Strategies for realizing the creative potential of student youth (gender aspect)
Strategies for realizing the creative potential of school youth in the gender dimension. Indicators characterizing the ability of student youth to be creative, creative potential. Tendencies to the construction and use of a monocriteria evaluation system.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.01.2024 |
Размер файла | 11,4 K |
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Strategies for realizing the creative potential of student youth (gender aspect)
Komar T.V.
Zavatska N.Ye.
Zhigarenko I.Ye.
Safonov A.Yu.
Kovalenko V.O.
The article reveals strategies for realizing the creative potential of school youth in the gender dimension. Indicators characterizing the ability of schoolchildren to be creative and constituting their creative potential have been singled out. Such indicators of the creative potential of students include novelty, originality of the solution and independence. It is emphasized that in relation to this issue, the creative potential of schoolchildren is the ability to define and formulate a problem, generate new ideas and carry out their selection, propose and justify original solutions to problems, performing research with a high degree of independence.
Two main trends are observed in the strategy of applying criteria for evaluating the ability of schoolchildren to creative activity: to build and use a singlecriterion evaluation system and to the complex use of various criteria, taking into account the individual weight of each criterion in a specific situation. We propose to use the last approach in the comprehensive assessment of the creative potential of student youth engaged in creative activities.
Key words: student youth, creative potential, strategies for realizing creative potential, giftedness, gender.
Комар Т.В., Завацька Н.Є., Жигаренко І.Є., Сафонов А.Ю., Коваленко В.О.
У статті розкрито стратегії реалізації творчого потенціалу учнівської молоді у гендерному вимірі. Виокремлено показники, що характеризують здатність учнівської молоді до творчості та становлять її творчий потенціал. До таких показників творчого потенціалу учнівської молоді віднесені новизна, оригінальність рішення та самостійність. Наголошується, що стосовно цієї проблематики творчий потенціал учнівської молоді - це здатність визначати та формулювати проблему, генерувати нові ідеї та проводити їх селекцію, пропонувати та обґрунтовувати оригінальні рішення проблем, виконуючи дослідження з високою долею самостійності.
У стратегії застосування критеріїв оцінки здатності учнівської молоді до творчої діяльності спостерігаються дві основні тенденції: до побудови та використання монокритеріальної системи оцінки та до комплексного використання різних критеріїв з урахуванням індивідуальної ваги кожного критерію у конкретній ситуації. Ми пропонуємо використовувати останній підхід у комплексній оцінці творчого потенціалу учнівської молоді, яка займається творчою діяльністю.
Ключові слова: учнівська молодь, творчий потенціал, стратегії реалізації творчого потенціалу, обдарованість, гендер.
Комар Таїсія Василівна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри психології та педагогіки Хмельницького національного університету;
Завацька Наталія Євгенівна - доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;
Жигаренко Ігор Євгенович - доктор психологічних наук, професор, професор кафедри психології та соціології Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля, м. Київ;
Сафонов Артем Юрійович - аспірант кафедри практичної психології та соціальної роботи спеціальності 053 Психологія Східноукраїнського національного університету ім. В. Даля, м. Київ;
Коваленко Валерій Олександрович - аспірант кафедри здоров'я людини та фізичного виховання спеціальності 053 Психологія Східноукраїнського національного університету ім. В. Даля, м. Київ.
Formulation of the problem
Issues of accurate and comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of projects, works, activities of a particular structure or individual are becoming increasingly relevant today. This problem is especially acute in the field of higher education, where there is a need for methods for assessing effectiveness, including research activities, that meet the requirements of modern society.
A new approach to the strategy for the development of education is currently determined by the transfer of the sources and driving forces of socio-economic progress from the material to the intellectual sphere. At the same time, scientific activity has its own characteristics: the inability to formalize a description of the scientific research process; the importance of the leader's role; lack of a clear connection between the contribution of each participant to the study and the final result of the scientific work; significant dependence of research on the volume and nature of funding; presence of an educational component. In addition, the main values of research structures are human and information resources.
Analysis of the latest research and publications. The purpose of assessing the effectiveness of higher educational institutions is to increase the efficiency of their activities aimed at improving the educational process, expanding integration with scientific activities, developing international cooperation between universities and foreign partners, and expanding the competitiveness of higher educational institutions.
It is proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of four areas of activity of universities. These include activities: educational; research (the share of expenses for research and development work from the total expenses of the university is taken into account); international (indicators - the share of foreign students, as well as the number of students enrolled in postgraduate education programs in foreign universities); financial and economic (all university income per employee and the ratio of the average monthly salary of scientific and pedagogical workers to the average salary in the economy in the region are taken into account).
It is also proposed to supplement each of these criteria. In particular, in the first direction, introduce such items as the share of graduates who are laureates and nominees of international and Russian awards, as well as the share of those working in government agencies. It is proposed to add criteria for citing publications by students and university employees, as well as the number of patents and the number of textbooks, to the assessment of research activities; number of applications submitted by staff and students for grants.
However, there are features and additional goals and objectives of students' research activities. Thus, the following main tasks of research and development activities have been identified: teaching the methodology of rational and effective search for information, obtaining and using knowledge; familiarization with modern scientific methodologies, work with scientific literature; improving the skills of scientific, creative and research activities through student participation in scientific research, real-life development and technical creativity; creation and development of youth creative associations; mastery of modern technologies in the field of science and production; identification of talented young people for postgraduate studies, work in departments and in scientific laboratories; creating favorable conditions for the development of various forms of scientific creativity among young people.
It is also indicated: promoting the comprehensive development of the student's personality, the formation of his objective self-esteem, the acquisition of socio-psychological competence, skills of working in creative teams and scientific and organizational activities; developing students' abilities to make independent, informed judgments and conclusions; attracting students to rationalization work and inventive creativity, etc. [1-5].
The purpose of the article is to reveal strategies for realizing the creative potential of schoolchildren in the gender dimension.
Presentation of the main material and results of the study
Students' skills in the field of research and development involve the development of their readiness to perform creative actions when solving various research problems at the level of research planning, collecting information, processing it, recording intermediate and final results of research work, using the results obtained in practical work
Indicators of the general level of scientific activity of a university and assessment of the effectiveness of research activities used in practice can be divided into four groups: organization, management, financing and effectiveness of research activities.
It should be noted that the topic of assessing the effectiveness of a university's research and development activities began to be actively developed in the last decade, when the state program for the development of science and education was approved. At the same time, indicators of the effectiveness of the scientific activities of universities were proposed for consideration, as well as criteria for assessing scientific research, including a variety of mathematical tools for calculating selected parameters.
In this work, we will consider some indicators used to determine the effectiveness of research work. In the development of marketers, the following evaluation criteria are presented - the number of: works published in print by students or in collaboration with students; students who have published their work in print; patents, copyright certificates obtained by students or in collaboration with students; reports presented at scientific conferences by students; students who presented their reports at scientific conferences; diploma projects containing elements of research work submitted for defense; university graduates recommended for admission to master's and postgraduate programs; students who submitted works to competitions.
Based on absolute indicators, relative indicators are calculated: the share of works published in print by students or in collaboration with students, from the total number of students engaged in research; the proportion of students who published their works from the total number of students engaged in research.
However, the quantitative indicators proposed above do not reflect the whole picture and the degree to which students' research projects are solved, since one of the most important goals of research work is the development of creative potential, the formation of a scientific worldview and research skills. At the moment, in works proposing methods and criteria for assessing a university's research and development activity, there is no strategically important, in our opinion, indicator that characterizes the creative development of students, since there is always at least one of the elements of research and development activity - creativity.
In the strategy for applying personality assessment criteria in professional activities, two main trends are observed: towards the construction and use of a monocriteria assessment system and towards the integrated use of different criteria, taking into account the individual weight of each criterion in a specific situation. We propose to use the latter approach in a comprehensive assessment of the creative potential of a student engaged in scientific research.
First, let's define creative potential, or, in our case, the so-called creative component. Currently, there is no unambiguous and complete definition of this concept. It is recognized that an indicator of creative personality development is creativity. In psychological research, creativity is understood as the intellectual and personal characteristics of an individual that allow them to independently pose problems, generate new ideas and propose original solutions. Also, for the development of a person's creative potential, her constant activity, purposeful activity in the chosen direction of research and independence in performing tasks and work are important.
Indicators that characterize a person's ability to be creative constitute their creative potential. In our work, such indicators of a student's creative potential include novelty, originality of solution and independence. So, in relation to this issue, we will give a definition: the creative potential of an individual is the ability to define and formulate a problem, generate new ideas and carry out their selection, propose and justify original solutions to problems, carrying out research with a high degree of independence.
Let us introduce an integrated indicator of the creative component T, which consists of the main indicators proposed in accordance with the declared goals of research work at the university and the definition of creative potential we introduced. Next, we will determine the cumulative absolute and relative integrated indicators of the creative component of the university's research work.
The relative indicator represents the average level of creative potential of university students engaged in research. You can also determine an integrated indicator of the creative component of a university's research work, which characterizes, among other things, the volume and quality of the university's research work as a whole per one student:
The practical and scientific significance of this work lies in the fact that the indicator of the effectiveness of research work proposed in it - integrated indicators of the creative component of the research work of a student or university - is aimed at identifying not only the economic, but also the social (creative) component of scientific research.
By analogy, parameters can be introduced that characterize the quality of research work for other categories of students, for example graduate students, doctoral students. They can be entered into the consolidated assessment of research and development activities with weighting coefficients that take into account the degree of significance of their activities in assessing the effectiveness of the university.
The inclusion of indicators of the creative component of research work in a comprehensive assessment of the activities of a university will make it possible to evaluate, among other things, the quality of the activities of the teaching staff leading the research work.
These indicators can be assessed over time both for each student engaged in research and in general for all students throughout the entire period of their studies at the university and research work. You can also compare the creative potential of students in one course with the same indicator for the same course in previous periods. Thus, it is possible to obtain a characteristic of both the creative potential of newly arrived students and its development during their studies at the university.
The inclusion of our proposed integrated indicator of the creative component of research work in a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of a university's research work will stimulate the qualitative development of the organization and management of research work.
This indicator will also influence the positioning of the university in target audiences: potential employers, applicants and their parents, investors in research work, government agencies, international communities providing educational and research services. This, in turn, will increase its attractiveness, ensuring an influx of the most prepared individuals interested not only in obtaining a prestigious diploma, but also in their creative development and self-realization.
The inclusion of this indicator in the point-rating system for assessing students will attract an additional number of students to research activities, increasing the value of a comprehensive indicator of the university's effectiveness in organizing and maintaining research activities and allowing one to more fully solve one of the main tasks - the development of the creative and research potential of students.
Moreover, assessment of students' creative potential and its development can be carried out not only within the framework of research and development activities, but also during the learning process. Of course, the proposed indicators and methods for their determination require further development, clarification of methods for calculating weight coefficients, including based on the analysis of future empirical research in student and teaching environment.
Strategies for realizing the creative potential of schoolchildren are revealed. Indicators characterizing the ability of schoolchildren to be creative and constituting their creative potential have been singled out. Such indicators of the creative potential of students include novelty, originality of the solution and independence. It is emphasized that in relation to this issue, the creative potential of schoolchildren is the ability to define and formulate a problem, generate new ideas and carry out their selection, propose and justify original solutions to problems, performing research with a high degree of independence.
Two main trends are observed in the strategy of applying criteria for evaluating the ability of schoolchildren to creative activity: to build and use a singlecriterion evaluation system and to the complex use of various criteria, taking into account the individual weight of each criterion in a specific situation. We propose to use the last approach in the comprehensive assessment of the creative potential of student youth engaged in creative activities.
creative potential student youth gendered
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