tresci dyscypliny «Produkcja personalna», dla studiow licencjackich oraz do opracowania programu naukowego kursu «Marka osobista: kreacja i promocja» dla studentow II stopnia studiow magisterskich na kierunku 061 «Dziennikarstwo».

Stowa kluczowe: produkcja personalna, marka osobista, edukacja zorientowana na studenta, projekt, podejscie projektowe.


Student-centered learning is one of the fundamental principles [6, 8] of the educational process organization in modern universities and, among other things, implies that «students are given greater opportunities to choose the content, pace, method and place of study» [5, 16]. One of the ways to implement this principle is to ensure that students have the right to form an individual educational trajectory through their free choice of academic disciplines. We would like to share our experience of teaching one of the free choice disciplines, which is «Personal Producing» (for students majoring in media producing, advertising and public relations, or journalism). This is because the work within the mastering of this discipline is based on project-based principles and is implemented through a combination of theoretical material and a system of thoughtful practical tasks aimed at the full implementation of the project chosen by the student from idea to its implementation, which are actually components of the production strategy. Moreover, a survey of stakeholder groups in the 061 «Journalism» specialty, such as employers [2] and graduates [3], shows the need of the former and the desire of the latter to provide/receive more practical skills within the higher education students' training. Working on the implementation of self-selected projects, combined with proper theoretical training, meets these requirements.

Moreover, the approval of the «Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 061 Journalism for the second (master's) level of higher education» [7], which will come into force on September 1,2023/24 academic year, provides for the updating of educational programs and the introduction of new ones. In particular, at the National Aviation University, within the master's program in this specialty, it is planned to introduce the «Personal Brand: Creation and Promotion» course, and the «Personal Producing» discipline teaching practices can be used for the development of a working curriculum for this course.

Problem statement and research methods

The purpose of the study is to systematize the practices of the «Personal Producing» course teaching at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in the student-centered learning context.

The following methods were used: document analysis (to track the course curriculum content transformation over three years); analysis of projects presented within the «Personal Producing» selective discipline in 2020-22 (to collect primary information and select the best examples; this is possible because the training was conducted in a distance format through Google-classes, so all information is preserved); selective anonymous survey of students who chose the discipline in the 2022/23 academic year, using Google-forms to determine the level of satisfaction with the course (11 people chose the discipline, 6 people took part in the survey). The questionnaire contained 7 questions: 5 with multiple-choice answers and 2 open-ended questions.

To process the information obtained, the following methods of generalization and analysis of information were used: systematization, grouping, qualitative (text analysis, classification) and quantitative (digital data) methods of data interpretation.

The results are presented as a detailed verbal description.


Based on our own teaching experience, we can state that the student-centered learning principle in the educational process in general and within the «Personal Producing» course in particular is implemented at several levels: 1) the actual choice of discipline; 2) the possibility to influence the course content formation; 3) the choice of the type of project (work with a producing subject or self-producing); 4) the choice of the project itself (from idea to its implementation). Moreover, so many levels of free choice contribute to the development of student projects' innovativeness, because «to encourage innovation, you need to create an environment where people are not afraid to dream, speak out, and take risks» [1, 9].

The discipline content naturally focuses on the personal brand because, in its absence, there is nothing to produce. Understanding the brand as a promise of more; creation of unique value; recognizability, recognition, voluntary loyalty of devotees; the path from rational to emotional; we interpret the personal brand as an image that arises in people's minds when they hear about a person/individual. Accordingly, when designing a personal brand for themselves or their producing subject, students are primarily looking for answers to the following fundamental questions: How should others see me/you/he/her? Who am/are/is I/you/he/she? What motivates me/you/him/her? What values define my/your/his/her modus operandi? What do/does I/you/he/she want? (Goal, vision of the future.) What am/are/is I/you/he/she willing to do for the sake of the goal? (Choice of tools.)

Naturally, the obtained answers help to determine: 1) the foundation (goals and values); 2) the strategy (including the definition of a unique personal offer or «big promise» as Denys Kaplunov calls it [4]); 3) the «packaging» (design of the image, identification, and use of strengths); 4) the actual promotion (strategies, tools, etc.).

In general, the course content covers the following components: the producer person in the creative industries system and the producing-subject person + personal brand (formation or rebranding) + producing strategy + project report (in a creative form).

Topics: producer in the creative industries field, personal brand basics, personality psychology, creativity psychology and business psychology in the context of producing, personal producing strategy, producing subject (meanings, tone of voice, background, work rhythm, previous experience, social roles, human behavior communicative model, producing subject image), self-producing principles, analysis of the target audience and competitors, media trends, content policy, content plan, promotion through social media, networking, visual communication, creative techniques for preparing publications, event as a component of promotion, project presentation preparation, project pitching.

The learning is based on project principles, which allows higher education students not only master the appropriate set of knowledge and skills, general and professional competencies, create a media product, but also monetize it.

Practical tasks are aimed at implementing the chosen project and cover all stages of its preparation and realization: from defining the subject of personal producing (or of self-producing if the student presents himself/herself as a subject of the creative industries, as a writer, musician, fashion designer, etc.) and forming a personal producing strategy to implementation of the components of this strategy, analysis of their implementation, and preparation of a project report.

Naturally, the variability of the course content is influenced by media trends, tendencies in the profession's development, the amount of class time allocated to the discipline (for example, in 2020-21, the course, in addition to independent work, included 6 hours of lectures and 39 hours of practical classes; in 2022, it covers 30 hours of lectures and 50 hours of practical classes), and the creativity of the students themselves.

Accordingly, the third edition of the discipline's work program expanded the topics of lectures and, in particular, added topics related to the formation of a community (community as a group that has a common motive for interacting with someone or something; tools for turning the target audience into a loyal and committed one (personal brand fans); the benefits of a powerful community: conversion, protection, and preservation of the producing subject's reputation, resource savings, loyalty to partners and advertising, following the main idea of the producing subject, supporting the producing subject's values) and the use of free publicity tools to promote a personal brand. And in the 2023/24 academic year (fourth edition), based on an oral survey on satisfaction with work within the discipline, the «psychological module» will be deepened, as force majeure conditions (pandemic, Russian-Ukrainian war) have exacerbated the need to maintain not only physical but also mental health. And if earlier in «Personal Producing» we talked, in particular, about the producer's personality psychology and the producing subject, now students have voiced their wishes for «the ability to negotiate with the producing subject» (the development of communication skills), «prevention of professional burnout» (the producer's orthobiosis), and increased stress resistance.

During 2020-2022, students prepared 37 projects (Table 1) regarding either self-producing or producing another person (a producing subject).

Table 1. Proects distribution by year


2020 (total projects)


2021 (total projects)


2022 (total projects)


Producing another person (a producing subject)











As we can see, over the past three years, the trend of increasing producing of other people as opposed to self-producing has continued. It is also interesting to look at the areas in which producing subjects are involved. In 2020, it was a director and a musician (cellist). In 2021,there were an entertainment show presenter, a DJ, a poet, a copywriter, an architect, a fitness trainer, and a small business owner (lavender cultivation). In 2022, there were 2 photographers, a writer, an actor, a grant expert, a bandura player, a firearms expert, an agricultural businessman, an online jewelry store owner, a candle maker, and a beaded-handbag maker. It is noticeable that the share of cooperation with small and medium-sized businesses is growing.

The most interesting projects include the following. Danylo Haidamakha (TikTok social media service, nickname Chornobrovyi, @chornobrovyi, currently has more than 143 thousand followers, 3.9 million likes) and Tetiana Lysiuk co-created the «ГАЛАС» project («halas» is literally a language hype) in 2020 and produced it as part of the course. The blogger consciously completely Ukrainized his life in 2016, and since then he has seen his task as the Ukrainization of Ukraine and the presentation of Ukraine to the world. For this purpose, he also created an account on TikTok with English-language content about Ukraine (, 1674 followers).

In 2021, the best project was Daria Bazalynska's production project (Fig. 1, 2) for copywriter Olha Kudisova, founder of the «Trymai Slovo» (Keep the Word) Telegram channel for copywriters (which grew into Olha's bachelor's degree project), and an expert blog on Instagram.

Fig. 1. Daria Bazalynska's project (2021)

Fig. 2. Event as a tool for personal production (Daria Bazalynska's project, 2021 р.)

In terms of self-producing, the best projects were those of Victoria Nikoliuk, who positioned herself as a producer of celebrity personal brands, and Amina Pozychailo as an SMM expert.

In 2022, the best were Daryna Parkhomenko (producing a beaded-handbag maker) (Fig. 3), Yelyzaveta Urda (working with a photographer), Anastasia Lytvyn (producing a candle maker) (Fig. 4), and Sofia Vorontsova (working with an agricultural businessman).

Fig. 3. Daryna Parkhomenko project (2022)

As it can be seen from the provided figures, students had a creative approach to implementing their tasks, and their projects were varied.

In 2022, for the first time, we got a case of negative producing experience. However, it helped the student work through her mistakes and determine that the key prerequisites for failure were complete ignorance of the producing subject (the student found the bandura player on Facebook), inattention at the negotiation stage (the producing subject warned that he was difficult to communicate with, inflexible, and disliked modern means of communication and promotion), and different value orientations. Moreover, the student's experience was a good lesson for the whole group. Finally, in the end, she mentioned the opportunity to work on and present the «failure» case as one of the discipline advantages, because having gained such experience during the training, she would be able to use it in her working practice.

Fig. 4. Anastasia Lytvyn project (2022)

The content of the discipline is reviewed and updated annually. One of the conditions for the implementation of student-centered learning is the involvement of students in this process, in particular, through surveys on the level of satisfaction with the discipline teaching. We usually conduct such surveys using Google Forms, which, given the small groups of respondents, is quite acceptable and allows us to achieve the goal. The results are presented in the table 2.

Table 2. Results of the student survey after studying the «Personal Producing» course

1) Were you satisfied with your work within the discipline (please select one answer)

Yes, I am completely satisfied - 100%

2) Was there enough theoretical material for you during the course?

Yes - 100%

3) Did you like the practical tasks you had to work with?

Yes - 100%

4) Did you like the teaching of the discipline (communication with the teacher, clarity of presentation of the material, logic and motivation of practical tasks, etc.)?

Yes - 100%

5) What should be done to improve the work within the «Personal Producing» course learning?

The possibility to see the course program in advance to plan the workload during the semester. The tasks are quite extensive, but interesting. I don't want to lose the opportunity to work on them consciously.

Perhaps more information on communication with your producing subject, tips, personal experience, taboos in communication.

Everything was great, but sometimes we didn't have time to complete the tasks because the extent was too large.

Give a little more time to complete the last tasks (they were more extensive than the previous ones).

The biggest obstacle was the amount of homework. It would be cool if we could see the entire layer of work that needs to be done at once to prioritize tasks (if a student does not have time to do everything).

Or add all the tasks with the distribution of points to allocate time. At the end of the course, with the blackouts, it was difficult to keep up with the very extensive tasks, and they are very interesting and important. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to merge the first part of practical classes to some extent, so that you have more time to discuss the promotion strategy itself, events, etc.

Submit all tasks to the class at once, at the beginning of the semester

6) «Personal Producing» is a discipline of the student's free choice. Would you be willing to recommend this course to other students (please select one answer)?

Definitely «yes» - 100%

7) Your suggestions and thoughts to the teacher.

The comments can be summarized as follows: more interesting projects, inspired students, and opportunities to work together in the future

As we can see from the answers, students are generally satisfied with the theoretical material, practical tasks, and specifics of communication with the teacher; the remarks concern the amount of homework. To optimize the study of the discipline, next year all tasks will be published in the Google Classroom before the start of the course. Moreover, the «psychological» module will be deepened in terms of content. In our opinion, such the high rating of the course lies in the fact that students had the opportunity to fully realize their own choice at all stages: from choosing a discipline to choosing the specifics of their project implementation.


Therefore, we can say that the student-centered learning principle is implemented within the «Personal Producing» course at several levels: 1) the actual choice of the discipline; 2) the possibility to influence the course content formation; 3) the choice of the project type (work with a producing subject or self-producing); 4) the choice of the project itself (from idea to its implementation) allows students to acquire knowledge, as well as master the necessary practical skills and abilities, and develop general and professional competencies, including creativity and innovation. The involvement of students (through surveys) in adjusting the discipline content makes it possible to properly update the course and ensure that it is of justified interest, which in turn helps students become competitive professionals.


1. Гастінгс Р., Маєр Е. Netflix і культура інновацій / пер. з англ. В. Галичиної. Харків: Віват, 2021. 352 с.

2. Звіт опитування працедавців ННІЖ. URL: (дата звернення 18.02.2023).

3. Звіт за опитуванням випускників 2022 ОП «Медіакомунікації в бізнесі». URL: (дата звернення 18.02.2023).

4. Каплунов Д. Королі соціальних мереж. Як підвищувати популярність, залучати клієнтів та будувати особистий бренд у соціальних мережах за технологією SOCIAL SELLING / пер. О. Жукова. Київ: Видавництво Букшеф, 2022. 432 с.

5. Положення про організацію освітнього процесу в Київському національному університеті імені Тараса Шевченка. URL: (дата звернення 18.02.2023).

6. Положення про організацію освітнього процесу в Національному авіаційному університеті. URL: (дата звернення 18.02.2023).

7. Стандарт вищої освіти зі спеціальності 061 Журналістика для другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти. URL: (дата звернення 18.02.2023).


1. Hastings, R., & Meyer, E. (2021). Netflix i kultura innovatsii [Netflix and the culture of innovation]. (V. Halychyna, Trans). Kharkiv: Vivat [in Ukrainian].

2. Zvit opytuvannia pratsedavtsiv NNIZh [Survey report of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism employers]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

3. Zvit za opytuvanniam vypusknykiv 2022 OP «Mediakomunikatsii v biznesi» [Survey report of 2022 graduates of «Media Communications in Business» educational program] Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

4. Kaplunov, D. (2022). Koroli sotsialnykh merezh. Yak pidvyshchuvaty populiarnist, zaluchaty kliientiv ta buduvaty osobystyi brend u sotsialnykh merezhakh za tekhnolohiieiu SOCIAL SELLING [Kings of social networks. How to increase popularity, attract customers and build a personal brand on social networks using SOCIAL SELLING technology]. (O. Zhukov, Trans.) Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo Bukshef [in Ukrainian].

5. Polozhennia pro orhanizatsiiu osvitnoho protsesu v Kyivskomu natsionalnomu universyteti imeni Tarasa Shevchenka [Regulations on the educational process organization at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

6. Polozhennia pro orhanizatsiiu osvitnoho protsesu v Natsionalnomu aviatsiinomu universyteti [Regulations on the educational process organization at the National Aviation University]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

7. Standart vyshchoi osvity zi spetsialnosti 061 Zhurnalistyka dlia druhoho (mahisterskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity [Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 061 Journalism for the second (master's) level of higher education]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. Размещено на


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