Принципи відкритої науки як основа формування наукового простору в Україні

Дослідження проблем формування наукового простору в Україні, реалізація принципів відкритої науки. Характеристика нормативно-правової бази розбудови вітчизняного інформаційного суспільства. Забезпечення доступу до освітніх ресурсів та дослідницьких даних.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид статья
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 18.01.2024
Размер файла 44,2 K

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23. Shukayev, S.M., & Vlasyuk, L.S. (2022). Open science in the EU program «Horizon Europe». Proceedings of the XVII Internat.Scientific and Practical Confer. «Internat. Scientific and Technical Cooperation: Principles, Mechanisms, Efficiency». Kyiv: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 3 [in Ukr.].

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Principles of open science as the basis for the formation of research area in ukraine

The article substantiates that the necessary condition for the formation of the research area in Ukraine is the comprehensive implementation of the principles of open science. The sources of information for the study include 42 Internet resources, including laws, regulations, orders and strategies for implementing the principles of open science, as well as scientific publications on open science issues. Primary research methods (study of sources and literature) helped prepare the ground for further analysis of the material. Secondary methods (processing, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction of collected data) made it possible to recreate the chronology of the process of formation of open science as fully as possible, clearly outlining the tools for its implementation in Ukraine. The methods of systematic and interdisciplinary synthesis helped reveal the topic from the point of view of various research fields: sociological, political, philosophical, historical, cultural, etc. An overview of the twenty-year history of the formation of the legal framework for the development of the information society in Ukraine, which laid the foundation for the implementation of the principles of open science in the national research space, is provided. The article highlights those principles of open science that best meet the needs of the national scientific community. The implementation of the principles of open access and open educational resources is considered in detail, and the data of the first sociological survey of Ukrainian scientists on the perception of the phenomenon of “open science” are presented. It is noted that open science in Ukraine currently relies on three main principles: open access, open educational resources and open research data. Implementation of other principles (open citations, open licences, open research and open sources) requires improvement of legislation on the protection of intellectual property rights, in particular, the Law of Ukraine “Copyright and Related Rights”. It is concluded that all the principles of open science have been implemented in Ukraine, but open access, open educational resources and open research data have found the greatest practical implementation at both the legislative and technological level. Control over the implementation of the principles of open science in Ukraine should be fixed in legislative and regulatory documents.

Keywords: research area, open science, open access, open data, open educational resources, open education, open access journals, online archives and repositories.

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