Ways of forming social-emotional development in preschool children
The ways of shaping social-emotional development in preschool children. At the same time, the issues of the development of this process in different age periods are also touched upon. Ways to support social-emotional development are also included.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.01.2024 |
Размер файла | 23,3 K |
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Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Ways of forming social-emotional development in preschool children
Ismayilova Nigar Ramiz
Ph.D., Senior teacher
social emotional preschool children
The article talks about ways of shaping social-emotional development in preschool children. At the same time, the issues of the development of this process in different age periods are also touched upon. Ways to support social-emotional development are also included in the analysis. The article also examines the issues that ensure community and its development in the process of social development. Examples of games about this are given in the article.
In addition, social and emotional development of a child from the first years of his life has a great influence on the development of his personality. Social development is the ability of the child to communicate, cooperate, work together with relatives, and then with children and adults, as well as mastering social norms. Emotional development means that the child understands the feelings of others, expresses his own feelings correctly and regulates his feelings. The social development of the child starts with the family and is continued in the pre-school educational institution. This chain continues and shows itself.
For a child, the early age period is characterized by unstable emotional mood, emergence of emotions, sensitivity. All this determines the main directions of psychological work with children - the emotionality of the child's life and help in its regulation. In preschool children, social and emotional qualities develop together. The child regulates his emotional mood based on the norms of the social environment in which he lives. Through socio-emotional development, children develop a positive attitude towards people, kindness, care, mutual help, sharing in other people's pain, conflict resolution, etc. such moral qualities are formed. Children acquire basic skills of play, work and practical activities, rules of behavior in a team. During this period, various forms of initial interaction of children with adults and peers emerge. In the article, the work carried out in this direction is included in the analysis and detailed information is given about them. The fuller and more colorful the child's activity, the more important it is for the child and reflects his nature, the better his development will be.
Keywords: child, social, development, emotional, formation, environment
Способи формування соціально-емоційного розвитку у дітей дошкільного віку
Ісмаїлова Нігяр
Азербайджанський державний педагогічний університет (Баку, Азербайджан)
У статті йдеться про способи формування соціально-емоційного розвитку у дітей дошкільного віку. При цьому зачіпаються і питання розвитку цього процесу в різні вікові періоди. Способи підтримки соціально-емоційного розвитку також включені в аналіз. У статті також досліджуються питання, які забезпечують спільноту та її розвиток у процесі суспільного розвитку. Приклади ігор про це наведені в статті.
Крім того, соціальний та емоційний розвиток дитини з перших років його життя має великий вплив на розвиток його особистості. Соціальний розвиток - це здатність дитини спілкуватися, співпрацювати, працювати разом з родичами, а потім з дітьми і дорослими, а також оволодіння соціальними нормами. Емоційний розвиток означає, що дитина розуміє почуття інших, правильно висловлює власні почуття і регулює свої почуття. Соціальний розвиток дитини починається з сім'ї і продовжується в дошкільному навчальному закладі. Цей ланцюжок триває і показує себе.
Для дитини ранній віковий період характеризується нестійким емоційним настроєм, виникненням емоцій, чутливістю. Все це визначає основні напрямки психологічної роботи з дітьми - емоційність життя дитини і допомогу в її регуляції. У дітей дошкільного віку соціальні та емоційні якості розвиваються разом. Дитина регулює свій емоційний настрій, виходячи з норм соціального середовища, в якому живе. Через соціально-емоційний розвиток у дітей формується позитивне ставлення до людей, доброта, турбота, взаємодопомога, участь в чужому болю, вирішення конфліктів тощо. Діти набувають базових навичок ігрової, трудової та практичної діяльності, правил поведінки в колективі. У цей період виникають різні форми первинної взаємодії дітей з дорослими і однолітками. У статті в аналіз включаються роботи, що ведуться в цьому напрямку, і наводиться докладна інформація про них. Чим повніше і барвистіше діяльність дитини, чим вона важливіше для дитини і відображає його характер, тим краще буде його розвиток.
Ключові слова: дитина, соціальний, розвиток, емоційний, формація, оточення
In preschool children, social and emotional qualities are formed together. The child regulates his emotional mood based on the norms of the social environment in which he lives. So, the processes taking place can sometimes raise his mood and sometimes lower it.
Social-emotional development, which is one of the 4 areas of development in the preschool education program (curriculum), is distinguished by the fact that it includes many important issues. Thus, the child's social development covers the issues like knowing the traditions and culture of the society and finding a unique place in the society where he lives. Let me mention one point that during infancy, the child establishes the first communication with adults, makes eye contact, trusts them, starts to control his body and behavior, and organizes his speech. In order to form the social development of the child, it is necessary to pay special attention to him and his interests, to allocate time.
Social and emotional development of a child from the first years of his life has a great influence on the development of his personality. Social development is the child's ability to communicate with relatives, other children, and adults, to cooperate, to act together, and to master social norms. Emotional development means that the child understands the feelings of others, correctly expresses his own feelings, and regulates his feelings.
For a child, the early age period is characterized by unstable emotional mood, emergence of emotions, sensitivity. All this determines the main directions of psychological work with children, that is, the emotionality of the child's life and help in its regulation.
The role of social conception in the process of social-emotional development.
Through social-emotional development in young children, positive attitude towards people, kindness, caring, mutual assistance, sharing in other people's pain, conflict resolution, etc. such moral qualities are formed. Children acquire basic skills of play, work and practical activities, rules of behavior in a team. During this period, various forms of initial interaction of children with adults and peers emerge. Thus, with the help of communication, interpersonal relations, respect for elders, and concession to peers, mutual influence and mutual understanding are ensured in various types of joint activities. People constantly exchange information with each other during cohabitation and joint activities, and on this basis, they interact with each other. At this time, they operate in the conditions of perception and understanding. In other words, a communication process is created. Communication is a necessary condition in all human activities. Without communication, it is impossible for people to carry out joint activities. People feel lonely and lonely without communication.
Many psychologists who have conducted research in the field of communication have explained its functions in detail. From this point of view, the ideas put forward by B. F. Lomov attract special attention. B. F. Lomov combines the functions of communication in three groups: informative-communicative, regulatory-communicative, and affective-communicative. The socio-economic and cultural backgrounds of children are different around the world and have a substantive influence on language development (Salomo, & Liszkowski, 2013; Fawcett, & Liszkowski, 2015).
Apparently, according to B. F. Lomov, communication primarily fulfills the task of giving and receiving information, in other words, the function of information exchange. That is why, it is not accidental that they consider information exchange as one of the main aspects of communication. However, during communication, people are not limited only to information exchange, but at the same time, they also affect the mutual regulation of behavior in this process. The importance of this is self-evident. By fulfilling this function, communication serves to create effective mutual relations between people and to regulate mutual relations.
Preschool children continue to develop their communication skills. Genetically, the earliest form of communication is imitation. A. V Zaporozhets notes that a child's self-imitation is one of the ways to assimilate social experience.
According to D. Feldstein issues related to social development in child psychology have their own problems. Those problems include the following important issues: 1. Specific laws of personal development; 2. Formation of conscious and purposeful activity; 3. Creation of practical skills with real and imaginary objects; 4. Strengthening the internal position of the child and other similar opportunities. The leading essence of the form of activity consists in the fact that mental processes are developed more successfully and intensively in that activity. The child is preparing to move to a new and higher stage of development" (Aliyeva, Mustafayeva, and Hamidova 2010).
Many games are used to form the culture of communication in the process of social-emotional development in preschool children. Let's focus on a few:
"Forest Life" game.
The educator-teacher sits on the carpet and gathers the children around him.
Educator-teacher. Imagine that you are in the forest, and you are speaking different languages. But you have to communicate with each other in any way you can. How to do this? How can you express your kindness without saying a word? What to do to ask something? We shake our partner's hand to ask the question "How are you" (shows). We bow our heads to his shoulder to say "it's all right"; we stroke his head to express our friendship and love (shows). Unprepared? We started. It's morning, the sun has risen, you just woke up.
The teacher voluntarily continues the further course of the game and makes sure that the children do not talk among themselves.
"Anthill" game.
The educator-teacher sits the children around him.
Educator-teacher: Have you ever seen an anthill in the forest? In an anthill, not a single ant sits idle, each one is busy: one carries wood shavings to strengthen the house, one cooks, one looks after the children. This kind of ant life lasts all spring and summer. When the cold autumn comes, the ants gather together and sleep in their warm houses. Since their sleep is so sound, neither snow nor blizzard can frighten them. The anthill wakes up with the arrival of spring. But before starting their usual work life, the ants throw a big party. I have a suggestion: let's become happy ants who live the holiday? Let's show how the ants greet each other, how they are happy about the arrival of summer, how they tell each other about the dream they saw in winter? But we must not forget that ants cannot speak. That's why we have to communicate with gestures. The educator-teacher and the children show the above story in the form of a pantomime and finish it with dances" (Aliyeva, Mustafayeva, & Hamidova, 2020).
Thus, communication becomes the main tool in the formation of a child as a social personality.
1.1 The issues of the pre-school child's attitude to the environment and nature in the process of social- emotional development.
It is very important to create conditions for the child to develop a caring and responsible attitude towards the environment, nature, and the products of human labor, including taking care of animals and plants, feeding birds, observing cleanliness, and protecting toys and books. Also, social-personal development implies having moral norms of behavior in nature and public institutions, understanding the sense of responsibility for oneself and other people (relatives, peers, etc.).
The environment refers to the inanimate and living nature that surrounds us, the society we are surrounded by, and the social environment. Each of these has an important impact on children's education, upbringing, general development, and formation as a personality. It is difficult to achieve the goal without taking into account all these, and without taking them together.
The socio-emotional development of a preschool child is inextricably linked with the general processes of his intellectual, emotional, aesthetic, physical development, and other types of development. Therefore, sometimes it is very difficult to limit it from other types and directions of development.
"Preschool education is important in the intellectual, physical and psychological development of children, revealing their potential, preparing them for school, acquiring simple work habits, revealing their talents and abilities, protecting their health and aesthetic development, and forming qualities, feelings and life skills such as independence, creativity, initiative plays a role. In the first years of life, pre-school educational institutions have great responsibilities in the proper organization of physical and mental, cognitive, social, communicative, aesthetic development, in the field of preparing children for school. Preschool age is a period of active socialization of a child, more communication with adults and peers, acquisition of cultural habits, awakening of spiritual and aesthetic feelings. Kindergarten, in turn, is able to ensure mutual harmony of the child with the surrounding world, to arouse good feelings, to achieve cooperation and positive self-affirmation. The child's social activism arises when he strives to express his attitude to the surrounding world in accordance with the cultural traditions accepted by the society. The basis of these is laid in preschool institutions. It is during this period that children form their initial ideas about the world around them, elements of thinking, the ability to determine mutual relations between the events, simple laws, and regularities of the world around them, and to independently apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities. Children acquire skills such as comparing processes (objects), summarizing, grouping, separating according to their characteristics, drawing conclusions"
Pre-school education is the first stage to hear the beauty of the surrounding world, to perceive it aesthetically and to create suitable artistic examples from this point of view. Works carried out in this field are included in the tasks of aesthetic education. Thus, the aesthetic development of preschool children makes their creative abilities more colorful.
Aesthetic education forms the development of artistic feelings and taste, consciousness, artistic creative abilities in preschool children. The harmony of colors and shapes in visual activity classes, building various models in the installation process, listening to a simple melody in music classes, and playing children's musical instruments contribute to the aesthetic development of preschool children and support their formation on a higher level. At the same time, the ability of young children to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding world is formed here.
The situation changes when young children are offered a concrete action, for example, drawing a picture of a leaf, making a mushroom, building a bridge. Figurative actions do not work here anymore; the solution of the training task is required. It is from this point of view that the condition of creating game situations in order to fulfill the training tasks is created. Such a situation with children can be implemented on the basis of the principle of "play-training-play", and the situation with five-year- olds can be implemented on the basis of the principle of "training-play-training". It is necessary to take into account one issue that here we are not talking about the organization of children's activities in general, but about their subjective aspects.
In the pre-school age, a person's approach to the events of the surrounding world, the individual style he chooses for the activity process, his personality and cognition are manifested with all their possibilities, and an idea about his character is formed. Whatever should be taught in this field, it is necessary to teach them at the age of 3-6. Taking into account these conditions, those effects can be made to the child not directly, but through indirect means, by forming feelings that have a dynamic effect on moral qualities.
1.2. The role of social-emotional development in the formation of a child as a personality.
The child's behavior is often characterized by selfrespect, aimed at gaining the sympathy of the elders. A 3-year-old child has enough social experience to communicate with the environment. He acquires this experience on an individual basis with various social influences. The child's identity is already fully formed.
Every person is born as an individual. That is, he is born as a human being with his biological characteristics, but over time he becomes a personality. The study of the personality problem has attracted the interest of philosophers since ancient times. Starting from the last century, scientists, especially pedagogues and psychologists, have conducted more serious research on the problem of personality both in our country and in the world. Articles and scientific works have been written in this regard. Since the works conducted in this field are very extensive, the authors have investigated various aspects of the fields of personality.
By personality, we mean someone who is conscious, socially engaged, and benevolent. The word personality means "persona" in Latin. That is, this word in its first sense showed comic and tragic characters in theaters. From here we can say that "personality in its original meaning is valued as a social image that plays a certain role".
Identity is a historical category. So, as a biological being, man is both different and conscious from animals. Personality development depends on internal and external factors. Internal factors: genetic, biological, physical, physiological factors. Therefore, internal factors include a person's self-interest. External factors: individual belonging to culture, family. In this respect, external factors include the social environment.
Personality traits are different. To them that the personality has consciousness; to have speech; to be able to master personal social and historical experience; to be able to transfer social-historical experience to others; to be able to use labor tools; being able to protect labor and labor tools, etc. we can relate the issues.
The foundation of the formation of human personality is laid in the pre-school period. The initial and most dynamic, comprehensive, meaningful stage of this process is over. Thus, during this period, spiritual feelings develop, ideas and understandings about spiritual qualities are formed. The child begins to understand himself as a social being. From this point of view, personality is formed in the process of understanding. This event occurs on the basis of mutual relationship with the surrounding world, that is, in the process of selfawareness. Therefore, the initial stage of understanding and personality development is self-knowledge. A child experiencing the process of self-awareness begins to understand his body and internal organs through muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This stage continues from the moment the child is born to naming the body parts and understanding their functions. As a result, it distinguishes itself from other objects.
The second important stage in the development of a child's personality is the period of individuality. They name and distinguish their people, things, family, home, the area they live in, and finally, their Motherland. At the age of 3, qualitative changes are observed in the child's personality with the emergence of the "I" - imagination. On the basis of regular contacts with the surrounding world, the child acquires ideas about his identity, and differentiates himself from the gender point of view. Thus, a child learns his name, gender, and whose child he is, and begins to realize that he remains a valuable person for everyone, regardless of his height and relationships with others. A child's rich social development environment strengthens the sense of individuality.
From the end of the second year, the child begins to understand the means and ways of communication, which creates the basis for the work on moral education. During this period, the joint activity of children in the team gradually creates good, emotional communication relationships.
In the sixth year of his life, the child acquires important qualities that will be needed throughout his life: he understands what adults are talking about, he can explain his thoughts to them. The most prominent form of communication with adults is personal communication based on mutual understanding. He wants to know the opinion of adults about his personal qualities.
In the process of playing and learning, which is a more complex form of communication with adults, mutual assistance and simple tasks begin to form feelings, cognition, and moral qualities in the child.
During this period, the child's interaction with peers is strengthened. Based on mutual understanding and sympathy, children are united in a group. Every child has a critical attitude towards the actions of their peers. Intragroup relations create the first seeds of solidarity and lay the foundation of collectivism.
"Tantrums are at their peak at this age, as your child learns to manage himself in stressful situations. So even though your 3-year-old demands independence, he can't control his feelings even when he's given the chance to try something on his own. Some 3-year-olds may experience anxiety when separated from their caregiver (mom, dad, etc.). Therefore, when you put your child in kindergarten, even if he loves it very much, he may cry or be disappointed. Some 3-year-olds have difficulty leaving their caregivers. So, your child may cry when you cut preschool, or express sadness that you're not going to daycare, even though he likes it there” (Schilling et al, 2022).
The child, under the influence of internal forces in the early stages, acts with immediate feelings without serious consideration or planning, and has difficulty explaining what he wants. It is possible to determine the main reason that prompts him to act only from the purpose of the action.
When social motives were first formed is a matter of debate, but the scientific analysis of the formation process is reflected in numerous theories. The main aspect of these theories is the explanation of social motives as an integral part of the process of personality formation. The formation of personality is associated with the 3-5 age stage.
As in early childhood, at the age of 3-5, feelings affect all aspects of the child's life and give them a unique tone and expressiveness. At this age, the child cannot control the impressions created by the world around him and almost always becomes a prisoner of the emotions that dominate him. All children have individual characteristics, and their experiences determine the understanding of the world and the world around them. Compared to adults, the external manifestation of emotions in children is more passionate, naive, and sincere. The child's feelings are quickly and brightly excited, and just as quickly extinguished: in many cases, his overwhelming joy is replaced by tears. The strongest and most important source of a child's impressions is his relationship with other people, that is, with adults and children. When the surrounding people are kind to the child, protect his rights, pay attention and care to him, the child feels emotional comfort - certainty and security. Usually, in such conditions, the child is in a cheerful and cheerful mood.
«In everyday life, the attitude of others to the child has a wide palette of feelings, in which there are various mutual feelings - joy, pride, resentment, etc. A child is extremely dependent on the attitude of adults. In communication through imitation, the child learns how people relate to each other. He is eager to receive praise, to learn the ways of movement that are attractive to him, to listen to an interesting story about him. he plunges into communication with a loved one or a favorite fairy tale, living for someone else, projecting himself into the place of this other person with childish enthusiasm. At the same time, in order to confirm his independence, the child is very unambiguously isolated, he shows a desire to insist on himself: "I said so!", "I will do it!" and so on.
In childhood, the child is still unable to control his emotions skillfully, which prompts him either to identify himself with another person or to reject him in anger».
There are many ways to support social-emotional development, which are distinguished by their importance.
Ways to support social-emotional development are as follows:
Always expressing your feelings with facial expressions and words.
Encouraging children to see change and to have a positive attitude towards any change they see by having conversations about changes in the environment and in their family.
Always build the relationship with the child on the basis of attention, respect and love.
Involve the child in role-playing games, always giving him the opportunity to act in another role and behave accordingly. Intended skills in the field of social- emotional development:
Follows simple communication etiquette.
Expresses desires, feelings and wishes.
Demonstrates collaborative skills (plays with peers and adults, holds discussions, etc.).
Values the wishes and desires of others.
He relates to his own and others' emotional state.
He tries to do everything himself, uses the expressions «I will do it^>, «I know it».
Personal qualities are formed. He understands the expressions of good and bad, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, lie and truth.
Express your emotions, joy, sadness, fear, excitement, etc. he expresses his feelings with words and shows them with his actions.
Makes choices, expresses what he likes and what he doesn't like.
Recognizes and evaluates his achievements.
He already hears the comments and remarks of adults and tries to implement them.
Is tolerant of peers during play.
The child can communicate his ideas during communication.
Can share roles with friends in games.
The purpose of social-emotional development and education is to create comfortable conditions that ensure the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschool-age child.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be performed:
To form a positive emotional feeling in all situations of life.
Develop awareness of the individual characteristics of the child and their uniqueness (positive image - "I").
To develop confident behavior (ability to express wishes and demands, show will, make one's own decision, make a choice) and regulatory skills.
Forming the child's positive attitude towards others.
Develop social skills: the ability to resolve various socially acceptable ways to resolve conflict situations, pay attention to etiquette and safety rules, reach agreement, build friendships and new relationships.
The following mechanisms are recommended and necessary for the performance of tasks related to the social and emotional development of students:
Organization of the educational process.
Interaction with family.
Changing the developing object-spatial environment.
All these mechanisms represent a single educational environment.
Research of scientists about understanding the situation of social development.
In this process, 2 points attract attention: 1. Social - i.e., issues of connection with the life and relationships of people in society. 2. A situation is a set of conditions, conditions that create this or that relationship, situation.
The concept of "state of social development" was first put forward by L.S. Vygotsky. According to the scientist, the main characteristics of the developmental period, including central mental neoplasms and age- related changes in the child's psyche as a whole, as well as the child's relationship with the surrounding social environment, leave their mark on personal development. The scientist believed that each stage of children's development is characterized by their social status. Over time, this field of research has been filled with new scientific knowledge.
At the same time, Vygotsky's main ideas were implemented during the organization of work in preparatory school groups as follows:
Mastering new material is a social activity resulting from child-teacher interaction.
Both a professional teacher and a parent can act as educators.
Depending on the child's ability, the material to be learned should be divided into parts and steps.
Depending on the emotional attitude, the experiences of different children of the same events, environmental factors and social relations play a different role in the mental development of children and can determine their own developmental trajectories.
«The separation of subjective and objective aspects of the social situation of development put forward by L.S. Vygotsky, the conditions and mechanisms of the transition of objective relations to subjective relations that have an individual meaning for the child were investigated by L.I. Bozovich. The scientist defined the objective side of the social situation of development as the child's certain rights, behavior and activity requirements of the environment, the child's place in the system of social relations. Society develops a system of education, including childhood, cultural expectations, social rules and restrictions, which constitute the objective content of the state of social development» (Bozovic,1968).
The proposed ways for the implementation of social-emotional development in preschool children are distinguished by their uniqueness. Thus, both the implemented tasks and the mechanisms will lead to an important progress in the future life of the preschool child.
When the surrounding people are kind to the child, protect his rights, and show attention and care to him during preschool age, the child returns those feelings as well. At the same time, we instill a sense of selfconfidence in the child. From this point of view, logical thinking is formed at a high level and is considered the highest stage of development of children's thinking.
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Fawcett, C., & Liszkowski, U. (2015). Social Referencing during Infancy and Early Childhood across Cultures. In Editor(s): James D. Wright. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), Elsevier. P 556-562. ISBN 9780080970875, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.23169-3.
Feldstein, D. A., Maenner, M. J., Srisurichan, R., Roach, M. A., & Vogelman, B. S. (2010). Evidence-based medicine training during residency: a randomized controlled trial of efficacy. BMC medical education, 10, 1-7.
Liszkowski, U., Brown, P., Callaghan, T., Takada, A., & De Vos, C. (2012). A prelinguistic gestural universal of human communication. Cognit. Sci. 36 698-713. 10.1111/j.1551-6709.2011. 01228.x
Salomo, D. & Liszkowski, U. (2013). Sociocultural settings influence the emergence of prelinguistic deictic gestures. Child Dev, 84, 1296-1307. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12026.
Schilling, S., Bigal, L., & Powell, B. J. (2022). Developing and applying synergistic multilevel implementation strategies to promote reach of an evidence-based parenting intervention in primary care. Implementation Research and Practice, 3, 26334895221091219.
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курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.
курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.
курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.
курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016Історія формування позитивної мотивації у навчанні. Виховання відчуття боргу, відповідальності та профорієнтації. Особливості проведення уроку англійської мови на теми "I`ve got an idea", "Plenty of things to do", "The life of social environment".
курсовая работа [48,0 K], добавлен 16.11.2010Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.
курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.
презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.
курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014Asian Development Fund. Poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific. Promotion of pro poor, sustainable economic growth. Supporting social development. Facilitating good governance. Long-term Strategic Framework. Private, financial sector development.
презентация [298,7 K], добавлен 08.07.2013Basic rules of social protection in USA. Maintenance of legal basis, development and regular updating of general(common) methodological principles of state guarantees and methodical development in sphere of work. Features of payment of work by worker.
курсовая работа [29,4 K], добавлен 12.04.2012