The gift of youth and its development in the conditions of a problem-genic society

The problem of giftedness of young people in the conditions of society. Factors of problematic behavior of gifted students, the type of which does not correspond to the profile of advanced study subjects. Directions for improving their socialization.

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The gift of youth and its development in the conditions of a problem-genic society

Piletska L.S.

Zavatska N.Ye.

Blyskun O.O.

Turban V.V.

Voloshyn V.M.

The article reveals the problem of youth giftedness and the peculiarities of its development in the conditions of a problematic society. It is shown that the most intellectually gifted teenagers are the most tolerant, treat the people around them better, and have no emotional and communication problems. The problematic behavior of some gifted students should be considered as a reaction of unsatisfied ambition and psychological protection. Such a reaction occurs if the type of giftedness does not correspond (or does not fully correspond) to the profile of the subjects of advanced study or the general level of intelligence is insufficient for easy assimilation of complex educational programs, as well as in the case when the educational environment, the psychological climate of the class is such as to promote consolidation maladaptive behavior. It is emphasized that the process of socialization of gifted youth can be optimized thanks to the well-thought-out formation of class groups.

Key words: student youth, giftedness, gifted youth, socialization, socio- psychological support, problematic society.

Пілецька Л.С., Завацька Н.Є., Блискун О.О., Турбан В.В., Волошин В.М.


У статті розкрито проблему обдарованості молоді та особливості її розвитку в умовах проблемогенного соціуму. Показано, що найбільш інтелектуально обдаровані підлітки і найбільш толерантні, краще ставляться до оточуючих людей, не мають емоційних та комунікативних проблем. Проблемну поведінку частини обдарованих учнів слід розглядати як реакцію незадоволеного честолюбства і психологічний захист. Така реакція виникає, якщо тип обдарованості не відповідає (або не повністю відповідає) профілю предметів поглибленого вивчення або загальний рівень інтелекту виявляється недостатнім для легкого засвоєння складних навчальних програм, а також у тому випадку, коли навчальне середовище, психологічний клімат класу такі, що сприяють закріпленню дезадаптивної поведінки. Наголошується, що процес соціалізації обдарованої молоді можна оптимізувати завдяки продуманому формуванню колективів класу.

Ключові слова: учнівська молодь, обдарованість, обдарована молодь, соціалізація, соціально-психологічний супровід, проблемогенний соціум.

Formulation of the problem

gifted students socialization

Intellectually gifted youth are a particularly valuable asset of any society, but the attitude of people around them is usually wary. This attitude is dictated by the ideas that have become established in everyday consciousness that gifted young people create problems for others and do not adapt well in society because they are self-centered, socially inadequate, uncommunicative and do not even try to understand those with whom they communicate. If they develop some ideas, they do not correlate their goals and the methods they use to achieve them with group goals and ethical standards, as well as with the opinions of individual people. While devoting themselves to creativity, they do not think about the social consequences of their own activities, about how its results will affect the lives of other people.

Analysis of the latest research and publications

Attempts to limit creative activity, introducing it into a framework acceptable to others, inhibits, on the one hand, the development of the potential of giftedness, and on the other hand, does not optimize their adaptation in society, but aggravates conflicts and leads to emotional breakdowns. Psychologists, who traditionally defend gifted young people, consider maladaptation to be an inevitable consequence of giftedness. Few people dispute the prevailing opinion in scientific psychology that with the intensification of intellectual and special abilities, the emotional and social development of the individual inevitably suffers [1-5].

The purpose of the article is to reveal the problem of giftedness in young people and its development in the minds of a problematic society, to find out the relationship between social development and intellectual giftedness, and also to assess the adaptability potential and level of social maturity of a gifted young person on the threshold of adulthood.

Presentation of the main material and research results

We assumed that the degree of social maturity can be determined by the system of life values and the level of personal tolerance of a young person. The ability to adapt can be evidenced by the level of social intelligence, the type of communication attitudes, the degree of adequacy of self-esteem, and the presence of constructive behavior skills in stressful and conflict situations.

In connection with the task, methods of life values and tolerance (L. Yasyukova), as well as tests of social intelligence (Guilford-Sullivan), communicative attitudes, self-esteem (Fiedler-Yasyukova), and the Rosenzweig frustration test were used for diagnosis. To ensure comprehensiveness, the Amthauer Structure of Intelligence Test and the Cattell Personality Questionnaire (Form A, revised for adolescents by L. Yasyukova) were included. The study was not limited to studying the social development and adaptive capabilities of the sample as a whole, that is, all high school students. We hypothesized that the established traditions of raising girls may be more conducive to their social development compared to boys.

It seemed logical to consider the connections between adaptive potential and the characteristics of the socializing environment, i.e., the influence of the psychological climate of the classroom on the personal development of students.

Based on this, differences associated with gender and the psychological climate of the class team were analyzed in order to identify the influence of these factors on the social development of gifted youth. The reliability of intergroup differences was assessed using the Student's t test. The results are presented in tables 1-6. To identify relationships between indicators of social maturity, intellectual and personal characteristics, correlation analysis was used.

Based on the average values presented in the tables, the surveyed gymnasium graduates can be characterized as follows. The level of intellectual development of young people in all respects exceeds (or significantly exceeds) the average age norm. Consequently, these young people can be classified as gifted youth.

Social intelligence has not received such intensive development as academic intelligence, since all its indicators are within the age norm.

The level of ability to predict the development of events and verbal flexibility correspond to the upper limit of the age norm, understanding of pantomimic signals and motives of people's behavior is closer to its lower limit.

The data suggests that the values of most factors are in the average zone, which indicates individual variability in personality traits. As a general characteristic of the group, focusing on factors that go beyond average standards, it can be noted that the majority of young people surveyed are characterized by a desire for leadership (factor E), active informal communication (factor A) and entertainment (factor F). The high level of the last two factors is explained by age characteristics, and the clearly expressed desire for leadership of the majority of the surveyed high school students may be associated with giftedness.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the majority of students are self-critical (P indices are negative) and friendly in communication (MPC indices above 7 and LPC indices above 4). However, at the same time, they are somewhat subjective, categorical in their judgments about people, and have a poor understanding of them (ASO index above 15), which is consistent with shortcomings in the development of their social intelligence.

For the vast majority of students, the most important are basic human values, such as health, family, friends, love (the lower the score, the more important the corresponding value is).

It is possible to draw conclusions about the average level of personal tolerance of high school students and about significant unevenness in the development of its various components. If cultural limitations are out of the question, since the indicator of breadth of interests significantly exceeds the average 4 points, then, unfortunately, it is more likely to have to admit the presence of prejudice and suspicion towards representatives of other cultures than respect for other people's views and values. The young people surveyed also lack tolerance towards people brought up in different traditions. Instead of trying to kindly understand the reasons for “strange” statements and actions and understand others, they tend to aggressively take out the inconveniences and troubles associated with them on “strangers.” It can be said that the addition of cultural and aesthetic cycle subjects to the educational program expanded the social erudition of students, but had little effect on the formation of personal tolerance.

From the data obtained, it follows that the surveyed high school students have not developed a sense of responsibility, which is necessary for constructive actions in stressful situations; they usually do not see their fault in emerging conflicts.

The given general characteristics of high school students largely confirm the opinion about social immaturity and probable communication problems that may arise in gifted youth, although there is no reason to talk about their maladaptation. From the data obtained it is clear that the coefficient of social adaptation corresponds to the norm, not falling below 50%, which indicates that the vast majority of gifted adolescents have a standard repertoire of reactions that ensure relatively constructive behavior in stressful and conflict situations. However, further the analysis allows us to clarify the reasons that can give rise to various complications for some (and very specific) high school students when interacting with people around them.

Gender-related differences emerged in the following ways. Boys are distinguished by greater practical awareness, breadth of interests and horizons, compared to girls. No more significant differences were found in the structure and level of intelligence of the surveyed boys and girls, although some superiority of boys in the development of linguistic and mathematical abilities is outlined.

In the development of social intelligence, on the contrary, there is a slight superiority of girls in such indicators as understanding the motives of people's behavior and the richness of the speech repertoire of communication. The latter exceeds their age norm.

Differences manifested themselves in personality traits. Boys are more rationalistic, and girls are more sensitive, intuitive, aesthetically developed, more anxiously motivated, and emotionally tense. Young men are calmer, characterized by strong-willed self-control, determination, mobility, and a tendency to experiment. Girls are more conservative and less organized, and these shortcomings, in all likelihood, they have to compensate for through more intense personal stress.

From the data obtained it follows that the girls are self-critical, have a friendly attitude towards the people around them, but show some categorical judgments about them. Boys are more objective in their judgments about people than girls, they are friendly in business communication, but they show skepticism regarding the personal qualities of people. At the same time, they themselves do not notice their personal shortcomings, adequately and self-critically assessing only their own business opportunities. The study did not reveal significant differences in the manifestations of tolerance associated with gender.

There are some differences in the reactions of boys and girls in stressful situations. Young men are less sensitive to stress, attributing many things to little things that should not be paid attention to. This attitude allows you to easily endure troubles without delving into them, but it prevents the accumulation of experience in solving problems and perpetuates non-self-criticism. Girls have a much higher sense of personal guilt and responsibility, the ability to learn from their own mistakes and, thereby, accumulate positive experience in behavior in conflicts.

Gender analysis revealed the peculiarities of socialization of gifted boys and girls and the uniqueness of the problems that they may have when interacting with people around them. Girls are friendly, have developed social intelligence, but due to increased mental stress and impulsiveness, they are prone to categorical, unfair statements about people. They are anxious and self-critical, but rigidity and lack of self-control can nevertheless complicate their communication. Young men are organized, mobile, balanced, constructive in business interactions, but potentially conflicting in informal communication, they can offend people without noticing it and without correcting themselves, because they are not self-critical, are not able to learn from their mistakes, although they easily endure the troubles that arise .

A comparison of the socio-psychological characteristics characteristic of students in the surveyed classes revealed significant differences in the level of social maturity and adaptability potential.

All young people are characterized by a breadth of views and interests, sufficient general awareness of socio-cultural issues, which can be explained by the presence in the gymnasium of an extended cycle of cultural and aesthetic educational programs. However, most of them do not have a respectful attitude and recognition of equal rights for representatives of other cultures and nationalities. The in-depth gymnasium and expanded cultural and aesthetic education that students received did not lead to the formation of a respectful attitude towards people for whom other life values, ethical standards, and cultural traditions are significant that do not coincide with their own. Unfortunately, many of the students studied are prejudiced, distrustful and suspicious of people who have different views and cultural attitudes.

Analysis of the survey results using the life values method showed that in all three class groups preference is given to basic human values such as health, family, friends, and love. And this is humanly understandable, normal and associated with the limited living environment (family, friends) and the actual social lack of independence of adolescents (the lower the score, the closer to first place, and the more significant the corresponding values are.) In this situation, it is important to find out what value the structure takes second place, that is, it will determine the dominant orientation of the young man when his life becomes completely independent.

The potential for adaptability can be concluded based on the results obtained using the Guilford-Sullivan, Rosenzweig and Fiedler-Yasyukova tests. From the data given in table. 4, it is clear that there are no significant differences between students in these 3rd grades in the development of their social intelligence; all indicators are mainly within the average age norm.

Rosenzweig's test revealed the following. Teenagers are more often characterized by extrapunitive reactions and aggressive behavior aimed at blaming others. They are also the most adaptive, compared to peers from parallel classes.

The Fiedler-Yasyukova technique showed a lack of self-criticism; they consider themselves better than everyone else (the P index is positive).

A comparative analysis of three classes showed that social immaturity, maladaptation, and potential conflict in communicating with other people are characteristic only of students in grade 11-B, while gifted youth from the other two classes do not have such problems.

In a cross-sectional study, it is difficult to identify the reasons that led to such differences in the social maturity of students in these classes, but a comparative analysis of intellectual characteristics allows us to make certain assumptions. The data shows that students in grade 11-A have a level of development of all thinking operations that exceeds average age standards, therefore, they are truly intellectually gifted young people. Moreover, students in grade 11-A are superior to their peers from parallel classes both in general intelligence level and in almost all thinking operations, which are measured using the Amthauer test. We can talk not only about certain trends that are visible when comparing numerical indicators, but also statistically highly reliable differences. It turned out that students in grade 11-A are significantly stronger than their peers in grade 11-B both in intellectual development in general and in mathematical intuition.

The superiority of students in grade 11-A is also evident in all other intellectual operations, except for the ability to make intuitive generalizations (subtest 2). Students in grade 11-B are superior to their peers in grade 11-B in the level of development of figurative synthesis (subtest 7, t=2.325), which allows them to form a holistic and adequate idea of an object even from fragmentary, incomplete information. More developed operations of figurative synthesis allow you to quickly navigate in any practical situation; they are necessary in communication and activities when prompt decision-making is required. However, students in grade 11-B can no longer be classified as harmoniously gifted youth, since their mathematical intuition (subtest 5) and ability to systematize factual data (subtest 1) have reached only an average level, and are insufficient for in-depth mastering mathematical and technical sciences. Most teenagers in grade 11-B cannot be called gifted at all, because they have a level of development of such thinking operations as the ability to identify objective cause-and-effect relationships (subtest 3), generalize and systematize scientific knowledge and factual data (subtests 4 and 1), mathematical intuition (subtest 5) are only within the average age norm. Consequently, it is much more difficult for teenagers in grade 11-B to withstand the high level of requirements of gymnasium programs and mathematical specialization. Misunderstandings and learning problems can arise in other subjects, and a full-fledged high-quality gymnasium education turns out to be difficult to achieve for most of them. Moreover, they lose to their peers in both practical and social situations.

Nevertheless, it is the students of grade 11-B who are reliably the most ambitious and socially active (factor H, t = 2.530) compared to teenagers of grades 11- A and 11-B. They are distinguished not only by the strongest achievement motivation and high level of mental stress, but also by the lowest level of diligence and discipline. Compared to peers, students in grade 11-B also have the most pronounced desire for leadership, an active lifestyle and entertainment.

The use of correlation analysis made it possible to obtain additional information about the relationships between indicators of social maturity, intellectual and personal characteristics of gifted high school students.

Mathematical intuition and abstract thinking are positively related to such components of social intelligence as the ability to predict the development of events and understand people, to objectively evaluate their business and personal qualities. The general level of academic intelligence and such a component of conceptual thinking as the ability to identify objective cause-and-effect relationships are positively correlated with both the general level of social intelligence and verbal flexibility, and the ability to understand the inner world of other people, their life goals and motives of behavior. In turn, these two characteristics of social intelligence

are associated with the formation of personal tolerance. General practical and academic knowledge is positively related to social awareness.

The lower the level of special abilities required for learning, the more irritability and aggressive behavior manifests itself not only in conflict situations, but also in everyday communication. On the contrary, the higher the general level of academic intelligence and special abilities necessary for in-depth study of gymnasium subjects, the more intensively social intelligence develops, personal tolerance, and skills of constructive behavior in stressful and conflict situations are formed. With a lack of special abilities and a low general level of intelligence in a teenager, when he compares himself with more gifted children, his pride suffers, a negative -aggressive attitude towards the people around him is formed, the desire to surpass them, and rivalry becomes the leading motive in interaction. The most gifted young people are not competitive; on the contrary, they are the most sincere and open. Selfish attitudes are formed and strengthened with a lack of intellectual talent as a reaction to wounded pride. Adolescents try to compensate for the lack of talent with pressure: increased social activity (factor H) and the desire to dominate (factor E).

The most active in communication, balanced, emotionally stable adolescents also have a higher level of conceptual thinking. Conceptual thinking also positively correlates with such a component of personal tolerance as trust, respect for other views and values. Emotional maturity, in turn, is a basic quality that has a positive impact on the formation of tolerance in general and its individual components: general goodwill, tolerance and self-control of emotions. The ability to predict the development of events and act constructively in stressful situations is also positively associated with the emotional balance of a young person. Social courage and activity in communication correlate positively with breadth of views and cultural interests, as well as with such a component of social intelligence as the ability to understand pantomimic signals, but negatively with diligence, discipline, and orientation to social norms. However, social normativity turned out to be negatively associated with tolerance.

Correlation analysis revealed connections between intellectual academic talent and social intelligence, tolerant attitudes, constructive behavior under stress, and personal qualities that optimize communication in general. Consequently, it is the most gifted young people who are characterized by social maturity and good adaptability potential. Less gifted teenagers, who have a slightly lower general level of intelligence or whose special abilities are not highly developed, develop a psychological defense: they stop seeing their intellectual and personal shortcomings and do not take action to correct them. On the contrary, they actively try to control those around them, subjugate them, demonstrate their strength and thereby prove that they are not only no worse, but even better than others. The study showed that it is the slightly less intellectually gifted young people who are the most socially active, strive for dominance, show aggression, have the most conflict in communication, and can cause the most trouble for the people around them.

The study also demonstrated that the socialization of a young person depends not only on the level of his talent, but also on the characteristics of the communication environment. A comparative analysis of the socialization of students in three 11th grades showed that in each group, under the influence of the dominant majority, a unique type of personality is formed. Naturally, in each of the classes there are teenagers of different levels and talent profiles, who also differ in personal characteristics. However, in grade 11-A, the majority are made up of the most intellectually gifted teenagers, and under the influence of their characteristic life values (creativity, spirituality, morality), the corresponding personal qualities (passion, openness, goodwill, tolerance) are also formed in the remaining, somewhat less gifted classmates. Among somewhat less, but still quite gifted, students in grade 11-B, pragmatic attitudes prevail and qualities that maximize social adaptation are reinforced (orientation to social norms, diplomacy, the ability to understand people, verbal flexibility). In the 11th grade there are highly gifted teenagers, but they find themselves in the minority, and their life values and communicative attitudes are formed in accordance with the egocentric position of the dominant majority. Not only insufficiently gifted students turn out to be socially immature and maladaptive, but also individual highly gifted adolescents who are forced to be in their environment for several years.

Constant communication between teenagers studying in the same class leads to crystallization, consolidation of typological personal qualities and the formation of appropriate life values. Testing has shown that in grades 11-A and 11-B there are teenagers with an average level of intelligence, but in the process of communicating with more gifted classmates under the influence of the prevailing psychological climate, they do not develop, like students in grade 11-B, selfish values, on the contrary, positive adaptive qualities are consolidated and the socialization process is optimized. The 11th grade team is also not homogeneous; there are highly gifted students among them, but under the influence of dominant group values, egocentrism is consolidated in them, which will further complicate their adaptation in society.


In general, we can conclude that the most intellectually gifted teenagers are also the most tolerant, relate better to the people around them, and do not have emotional and communication problems. The problematic behavior of some gifted students should be considered a reaction of unsatisfied ambition and psychological defense. Such a reaction occurs if the type of giftedness does not correspond (or does not fully correspond) to the profile of subjects of in-depth study or the general level of intelligence is insufficient to easily master complex educational programs, as well as in the case when the learning environment and the psychological climate of the class are such that they contribute to the consolidation of maladaptive behavior. The study also allows us to conclude that the process of socialization of gifted youth can be optimized through the thoughtful formation of classroom teams.


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